HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-30, Page 1ti1 - • • Act.* 1.* $2,00 ygAR IN ADVANCE,' '''$2.50 OTIIERWISE . , . LU .KNOWP . A }110,10SDAT .NOVenhber 5oth, 193$ • SWGL cf**4 . , t, • ' DENTIST • './4101E • rog, Ine4ium size, hi good condition;....i/c,.pr,iCe'''ViS: • $40*.694r. May he seen at Pnteison'a .,Drug Otore:1" ; TIMBER, FOR SALE -At Lot. 25. of Brock .A, 3rd •Itangi South of Durham Road. Apply on farm. liughilf. Taylor, FOR -rive bull calves, ell .'Browndales.-Apply, td VVm, WebsLer R. R. 2, Lucknow ,ftpartjtfir Couple. Banqueted Mr. and, Mrs.'‘ Qberle„ Menoreir •..,OneSta at fteaSant:Baciall, Fungti,n) • Mr. C. L. Ohdri4r rannaget of th ,Sank of xontreide:44, Mr*. 046.09: who are shortly .t� leave Kings- ville, to where he is being transferret, were the•Oegtg of honor at a. :ban- . qut in the '1)darylin Tea Bee* .qo Afileda.S' el/ening. A 'Profesioir , of TY.11111is gr,ade4 the well , laid . table al which .fourteen couples at down for the initial enjoyment ' of the evening ' Dr 'Johnston as chairman -later en/jvened the proceedings wtth. a, A TR4Y.BD4O theLprerniAS of the undersigned; ' ,a red calf,: about mos..old. Owner may: have same by ,proving ,irroPerty, and ' paying_ al.c.7 ,peesee.,:, ; Ale3F.•Sutherland, R.-3, -HolYrood. • • TENDERS WANTED' ;Sealed tenders for .thp sConstrue-,_ tion Of the- Andrews-Pinnigan; drain in the TOwnship.. Of',Weet WaWanosb. ' Will :he received : by the undersigned to and including.Dec. 14t. 1933 • All applications .must be ,inarked ''"tender" ,and :Must be S aeCeinpatied . bka marked' cheqUe, for 10% of Mr:, -• tender. • The plans-and,;-sliedfico.t* .whichled tothe, banquet: Mr! L McKenie followed in a similar yeir to keen the tgathering 'in a happy' mood. • He expressed the sentiment ,of .those present,Congratulating Mr. Qberle' upon his 'promatian an? advancement, , extending :best wishei for success in all efforts in his new appointment; Their „departure .,VraF regretted, - be 'continued; and •althougl: their sopurn here was short, they had formed a circle` Of warm friendi who vou1c1 welcome,,them hack when opportunity Worded. • , Olierle' replied On behalf o: he and: Mrs. Cherie, and in well: trt ma.e p an is regrei parting._With.Lucknow-frieinIsLane 'aid,the kindness, of the Village'f011,'. wchild not seen be forgotten. Tlieb two years here have been ':enjoyable' ones and he .concluded his reply1rY inViting Lucknow friends to call. 'on them in 'their. new, home.. Tho. bnqueters 'then repaired to the Rail; 'where an ,orchestra iriSed-1 of .-- :Miss -Jessie McKenzie, - qporge McMillan and Andy: Orr, was: .1n waiting to furnish. rmisie for e imst 'enjoyable evening of dancing The happy 'gathering dispereedafter oining hands to "sing , "Mild • l'.,ang Syne", and "They: are .Jolly Good Fellows." ' - of. the dram may be seen at the clarles_office.-The lowest or any ten - 'der not necesSarilyi accepted.. , DUANIN ,PHILLIPSt Clerk of W. Wawarleell Twp' Lircknow, 11: 2 (Jomi• First .insertion, 50c. ng Insertions, • ,SHOOTING MATCH At,kalmer trydn's,-,-iLet 8, Cell. 10, Ashfield, ; on Thursday,: Deeeniber 14 "at- one P.M.' peeas' and ducks. Bring ..your...'22 rifles. Geese; '2 'tickets," 25e;: Ducks, 10c a 'shot.' • ' „ • ..COMEDY -DRAMA AT ZION Have. you seen, "Out of the .Ark Came Noah?" If net come to Zior Oiange Hall, Wednesday night, be • seen -Ater ,',6th. Flay to. be :presented k Blake Young People :under' :auspice& • Of' Zion S. Admission 25c .and , . . 156.• . • • ST.' ANDREW'SBALL • The LiiCknovi . joint U. F. O. 'club :will, hold a St. Andrew's 134I in thc 'Town Mall On Friday evening: Dec lst. Harris orchestra and .scotch Plee will,furnish the music. Dancing to beginat nine o'clock. A good tiine is. proMised. 'Peale one .and' , all to •, dance the, sCoteli. dances. Lunch ; ser- •. Adniitsiore .25c; • ELECTION, CARDS To. The 'Electors of: WestWitivanosh , Ladies and Gentlemen: , Having • served...five years in the .Council,' I , 'am now a candidate for the 'Reeve- shlP and: take this %opportunity, • of • soliciting- your vote 'and_infltfene-e" assuring you,. that 1 will, is in the • past, fill this office. if ,elected, in the 'best ::interest of the muniemajity. .• • ; Faithfully yours, Thomas Webster • • , To the Electors 'of West Wawanosh t' Ladies, and Gentlemen: in accepting rey noinirtation to:the • Council 'Saar!d for anOfhee; term take thif,1 mons- of soliciting youi, ' vote and influence. For the 'past three •'•:..ye0sT.havNe-seiwed-the-ToWnship..-tc... the heqt, of my ability, and With this experience. it elected, will continue to further the best interests of ',thy •• Municipality, Yours "sineerelY, • °Albert A. 'Gen -int ie • , ,• • IARtitAL MRYItitlt DIES Fred, .• Elliott, ;Liberal men,ber, Of .,the ;Ontario Latielature fer'N.ertb • Bruce., died at his home in Port Blgin ifeSS Of • fike. Months. ile was 81 'sleets • After 25 years Municipal,' expei- , FASsRs .AWAY IN TORONTO- The,re passed away' :Suddenly . in Toronto -on Wednesday last,' Greta Armstrong ' Tmnlin °(Ms. yietor. Tomlin), ' the: 'daughter Of Dr. G• Howard and 'Mrs. Armstrong : and th-Ti- 'quither of Mary Tomlin. Her death ..lccurred at the 'home of her.parenti 14 Burton Road, Forest Hill Yillage. The:funeral'Avas' on Friday With in- lierinent in Mountl'Pletleant ,teinetery 'Toronto. Mis..Ternlin, who was in her 31s4 •vear, is 'a 'niece of Mr. and Mrs. .F; T. Armstrong of .Luck/low. : :Her fa_thOiL..Livaa,.fOriiterliengaged in _Mt jewellery and 'Optical tipsiness here lhdthe fainily.left ,Luelthew upward to thirty 'years ,ngd,. when 'Dr: Arm- strong took a. position. with',Ihe' Eaton' Co., and has since becOrne charge Of the ouitical departinent'e • .that 'company. . . Do you ,feel 'down hearted -Com . , , and See- Peggy* Double .oit Dec:.'. 5th All your cares wii dwindle' *`: • ASIIFIRLD FARMER, MEETS • WITH PAINFUL INJURY , Mr. Will tinlay :met with a, futim• ful accident Thursday 'evening; while ,runntrig a. gasoline , 'engine. Rh 'Sweater sleeve caught in the machin- ery -afittlie was • thrown dawn-- with sueh, force as to dislocate hisright shoulder, aajtatasieteiving_setera- 'ents and bruises on bis arm and head, The engine Was .'a ,Sinall one an his weight, stopped it, otherwise consequences would, in all Probabil; have proved 'fatal. Mr, :Finlay. will be unable • to work for i few elected to the trovineial. Kotioe itt 1,P20, in a ,detatract eleetion, caused hy •• the dquiff.'-rot Atex -McWhinney. . -Mr; ••tillott it • that time', defcated D. 3, • , At a lune .Convention in *dee. Mr. Elliott had heen named 'ns a can Aidata' ter', the naCt,14i.tee'rtidinft;,' , weeks. • '• • FtliStOtioht. • OVER HALF tENitiitt AGO • The, late Sir John A. McDonald, K,C.B,„ M.P.,' speke. at , Lucknow , „ Liberal CanserVatitto Association banquet 4tty.,4ye Years age, that is "ItilAllazth:CiartrataiiienfY R. .1. Cameronhas in his possession. a :printed invitation to thisi banquet WS held. in Pasene's Ilotel on October ith, 1878, . itt 101.101 Sir .11;tilin:1-,;:ivaa."thes.seliief-Aftegervilielrz ets %Old for $1,00 arid I'S. Tennant vaaintaltiont-Ind'tVfet fetikrYL4 40-4860e1ation, • ' 4 CHRISTMAS TRE , IN LVCENQW THIS, TEA , • If '14400w' is 't� have ite akunua 'teininunity* Chrietmes tirne preparations were belief', if *tlielr arenot;.,itireadi underway; in, past „. , -years it h,le"'heel! eonelderefl'hY seMe Ahat thig 'event is staged at 11, date too Clime to .Chilf§tinest and if *euell a condition is to be *Vatted this Year immediate actions mot be taken, with -t,it'e.,25th wt. 8,,, little More than three weeks away. • ' Sleeping Sickness Claims Little Tot er.:. IA 0 5 —•f•• Mu.nicipal .Contest '''!"!4.1).nter and Stewart In 'Field For .U0,41scit: Candidates.* h. When. 'New Nondnees Aliii.a!:ent :Arch:0460w Swings •7.7"'","-' • '" .est'WaViranps , , „ • • .11,f,v,egh!p, , At a well, 'attended meetin oftke TatePaYers of West'. Wawartosh on Friday afternoon, 'the t clerk received four nothinations for theoffice of Reeve ,and elevenfor the 'office of coUncillor. At the cenclusion of the meeting, only the ,niemliers of last sand Mrs.ZHarald Stanley Victim . Of Dread Malady.:: FIRST CASE • IN 'COMMUNITY • Encyshalitis Lethargies, known to the, layman, as sleeping sickness, claimed its first victim.. in this com- munity on Saturday morning,„ when it snuffed out the_y_f_innglife of Don- alda Mae ' Stanley, IL 419nths - old daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Stanley, who reside on the boundary one Mile west of the village. • The little tot had taken sick the revious ,Jmalady, 'which was later . diagnosed sIeeping-sickness",-,by--the-medical la#epditrit, and confirmed, by a test* made by laboratory workers in Lon - The funeral service was held at the home of her parents' on Monday -afteinoon, . with internient.- in Green- hill , cemetery. • Besides the • grief stricken parents. • One .young brother Russell; Survivses. Goming Next Week •A refined and varied' Program , of the °highest type of niusigat, literary and humorous treats will be given the Carolina • Jubilee Singers in. Lucknow Town Hill, .Friday, Dec. 8,, Each of the 6 talented artists is e 'gradrate of a musical college ir Chicago and has done successfu work with Lyceum and Chautauqua -ratlioTor-neted,--•-quartettesi-Humorour, , reading, • quartettes, solos,, operatic Arias and .,elibruses provide a Pro- gram of choke 'variety. A high e,lasi concert for 25e. This is under the auspices- of the Ir.P.S: of the Unitee Church. • MARK '89th ANNIVERSARY .:,In Dunblane, Saskatchewan on -Keireinber 24th, Mr. and Mrs:Tter Beaton, marked the 59th anniversary of ,thlir ,Wedding day, Former resi- dents ..Of Pon. 4, Kinloss. old friendr here viill be 'pleased to know that elderlycouple' still 'enjoy fail measure .,of health. Mr. Beaton is •,81 years of age and-.his'wifer fornierly Harriet Brotcbie, is 83 years old Their famiWicrele of *four ditaghter and two sons;Ereinaininnbroken and with • the -exception Of .Mrs'. Greer of Wantanefili; all 'reside • iv West: • Sentenced To Five Months In Reformatory Sentenced Imposed • BY...Magistrate Walker 'on Beth.Gaunt Who •Plead: , ed Guilty of Cattle Theft 111.0 .nicaithl in the Ontario Re- formatory, GuelPhi was the_Lienterice imposed, 'tiOon Beth, Gaiint,.. Kinlos! ToWnshiP,Inimer, when he appeared liofere Magistrate Walker in Walk., etton, on Thursdaynuirriinglor sen- tence,,; billowing a week's,. rennind When' appeared, Gaunt' war evidentli 'dejected, conterninp hat might be the 'eo,tiae.enleneea et ,1.*'aat and when, naked tepeated1,,, by the Magistrate had anything` to ,siii;':.the accused made no reply. 1v1404s#F1.t.„0.: .W.01c.Pt "sille4et!' towardleineneY and had Oen Conaid,-, owed enspoliclod,'Sentende, for la. trinit that might: iii4Oke'ii,itaXiMiini Seritende :0,k:fourteen „Yeata.:',..1k,o.Weie -ic.iai'atrh.oban.eenteneo...wun44sed :that had, expectedMere ilengthi 'thitOlatfoa followed eac rounding up of i*oe' Ii4dof y tvhieltainiiit Wet .bola to Gordon 160' Stewart for Reeve, and Councillors Webster, McQuillin, Aitchison and (Tratrunie. New nominees, , when called oh during the meeting, had given. no •tlefinite assurance 'that they might be in the 'field and an acclamation ,was 'apparent, until Saturday . afternoon when Patrick Walsh qualified as a Councillor candidate and . before the closing , hour' that 'evening,' Brown Smyth and Will ,Rutherford had fol- lowed suit, and Thomas Webster, as he had said he would, in, ease of an election, qualified to oppose Wm. J. "§teivart-OrTilre-- • eyes tp.. has served five years as Councillor, tOil,e; Stewart has had - the„ Reeve's chair for three years, with four Years previously served as a Councillor., 171.4!, ateatV • of Bealtb• ''.M9,3711.0, SERPOli The:. BreSd: of .11004h- •,SATURDAY'speckAt,s , . DUNDEE . CAKES, ' OEELSEX.,BUNS, ScONES,. • ' •^ JELLY BOLLS* , 'NUT and FRUIT BREAD OATMEAL coogiEs • , . . . . ,ur Delicious BROWN 'BREAD is: 1,00 per cent. WHOLE WHEAT HoLLYIAN'S QUALITY. none $4 ‘. KER ueknow 6: Double! 1' 'A COMEDY, wita. A LA ITOR A MINUTE er. ••, • , • • . , • .:§ItAfTE OF CANDIDATES1 . " -For RE4Ve Wm. J. Stewart Themes :Webster) , For Councillors': chahiroosMrithucilliion• Wm. Rutherford on- Athert Gnntmie -• Patrick r'lvaieh The Clerk was, appointed 'chairman Of the ratepayers' meeting and called on. Reeve Stewart, who gave a com- plete, resume ofthe year's work in the Township and ,at County COuncil. In turn ..riteitibets-of the Connell spoke each 'touching some , phase of the work: The new nominees "spoke briefly and: the meeting was thrown open Idsr discussion. The old topic, of teeing versus trucks in gyaireihag was re- newed and '.heated diseuseions especially.•when" Mt. A;:B. John- ston • Superintendent-Purclo differed in opinions. The Superinten- dent's salary as Compared. -with thai allowed a man and team apOeireel'to be a contentious 'subject among the rateOayetsas,well as the $55..s year salary of the. Peeve and CouneillOrs That the 'minutes of the:meetings be: published was ,generally exorcised as the vkish of the ratepayers. " • Mr: D ' Murray, an ex -reeve spoke briefly - defending the action taken .% by th.e Board of ealth ir. several:instances which-, had earliez been severely criticized and he conchided„, by getting in a joke On .Mr. Lewis Weatherhead, ,hav- ing previously had the floor, and during' Vie..7 0111116--: Of his SpeOfr .elalined that the Toveriihip.:Was Over - governed by Soine thirty officials', Mr., Bert ThoMOson ' ex -Reeve 'ol East Wrawatiosh spoke int*his• exper- ience' at the County Connell.. , The follewing are these nominated and by:whoin FOR REEVE - A. • .. , E. Johnston,' by w.• A. :,OiseT and H.' Leishman,.,. • . john MCQtzillin by WM.' Mole and J. B. Yourip; • ' ;Wm. 3. Stewart, by D. B. Murra5 and A. E. "SiolinstOn. Thos. •••Webster, WM. Mole awl, 1316-WiThriith, , FOR COUNCILLORS- Caitos__M„Aitabison::_by Matt Gaynor and .1 C. Gibbons. Albert • A. Gamiiiie,, by W. .V.Prit- 'chatd arict'Tboi. B Taylor.. 'David HainittOn; by A. E. Johnston and Frank ,Bruce. , • , 'Henry Lcishman by Ina. Lyons arid 1VItitt. Gaynor, , Jag. Lyons by' Matt. Gaynor' and Lewis 0. Weatherhead. • John McQuillin by Thos. B. Tailor and W. J. ,Ptitchiird': jahn Medd , by ./3, rdivti Sinyth mid WM. Mole. • , , Wm. 'Thithattord by. Matt. Gavot and D. C. liolitiOnald: • Brown 'SniYth• .Patitak Walah by Leila G. Vereath- 'athead and tniatt thoniaa Wahatet by 3. D.,.Anderson aticl Wallace A. Miller. , eatk laugh, lon!.t..i.conie to 5iii;7'Peilik6'P;Tthle on Dec. Tin taviti 0411k.. • '} Presented By t. Peter's, Draintfc Club The Town Halt tic no Pr?. General Admission 25c Presbyterian Orchestra in Attendance • PART of PROCEEDS to be GIVEN to LIBRARY BOARD Ashfie14C:ounciiT. Returned By Acclamation Reeve, DePuty, Reete,and Councillors lictiirneet To Office Without A Con- , .teat,,,Nomitiation; Largely Attend- ed But passed 9E Qwetly, .Ashfield Township -.ratepayers tutned "Reeve: Murdoch Matheson. :)eputi Re Richard Johnston and 'ouncillors• Wilfred (Pete) Fattish 7-irwin-,---Zinn-anii-TSam.-7SherWoodF-tr Jifice. by acclamation' for the 1039 erni, at the..Nomination meeting On ?rally. None Of the: new .nominees , , . , expressed a desire to enter a.contest ind up to •the cloSing. hour of nine -;;Clock on Saturday.' mine, ,save the menabers'ef the 1633 body had ,quali- . fled. • the case, as a :ams,oianl)gdii le-rhtneic:!rna:,:oi rtf.i:o. swas atisfac- tory. :Was levied ;at the Township fathers. and wagons, and any advance talk of an election seemed to have petered out by noni- did not Oncluda 1B1 'Atter dark, at- tracted . the largest. attendance .431 this • year brought some criticism while the distribution of iroad ,work that their might be mfireworksv (fur- ing the feation ;day. ,Failure to 'ewer: taxes recent, years. The turnout Suggested Were not the best, the ineeting;'whieb, With holing being ,done' by ..teativ ,gt, Donald McLean Presided ,oirei thenieeting after the •clerle,'..IVIr..• E. McDonagh .hod jeCeived‘• the fel- !Owing pernintitiOns:: FOR REEVE - Richard Johnston,.1nominated by "Anderson and ,Milton Kilpatrick Mtirdoch,Matheson'by Frank Hain.. iltotiland Henry McKenzie., . • On' A. Irelcmizi-e;Th-i--J. A. glonand:Herh Pentland, POR. DEPUTY 'REEVE,-". Richard jeliiisten, by Milton ifs:trick ..and Thos., J. `Wilderson. Wilfred 'Farriali, by Geenrge ,MeLenn,an and John • Sant SlierWOOd; by John, Petrie and McKenzie,' " • Erwin Zinn, by Archie. Johnston FOR COUNCILLORS-,-' Serene' Sherwood. by lehiv.Men- ary and Wilfred Drennan.. . Partiali,,bi 3. F. Johnston and Milton ItilOstrick. • . ,s.Th;;S•.•;-tialte McKenzie., ,Arthiir Culbert,, by Giblet Itah;e' an.. -.retie Johnston. y„ Herb, Nathiaj 3. A. Johnston, b 9114 M. kilnatpt14.. • E. 5 Zinn by Roy Mey1rs and 3V. A. •Culbcrt. and lanai' D. I •• puce1ounty-Conn-01 Concludes Year's Wor DEFICIT OF $4,500 ANTICIPATED .-411HEE .ANIMATED DEBATES ° •ENSUE- WARDEN.. CAMPBELL GRANT; HOST, AT A BANQUET, IS PRESENTED. 'WITH -CANE. . Following are the "high lights" of the •Noveinber session of the Bruce County Councilwhich adjourned last , Thursday ntorning, !levies of muni- ipalities -m---7-which there were early elections having to get tOtheir cen- tres for nominations the. following day: • , • An eatIniated deficit ,of ;$4,,500 at the 'end, of 1933, -;.very satis- factory when eveything is taken • Into consideration. • * * * * Highways Cominktt.ee ‘reports that though t_h_e_lruppropriation was curtailed, much .• essential WM* win,acconiplishel this year. • . ' and the: Committee has a credit balance of •$15,460. • • • * *1 , Coat of treatment In .hospit- , , als outside the County :ofIn- digent patient. rlsing to an ',417.. • arming' extent, • ,. * * Diliapptilntnient 'expressed I . , . the Ontario Court of •Appeal re- . tds:crolanyte.geoWto on two chicken : One year, each two year sentences imposed rhY i , 4v„ , Council resente the:Provincial Governnient not i,iktittiottink norninationg .iitede.nt. the Jane • anion, of Ito ,representatives on the 'Mothers' Allowance Beard' .Warden cotpbell, dome;hoat at amo!eit,;eanreoin :yngbler,titedbtottnaque.y on c hon . , the Mitiner:in *bleb he hto •Eguityolhio ot!yho14e, tri .i,at:tcittra �f the •„ he was ntesentol with • cotnnitritentotr Addeo* and a. tole, Reeve rrOloadita;, Stati, ,o.fi • ,Da* progiti,:.Britht .tem Attiag ..alt an,tatted estate (tont 'town at hit,. dtant. Inioteattoit it.eatait ly ,• that Ifee6 itiannieW Me- :thinaid; tfrogio,tirsv.tiship, wilo has tit, the five years', returns in 1034' ‘and stands for election to the,War,.. elite ehait; he 4011,-,ticatve-little- onoositlon. • ' When q..q.P•It•Lirt*teL.Xeloott... iIrdirifire his atatainen't , Monday (tontinitedon isso'4)