HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-16, Page 4PAGE
THII. ti
.Tf1v,RsPAN,,NOvv40.)*a 16, 1.933
. AcoraB.arst• .
Tr0e0:: .4p047, ,
••• Bale:" 'Z
',1S4 :.Dr•tho:,. 16;
.••i*, He illtt's-4
'.1.90,•' •
,Wr tejor,Prica•
• S twum a '
Soak '
'For your
holm atm-
ney. , Pre-
vents roof
Ori. Price,
:Prtrnand4aY fivin eating fito
of. beams, joists and ,rafters. ' Protect
Phut r!t, Winn firm, Re -roof with Tito. •
Lap. 'prices may limeirer be so low again. ..
Tire-LapFermanenti leakproof, fire-Pm0f.
and (Igickly"Cremed—Comes'in sheets 5,
6, 7, 9, 9 and 10 Jett 106g.. "Saves sing
limber on new buildings. Lay it right over
old' shingle ionfs. Made in Council Standard
and Acorn Quality Brands.
prove it. Send us ridge aud.rafter measure-
• -slums and we send free estimat.e.
Golveriament4 111-R011
• Beautiful,.1 in.eipenjive ;easy
ie. lay. •Another
unequalled roofing value.' Cannot warp, shrink,
crack, or bulge. Fireproof. In. att.ractive
• 4). ,
Slocum's•Fire &Ufa:atop
For putting out fires when
they are beginning. Price,*
. ,.
Drew Hardware
cy_e_canary ou
, mon e'y -on-•your
ibarn door hard,
ware. Write: far-
Freston „Steel died Earns
Ruth with-rugod steel ,
trusses or plank trusses4,
• Roofed arid sided with fue,
proOf steel. Write for
"Book About Barns". '
:The Whitechurch. Woinen's' Instt,
• .
.tute held the November .ineeting ir
, • •
'the 'hall. The' meeting, opened with
•,.,,the. president, ,Mrs L Grain.* the
;611MT-7-After singing.' The. InStituteT.
Ode ,,and 'repeating, the ,Lord's. prayer:
in, unison, the:toll call was answered
••:"A ',Current. '.vent.". . Thanks ler.
• 'ft*, Sent While:'•iiick 'Wee ..'receifed
from •Georg0 Rops • and Bob•Richard-
Son, .It Was decided -.to •alleW • the..W•;,
C.T."C. to held their Meetings in
,. institute Hall, alSo t� allow some df
the, young men the: Use of the ;hall for
an _evening • toentertain- their .'brtche.
• ler friends: Mrs...:IL.:Mowbray ..gave r,
reading •. Aim Scotch dianre
.The -,Institute Anthem Wes Aung.. One
'Mis Chas Martin• give , the, topic
hougekeeping, a drudgery-, •�i ar• •
art?". Mirs., Harald, ."Sparling iang r.
• 'isalo• "Lassie of Mine"...accernminiee'
• on the;pinito• by Miss,'c4race•Ric4rd.
• son :Rev:. 3..,Pollock gave a yery ,0
"Home and Conn-
each The szngrng of the NatiOna.-,
Antheni Closed the • Meeting .and.thr
boatesses, serVeit:inuch:: . •
kr....- itrs. ,.l'Itir.old Johnston
. • -
of ,Lucknow,, spent, Sunday with' Mr
and Mispi Conn
:chester Pinnell., of, 'Culrost
_spent, •Sunda' ; With. '31r.. Alla'. Mrs
Joh* Richardson:,-
• MX. Apd- Mrs::'. John 'McInnes, 'ink
and• Gorge, spent Stinday With Bfr
'iiirrifia.-.NYM:.iteinnei Of CU-lie:SS.
•. c -•.K. No9rly"P
s. NTINg
eVPTY TImArsclax• .019174i
• r
•tainte§qn APPOnt:4,'
Pflan:Of' 7110, •6roup
Which WIL .Work WAtbiO• -.Xf041
Juivigr FnrmerkMICIA114144. IttStOlit?'
More, than a •score o, young, iiTteil
thertrintentions Of lieenining
iated with , the New ^Canada .: Neve-
irient at'an organization meeting, held
in the Town Hall On Wednesday
of itiat week sponsored )4 the. local
Junior Farmer And Institute- Clubs
through Which the neir,..movernent
Tlie • Meeting was one of a sertes
Of ,ninteen WhiCh Were* held in •Bruce
County last Week„ andwas acldrePAed,
by Harold Ghent of ,MOnnt, Ferest,
vice4resideritit-- of the U F Y P A..
• .. • • "
. Mr. Alfred Patterson spent, a
•,(inple; of day; last „week at Clinton
and Stratford,' coaching on -the
;Pg. team of live stock. Saturday; he,
-:oes td • the 0,A,C.; , Guelph and then
• - , •
n to
he Royal Fair''Torcinto-' Where
o will.,judge;• ;We .wish him,,:suceeas
Quite a number 'freer here • atten-
,!ecl,the :funeral of Mr. •AlpX Simpson
-'1he was bn,rieci on Sunday afternoon
.,fornier resneeted •reaident of .thy,
i'rarik711e.p;i3r.: Initernient .1n, WiOglian,
oioncoMitY,' he ig breth.en of :Mit.
.downwar.ds :path without a fight:,
• ' -• PP
einetety\ • Disclanning any .,bonds
Oneor 'with, the 'Press, Mr. Staples .said„
• . . ;11r :, George . Kennedy's
"the inevernent is 'built to make an
pws gave birth to twin heifer .Calves - : .
o.•you regardieSs... Of ,nol!.ti-
' .r7n(la Same . cow: 'gave "al'ir`
.to three seta otwine aed'
cal opinioris, religion ..or ulterior
‘ 'f :
'," , • , • ••
Other calf ,in the last four xictots
years • , ,
•tlie OveMent oes rn'd'mot, 'nte-
',.nother .Cow..' gave birth. to • twin
sent a policy' •purposes letting
•:.-ifer calves last All liyed.
each'gronn study the probleni.before
Armiatiee service Was held • in.' the
"resbyterian church on ....„pnnday
orningi and , very appropria
was given_by the pastor.Rey.
Pollock, who had 'a wreath Placed
,t,:.the :front of the nuliiit in honor
-thOse,'who are gone.
, • .
Qrnte a . number from here atten-
i.d service ..Which• was
1.-o!cl' Andrew' a Presbyterian
Sunday afterpoon„ when the
•,Cel. ;Beattie of 'Londcin gave
ne talk to the soldiers and Others
1:10.:7 were present 1-
.Mins Hazl Iliebind of Listowel,
• at logOrggvfm• •Ci4tariC, •
Mrp. :iggpxcnoriptpr
.,944ipb#11 1,1:000.1.4----TPIAl§,liPi. •
. • •-. • • • • . • •
TatigSP.4.?G,' NQVHF•All'e'•160.9.4:
• bATB,..$,T, sTATIomi
S1ur1eY1" *-0,iator• ;
Clara • Gantl9tt.
-Rhea Purniii.
Betty. ;lean 'Miller-
FaAtli Boyce
BettY• MacOnald
OWeridolyn SteWard-
'Jean Bushel,
Betty England
Norma Ritehie
1 y .1\1
• Panay Cimmnion:
Lorraine Fergus:en;
resident.• 'OPIPP110,)itYro,'. '•* th
'EOt.P9i1•• P.014`
.AadersOn, Sr.,
'ear 'The
.f11hflt .hea11i, for t':past ••
•inonthl. !bgr •4PPlIse.
UnerpeCt‘cl..., The :late MTP.• -441,00r49*
was 19f:10. ;a dociat. ,.C.Q1141i".1,411t
Mernher• Pt ZOn. •Chuith, ARA, 01.41117:
t.aned: a• Iteen • interest n $PiTitOT:
thOgS,:thtou,glitint.lier. ••
T.119,..filnai:. 74.9§4.4 fr.91.11. be
her daitgbter;:, • '1$40
•Andrew to .Greenhill was largelY"
tended ••' • . Ji..• • •
Tbe'.,;k)i,j4itth'3i.:')f.' the ' leOrrininnity,
is 6,terid,p1.': to. tetatiVea,
derson aid Ms.:'Peter Watson.
' NVIW"Gardner is ;aneniiing the
week .with lier daughter; •Mrs.. .10• e
Freeman of Leeb.urn..
, •
MT, Andrew Ritelife has been as-
aiating..hig-. uncle, Gerdbe• r;
dnring ',the/ past week.
! We are glad" to , knew ',that MrS,
Wialtitellie is improving. after being"
ite sick :With tonSilitis'' for a Week.
"i0ifiT-117-1;fenie e
Monday for; the.;.firatafter having
•''' • . •
MT. and -:Mrs..• Richard Gardner
spent 'a, •day last Week with Mr..And,
,Robt. 'Hamilton of' Winghem;
. Reports Were. giV'en. on: the- Yonne.
People's Convention .held. at Aubiirn.
iind- the •• M,issienary .a;c1: Maintenancc'
r'orrventipn. at Exeter • hy..Misa .BerY1
flartlner :tine Mr: Sidney, ,Sinith• •or
;-Tonday • night; at League. ' •
- '
'Maple GroVe-, L. O.L.. Will -hold
meeting on TneadaY
ght 'Novetaber. 2Ist' and -rnerribers
,'ir'TeiFwsted ,,to. -
torY degree • will he :conferred' lunar
9r1 incoming :ineMber, - •
v•..i.aa the ,prin4ipal speaker: ary4 Lillian Carruthers
genii*. Fred.' Martin,. j
lecal. unior -.To_ 1.4.r.te,„
farmer . entbusiaat, .pres(ided., There ,
are no - officers inthis: group,. only a ; $hirley Johnston"
spolt5e§inan,, '40 'Mr4 .3".0A1 Gladyst•')
was appeinted te lthis
EVelYn Little ,1
• Between addresses, Donald riereaceli•cpaersati
V,hatles favored with a violin: Selec-
MelCenze, end Etta Belle .1"li.i.laieci*7-.SI;P-:urditrivia-ii:. 1.
• tion adcOmpanied, hy, MISS Jessie'
•Helen";MOcDoriald ,and, -.Pater-
s'91iThePe,i'fba°s7ned the Highland F1in Kathleen Gardnerc
is -fn.' awaken . he
t e• :arin yen• s u y).tbe :needs -
rsday, 'Friday, an .
r 1
Iiichard 4Irtliiineil's
'Central -Airport'
•,i -!;36.0R+ BP,;1.‘ .DiSHONEST
„ .•
and support.a common cause—the •
savin; ofLeis "'Hunter-
-agrieulture and, Canada GIalys i,enrose,
was 'forcibly conveyed to the audience '•
Phyliss Blake
bY heth . • •'. j•Norina
ounty. fernier sa• id,", al7trt .:•tEeilre;in4.
lifetime L have peen ,:farining...leras114 Fern TwamleY •
ed: 'down from a prefit earning, ho0-'' Florence Janes
nesato a wage earning' occunation Donna Henry
even wages, Nye stand liefere yen BOYS
becausewerefuge :to continue on the Gordon 'Anderson
Ralph.Staples,' ;a •young DoTligm
Rural School Reports
s. S. NO. 4,,Kin1ess
'..• For *Septeiriber And. 'October ,
"Johnsten. 74%. .
. .
•• Sr. IV --Frank: Cassidy' (absent).•
•Jr. 1V --Orville Elliott 7,3; Howard
Legge- 70; ;Everette ,Johnston 69;
,Bassilla- Cassidy 60.
Sr' III --Chester Robb 63. Edward
CaSsid 58, ' • ' •
. --
r. loYdAckert 70I. Mary.
„ ,
'Jahn 'nI 61; Doris Eadie 66; Lillian
Doyle. 64;. Jaelc Ackert 63. • bonelda
yaiad pl. •
•• 'n—Lorne Eadie '14 David HoUAL
, "ton •60.
• ILHelen Veiled 86; Audreane. Cas-
sidy 8O Patrick Casildy 47'
,Sr. Pr. --Leonard' Legge •85; JIM=
• my Houston 63. '
'r ?r --Ions Johnston;
Elliott; David Bibb) ties; • Daniel
; •
Cassidy. ,
to on.ro1126. •
•• Katherine Rebertson
it ad advance the remedies which
•although tliev'• Will Vary in different
(realities will in the main, concern
the one-generat problem"; that -of -pre=
serving onr, •bagie inchistryagricul-
• The :nrOblem• 'of nroduction hite,
been ',solved and •it remains' one. of
the nurnoses.,Of the -N. C. M. to'one
with the - problemi '. of diatribution...
"Our contention is," Mr. Staples con --
tinned; ""that only these. Who .• are
born into, trained in •and, vitally con:
• cerned with this new world •Can h�pc
to' grapple successfolly with its pro-
. •
home,,- of- -blerasSixti-iier.7--tentr'-'nf--- Canada's
noptilation Is •,•under. `thirty years
age and..belongs to thig'new age'whilc•
it. is, the remaining forty per cent.
vir. tikes. Henderson. . •
Mr John IVIobraY:...hAs 'bought' thr•
'rued' in the village from MrS'::. Sim-
.,ons,•.nrid•is indproyinithe seine mit':
vill nia.ke Ane -building of it '-
, .
„There, win' be n 'fiance in .the Para
nieinit Hall on Friday: evening,:Nev.
24th. -Andy .Orea., Orchestra.. .
• oyem1er 14th to
Mr. and Mrs. •Eart.Swrin a, son.' COO-,
gitittilatleng.;•Migs. earle Nixon, R.N.
LUckriew:.:ivaa in •'Ottendance; , .
" • . . ,
Our ;ayinnathy ig,:extended;,tO; Mt;
Jas Webster,, Ashfield,,; in the I;Osn
f. his brOther at.Ingeratrill,
Miss •Mary Cook, Whighem; visited
•At her 'home, 'here/recently.'
• •• •
Alutiiber 'frown -here' attensied the
SherWiriAlton Wedding on Satiiirday.
••Miss ;Myrtle • .Webster, ' Wellealey,
• anent, the Week" -end at -her hOine,here
:Mrs; :Wolfe is no as well as her
: 'friend's *tight like'. tO See her, '
The ,•Snzinel Meeting: Of the ;Para
ineti•"t IPP W.0 ChM' • will' lie :held
on, Tuesday Oi• ti,e# 'Week;k'hitiVetriber
,Adam. oniv clean, aonitrotiive ntio:. by • reading
. A, puny. Newitopee,foo the, 1104 .
. .
It glvai alt dii construcd.. world *64 fitai tioot not. exploit 'ohne' and Salida '
-HaS iitteeititirtg: Iiiittdir. Ogee tor.elf.the familyon Wettieit'it ,noutsp
:1"ImAkinkGiildvii Education ond,:Bookio, Alin olioit tot the Chit:heir
a11.0•47-11•1771 •
NationeCcilumti: tind• "Watching ifirt World Go By• -
. . • • , 'are of 4104111, intirist hi, wan, : , • ,
:riationtit Strelet,:•Boatott,: stostichttootto.. • „
• Mosso' enter saoscristioti to Tite..1:111r1i11611, Saletide ideittinf ."fier,
aix itionthif,• One :Igitirith.,2 5c-
tiatit,..,*:1.vir:solopirov'i4.ii 644, g
.48teeeits4.4.+4444)iiiii.44:4444,44.4,0 •tstrirest-i:virt-trmtuir—
re4War age4if "econ- ,
omies.,•-who are really ruling /Can-
The purpose of Wednesday's meet-
. • ,
ing.. wan to :organize, 'so' .that there
enlisting might be trained under the:
slogan to 'bring about • a.
better day .and .in this .it sas suCCess..:
fuli. Or many of the. more intelligent
•Vining feign 'people of „the Vicinity
hailed the movement with enthitOaan;
and Pledged:,their,.siMpert. . ,•
. "In „this, ,:nioiernent,"; Mr, Staples.
.seid,."there isjin .room for theSe.'1.vhe
think drily in term e dallees; movies
Arid dime '
.• vi7aS" ,emphatiCallY pointed ,
tlinti: the' new 'order was. meant,
conflict in no waY'Witii..ritre•VV.Ireati:
iZed bodies but -rather to Work :With",
them atininlating and cd -operat-
ing in their efforts At,e0Onornic Stichr
ipom0b. farni people Is' the member -
Ship objectiVe .and' is 'being, heartily,
aupported,and receiVing the endorse-
tion.ef.pteininent citizens inall
'coi,idlusito Of his tonalifr
eiddroasi Mr. Staples aaid, "t•Wci.nit
nardartable ;Ains-today are Ieranct„
4nd indiffeterice; and Wherrthese t*c"
malefactors areptit in their .pogItiot
riithiho earr stop. tie • •Tre urged
trniistorinntion Pirignorntite ice
knO*leilke an'd 'indifference int& ,eri•
. , • ". •
‘. Douglas •Adtcheson
Joe?.'Agnew' "
jack Henderson
JAeit i‘fecDthiald •
:Rnymond frainilton
Dougla ,,FinneY-•
Jimmy Hamilton
• Clifford` 'McMillan, •
4" Harold (.Bud) ',Thompson
• Gordon. Stewart
Stewart MacDonald
Albert Chin ,
• ./
.• •
K., Mackenzie
Billie •Scott..,
Keith. :'Collyei
, Jack Scott • °
139bbY Geoz-heglin
. Gerold: Culbert
• Billie ' TreleaVen •
'Boss. Henderson-,
Jack •Farrisli;
' .Russel Buttery
.:Rayiporid Bultitilde
. ,
Reiss gamrnie
• Buster Whitby
•flonald Johnstone
' •Claythrr Ibidgina
Richard , Ttirner..1
Jackie Graham:. ,
Kenneth Webster •
Dotiglas ,McKenclrick
:George Barger
„Tit -nage' Webb;:'
Wilfred Mintz
. •
Reiss -Petersen'
,Jllnime Webster
.•• Warren,. NYylds
' George Robingon•
"GOrdon Webb • ,
. .
!vtr.' Mrs. George Harrison 'an?
..ii:(1w;ird of and ,Mrs ,
george Rutledge ,- of,"Milkrton Anc'
Alias' "-Elizabeth Pierce were tin -
guests --at Miss • Jennie Piert-ea-71-er7
. „ and Mrs. Corbett, -spent ' the
past week at"Mr.' Wni. Robb's a
-21A; at the hale it .141a§.Lizzie
,lteeld. • • "
Mr.: %IN:4d . Ghent', mot* root
dritiete, the yeeli, at Aitt,.Wit,;„gottito
Iticky prize WifinerS. at • 'the:. biller
ou nvg•
• Sriq.,E,
.e2,,'„ LActkag
'Look. The
Le4f' . !;01asiir:rty'L„,:..
D'at Sales at Whightli.ii krices' Are
,`O•Ged.our lielii".;*as "the opening. .
"hYnin and Mr Bugli Ginning read
the Scripitare. -• The Lord's prayer .
was repeated'. in unison and a hymn'
followed: MisS. Donald& Douglas gave
'-aaduig1"ThePoet's ,Life •and
a• reading' Au
red.,•cross stOry. .1Virs. ,•}Iirolci,
Tr -
leaven favored us with a solo' and
•;fiev.,'Burgess.,gaye, the -topic' on ReV. '
Jas McGregor, who was a.miisionart •
Nevia Scotia Miss Jessie
Kenzie played ; a, Piano- solo The
business part of the Meeting billowed,
dining *Maks' numerous • items' were
discussed and..'among• therA Was , the •
invitotion to -visit the Knox ' chereh;
Goderieli :Young People, which Was
;Moved' and seconded •that we accept. -
Following, a liprin, Rev.. •Macitninalci
closed the meeting ::•with prayer. •
• 141'6m:icy: '
. .
•*- We are sorry: te. report. that •lgt
:Clifford Cenettini had the; migfertun•-•
, , •
'i have a flalt• tire At Den's gate or•
rridiy everiiTig. t• ° , •
The it. W. I. -hold • ,.;their annuti,v
roWl..saPper in be TOWPship•halth're,
ea.: 'Friday' 'evening. . FOTIONtitig .
cinrer wa A splendid -program an
iOich . were:greatly. 'enjoyee
, -•
h. 'Jihth
yininz. and •
. Aim 1.7irid,"Mrs., ROA.' ,.Macrionalr
.erifents,, Mr.; F'..Turnhurr
^•:f iihd,erweeti. . :
• 1‘1•I'q...,(leor;ie" White'..1 5 : AV1,01;
'omit, Mrs. Kramer of. Formosa.,
rIresont. • • ,• • .
.linniher. fronr..ber'ttended thr
,.,c1nb "al'
tin Friday evening ancl,"Alt.re• ''
flrt 7 • splendid evening'. , . • ,
arid Mrs.' Jelin Taylor oing.14
Walter ITodgiris; •10th 'eon.,
ere" • 'recent guets rit-- 2. :*,in•'±.
. ,
• vera: ,:rehntira • silent the • pas,'„,
'week:at, MrJoe Wall's, fOth. Con. •
M:rs... Rebecca ' is Ivisiting
• , .
among her friends and relatives.. .her
.Mis IW 3 MacKay : Goderich.
had the„..misforinne: to :fall One., dai.
laat, week ,•and •• break, her Collar hone
!,•Theladies!' '•,ek ,tht• ,li.renbyterian.
church are ha:Offen 'sewing Meeting'
in bagetrien't of the- clinrch. Or.
• Tjuira.day.„ to :prepare And; • pack (
"bale, of clothing' for the west
•• The 1% W. 0. At Kn'te'
Which, was . held' in,..tqob61.sh hall On
•,irtititii.;.,0ening.•Wits, well attended in,
:spite,: :66,114' unfavorable Weather,
-The, meiriberg Of the ::AinbetICY
'Oratige .10d:0j treated their: families'
ima friends t�a'social .0Vening•,•• �n•
Friday.: All report a geed
Bey MaCKAy; hat finighed,'pack-
ing hrs.' 61'00 , of apples,. Roy.,tako
good nre of lus orchard and;',,Was
" The. .Yeinig /People's • S0elety.*00
Agli Aetit held' their rem:liar ineetinfr
on Irridqy everittio'h, the ,thateti,vviiEh
the. ;rite:Sid:onto, ...Margaret .Mackei#10
in, clitirge..AIth,Ough tlie.:Ateather
'Sternly there Waa.ti gond iitteiOnnce.:
the 'Literary Coni, herLynteriered
S pedal' .,Roniernbrnnt� ti4Y4
Ott t}4,0 7o.gratll 'wera aAtitt Ak",
*eerie* Ithli011"
tid h teadip :by "Catherine
'WO BiettV.,IgaSetty
ilia-if:Mete tin in
' the Temig.- People held their .meet-
i'ng' on.. Monday evening. -at the luirhe
"Mr. and •Mrs, Herb. 1VIcQiiillin;,
Mr.. Fred "lVicQuillin took„ charge. of
-the • deVotional exercises,' followed by
•he • reading ofTrir. minutes—Ofiltat—
. „ ,
-nee,ting,': A .report on the A Y P A.
Rally , held at Kincardine laat. month'
''It 'which a' number from ...St. Peter's,
attended; • was read
Thleen Icihnsten. The attendanee
.showed Mrs, Herb' -MCQiiillires gide '
in the lead for the evening.•and Eileen.' •
tobris:ton'sside leading in the copper',
• . , • . .
;.ontest. The ,nroaram consisted of .a
-.Finer read hv Mrs, Ceo&hegan, a.
nano aolo by Florence.
sneachs,bv Fred "McOnilliri,,
The rneeting'wei--,Cleied. tryTthAPresi.4-,-
.1Wnt pronouncing • the benediction..
eTter V;hich games were Played',•and
served. . • .
ITigted Church :S.
• ,
The regular Meeting �f the ;Y. P.
gpeiety:. W,aa held' on: 1Vlonday,..night
with ths Literary cOni. in /charge Of
the: proirain. After' the:opening: ex-'
ereisea the!. Scripture'. lessen was read
by ire& Bosyell., OPe,nerl,
,a 'pleasing instrumental : by
•• . . • • . ••
fegsia "Macliterilie. The feature of ,thri
e'venin g • the report Of the toting •
People's • convention "beld , last month
in liamiltort. A general outline., t,if
the' conference .prOkranl was giver+,
hy A16'x soth.. Reports on the • foll
owin group digenhsions• in 'which •
the most iniportant iitorit of the
yeni ion. Was 'centred, were then given
Christian' FelloWship; Margaret, Mac:-
MiaSionS; Viola Itetry;-Lit-;
eraty Mrs • IA Treleaven. 'Citizen -
Clarence Greer. These reports
served ; to giVe a clearer inSiglW es
o tlie pot:pose of the 'CoiliNntiett. ola
0.f ,the Work iti•executi(re is trYing, to .
nremote. Thelitwore followed hy. a
reaffirm by • 14 riel Solomon, After •
the' meeting dirtied' -with sinc;;•-,
h hyrnm rink, the repeating of4he
Miz'oalv Benediction ,in unison
Man is under 'arrest': for „putting
obatructiona',on, the "t-011Way:,track
train,fffte ,was jdt'p'so he wsT
frig to do thle silrne thing 14 016
train: •
erse him .,liot -toriktiti,and cold
. 4 ...
. y
11 il t i: ft "1'1 ' t ' '4' ' '' li# .° I. ' 'IV 'ft?'1' ii 14V6 IftfigOr t14 ftft ' then --1
,,,..„ . are . ti, , n i g -tiri(..,ir .,otia, . .15 - 0 d , 1 i • .. , ,
olit Oti, Nevir the. ,evetilto et..Niveriibee itth''.. Seeyo. ,ilfey'te. botthd to "hate' the 'teat *it& 4" .