HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-16, Page 3I
'Mair M...510,i'ga0N. •
• .; ' • . '
New, Tasty .BecIPOS''-ter the prove. to YOU, that, the prune is a Vain,.
••:MUshreonis. :40AP-4.44ft:ism to • the geOdies• upon your.
. . •
• .Modern
methods of ipteesive ".ernergency thelf.:; '
tireimie,ritittle• mtithroonet, an all the • Baked Ortine'WhiP '
your joy, but. autujnn s the.tIMp: when cup.cooked prones;,;,1 teaspoon
OS Magic. met:Sett that, give glatriper • «
• . • gra,„ed ieteep • peel 2.-teasPeent „lemon
, , .
to. the simplett,,dish ,may be.. eelOYett 'Nice 4, tabiespeotie • powdered sugar,.
• .. • • • • . •-• •••• • .", -
reost-ineXpensively. . - 4...eggwhitet,.' ,,Arkt110,...alld ,bPat,to_
''•• • - • .Muthrooln ar:phip, and Juice and
. . .
• • • •• „ •
. Wine.peel, and ('1101). Ib. tablespeona 'sugar, .and -.blend welL
repine,' peek la. hntter,„. teaSen highly. Beat -Whites Of , egg :tuttl'i.'ttiff,,-. add g.
',viol:pepper and salt. Seeen:cent,res table:ancient. powdered sugar and con-
four bread rofls,. .erliatble the; tiaae heating Until Stiff, WhIP.Pruee
Oetitres and thiehee tellSliro011la With ePnnafalsintn'egg'w.hi4e.;
crumbs. . Make to A nice. consistency Pile lightly in pudding dish • and ,bake
with. tliiek crearn. pr a white taupe,- ill MOderate oven (350. deg:F.). for 20
. .
Pill the rolls,' 'Put 'their' topson' llunneS, • • •
• • . .
brush With melted.hutter, and bake '6 ; .Efaked. prunes,;.,
minutes:. . ' •• Cover .1.,.Pound ot prunes geld.
Mushroom pudding,- .
.• Seet,. fieur;'weter, pepper: and, salt,
• fat ,bacon, • frealt''.:muShrooms:. Line
i,eas Vill".7,-Nosvemlier 19 • • Pant, in
Atha APts: 17:: ; P9h4ell
the Sum .of his teElelitog; still les,
1Potitd he sp4ak of -filo and, penalty
'Withooct. iotroflocihg. the Saviour who
144 egine into the, world te'aeve. Plan
from sin Antr "Whereof he
bath' given •aseuranee, POO. All Men
th that. he hath raised him from the
dead"It was the •vision of the risen
Christ that ..OQII.Verted 'Pent' on the
ReIneSella, , r0.4.• and' he eOnhciehtiY:
Text•-e;Irthim we *weand meve, t •usted In ,to convert other. •
• and: have our Isielfiv--P4Pta 1.7,.g • _
• *hen 001r:110.14 of the'res14-
'"4 • - "t''' them
rection pf the dead, tnnie Mocked."
49j 4?4 en LI sPea 0
TINE O.* ; the resprreetiOn .'ef the ,rlead, ,and Pi,
The Al. pagll. lnegreeet to come, bating , it on' the •
' I THE. yrrY4 0".ii3c)LS vs.1622. evidence of Christ's "own resurreetieh,
Paul. stood in • the .mitist, Of AS an aiatirallee. manic -lad uf
the. Are a lIS:" Ceetre Oflhe the certainty Of the. reVelatiOnt then
'1 of the A reopagus the digni, tiev 11'. ched a' point; Lit which
fled, bedy seated .neobably in a semi- the straegenese of -the doctrme. Star
-,•-. • • . • ,-•
'!Aild Said, ,relnen.Of tied them: "Bet' Others. said, We: will
In' all •things I perc,dve" that ye are ,lear thee concerning this vet.de.ainr
,.- • „
verY rengteus.' • in all tnings' means They Were 'Ike.. e ix putting o ,
r .4 ,
' •
`in air waYt eacl ;places,' ft,hroughotit ;contideration. of tbetr: eternalancl
your entire, Comminity• HU; . ,vital,i4t#ests, to 'a. egri:‘ienient,"'sea•
11. THE -
s. 23- eo• • • .•
28,-"VOr 41 passed ni,:;,n.g,:and "Thtis PaUi:-went .• ;put fren.i atneng
served the objects of Your wo2shiP,''' '914° * The .ee:raParatili3O' failure of
The temples, altars, and images eon_ •'Patil'Isi mission at Athens seems
seerated to different divinitieS.. to have ad•considerahle effect uPell
found. alSo An altar with this inscriP- 'his 4i-1 .M
Preachi'n the 'future.'
ellPerstiti011s Athenians were so world' aafl had fellhil it wanting. • -
floe, TO AN UNKN9wNlany,,, The I He 'hatr.tried kthe wisdom • of the
afraid of offending sOnie deity .by "rtain'`mexl: clave l'int9
emitting him from their papowo, and believed." He Was. probably
that they had erected this .• altar -never without at least one convert,.
wherever he went, '
water and.letatand•for A hours„....Drale "I ILY__Lat Wet:gore, ve worship In'ignor-•
prunes and 'reserve tne licpior• add '4'1
cup sugar to the liquorand poii„untit
...• ly ••'with .niushrOoms, prepared In the
Croat way, and twinkled with pepper
, ;and salt. Plaee. the fat 'haebn in neat,
tittle rolls, Wherever there is a ere -
vice ,and fill nearlY, to the ton. With:
Water .then' cover With' crust.' . • ,
.Steam for three, houiS:after covering
With grease ,Paper, in :usual Way,
• •
Mushroom Fritters • •
?ut Iii 'L• sehaenan -SOMe ;Peeled
mushrooms with a. sprig Of thyme • ,e
little ' gar] ie, a bay leaf, seasening,-; a,
,-"ta,bles.poon water, and .a little 'lemon
'Juice.. Sinimer-:fer •:11-v-e-Minutet, and.
'arate therptighlY. ,Cut in an1y sfiiall.
pieces,- Ilave ready•a batter and lard
for fr.thg.,. • • •' •
• - •
, kdeep frying pan :is best. „MI'S the,
- mushrooms. with..A. Spitahle .quantitY,
•:.of hatter, and drop-inte-thee-iling-fat,
a ,tables,poopkel..at a time Garnish
! withpareley. • •
, . . .
• ' Turnovers' ..
Wipeand fry in •butter 1 .1b,Hfr..esit
niushroe'reS; thicken liquad With tionr„
dilute with. cream and raushrtimn, cat-.
sup .111 equal parte. •. • Roll Pitt:rt.-nigh
--priff7pastry,',cut into '',oblongt,'„ineitteft
edges, put a good layer ofniushromne
and-eire_aM,,eaaleeett Ortia.',Italf,•pant,f9ld
. over. 'Brush Jenswith beaten egg;
• hake in :hot even .fifteen 'Minutes.
These are eqUaily. 'good hot er cold
, • ., . „
Champignone Ephemeres
Select .1/,-3:• lb. fresh mushrooms-7peel
and reinove stalks: . These may " be:
Used for; flavoring soups.; F1'Ourthe
niushrooms.well aed place in an earth-
enware 'easterele • with 2, tableepoons.
, butter. and two tablespoons cream. If
no. cream, at hapd,.. milk will do. pet
• tic): simmer tloWly,. and when the ninth
roams ,have let out their Wee, 'dredge
in more flour at int erfals,,' stirring' to
, prevent limps season •well. With black
necessary .- Place the :drained prunes
In a covered casserole, cover With hot
liquor and bake in moderate oven (325
deg.. F.) 40 minutes "..
Pestlife Prune Cake .
3 cups primes, 2 aunt sliced bananas',
teaspoons lemon juice,1/4 teaspcien
lemon extract: ,Belled fretting Made
from 4 egg whites; '1 3 -layer White cake.
Boil -'prunes iii -water to • cover 25.
minutes; pit ;cups 'prunes and clit in
pepper And Salt ,o:tul del -Ulnae to eine
:•"' till you 'have, a:,nice•thick •puree.
Th'e.n.lixture tripst,be,stitrect.,to pre,
Vent burnirig,' and it it:Most inportae
that it should be cppked as sloWly. as
.-..pcissible"' 'Pile the: rausliroomS eu' to
'rounds of lightly toasted and--linttered-
. • pi:e*d., give: a: tqueeze of lernon juice
and light..sprinkie,.pf cayenne* to the
'• Ptiree, pour this over the intishrooms,
garnis4. Pad) erente with half finely,
:Cat 'slice of. temon, placing: it so that
stands .with qthe ttimermost.
SOkve very ,het..: if preferred,. a :dr,*
or tWO'Or sherry mieht be added tO, the
puree instead' of the leinon; in •which
"cage' garnith With fried Pareley. •••••
. •
For Prune -Lovers :
• 'Dining -the .peat few yeare. the Prime
has "expressed itself -iii •nouncertein
, terms.' It, has Almoueeed that it is ex
-vitiptia 'A; find -that-
•• It ecnitabit vitamins 13 •and, G as well.
It has also advised the housewives of
the dOminion that wto,iitohb an,ablind-
latest. research has •ProVeneeeeential to
the•utilitattOn Of the :hy the body.
• •Prlinee"..' also -cOntain dalciutn, phes-
• PhOrtit, and other Minerals: •Ii plain
• Words; the humble .liturie, is humble no
longer. It it inpiined to dePidedly
"4410.* , • .
. • '
anee thisl set forth urito you." Ms
object was to tiring: before them that
God whom they were thus . groping
"The God that Made. the world and
all 'things therein!' The Greek gods,
for the most, Part, were not thought
of as ' creators but as supervisors
Patil here enunglated;-a, doctrine en -
tirely new to the Greeks, and to all
polytheists. "He, •being :Lord .of
heaven 'and earth." There are no
other gods to oppote • him or -.thwart.
will. . "Dwelleth not in temples
'made with hands. Beirig the Maker -
of the universe,, he cannot be limited
to small, pieces. Combine:bananas, cut to one. spot hi it. • .
prunes, lemon 'Nice' and extract, and.
cue boiled -frosting-blending :thor-
.Ough•ly. Spread between ealte layers„
then covertop and sides' with remain-
ing "frosting, 'Decosate top and -sides
With remaining: cup of prune's which
• •
may be slit' on one, side, 'pitted,- aed
laid ' 'a.s.hien.44.thL4ipe-st-t:
Of banana placed between wings,.giV
inga butterfly semblauce... • '
Preserving Mint
It is: iisefigte'ha•ve a supply ofpre.
served Mints on hand for mak.ing nnnt
sande Miring the Winter menthe. It is
simple to preserve 'and well worth _the.
little involved.. Chen :tiltiely
sufficient inint;to large breakfast.
'1"Nether is .he served by men's
hands, ,as though ' he needed any-
thing." godis not to be waited Anon,
as a man is waited upon' by his ser-
. .
watt; who. M, iniste.s to his -warite,."..,;,s
if he needed( anybody's' help or Service,
f"Seeing hehimself giveth to all life,
and breath,' and...all things." This
s the gr-eit---G•iver
does not ,eXciude the thought of :hire
as :gladly receiving the gifts of his
children; ,but they are gifts of praise
and Jove, not of sheep kid cattle. As
Christ . said, -whoever gave to the
reedy, and ministered to the suffer-
ing, gave to him:
l'And he Made of ene every nation
Of 'MO to dwell on all the faces of.
't1„zi earth."' Of One essence,,all bOrn
of himself; .all tracing 'their race ,back
cup.. Coverthethief' with boiling to. the • single •,divkne ...Fatherhood,.
water and leave it to soak until 'cold. ",Havitig determined their.,..appeiriti'd
'Finally stir in a..few tablespoons'Of seasons, and the bounds'. of:. their,;haL
fresh vinegar. Store in airtight stone .hitatien.7:. Oro& has fixed for all ...he
Jars _until required.: The &Mile seasons Of the year and the same
elipuld• be of the consistency of .thick
Mint, sauce. When•lireqUired ,for Use
about . Prie tablespoon mint
should be. enough for mint sanee ' for
six peOple.. . • . :' • '.',
Food That protects Against Disease •
'There are geed reasons Why. certain
foodstuffs ere.regarcled,as 'being pro'.
tective'•agall,st,•diseasi. This Is be.
.cense'they contain vitamins' and Min.,
Many, illitesses-.-are4d'ut-to•Aefieien,
cies in 'dieti, others would 'PrcibablY
. .
not assail us if We prefetted ourselves
.by eating foods richin these necessary
vitantip&'.." '
The, foodt". that ^ Matter are: ,fresh
vegetables and , :Initter,,
crea , cheese,, fish and animal liver
ad '
• ,
. _
_ .
Wire Clothes Line, •
,Give the wire clothesline a poet of
white varnish, once or, twice a year. to
prevent iterusting. •If it IS•alreadY:e
bit, nisted give• it 'two. cbate, pf Paint
the first time, letting the firtt, coat dry
thoroughly before applying•the:seCond,.
And With its .new, newer, the Prune,
,feels. a fit .COmPaiiion for many
St the other delicacies . that op.', intO
ealads;., 'cakes, tiles: ant: delicious'
dainties of all kinds. Thee,' dietitians
haVe !Wed the Once litiethie prune as a
finnidatiedfor a.ittireber , of extremely,
delicious ,and healthful dessert dishe&:,
'Here are .two or three " "that will
, .
Never hang a, •mattress over . a
,clothesline, to • air; as this will, breakt
the filling ;an(1. result in an unsightly
and - :uncomfortable hollow br .; the
Centre of the niattrees..., Air it fiat in
the Stinthitie turning so each Side..htay
abtorbthe sun. . ' • ' '
. . „ .
sal taert:-,rabbed
over a dirty.saueente Will ,reiridve the
itain& -• ' •
. •
. When wa.ehing new .firenteit; add. a
few drops efolive .nit., to the Water,
Thisi Will help to keep, them, SP(t.' • ,
;• 'Stains on 'knife handles sbetild 1)0
.rilbited• 'With ilnelY•PoWdered ...pentice
stone and 'Water,' -:;• • • , „...
Whenmaking frUit Pies the Juke
' • .
often. boils over. This, can be .eVOided.
if' t,he Sugar ispiit between ,two•layers
of fruit; , . „ • '.• "
Silver Often. gets dull in: damp
weather,-..To,:keen It 'bright, 'mix your,
platepoWder with :liquid:, aninienia' in-
stead of with water.
Iirnits of heat and cold, desert ' and
monntaiti. beyond • which . men c.annoti
dWell....`That they., should seek' Pod."
God wants the 'affectinn Of 'the',neings
has created rhay truly be said
that God needs it; "If haply they
'night. feel after hint and :find. him.'"
Net. 'without` searching •can ; we find
out God.,;: "Though he is, not far from
eacti-ef ue."- tO tit,. but
* knew it not: •
"For in him. we Elie; and nieVe, AO,
have our being."' The tiniVerte i- all
°Tie' world of ,God, . at the satne time
natural and Supernatural. ' "As ger-,
tain' even- 'own poets have-
•said,For We :are also his. offspring."
BY this' :quotation ,.Paul .showed his
Cultural audience. that he also. was a.
Man of culture, and-,thusql-ie won their
WO. 1-Patigu'fation: brOadeasting:14.9:Ploa.
big. 'Of new.,-pFogrg.4.er..N. to the air Wee:. hereided,..n,Y. a Parade ;.
:Nor was 'thne'atiy 'ordinary. jogging,'Along :of 't and, that,;').nit an
'nOnest to:gootIness atithentip circus :parade; right up..Breadway • .New. York,' .
.fireir....eircits,.Pa.raile that Manbattan
hasseen &nee :/925 *aen Brethes and BareaM'Aiid staged
, . , . , • • • . _ ., • .., •,
- .
-.• '-
the fennsance ot. "the greatest thOW-on earth" in old „"iviggisoe ,p.qnsse;
gard_en,:, 'n, .• , ' d •
How could thls outpouring `,..Of -elephants and . eatfestriant,, elownt and ,
pOwbeye. 'eVen.tOP,tbe calliop,e he an authentic' clreue parade When it heralded,
redie, program. . ' Because jt of.,a 1.04.) pir9is, the. great-
est 01g -ton show, ever 'staged,. in a radio.. studio, , a series dramatized from
Courtney Byley CeOper's:' famous, , "Oireet, DaYS".. 'stories apd' tPri.
the' air' tho,author himself, • , . • • : . T
T.,hiS new series spots out famou,s, characters three-ring days
the leather laryaxed- spieler -"Shoe String Charlie" Most: glamorout of all , •
eircue bosses of • fiction ., • Other' leadlag ,players. being VI:Tally Mah.er,.
Eliaaheth.,-GbanOil: Brt_tee.'EvanC. :tor Frank Frank and • g.rnest
. • hi an it adline Negro. eomediane will be 'held•accountablefotside-enlitting •
Patent andthild
,* * * •
• ',Mutual .Interests
New ,r1c..-Sharing intereStsbe-
tween. 'parents and. 'children' was etni•
phatized recently by ''llet...Theodore-
ROosevelt; widow of • the former -Chi
• . -
ter •States President. -• !•
She spoke to 600 school children,
representatives .frpin •KoOtevelt Club
throughout. _Greater.. New York, at a
!program ...In comirientoration • of her
husbands 75111 birth annikerser
"Children' Mean "as..muChrto parents
parents do to children," she said:
"I 'reeneiriber that . during
ithose seven haPPY I/ ylears, in the
White Reuse., that 'things Were 'trying:
would always .say, l'Send me•OPe:bf.
my children to read. :
'is not enough: tnat just
be geed : Children, but •:ai6o that. -in:
terests: betW,een• Parent .and 'child he
An, 'poet; and friend
of 14thesevelt, Said' ;that .'t.Wo.• things
chefleteristie .of Roosevelt which he
suggested 'children '.were, to. Work
and rplay , harder.' . •
III. THE KNOWN • GOD:. vs. 29-•
34. -"Bing then' the. • offenring if
, .". PesseSsing the high dignity of
belt* the sent of . this Maker of
heaven •and earth. :"We ought net to
think that the Godhead is like unto
'gold, or ''silver, or 'stone; .graven by
art and .devide. of. rnan,l'i This is the
all-ConVineing argument against idol-
atry.- It required muchcourage to
make this itatentent,' .surrounded as
Paul was ;by the most remarkable
tokentof idolatry the world had lever
seen, or ever would see •and by -a
•people , passionately devoted to their
heathen deities. • • •
• "The, times of igneranee therefore
God overlooked." Up to this tirne;
,Paul dared to say, you have been in
the slough of besotted ,ign`orance, and
for that reason God will pardon your
trWfur I 011f ''-i-feidolatrYT'bfir 1 -15 -ting -
'You the right of reason, and hence-
forth your ignorance has no excitse in
the eyes of *God. "Mit now he tom-
truindeth men that they should all
everywhere:. repent.", • The , apostle
softens ,the rebuke by applying it, to
all men, and • not merelY!to the Athem:
'"Inasmachas he,'hatli appointed .
day in 'which he will judge the world
in righteoutnest." Sin it not to be
allowed to continue forever: It will in
time 'come short up against judgment.
and punish -Merit; "By the man winim
'he hath ordained." Paul cotild not
continue long ,,in: his addrets'withent
bringing in Christ, . for Christ was
. .
Kids Furnish laicet .,
•. comedia.42 or the big, net -works - Pay ashigh.as 81000 weekly -for the ,
• • .
funny remarks and, jokes .that Bet 1.18 to laughing during their, jarOgrains.
There' are exceptionaand one is'.•PhileBaker, the Armour Jester who just
:recently. ,revialed that he manages.:_tti -get a great' Many good Imes. as a.
reset of 'repartee with street; urchins... 4 , ' • •
.When his work iji the studiosfis• over, Phil Can be found in Conversa.
tion with newsboys, shoe 'shine boys and other youngsters; who frequent
:Chicagp's streets:.' The burg have learned to wait for Baker and they.. kno',W, •
that an aet phrase•Will.bring.a bright:eoimilfroni the air:t matter Comedian. •
•"'T 'A smart ,reply' to "Phil's -"IlellOrrBruddy."- ,brings'_. a :gleaming • quarter and .
,often a Vill:.chatigess.liands••• if. Baiter finds a usable remark for the air. .,
• Hit , liking forkids lead's OM into strange channels:. A group playing...
sfOotball on .a. corn& tot. or a crowd' around a Marble ring will invariably .
find 'Pill" taking:at leatt One. kiek. 'or •shot befOre he; leaves.
. ; , . ' • '. . *. 4, ,.* 4., • .* . ip, • - ,
Post' SCript$.. • , ....._ , .
L. Violti Philo, sopr rib Of Rinses gang, at 1.7 :was a Member -Of the _Metro.
pol'itan.'Opere Conip y• • • . . , . .. •,, ‘
, •
Cliff :Soubier at 13: Was tinging :_illuterated Song's in • ietures -.
Announcer Ford ,Bondis trying to. diet 'away fifty : pounds. ,
• ,., Arthur Bagley, 'director of health -exercises, has evokedmore than
million lettere during' eight fears ,or broadcasting .. ' • '. '. . ' '. '
13atoy Wise' Marie,- 9 year-old singleg• star is studying French' at the '
.' , . . . ..
Professional .Children's School in :New York.
Charles O'Connor 13 NBC's youngest Announcer, aged. -22. '
- ' ' Loretta; Clemens, 'before going on'the air with ' her brother Jack,
a model for. hosiery. ads. : .. " ..... : - • ' ' ' ' '
Al; Jolson, is„•rated by fello-w performers as one of the stage's most --7.
liberal ..Contribittort to charity. ', • , . ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' •,f;•,•,"••• .
, _ _ „, . . ,
. 1., and.:Abner ; :Were 'friends for
. •'!„LinOks like er..fe•of ai irreslet -
• ble force and • an Immovable body•
---'5yhaffs"Up.Vr- • • •
•,"Our star saleeman teems to, have
run' upagainst a -man. Aho -.won t
buy anythIng.7 ..• •
Game of -Bridge -of
• Turkish Origin
The -Paris 9fiewspaper 'Figaro,",
which Jhat. been discussing the origin
of. 'the gime of • 'Or/age; has received
the following :Interesting letter from
Mr. Georges Zarif; a Turkish reader;
"We have played bridge in my fam-
ily since 1869. •We even have a bridge
tradition. It Ilwas:an uncle of mine,
Antoine 'NicOnoulo; who, after staying
in England and 'Russia; is 'believed to
have, c..ernbieed‘whist and 'vint into- a.
new game which vvas soon . popular,
among all, My compatriots . •
_ is probable that in 1483 foreign'
diploreate started, to,. play the gentle
But until 1890' their number was ex-
ceedingly .- small, and bridge • was
watched with 'great astonishmerit by
lill-those;frinii-th-e-West who eafiib--to
visit' the cities of the ' •
"The 'rides 4:)f '1869, remained in
force Until 1910: But 'since the Am-
erica has introduced such MOdifica-
tiont 'that today bridge sparaely at all
resembles the gaine played by Our
th:rrs."'!":0' 'a'nimos
.13Atit'ntaaittlkcincditC°Ine. t.hit' 'land' *Milli 111' e
; -"At Nast half the sins Of mankind,
are caused by the tier Of it:'! -Bert -
reed 'Austell. • "
Chester: I.auck.-and Nerds Goff . . tun .
twenty years before • they broke into .radio together. .
-1•-111.4...".111,4,--0. ...Cet 2670C: 4.1A....r
Radio's All-Star -
. ..Presentations ' •
Station' '"IrEi..111' 711.17elltrSe's'. .CICYjci.1°-.es
'Torento 291. '1030
CFCF;• .Montreal, '291.. . 600
CFCIi, North 'Bar 322' • - 930
•CFC0. Chatham' 297• • .1210,
CFREI, Toran..o. -435 690' '
'4•11 „ 730
MICR. Waterloo 46571-7-645-
CRCT., Taranto • • • ki •••4 • 312.- , 960,4.
CEI.M..L.. Hamilton 340 , 1190 '
ClICt.), :Ottawa '1010
•CKOC.' ▪ 4.76. 1010
CKPC,.. Preston 341 • .. /930,
exLvy ! windsor.:L• onclon 555540
•CPRY; . reroute 361 ' 840
..• 930
KMOX,St.,Louis '279
YW,Chicago ,...{;•41629 '
•wAHC.: New ; ....... 349 • 860
• W1313112..•! Chicago . . 389 ' .770 ,
W.BEN. Buffalo 323. 900.
-WEAF; 454•••• .;.'' 660 '
• WILNA. • '345. • • 870
• WOR,. Buffalo • 545 550
WCY, SchenJetady 279 , • 790':
WHAM, Rochester 261, , ." 1150
W:KBW, ;Buffalo. • 202- .148(1-
'WOK, New -Ydrk • 394, •• ..760.
WJR, Detr,olt. 400 • . ,750 '
428' .' • ' 700 '
WMAQ, Chicago 447. ' 670..
WTABL.:CleV0end • 280 . • . 4070 •
ithoenate n:Portdigetea. t'l.;;•.9:151;-e .ubject L.
. .
- ; ' •ESSZ11471SIldettiti Tims.'
. , .
• 8..00, -Rudy:
, •• Captain ;Diamond
8.30 -Harlem:' Serenade.
9:110-Grenediers •
• ' • WJAS,.• D,edtcatlon
. She*. Beet, . • . . .
Paul.' Whiteman ••CF;CT•
8.00--Rosatid, Bourdon CRefk *
8;30.-e.iinuriie Johnson
-• „March of Time,WGR
9.00 -Fred Allen :WREN
•• Irvin 'S. Cobb•'•
9.30,T•Gerns froM, Lyrics•
,FOOtball 'Shot,/ ,
• • ' • Victor Young's Orchestra. WBEN
10.O0 -Olsen and, ,I,ohnderi' .......WKBW
. • Mitt NIghter .. . ••• %WIEN
10:20-1,.um .and
'6.001Nieet tlo Artist i :0; .critB
8.00-"1-7" • W,BES
.8:30 -Bridges of • ,Paris
Bar,x Days
Baron •MuneliauSen ......WBEN
9.302 --Leo -Reisman
Singing' Strings •
10;00--Danding., Party; ,
1.0.20.-,Ge0rge Jeasel::.:• • ••••••• • CFRE •
11.00-,Naneduyer •B'rolle
• strzrasIr.
2.00 -Broadway. Melody
. , Gene :Arnold, 13E1 • .
2.30-11ollyw000 . . CFRE
8.00-7Philharmonie .Orchestra ...CFRE
' • Opera 'Concert
4:30.-4TociVer, 'Sentinels'
. 5,00 -7 -Roses' and ,Drums WKBA.S..
:5:30-Crumit ' and Sanderson 7.80-.100 ;
Penn'er :WJZ
:. . Freddie. . .. .
.9.00-rSeven. Star Itevtio , •
.r.9.30 -,Album, of MuslC R
10.00-1.1ac1 BennY• -;••••••;.•'4• • w•BEN '
.;•Sunday-. lioar
11.00-1'ireside , Hour . . . • .........CRCT
• .
• • • fatONDAY.. • •
• .U0 -5y up SymPhonios ▪ ;.•
...131aokfoot Trail's
-'.g.30Bing "Crosby•••-• • • iWG0
'Canadianettes- • es '..CRCT •
•• '. Gaiety •and Romance .......CRCT
. • Ship of Joy' .. . ; .
10.00-Conte7ited Hour
WaYne. Eting ▪ •
• wtr.Espe.x.
8.00-Crumitana, isanderin ,
8.30Wrigley .Ilotir
••• Wayne King
9.00 -Ben' Bernie. • .'.. WHEN,
: • ' California Mal
t es
-9:20-,--Nino. Martini. •
Don Vorhees drohestra
'10.00 --Legend'. of .Atlierie,a' :.CFRB • '
•• .. Lives at, Stake • .. • WBEN ; ;•
:11.00--Mocnilight .011 Pacific
8.00 -Bert Lef .. .
8.20 -Albert fpaiding .• • :CFRTS
• Waltz T . e..CRC.
.9..1.1 --One 'Hour VVith:. You -.CRCT
, .9. 0-Bur,na :and 'Allem
Leo- Reisinan • • •
10.00 -Ortiz Tired°.
• •
, `ilarry rtielain,an
„R111:917•A correct • tlios ;daily 'Over, Ste.'
. • tions,' ••
• , .
• MachineOiIStains
After a Sewing machine has been.
freshly oavoid
- os:ntho
-not always
articles'. Whieh are first used on Hit
machine. After oiling the ,niachint
should always be Used en an old', piece
of rnaterial in order to -"work off":atii
surplus oil, bit if it IiiilMens,,fliat. new':
material gets spotted the best *ay tc
reMOVe it It to Use cotten:weol. ' Prete, .
a piece of the wool tightly, over the eE
stain' and leave It On for . about fifteen'.
Minutes': After this time the eil stair ,
will haVe been absorbed by the cettec.,
Waalleaving the„materiai
111-h-tlPotifY. o, tr' s•t-"Pikitt Oki& Be.E.0 A
z Fvo Nid.sr SCRE,At4i.'sio,Uit AUGhttre'
M: Writ WAI:it'M'6 noWN ri-iTd• A
CAI,AG to 6 LAree- treitee •• '
vvrIGlze.' Thelta, uiti.5 A Vii.keAreo.:114t.)SE,Aug1:. •
• 10 045(2V1:
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DID Mt lotac..4) oP: rt‘dr,,v benie,
l/e ttLidctle'-% LIKG 630geRGU5',
AND sei.t:NG Ocirz TWP-1311*.
A aunic%i. liA tAAAA
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