HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-16, Page 2Y1, "4;.• ok• •, , esi, . hornAt, eeing New Vo BY ED.' 13: WARING.: I cannot leave- Chinatown and the Bowery.N,Yithout telling of tvg,i exciting experiences I .bad; while wandering around these places. Thinking some • pictures would help me renletnlaer.my ' aPjonrii in this intereSting cityl start. ed out one; dayt& take some snaps of Chinatown -and the -Bowery. How- ever my hopes 'of 'getting any, pktures • of these two places were short lived 1 because the first tw!, attempts .nearty' well-being.. • • '.- ; 'Arrivingin Chinatown I picked opt ,the;headquariers of One -of the Tongs 4Pil:Ws getting:ready to take a'snap og it when Out dashed ivahabbily dress- ed j'Chiniiimin gesticulating wildly. • Grabbing my eansera, he- asked me - "why -you take?" and when I answer- ., ed ineeklY;• "Just for curiosity," he • tne, none too politely,to "go way," itict emphasized his remarks with a push ' on the. back: *thing daunted , ConiMericed-'016rig.the- Bowery look- ; foi.Soine.etther 'likely looking sub., ject and I didn't have walk farlie, fore I espied atYpicat.„Bowery 'salconc Sancling, tight on the .Corner, thp witiloon. equipped with swinging doors, brass rails AO; rest :the Weary -7-fiet7-on-and-all-411e;•-gt'heY4- *; Villa go to inake 0. the; reel Old,. •time .saloon. However, it ,Seertied as a this Alyea my unlucky day, and no Sooner 'had, set myself :' to :take ,this'. piece. of aftistic :scenery when but clashed the barman: When 1, say bar- man mean it: He waii,orie of those „things you hear about but Seldoni_see. He s'tas,small and portly and had a well seasoned handle -bar. moustache which looked •as : though .it could stand it- couple of 'Swings ' 'his nose :was•Of .red and reminded one-. of a well seasoned :tomato and with his checker vest 'and'white apron he made a•perfect pictiire for a beer. adyertise- • Sr t24e.' • • . -gentlemen, who asked my • views (as if they ,matteeed) on different sub: jeCts,chut not caring, to 'get in anothzr argument,% I informed them I laic* notlling•- which ich was probably right.'As. ,. fr • as I could see the repeal' of prohibition .will Olean nothing to New York excepting that it Will allow the beer saloons to place the "hard stuff" 'on the counter instead of under. it. 1 wast obt When beer ifirst 'became legal everybody,'Was selling it, drug- stores; cigar stores; grocery stores and any other store With a roof oyer its head. The Federal Government soon nipped this bY putting on •a • ON Capt.:Treyelyanrents his $ittafetd to Mrs. 'Willett %and taltes a 01141.11er One in hMtTh. Vhtile his, friend Maj,br 1.34rnOy and' throe ne'ri;h7. •'bars:, play at .lahla, tiPPMgVith 14. re. Willett and her duughter',Violot.. MeSsage is, received that Trs• 1 • ha been murdered. Burnaby, ft share alike as it were. Eb.?, about it?" ' • • "CertaialyiP'',Said the major, do. gin agrepable..."llo, yen a lot more gOot walk," he added. "Exeteise; None, of you yOunecliapa nowndays take 'any TreVelYaa'S- estate is • , • , . :$sviisliteerd; ppu'u9e. ner, and the three dr Shilen of' P • o had come te" Exhompton tr(tril' Hier said -..yoti were starting at, eleven Loudon 'Ina day, at the Murder,Jia arrested. :his ••daneee. meetg• Charles• Enderby, reporter, aQid asks •hira to. Nhaln her, After se 'had talked to; Violet Willett she' heard Sirs. Willett mutter,' "wily night, never! einne•?.• Peal?' t kear itl.'P r'Enderhy, watching' the hbuse late fat sses -.let secretly •rdeet- ah unknown man in 'the garden.' The' Man, hears' prnierby:- - • ze--4euzvk-alest-45-masti,v_ restaurants; which, have opened )beer gardens in front of their establish- meiits However, the,large.fie didn't deter the. burlesqUe, shows, And one can enjoy a sandivieh and glias of - beer while watching the: antics of ;the snPPOse4 antOrs. . ' " ,• in concluding thieseries•next, week I will tell Skin of some experiences 111. vard , and.. switehed,on the light, obe- diently.' , ; ;,"It ninst.le 'the man who.ii..staYing in the village" she said, "a joiirnal- , journalist, eh?" 'exclaimed the Other. ' "I% don't:like the ...breed. ,.'What '• y:-doiyoskunkit0Siflg ruiid private groundpat this time of The torch wavered hi Violet's hand.. hi,s,...tirne4jOharles=waS &ea 'fiill view, Of . antagonist. .For few minutes he had 'entertained the wild idea;,tliat the:visitor:Might have .b.e01'.the es4n0d..ennviot,. Orfe 1601; tat• , • CHAPTER • '• "What's that?" he said.. He caught- Sight of Charles ...re- treating: ,figure: "Hie yeti stop! What are you doing here?"• . With a bound, he rang aft• er, Charles. Charles: tniried ' and -tackled hini. adroitly. The liext mOment they were rolling over 'Mid over together ; The tussle. was a short opei. Chariest: .assailant was by far the heaVier and stronger Of the two: He. rose to his feet, jerking hiseaptive with him, , "Switch on 'that light, Violet," he said, "let's have e look at this fellow." •The. girl, W.ho • had been standing terrified a few paces away cante..for-- • t?" • 1 k' "That's 'it.". ; there:" Ronnie was not :quite so good as his word, hi ,idea of beingon,•the ' 09t. was to ,be ten Mil:lutes, rate.: Afique Burnaby fulning, fP.la fretting but be proceeded to enter...into. Cheer,. ful conversation', ' , . "Sitteford has Weenie a Pretty gay snpt-7-wb4? Miss Trousis ail tis chap Enderby and from AuS- tralia.-.-hy the way, when -4di beblow, in?' • There :he Was as large as life, this morning and, nobody...knew where lie.had-eome4root: ,It's been worry- ing my aunt blue in the face."' "Be• is staying with the •Willetts," .ROUYANDA'. GOLD' .SYNPICAT.g, • , In t ijeart 0 the rtettYn District, Capitalleatient 10,o00. Units. 'Original Patgo; offering .424 a Unit. Adiolning" Northe celaed Gold. Astoria, rtottyn. and Oranada. Noranda 0.,.'.near 'neighbor. .pavora,ble Geology; ,Kas, accessible; 4xtepaive rindingeIn 001.4). Thoi etctqlt' YOU es •of Cana:- • -.Wan 14pnia,"baye more- than. dotible.d lliunenthe. you,wia.h, to. par, tri •Oinunials flSW weal*? Further inforrnation-, • RALr:E1GH: A.13RICE AND CO ° . . 1664 seYel Mani •puma Wavariey 2354 • • There's the Other rearpori,---Brian, Feelitg tim,t ws1141a.ifo furfiber to look 1: acceptedthe,statement that he Was A:ustra42..' :Now.- it turnA .64 that he Was in...kingiand ,all the time. It seetns he. arriyed back in,England two months ago-.TraYelled: on the sarne noat as 'these Willettta: .0n, Thursday pf last we'el, he left!the QimsbyHtet nt Russell 'Square, and dro'44;•to. Pad- dington, from th r until Tneeday. when Enderby ran across him, ..go_xefuses tapcoupt move- .'" (Tobe eontinue(,) nienti in any. g,ndon Register . • • Offices CloSed Henrietta Street ancl Princess Row,- Scenes 6filleimantit Marriagesi9c1ced up Tight ,o of • ondou's .fainous,register said.Ma'Or Burnab tartl Harlem and endeaVor to describe the "Great White Way" for you'. Indian Art Being - • mpia : Life; „Material •or yes: Indian arts are being revived in the native' :schonli of -the' Okanagan' Vat; Children 'Grabbing arm . Which. sheld the catnera,. • 'he isked,., -in •, wordS Which, ,•. iouldn% he printed, WhY."1; was taking a 'Pletiire,• and .the fereCiong.bank lte gave,nie p'rentrite4.:me •to reply,- With: ,sta'air 'Of . indifferenee, ; "oh; nothing" , ;4eeniibilY• doubting' mi-werd, he .gave me a.push,'Qn the shoulder and War* '-`-id-ine-teeleCOafore--he-set-sonii- . • of h14,lioYs me?. ' Tieing only a'local• ;boy -in- .a big city, and .far',antay.ficini lien -lei, I 'took ifia moved 'away .withOut.much enamno. ‘.• • 'Union SqUare, of ;which you rho:ye • , heard. ,Aric:t.t,, IS' loCated not from the :Bo4ery New...York.. what Allan Gardens, and Queen's •P:#1c are .to .:Toronto; and • II.Yde :Park trio:-LOndon. 'the •riceeting plaCe for Alie Soap -box 6ta.• tors and here one Can get ;all kind's of advice, 'from the *ay to get rid of your "M'Other'-in-litik „to' hoW to he- • • . •• -a king • or a President.' The , . park-,iri . the .centre . of the:square is iisiiallypa�ked with these orators and, also is; well filled With quack doctors aad the. like..The'beziOhes arontrii the: park are always taken, tip, particularly, in the, dt,ernocii, When,the gentlernek '..-tilif-thkRowery partake. 'of -their -after.:_ noon MO. TheOratori,:loy: the inegf. , Part, are Commnitista; and they everything end everybody, • and. niways heve,i'large.eudience.. stop,. • -ped -to 'listen to one of these apeidiers Who happened to he giving the Presi- dent and the a bit of abuse: ,After• for smile 'time WaS nbaut tomove ,on When 4• chap Etanding: 'betide Me- asked ' My._opinien on the .N.it,,A.,,,and :this; VMS Where I made a •nilitalte, beeanse in answer hig tet myself emhroiled. in a very' heated argument, and. be.; "bre knew it a CrOwd; railleeminglY the same had gathered, So' telieving in the old„achige that a shut Ntt9;„. thin a broken Ceded' to. agree with 'everything th,ey'l 'd, despite the. fact I• Was': doing A it of "strange 'Interiuding," : stop -- d' seVe.ral-othei•meetingS'Aridwit-• het:sed few iriore innocent bYlitand-, like, inytelfi ...become 4,•the •centre • of eiteitergUMputs. .It seemS as thestigh .there. is a bunch. Of :peoltie Who fre- quent this park for no other ''reasons . thin to incite- arrittientS.:, 'After lis- • ', 4ning; to the different ls.peakerS. and ley', B.C. 'Children 'take time out _es, were blOW in. fronil . Even the `Willetts haven't grit a private aerodrome. laMit t.hink. there's something cleueed.'myS- 'terionsabout.this lad Pearson. -.110S • , got what I Call a nasty glearo' in his ,eye-.741;very nasty glint: It's my ins, .pression that. he's the chap who did ; in Pbor old Trevelyan." Thaaior.,..11144e 49. At' Exhinaptoit the: car drew 'up outside' the; Three; Crowns. • Ronnie alighted and after aria:nging4ith the Major that • they, would, rendezvous there at half -past fent for thereturn journey, he strode ,- Off iti the 'direction Of such shops itS,EXhainpten offered. ' :The AmajOr .W0t ' first to eee Mr: Klrkwood. After a..brief.cOnVeraation With took the keys arid start-. Off for 'itai1mo.:4%; • . He had told Evans to meet...him caused by under the ',beg thereGovernment Act 39.2g.. : :at twelve he . found' Oil faithful rethitier Waiting' on the Henrietta Street,,ijustOff the Strand, • "Then, • of course , we •here the: Pearly •JCings og London who arriyi here to he Wedded to 'their All their.relative's seem ta ePtaP.' tPa: complete clonkeiS 'and carts', •' Brides', •Vairi *elf "Again there.; are _the': trait porters : from Covent :Garden nearby. and we, 4 even have people whii,'reaide in piuek-•• House Where one may .live for a ing. ' ' •• • • ; • •"- . "There:have hpen, petho's; and linmap. drama as well as. 'the 'hi spots' ot romance; • I have seen too many tanceS•of the bride. waiting patiently r. the bridegrticm whp'never turned, • • "Now we leaving . • :.whose Walls- have seen and heard sc much, for a bigger building.. But Inert •can. • never be another. 'Henrietta, Street'." • • • princes row register office baekt. - noted chiefly for its fashionable' wed dings. Last year •Prince •Lenna,it grandson ef the icing of Sweden, wai married 'there, tit Ititis4 Karin Niss , • vandt,,i1Oughter`'ofi prOininent Swed He'Vf•-•the scenea of senile .of the 'poet romantic marriages,- • in recent years, clOsed•their doors a Week. or so ago• Royalty,.the Cream 'Of' Society' American Millionaires,' end, members of foreign nobility -made , •special • point -Of going, to; One,olthese register, officento be 'Married,' And;.•coiiverse- ly, 'few CoVentGiirden porters Would be niarried .elsewhere than., at .Henri, etta Street, ' • • * • Strange Peremonlea . _ • - Prnbably the •last fashionable • so: clety wedding to take place there was the.marriage ; month Of Lord'Claiid Hamilton; Equergy to the King, to Mrs. .• _ ; Violet:Newall.,.. Now thereIS 'only' 'one. register pf- flee for the %City of ,IvestraitistOr,.nald': • ,frem study of the three,. R's t9 scour the other dispelled . any snob fancy. :doorsteP, ..With, a rather grim face, •:: the, forests for floWers and toot's' This tQ'as Youpgina.n not. more than *ArrBurnebyririserted the key into wh,iok,4,re Used to instruct them in:the tWenty-four. or twenty-five years ,of thefroll•P doalf .9414 passed into the • empty,honseLEyaris at 'hie:heels. He abr. ost;leart --arta of theiiIineeStors. 0ge;, tall, . gPod4o-Olcing - and deterii- 'Moakes,- flowers, roots and bark •are, made intedyes and paints. D14 recipes, ,for the making of medicines froin herbs and roots are tested while the 'children :strive ....to improve Aad feet . their oreatictiii:• • ' Spinning, 'weaving, dyeing; pottery, day modelling) caning .'41ha ,deOgn. are attempted by the children in the claikooM. To •the accomPaniinent, 'of the 'ell& ,of the 'Spinning ,loom re ; :songs ' and liStelyto,recorda.pf sOeet1O,U. Ponies dortg0;:eitS and Of* sql7le ..rOdels "for' the drawing class. 'The, inascet, a Pet dici, is •.often eeaxL, --edr1o7pose.H.,:plays:.use4:.for male -fling are ,f,ound.bri.;the reserVe..• After they have beerivorkeit they P.e, Vp1404..41 piroWood fire, th....n set.,t6 ceot and 'pOlialied,,Tlie works -Out of doors. •,- • .1 Herbs that are collected!: inelnde. 'grea,se*eaci.: which is far the treatinent Of rheUMatitni. For res 'piratrory ailmentSi'4.deeoctied of sin -flower ,iieetia. :svs faUrui. beneficial: •Botterfly weed, as an :enietic;. Was Vot- ed,•,:pe4ect„ while the pi:Leh 01 the fir baisam''Wes :used as ,a salve in the • treattrientOf Wontids: • • ; Orieinetlied :used in the treitntent Of snake .13iteAti7the'„APOieittion. Of •the -powdered rattle Of the rattlesnake, riittbedinto the Vvonnd, .061ora Of. the ...Okanagan tribe -red, black- and Iyel- 16*-tire employed ..the' painting ' class; . obtained from red' and. YelloW °Ohre, MiXed.-Withfisli-itiiiiitd: blaelc froin Charred •pinewood emberS. Oclireis • secured Ire* 'fifilarrieeri; near Prineetrin, Tullaineen being the; Indian ivOrd. for paint. • In the olden- di4s: *a:4 exportecrirrlarge• ed,' With, none, of. the hunted criminal . . , • „aboUt. , • .,•said aliarnlY; •• ."what's yofir' name?" - ."1l4 Amine; is Charles. Enderby,". said Charls-‘1r44--rait,oret-tftild-igy. years," :he Continued." . • `Tonfontur clieekr" '•• , Sadden fltili Of 'inspiration carne to'. Charlea. • guess had saved him, Mere thall Once. 1twasa long shot, ' but he, believed 'he Was right. •; • • •; '• 1, .• "I think, however," he Said 'quietly, "that I can guess it" ' • . • "1-;,••• " • "What?"... ....• •• Tlie..other-w AS 'clearly, talen ..aback. • •think•-• Said Chirles -1..."that I haye...;the :pleasure of addreSsin.g 'Mr; Brihn11'.'etirson ••trom' ghat. Sor,• . likfireeing Witt:14001f 'that their' views: tete all the same, I started to I:Valk ..out of the park only tO' be accosted by. ie' veral ceannunistk. looking • . WRINGER ROLLS 44010APt444',i;410:***- 414 i61.1 Mdlte'-or•laffir-WIESIMT"017 harld"wringer; IngitegtoualItY, VAiree3T -14,i0iir.bd.as guarantee. • Electrical AlitiV4atite .387, Yontie ' . • 'Toronto . , :ISSUE No 45-$ ... There *as a silencertither a, long silence: :Charles' had a feeling that • the' tables,...were turned. "Hewthe devil On knew that I can't think, _said the other at last, "but you're : paneds trian Pearson;"' I. ; • • • .• lir that ease," said Charles, "sup- posing We go 'te. the shonae.and talk thinsover!" •• • . •. .. : ...CHAPTEit.XXII.. •. ,..„ Major 'Burnaby was dOing-hie-gc:. .eourite. eiHto•Cse ' a, more. DiCkenslike Phrase, he was loOking: into his :affairs". The Major: 'Wag sad 'e:',.. ' . elk :Method:. xtre\ ,i061,','ititilti..1.,-.:.InL-a:eilf-hint. ••,'.book he - kept a record Of shares, bough iiiii Mild and the..e&mitpanying. loss or PrOfit-:-Usually a lOss,...fer :Ili COiriniott with Most retitedariny Men the nfajor est rather rather titan .4 modit.,pordent4go had not been in it sinee the aight,ef the tragedy; and in spite 01 his lion determination -AO,--showv • no - weaknesS; be .gave .a slight shiver as hepassed the draVving-room.• • • • ' ,Evans was deft...and •-effic lent- at his work: • Everything was neatly. sorted and arranged- and classified, heaps.. At one o'cloCk, they, repaired, to the Three' Crowns for 'a short mid-dav . • • At, balfpast •thred their. task :Was :uishetl.. The trunk of 'clothes'. •and 'underclothes 'was 'allotted to Evans, and another was "strapped .. pp.. ready to: be sent to -the Seainea's Ornhanage. Papers .7-ere:Packed iritO,,,an attache case.arn4ExanLtiVen:in. Structions.Ao see ;'a1.16car:•firiii'. Of ..re1- 'moVers•abOut .the -storage of •the•sVer- lops Aperting. trophies . and heads as there was no 'room for. thein in ;Major Burtiaby:'s :Cottage:. Siriee •HsielittPor wasonly rented no' other 9neations arse. '• 1, • . ' When all this was ettlecl SEvang cleared throat nervonsly• once .or twice 'aiid then ," • "beeilardOn, be want- ing ,job to • Mac after 'a 'gentleman, same ai I ;did to look after the:, Cap - ting." ios.,"ean tell anyone to apply rae, •fOr' a recommendation. That -livid. bequite•all right." ..: 'Morning• . "Begging . Your pardon, • sir, that, . " • WaSn't,quite whit, I Meant. liebecca and..rne, ' it "over .a.Pd• „Nye *is, weaderhigjkLsir-7.4 maybe -ghrezus-a-triail,lk ' ..rfoh! look"...after.:rity- Self as YOU .knoW. ',That old 'What's .her name conies inandcleansSfor Me .once things: ' -CP:trafford.' titiei.•to different parte of the.Amer.i.- . It iant the money that matters so can,cOntifient. Th,e Blackfeet used coupled with safety. 1 ' looked all ht " "nuch, Said EVana quickly "Yon has probably seen more eolorful and romaritid Weddings than any ether r;e7, gister offloe ;- : Some of them and. the strange•inet, 'dents tliai.; accornpanied.niani.of.theni Were recalled, by ,,One of the legistrarS, people .10.,evening dress, it full MilitarY'•iiit 7coniplete with medals and •order, :' ordinary Werking clothes, and in 'fancy dreia," the Registrar aaid: • IVIillionaires'.ThrIII haVe...inarried.'actor and,. actress-: their stage clothes and'inale.tip,... who 'Imre nipped Out froni, the. teatre %between acts to. be ;Wedded../., ." 'The' sbelety „marriages.. '.have been , far 'toO;ritiniertniii:tO'recall..,Ainong.the outstanding onea..4...remeMber!the very popular'. iiredding',Ot: Orhiee. Henry Of, Pless,' When .ihrbrige of.' people ' lined the ,Streets:outside anedlieeredlii . , , • . . • T in• :plenty; ..Many Of them' . frOm, 'their hOnies, :if they .can :coin(); Over, and: be Married In 'Henrietta:. Street. .They',.comii:Over and aPPatetit?..: ly get :great thrill; out 'tit 'it, , •' We also: 'get considerable!. p bet:: Of. people • ireM .ceeOpent; ehietty .Street Seems he Well Imo** in that Conn- ..; "The :turioui . thing &milt .prencli bridegroom S is.;tbatOmy insist on be, :ihg• married in evening dress even Ir.. the ,CereniOnY:takea: Place during' the; M - 4ligiree in • luro deceive for a definite purpost alinOat means tO• Sehnitzler: . • . In one out of every four . inurcle: eases:the guilty persori takes WS" wart life,.according .to estimations. • • 4, 'L.... when on the WarPath. *These s r g • _ • he wits. inUtt ' eettis im though '.:see, I. Wis. VerY fOnd Gmls Need:Ttaining . .it. 'Almost as liad as at am n a fortune in ting and --well,, if could do for, you. , •ought to have been _ there t ond sir, the same as did for him, well, More °Than 'Bork mine! • cannajan thy, uiliglit„ to it tireuld be ahnost like the, same thing; a you knovv what I mean.", ''...-11Villivaukee:-There IS . „greater •, , • •• •" . • •• I aj�r thrioat, -totti;• Via Cogitations Wereinterinptect'liy :,..• averted his eyea: „, . . of the Only Male .delegate to men. oiteinel'y trying, arid praCtically :Very decent of you, pOn. My Word: topiitlon he Girl Scout conVentlOn. .. everything the Unfortunate Ronnie I 11-411 think. abinit ;And' :escan-: "•TiveritY years :in 'ploy.. scoot; Work s.ald' or managed to rub Major 'ing With: 'alacrity, altnitse'bolted and years in -411'1 Zcout activities the- wrOrik W'ar• Still, hnspitality is. dOWn the road; ,•• : leads James 'Brordis, retired ..ecit; ' ; Evans stood leeking after' hini; an 'Stilling engineer' of . Glen Ridge' and ."Have a. drink?" asked the „Inajer, Understanding' saiii,e upon face. Montclair, N.J..;t6, believe he is (Inuit, leYal to that tradition. ' , ,"Like as two peaa•1 and the judge • , thanks. As a 'rnatlet,. 'PePthi.g,!, he murniiireil: .• ,• fted to "The Roy Scouts • b.; treat 'Or. i• iiiit dropTd into see if we Conldn't And then'a piazzled expression canie ganlation, he need. for girl seonting thati• t.here is,„_ , • • .. • for boy. scouting, in the apreased Mr. runield Ga,rfielc. fo d young fget togethe .„ I wanted to ,g'o:-to Ex- over his face. ' Nett 11411 Y.? Su, /or :-FREE book • aro • ya• e • atow: in 0 i • • kiiicessit odetliqrbt -Send for diopi bctpfuI 'booklets ;b.aby cd01; 7ou eV er, .awl ea• pugeil • ';Vilusi to du ;-"Seb.re- baby vome4.. • „Liayolt. • liabf's balk,. deep, .idring; ; • ;;ISOttle. faeding.;"1"timil; ,Sud- •bh. • 'rite :itcrino.AN• cisirrER, • for.-.1FALE,,••ippy:tL. • Address V••• .1k ••,•j -•,•;;.••;*;i±1.•:•,. • • " ,JAcx, To, SEE CLARK ABOUT THAT Bid OMER ii,14O 1%.111.41.i+Ei ANO l'HAvETERRIFIC Nkultrrit. • WHP•fcAN 100 7 g sOkose -ASPIRIN . TWO TABLETS WILL ST:)P .*HAT PAIN IN A;FeVI I LATER - oAcki:i dor -rAd. pittieat yes; Fser,FIT. AS A FiopLa • • iitkki BM; 'LL ALWAYS • OtT ASPIRIN yolE 1:1;YANT QUICK ctiLIEP Rion/C(41W. o said 'but eireti • ,. today h' 'El i is "Where can thesit .h4 Real „AgPIRIN' Starts i'dkint Iiola ift.Few *notes.: • • . • hatipton and 1 . ear n er bo are in litied to deyelop I! untreniired. "It's a bit queerrthat..• I . • • .6 t,, ys. into good .and -nctlye. aitizenic. Girld to take YOU. in. • - nntnrailnonaliorie or ehilitiee.wiiith with the place noW*44 sir'"' said IrispectOr Narricat:. • thousands of Years of experienec bas "Well, you see," Said Ratinle ritlier The Chief Constable 'looked at hirn dl "t arti ularl 'int in iiirin 1 15 are. digereat, :.•iiii.. are 'dot 66kin; • 13,urnaby nodded:, ' . , inii.;st ask ..Rebeccg• what she :thinks, . !ling tO enter fields heretofore Stfit- .."C'C't t?' 0 "el. TkevelYri' tblkiik" - .' ' :* ''' '41- . *`,. ' 4" " .. "!: '...• ly lett to men. and they haven't the 'he exPlairaetV'' "The Pelle° lii-v,q done • "I are n6i' el4irel'Y' llaPP? al?:..ift 14.. 'given to the ',Ogler se" . . '. . aw,. kw'''. ..W ed to q g Y. ; • • . ' i • go into EYxhainpriton eteday! f thought . "14o," said, ' Inspector ,Narracett "If democracy cannbt do better III if 'N'.0 conld, get together and share m 're and k"I'not nearly' AS hippy about it itS • • ,.e.1,-..,.. ........- • 1 VVI " • ' •,, - . ' ,.1 , ' tte;--tiittUr9. in assuring eolnllekent lea&:". . ... ''''*'.."77-- ' -"."--, "Von don't thinvweve go the ti nt 1VIS;d.., priAitted tlieMt" ; • , • start ,witlif everything , but now-:---itqf . • fry. Elftier ••.' • • • -••'''• • • •'•••;11...‘,17., ••• 1 way, , ' 'nteci the One, Ti.,V)TiT‘g•N-0-/-`1,4,r°,.14‘,y6,71(s'6.f.tolei;ti".,Ciintrigiti'imirj.6.11.' %rating tlie•Sainet!' ' 330 Bay S.t. • torort o "Yes, ".5tit theretS-ii_400(1., (1.00,11:4 f ;:ther" evidence Nib* to' , , ; • - Ettint ; that . ChangeS With tire Wind 'that iiWeeps the sky). With. the cloiids' that tepitit after CHOtitild lta ritirt:,7•446Orgil o ••„ :•• SYNDICATE • ., "Itio-gisicacc. . VOW comes, amcizinOly quick. relief train headadhesi,rheumatiSrn, neuri- tis, neuralgia thelastest.iute relief, - 1•11-'Itshoasi ed, rgeestult4iss. crreetIddii'' to a sekep' Tie discovery by Which an Aspirin • lab et begins 16 dissolve,: or; dia- - :integrate; in Ale ainazing space Pf, ',tivo seconds alter touching moisture. •ud,hence to start "taking hold" of . noin n few minuteS afterialting• Ile illustration of the ,glaSsi.here, ' $-• ketorgi4A,.,-•,4spirnt4gthki,,,_•, by you swallbw,it. And,thus is ready fa Co to work almoil. ihstantN• „ • Wh you buy though, be. on en, , -gaard-aganist-atibatitiites:"-T-0-he sure-' WH' WORKS SO FAST: Drop Aspirin fablet in p„gI0,3 Of water. Nene that BE4 ORE it tenches bet.r tent, it het started to "disintegrate... t•44. StOdiach.' tidal i • fat action: , N'Abt it; exti•Abk, you,get qui& relief, be. -sure. the-tittitie••Batteit,th-tIld form. of..•4 Does, Not._liariii :the 'lead cros eVerY, tablet of Aspirin: .14;tx • A