HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-12-07, Page 8K' For Women; BOUDOIR SLIPPERS HOSE, ,(chiffon or, • / service weight) RUBBER GALOSHES CARRIAGE; BOOTS For' Men SPAS;' SLIPPERS..: SOCKS n... OVERSHOES; ,nd :SKAT'ING 0`FIT en, Boys; and Girls; THIS 'C U ISTMAS. GIVE rPRAETICAL Local G eteral SnVtrs Campbell of .Detroit s w g Wrt`fi"`.Miss"'Llzzi Webster, ,Mrs, . Wm,, ,Naylor has returned home •following an extended visit' with, friends lin Goderielb Miss Isobel Craw, R. hl., of 'Dor. Chester,, is a visitor: this week. at the ;k,ome, .of Mr. and MrS, D. C: Taylor,. Miss. Mary' ,Struthi7'ra leaves this week for • as extended, visit in Londofi at the. home of her • cousin, ;'Mrs. Woolcox. NEED: TO SUFFER with Rheuinatism� Backaehe, Lumbago.; UE=RUMAVAPS At; lyfe ;IM'S DRUG STORE; Remember, to bring the 'children to the Christmas -Tref ,in Lueknovv this. Saturdsy afternoon, `Santa will' ha're a big bag of sweets for every child. . f NE.1;. Peggy's Double al Os Bi T1i 1 RSDAIt, DECEIhIs 'iEi `4; 13 If, you, enjoy -negro; spirituals sun �4m Packed 401 greet,eSt, btex'sT.I'lay-'' Pr.?' Who,- •Stage Side Splittin Gc my.edTo Well Pleased Audience . . °Old.. Man Depressron"w ,as ,lacking on. Tuesday ,night, when neap y' 40.0. 'people`; jammed, wn, the, To;Ball;. s • D to see "?eggy'ouble" presentd by' 'St, Peter's Dramatic,.Clah.. ', ' The east was ,;well selected' :and without exception,; .the players 4 took their: harts well,;vto provide" a most laugh-; m ab e. farce-coedy,• w}ueh '•kept' the audience iri peels. ;of laughter .. •4 Ta.• Jack 'Leith's '"daughter'•', Greg,; goes'. the honors in zmpersona:tipn, kie` taking; the Part' of Pegg'y's Dotible' to perfection, The plays mus ji t" one g complication after another, as. Wil- ro I Iiam Winkler. (Rev. Geoghegan); 'at-. a tempted to arrange two marriages,: which would net ,'.him $20,004. • Winkler was a make .believe example , of virtue ' itself, but ; his intimacy d With. Peggy; a chorus girl, proved his: e? downfall, When :Bobbie 'Baxter ' Gre in the full : tones of , ' trained negr 'ybu• will •enjoy the Carotin Jubilee Singers. ;in. the Town . Hal Dee. 8th. ; • ev, •: P. M, and .'Mrs. Colquhoun helta former. minister in Ashfiel Presbyterian church, .`and. of lat rc� FRESH :DAINTINESS ,;..I N ;NEW STYLE DRESSES TO SUIT in SIZE and ,VL• VALU • . . SUNDAY..NITE`. DRESSES ...in Chinese Red, Blue:. and Creon car::» ,• . 0+1 are more i'n `demand For YIQ1HER or $:ISTE GLovES.. ' HQSE, TOWELS;' FANCY BLANKETS PRINTS FOR HOU$E, I)R r ILK UNDERWEAR , WOOLLEN .UNDERWEAR PURSES" LACE; SETS HANKERCHIEFS ES$'E 4ND . •APROIITS,'' ere' Bougl Havelock in•.Peterborough .'County • 'WHEN buying a Radio -Don't buy a "cabinet and, tubes". ,Buy a cabinet and tubes, .perforinance and :TONE— that's a De 'Forest :Crosley.,. F. T ARMSTRONG :has' them ;Call' in' and hear one, . • All the.; famil' ._y will..,enaoy'the Caro- lina.Jubilee "Singers.in cad Plantation. 'Melodies` favorite 'o alar select'ons p and • .humorous quartettes. , This . is not a minstrel show, Luta concert t of- the highest `quality, Mr. and Mrs William . Wilson- o NorthiDakota,. were .'•visitors with �e�el��re--•vWas--fro ei a o` masquera. a as "Peg; gy's ,Double" to prevent. Mr" Winkler from . ' Ting, Melvin ' Jonston, was a col :lege,student, and •.in charge -of a summer hotel, the scene',ofi the play, during the..proprietor's.,, absence•` This` was Melvin's'first real ttempt at.dra.. n'atics, and ',be did 'exceptionally well:.: George. Hassel ns Sam the negro; suited hisPart well: ` negro,. oLeith •• nla•d 'dual Toni' .as Bobbi Baxter and "Peggy's. Double" and was out= standing in the latter. 'role Rev. Geoghegan as William Winkler.; and f• Fred; McQuillin.• as; Benjamin' More, kept the house. in • an uproar • as Wink 01064 G :ri tmas.:Fruit This is k end you w,u • We ties theave weeThe Best Possible. To :Buy Seeded, Seed'ess` and Valencia Raisins;• Currants, Peels; Cherries,. Pineapplie, ;Rings, Almonds and; Walnuts: BEE"THEM. BEFORE BUYING SPECIALS FCR THIS WEEK 3 llbs. New Figs 25c %2 'Lb. Shredded Cocoanut ' 10c 3 ,'lhsi Nieiv Dated ... ,: :25c 1'. . :• lb,;.fancy Mixed•Cakes.' 1 2 lbs,•.Valenci 50. Valencia Raieins� .:25c 4' Jelly:'Powders� ,. .?5c 4 lbs- s . , • .25c; 6 • Jeil 'Bow ,. Y dere 2 lb' a. :25c; s. Fresh, Broken o .� SOAR llisc alta .. , , • , ..... . ,. ..:.19e r Will' and Miss Maud Murdock it and were former resident, who• left Lucknow for the West , some forty-two..: years 'ago; Mr. •G.' M. Mckenzie of Dungarincn branch; of ,the: Canadian . 'Bank of Commerce for the past eleven years,;. has received notice • of. his appoint ment to, the 'staff of •'relieving'. inana ,ger: at,Hamilton .,and `with ,•his,•family. =will move there early in' •December:, • Extra Copies 5e' Each There • ris not •a 'weeks passes that we are not asked 'if subscribers can' get extra copies of :the paper , For the ''benefit • of.. those,'who -:have juin Previously secured ay, we'may s say that to supply •the demand ,we print a :number of • extra copies ; each week. which' 'may be': procured at 5e each. . Tha Christmas meeting -of ' the Women's =Institute will ' be held on Friday, ;December Sth, at ''at the borne' of Mrs,'i.R; J :'Cameron.. 'Roll'' call~ "tne,tpensive ' Christmas Gif ; Ideas.'L Demonstration,,"Decor-. •ating a . •Christmas ' Table". Contest, "Wrapping• • a Christmas : Parcel",, 011ie. given:, Gift ',exchange ..Visitors alwaya welcome. St Andrew's 'Ball, • staged in the own Hall on • Friday, evening, attrac- d one of the largest dance crowds the, history of the Town Hall. ,Well. er :four . hundred., people , crammed; I IT posikkY LINGERIE GLOVES TIES • sok KINIONAS- oats • per ur Handkerchief Department IS LIKE A GARDEN TULL OF FLOWERS SWISS, LINEN, PLAIN and EMBROIDERED 5 Ki!iloait .con &Ida)", December' latt tO Wee ly Star fat: 82".2k. This applies te . Mr. • and :lire. Archie' Grahain, .8 to enewal Or new. 'subscriptions: in Warriage' bureau'. and a prospect 'for Aunt Jane, Whorw he- Was trying hard lyiss•.bbrothy Cook as Jane, was in love with Debbie . ;13exter-s,nnd trying to :frustrate Winkler. who had other plsns for her niarriage; Mrs.. HasSal as .Aiint 'Take 'Was as keen Tor a Man as Winkler was to ,ber, Suzette was' Aunt; Jane's 'Maid •arid'' was. getting in seme,'•effective -werk cast, is: deserVing Om niuch credit in• succeSsfully staging thii play whieh they plan- to present : again during: thristmaS Week.' the dance floor land gallery to,partici- 'Modern danceS, ,which continned three: AS:M. `The Harris, Orches- trn; ,aisissted. ,DY Andy Orr and' Hugh Pouting. sUpplied the inusie, kit' the Scetch :.Music;, as „advertised, was lacking, due' io "the:'; illness of the, Piper ; This SucceSsful -event was tinder the -ausPices of the . I:tick-now Joint Club, U. F.- 01. Helen find. Etta Belle MacDonald, • Mutiell Paterson Yfi o CHRISTMAS E. INVITE -YOU- TO.'. LOOK:, *STOCK., OF GOODS . • 'SUITABLE FOR .,.G.H.YI'SYOU. :WILL FIND IATED ACCOUNT; OF T.14fit.'11$0.11L1‘1*S.:' 1 BOYS and...GIRLS, how .of,;en hatv5 seen Dad' trying to remi fit night by. the tight frOm„ the 41r.id fashioned 'flat wick lain p:, He qcbuiatns7s. his ,poSition Many tiip:3 tad at last...rubs his 'eyes and, THAT GIVES SIXTEEN' TIMES 'AS •MUCH LIGHT..AS THE OLD• LAMP AND WILL !ISE • LESS COIL. and Mary McKim danced the"Hi h • • • • • uotin is' ors Aiwa' In an 00 oc come