HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-12-07, Page 2'
'`Where we T04 Wheal filo. crime
COP494,. '
'Ave to-Si/0117
‘' NeZt.'
places, But she Was, a ingek_for him Chie..go doable pair uf .trutiks
•In Sie said. ,PP111Plglyi 4
a' • bright haithanne OP Oat ties at
his "Ver y 011111.ng:,!t the back, aid af9Pn4 P
Prt -
'Not „pg thrpiin47.10.'r tt9hz,,e.,1n9e4W4e.,,St ,in. ha:thing-. suit
'Teaeb. • lfle cent' be .a.i.i.„'he'er.,,..4etb-CihilgeagS07.:itb•i4ent"h5."aa'tp'tfliiired treel7r4,31.
„Oii ;own said,,gmAITE At 4an e It was '1.4ecjciedlyi Tar, g.g44 eatbez
,t1t- PeriSUce,° it!Ol%if4" • .
ad, atut..ocitticisi,!, said (44-,Iduez, from contlinuing with theirfirt show
6n al "Too -; - fight . 'ef whet: the. iiSiiCh ceii,SerS„
raTeeng.- • 4n - to, r bout ext
be, the pze•at N;y4oN :b.p7 Ame have Wer Y•a tops
_ ;Yea '
ett Re' get 'I.( in. the neckffroil! ;
, , „
andd 'take' enSilk; ' ;Well) .ir..aNsgtingoT,..'w*.tuOvP4b,
tit .ailother-ikonOee')' 11,P4r *44: ; •••.: , -
et • ee cr,eurious. ,
- k at Ity *e 'PP* mettel,
'-t`'Wh4t akt;..t4. conrie. link' .13°0 'w• iltediko...e. of with
see forei, ;Phl;'` • *, .*,polka'ditta..4-TiOtr' 4.,•7,o-rattli/. had
, !There was''a' tiogg of ,0,1.0tifin.g. like a *bite atriPe,
suspicion in • • '•'" 'There were others with tops that were
"If you are gorng to in!1ti* .; • ;.;
family it's just as Well ;to see. ail' the ne:tiraM4-4re.: back
us yOiT beferelianV • less, and most have adlustable straps.'
tcicilOw the worst beforeit'sue )4,te. The cutout back was Pre -sent! .1?4,,It.: it
nd reaijy'think you are geing, to was sPOcen of • w'modeit-, nuinbor
as marry yqiing TiOW: •
lid- "Why ;not?", • . The r,ops of many. new models are
. .
;In'qtpite of ti.p.riprder charger Pitt and fitted to give the figure so
"In 'Spite Of this murder charge" Pplifted 110,, _
to uevi‘eWrelsle,naidol:lyelvtibeiet,.q.l:s'i4.17:ars,t749hwavne. bi$acthk etv4eoltei'es
11 .
. not
4nyone'would third.ESTCP were,enjoying adjustable lied YePiPP fr0/4, &riert
g yourself:" . • •
.eaPt, TrevelYair rents. Vs -110aSe
- S1Atafor4 Zrs. WilActt. and takes
smaller one In E*harapton.,
trjgclp AIM 1:Stirnaby alid three net
. t toping, with iu
wiitett-, and he! :'<laosiixtc_r YloAet.
"sPirit! m a tn. t
velyan Veen' nitlfdered. Pu,Pa
:finde., ''friend Aged.' Trevelyans
tate is willed to his, sister, Mrs4enni
Gardner; and the three children pt
other sister, Mrs. Pearsbn„ now de
jarnes Pearson had come _to Exhatnpt
from London the day Of the murder:
Is arrestede Trefogs,, his Banc
• meets Chartes Enderby, rePorter, a
.asks Win to help her. After phe.
talked to Vielet she hard g.rs
never cinne?
inu$ter; 1_48 -qt •
seEensaVibri tactraehtingmi
9 tion.r
prtan. Vearson, one Of ths: heirs w
o be in .A.ustralla. Emily a
the ease, -,
CRAk"ItIt .7C)I17; (Cent:cf.)
-•. .
'Supposing ',Duke is a suspieio
zharactei and, the police' know it, Su
posing Captain Trevelyan. had fon
ut Something. about:Duke. He w
partici/lat.: about- his tenants; reme
•oer, .and., supposing he was going
tell the pOlke 'what he knew. -AP
Duke arranges with, in. accomplice.
have him jtilled. Or; I ishoW„ it a
dreadfullY 'melodramatic p
• ,tike that, and'Yet; after all, eornetbin
ally of a color cOmbination and Weave
R,y. 4cept3
MrRooseveit wl4eae 790tlaPIPese
0,0114rit IP. ,P*,14,04;*. SRO: IP AP
address rPentIrt referring her:
.graailehildrOu: "goMetimes, . I •teet
ver Y PrielarfiY %glee, 'the
est Sh.fi4 4111' IPIIMate wlth
1°P4-§. at 020- And 04lto;'!1)14. • yee, tye
Igre, 130oneevelt. P4'4 TPP4g. riec"'
Ple today' were *ttling to. aeCePt
• resP9P4144flies- an, OP. OftY, With
.00 stuPhlitleit-et the' Past and that
they realieci the Wastsi'lunesS War.
But.. althou4h •tet .toe igure. cold
be trustea to them. she qualified that
trust' l?Y '11208141g ..that• Yo'441 ngist
ttfik quality , tasting • :erittliust,
Peg) for .ilew icleas-,-a: quality that Is
MA. TOS:trieted youth And, 'Whiek„not
all yoith poistisseS., ••
She. ''.(iescrihed , needed
thiisiasni; a' '''n A'which," stick ' a
,iieW idea until, they have. thOught ;it
through Until* 140.7' dee,k1Pd
anYthl40 ',hat.
new idea, w9rth1.•
not?' The ye_Piig people who,' have
that quality, -She, sald, really weuld
contribute tca. :the solution of the
probleral of:NI:he future. •
Apple Export.' Certificates
Improperly Filled In,
, ,
Many certificates- of origin ac6ont-
panying the ,shipments of 'apples are
arriving at British port„s unsigned and
. Otherwise improperly filled.'in. This
• 0 14 I,/ a -.la' •
1 • „,••-••••
9 d St�pUsef Lead Paints:
On Articles Foj . ,
'Increase. in, Lead Poisoning ',cases NOtidect in Montreal,
' • TOys PrOm Con` tral; -"Elir.006'E'el4 to '13lame•
be en '1)1440to. use . lead Paints, on 'artielce ,
cted;,.;te, c,c,4rc4 use otleaa, Touts on .for babie, and Canadian and Atneri.
toys Dr ij B' 'inanufactlirers USually. 2avoidd.
, Oushin.5,,;?p.thergyla, their use, altlioiz li 'not; lirohihited bY
'Ten's 11O.0.14l HOP14lta71,:,:lie.c4i'94 .40lay Dr, 001114 Pointed out Aas.-: • •
he announced an increasin0f 10 in the tk.alisi has strong Peaelti4 for maim:
number of children"treated• cor%lead fac(4re ,o* importatien. of toys or lien- '
.1.poispng. atth.g, hospital, 'duringth,1:ciN• dec4ated witig lead .pafos:,
!past year. Twenty-iix..childreR were Vie PhYPielan .said. the . increase in
under treatment, as COrntlarOd, 'with 16' recorded cases _might be t1.46. not tolast . •
year, and two of them died; Dr: greater Prevalence of tho,
0.hshing said, ' •• ; but .to improvet: of'iagn�s!s,_-
tiiriaea, certainlir;" said Charles
.. They Were both •Silent,•.ea0h.ene ,dee
in thought.' Suddenly 'Ernily'said;
'• "DO you ,itbfew that .queer feelin
you get when,,somehOcir 16*Ing-4
'von; I ,fee1 ,.now as though•somoone'
. eyes.. -..Were burning the,: .baCk of. ,rn
• . neck; 14, it -ell faney oi itherr)eeiI
'• -,Oineene•siaring gt. ine.,nevir
inoved•his;chair an inch...e
i -Wo and • loOked•-round the cafe n.
"T.bere"s a woman at. a;,tabile in.th
,he :reported, ' dar
•incl. handsome, „.She'S starineat
"Young?" • . ,•
' not very young:, .,
`,`WhGt: is it?' .••
...konnie 'He hag Just come
• in and She's Shaking hands with er
he's sitting .dovin at her .1:
tbinksh's: saying .soniething :about
• 'Ennly..bpened ,her handbag.. Aather,
)st,entatiOusly she. powdered her nose,
• idjtiating'• the , Sinai). VoCket :tallier. to:
.:cOrivenient.angle:•:;, ; • •.'
'V's Aunt Jennifer," She:, 4.aid:ief14.
"They are .getting•up'.r,.' • '
"Theyare going," said Cjrles
•ou want to speak:to, her?"' . " •
"t think it's 'bet
• ter••for, Me to,Iprot,encl.:.1: liaven% :Oen
• . • , "...
• !"After • , Charles, .."why
.1aouldn't.'7Aunts.4eiiiiifer.:.liiiow; Rennie
'Garfield and. ask hiin.tO.tear •
• '
• 4.,'WhY'.shoUld: §he?"
"Why shouldn't
gebdriess. . -Gbarle,i;
don't let's go on and on like this,
Course? its all nonsense, ;and
• it .doesn't ;Mean". anytliirig! Bit we
WereAuSt aaying that, rtobe,dy else:at;
Ihtit..,.soanee had any',relatfot With .the
tamily,1 and not fi'veanintrkes later we
,• see .Ronnie Gifte1d havig tea .with
'Pa:Ptairi TreVelYah's
• ,`'It 'slioiti," Said Charles,. !"th'at yOti
•never know », ,•
• ';"It.' shows," said • Eniily, "that, you
are, alWays' haying' 'to begin ...
• . more.ivay than. one," Said
. , _ •„,.• •
:Enilly looked . Min.° •
"W.hat do .you lneanV'y •
Cha les.
'He Put his hand•oVer'hers • .'$he did
. .
.riet, .drawit aWay.- • „'
get.' to ..put ..this: •thrOUgh,r,`
aidChar1s. "Afterwards—” ' •
"Afterwards?" said Ethily softly.'
• "I'd do anything 'for: yeti, .Emily/..'
said Charles., anything. .
'"WoUld: yon?" Said Emily.... That's
rather, nice': •Yon, Charles' •
WaViirgt4 efW y'nhuteS. later when
Ernily rarig the front doer -bell. of the
had beeri A'
A, 4
' d tkifet, . she know,,•WpOld.
•'• Deller's :With Bennie, Garfield:
•'"She • Smiled • bearningl on. Seatrice
when'the latter' Opened the dapr, to hel.,°
"It's me'agaiii,";.,Said Ernily. "Mrs• ,.
fiardner"S.Out,.1.,•kn'ovi, but can' 1 s‘.0
Such, a •tenuest WaS 'un
.'321/011, I don't 'go op and.
see, shall .
'Yea do,' Saida &tiny; .
.7„,I3,catiriee 'went AlpStairS leaving*,
f.'"rfatWrift-h-,1i°O-1- ask' t,4. 'Y-01.1114,
rn y please 'step this way.
, „, .
• • itopKrt wasAying •• Oft a
•,i0j41..by .the in`•,a big .1•00n1
n the. II rat: flOer.' 10f.-WaS a big
iiie eyed and fair. haired:, fic Uieked,
hs Tristrar. ought to
ir,.'the „third, 'iret orTristraii and
oi,de And'as At& Wagnerian Lenbr ha
ltver ' lOked Yet: •
"Bello," he quila.„„ "You are the ert
,hials.. Spot,ise aren't. cypit.'?"
:.`"thatts right; UloTttkiert» sl
,suppese; 1 du 401 yob
. Itobert,, d'on'(, I?'•" she Vkiid1. '
,Itnnifer, rya!' allow- it.
It like' baying' a YOU „man" u14.ti.i;d1;•
`Ink' in krisonVi. ' ; .
A evaor man Emil tro lid A
frightfully thrilling '
.1? egidi tracking down a murderer
is frightfully thrilling," said Emily..
g ' Robert .Gardner, stared at her, then
t" .--he threw himself back on.his
•1 .am,;. tired," 'he said in •a iretful
"fq ,canT talk. any more. Nurse,
Nyhere's.Nurse? Nurse, .I'm
:Nurse, Davis ',had, come'swiftly,. at
r hia call from an adjeininglroom.
a• Gardner 'gets :tired Very' easily: • I
• think you, had better go now, if yoa
e &quit mind; MiSs Trefusia,!' • "
k • Einiik rose to her feet.' She
ded brightly and -said• :
"Good -by, Vitele Robert,
I'll collie' backsome day."'
"What.do you. ineart?"
"Air re:V*4", said Eni1.•
She was 'going out of the front door
when she.'stopp`ed. • . „.
"Oh!" she said to Beatrice.. "1 have
• left my gloves. .
, "I Will get them, miss"
no said Emilk:. "I'll do IL"
She ran lightlf.up.the Stair's and...en;
tee is button 'tritrimed...-".
Atotherl clever' model has a'. draw
string .neckline; A . back tanned in
this outfit Would not shnw strap.out..
The colOrs•:for 1934 incInde„ yelloW,!
orahge, ,'ffielori, shade, •greenisli-blue,
blue,. a deep. peach, turquoise, . reds
from bright to . marocin, navy, and
tlack.• ".• '
Brnsiels' to Haire Lottery '
, ,
Brussei-One of rae interesting
fea:tures at the. World Exhibition 'here
next Year will be a large iiailway.ta...
tion: Visitors niust 'enter, by ,turn -
style after .bav"ing taken'.a tiCket, at
Very trifling cost Which° is alat."`a lot-
tery ticket. ' The prizeS will .
passe's on the; brussels -Ostend,
English Channel
•Has NOW. Island
• ..poVer, Enk,--74., new_island appeavi-
. tered without knbcking.., , ea yee'eatay . in oie, Ehiliaii: .chann,1
° -gloYee-. ''She ---.Wok' th*Om 'up Os.ferAa" ltahn9d11:4Pholsfitoi)ferledrls:•it°winyhfarlein.atthei.iferuk4:
...d.(;:!.hcs.atimyt.:Eroi,IY.;0:rgyol!",gis't,y<>1.t.13iilaty'' getween ,,this • port : fl4. Pe4r 'wh4ii
tioty: and,. Sinning ,sweetly. at thpi And .hurtled into the ,pea with a gr44t,
7 :,tWo oceupat14 of the rooni, who were rear.. Collapse° of thecliff was the.
'sitting Ilanfl inhand,ran do*n the .greatest •fall on the English cdatf,f0
,stairs and out -of the.:11ciuSe..' . - many years. • At high tide, the mases
"This' glove leaving is. a '',terrific of chalk form an island -304 ...eet,SrOM
: Isesl.ittrnee‘e'cos,Oniad...tEimmeilYier,:cho.mer!,e9Ifff,.71.;,,Toliirs. the mainland. No one'VVO;t3, hurt wheh
the slide occurred.
Aunt. Jennifer,: does ,she. know, I won- ' • .. ; -• .
der? ' Probably. not I' innst 'hurry or,
1 1,
*Vine* yob digs" ' 110:1rta
• I'll keep Charlei.,‘ alting:P.' •
° Enderby Was .waiting in Birner'S'
Ford at the agreed rendezvous.
• .,"Any luck?" he aske&as he tucked
the rug. around her., :
a way, Yes. I'm not„.sure.,,
Enderby looked at her inqUiringli.
said Emily in
klariee, "I'm 'nOt: *Orirg t,o tell you
about itYou see, it may have nothing
Whatevef to do With' .if so, it
wouldn't :be fair.",' •
Eiiderbi sighed:. • .
;gall that hard;," he, Oserveili. .
"PM .Sorry ". said,'„ Emily firmly,
."tut,thereit •
• "Have. '.your. •own ,•waY.V4,-,said
CharleS cOldlY. •
* They. (love on- .rn silence -an". of.
" fende4, :silence, • on. darles'ii,
Qb.livion: one on
Emily .and' Charles EnderliY. were
nearly as ExhamPton When. .She brOlte;
the silence. hy a' totallV. Unexpected re''•
mark. , • , • . ,
• ."Charles," .she -said, ."0rit!'",Y.Our. a
bridge. PlaYer?":„...-.-;: , .•
"Yes; 1 Urn.. 1, ,
• 41 via;thUikiiig,.'Yon kw • whet
theY. :tell you to • yo•u're as
sing the-Value,..nt .yo,ut.• hand?
'yoiredefen4'in±count. the -winners,
—but if.yii,tiire attacking 'Count' thO
,losers. Noi, .were 'attaCkirig..in this
business of dtirs;--hut .p7erhapk We hav:ti
beend�ing it the'• wrang WaY:"' , • •
do yott•rneanr. , •
!Vell,,We'.Ve been connting thn
:net's, haven't wel' ftiOah'goi,t10 over
tile, People Who •Cotilti.have killed Cap-
tain. Treviyari;'. however, improbable
tliceniS.. ',And* 'that's. perhapS'why
we'Ve.'kat,..$6, terribly muddled:"
"1'1 haven't '• get ' ninddied*-9` aid
Charles: • •' •
•-• !Vett,-J itave l!'in 'so • mud, -
Wed. ;Can't •think' -at; , Let's look
at it the Way rottild. _Let!'s
Cotintthe losers'—thelteepleWho can't
poSsiblY haw,
• •.1* ' ' •
"1,./Vell.; let's .krei--" 1.1nderhy tle
eit "To begin with? tficre'S the
Jett's. itrid Etrolaby: anditycroft and
ilonliie.-.4)14 and Duke," '
• 'eYcc' ;agreed. •kit
ive of them have libtl hi W. l3ctati
At the. tinhii ha. was lled thek • wely
al) at 8ittiittn'tl. lIonse,: and 'they ali
saw each .other (iltd •thvy. egret. ll bo
YeS, they're all out of .•
'A aittatier "Of fact eVeriorte ht,s
Slitaforil is, nui said' Endoly„
Im;cts. isn't .a great •'s•tte.
0.0s, is .'1.1" salti•11, "
. 1.1` -"'"Wo ti• (11. ' a td• t
' 6
duty, befOre release by • the customs,
has caused great inconveniece,.and,as
the 'Dominitin Fruit Branch states,
will •Intpair• not only.the marketing
PrOSItects but .alSo the net • .returris.
Exporters, who are In an Y 'doubt as
t� the pi'oper filling In Of the inf °ma,-
den' required for the eertificath • of
Origin, are invited . to address:,.ati ...en-
quiry to the Dominion:Fruit-Br-MICE
• OttaWa, ,
• • • .She Lost! .
the ;ucOnictire had smashed
A thvYer"at the crossing,. a .flapper
roe ,f.rom the wreckage, :uninjured,
an d PoVidered 'The engi-
neof and•other S gathered around
MY :
' s p
.you, say the 'engine' ,coming?"'
.atked the" etgineer.
The flapper wa's Indignant.
boundet ra3 horn, , before you
.blew yeur,wiiistle',". she said dehant-
• • • el
DeStihy •:bears us to lour • 10t; and
destiny is: :pert , our O*ii.
Dii•traeil„ • . • , •
Isten's' hats range in iiza from' 04 to: S
814, the latter :being the size of the:.;
headgear of a Pre -War German' ain;
bassador tb dreat Britain, • ; . a
toys imported froth Central Europe. In
Great Britain manufacturers were for-
, • .
of many,eases that might- otherwlsego
undetected,• ' I
Brilliant Woman
, Sea -Captain
AttraciiVe • 'Nova.: Stian
:.•Mildred'Woniboldf, Coin-
•rrianr4 fiqr
wn Ship
. .
•Salitt• John, N,B;••••,4- Seaman once
•84u.ddered at the, idea of allewing a
womaa.:th• make a' vOYage, with•them.
Females aboard. • ship Were JOnalis,
they, 1,11Oughtd. , • and brought' tragedy.
But. tithes. have ...changed.. Par,,,uine
1.4have, has.':heenf011owing.the
sea. Now 'she is scapteTh • and ,,oWrier
Of 'the .43gten ''selVooner E:, ,P.,
Ole at present loading 'Cargo Pere
for New :
. Captain Wamholdi PraetidallY grew:
. on the .sea. Daughter 'oa Fundy.
she. ::,saileci on:
Wet Tidied .tradieg ve,ssels.• :tier
fesiter ,: father, -Angus Publkorer, ot'
.•State is mate aboard 'the
Theriattit''ned taught, her-nvigatjofr.
he contniands, a Cre'W' of' iiine'--telght,
natiVeS '.Of .,..Barbadoe. and ; one opva;
Scotian, Who, call :her "Oap"n". and
ddtess' her •With• respectful .salute. •
' , rf, •
• Bicyeles.:to the nuffiber 01..10,000 are
reported as>."missine every Year in'
the inetr,opolitanarea of London."
cials at Various . whO eraey,", Although no one Will ..adintli
' • .
Turks lnd
ala, with salt for New York,
file. schooner was Caught in a terrific.
hurricane and forced to.ru,n before the
W•ind, ,Whiqh AtrIpped her •Saile and "
'damaged other gear. wh•en etorrn
• subsided.) :the Therlault: had ,been••
reread 61' th.e, Bar.:
hadoi., I: ...The Young captain pnt_into
the islands and sold her eero; there;
Tilts: winter Captain Varriboldt plans -7'
to. fit cknt the' trim, yachtlike Schoon.
er as,..a cruise pith) to Carry passeng,.
ers ,on an extended • pleasure tclip
•to the West Indies, .
•; slim dad: 'Attractive,
Mildred ie .uncertain • fir
_ _
er, •life , "PerhapSr•I'll • get
tired' of it." she remarke,d„
Lowers Voting Agle
Bareelona,Catalia, will have one'
of the. lowest votiilg • :age 'limits •,;,;*i •
EuiFope, for both sexes aceording to a
bill just Passed. Marrie&persOns
years. of age and: the/Se Wire ma Y _t)e, .
seleclared--by-their-parentia'or.)4,atchanS .
to have reached Maje;rity .and
.ethae into. possessior: of -their property
mayvote. Poi' all 'others the: age is
set at 21. '
',. the •feininine illnenose -SkiPper .••• ThisAaWering of the age, .
plots" the:: sohooner's 'course, takes sponsored by Sener..Macia'S,2partY• and
-bearings and . OcCasionally -handles• the 13 part Of -1ds Pregrani .Of
helinC AS _master., .site., amazes 'OM- Cat 1 '
• • • ,•apn a s • "Europe's. purect ' demot
As the Poets See Canadiarr Autumn
A. F.,•:„In the Edmonton !Tearnal.)
• "It is strange that Our poets and
.painters have not .,found greater
iTiration -in the Wonder of the 4uttimii'
daya„in: thii4anadian-land-Of---ours-"
,observes'; the Oft twa, Journal
nfter being itself, inspired by it
tolsay'that "there can be reNt more
beautiful thingP in the world i than ,the
Gatineati:-eetintrsi., at this .thne, of the
The point is .We)I i;fiker, ‘;. ,•
The Ottawa Valley and' thereabout
will 'Serve as very good type Of the
scenie country , over 'Canada that,
breaks out in ,the Fall of :the yearjoito•
a• riot of Eien ihe
ie s something. of :this 'atitninni charm
is known, .and here iP1 kdinoriton, and,
its ohNiron's .Na great,. deal Of .it
known. COrrie to think of it, it is a
bit 'strange !that the artidts in
ancl 'oils ha. e net made itiol'e of thi
pictilre-f ull leasor).'• .
But they `.itaire hot, by any .mean
been wholly different to the seaso:.
i.d charms, and °the poets:--lea.i
ing' the painferS: ottt of account: 16
the presene,--have, paid' gtting tiribut
initify*.timeS over. At, anthology, of
MY'. frosts shall take the creeper:a
•• •
And throngh the ..Wirid4ouaed-rect-
, • • •
,derimg, wood's 'shall ',rise '
--:-.--lacteber-71rith--,T.TheT. rain ,of
• leaves. • , •, ' -
P On .1ndian r Summer, .algain is :this
from Susanna StriCkland :Moodie: ;
By the. purple haze that
•On the distant, rocky :height,
deep- Wild: Of . the 'skie•s
' l',ty•the smoky aaiherlight, •
Through' the forest arches streaming,.
Where'Nature •'On her • threhe sits;
44,4 gleaming
- Through the. clotidlets,7stiOviy-white
Winter's lovely ,herald greets us:, •
• Ere the' ice-erowned, tyrent,ineets
• , • , ,
0: . * *
. .
r• Harvest-titne naturkilly has' aPpeal.
ed•to., the poets as a time to Sing
,aboUt.. Here, -for instance, .are the
8 beginning and ending.' Of .E. Pauline
Johnson's poem, "Ilaryese 'Time": .
'Pillowed and 1110164 on , the silent
r '
WroPpeo.., in: her. mantle of... gclderi
.Onhadian; 4uturunal: poetry is: itripog
sible heed, but even, a few quntations
, . • .
'from. it will: proVe, ,
,thus shriply. and 'suggestlyely. of In
,dian• Summer:: . • • '
I the' Of' sinoky hills.
e,,crmiSon forest stands, • . „„
-An all 'the. day, the .blue4ay
• Throughout' the: Autnmii 'tanis •
Now' b3 •the'brook the' maple leans'•
all 'bk. glory 'spread,
'And,' all the sumaclis the, ' •
,turnedtheir greens to- •to,'
Now. .lry. ,the great •,Jparsnes wrapt iti
••oinist,„ ' • , •
• Or, past*.seincrivev'.4,"ruotith;
Jitrougheut the. long, A utunth
., day ' " •
• Wild birds are 61.14,:iguth,.:..
Avehilvalal 411)10,
man% '"gepteiabei""vei. Si:lanai*
f.)ietu've everi Moe. sulitle 'toes!'
tr, ht. s J.1.1 e olden' 'days.
,soft 'Oureeip Utnigto how (toy
ad„ hart Ituppy; si4hi
1.4npiner Ilitsscs t� her quiet
grain, • 4k. ;
-• Wearied o:f.plea.sCa'ing'Weeks away;
800iV, t66, vino, artnrati
S.:tinnier is lying asleep today= ' •
hig it 't .1 h Ft' 1
hardly expect a, girl to be 'sign • , 1 a so as. a po lea significance.
Cle• aranc'e Papers and transacting all Sener Macia' desires to perpet• uate a
busincSs 'Of the craft: , government of the Left -here,' and fee; •
Grder.:Snii:Eff!ciency that one of the best Ways of bringing'
Order and efficiency are a matter:0i that about: is th atiTaet s,tisceptibie _
course. on , the., Theriault. Old youth to its 1.11:iport
sailors didn'.t know the meaning, of
order,'"--.`rernarked-7-Po bl i co v er; Inyeat.t.:
inga .neat array of 1+;",!igers all ark -
ed and. nurnbered ler easy • reference
.e NY:On:Ian's hand*ritiitg, »In the
old days All tif0Se entries ..Were inade
, . Mineral .water
in, :cum book and there wasg'old'en'
1114.eSfe.r's (1.11, arfer11787,°its' etlied'ensteeheidon.os'napteilliedie_:: 'iv: 8704u r bias: tes 7d nameDe sir°aurdonYtedur I:aril::: •
Soft curtains and • a . pottedi:annexae.atenieir:•,ti.wan_a:LitiTao_i. adnertt
opportunity ' for dishonesty "' h
.A feminine to
sts!,3mennecticini :or Eitotunatieln, Nejcart
atird-elfait-ird:orn-lerifei;;Ide. a home -like. *
gaily -color • inau"'" lunzuir- "nitY elini-
toi s in the combination sitting room
rf-01 nIzation • strIcilq •
atniopshere.„,.;••.,. instead,. of, the_
Usual reeking galley; there is an ordi..•
nary kitchen *with•n 'co.mhion,-enamel-
led :stove woodbot; ar'ray
:etiitens11. : Adjoining -.is: a..pantrY•
and box,.ebing:.closet,'..and..there's acraikie,
Captain Warnboidt apes. irot lay,. In
Preservefor the Winter. °trader. her
Supervision, however, the: Crew. set
large. . quantities a fish on ;the tab •
.:roog to dry. ..": Thi s Often usetal
when'. nrovis.lens..'ilin'
. .• •
" 'Rural '
The; ships onipany include. tour.'
1;.ttliet‘ 'members, who :centent. •
selves With • basking intrOpleal: sun
and.'hgging 'the 'fire.. in colde,rchines.'
ekie; a pollee deg. 'rem. NOW Yorir
arrels geo.dnaturedly With, TomMY
6 eat, 0: patiVe' of barbades; .Theie's".
a. feathered. tetiple:foo ; • Bill lieroost
'er and Jitney .the..hen, ."1? we seek:ins-
loeiting- birds Who.-seein -as , fond.. of:
Ocean. O'airel, sUieji i)nthftii nif84.
The north wind liisses herrosy'fljs thO:tral, ja
.rival frowns i the far-off, south. qu
And chines. eturcsng. her sunburnt th
• cheek, • , • •
And '$urhinei. ,ttiwkhe..; for ono short
tyeek-,t • ,
2,iiivekes and 'gaihers her wealth. of
Them sleeps, anti-ttreitiics year'
again; _
, And. two Yers4 four( 0A riaivozt
Song" by*.ISahellit :VOittleY'..CrawfOrd":
'The valleys of the 'earth „were fall,
TO 'rocky flp and bilin
. golden . Oat shore and
A littk.Song from:stied to sheaf -2,
'.8wq's!• VIOnt'Y'S, °
'The 'Nos ,m6n, the, lives 0.e
.with 'every: sheaf 'iire bound11 ,
We alM, • the' IhiesSing; Whiffir annuls
the, eh ran nfini. the 4.1*oand . • •
A nc4 Who retina- the GoNeti.*I3r. do,
• '..134.(161ileit Love 'hath' fotindr .1. •
N'� Jt c:tint,b 1 ill Mitt
:-TVV-thitikett ,
lienutiev -ars,d Spiritual .yaluosIre the-
, ,Althougb tJi Thetiatilt; haS
aspects • of. a rurtil h�ne, Ciipiain
.deed :by np Meeee Itvee, A', life Of'
eate ' and satety/.,.. BeeeittlY lie,r•
sclipOner braveda atertii' that 'smut a"
Greek Steamer., 41.11a. aturo. TllH
aith Was', less than 'air
When • the diStressed• freighter, vent, •
down, Per live thEy tha. sehooner.
,NvitiiStood• tinge Writ/es that .lient the
deekir aWagh2 tthd itliiiweit the Craft;
to gala .only a,ni1l dtiffit'g thig rie.tiort,
' • , .!GOOd JSailor' '
aHS • tay w erole f
, VOtt tMA'S•
Witte tis stritiostien kteos, ensy
ilaYnient. etd.. • CoVnotS, ,,Bvtok
•OhOnek, etcv•.
ans. an in Name, Control. and Capital.
DeliveiY-fpoe, to' Any .address in:Ontario, -
Standoia Package,„ $1.00-1 Poana
$150. :
CANADttlit CETNTOE colazairie
sta Ontario at:, Totonto; Qat.
The Salvation Arzily
. • •• • •
saivatiojArmy , weiliere .ake.
ni'ate mine colic:11110s that: are Ilttio
XitOwn to: ti average citizen;, and
they 3,reur to,dneratiori, to.
:continuo • WAAL ' .tyhtOh :has
aiea.nt •-• lion'e, 'health, • tynr.1: tkinewed:
to •
. 4,,
• "Tho Ar.iny wili SerVe, but your inost
genei;Ons"Otottr1hution45 needed..,
/i11: YOLII blirletoms. Oft be? AdarfM7..
c`OtilinittOn to ,•• ," •
• . ,•
• ..,Co*inissiymer Joinos..4.1ay
go Albert: Street,iforonto, cint.arlo
• Ueeltist.t.
system Oca'