HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-30, Page 3Trtt 7* oil 4,7 •t..• lic't\V[t. iUrrioL5 • -7-7'•••••• mers•-•,,,,••• ,••••• • ro. . el • • ,,r,:tig,•pli.noi.q.09.i,74,:h0.1,-:o.t WqhfL.. Bottled Vichy „water' "i'$ kneWil all over the cilli.4ed Werldt, but lieW Malty know that- t is knapied after. a ,Very ta,sY and beahtifq city gidifhicli, if you think at your map yon eqn locatet.he about 'beatre of : Prance,* ;Ake, -inahy other mineral Waters; originating in :Minnie,. theoutput of; tbese sPriogs is strolled by the:state and,the, quality. s'ilierefore.guaranteed, „This article. • hoWeYer, iS mit.,nteant as an adVertISe- nont alfhengt!...011 the, ether hand; one cannot refer to the.plage without „men- • tIoning the waters which account for :se much of its impertance, • 3 -.,When. we drove into Vichy this peat ..stimmer,,'wo found the streets crowded - with people ali.d Vehicles at first sight „one Would conjecture that some fete Was beiag ObserArq, \Are' soon realized that we Vere•.'entering pile of • the brightest places on the dohtinent; Iffe, was missing before hs in every for • some were her • ers were ere to enjoy theniselyea. The : 'Mineral springs of : Franc are of' g.varied type and contain 'properties to meet every therapeutic. ; Oquirement German' and Atiet,rian • springs'. are, • of one 'Uniform type. ..-.Among:. the pattente,;,. 'who; ,:come t� ,:••Vichy, ere those seeklag treatinent for ,4ver complaints; skin' diseas.eS, ; .b,etee and 'golit,.41)0. oicomtism; • The 'Itotet'S are .iniegli:ift Cen t ,,' and here we , toe the most faShiOnable 'people,- SeW the• smartest'gownsand watched the ...'; gayest Etat:left:1g of all the tWelvecohn- • tries. we .visited. , • • • ; • „ Located in .the...mittst 14;411.. this ac; • • tivity,: are various bOOtlis ;Where thie. . , can the- }Vater or • have ,4 recep- • tacle. These 'hoothS are ;attend- , and,:have a. ,Caplevering. their linty.. The •. Water bas. a ,ipoeultAy•tasteone.of...rny ....grOun • made a face. and '.aescrilied.; it „.as likc a Conibination ;Of ,41.Sh 'salts and -dirty 'Wtit er •,• why.' siie4. comparisOn. 'here is plenty 4, deniari d 'the, Unifortned,attentlants. " skie• ,iS preV (led withrnU any eharge. • " weld(' think. limit in -.4114311..a; • placer. With gay sri400, htotti§' ant--.A-117,kinds of, ti.ileitchteif,f,-.'thar.We, ;. ghonld'heiregaleil•With'a deseriptiOn' of ,;.,•;.Canitile.'v by a.potir hlind men oh, a. street.. corner?. Cutside • Of ....the.;busy . eetion and. in 'a' little :corner ...of a- •lignate.; . steed this • :kindly faced :Old man..„in a roped -off 'triangular space around his feet: were: 'hundreds •; of: .stonee-,--,-different oblOura atid Shapes: • There Was.0.9.4pparent Order: to, flit:c,oileation; although ,-.1treiti1ar ',Paths: ran .,througli[the „Prot -..-:,--Anniihountingthe stenes,,..a: a•rying...in7 Were ilie.ga0•'.'or all tlie na, •• thins... it was 'this latt'er.: feature that aftnicted;my attention and as '1-.4top- '.:kied Peettliar layout,. Man sensed the -preset-re-6: ot..- posSible'benefaCter•-and;.-.ia a irrioap," • • lone, began to recite, in French; noineS' • if•impoptent,places.: however.: thit We Were..English, peak- ing :and '.quickly accehirnotlattng ••• . •. Are yenitiek:ing • to something. differeht in the •'..way,,, enter.t414., 'thent,;..for.,yottr, sticiet4 clzb or'institut,e4 ; I 11;:..fteldthe' well-known 'trav,eller; ;Wt.() bus beeu contribut • 100; the:series. of articles'. to this paper, under iho heading of "Travej. bas, what te,t perhaps,' the finest CollootiOn. tif European views' lo thescountrY Preinretaken s , , , w4h• 4,•4 :Own eattiera, beauti-.. fully,:cbloured,. showing seine, of the , .out-of-therway,•,.:plitees, • as: weil. ;as -the lepaiities about ;which '$'01. bav read and. heard,' Portugal,' Spain., • ,France, ttaly, Switzerland.•:,4114(Pik JugeilaVra, -;; Hungary, Ozechnala • vakia, anti ...Britifib, 141es are tug:hidedin this. taitiitie collection, . For • particulars :re ardin• hi • •pan e a. Room 421, 73:Ade1aide Street' Viteet," Vorento. ' • . • •••• 11 'Your • ' t. A n' w t •• PI A 'selfto the change, gave us, in vei•y. goad. English, the names of places '40 their location in the United States 'WO no.!: noir'said my companion; , "we are .,not: froth the•Nifited • States:; We arefrom danada.'' ;',',Ohj Canada - English,": Sala the blind man, and Oftretekilig out his urm, ovei a ect,i(nj of his little piece Of ground, he pointed, • out .the 1.7ilion ,TaCks. and gave, us' the .naine5 or the eoun tries of Abe Bi iti1i Empire, theii. bafdials anti many, of' thair-prineipal.. features, , .dooking. at the arrangement of the' tittnies..it would be itlmost.,ina,POssible for „an obsarVer. -hut. t he Ailiml-lnairkn stick, made his way: Over to Abe proper, location ; and 'plc:iced; s.out • the etirre6t .flags. : not, nOr did we to, , stoi ,the flOW .:of.:,his recital for kysorne. tlthe:' dually we did, get, him beck' to. the realizatiiiii.; that.'w-e were Cana- . , Learn' Crepe 'Paper • F ower Making , e.;:„Kethotl. Write DECORATION SERVICE 'it:), coo/ram:to. ST.; TORONTO 17-061111h, "Party!: Last ,Night .Too Much Food, smoky. ..A-!tmosonoio,, i• ,• • • .:v..g'r. Tiii illor-iiing No• -'"Acid. . , • • • g • • Headache' '-No Ufisez Stomach , . • .Seientists Sav. this is the .QUICK-., EsT,,'St.J11,E,ST,and EASIEST way „.....10...,c,o.filb a t PEELING . T ITE EFFECTS ,.of oterkindulgence,--the • tntist;powerfut acid n eu tralizer known . . to science. ,iiiit dt.• tills: • . • .. TA1'E--2 tablespoonfuls qt. Philr - lipe Milk Of Magite,siti in a gifiSS Of Water BIWOriti] bed. In the tnerning take 2 Mere tabloSPoonfuls with the . juice of 6. WHOLE ()H.\ NC;E: '1'h at'S all! ToniorroW yoiell feel great, ' • . Or take the eqiiivalent amount 61.c . Phillips' Milk of I'vlagnesia i ab1e1.8.. • ' , , Each tablet 's (vial to a teaspootifill- Of the liquid• ! • ' -., • ,, - 0, „Get petitiine ,pt)iittott ..' : Milk of Magnesia in 66' • ., familiar WNW forin. 'or I the.' ,ne'W,' inat'VeloMdy' pikoos I' " .dotivenient tabletS. ' lie ' , 4111;:alea.,./217IILL.M..! " '.°*°. .. P 1 .lmseeiat Tobacco co'nmitay of Canada, Limited S 'od Way TO Sto Acia Stomach druggist tell, •.. the ' best way to 'stop acrid. Stornielt. .and Indiges- tiorr-Is tosake a little Hisurated '44g- nesia in water. after Meals;Th1s. will, stop 'Your'. .1 ncligestion • and'..'s.ireeton the :stbrim.011,. get 'rid Of ..gas, and belching in. he time Ant( ' druggist., • . 11.:0 • • s. IVIacrnilJan Report ort Bank- in'g Recommends : tnoval of Restriction dtans.us 'We had.a desire to plitipb• the 'atitilwa---- A .1..).low. or '0,tici'bee 'Wonleir extent or.iiis Itlidirletige.. We were im... IS ,Stftlelc• In the Maainillan ,rePort. on 1 ef: our „own , country thitt,.Wouid•Tiaie ,rnentig thp •:reinoyal Of -'Section .95. of metlialely rewarded by :.......tleF'ei•ftttion , banking ,'atid.O4.1.'reney', :Which yeemn- been a c recli t • to most Of . tile siiholatts1.,th e .1.3itill,Aoti.,_estricting,deposists=fr-ota, our-j-ailiool. • lie„ hlieW the'•eapitai.j.linitriett.Wonieri in Quebehg. to. $2,,0;00i:A to be diplawa; ;he rkne.A., ithe iMpoilant placeS, raliwaya• and boun darieS; lie knew, Our eohnection In the Empire and our historiCal' corineetioh' with. France.. Ile• did ihaka some minor mistakes, true; host: it was a mai •vellotts[...denionstration, of' concentilk tion. 'and. „menitiry he , seethed to thorolighly enjoy „his ,Oecupation, ..; „.. 'When w e first stOpped;: only one CUi JOtIS loite ei but, buman natu re•••••bei g the..Sarno Wherever you giy, a group soon 'Corrected' luid,; ;while they' eouldnit-71011ow, coirver 04101; :we' Cotildiletect , the whispered plie to 111e Oilier While the exli ibitieh, in 'Our he . . . . , half, .;.wais ,1,11 progresS. %It was. a. most .int,eresting's•ox'perieilee;',..ah tmeipepted, .and'unfoi•gettablo touch witli 1101)10, iri ,iilace : Where One Wsliiid.,• least a lit tel.:. pate U( 11 an" Octirronce.„...11 Was with .great • didicultY- that ..-wd;Were •able :to 'Quebec •provincial, •laW A.Orbids married , wohien making .bank deposits withOut the Con,sent ,:of th.eir hu .handst• ''..' .• ?6, .- BeCt,io'n 95.:stateS. 'the 1 depoSits : frota ,perbris sufferini:S ' ' , iegal disability • tinder , preivincial laws, :May- deposit only: ttp to 'a maxiinum of :$2,oky, The Canadian AlliaiMe for .Woniente ;Votes presented a. brief to, the • corniniSsion, when it sat: in Montreal, calling. atten- tion to' the fact Oat hO speelal.restrie- tten :Wus•Pladbd• Upon ••'quehed Married. women ; depositing .in post eake •4*-- kngs,,,,Panks.•, !They'. ask011:that the. 're; :etrietidn'• be. renioved. trOxii, tlie'- bank .ael.And.the cominisSion: repenikendeci_ :that.,the ,iertion." .heitiinonied.:. accord- . 'The t'i.;X:t, -of ;the -rei;ort. :on this Point „ follows: 4.• • : ,Aitni t;retii :spec i Al. point affect ing the' ilghte :of -.married • woinen--,-in „ the Province. et' Quebec was brolight to, break Away from ou.r narrater= our notice by the -Canadian .Alliance • .. lie swag' Most anxitilu4 to..himiart .further 161: '‘Vonlen's. votes! Section '95. of tite knowledge to,. what. lie :considered, w4s Bank •Act i which authorizes .a.•banic, to a, 'Sympathetic .aiiiitenee•:: ..AbOvo ;the ,dePoeits • frOni, and • to repay licrients-10771irget 17-iiiideli;I,Tegar ii.'••• ability provide:1; in the th'ird 8111).Secti,ifh ,irs. -1.; • . .: • • If the perSon, ing any; stich de Posit could(not, under the law of the ;Province where the ,dcpcisit: is Made, deposit '•iind I tlIqraw Money -ilk and 'from bank witliont, flits section • , the: --bright-irght5,--faselii a tin g -g•linps, gay Ptoinentiders and the glittering "hotel where. we stt.iyed, this • one 'cireuni, stapce • Stan/Cif:4 011 e 4144 • 101 aiUmaling human incident. : I „Next week I relate iinother strange ,im,peting---this• time it,. south- ern 11.,un.gari ill. 4 lii4e1 ' .artidup.t. to be reoetved• from s110h. ' . , , person on deposit, shall „.not at acilY • . . "tfrneeicced the"suni Or two tliptiSalltl .t10110.1n 18 ''" , •, • • ' • , .1.1%% Oi. tlie .1 1. ()since ot Queliee, A married Avonian cOtild .nOt, --trnitt "fraffri5e4tinlraiil 'Li n p6slt •or7WITII.;7. •tli‘h,W,'Ininie;i4 • '•without lier • husband'S • consent, the effe.ct.'ef 'the Slibieetitin gust {incited' is' flint in dila Pi en 'married w Ith out 'her' 'hiistjand's l!Onsont t.10Po4.1e ••inore ihait *2,00 1» .;; • • .• Antler- 1 he Dominion, p0;4t ..6,01,10,16gislation d Married woiiin.)t • . • . ••••••-. . • • U.S. to .construct. •• . ••: t•-••••• •,•Islapid.•,. or -.Platte 'dreams of ,otnain air travel'ivith Stop- -litt:ef's on • Malign/tie. iS181idit: have' •ae- tingle of! reality ii1. ati• noun'eeinent bY ilio United StatAti • ?)artnient Oonniirce oat' 'plans to,huiid one island,...And peithar18 five, ,in . an, Wert. to' sied. tva ' •. 11! tki. M14.414 W *JIM ti't rail )11' 41100 lit1,500,000; to the aerti natitios divislon tho...eomnierce -'0iirtivant, to 'erect, the-•'..iirki, "'island; '.114plq GOO 1111101 0(1 the: (1(41 0111 coitto• i64 experiment.' '' • , • •: is sueciiss .08-othe als ot••• ket, be. ther.'1,$t• gtoptithg, pittett on 11...gayOninen,i.Pwned and controllpfi, iralis-At flings., airway, ',Ili 0, •I1(ftito 01' t 1118 ' 'i.V01.114. • ; ironi. th•O. Vicinity a Norfolk spaiff;i, • . ...g1:4110 first island,: 191thilli 48 a sea.' d'reture•.'.. Will' 1)0' 01.11y.: ,onelohrtli" the .eVentital 'about ',01,011toy: . ft: l's-tti bcimpleted Jii tnur ate), which' 'MAW' titg t.08tg , star tti4, • ,iteadroule -would , COS't .smoo,00q, anti the",lbtal. pi,ofet,t $30,;b0b0•00"0.;' ••Sfitte •Departhieht tiliproVal A pitted .8eopotitfyiBoper sitieelhe'lseittlentlieS, mn.;„ • , . ; • ; , ••••••NO* N AflLEY •!t OR tiOthb ftikM " t 1.1.04,,re " 1 •, Wincernic.' M rdoiggts(4•4.,. • • ouiitit•;.dat:IADA • • ."13 /"" Agents:• Ifarohl •Sie6, Ltd t • ' ' Tdl'OntO. • •t of . ' W. TO AVOI 71141'..11ES$ . • • linon yoff_nt.,gin : to gget'l 'at i • ,ethe day, look out. Illness . ,11 • . • t arohnd the Cartier wailing to...• 11 ay you Iow, Al times like s tht e .41 notliingliko.WiiicarniS, the grliablonie . that has Won Over gomo rccomnieu- dinions (telt ' • :Yit°s114i4e1‘•!lIle•, iii drug; n 11('ttt:ril 1 he nourihing emrints 01 •2?lbe 01 ; , krQpes Itilt)Otl' 10, ' 4:1)Q- Siet'figthetilidg. • t'tielllentS of heil and ;giotpiticed .. 'extracts. '.;„ '• I. IC11111°4114?l'111.• • iittick1V restore lOst. Ctiergy,.,:' 'They • • • *ill yeti (a sound f!le:ep, • b ittiakantrigs and aottva,•enjoyable days, Pririk 'this thilieintia, Witte regularly, d (bre° tittle* each 'atty., and soon VCS8 t tinder •no: disability as regards the ainonn.:: which she n.lay deposit In the "Post °Kee Savings Department, .44(j ineY,Make deposit S up to the, limit of $5,000 hich applies generally: -„.Ure were.aiked to recommend that in the ease of ;harried WonieninthaProviEice Of Quebec the limitatipii on dePositS in th&bahlts ,to 42,000 should be reinoved and en` unlimited_ right toy 4.6.1?9it con .-f,erred, without the' requffethent ,of the hus'band's consent We thin.:.-.••that'this ,is a reaonabletaettLeft Mend that' sectiOn 95,, (3), RHEUIVIATISIVIGOT 111 0- years -old .Piani:t -.is Relieired by "Krasehen AithOng.,h „Old ".,a4e hes 'xidt• Yet itelit 11115 min•,..froyn• his :occupation. g. .Pianisf; I:tient-hat:NM threaten to .do so,recently, • , ••• - 1 Ye.ars • te:5, Siiddenly ;taken with: rh.euinatistii 4 do',yn my left arru.,„•,1 tried ', ',man to ,no.,.;:p.iirptiee;;; :the carnmeneed „faking half-teaSpetinf of firtisclietv$alta everi niernin,g, an, soon,' felt lietiellt, • 'My 'arin;. Which; iva P.ainfill and nearly,. useleSS,:to,tak a tonisbinent •Ifter •••ii;ffew week treatment, quite' .better-,' ••I am •:inor tharnt, eased, as• :nal :•.a:.Planist, lan ;playing. made iriatterS werse..'....,1, just eritering rnv SOtli year, and ami, 400f1 ,•• The .;'S.IF:'1Cilaeral. salts of' lirusche -ha e • i rept effect Pon; pie: whol ideocIstreani,'•'•.•iieutraiiiing:.-.0:k10, Acid rec o e ,er:fite; They 'also •reStere'lhe 'gum ;iiiittihgQvg4tig.t9 proper woilti4;order Ani• SQ prevent :constipation; ithereb checking Aire further: formation • Of lit' acid :and ei tit. (to pdispns whlett.iin derniiiie ' a:s 11 13 Hyonotimp is Used .g... , , to.gRedtiee,.. Wight ,,,, • :. ., " • AtidLStOp::,'Sthoking7 ••,:okroi,o.,,:..0;.-,Afid flow'. Selence ; IS ,us- .... ..fiig • hypnotiSin-Hin the,..14b9ratory ...4., .1.eitge.t0. . did 'In' r.(igtfiti.:tili g . the.. diet sO,th.at, a Oil .,May lave a filkirffifsl.fni• enongh • to be faibiellable, :1 !: .;' ;..• • /Profeslaors 'El..„. P,':.;`•Patten and 5,.. A. , , , . ,., sAvilzert4.. ,iktiani :1 '•;t3ii I KerSity, '.• psYClie„. itiiisi:s.texPerlinetrtitig :. -on 'yettefring7 the'iiiiguarded recesses of . the liti, ilia ii :mind ,clui'big. hypnosis, are :help- ' jug,'•rift,i taihirat0ry- subjects not : enlY.;.tO' . .1* eiho Vt..' e,x,CeSs •, Weigh , •;:bil . also ; to .overeonte se.if-conscionsties . . , . arid to, ' !tin t il9Wo• 011 thbir.. s,rii.0:ki iig. Th•eir six_ , yeaN. .if latieratory work '.1.48Pti , DitillY .. eil that; Of' . Dr, null '-fit "Yale; has deit'.1. chiefly.. With.".fiest iiini'l'Al'e .sli#,,h1 ion'," lit .mrliieb.,a, 'Sal)- , Pct. qai'ries 0tit'; ectioifi .1'001 waking: ..IN)V,%!,iptici;lott 1 e;N.Vi4etia'0';ukg,1:1t!lril.tlid,;•• .trill.:,111 s'...the. . , , .. .. MA! eXttiffillp, a :gl•ri „sitliject ;wanted... to lose ;sonie', Weip;lit..; •'fitiring,'a• lisyh' notlit 1.1,auee ' it :was 04e,nted ' that he ,fop dating s ta roll y TOOds. ,I.itter,, •Sonie, fattening' .-,:foeds„ hevarile 't,TeMely ....ttistaetwiAr.,... iti. • Ifni', :Wild .'8-ht.'1 . i'4',( 11111(1 her siiin figni`6, •• • - ::. .. '..,"in tinitutenr ambr• WhoWrit.,..saff'!"i;•••• • 11g frilift $ i:dge: frighti • lift dr 're•e6ilt,, , , . , ig •sirggestions titigef 'hyphp:ofs, ''ti,liti .is tothvgis better, ; ' A .:bOy „who 'bed ' 0„td.,,. 11 0(1 , „cvortil 'llel,t'tfitofl. ‘.;.i'it', on e A!' .itlg. up eall .. hew ilae!.3 at. -••••••,--.,------,.,,•-• ,.. ,, „„....4. ll,g ' . . 1 I .......,,..,.., Tested', Eczema‘lRemedy , is Preieription of Doetol; . . , .. ••, ' •••,: • ..Yoni, ski,ntraublit-hather,. itit ae: r. erart,,adoet hives, dandruff,' tingtiorm• eettuae D. .D. le's, tried and tatted. kri .irlfectiOn„ot triPieearid blotohes-,;,-Will be pOtitive befiegtted,. by D,D,E)„. P, ysiotan s ,res p lan,:• P.D.,1).'sv:44 ,,„ oVelaped orighily'. for hie :Orin pii.•' icrit's by Dr,' D.• D.; benticar • It is 116 taillifiettliett )4: thotifaiterik Of Catito' Li YOUJR -HIDDEN. 'TROUBLE . far greater extent thin is generally realized. . .• Lo a • Ineerisplete elimination of body wastes eiintin • • . • Even people with the mostregularbabits Often ,.auffer Ire= thleatintlitiont Incomplete elimina. •non 1, why you Often feel weak and weary, or suffer 'headachee and Andiggstion. • the •ime way to correct this condition le to follow the Andrewe 'Hulot of Health. go fltoderatt13,,-.. . Get enough eleep, freeh 'air, and exeraiee .to , :Satisfy yOnr body -And, opeeor, twice each.: .*eek take .tt laraningi, sparkling slam of An . • 4rewsL.oiver An'afretve Liver Salt will ' . keep you in the, pink of emidition.Loy. .beWings. 'iNnicatourrdeetro,:k3reeopliryoduntit48141er 0114-thiottetkgc4h1;nttio;. •• 'at no ,anditine.Antl- the neW'Fierga- ads Sole Ageets1 ,Iehn A, Ifeetop Lt •wanted to • smoke liss • fray been. ecorti Broken Footwear Output.: rciduction in Canada Exceed- ' &I' 2 000 000'...Pais for • Two Months. ''.•'•Ott11Wa.7"The..Atigast;.,and Septem- ber PreclUction of:leather .footwearhas hr,Oken•ail danadiait records; :The 'Out. put in eipli.'Mont11'eiteeeded two pairs," Iginister,df Trade and Conintere:e.- has.•theproduetion. for 411Y.:..inonth'..'reached the"two ,iriillion • PT,his' is Ail' industry. ,WhiCh• IS niSil ing Marked Pregress,,v,•cehainehtetIlhe Minister. • !''The iirodne.tieri: in the ;first able inentlis of1933 wa 15,074163 •lie•!4, :'a gaim..61 eight•-•.per..cen.t.'oyer the .sanie period ot.:11)3,2,","'•; • • • A Shilling a. pAy. . Of: the Past Oth:tie.ls 'going W intreduceneW higthods.inte recruiting,. More ,Centres"Will be oivel'hecl gh- out the • country.. ' ; • • '• ;.;;. A War.' Ofilce ofticfal•Said to -a .n•e•Ws=. -palier-re-PrztrAtfative reeetiiiYi„,."There ..still:exists_ a belie! 'tpit a•soldier gets only shiiiiiig•"a"day. • • ."A• corpOrai, .:aged. 25, receives. at least 21e. 6c1., a week and 415. 6d;lf he Is a tradesman, in additiO4.,t(3,..tre food;,;. accoMinedatieni • olething, a bd ;Certain all DIV er Walter„ 10 ere'S ' a 'htition. tn. SoUp. Waiter, (ex:„Prin'ter)-4Ti*Pe-• graphical' •error : sir,. . it shOuld, be '010110n,', •Legigh ,Burr. . , • , . • . ' • • ' ii,111 drop from yo tr shoulders,- IZMIEW:14#47811-111:1iJ r D•D' bine deer, hen thfill Ygoitis;""" lierVaii• Child • nsoninta, anaemia luta debility, take .•' /your blood, or an etisesb netvOtrinestt e I LARGELY' LIVER • e B'' op youNver. r . . . ' «--Without.Calotuel are Yfeelinri 'punk' ,ennoly because your • liver ien't pouring ((8 daily two pOunds of liquid' ' 'bile into•your bowels, Diteetioa and elimination , are bOtti hampered,' and your entire system' is • being poisoned. • ..' • .' • • 'What you need le re liver stimular.t.. Seine: , titles that goes f art her an netts, nainoralitater, • le Sat ive dandy tar r1tewit4 ifutri Or rattedistita • whtah only move.the bowela-Ignonng tho real Calvin of, trouble, your 111',4r. . • ' ,. Take Carter's 1, ittle liver Pills:Purely vege. ' fable. Nolntrah nalathoil(thereary). Safe, Sure. - Ask for them bv wens. Refine. ittbetitntea{ ,250. at. ill druirdista, • ' •• • • 83 lassified Advertising 1317AMPS. 1TAMS•11.0'; DANDY .vArtMtlE.S..^' Nytissa, Airman,; Many Pie- • .torials; only, 25e. Approvals.: .113. Bruce, • 2513.151 Street. Calga,ry, Albeita . , . , PATEHTS. • Ablj °ITER TO riiihr:it us,i'v,tNro,a.. • List of swant t ' . friventIonp and • tall infoilhatiOn .sent free. The Aampay :Coal., • LoallY;. Worqd. patent 'A ttorneys. .273 Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada. • ' e r1-42-•-ni'ares'''. at Eilinl.h.rgh. ,' Scotland, 'showed n niarked differences in the coniriOsition'ef tlie,milk of 137,:1t4s1l and BEFORE BABY COMES • Az:nioiger=11-0-mptkei before her child js bore.: SCOTT'S EMULSiON, • , Fumiilies an Obisriikoce, "of the necessary. Vita- mins A and D fOr.healtli . and strength oi mother 9n4 chilcl. 2Calto 13ICH IN VITAMINS 12:3_3 ' .11'E.R110,US1WOMEN Take Lydia '‘.. •. VegetablO Compound 141 am so nervous. it 'tieetris'As affould . . . I'Myynervee 'are . all om„. . wish 1 Were dead" t •how often have, we heard these =ores. • alone from 'some woman who has -.become no tired ' and rim -down that her nerVers ' ca,__Wilon6Wlonitigaeof estatid the ltotirvan..he're. drift infrifids condithin if 'alio can • help herself, She"shotild atio Lydia E. Pink‘'.- hanfis Vegetable coondound: a trial: • For ' nearly sixty years women .have. taken this • wonderful- mule, 1;i3 giVe them, renewed strfititith and *Igor. , . , 98 out of every 100 • women who 'report. to us -say that they are benefited ' by this :medicine. Buy a bottle from, your drugq' gilt today. • ..'sqld watch the results: • .. uticura Soap i World-Fantous for _Daily Toilet Use Price 2.5c. • "i• Buck That ;:Cough.'. or Cold... .With Backle.yts. 11 ents only a t'ISW r,ants. to ,1Graack.iitit 'ts aOugti..", or told' waft ,lleCKLEv's 14.1v1t.rn1; bs. • • came nucktey'o 1 'o'snpreuiely•good that enly "' • a few'doika arO nerded.te subitie Inc totigheas . ctvagh cOlcf. And Bitelslay'a''aati 'be with thra, . tittles its volume, el triter making' le, Will net .atrisit .soOt stentnttit. Jtisi sal*. ' • ier4, .1e4otiti tro.ot front ..M'attiet, esItto, 'flitOr bronshiiiii. Pis), sole. It tote stilinfittiten. , , BueitleY'S is sold, .0VIIYWItnrc. gO further. 4 0 •--High• Shool Boards atid I3Oardt ofEdui caton., • - •• •Are authorized by, law to establish ••• INDUSTRIAL; TECHNICAL AND .ART SCHOOLS' Way, ;the aPpravar 61 flip: *00,4 •64. *.t.flUeittl'oh tAv-,AND ;OLASStg-..: • ' • tr61 ha' Conducted in rfaaori4tice With the t4go1nlion8 i5si01";:l Y the D'epartnitnt at 't chleatien, TH OFIETICAL Mgt) fm,NdietdAt. INSTROCTION ' Is given, hi various, tradet. The schools andala4Se.t.,,•it're, tt,ild7.'• • Anplitionetnd . �1s should ha illatle to the . 01.11164'a1 ', • the diriction of AN, ADyISORY Commir.rt,E. .,. . ,,, • , )i „. ; • • . 6f the sehool, , ,,. , • • Ith1111:6 illig16118•.' 'At 'n1X1 OM' Chititiniteediotiveitistar4oelS•il ,laade,l. • • . ' I. • • - ' St- 1,k ' Dpip ue.TrAr`ei-ve-ptibiga' ..; . , ..fel' lb the' utititeet of Woo En PUblio,..Sepotate,,Caritititiafloh knd ttiali . SehOols, Collegiate: lilttitutet ilbtatiOnal tattoo's atiti" ,beptifttle'ittie• . „ . - Copies Of the .f.lohhhttions 'Wired tii tbe lillitilttii, of Elltioattett,tfigy la 61546ftl:trot'll the beOutY Mhtittee „Parlierhent duilditifje' toreott.. . - ••••'••••." •