HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-23, Page 4fr • •4" P4,01k VOW TIi1jJR.SDAYt, NOYIMBR; 33, 1,933 It 4b • A YOU SEETHEM WEEKLY IN: FH ,COLUMNS OF ,THE LUCKNOW SNTINE Ever invest a few ' cents in' one of them ? 114k:ENS' Mxs, ThAznas 14lillerr has gone to ;i Winghani;; *hero sbe will spend, the 'Motor with her' sons, Mr. W.:Trai d; Mrs, Miller,: Woods,:xs; a vi•sitor w itli�` 1114,r•daters at' Guelph and, Fei'gps, .Mughessrs., 'Frank and To Todd left! on. •Saturday ' for; the Royal` 'Winter' Fairs ' Toronto' with their herd of 14, .berde,011: .ngus cattle,; : ivlr. hiedley'Scar#fe, who has been employed' with Xt.,F G•. Todd, left". olt;',Satur%1ay •for a, visit. 4t home' at. iLeeds, : England He .34",,„41 ; -sail from," gent -044n charge 'of' cattle' shipped Frank Thompson. • of East KNOW' .�.+�?. i INifl Published every, Thursday '>norning at Lttcknovrt; :Ontario. acKexizProprietor Campbell T110111p$gn-,-Publisher THURSDAY;,, NOV>,MBEB ° 23t 193. 1KAFEKINC 4I0'afid Mics I'1 am Mol at:':of Sal nye were recent visitors. df the latteiv.'.s parents, Mand Mrs-Rich- -aril rs Richesaril Johnston: Mrs, :Johnston aecoin panted: • them: hone, •whore she in `wtawanosh ;Znakini; theni_a two weeks' •Yr: Herbert Taylor Is to becon , • ' tulated' on` his success the misses Pearl Thompson and Nellie Rrwa u P' p Cranston •'are home, from:: London recent Home • Ploughing' comPetition„ , Business' .College ' open to' the Junior Farmers of . Mi• 'and Mrs Harvey Webb of St ,Dungannon Herb, won• first placer and as a result •will, receive a two weeks' Helens, visited at Mr. Thos Ander free course' at the : O : A. c, ,son's, 'Monday, •!'Members• of •the :St Helens',Beef Mies',' Euni • g Dungannon ce Lon of Dun 'an Hall,' nd a ;spent" the •week -end With her friend; Ring. are 'ague"sten to etre meeting in the . CommunityKilpatrick. • on Olive • Wednesday evening, Novem,ber .29•' • The comedy "Out of the Ark Caine oah"° as presented by .the Blake ounri Peo. ' le' was 'a,decided success,• 49,4 teedince;was good•'consa eri-ng:. the 'stormy . evening and they evi- The 'Ladies'• Guild of St., Pauldensly'appreciated. the humor of the'. Anglican church: held a very• :tic- play: Each.' one• acted their ,part well ,cessful . ;Hot •Fowl' Supper. ; in the'. Elmet Johnston• and- isses-Margaret Finlay -And Dorothy Curran deserve 'special mention as they had the 'lead- ing parts Tom Glen played violin selections to•'the `aecom;paniment `of sire , auto-harp:by":,•Miss' Margaret Finlay and '.'Harvey• ,Anderson -seng between acts; i C'-tarles Hiles is .visi ins his friend Jim Curran this week W. ,.are `pleased • to see Frank Hor Perhaps yon have a •",car, or „a houseor some live 'stock to ,se o !natter, what it•' is, phone 35 ' —tell us about, it and see. what `profitable and quick results brie' of our "Want'l: Ads will bring you •PH'Oiv,E• KINLOSS-, Noveimbex• meeting of the :Al. basement: of 1 the church Friday evening,; Nov, "poi.,A good p>fpgram of violin:' music, readings, 'vocal solos and duets . was„given:' In spite of the inclement' weather' a `goodly` crowd attended and the proceeds ariiount<*d', to M.00. I: Municipal nominations wil be' held.: on ''Ch'ristmas • Day and Ne;v; Year's I)ay this year: Mrs S: T. Jackson of Toronto a ton ^ble to be 'about again, after Isti former Ripley resident,: fell down the , fox being' ill at.'his home at Leeburn i eervtng=a-d� ..: three 'weeks. Gurd� located shoulder and ; other body Douglas' •Aitcheson bruises, which will confine her to hpr ”' Joe 'Agnew CREWE ' , Ionic'', for some'„time•,', Jack Henderson Mrs Wm Geddes , of Kincardine , - ' • ' Jack,: MacDonald visited .with hgr' mother;:•Mrs:.Samuel• Miss Susie Kilpatrick returned Raymond Hamilton '. Hamilton' on Friday :last, ,attending hone '''Saturday after, spending ',the Jimmy', Hamilton the Fowh'supper in ;St.' Paul's: Church' past • two weeks tix her :net a Dou 1 gas..' •Finney ROSS', Carton": of Rockwood: while•, here � ', ,Ronald -..Johnstone PATERSON't5 C01•17F.,ST, LATgST ST4IgM.NO GIRLS;, S]aixley W.ebster Clara •. Ann,. Gailoott• , #thea P irnln 7 - .Betty Jean iVliller Faith Boyce Betty MacDonald Gwendolyn Steward Jean Bushel ' . Betty 'England.' ' Lorraine.' Fergtz$dn Mary„ McQuaig Norma, ;3titck'ae E:eryl Solomon ` r ;Dolis •Irwin .,` Margaret .,Traplin .Palsy .Champion hilhan' Carruthers Opal Orr Lillian Carruthers Mary . Reynolds.` Joy Carter '• Shirley Johnston Gladys '`Campbell Evelyn 'Little ' '•Florenee McPherson .• Eileen •' Purvis'; Jean Sandy • Alice .Barkwell -Lois, ' u er Doris '.Reid, Kathleen, Gardner Lois Henderson' Katherine Agnew' • Eileen' .Moore ' Gladys,. 'Penrose ', Eileen Elliott Phvliss :Blake 1lTnrna.' . Burke:.,. :Florence James;° Berths,:s%imson • .1'1o11na Henry., Fern T vamley Mary 'Forhan`. ' 'BOYS Clerk's United, Church: are holding; Mr.; Stanley, .Hoke: of;: Lucknow ,has Clifford ClarCl ff rd 'Mc1VIilla' s ,a• +warrant 'was sworn out for the, l supper on returned to this `vicinity,' ir]e'ir” annual .Trot .Fow pp �I'rrold-''(Bu'd) ;Thoni son^. arrest" of , : husband who: is alreged a evenin '`• November'' 24th. ; •• Mi of Lily .Andrews of -, Durham e. , liar i . • .; -. , Fred , ..,, • . ..> Keitr• . Cdllyer' b Meting .'of the; ,sisent'a. fes v'p '.`days ' ith : Mr. 'and. Mrs'., •.. ' � g g: ".... ...,... . .;. .. , ;.., ; •, . Gordon Stewart' to :Have'' left his ,:wife.• .and ' three • The Novem er igkey il; F. : 0 =was=held : at ` • lip , S9 niva Sherwood olrn It-TMacIfertci�s e. 1 Thlurt,day, Fr..dday ;alio Saturday ".veneer • ray. Volta r�•e •..,, Also musical :Revue • .and • Fox 'Mews F. W G. as !lepton, Thursday' at the. II om '; of t Mra.; CarruthersDes ite he ,,a: lncleiient weather there was. ifood ,attendance. G�rruth er s pr/sidedsnd :the meeting oP ned hy ;panting the Opening 'Song and re-�. "eaten -the r ord's In'' unison. P g � prayer ,follow . thea adi: of .th :. red: _followed by cadng the C ed The roll call wag the n " answered- " After,:m 'i' i •e Bella. , th business' . was., dispensed e• with. A s lendi' ' . program :Which con satedof a duetMie 'Elizabeth Robinson and Lenore MacDona1d , "Saviour Lead• ,'Me"; : a- journal ,'pre,' _pared by•: Misg.,Mary_Wliite, was' read :by Miss Lena Robinson• Mrs; Hughes. , read,:a- splendid paper er on: ".Citizen_' and, p.., ship", and Mrs: Carruthers. and Alma. sang '",There 'will be '• nodisappoint lnents • in Heaven' accompanied ::by Nlra A -flu "hes Miss•. M `a'Brooks and `Miss Alma Carruthers. ave :P`: demonstration. on ' "Table .'setting" which; . 'was • very. ' instructive, and • every one present :benfted !by; it. This • brought ' the • program •• to a 'Close After .a_:vo e o a s- o.,: , e- everYbodY joined insinging, th •sr National Anthe�' d ci us elk' 'o A lune was • served and a social half hoot spent, The .December°`'.meeting is tr. P V- I* hAld at the home • of :Mrs:: B.. Chas" _ • nut; ' Lucknow, on the second-Thurs-; flay of the 'month, instead of the thirst Thursday as usual. CLAIM' i oLvE•' CHhEF SKIPPEi' Warrant nt Sworn rn Outo -In • Walkerton For;Arrest; Of Chief Constahl ,JamSmith of ;Kincardine: Married Kincardine'•Wontan Lights• Out About`' Sante .Time. • children, and to; have :.disappeared . with '', Mrs. Stiiith's. , car, a '. large Y C ._ ysler ' sedan, ori' Monday `. of •last. w . ,eek, ., and• .'to. have w '.fico to:. part` • s un_ known • A married woman • in 'Kincardine. is' said to hae left her husban, •.a nd It 'out -of town about the: same time' Smith was imported into.,Klncar he ..of .Mes.dames Thomas : andM,;..and Mrs. 'Jim 'Drennan spent -Gordon Gordon :Mullin;.: pr aPwithalarge :atteri•v. ,:a tly : with their:' son; M '• dance. After t'he Meeting' 'Wilfred alio°~Mrs: 'Drennan.- with .the :"Maple Leaf" and repeatinri.. .Mi•;r+slid "'1VIrs >. Roy', • Maize 'silent ° d, the"'roll call was 'answered^,$iitin'day; with Mr 'and: ''Mrs.. Will titre arae , . =t ',flower: and.'. hints' on' Alton: favorite fiow it M t, a was a .,Don't forget.. the." Crewe Christmas -grow QA:'`.committ a ...t�, k' : : o' orated to •draft , a „,resolution: .rP testi n g e'-ag ainst the. sale • 'of.: beer .and winebY.': fess. The.."•special:'feature ,g talk b Mrs.. :of the;.meetin.g was`a Y. f assisted: ;b . Mrs:' Duncan `• Muniy, , as , , y -t t. o t ".mer.' -'-on their:,'::=recon_ Jamas--M Ii g ,,, .i, Y visit: to t1re,�.Wa rld's Fair Pictures; and souveiiirs:were shown.;To t .heir' the • most interesting'•, souvenir was a'' teiepli„ e :, inon call' to. a friend.:Los: An eles, :, iven by the; Bell'Telephone'. Co: Mrs:: Munn .also 'favored ,with, •a o •vociil::solo. The ',prises the. '~ c ntest" "Filled. cookies".,went.to • Mrs.. Orina Pollock and . Mrs. Lot Culbert. .Thr Meeting closed-. •-with U' e Nati".nal Anthem, after which, dine• abo.t • four'` ears age* ..from e, u y Windsor 'to take over :the' duties: of G"- of of Police of 'the lake. town" `.anj at first -he is said tolave shown a1.neh activity in'running down crime yet, of ,hvla�ri`r`rarit'l•a.}trees.he is re orted as .' n o t oeing=so hot, and_ mu�h.: ofngs ofle shady nature are. claimedto` have be igetting" b •in his bailiwick. throughout the Province ave' been notified to be onthelook- out for Smitfo whose Arresta been charging with -the theft''of= is wife'scar: ; :.. . hosto ss ; and, committee 'served re_ --Walker11 t H ld T' on , era - lines:• freshments:. •' . Authorities- Agree ••. -..---That tuberculous' infection . d bee • not;. arVit -ride,.take place" in .life, .but that the dieases- bre;iakdiunl gt out: In later years,' is an outcome of . , child infection -the dormant germ only awaltidg some run-down con-,; dition,. some lowering Of'vitality, ,to„ break .into activity,, .authorities now-.. Something ' of, a,sensation • Was_ caused in• court circles here, when the wife" of, Chief .Constable ,James Smith of Kincardine came into Walk erton,earlr in the .we'ek'; :and after consulting' With the authbritiea . here agree lit - OD OLY O �, The CommunityClubwasOrgan-4, .. ized' on 'Monday evening of last week f he i a arc officers or: the con n g year •As follows: preSident, Donald' Children. are especially:'suscept McPherson' 1st' vice -Pres:; Mr, Win ---isle'-to-infection; there-is---scareel-y--- , ' a .chance of escape if the are al- Jackson; 2nd vice prey:, Mr.':AUfonse. lowed• to •remain.an the,, homes:',pf ' , :the tuberculbtie:,, We' have, there fore,. in. this disease a.vital ',cblid thleoaQncontact neuGuard, e'Keepthm •'the fresh air day. and night; cleanse and: nourish. their bodies' •po that they' may grow' up 'strong; healthy, 'menand women, arida .the 'fight,, against consumption will be.+won.. For children ;already infected there' is the Queen ^ Mary ,Hosppital where .they shoUld'be taken withouti delay,. for only; through.'such treat- ' rheat• as is, 'afforded at thin institu-' tion; le there' hope. of recovery.' As;' this hospital is maintained,^ largely by : voluntary •contributions pieaee by you"r gift to, George A. Reid, .Tteasurer, Queen • Hospital for Consumpptive, Children, .223 ,College street....Toronto 2.. A. pet . goat, locked in the,. family garage at 'night, managed to' get, but when the place took fire:• He merelyt use leis head: YOUR HOME .I5 YOUR CASTLE Admit only •clean, 'constrecdve'ne va by. reading . 'Tog .:041 ISTIAN' SCIENCE MONITOR 4 Daily;Newapapter for the,Hogee •t . re coneteueelve fro Id newt but dose not exploit crime end rfandmlry. H ,ieni.eetna feature page/ for 1I1¢he family. ori Weerian'e Activ}ties, Hone. Gardena' Bducation•and Bonita:, Alfo. pegey for•the Children add Young Feiki. Vigoeoue attuor,ela; :its. iitterpretat,on of news 'n, the "March of she Nattone" Column end "Watehina the World Go By" ate of iapecia[ tnteren eo man .d .. r a nae u 18iiing i$otlic r 107 Falmouth 'fitreet, uoeto8, MiAtdahtitettq' Pleea•.ent r •mi. jubyaribuon to The Chrrlsti&n science Monttor for' t • period of r x 4 Oti rdttr X0:0p0p three months i2 Zti , ; :Alii montlii •i 1t.g0• ,• • One month 'J6a • v panic,.,,•:4wurY:.:•riti�t•w:.rx�e••,a;ri:r.r'.,r•..•o:;,cywwir,t••�rwr:rFatvs� ...Cjj BtteO �.,,, iv+�rair•♦ •r l'.+•••••/,gip • i 1r. r�pi'j'4•Y'•riY:i�MYkA Y�`t i. V ' f (t7Y G;, 9.YriY if Yv.�. ,S �. G•. '•,•Y _.,YS iv,i ,..-, v1i�vvG4f�cd W1Y .. .atb,r.YY • Murra ,• . sec. -treasurer,. 'Mrs'.Richaxc? Baker;" assistant sec.-treas., Miss Winnifred . Ackert; • freer ,manager. Mr. ;Eldo.n Eckenswiller 'and assistant 'Mr. :Gorden ` McPherson; ' .program coin„ Mrs: 1Vesley .Thompson' Misr. IleneValid, Mr; Joseph Hod.gkinson'. :lunch,} coni , Mrs. Alfonso Murray ane Mrs. Wm. Jackson:' .The Clitli • wil, ripen the' season's entertainment wits •a dance.'this'•'Friday" evening, Nov.1 24th. Boundary for ; member thr; same as previous; years ' "The . I•Ioly'ro'oc1, •Worhen's Instituto are conducting a two :veeks'.'sewinpi class ,in .the. Township Iiall herr. under the supervision of Miss Philip 'of Toronto,' Al1,` ladies' are welconr to• •attend''witllou•t charge; even ,tit' y'ott are: not an: Inatitnieindinber, that is ergiiired, is -to Supply ,yoiti ,own material for a dress or atiythiitr,; you wish to , Make Glass in' after rioons ,froth 2 'to 4,30•. o'elbck; Tb;� :sae class will, be held at IKinlotigl When finished }fere. ' Miss '111:eid of Lnc1piottt is visitnir at present 'at Mr, track Robe's , Miss• til yiA rs spent- `Tiiti "ayili 'g" WAlter FTbt tae' lv>r ,afro MPs'i W,m� 1Jadie Doric at1�l l.,orhe , spentunday lirtclicil Gitlbertrs, loth ;con: r Mrs Louis 'ctrti'bull ryas a relent tyisrtoi~ vthwltis slate,:' Mia•,: ;Ttobort r, y"• • ti.irex ... w , II A.NEALTH' SERVICE'OF THE CANADIAN MEDT A:L •, ASSOCIATION AND UE,' INSURANCE COM'PANIES, • .IN CANADA DIET 'IN DISEASE • • e,,; e itr:o tc Ii -e `•body cannot be maintained without a ,properly b'al- ;,nc ail :diet:. The lack of any -one' ;of .ae food essentials from the diet ..ad's to' the loss of 'health" and ..to ' .i�tnal• dise`lase. • If ` some part of the body has.'be- •or.e diseased, then, `,as :part of the :treatment fo'r .thepatient, iould .be: used which Will : not .throw -.ley extra'. strain upon 'an alri� .' eady ,---- : eakened Or diseased organ thug • tcili.tating ; the recovery.'''' ;.of' that ]Stewart; . MacDonald' Albert Chin Jack .:Scott :. Billie 'Scott. Billie , Treleaven' Mervin r n Solomon the tree. to be held in he &lurch . n, - ,. G ki era 4 Culbert Friday, evening, t? ec'einber,'22nd. �' e ' • 1VIr:.,Alvin • Sherw4'od is'engaged. • to work'; wit7'i ; his uncle, Andrew . :Mr. , :.• arid r - Joe • Grans`on .: Sid M s. , 'h ' Mr' �• u • wit h".. nt S nd ' �daug'tersr_�rre-._�.M..�... �v._....� ail -- Mrs. John Kilpatrick. H REANDER E .. I✓ i r o • � h.e. late .M ss. M - The' -remains f t T s'aret` Campbell were 'laid: to;� rest in. ou ' Kinloss . cemetery'' on Thurs. ,day afternoon last.. Miss Camnl?ell • been -Jo ' ' r si ent Of. this has. a -life ng , e d community, and being -'of --such --a cheerful disposition: She w 11 " be 'greatly Missed "by. ell:. The community extends their deepest sympathy to call' her friends • Mx Ry McKay o. .6f: Ethel. `visited •frienda in'our burg last week Will ,ardner of s.Zio visited MrWn n nn' Thvr a v last with and Mrs W:'G: Reid • Ur: Will' Rolehas engaged: wi t h vtr_ Grant''McDiarmid of PaiYani;ount -for--the°winter. Woman in i�etrbatsaidn'lier 'Pius= hand• left .her th• ' reyears ago, .had' tailed. td • support he' or ,the- cliildren. :bed,' .beaten' • her before, ie left,'„ and: had taken . the nionev 'roar 'their• joirit 'acco tnt: - Anart ' from, :that he was a` ett ' ood• sort, of a',husband Pr yg ... 1 iia 0 rune WECAN SUPPLY ANv ,STYLE CARB4.N LEAF CA F; B O'NI BACK B FORE PLACING y(U ORbtR.•PHo.NE_ Lgd ., •Tµ S•ign of 1 c r Qu.�lii', iced. Ate' ILOw 1 1: 1 1 $obby `.Geoghegan Jack:• 'Parrish Boss .Henderson ndersan •, Russel .Button Raymond--i3ultitude• an Da Ivie•s Buster .,Whitby` .Ross ' Gammie'' '• Jackie :Graham D, ".nein Johnstone C.. l a tori . Hedging' ope` Y ns Richard 'Turner' Re ss Aenr Y Kenneth 'Webster: Webster ',Dan -glee pias . 1Vl:c'Ken drelc• George 'o rge _Bar"ger.: J nnrle Burn's.'. lu.s el Webb 'i!'fred • Mintz.. $illi .1e J.ewitt; •Geon :e Robi ' R' nso'� n, ,, . • RossP.aterson • Warre en 'QiTylds. . m>_e Webster. , ' !rid •Hackett -:• Gordon Weblr, • Sidney Cru►nlir: DEctsioNt RESERVED IN '•' YOUNG S SENTENCE APPEAii' Seeking:on ,appeaL`fia a ` "eniten= 'tiary' sentence for' . ,Gordon '1'oung :�' foo rmer Treasurer O `i' Huron C'qunty;,' :sentenced•, at Godcrich 'to 'twelve bionfi5 definite :'and six months . in- determinate for embeizltment ' and destruction: off books' and. records, be- fore the .Appellate' Court at. Osg!oodc Hall, Monday,,toseph 'Sedgivi•ck, K.Q.. of the A'ttoi ney.�Genei'alrs Depart 'tient oiiserv'cd, • that standardization of •sentences in criminal'eases war: `7iie. ot, the thing's. the Appellate' Courf Shouldconsider in reviewing • an T he' kidneys have•• the task of rid- o ingthe body d ' of much• Of, ''its'•*este atofial: Innephritis,. 'Bright's isease, the, kidneyi§not ableto o t tr atine 'o properly., ' The e 'an tin r. e n P. P y• "iueforeTaims to relieve'the'kid ne y siblen l,as os f as :.much of its.. bure P,. h g..: suited' ,There is no diet • which` i • The • �eas ah. cases ; of kidney d e. , honer •• diet 'in any'.' individual ;.'case ads•u on 'the nature and extent p p , t 410e -read -the =:i -- a le� :he, d seasei . P o P • %•41, foods are harm ful,' and '. they , i n art to live;on what the; tliinlc`ia • non-=acid' diet, without' even.knowing ' what; are the acid and "'what are th e Yr alkaline foods, a :matter ef fact, a, diet •made* , d,. 4of an excess'. of alkaline'.foods: i?, actually harmful, "and it is' certainly • not th . b e , fordama ed kidaced- e est diet damaged, y• net s. There should• be+a ',balanced' a. diet •:so 'that there is. no marked excess of either alkaline ".' or.:. acid • foods: A ,slight excess of' alkaline:•,' foods' is generally.desirable; • The acidfoods re:.meats,' poultry, fish• -}e st•an : he -P reals:-Alkaline- gg , ,a : t., , e foods .are the 'fruits' and vegetables:; Jt is a; surprise to t11any' people, .that the citrus' fruits leave an alkaline 'ash' after 'they are used • up"in "'the' - intended for. ,ineni with the' ni13:tfr*onni ill' CA. 4.r) Thornneon;, 1"r" Venlig; yoairsir Pr 'the, reinitter. -orehhetl, -;