HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-12-07, Page 5.-mrt-aairtr*•-f , • (11 ECEMBER 7, 194 4 !, ,47 I °ming • :s f1.4.00,1*.b0111.0.0.0s; 4+ .Farii.sh,. 71 ';• Jim .,Nelso ' , - • Sr. • Iir:—Jetin Nelson 80; Eileen Carripbell: . -41-1.1thea- , Miller '61; Grace 'CarliPbell 64; Bob Farrish . 61; *Ce, ,celia • Watt 43.: • aa--.'• • jr.,'11TH-Pearl Janiieson s.6 faiiiPbell, 60. ".• Drennan 72; Alvin • Drennan 64; "*John Austin 61f • Vin- ' Cent Austin ,54; Grant • Farrish. 51; • Sr I4• -Evelyn .Warren,',Zinn, :Billie Mogan. • . _ . • • ' ,Jainieson; ; Rena •Teresa .Austin Nb. On' roll .;: Ave. Utt. 16.. Those marked * • Missed.: one • ex- amination. - 'M. G; 14AcPoliAld, • • / S. S. $0... 5, •Kinloss Irwin' 'Carruthers 68.2%, / Sr. IV,i-Grace Reynolds 89.6; „A,l'obn :ParIce: 51.0 . • : 1. jr.IY—Mar3r..Reynolds '76Kath, leen ;Carruthers 71.2; George Robin, Son 464 , Sk• MacZeod 19.4; MiliJ . 'dean MnpLeod .75.1 !It -Marry ,Carter 68: , „ Carruthers 88.6. Arthur ,Wheeler 84;, ***Robert • Parkes 0,1.. • No,, on •roll la., Those Marked With: an. asterick have. Missed an examinatien • • MacDeftalcl. 1 S., S. No. 4, W,eat Wawanosh prest Marko' •• , • Sr. Webb 75.r/c; John- 'ny'Pritchard 74.• • jiinn'tin Aitchison 71 Angus Mcflonald , „ 66-;• Lyle :Gaynor Gordon McDonald* 51; Mardi& ; Woods* 42. • • ' • • • • • Wilicinsoh4". 80. bailY. Marks • ,: • MCDOnald, •1183.; Margaret 'Aitehisen, 1131; .1 -hien MacDonald 400.5; Malcolin Buchanan* 97: Marie , :Swan .850; Ross .Ganiinie,'. 77,4; :Allan Cranston, ,644.,. ". • • I—Murrav. ''(;Vjfkleeees' 1ar- io 1032f- iimethy. 'Webb* •911; . 779. •.: • . • • Pritner-,-Shirley .:,Iluchanfin* Earl McDonald 656. • ; • '.• „ . . These Marked missed . one" or . mere . Beatriee McQuillhi . , S.TORIES, .BRUCt COUNTY • To 'RECEIVE' CASH' PRIZES , • • „ReMeMber, that the Briice Otnirity AsseelatiOn!, of Manitoba IS Offering , prizes of $3.06' arid $,2,90, eiut five ,Priaes of ,S1.60• ta the best' :,stories on anything that Inia happened in tile c Minty, the story. in, each ,case riot to exteed 800 Viorda., Anyene ',in athe, • / county ist4 trent .,tlie• counfy may:coin, 1, iiete. • There aro itianY interesting little stories' that. cart be, toldfr ten were the ineats of.Mr,' and Mrs. Fred Anderson for .a• few :days last; Miss Evelyn Reid .ia' spending 'fey! weeks With her aunt, :Mrs. Roht, ,F'arrier 6f Whitechurch. Mr. 'Willy Nixon' Of St. Augustine,:\ visited at Mr Dick Gardner's latit - • Mr., :and 1Virs„. Mark..Gerdner . Out sons : ZucktiOW,.• were . Weak -end visitor .with. Zion. friend.' : • • ' • :2 Mr. Alfred. Andrew of 'Owen 'Sound visited recently • at the: home Of hie Parents, , Mr., Mid; Mrs. laaae Andrew. ,Mr. and.. Mrs, Richard •• Gardner,: visited Mr.': and Fitzger- ald of Dungannon' on. Thursday : last. Ashfield Native•-•',01eS " WOrd. was reCeived• by relativeshere ou Sunday, of the eat)), 4‘,4.. ,Anson : of ,Hanley, • Sask., .in.. • • • 'Saskatoon Hospital, • on Saturday, diVite-athearti-7-heart"-onthe previous • Sunday evening', from whiCh be ; failed' . '• A • dOlOINATroN Sentinel • and the 'Fannily Herild•-and „ Weekly". Star if•pi 'This: applies to renewal , or new ,"subscriptions. Stiliscribe , • ' The 'deceased •WaS :Well and 'fever, ably knoWn - here; •fte he.-Wati.- &pin :at Mifeking, en the eon; Where he speiit•bia•"'eailidaya and • young nian„. hood,: being engaged in farming ni that, Ideality for, several years, • pre-, vious'• to his ' rennaval , to 'Western Canada , svniPithy'•is' his hei:eaVed wife'. (formerly :Miss Mary, Jane ; Anderson.; yotingest. daughter ,.ot.,:the: late %Mr.. and, Mrs. Dvid AiiderSfin,•• 'and .bia .fenallY: of three' seas and, one dmighter; A 'Christmas concert Will; be 'giyen by the Zion Yining .People in Zion hal) on Thersday...evehing, 'Dee: ist. Keen •fins :date and.;come and en:JOT'. a *good night's , entertainment: WHITECHURCH , was. given by Mrs. 'Black" and the ' WISINIM=16. I ••I • Themoiithiy.rneetjng,:of'.'the Y, W.A.. ')Yaa held at the',.ihenie.Of ; Mrs.: 4ewitt...vvitil a iOad 'attendance. ba meetin of a read. by Mies McGill •and..144p./:Evrar. hymp ga'-ii"..dopeinheed;0•17i.i,otit.et9104.14.11'gice McKenzie • offered 'prayer. Peahri-3;J. ..,„.• was. fblIowed.bythe • bhainetla'and call,. Hymn 465 "Was aung „and . s',' Mr McKeniie., gave • in interesting - address; • A solo: by •Mrs: ..J'ate Smith was Much enjoyed The topie was taken by Miss Evelyn ,McLeod and a readinehy • Mise. Mite Mathieu., The singing of st . hymn ,. and „ prayer by Mrs. Archie 'Patterson a. brought. the. flieet.m.g 'to 'a chise..Prese,Sec'y; Presbyterian Suasion Band• Tbe regular meeting of , the Vic- toria7Mitudon-Bandwasa•--held-on-Mon day,. Dee, 5th, ',at .,4. . h g •oPened7 by 'flinging ItyrfinT1,129;;.after ,which; the •Scripture lessen was read by Marion MacDonald. •Mytnn 717 was .thea sung, : followed by lthe treasur- er's .report babel Douglas.- There was an ,election Of officers for 1934 Whict. resulted folle*S: Vice,PreS., 'Mullin; Jessie. Hen- :derson; :'1'eas.,I 'bin Pr reporter, Maudie. Fisher; ••••Planist, Edith Smith, assret.• Planiakt, "Frank. MacKenzie., This was folic:raved ',by 'an instrumental by Helen -111lieDimeld and a reeding. ',be SterY .Of. the Star" by Mrs. Wei. Husten. losing •hyrnir. was 671 follewed by pirayer,hy,:Jessikliendersolir, • ' .• , • -, •1 • . • ;Unita( Church ..Y." The regular. Young' People'a ing was held on Mendiii, evening With Itirs. Gannett; :-Progrim ;convener; Presiding, • 'the 'meeting': aP.Oned with a.:hyain, 'after Which, Miss, Eva Greer led, in Prayer. !The Scriiittire 'feeding , AsPlifilleilla7111On.71teadt,y4i Piree°wIjelas4illerP. late WiUzamNclwar d Puraleaged. 7 Maria 411e Ruaaell; reliet of the late (Furnished by the Ontario DoPartokent of' Agricult r ) Tears. 'The flAneial', Ser(iee will be held in Crewe:IJnited Church, For Winter ::".17-n"."'P""7""'".-•"""epai, r. „tow. Society, $15.00 ,w4)1. internient. in' Dungannan cenle, • . day, December ;7th at 1.39 to'cloek• Stere r,arin Asia.chinerY' ' •,• 9n.;AarnAlPr,LioereS. oRcilentY,so$c1iSe.t(:), ;14.0Q., . . ,tery. e all farm equIPMent. under ,Mis, ,Dnriin 'underwent a critical cover at this Woe of year, but store OPeration/ At her home on Saturday, it .".ritk a view. to ceevellienee in when. a. limb was Amputated, and at •1°°i.ring to Tepair duringthe ;"wintaer. her advancedwsunable re 'age • a. • to In field rally nt. qi r,d e " eeacnh P4Pefi; y -dr 1;11wgtai nt.se:nhe:at., all Ill etghai:bblts sh wth WILZIAM,'Jf.,,BICKLE . • • ' _coal oil or gasoline; • overhaul and ' WES irk TQuoNT,o, st.raighteh, all, bent 'members, .teplace. • .. . A unserviceable Parta;'; s4arpert afl tickle:Passed' 'away • in eating edges and ' apply • a coat Termite General .HQspital on SEttnr,7 paint where required Winter re - day years, ago, he was . the eldest soh of !lass and annoyance in rdsh seasons. ... Dungannon , nearly 46 Pairing ' hIsuree gainst breakdowns • a the 'late Henry pickle and • Jane •BerrY• Bickle. 'He received his educe- Storing' SOYbeans *tn. lit Dungannon •piiblie..aelkoPi; luld By' tbis tinte, no :doubt; , all soy- SPent. his early life here,'71'ete. he, beans have been threshed and Somc was a",clerk,in the. atore of the14t attention should be paid to: the stOT, 1,-4 Rolierts. the age: of 21, .,-e• age of this aeed. If .the bearis haVe went to Mexico, New York, State, 9 : Carleton- Count: • (Richmond , • -10 Seuth-, Lanarlf(Perth)." Storing Vegetables -for Winter : Select „ diaeas".e7free'...' nlat4rial• 'handle it • •areftillY to'`avdid meehanical :earth. '40,01 '13asel'eeiit ' , Iweliing house a regUint:. .1;•Qot aellar May. be used. proper ventila, tiOn. is very Important'. and a tem-- • ieratpre of 34 degrees. Fahroribeit ;hould be maintained. 'The beet, cab,.. '.;age;, carrot, celery,.4`Parseip .potato: and turnip • 'require dark, slightly moist storage -space .,while onions do Sest under dry, ;cold; dirk conditions Wiison, brother of,..Mrs.1-V6111541-1, .1".• cra."*"that is wit1 a r.:taerarehl;W...ill°1;71:a6eite."tiL-el ;ferd store. Re later "ret,Ureed•Ito difficult (:)!,. the eher , hand, 4, hig,h Pungannon, and :conducted' Stere moisture content adds to the 'danger 'et St Augustine fora ' few Yeirs!' ef sPoilage when stored Itbeen , has '. leaving about, 45 years age, for Tor- onte; *here lie resided at :307 Indim• 13efid, and :. Was associated' with "the firmof West:: Taylqr, and •13ek1ei, •mantifaettafer,s �f;brooms \tufa .brtiows His ..thakriae4 to uiss..gaiti Metho- distweiJ . ehmili neatiy 50years ,egO:„., At the ',sante time the marriage - was :io/errirlized of Robert .ftiscock • and 'Minnie :Caswell,. both', !irides being daughter's Of Rev. Mr,..':;Casweli, the e c ure performed • Be4des his ?ate, • two '.daughters and tine ,sons surVive. recommended ' that storage in bags , , which may be nicived occasionally .wi4 iarOelY prevent 'the '• danger Of heating'. Which. is ' preyilent in large piles 'end. N.yill •faCilitata the merket•-'. ing. of th%)ein,s in gond,- Condition.. MLANEW A HEAL,TH. SERVICE; OF, ' "R••14- TNE. CANADIAN mooicm. • . ASSOCIATION AND, LIFEIP••••—••-•••-•-••• ' 'INSURANCE COMPANIES Among /..1B94 at.09rFO:teAntiVogE ';!einOdie.sthat gO to ' make :OP .the household!'s, • • Simply. of ."InedieifieS” there is 'panel-. ly .0:. be : found a box safve. Ofiez;. it very old and •its original purpose . . . • . . . • „ has been:. quite fergotten. Eye* if it has 'been. acquired recently, it Is most • apt t� be aoiled argt„,contgi,n- . • hutted countless fingers • and fire- . • 4#er4.• use. • , • Ointmenta which 'At:We 'been. pie- acrilied for,. specific conditions • are of lincluestioned value; ' ':they are the 'eStalahed fe'r.' number of skin diseases. Ointments, Of no specific value that ,lie around_ !ii• the thedieme "..ehaSt; belong to that great. elass-,_of,„.neatruma.'-".-knoWli',,.as- "cnre,alla".• . .said , to :Mire with ease:eVery .kind of skin disorder *oily earns' to •cold Sores:. Their devdtees •are Willing, to swear their efficacy:in .alniost every skin Condition • Soniethnes these ointments do little' ,batin other than to delay nature ,in the: healing process . by keeping moist a. *mild that Yould hear more. rapidly in the dry •'state., SOnietimeS the de- lay. is due to the ointment's biocking eq a•CelleCtien: Of pus -that should be aHowed to .4Tain freely:. • • The real danger, heyreYer;,"that lies, h. the: application ,of eintrn, Mita ,or a e their indiscriminate use • o reel „scratch.es and • wounds. , Such Scratchei- and wounds •Zhanld • be "ire- garded Teri% often Oky require ,niedietil Rate if aiSeriOns, con-, ditien is to 'hea. avoided. Many cases Of, sentieaeiniti; •••0`bleed- POiSeeing: have folloWeit eireleSS- neat; or negleet, of 'what .Seemed to be • insignificant 'scratches. .:the• case of even the slightest abrasion ed . with sod, there is the anger of tetanus, or. "lock-jaw".! 'What shohlit'hd dOnea for. seraithea, ild •minor cuts that are of frequent occurrence, especially,' with children.? The 'first requirement is to .sed ..that their are definged properly.:The. Meat effeet:Ye eletinaing agent is, :seen and *MM. Water,' Fallowing this, one, of he nvell-1(,n'OWn antiseptic SedutiOds may he, 'need, and ,4 gauze dressing ;applied.. This. procedure ZO'Ves as adequate protet,tien:in ;neat instances. . If the Olt' or 'edit/ell were 'fit tOnOTW •• : sitY.itento,„ there, IS. be 1, Earlien AgrieUlttital•-: SOCieti-•. ,for the its4., an'..tilUtifient. and Par. tienlarly. oftellbet has been lYing. • Arstiild. the :4piedleiiie, •Qiteattena .eoneerigni tad; Ati6grleilirltU(r.klott: Stibto,dir 810,ittittg ifoOiOtion; 184 College •Street,:TOronttilsgo.,60. : • vojn$0 ,Abiwor.04, poisofamp$Aot;er . 11.'0 Bible charicter,.'"Rebeisah"' was Ink-. by. Miss.' Arabelle CaMeron, 'An OffertorY prayer by. Mr: D. G. Kenzie concluded the Devotional Period. The program was .0..ien.•:aresented: reading,. Mrs:, Harry -OhhinniOn; 'Selo; 10,0-eter-iteit-ti*- firrhe , !reseed& of Peace, ,,and GOod Will"'Facis -.Hazel Altebster"; piano :idle', Mgt Gladys Tucker; readings; Della Ritchie 'and.Jack ,Leith." • Tbe repeating of the Miipah benedictien. ta in tin1Son brought the meeting to u, elosez A short, roreational Period 'We!: then enjoyed. • .0 Mrs. A. Fox had the radii/ install, ed last Sathrday., Vhis will lie great: CoropanY to her while she is recov.A ering kiln; her broken J , , • Mr. and .Mrs. IlarrY• Tiehborni= of, Gederich and Mr. and Mia. • foirne- Du.rnm and baby of St. Helens, visit- ed :en"StindaY with their Parents, Dlr. and Mrs': David Kennedy. , • ' Mr, Duncan KennedY lied the, ge'y-,- ernment hen insPecter from Termite Monday bandirig„his hens and. several Others.: the United • ChurCh „ are haying tbeir 'Christmas tree •ehi December 15, "0 ere l'Avitig",lirtictiS.e on Saturday eff.r.tieeri fOr it. The Young.• Penole'S 'society Of ..the i'resbyteriati elinrch hold u. very a sr'rosqful,sociati Oil Tuesday 'evening t Of last Week, when TeesWater -YOung Pr‘ePle 1A:ere th,ere fled' pet ,eti• the nrOgraln wh,ch ttrtig niiich pli10164, 1 Ltmch .,Waal served and 43. soCiat histlf honr. anent. a — ;People in -the 1.1,reat. The, best' 9f' the Stdries: Esetit. the, - .13t;tee oty Record., . rhero nianY, stories that, Can „.OId Itl.AktikW,...",:A.lt-Storios'' Mailed to 46111%, it Ctirle, ,606'Gros, VO•901' Avel )4 THE At7nOwg '• , • The,' hill •ef Vt. 'Gibbs,1' chartered' eedaintant o tratfrd,., Who .audite0 he book s of Huron Co., aa render,d :NdYeinlier 2Ard amounts to $36$•••' aecoriling to a ',Statement recent-, y issued by Warden' :./aS. 'G. -Bailee- Vile. • , • 11.116.1,FOTY1 ,C1plorich '.*Iiete Ole t a bOr! ''(',1‘!ricitle••,:for'',seitio- ;Mr: Petpt •ItenneilY is" atictidlt*.the $ `14.1f. at. (ulph this ,t,here, t Mrs'. .0L-Fitgar—deetlti2.0il baby getiley with. Mr. and Vie4 t.aVldeetle,. " t we „to,' GoVering .:yeitr. (»1 14.6 books,' •-•inveStigatiens;• ete:;: 215,0,b0; hotel' and traYelling ex, :1208.te, dibbe ,SerVieda, qtaVered' -periOd-of-510010.iitidrid-tatt nedhtg4 the itietalietleit se". trelk "zi6s* tfpie.iti bo0,1(fepltio, • Apple : Crop ...Report The ,quality. Of the apple crops ir Ontario , Superior that 0 :fast year:: Some .,danriage , was . suystainet -due. to -frosts • "On. •Qctober7g4tb- ' dlfith. as ea Imate di apple: yield in •September indieeted coin - *which' '13,03"69,t. baba' 'e'l'ausef inat • MentiOned. The entmit; in' 1932, was 918;500•:•bartels. Exports. have' ;i 11 . he' VY d. been, x ep o a y• a an pp tc NoVeniber, 7th Oda: • ienSon '238,000 lierrela had.. been .:,gbipped. from" On- 'ari with 'a total of. 14t900- barrels up to November 25t1- prevaThn , . , ,flao.rat,sateettialiOnt',:rarliee: highrates drable.: flietor-7, -the ,preient 'rate of: •tarling is :$545 'es: Compared.' with 1371,..a year, ago. Wintering the Breed ' The 'brood §0* deserves her ',fail share of '• 'winter: tiecominodation , •ien that is well bedded ilrY land free from :draughts. is essential Place' tilt feed trough seine distance away se 'that she is forced to exercise putdenrs round-Wernit there is no Market for .thent- Feed a . •of grains to maintain thc- ow fair flesh, lint use barley spar- miless ' the sow it. •ver3i.:.'thin. 'revide • clever or alfalfa hay 16' 'bf . . , naten at will. Be'lcind to the sow, but 'tot "too. kind", - or weak, • unthrifty 7iKs• result! ' Reid of .Apiary Department Dr..E, J. Dyte has been appeintec a ead Ihe tti-i-e-Departmetil as successor of the:late Prof.. F. -1 -Erie • gillea who headed the departMeni for many. years. , Di. Dyed; who is a ; graduate, 01 he Guelph 'College, took his doetcno: chigree at dOrnell-Universiti, and hat the distinction of being, the principal 'discoVerer 'of the new proceis‘,foi honey, which has resulted 'in it' greet increase in the , sale' Of.. the Ontario niaidnct in' the British Isles sine elsewhere. , • As a -resnit. Of his aPpointreent, he automfatieally • b.e comes ,Provihcial ,with .the ditty of controlling' filsease in the apiaries of the, Pro - ince.' ,. • Agricultural " Society' . At Ottawa Winter , Fair First i,rize, ' • „ • A • . "et(liie-o--0CeInffeati9f;o4rxr5Teluotrs 0!' grin and tura], Soeietios 'Was awardedto. Earl - ton :Seelety TeMiskaming Distriet This; was e well 'ettiried'revriard , for enterprise 'ti Pioneer district *heft s. :comitunity seed Cleaning 'plant: was established' by the 'Agrieultnral, "So- filety:Only this yeitrr,ThiS Societyfllo wen • 'the Wheat championship on. .'C Very fine: entry of Ohriiet: , • the Agricultural 8ociety ci.4 a new feature et the Winter 'Fair whi'eh itropSed,:t nch interest as eVidenced hi 14 .aoCiefiell' enterin0 fittmera • no.'meniber of 4 'SoOety, &MIA. cOntrilinte More, thaii dile grain ,er.-Seed ManY, new exhibitors' were , linportant ,aniend.ments ' Whereby " • „iroducers arid cortattmera, have been A'urther pr,ofectidzi is 't�'both glide • in the egg' regulations )y• irder-in-Council. The? new grades .onaist of 'A', .,13 an Jiace `Specials',' tkxtrits', 'Firsts And `Seconda'. The' -,Words• "New nay, bp aPplied ,only to grade, AA -A•• And the word "fresh",, or any other et. that worcl,„.to grad'e -and ' . ;Grades A-1 and A'. ere divided. re ' ipeetively into three classes, Large .• 4edium, and Pullet• and all • eggs. idseessing the quality :of Grade A naybe Sofd7in- that -grade irrespee", • •f size, M4 the. eggs :of different dzas natist he packed separately', With ' • he size indicated the 'container. As grade A-71.• is, a miner grade, .the xtcking 'of eggs. Of I this ..grade May be done ,only bjr producers, authorized by the Dominion Department' of rieqlture. Storage eggs: are net per. mitte'd , to be sold in a higher•grade ••• "Er grade consiat of .'reasonably clean eggs, aaur.id in 'shell, and eggs • weighing Icas . than • the rate Of .22 • ounces' to, the dozen shall not, be graded in E. There are two classes, ' o 24 ourie'ea),-' :" • ' "arge (24 ounces, and Medium (22 "C"' grade .consists of an eggs. be-. 'ow A and B grades, but Which are, lt 'for hunian„. 'consumption. . , • Iffitial Crop Report, The latest' official crop bulletin awl/is that i.with the exception of mgar-Aeets,---the-yiehl per acre o :field trepa Ontario this Year. :belo* .Severe .period: •i:f "drought and intense 'heat datilig::: Tnly .redueed .•• the yield of spring,: ”'rains • and hay. .and clover crops 7:hiring °August and 'September favorable growing weather prevailed. • sfnd• •the :Yield of late crepe. turned • int Much, better •than, 'wospecti indicated.. The., Volume .A:4 nroduation. Of all field.' crops fer, :1688 rnent over ',hitt year ;and.; , are '• ' 15.6% higher. As•:11 result the. value If those crops ia ...estimated ..td"be 1121:553,000; ennipaised . with $114c- . , • 150 500 in-; 1932: .• or an increase-. of 17,403;000 in,apite of theismaller ant; ' . • Fel) plowing.. got .away to a vied • ..A.taxt; but Was niade difficult by dry- 'ilfetather.... and later hi 'heaVy,, ••• Farmers planned,' th: so* a - 'nue)); larger .acreage fall, wheat,, .owing. to lack efmeibture; infink lelda that were. already prepared, ••ere' not 'see'ded. The •soviri. acreage , , . • if fah- wheat is estimated .„Eit 686;760 . ncres. emnpared..-witli 595,006 '1932, in increase of 6' per 'Cent. 'the cehia,• • Of fail ,Wlieat the •end i•of OctOber: was '96% • ef the lOhiLtlifie' average and fall rye .95%, BRUSSELS INTRODUCES • '.COMMUNITY Atici19N 'SALE The, village of Brussels, is making, effort to ,intredpce "Community Auction Sales" to be held at regular, Intervals and to whieh anyone de - may takeanytbing 'they wish ' fo dispose of. It Will be reniembered .'hat such an effort waS: made here a 'rear ago, ' biter repeated trials the, sidea met a with,' Odell poor re- -'. • ,, , 1 . {sponse, as far as articles TO ne sold Ivei‘e concerned, that they were dise eontlitiled In Spite d the failure herd . ft Wea View'ed by many tta a splendid b-eirefit, if afforded ' the necessary suPpert by the, tonintunity.itr"-generalL • ' Alla be.ting iiiinib1e; advises, a Chleag a‘Vitely, his_ attention!, Allf„. hitir' We Cie progteee,-1144.. vott$ tiot hat "they use o switelt w1•1`01 we Kirthara) SQeSetV. '*1