HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-16, Page 81
rjtha ven ean
Woaltex. •and Pure Wool. .No In all"white, short sleeves and
Bleeveli and with Short sleeves 7 knee. length.
'Ladies" BIOOmers and. Panties..
Woltet ;and all wool. Extra
&Topa. • •
Red, Nivy lirOWn and' Tans
Isediese • and Clildien's .. Cape:
skin Groves. Lined Cape, skim
Colors dark brown and black.
For the' well idreissed" woman
misS, Yin" Must. eee 'these ter
aPPredate their-,Wartittls sit4.
. •
'ale Of 'Coa.ts 84 'bresses; - v. 2
Ivoi!Ews p*OwN:,CA4F TIps.
Local & G eneral WEDDING RELLS
.' Mr, and :,MrS. W. A. Pertemis„ and
lgaqL4ot Ny,ptp, "week -end visitors in. The lu'arriage of lv•IiSs,. Rath E.
Toronto, ' • daOghter-Of Mr: and Mrs.
•SALE Q.1f4Ta2-Fricrav Sind Collins, Purple 'Or24ve; surf, igr.
Satordays, IslaYenlher,17,thr and T8th .,Geor'gq,..,g.: 'ion ,of and
B. Robertson. , • • Mrs.S-John. CelWell",., • rood; ,was
Mrs.. Minnie Horne,, spent the past quietlyT solemnized: at ' th4, .rectory,
week: visiting, with .srelatives .Bervie,* Saturclair, /1:9Venaher
Kingsville and ;Detroit.... at, Rev, W. Hall officiating. Vs
Mr T 4: 'PAgEM 4ocr. daughter TI;a:bude•were,o eharming ankle, s
yats:Y.:a.ton4iiiiA are Visiting friends
7 , 1enth gown" of...rnaiie organdie, and •
esspe with sapphire blue•Velyet trims'
Ms Thomas .:Aitchison has been
i -in
1n Windsor the Past sisee.le, 'liden'ogrg!I''w*oireL
: wore .11:1'"U.st'ilsi!'.914.ae".'smatronea. de'•P:°
tise;CriticaI illness of her sister, Mrs. ' • " • • s,_
• • ' Sl'he groom. was .."PoPporLea or, Pis .•
• cousin Mr Lynn Fag. Following thes •
A meeting' Of the, W. C. '11.. . • •
, , U•
be h1d at t bome Qt3Mra R 'iand graara left
'Me.Nab on Friday afternoon, at three for Tc161it° aPd, Hamilton.
0,ojek„, , - •• tsayeiliussoress was of manilla•hiown
Lind, relatives here this Vireek.• •
. • • satin trimmed with :oral velvet. A
Deug,las- MacD-CMald,' student I at Dundee green ,euat, browushat ,upd
ilex College, :Toronto; spent. e
L4send. with his parents, Rev. and brown sic ssories cher
coStume.On their return Mr. and
Mrs.',CsNI.I. MacDonald.
._Mrs. Colwell will live -at I3ervie, Ora,
. '
Miss Fi-snees Siddall returned to where they will receive the felicita-
., Fraces
Toronto on,'Satilidey, accompanied by 'Liens of their numerous friends.
her Mother; Mrs.. G. A. Stddall,. whb *.,, ,
0.4S4.4,ovtnild, 11MI,
Five- Roses Baking Co test
S„,%1411..ON.,. VOW .,,', !, • • • 1 1 ; • • 1, • e • !*",
FOR . ; • f: • 1..• ! ; • • ; • • • • • • 1 • • • ‘!,• • • 25!e•
1ILBPOWDERIPOUND TIN .s. • ; • • ,:.• . • • • • : • • •..15s. :
CLOTHES -PINS, 2 .D02, ; ; • • • . • . : • • • .;•"••
(-WART 15c-
SANIFIX .SI-f.si*t• • • • • si • • • .• s; • • • • • • • • • • •'. • • ". • • • : • '29e '
HEINTZ srl'OMATO' 'SOUP.. 3 FOR . ..25c
IIBINTZ LARGE , • ., 19e
_ „ ,
TOMATO,Iy!CE 3 CANS.;„ .., • ;....
Open's ThisWeek
Local Group Promote This Indoor
Recreational Sport-- Play Coni:•,
nlences- :This, „Week With Courts
•Aveilable All Day and Evening -
Open To Everysine This :Week,
The Missionand' et" the:, Untied. The: home of r. David Alton, '.Badniintofs: an' indoor, winter sport,
Church will hold their Thankeffering,' concession IA? West•Wawallosh,' Was which ha's 'become • quite popular of
meeting ifi, the School room of . the the scene of bxetty autumn wedd-' late, is introduced in Lneknow this
church on Friday evening, NoVeinbei ing_ at Isigh nopp on Saturday, Nov--; week. A doablecourt, to accoModate
24, at 7.45.,.--2-- ' ember ili when his younger daugh:- fear plaYers, has been provided in
ROY Cole and son Bad arrived here 'ter,: Mary. Catherine Elizabeth (Bet1;) llie Congrals Block and. will be :open
ted in the bonds of holYnlat-:, to railtibers durint . he .' ensuing
frOm the West to visit the former's
was ' united
narentSS Roy .has. now 'returned. to rinfoni'" te Wilfred Winston . Sherwin; r. onths; any time duringthe day as
yel1. as in the evening...-. ".
.plierwin of Orene:.: To the strains. Of
:the: Bridal: Choi:lit frOra Lehengrin;
played. tly..Mrs. Willikun' Alton: sister
of :the ride, the 'winsome
bride entered :the idrawiag'sreefir -"On
the arm ofherfather,',bY whonisshe
was given: in 'marriage, and leeksher,
West While: here '.he', visited friends. -younger „son,. of Mr., and Mrs. Walter
Bervie and. IChielirdine.
Mrs. Elliott .Miller leaves aeon for
Windsor, 'where she :has secured
employment` Her, residence shere is
'advertised for trent with possession
possible it, once.
ri•-and-Mrs;---Wis-sis•-jane,--IVIs.--place-i-beforeLan,-areh f v rgrOen&'
Matt Gemmel and Mr Ben Logan prettily , decorated With maple leaves -Ise interested in the ga e Te courtas
inotored to• 1.ondon: on' Mondair. 16..S. rich ,•autumn celerings sand ' pine' Will, open thia..weelc.
Thi § unfainiliar to maty
.its resembles tennis, d'kbod 'deal
rad .is Played • 'with racketts arni
shuttles's ,Racquets be :proVided
for PlaYers .not wishing to, purchase
their own and during the first wreeh.
of Operation the ;:court's may -he uded.
free of . charge to. anyOpe-• who. "iniklit
, .
- Municipal Mutterings Only -A Whis-
per With 'NOisination Days Only.
" A Week. Hence.
-De ° iir' a. h f Ths expenses of the :clab'As\iy •sur.p II: a
epartment las- notified; until' fur- les' an t e er .
The townships .of West Wasvanosh.
•and Ashfield will again 'followthe
procedure of the • last few Years. and
".:estels.: held, :their
1afi„,.F4day ot,Neveinher, which.fallS
on the '24th; :ti'sSeek from ,to -morrow
In event of eleetions these as usua'
be held the first Monday...in De--
. ,
teinber, Which is the 4th; • •.
. ,
BuSy farmers have probably .0/en
little thought during past i*eekstc
such Matters and but .meagre e1ej-
talk li•eiteries our ears; although.
.itis in effect:that:election* are loom -
sing : in both; townships. In ' Witwanosh
last year, the . Reeve, :and: Council
:Stood an. election and. the" entire body
was returned to Otcp, for: another
sterm ,[without exception .; The ehiei
!"bones of contention in WassanOsh:laSt'
. , . -
year, as. Is general :an: all . Munici-
...Palitiefi;; were , the manner in Which
• road :work was 'alotted and tarx.
.IW -the efferts.: Of . the 'muniCipal
'...tatheres, hive, been
:rah these ,ProbleinsIS 4.111'be 'evident
•flt the neininatiOn.." West WaWinesh
Council is toMprisied of , Reeve ", Win.
1. Stewart,: and, • councillors Ton!
714b4ter;JOhn Me.4uillin, Cairns Aft-
• chi**. and. Albqt,Garnniie. .:
"Withi a nuiels chned _ersonell• m
P '
the -Ashfield ..cianneil :this year's.: »eV('
Oiernhera will hear 46r the -first tnn
.,,wh*„; the •:rateuayers 'think 0±. their
efforts; Attiring the' year. 4, election
but ,Whether. thri. Mater,
Ialiteit :or not iis doubtful, aS"..rete,
ayer'S May be; anXtotis to :.eSeit,pe ,the
?esti of Bach.' Tax. .levys• 'bave reL
hd' frail last: Year in"
, . „ , •
Certain ssuarterft Of the Township am'
, • •
tbia appear); t� 'be•thegrietipst for thi
"election talk.: ' , •
was': cOmprised
rthiS Year Of 'Reeve Murdoch Mathes
SiOn. Who took Over the, reeiieShin'
'defeating. the former reeVe,..
McKenzie Richard johnsion density
. reeve bysobonntion and ,COuneillOrS
and :Seth .Sherwebd,' the- two. fornier
CotificillOrS being. new men on' :the
Board this .year.
New Kratting,,,,Wools end Yarns;
• s ,
still selling at the old, priees.s.---THE'
......,-,...,-.;,..„1YearZ.Madaaee.„.,,exe,ille *Ott,
;frein SC1100i ') in
64, trilti; and. by doing sanierYetiNtill
• greatly Ohtige. '''YourEi truly, 'Uri.
sL.,ane wili reniain for a week's visit cones. ,she looked . charming • in a 'The-nuTtbersluP `• fee la° $4.°° VeY
'Wirth Nfrs...Saul g°*11 .eiShell, silk net :enibroid-_ inemberS,with Special' familY ,rate.
press , eres‘ in silk crepe, and, shit..., :wore aitA'lli:nben'.ThlbaeYr's's.,13,0e,,I.taba.era,,,eedenioreniftaele),,P1IY:niP:.
s ' ' veil of white silk; embroidered * net o
For ;the first time in many months . nge, ,b1oss inns she expected thatseffleient Members w111' taught ,vvith. • ora
the -Canadian dollar ; reached:a -
•alightlyso,'.:60iar assstb sus:: sti'g earriedstarranian..roses with 3 '11:1"e a.•
Women's Styligh ,t9Afis
Beautiful Materials, Luxurious
fOrs;---The'Season's 's lie4;
Oltek; Browns, :Greeos,, Wing
and Tweed ;effects; all richly
trinuned with high. grade: Silky
flurs-,os ' Natural stud,. Blue
Wolf -Natural. .and
•E'rench Beaver; •BlaCi•Seali-'etc
Also .Sisnie „smart -Traver COsits.
• ivithout Alron.
s.Pie• Less 20%,to .1{2 'Orf
'During' King's 7 Day .Novem.-
ber Sale of New' Ready -6., •
Weir ..Gitiments. , Pick Yew'
•style" and,:alze. early to avod
:disapPointineti -
„B.-s1We're.• all' ready. t�
yea with • Christmas Shopping.
. n trier notice, that „n America t
e wa a o sia the, end 44".; the . yearswill_be. refunded.
ttee y
A somehat different but Richards. as bridesmaid,ned in
s the members while it is nocier
. go '
factory ethod of procedure was stood that should the Club ens! ut
be accepted at PostsOffices:
, ,
Mr. Harvey Nay"in the'red"; the menibere-Wilfsbe
lor and Miss Dun-
ing of. London, spent the week -end
with the former's mother her
yellow silk organdie .with picture hat
'and matching aecessetries, , and. she
carried -a: bouquet
ortof roses: The 13 -ride -
groom .was supped ' by
further -sisseasecl to makegood th's
the, High 'School,. Literary , Society,
followed iti the election of officers for,
L:Tifited .tO. ferm a : Npminating eons- ied , them to Goderich, where she'. is The 'idea roirioting
VL,as conceived:43y members . of thr
One spapil frein each form,: was: "ap-. their. return' Mrs: -:•Naylor siteccitiMan-- b L d M t
' • ' " \ riski n g this Week Arnold. Alton.' niplfeW. ofthe.' bride,
„ , earryips• .s. -slits staffs .porkrises 'tb-e Yosieg, Men'S Class. of the Unite
inittee;-.,jeSsle MacRae A.Udiey Hen- . • • • ' •
, .
• ' 1 inely and 1 i " 'grit(Thursday( s performed' -b
ii ear. ,,s e • cer 0 y , . ,. , , . :
er mil ' eis_a-' Cluir.cli. ilowever, the club ie.itrictly
a ersoll, -Frank MacKenzie and Edwin '1,teneu31% the Ilebehali Social,. duties.. of ri a:Lb " .1
, . , , ,, • ,
Haswell were those elected for this ri . - --nienomnet nal and opento. all.
dance to..--ni we ,y Reis S.. llt. T cker,
' u no io '
• • ' , • . ' 'Weather- cenditions have resulted in pastor . of 'Isoekriow sisnite,d. cb"4-reis ren 'desiring to jein, The club also
pans, n admitting to iti m, emberoininittee-,
At-La:...-c.C3innsittee t .. ' ' he e..socia. sbeing held .in the T. 0. . s. arm; ., e sivning ,o e- register,
ssspi.._:4s. manyiate_ ... s " 'e es
; s --"Inee ing-""`"b se "Trall. Taff& thaii"-ii-the-t .6)".sH-11-fill-L. ifiss-s-Myrtle-Webs•terssof---Wellesley-
. . . comodated .: without-. e-sowding, .thr.
sopts .framed, a, ,a, es: en an el- , very ody. welcome.. Admission 25c. eang. very sweetlyS' .
sedon „ by ballot" was :heldin 451,41 ,Tiie., ' annual tia:e.ukseff- eri.ogTyjnowin...6: . .- i. :CoUrts and the executiveis desirou§
congratu ations,.... t he ' •
form Which•reaulted in'. the 'following' • s s' ' guest,s. nurnberings:'abent . Aftsk: en.171 us . -
. ing of 'the W; M.S. of tile PieSbY•ters- : • - -• tho§e plefi -oh!jOiriing the pub .
' "
students ..being ..elected : •' ' ., -. ' " ..', isn Church' Was held at AO' SuadaV paired to .the • siming7r, om. r. ere. a .
:. The., execative.is • composed 'of. Dr.
' President-,:•NorVel' Richards, ..i,riee, 'eses;oi 'psisiss - when: Russ Kenneth. ' ,auniptooPs • *Adding ....repeat .7.,:. ,,, k.,, Tre,,,,,,, ,r.., ,,,,,,,,.. v. Johnston
preSident."--Elarold -Greer; pianist -S.= McLean, of '",is...issossiss's,s.., , as : .,,,,,..t served The bridegro.cim's :gift. to
Eunice ..NCv'ten; secretary -Margaret ..or,,essisvro•osese. 4:74.--.1,711.77:e;s-ise's-e'r-s bride Was e 'Cabinet of silver; te. the W.,._.'''-' C°,,.11.1.,,'S' (;••rtiall.' ''.‘iSilar. a*1
Maeltenzie; treasurer,NeilY Todd;' ' bridesmaid ::and soloist, silver .' coin ' Ale'c' 1Y1...a,a!'enzie.'
representatives, Eiorni"..IHi..".e.ici%'-1..1714u9et:.1.43,7 mill.i:s.111.6r: Myra:b.the chclir ' and 9 taeta; lie the'..ergariist; assalsei ..t.i..syT,
term- rePresMcDonald and •
*hi; ilutisy01; ,P.0,0#1Y Grail:amt.' forth :tell ' '..s ..,. .:: . and ..tii ;the keo.iiisrrfoli-;'. .$1 .eliti):Y-
Minier Tagged Geese
Killed Near Lochalsh
IT -Robert mooKenzie, Audrey Hen-, eRobertson were well teeetsred. .dreseirm
cage. For traVelling the
derson; roan Ills -Rath Parks!!
Frank' -MacKenzie; . form •TV.4.ebli
Carruthers,,, Dorothy " Miller.
Notice of the first ineeting will
appear ,in the paPer later.-Seey.•
... •
.The ..Nevember. m.eetingsof.the W� -
men's Institute which
:0•J3eelth: DaSi'‘,.WaS!'lield at the
:hOme.-of the
president, M.A.; posit:lags'thechair
The:roll tall. was • answered, by. ...My
mosnlest hom e, tenaed.y". A splendid
rerfort. f the .convention :held • St
,KinCertEne was' given by 'Mrs... it:
ThOtripSon."' Dv. Johnston ' an,
'interest's(); ...Orid" inatriiCtive ,address
On , qlealth.''.' A reading. was contri-
buted :.by 'Mit:. land . a
Vecal :Selo- bP'Mrs. P gt4*#idc.all
:of Which 'was 'Mach appreciated :and
eisjoVed. 'A:Special feature
'Community genet'
Car Appreciated
Harry Cranes. .of .Coleville; Saskat-
chewan, Sends :.Thanks-r-Tir.s".Thia.
shortitslonevinOonss-iMrs ---and-, Mrs -
Community For Car Of Fruit and • .
; • s Sherwin will reside at Orono.
bride donned a black satin dress
triinmed 'with flaile silk Velvet,is
black Coat with grey MuSkrat Collar
and trimmings, a chic black felt hat
with white and red trimming, with
and accesteries' were black. After r
veil ind,, scarf t�. mateh s
. Her hoes
'The flillowingsretter ,'was "recently 14.5CKNOW co.L0
receiyed MK Rev. S. T. Tacker, and HEA.DS, I3RUCE ASSOCIATION
conveys 'the gratitiide and -apprecia- • • • ..
tion Of, 'the. people of ,the Oakdale freq.pentlY. Ireceive welcome
district, .to. this • community,. for the articles from, •Westen ,Papers '
t' played in making DosSible the 'Cording activities of Bruce Old Boy
Shipment:, " • Associations for in each el. the four
Coreville Sa province4 there are shriller
Ney..4t1i, 193,?, orgenisations. These ' -"fraternities'
Rev .' S. T. Tucker, ,• .;frord an ;opportunity fdr 'termer
LOcknoss,•Ontario ,ruceites to renew old ac ua tense
Dear Bro.' tucker,' : and ,spend social eyenirigs'. in, an at-.
9Thn-.Car of vegetables. and froi+ moSphere of hid:Aisne hospitality,
, .
which the people' of Lnektiow. , and, :sheti • reminiseenSing bring. ' bask'
deMonstration on "Making a bed for .sarroaniling: country ...Sent.. West; ir Shmiglita of happy moments" in the
the sick" 'which was sktlY given by; .tived at ' Colville:' on • Oetober, ,31st. .not.zfortotten plac.,e f birth.
Mrs Caniphell
Thottipaori... in a eons WAS was opened,sind distributed. The, rnest reeent Meeting Was held.
test "DrinkS irrvalids" the Prize Pe Peeple 'Of . Oakdale 'Regina., When, 0;-Yille, a Lapis-
lor Went . to 'Mrs. .DOliglai. ,A. ; Vete O. S.,.°: g2,q on WednesdaYs,htev, ist, ' now' .Old , bey, was:, elected president
thanks., was: ' e7tended, te.' Mrs, Zap. :, If the people; could have heard 'OS: of., the. 'Alberta- Trrtiee Old toyS'' nivl
. ,. . . , , , , ., . . •• .
for the nag: of her hOMe and to 'all .eklitesisiotis.. ofgratitude and appre-' Old, dills,: .Aegoetation....*1§leal' hen,'
,who had taken Part . In.lbe,,trogrhni,...eiatton .fiOtO, "those Who received the or ,greeted.hini" Wriciti'•he tose•to saY
At the c1eft:0..0f .tl•A trie4Ingr'refiCeslis• Oita, they 'wOuldhave been repaid .1.)0W!'proadtySte WOUld1Wesii.h.iS new
Mesita; WereServed, .., S s: 4....,. • ... '. . for the sadrifiee' and .service Which••,,the .lintrels;
.ear:- .repreSented.-• • We had ' .enongli; Presbyterian,' y, , W. , ,A, ..
. fruit, to give .te, all wise. 'Caine; , and .i‘ . ; Tiles: .reguler . 'meg* . meeting:. ,e.
•PURPLE Gitovt fe* bags left aver t� giVe to ahv t1,eY,W. A., was, held' sit„ the ;in ana
'whose. requests •thaif he ;delayed. '.sith. a good attendance. With Mi'a
migs ,mArkdret ,p...dbet§on spent T canassure yoii.tilitit. the gift 'Was McGill in the chair, the meeting
the vetc-end at her ,home here. fully appreciated andwo trust tha4 opened 1/y singing Pselin 38 'followed
e 14e'illitettirttin; tr.rafer:-VaS-'OireVed-"hr
:"134`11.014144e11(1WP1110410.-id•--gOadWill-:-11:17-.;-SeSilltitrOr 1117,mb _L
A: 'MacLennan ' Commonicat„ed
With J'ask Miner. Upon Bringing
Dori A .Canada , GOOSe ; Bearing
Thu `Miner Tat.
" •
• ' ,
, s-Mitersensoin;s4;;LOchalslis.
-Whi.);31•Oat. shooting regentlyr,..
canada -,gobse; :and, 'en examining, it
found „.altiininifirs'.. tag ,on one leg
bearingThe. following words"Writ
Jacks ,',Mines,. • ' Ontario::
it is , gerierallY
known Z owner of the bird setiettiary.
at 'Kingsville; ,• taga all: ,daelfS
geese a04. other, migratory birds that
+talt:. tilt§ sanetuery„ se that .The may
.stOdy.' their. routes of nugrator and
"alSO low Ring .they live. %furthermore
it gives Jack Mifie:r fullinformation
as to . the previncei.andatafedialliiii
the greatest nOMber birdS; 'how
long they .stay..in the•United !States
, , „. .
and ho -ss long theYsrettain in Canada,
All :such, re`cords aresgiVert ,to .the.
Canadian goVernthent to use 'Sfer
edUcationals purpOses., ,
- The geese :brOuglit'stlOWn MSS
MadLen.nan 'Was tagged' 4:':iear-. ago
int1ie'fall of 32. All tags on,iduCkS
end geese have printed !on, One 'side
is by', no :means. a religious fanitie
voi7•o Scripture. Jack, gmor,
bat claims to be a stristig!' believer in
OOd's. Word and .ases the fOwISI of ths
o spree • Script ra .passage.
been fhe
Meetih Of Many a Bible being opene?
by Men :who had' searcely eve r reed
the Seripttires"., • • ,
,Tack Miner is &spoor. lians„,13natt-,
hia whole time to' the ,otni:Iy. ••et bird.
lite;'hnt has, evety' .0oht
:frioiley-h'e-noge-dorto -tea and eao
Mr. Jose Carruth
Passes In Ha.rristori
'aS.. Talented. 'Magician - Served
•i"Oierseas•-s-family. Resided Here.
Follovting an illnesS' of two weeks,
,the .death 'occurred at Harriston on
Sattirday,..,/,...T.septi Carruth, .' in,
ias: 68th ybar. Mr.„ CatruthspeW ser-
vice overseas „sand ':dating that tithe
ondler: Perip4. folloWing. the famuly
mailihentered- the furriitare
',wbote Ale was 'i
sialued...member of the He' Furnit. e
.03.mliany.: ,Claci workedkt.
vine; Winghams Galt ....and
fluelph. In.1894 he :WaS.., married ' tO
'Emily. • MCLeal. Of .
prddeeenaeci.'hish in 19:30.
The deceased-Sefilisted . with the' f.
TGlat' ,:"gaing to :England
where be was transferred te. the 11
C.R....17„; and sftveds.for•.two. years in
France: Upon his return eni-
ploYed at the"Gsielph Piano.Company,
la terl'going." to •.Galt, : 11.7tf
Mr. "CarruthsWassa",,f01,efsted-nitiZr-s,
of the }rants
elan etu was a .mem • -
...,villes•.Galt-KlitiebrAlliaS'aild':Gtielph; •
He: iauriea
Afris it..,AitClirsed;:.•11rarristons
Hackett; Blyth s Hattie. Harriatoil.;
Two aonai!frederic1C. of 'liondon'. and
.Arthtir of ListoWel,. alai) survive. The,
6 -neral. ;WAS' -held', T.
, 0.0 .hcime of ,his
rarn6%t Aitehir4en, .
toth ,rntitle • hi S hOmes•fer.: the, sPast„
three. 'years. Interment' Was ;made- inS
ths, Win gh ans 'cemetery. ;
. Mr: SPlonms Aitchisthr. • .Mis and%
Mrs. Cliff 'NfehisoisSand 'Mr. and "
.:.Aitchison., of .„ town attended: •
the. rune:vit.
• . • 3 •
• 'tliStdaCt of ; the Sista)" evening Sets
viee, 'On the' inst. . the: ;.W, M. S.
held' their' Thankofferirig meeting in
the • schii91 robin • and :Was. for-.
tnnate •Iii ha
Vluevale .aa' their., sneaker, teok
foe hi§ 'ini,bjeet tho.80' words Of •St.•
Paal.,:"Tre .those wom n.. who lao
with nie .hi the ‘OOSnel,;' nifdllitOugh
Put' •his Whole; diseourse,,,b, beici .1110, ,
diprico rap attentionk •
interesnt.• fitets, related *Tner.'
:tainitit to his ;Owl; person:el
ieneei,'Wbilelabiarillig in, the pro:vine:0,
of, ' askatehewa n • , . The ; /Vera .;•'s
s•• I-) crrifnon d. PS layi'StraCiNni tiritsseriss
sWestry sang ,,n41Ptle",•tt ilne,t;'• 111'6,
I/edicatery- Prayer' :hy Itev: BurgeSS
Thre:but Thine, oWn",„'fi`liere "WaliElts
ok the W. M. S. are vety areetaitVit
.1,u1t4t ,Nyoki ..:141Atiz_ctitner_AiyaAnoognst'74.0,,prqypt,,110tect StItes, • ot tho interest. atap1ayed.••••,-$60,A
rich -the- liVes of both givers and 're-- Meltenzle And 1410,ithteS d Tie
Ui54' At'll‘eltS0ti ,hfT�tdnt�sseiVers. • " . ' sslepted. trim' 695 W45 sung and the
40. iVe till,'pent t dy 1t5yr,nnity most heartily for their. 0Ood. %le, A reading , Henry .Corter
Week .itt, thefitie's... • sCnd", 'remain"; ' Was ranch enjoYed, itryinft 531 Vitl.p
ihrlAnr 1-4" -li71954
of Ai.„ In you ati , . es, on p (en . , , a ,
*IS).. :reek 'tents, .tInteferr • long and Ufa+ ltattSt Anclet6on closed ything . .catitiatt, . And winter in the