HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR: • THII. ti - INOIr"le T IN 7; ;Try .Tf1v,RsPAN,,NOvv40.)*a 16, 1.933 IR• AC. cAur,ArazED, . AcoraB.arst• . Venttlitopt Tr0e0:: .4p047, , taneOU3cor4busl. ••• Bale:" 'Z ',1S4 :.Dr•tho:,. 16; .••i*, He illtt's-4 ..it.'5••ia;Hm4"••' '.1.90,•' • 41111111111 111!ApILE 'Tanks ,Wr tejor,Prica• • S twum a ' Soak ' ireste!. 'For your holm atm- ney. , Pre- vents roof Ori. Price, *LS% :Prtrnand4aY fivin eating fito of. beams, joists and ,rafters. ' Protect Phut r!t, Winn firm, Re -roof with Tito. • Lap. 'prices may limeirer be so low again. .. Tire-LapFermanenti leakproof, fire-Pm0f. and (Igickly"Cremed—Comes'in sheets 5, 6, 7, 9, 9 and 10 Jett 106g.. "Saves sing limber on new buildings. Lay it right over old' shingle ionfs. Made in Council Standard and Acorn Quality Brands. • T-erR-4:4P-1 prove it. Send us ridge aud.rafter measure- • -slums and we send free estimat.e. Golveriament4 111-R011 • i,•••••=ri-tek.,-••••-- • Beautiful,.1 in.eipenjive ;easy ie. lay. •Another unequalled roofing value.' Cannot warp, shrink, crack, or bulge. Fireproof. In. att.ractive 0 • 4). , Slocum's•Fire &Ufa:atop For putting out fires when they are beginning. Price,* . ,. PRESTON limn Drew Hardware cy_e_canary ou , mon e'y -on-•your ibarn door hard, ware. Write: far- Freston „Steel died Earns Ruth with-rugod steel , trusses or plank trusses4, • Roofed arid sided with fue, proOf steel. Write for "Book About Barns". ' ANGN :The Whitechurch. Woinen's' Instt, • . .tute held the November .ineeting ir , • • 'the 'hall. The' meeting, opened with •,.,,the. president, ,Mrs L Grain.* the ;611MT-7-After singing.' The. InStituteT. Ode ,,and 'repeating, the ,Lord's. prayer: in, unison, the:toll call was answered ••:"A ',Current. '.vent.". . Thanks ler. • 'ft*, Sent While:'•iiick 'Wee ..'receifed from •Georg0 Rops • and Bob•Richard- Son, .It Was decided -.to •alleW • the..W•;, C.T."C. to held their Meetings in ,. institute Hall, alSo t� allow some df the, young men the: Use of the ;hall for an _evening • toentertain- their .'brtche. • ler friends: Mrs...:IL.:Mowbray ..gave r, reading •. Aim Scotch dianre .The -,Institute Anthem Wes Aung.. One 'Mis Chas Martin• give , the, topic hougekeeping, a drudgery-, •�i ar• • art?". Mirs., Harald, ."Sparling iang r. • 'isalo• "Lassie of Mine"...accernminiee' • on the;pinito• by Miss,'c4race•Ric4rd. • son :Rev:. 3..,Pollock gave a yery ,0 "Home and Conn- triF'tibi-Ortik. each The szngrng of the NatiOna.-, Antheni Closed the • Meeting .and.thr boatesses, serVeit:inuch:: . • kr....- itrs. ,.l'Itir.old Johnston . • - of ,Lucknow,, spent, Sunday with' Mr and Mispi Conn :chester Pinnell., of, 'Culrost _spent, •Sunda' ; With. '31r.. Alla'. Mrs .:- Joh* Richardson:,- • MX. Apd- Mrs::'. John 'McInnes, 'ink and• Gorge, spent Stinday With Bfr 'iiirrifia.-.NYM:.iteinnei Of CU-lie:SS. •. c -•.K. No9rly"P s. NTINg eVPTY TImArsclax• .019174i • r •tainte§qn APPOnt:4,' Pflan:Of' 7110, •6roup Which WIL .Work WAtbiO• -.Xf041 Juivigr FnrmerkMICIA114144. IttStOlit?' -Organizations More, than a •score o, young, iiTteil womenOf; thertrintentions Of lieenining iated with , the New ^Canada .: Neve- . irient at'an organization meeting, held in the Town Hall On Wednesday of itiat week sponsored )4 the. local Junior Farmer And Institute- Clubs through Which the neir,..movernent Tlie • Meeting was one of a sertes Of ,ninteen WhiCh Were* held in •Bruce County last Week„ andwas acldrePAed, by Harold Ghent of ,MOnnt, Ferest, vice4resideritit-- of the U F Y P A.. • .. • • " _an . Mr. Alfred Patterson spent, a •,(inple; of day; last „week at Clinton and Stratford,' coaching on -the ;Pg. team of live stock. Saturday; he, -:oes td • the 0,A,C.; , Guelph and then • - , • n to he Royal Fair''Torcinto-' Where o will.,judge;• ;We .wish him,,:suceeas Quite a number 'freer here • atten- ,!ecl,the :funeral of Mr. •AlpX Simpson -'1he was bn,rieci on Sunday afternoon .,fornier resneeted •reaident of .thy, i'rarik711e.p;i3r.: Initernient .1n, WiOglian, oioncoMitY,' he ig breth.en of :Mit. .downwar.ds :path without a fight:, • ' -• PP einetety\ • Disclanning any .,bonds -. Oneor 'with, the 'Press, Mr. Staples .said„ • . . ;11r :, George . Kennedy's "the inevernent is 'built to make an pws gave birth to twin heifer .Calves - : . o.•you regardieSs... Of ,nol!.ti- ' .r7n(la Same . cow: 'gave "al'ir` .to three seta otwine aed' cal opinioris, religion ..or ulterior ‘ 'f : ne '," , • , • •• Other calf ,in the last four xictots years • , , •tlie OveMent oes rn'd'mot, 'nte- ',.nother .Cow..' gave birth. to • twin sent a policy' •purposes letting •:.-ifer calves last All liyed. each'gronn study the probleni.before Armiatiee service Was held • in.' the "resbyterian church on ....„pnnday orningi and , very appropria was given_by the pastor.Rey. Pollock, who had 'a wreath Placed ,t,:.the :front of the nuliiit in honor -thOse,'who are gone. , • . Qrnte a . number from here atten- i.d service ..Which• was 1.-o!cl' Andrew' a Presbyterian Sunday afterpoon„ when the •,Cel. ;Beattie of 'Londcin gave ne talk to the soldiers and Others , 1:10.:7 were present 1- .Mins Hazl Iliebind of Listowel, • at logOrggvfm• •Ci4tariC, • Mrp. :iggpxcnoriptpr .,944ipb#11 1,1:000.1.4----TPIAl§,liPi. • . • •-. • • • • . • • TatigSP.4.?G,' NQVHF•All'e'•160.9.4: ;PATER$Q.N.'S.:,:CONHTg:Siri • bATB,..$,T, sTATIomi .6tittS. S1ur1eY1" *-0,iator• ; Clara • Gantl9tt. -Rhea Purniii. Betty. ;lean 'Miller- FaAtli Boyce BettY• MacOnald OWeridolyn SteWard- 'Jean Bushel, Betty England Norma Ritehie Mary 1 y .1\1 B'Solonion DorisIrwin • Panay Cimmnion: Lorraine Fergus:en; At011 ..$100.4Yp resident.• 'OPIPP110,)itYro,'. '•* th 'EOt.P9i1•• P.014` .AadersOn, Sr., her; 'ear 'The .f11hflt .hea11i, for t':past •• • •inonthl. !bgr •4PPlIse. UnerpeCt‘cl..., The :late MTP.• -441,00r49* was 19f:10. ;a dociat. ,.C.Q1141i".1,411t Mernher• Pt ZOn. •Chuith, ARA, 01.41117: t.aned: a• Iteen • interest n $PiTitOT: thOgS,:thtou,glitint.lier. •• T.119,..filnai:. 74.9§4.4 fr.91.11. be her daitgbter;:, • '1$40 •Andrew to .Greenhill was largelY" nt- tended ••' • . Ji..• • • Tbe'.,;k)i,j4itth'3i.:')f.' the ' leOrrininnity, is 6,terid,p1.': to. tetatiVea, ,An- derson aid Ms.:'Peter Watson. ' NVIW"Gardner is ;aneniiing the week .with lier daughter; •Mrs.. .10• e Freeman of Leeb.urn.. , • MT, Andrew Ritelife has been as- aiating..hig-. uncle, Gerdbe• r; dnring ',the/ past week. ! We are glad" to , knew ',that MrS, Wialtitellie is improving. after being" ite sick :With tonSilitis'' for a Week. "i0ifiT-117-1;fenie e Monday for; the.;.firatafter having •''' • . • MT. and -:Mrs..• Richard Gardner spent 'a, •day last Week with Mr..And, ,Robt. 'Hamilton of' Winghem; . Reports Were. giV'en. on: the- Yonne. People's Convention .held. at Aubiirn. iind- the •• M,issienary .a;c1: Maintenancc' r'orrventipn. at Exeter • hy..Misa .BerY1 flartlner :tine Mr: Sidney, ,Sinith• •or ;-Tonday • night; at League. ' • - ' 'Maple GroVe-, L. O.L.. Will -hold meeting on TneadaY ght 'Novetaber. 2Ist' and -rnerribers ,'ir'TeiFwsted ,,to. - torY degree • will he :conferred' lunar 9r1 incoming :ineMber, - • v•..i.aa the ,prin4ipal speaker: ary4 Lillian Carruthers Opalrr genii*. Fred.' Martin,. j lecal. unior -.To_ 1.4.r.te,„ farmer . entbusiaat, .pres(ided., There , Reynolds are no - officers inthis: group,. only a ; $hirley Johnston" spolt5e§inan,, '40 'Mr4 .3".0A1 Gladyst•') was appeinted te lthis EVelYn Little ,1 • Between addresses, Donald riereaceli•cpaersati V,hatles favored with a violin: Selec- MelCenze, end Etta Belle .1"li.i.laieci*7-.SI;P-:urditrivia-ii:. 1. • tion adcOmpanied, hy, MISS Jessie' •Helen";MOcDoriald ,and, -.Pater- Rederson s'91iThePe,i'fba°s7ned the Highland F1in Kathleen Gardnerc is -fn.' awaken . he t e• :arin yen• s u y).tbe :needs - ' ,Lyceu VONGHAMe- re rsday, 'Friday, an . atUrday, r 1 Iiichard 4Irtliiineil's : ; 'Central -Airport' A189. TWO REEL ,•COMEDY •,i -!;36.0R+ BP,;1.‘ .DiSHONEST „ .• KRAZY •KAT cAwrOONFQX NEWS. and support.a common cause—the • savin; ofLeis "'Hunter- -agrieulture and, Canada GIalys i,enrose, was 'forcibly conveyed to the audience '• Phyliss Blake bY heth . • •'. j•Norina CElliott ounty. fernier sa• id,", al7trt .:•tEeilre;in4. lifetime L have peen ,:farining...leras114 Fern TwamleY • ed: 'down from a prefit earning, ho0-'' Florence Janes nesato a wage earning' occunation Donna Henry ans, even wages, Nye stand liefere yen BOYS becausewerefuge :to continue on the Gordon 'Anderson Ralph.Staples,' ;a •young DoTligm e Rural School Reports s. S. NO. 4,,Kin1ess '..• For *Septeiriber And. 'October , "Johnsten. 74%. . . . • •• Sr. IV --Frank: Cassidy' (absent).• •Jr. 1V --Orville Elliott 7,3; Howard Legge- 70; ;Everette ,Johnston 69; ,Bassilla- Cassidy 60. Sr' III --Chester Robb 63. Edward CaSsid 58, ' • ' • . -- r. loYdAckert 70I. Mary. „ , 'Jahn 'nI 61; Doris Eadie 66; Lillian Doyle. 64;. Jaelc Ackert 63. • bonelda yaiad pl. • •• 'n—Lorne Eadie '14 David HoUAL , "ton •60. • ILHelen Veiled 86; Audreane. Cas- sidy 8O Patrick Casildy 47' ,Sr. Pr. --Leonard' Legge •85; JIM= • my Houston 63. ' 'r ?r --Ions Johnston; , Elliott; David Bibb) ties; • Daniel ; • • Cassidy. , to on.ro1126. • •• Katherine Rebertson it ad advance the remedies which •although tliev'• Will Vary in different (realities will in the main, concern the one-generat problem"; that -of -pre= serving onr, •bagie inchistryagricul- • The :nrOblem• 'of nroduction hite, been ',solved and •it remains' one. of the nurnoses.,Of the -N. C. M. to'one with the - problemi '. of diatribution... "Our contention is," Mr. Staples con -- tinned; ""that only these. Who .• are born into, trained in •and, vitally con: • cerned with this new world •Can h�pc to' grapple successfolly with its pro- . • home,,- of- -blerasSixti-iier.7--tentr'-'nf--- Canada's noptilation Is •,•under. `thirty years age and..belongs to thig'new age'whilc• it. is, the remaining forty per cent. schooled vir. tikes. Henderson. . • Mr John IVIobraY:...hAs 'bought' thr• 'rued' in the village from MrS'::. Sim- .,ons,•.nrid•is indproyinithe seine mit': vill nia.ke Ane -building of it '- , . ‘. PARAMOUNT „There, win' be n 'fiance in .the Para nieinit Hall on Friday: evening,:Nev. 24th. -Andy .Orea., Orchestra.. . • oyem1er 14th to Mr. and Mrs. •Eart.Swrin a, son.' COO-, gitittilatleng.;•Migs. earle Nixon, R.N. LUckriew:.:ivaa in •'Ottendance; , . " • . . , • Our ;ayinnathy ig,:extended;,tO; Mt; Jas Webster,, Ashfield,,; in the I;Osn f. his brOther at.Ingeratrill, Miss •Mary Cook, Whighem; visited •At her 'home, 'here/recently.' • •• • Alutiiber 'frown -here' attensied the SherWiriAlton Wedding on Satiiirday. ••Miss ;Myrtle • .Webster, ' Wellealey, • anent, the Week" -end at -her hOine,here :Mrs; :Wolfe is no as well as her : 'friend's *tight like'. tO See her, ' The ,•Snzinel Meeting: Of the ;Para ineti•"t IPP W.0 ChM' • will' lie :held on, Tuesday Oi• ti,e# 'Week;k'hitiVetriber .YOUR. HOME. IS ,YOUR 'CASTLE ,Adam. oniv clean, aonitrotiive ntio:. by • reading . ,. CHRISTIAN kttNtit MONITOR. . A, puny. Newitopee,foo the, 1104 . . . It glvai alt dii construcd.. world *64 fitai tioot not. exploit 'ohne' and Salida ' -HaS iitteeititirtg: Iiiittdir. Ogee tor.elf.the familyon Wettieit'it ,noutsp :1"ImAkinkGiildvii Education ond,:Bookio, Alin olioit tot the Chit:heir a11.0•47-11•1771 • NationeCcilumti: tind• "Watching ifirt World Go By• - . . • • , 'are of 4104111, intirist hi, wan, : , • , „ :riationtit Strelet,:•Boatott,: stostichttootto.. • „ • Mosso' enter saoscristioti to Tite..1:111r1i11611, Saletide ideittinf ."fier, •,,ht aix itionthif,• One :Igitirith.,2 5c- tiatit,..,*:1.vir:solopirov'i4.ii 644, g .48teeeits4.4.+4444)iiiii.44:4444,44.4,0 •tstrirest-i:virt-trmtuir— .N, 7 0 re4War age4if "econ- , omies.,•-who are really ruling /Can- ada:" The purpose of Wednesday's meet- . • , ing.. wan to :organize, 'so' .that there enlisting might be trained under the: slogan to 'bring about • a. better day .and .in this .it sas suCCess..: fuli. Or many of the. more intelligent •Vining feign 'people of „the Vicinity hailed the movement with enthitOaan; and Pledged:,their,.siMpert. . ,• . "In „this, ,:nioiernent,"; Mr, Staples. .seid,."there isjin .room for theSe.'1.vhe think drily in term e dallees; movies Arid dime ' .• vi7aS" ,emphatiCallY pointed , tlinti: the' new 'order was. meant, conflict in no waY'Witii..ritre•VV.Ireati: iZed bodies but -rather to Work :With", them atininlating and cd -operat- ing in their efforts At,e0Onornic Stichr ipom0b. farni people Is' the member - Ship objectiVe .and' is 'being, heartily, aupported,and receiVing the endorse- tion.ef.pteininent citizens inall 'coi,idlusito Of his tonalifr eiddroasi Mr. Staples aaid, "t•Wci.nit nardartable ;Ains-today are Ieranct„ 4nd indiffeterice; and Wherrthese t*c" malefactors areptit in their .pogItiot riithiho earr stop. tie • •Tre urged trniistorinntion Pirignorntite ice knO*leilke an'd 'indifference int& ,eri• • . , • ". • ‘. Douglas •Adtcheson Joe?.'Agnew' " jack Henderson JAeit i‘fecDthiald • :Rnymond frainilton Dougla ,,FinneY-• Jimmy Hamilton •''Ronald • Clifford` 'McMillan, • 4" Harold (.Bud) ',Thompson • Gordon. Stewart • Stewart MacDonald Albert Chin , tGerd,On „ • ./ .• • K., Mackenzie Billie •Scott.., Keith. :'Collyei , Jack Scott • ° 139bbY Geoz-heglin . Gerold: Culbert Mervin • Billie ' TreleaVen • 'Boss. Henderson-, Jack •Farrisli; ' .Russel Buttery : .:Rayiporid Bultitilde . , Reiss gamrnie • Buster Whitby •flonald Johnstone ' •Claythrr Ibidgina Richard , Ttirner..1 Jackie Graham:. , Kenneth Webster • Dotiglas ,McKenclrick Rciss :George Barger „Tit -nage' Webb;:' Wilfred Mintz . • Reiss -Petersen' ,Jllnime Webster .•• Warren,. NYylds Hackett ' George Robingon• "GOrdon Webb • , ' . . HOLYROOD.'. !vtr.' Mrs. George Harrison 'an? ..ii:(1w;ird of and ,Mrs , george Rutledge ,- of,"Milkrton Anc' Alias' "-Elizabeth Pierce were tin - guests --at Miss • Jennie Piert-ea-71-er7 ••• , . „ and Mrs. Corbett, -spent ' the past week at"Mr.' Wni. Robb's a 4,A -21A; at the hale it .141a§.Lizzie ,lteeld. • • " Mr.: %IN:4d . Ghent', mot* root dritiete, the yeeli, at Aitt,.Wit,;„gottito 'L'IVf:it;r-:-V'Vtiit7-1*611-'-Ariritg"Pfit."-ibt-,'tlit Iticky prize WifinerS. at • 'the:. biller ou nvg• WE cAN SUPPLY ANY • Sriq.,E, CARBON LEAF CARBON BACK .e2,,'„ LActkag OuPoRDtR°PHONC ,US 'FOR RgICES . 'Look. The 11 Le4f' . !;01asiir:rty'L„,:.. Ihe, *AO, 1 D'at Sales at Whightli.ii krices' Are Jile,;?••• URCH NOTES Presbyterian ,`O•Ged.our lielii".;*as "the opening. . "hYnin and Mr Bugli Ginning read the Scripitare. -• The Lord's prayer . was repeated'. in unison and a hymn' followed: MisS. Donald& Douglas gave '-aaduig1"ThePoet's ,Life •and a• reading' Au red.,•cross stOry. .1Virs. ,•}Iirolci, Tr - leaven favored us with a solo' and •;fiev.,'Burgess.,gaye, the -topic' on ReV. ' Jas McGregor, who was a.miisionart • Nevia Scotia Miss Jessie Kenzie played ; a, Piano- solo The business part of the Meeting billowed, dining *Maks' numerous • items' were discussed and..'among• therA Was , the • invitotion to -visit the Knox ' chereh; Goderieli :Young People, which Was ;Moved' and seconded •that we accept. - Following, a liprin, Rev.. •Macitninalci closed the meeting ::•with prayer. • • 141'6m:icy: ' . . •*- We are sorry: te. report. that •lgt :Clifford Cenettini had the; migfertun•-• , , • 'i have a flalt• tire At Den's gate or• rridiy everiiTig. t• ° , • • The it. W. I. -hold • ,.;their annuti,v roWl..saPper in be TOWPship•halth're, • ea.: 'Friday' 'evening. . FOTIONtitig . cinrer wa A splendid -program an iOich . were:greatly. 'enjoyee , -• h. 'Jihth yininz. and • . Aim 1.7irid,"Mrs., ROA.' ,.Macrionalr •;vere• .erifents,, Mr.; F'..Turnhurr ^•:f iihd,erweeti. . : • 1‘1•I'q...,(leor;ie" White'..1 5 : AV1,01; 'omit, Mrs. Kramer of. Formosa., rIresont. • • ,• • . .linniher. fronr..ber'ttended thr ,.,c1nb "al' tin Friday evening ancl,"Alt.re• '' flrt 7 • splendid evening'. , . • , arid Mrs.' Jelin Taylor oing.14 Walter ITodgiris; •10th 'eon., ere" • 'recent guets rit-- 2. :*,in•'±. ; . , • vera: ,:rehntira • silent the • pas,'„, 'week:at, MrJoe Wall's, fOth. Con. • AS,H„ M:rs... Rebecca ' is Ivisiting • , . among her friends and relatives.. .her .Mis IW 3 MacKay : Goderich. had the„..misforinne: to :fall One., dai. laat, week ,•and •• break, her Collar hone !,•Theladies!' '•,ek ,tht• ,li.renbyterian. church are ha:Offen 'sewing Meeting' in bagetrien't of the- clinrch. Or. • Tjuira.day.„ to :prepare And; • pack ( "bale, of clothing' for the west •• The 1% W. 0. At Kn'te' Which, was . held' in,..tqob61.sh hall On •,irtititii.;.,0ening.•Wits, well attended in, :spite,: :66,114' unfavorable Weather, -The, meiriberg Of the ::AinbetICY 'Oratige .10d:0j treated their: families' ima friends t�a'social .0Vening•,•• �n• Friday.: All report a geed Bey MaCKAy; hat finighed,'pack- ing hrs.' 61'00 , of apples,. Roy.,tako good nre of lus orchard and;',,Was " The. .Yeinig /People's • S0elety.*00 Agli Aetit held' their rem:liar ineetinfr on Irridqy everittio'h, the ,thateti,vviiEh the. ;rite:Sid:onto, ...Margaret .Mackei#10 in, clitirge..AIth,Ough tlie.:Ateather 'Sternly there Waa.ti gond iitteiOnnce.: the 'Literary Coni, herLynteriered S pedal' .,Roniernbrnnt� ti4Y4 A .iA7g10.4414.tt- '4rforkittiViteilOttl:M1117"I'll"-g—tql• Ott t}4,0 7o.gratll 'wera aAtitt Ak", *eerie* Ithli011" tid h teadip :by "Catherine 'WO BiettV.,IgaSetty ilia-if:Mete tin in : 'Peter's ' the Temig.- People held their .meet- i'ng' on.. Monday evening. -at the luirhe "Mr. and •Mrs, Herb. 1VIcQiiillin;, Mr.. Fred "lVicQuillin took„ charge. of -the • deVotional exercises,' followed by •he • reading ofTrir. minutes—Ofiltat— . „ , -nee,ting,': A .report on the A Y P A. Rally , held at Kincardine laat. month' ''It 'which a' number from ...St. Peter's, attended; • was read Thleen Icihnsten. The attendanee .showed Mrs, Herb' -MCQiiillires gide ' in the lead for the evening.•and Eileen.' • tobris:ton'sside leading in the copper', , • . , • . . ;.ontest. The ,nroaram consisted of .a -.Finer read hv Mrs, Ceo&hegan, a. nano aolo by Florence. sneachs,bv Fred "McOnilliri,, The rneeting'wei--,Cleied. tryTthAPresi.4-,- .1Wnt pronouncing • the benediction.. eTter V;hich games were Played',•and served. . • . ITigted Church :S. • , • The regular Meeting �f the ;Y. P. gpeiety:. W,aa held' on: 1Vlonday,..night with ths Literary cOni. in /charge Of the: proirain. After' the:opening: ex-' ereisea the!. Scripture'. lessen was read by ire& Bosyell., OPe,nerl, ,a 'pleasing instrumental : by •• . . • • . •• fegsia "Macliterilie. The feature of ,thri e'venin g • the report Of the toting • People's • convention "beld , last month in liamiltort. A general outline., t,if the' conference .prOkranl was giver+, hy A16'x soth.. Reports on the • foll owin group digenhsions• in 'which • the most iniportant iitorit of the yeni ion. Was 'centred, were then given Christian' FelloWship; Margaret, Mac:- MiaSionS; Viola Itetry;-Lit-; eraty Mrs • IA Treleaven. 'Citizen - Clarence Greer. These reports served ; to giVe a clearer inSiglW es o tlie pot:pose of the 'CoiliNntiett. ola 0.f ,the Work iti•executi(re is trYing, to . nremote. Thelitwore followed hy. a • • reaffirm by • 14 riel Solomon, After • the' meeting dirtied' -with sinc;;•-, h hyrnm rink, the repeating of4he Miz'oalv Benediction ,in unison '• Man is under 'arrest': for „putting obatructiona',on, the "t-011Way:,track Ihheettse41.&*kilhe*Mtk•PSW,..1010.,.. train,fffte ,was jdt'p'so he wsT frig to do thle silrne thing 14 016 train: • erse him .,liot -toriktiti,and cold 11641' . 4 ... . y 11 il t i: ft "1'1 ' t ' '4' ' '' li# .° I. ' 'IV 'ft?'1' ii 14V6 IftfigOr t14 ftft ' then --1 ,,,..„ . are . ti, , n i g -tiri(..,ir .,otia, . .15 - 0 d , 1 i • .. , , olit Oti, Nevir the. ,evetilto et..Niveriibee itth''.. Seeyo. ,ilfey'te. botthd to "hate' the 'teat *it& 4" . ,. I .4 ' “--.•••-•:•:;sre