HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-23, Page 3FINDODI
.'Nervousness Frequentllleadaclied
e•Nteralgia. reeling wcakes
of 'ep. •'
• : indigestion. • Sleeplessness. . .'
Appetite Mouth Acidity
Sour Stomach:; 1
, -
TAKE—f teaspito tuisof`
Phillips Milk"of Mag
1lesia in a glass of water.
every:morning when you'
" net• „up,Ta ,e; another
teaspoonful 30 tntnute;t'
after .eating. And'another
before you Qo' to bed. • :
OR -Take -the new.
Phillips MtlkoihlaQnesi.
Tablets one: tatla for :
•Rath, teaspoonful asda-..
It' you, have Acid„ Stomach don't.
• worry about it Follow the, simple
directions iven•" above..This small
!dosage of Phillips' Milk,of Magnesia,
• acts, ,q' slice t -o' neutralize. the acids
•that 'use headache; stomach pains
• and other. distress .Try. it. You'll
• feel like a new person. •
But—be careful:;• you' get REAL* -
milk of magnesia when you bny--
genuine- PHILLIPS' Milk of iVfn - 4
nest'. See that the name.. "PHIL::
�.; .•-•:'414.50,4N• TABLET FORM
• trash ,tiny tablet is the
equivalent of teaspoonful
Of `Genuine Phillips' Milk
of Magnesia.;
.. r• •» •. •,..+ MADFtit CANADA..
Pliii-flips' Milk of '�
TI A1/{.: 1.NIV6510t 5.
• r, .r
A Wonderful De►nonstra*
. N9L11in4! can be. Pisan delightful; than:the Italian Riviera ' wliclt 'rival&. In•
beauty its sister. •resort on tile; Frerncat
"'coast:of the 14fetliterranean It extends
from Ventimiglia aionnd •the; • half'
moon shaped. '( ii of L'enea. , .to the:
Italian naval haat). tit }Sliezlat,' .bout
'. hich•1 5111111 tell y on 0.nofher flans.
'tietitjar. the host• important ;poi t "111
Italy, if lot.• on the ,Medtiferranean is
situated' midway. -lin' this• crescent -like,
Shore..!: It" is the centre 'of tl}2 "two, Ri
vieras, that on gibe •east .being• known
as.the Riviera di: Levante and that to.
the w estzas the ilii iera,di Poriente. • It
is a•flne city and was, at 0110 time One.
of the •Meditel ranean ports •which dom-
inated the.' shipping of the world.' ,1n
the old town,• the; •network of. narrow
streets fascinate • the visitor, '.These
end alley -like. tltoroughfares, al-
though teeming -with humanity and
lined with,, business . places Mr eitheatr
i'"�ri;ompar,ed w.
lar'steeets',ih Naples •aiid other.places,
Genoa claims to be the• birthplace of
Christopher Columbus • 'and much in
terest is shown is his memory. Ie. a
little sonars there is to be •se.eii the re-
mains of,.,.a house,• covered -with a
reeper, .which is said to be ,all that
s: left of the :birtliplaee of .the: great
avigat.or. ' .A huge 'park schevnie is
now_ in progress __which. will_embod-y-
his little square../ iii a general
Ne • ;Egg Grad tri Re ul tion
1� g ,
l'he foundation o; ii iiioro,ntoslier,ene
p.. Y industry au•,'C.ailada. has>beeli
Iaid•: in "the • ameliclliient, `to tile egg
tradilig regulation.; •just'ann•ounced by
hie Depar.tment;of A• riciil(iir
s a , e. Con
••litions,•to-da.y' are vastlydifferent nt than
ilioieas �Arrxt; es
lablithed• in 1615-,' . ,Now, because; 'of
year.'s of 'edlicationat:• effort, our 'aver -
..egg produotieii .'s .of •in'
} nigh better
puality' than'., hen and'niarketin' con -
are; ti ns are, entirely.: different.. There-
for, to ensure'all .producers, .both :the.
average ; farmer , and: the• ”
poultry.: &pe-
gialist':being pa'id,acc'ordiltg :to quality",
The• De ar ' M
p . tmerit .Lias • Most *carefully
Aorkeli ,out.the•..:liatnes: now,
le in • effect
The :new.: regulations divide: eggs in-
10 four, •grades; A1,•A,_B.and• C. Alis_
•special gi;ade Which may only 'be
p . : ed, •by-proditcei�s-,w'liose flo k :•"' •
4 sate
inder.'govei nnlel)1. sIij)ervision. :Grade'.
Ll sizes the•:poultiyule lt girl ''
:of parks, -This "program e wil.
m l alcor-
sli..tiie' unsightly: • Houses that are • in:
the'.vicinity and .will: Provide ds "a. real
memori�ai .to. the. Man,
Whom ese
people „re ard: ass' h
l= t eir,irio t•
S prominent
native son;':;
C1"eu.ea;' '1st) ,lius4e Sses•; e ,
tri.,_ .line•s�
moniimeiital cemetery -in the world;
its.close;proxitnity to'the near:
bre guar:,
lies" at-Carii-ar'a; "makin •"m'ateria
. g l for
ntonumetits; veY 'cheap..'• Man. t
Y Scuip-•
tore; have :devoted their art to the h n--
dreds of pieces•'.an'd groans, of statuar
that. adorn. the corritlol•s.of this -
�• won•.
der[ul plaice. A `'visit• to; the' Campo
Santo is' aoG,relislied, by everyone :'but
you `can see there ,what is` undoub
... ,.. .led=•
ly,'tlie:tient co:lleetiofi of memorials
Mid .' you-can-nat help beii giinpressed
by 'the „yaiions•conceptions of gar_ r
thought -to be suiaable; either• bythe
sculptor; Or'hie. patrons.
to .tom tttgut •in "thd •.eentr'e o`f he
t city' ,the
plies: with the government regulations b,
in opportu:nity, to see:tir,e`the premium
'price 'to• which, he ,is entitled:.' Tliese
esulatious. regiuro:.'cleauliness; care
feeding 'and•inanligenieiit : of-,tli.e
Sock designed to .enSut e 'egg's•. of uiti=
fort-• '-
productirs Or. Marketing organization.
,,..,,s,apprpyeet.ny•the-IDep'artntent: This
•:...Minirituni weight...in this grade 'to.
Cold.; StOrige eggs eau ouly -,be :seld
wide ditch' and, it'S. it is nivally dry,' it
.• Seettis to us. to be a Waste pf ValUable
land. :We Were remarking; en this to."O•
us that' the .rii,e41,efteit oVernowe0; due,
• Shed ig the vicinity, We feit inclined
e et but had the
• •
Are; you. •looki.ng 1oi something
different In. the way of eiitertatu"'
Meet for; your,church"society,
,0111b of Instituter".,`
Cape F, •11. B,eid, the tvell.know,n w
traveller, who has risen coutrillutl
lug -Vie Series ,of" article�a , to this,
papor;,under the beading got "Travel^
lmpressiatis" has what, is: perhaps,
'the •' finest collection .of .Europea'ti'.
views in the country. Plcturea
taken with' his oivn caner', beaut •.
fully, coloured, slipn•itg some of the`
•Out=o1-tlie-way.. places, '"as well as.
the localities about which 'yeti have
"read and. heard, Portugal,: Spain,
France; Italy;,,Swit eiland, •Auatrla,
Jugoslavia, Hungat-y, Czechoslo
•vakia,, Germany, FIoliand, 13elgium
and British,;' Isles are included An
'his<pr#ique .collectyon.
vire "i.1ng• t 9 ..
communicate' with Captain.`. Reid at'
aoorii421„?3 !Adelaide, Street West;:
Coron.to, . •
proof ;within half •aa •hour of the tint
the question was asked.. We= were.
held : up at .a .level crossing—in, Italy
,the gates• do down whoa the,train is .
expected'. to arrive' ':and they remain
:down-'even-if'--the`•tra r is over h
aointimes cars, 'will wait at .a •revel
:crossing fog over an hour. :While.
'were waiting'a g en t
, tie ,rain began
in 'to• O e
Library in Lond,o
Over a Million V`oltimes:: of`
Non Fictjon to' be-' Housed
. 'The King and .Queen are••sotni to
open a, msglu8cent n'et ' library iii
'1'be ;51st building, ' 'thea• 11:atlo,Ilar
Central . Library in Io'et place;
Bloombbury, will "be• eapahle of hous
ins a 'million votuhes.
"• The library,' which was+ first `fgriu-'
ed: in 11001,1.)6.: has grown to tremendous.
ciimens-+.. During''1932 33 it• sup
plied no fewer than to
borrowers; and:. received 2OG'to°`1""O��apt,
plications'' day • r,
Noy •Fi'ction '
• -•The National, Central,. al.. I ibt arv• acts
as a •lending library.' for: Public
reties and Univer`,sity.i}hrariiee,all. over.:
•England. .;It also, lends ;books to. ter-.
eign countries and: boriows• from them,
• The Library is anon -fiction one; .It:
received . a,,,, Itoyal ,chanter in 1931,
and • gots". a small grant iron. the:
Governinent•'of £3000 (less •a tempo--
ary'reduction of ten per cent.) in• con-
nection with 'the: information depart-
•Ment and the compilation, of a Lata--
logue. .
• Among• the functions of the, library
is to supply. ou loan to a library,• or
or in
0o s' or study which cannot
tained� in any' other. way,!, also to ac• t.
as an' exchange or: Clearing heuse'for<
mutual loan; of'such books between
other 'libraries,. 'and to 'act. as' a' bur.=
eau ." of Bibliographieal •information
both,. for national, and. 'international
"The building, which, will house 'this
great library, • is:1 ,six storeys high,
as--an�arca-of SO;000'square: feet," -and
has cost ovef • £50,000 ";to build.
` Y.
The money bas',been provided by
he Carnegie'.United''King-ne
King -nem; Trus;•
Buy ;Chewing tobacco
the, same way you. do
farm implements.: , p
.fall, • shortly afterwardsi followedby t
a, smart.shower and, :in ai ew•: inutes
'we saw_ tlr
e miracle of the...Riling, of the ,
huge river bed.. :bown;thesidesof.the
;hills casae, tiny, •streams s
.. , � it}a1i'' water-,
:falls and daslii'ng torrents -=it •was al-
mos't, unbeli
eiable. '�-�Huge ' b:opld'ei's .•
were; torn 'from' th " at
e ,hi.11side;.�'seetions;
of the .roadway were washer'o to
�• t ,ut and,
almost,; i:mmed.iately;, gangs of :men set'
to work --to' T.h
•iiXa�te temporary 'repairs,• ,
The :riverhed, ,which a o �'
h i - time ;be-.
re •was parched became. the, recep
tacle •.;for t. rus bi
hui potty' • et:Water,
.etnptyi lg,: itself' into the.; 112
ra, nean ;and .changing` ti a color: or' the
water,. near' the!shore, $.oi
,• .. , I n "a -brilliant:
blue -to- _
rtfudd :.6
Y.g Y We,iveretold
that the river: Would soon
resume its
dr a e ,-ter•
rent s=like, this; it was a great sluice
'for controlling, what. wo` ii
u l otlierivise,
• 1"-::"i
_Ai .
. r $ ace `'folr•.
Space Fowls
(`hi�kPn i•e f:hp• t:... .
b n a pin of, ail -.-i.,,,,;
mute, or 1.2 •'Cubic • feet per .hour.
t i Falcula
s te�d'tliat. each bird� requires
:least 40' ' q }
cubic .feet of air .per' hour
Obviate: the "d'eleterious ' effect of,
arbon ' dioxide in •'the" breathed air.
e air requirement =
„ of . a m eiltvin fowl
eighing• •about ' 4.5 poundsseethe to
e much the same as that 'of a
' large.
be aflood in the eitY,.
It. Wee .a strange Coincidence,' , ”
after .it was Over; , we a.npreciated'the t%,
Next week; I 'Should like ite-: tell yOu lig
pples' Onions, •
Carrots', hlsy;.'straw,. Oats., arid other
en iepyingti state:
quantity, grade•and.;yoi i lowest •price,
to Produce.Deiit:, 'Yale Fuel' Company,
" ock Ate and. C.N.R•, .Toronto,
ontends `Eyes Do
. • Not Show Emotiion
\Vashingtofi Don't look,fol- a "love-
lit ;in her :eyes, because;' the eyes
not •have• it, says Dr..Knight`.1)un-
lane::Professor• of Psychology, at Johns
Hopkins University:
Site ,tnay have a love_twi" iq�iies;
Mips, however:' .. . •
Dr. Dunlap'. has . Iter n •nialfiing t-`
•.peiinienfs H-hirh ii-Ieliide pliotogtaplt-
,.p:ersons• :hi .'diverse • emotiolai.
states- such •ae'when smelling a,'de,�a.d-
rai telling a'funny,stery •or'•he 1 -ins
on' unexpeeted_pisto.l• shot:
Each `picture; was dominated by the
expression'.' of ...the. mouth,. ; .lie •said:'
reeen`.tly. The, eyes show.ing`.nothing
of th,p';individual.'s •emotion•,
a out the blind geographer. of 'Vichy.
ounces. to: the -dozen,: ,,,potatorage
eigag'stit011er,•:tha.n. •22.:;ounees to the -
dozen 'are :classed. tir..C.grade,
d' Soiled 'eggs hot :Perinitted to he!
graded grades1 A• and but which
are not .n.b.fit: fdr-hurnan.cotratrmntion.•,
candling" and egg. Weight
for :Marking With' th'e 'Artie giad,erf011'
egg offeied for Sale,..'
of' much -study: by the Department and
keting :et; Canada's nioat
Abe.. 'Buebstope• Brewrie :Research
De. D.D:Dennis'1..iquid
Prtecription, 'made and
'Perin of the Itoirel, -college '
'fatte4 is':what,.yott'.will be asking. :Let.
Very.iniich•.,:::hlver,yrhing.seenied •a-
;Ilothing'wotil4 fit Me cemfortably,:.and
'Walking Was. Unbearable.. tvqs gb-
ilia:40f fat Now:40r the last -.6 Months bee
better in :health,.. au, Nei
in, the. 'waters Of$those-fattigni• Bare. keg
"-You gain :new 'strength :and
Whales Aire :Shilnkini,
litt by the de'pression:, "They are
altangsitidende! ".
70:feet and below, which. then rep7
the 'seasoo,. 1031-32 represented :no
ger.,thati-85 •feet, :Which 1026-.27•
re'setited 22 31 per Cent. ,of
is adjacent, to the houso, of, 'Clharle.s
Darwin ai Downe, Kent; England,
:presented to„ the_ nation by., the Seine
. It !s intended to make eXaet attidies
:the understanditig Of malignant mill
other . abnormal growths seenrs
Possible; For tide 'purpose the:: fiunw
Will breed sheep, cattle,: and the tisuel
frIrin,•steekrienckft-tt-littddock will he
a emall ' herd of deer, the growth of
Whose antlers will be:•ineaSured with
Candi and Gasoline
1MIngle in -Train Wrec
destined' to, litl ,the stockings . of
line and, general inerALtil (Ilse in the.
railWitY yards hero-- afterrilath ‘,:of
Hen-et:tips' ,on the known, prin.' ',freight wree ,iv '16'. box • cars ;
Caged the .011040 .bt. the 'iveStbotitid
freight, hilt Was'. net "
ears Irental 444 'On traell and'
'through huge brealis rind. Pendlig:..
car raitinted into t the freight Shed'
sited- it....ttONOiti
ciple of individual rieSte, et, th4 it is.
als.9‘ be installed to provide' individu-
ally identified ,and Marked .:eggs for
the college'St,reseal:',Ch wdrkers -Study-
big the growth of bone thrOtIgh tisauev-
ctiItUre.•:24he cultivation. Of living cells
"The noW•eg'g grading regtilat inns aro'
great 'benefit to Prodiztler8 and .the
Il'aiideo Egg :•Oiietlitig (land,
rt :ita tow, to, what yen ora'biltitled-rr.
You Need
At all good Drug & Dept. Stores
Sales Avents: Harold F. Ritchie
fo r th a money. There's
longer Iasting, icher.
flavour in Club
ing Tobacco`
e stab
$ pQ II
-'Can• Anything . 'tie more *Mag 'foe
women than " . theseless, ' round . of •
household, duties? Yeu �ive • do time to.
a' sick' :
bou :are `
.: Hred.... ailing
_ Q
w• ., /et cannot - stop. ',lime conies u;time
en one
yourself •simply worn oast.
Lydia , 8, `Plnkbam's Vegetable, Com. •
, ' pound sill' help you. its tonic. actlpsi wlil •
'give you renewed strength. and will' Inaba
Your deil, tasks seem, easter to you.
'18 out of e`9ery'100 women.who report,
to us say. that they are benefited by this
;medicine. Buy 'ti bottle - trona your drug.'
gist today. and watch
ai the' teeulit►.
Bu T i.
s ax, to Get
Roorn=F- -
or dead
Lt�n .Le d.•e .N.Y. •B .r
Buys .1919 Model in:.' ''
low -slung!' atit.Pitiobileer With. little -.or.,
don tax,leab.;t129:44attifirie- WO.: over -
The 7 apii.earaiica: of,, the:
.1410 with: bigh ,•poOP-deck;
..81 WheelhaVelinrid.riihher. 'hark
Meter tick Merrily': away itt.,'shillingS:
11:1! 1.1ne.11,.,icOP•otesl intro:ft that no, s?,3P7alr',e,wt 1111 ght!,' .,lieeortle.: °TilhldI
f eat Croi3
;:inallest 'esti-.
14,;„ placed the, western .at 261, -
Crain. Co.; Ltd,s; ufter
000,000 bushers on Apt, l; •reduCed
this lign-,ro a week ago to .,247;000,000.
dally 'froth northern' .ftreaa:tof Alberto
and 'Sas'ictiCelieWan..are said ill be till -
The grain deniers' ',Iistlinate..•hoWi
ever, ,is basIni' on its own a'Crengc ligow
000,00 acres' Ipss.: than ativeirunient
for the Week. ended ()et; 2/ "file tleaseil
by 4,2011654 hUgiCIS Vetupared.with
•the previous N.!: eek, it is reptkted
the .Dorninion lluieau r),!, Statistics.,
The supply' Of wheaC\vas
O with a revised figure kir ,Iry4.,40.68
,..1 si . , dv 1st . :
as �ied A , ort _Ing.:
established retail•:.; lumber'• bust-
nesses; :located -in :one of'the :best tuwna
Iii Ontario; 'planing mill''In-.connection:;
very little opposition ;'good reason for
selling'' does not 'require much cash out '
'lay. Appl• es Se, Room 121,•.73,. Ade--
.. --Onto.` . -
stERC8A . a .
stres' daily,- Using . ':UIYITSITAI: ' '
A�. Q g ,C
i?V]rRTISxNG CONTESTS." et -x c n
Ti r .
tests sent °. 1.00'. ' tia�r ':T,. ;Pe a5e,.. •
St Clair, Chatham;'„Ontario.•
• PURst
QU E. E C: _ NIIN:K--V'ERF' `: 1'51 E
'tock;, . Prices on request. ,Belphis'
Eedard,. Thetford 'Mines,;Que. .
, .. A d ..
E iIAA E eIls or'. 3to0 sod.coni.-.
. c ,8 f : ,g
mission. Write A'oton:Tool and:SX•unp-
, Co • T j ntte,i a?.e Irr+Ynt "Street :East,
' 41st :of, wante' triventiona and ,full
Penn. World 'Patent A.tt-ititiy-S., 2'7,3
SALESMEN.:111,7r =ma
'wet start Yen in a EiefitSble;
..diere"d s, line. that • yOu eon. sell t,o
almost every store. Beautifully-ea:rot=
:po.• cut-throat 'cOmPetition.., You can
make a trY, Mit with :as,. little as: two
stomach whdther they knQW I. or not.,
Pains after. eating, belching:. gas and ,
bloating are all signs of tob trawl acid: ,
•in. three Any -druggist Wilt tell
papatiori; trr it takes so little 'iof it to tom: .
. 'far less. these 'der Other, PreparStion.
i** Jose' 'itvel;tteinistekiitife-ielier7Tiqr 'if &Sea
Aver isn't politiOltitSdtillY Ord ".•
bile into. yout bowels. Diumtlim and .etiininetioa
*414 'otitir bowelatlgtroritsg Mu' real •'
table.' ,htirstl oeloinel (Mercury), Safe. Sate:.
Ask fOr there'. Iv, hetet 'ftettite