HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-09, Page 7• ff Sausages For Fail Of courses any kind of nieat #nay Ibe made intb.'"sausage "but •jn this gown try the Word usually means. .a Pork prodnet,. and if, some, oth,el .variety .of, meat or a, combination isiused, a char. aeteristic, wdrd �s.�iased to- ricins, i't, r: Sausages. are, justly popular during the; fall and winter months and: arid; a., :pleasant *ari1•ety • to; cold weather' menus They "sre„also u'seful,to••give. flavor to many/ irlterestjng dishes and make a most attraetive•an appetizipg; .garnj"sh,for•.roast chicken. and•turlcey Link •sausage, __country .eau;..age„..and R bulk sausage Pere .alk made from finely .chopped pork "Both fat And lean meat.. . are:used, • :but never More: :then •oiie, third as ,much• fat as 'lean, should ,be added., Poigdered s e`ie sometimes added with' the seasonins , and the sausage is often 'smoked., ;and sausage,•,4macarcini sand Saus- age, ride and sanSage, , sausage ,a , leasing of baking powder biScuit 'these ere fevi: of the Many :ways • sausage can be used M.mitisual diShes: for, bulk- es Well as mineral:salts and- ; Stuffed. Apples Totir large 'apples, , half; pound: bnlk sausage, wholeeloves., Stielt a•fevf cloves into ihe 1104.. Fill for 2Q Minutes., Reduce heat and rei One bouiL.,,J basting frequently With' the liquid baking One poundsausage,_foneapples,,one_ cup vinegar, two cups brown sugar, shoUld be Used.... Par13611.4or. 30 ...ruin - Aug nah. Without Water; fpn 30 .infiuttea longer; turning .freqpently brole ' Pare. applee and .Cut in'' slices 'about, • ,RenreVe cords' anti :.'ditet, into 'boiling .from,.syrrip and roll in creeke'r ••BreWe .quiqtly.. in, het SaUsage. fat and :.bread reap°. •MaY be. baked' in, intiffln ,,patiaer a "muffin recipe 1414y, be baked. in a' Sheet, , cern pone. is .:soMething ,•distinctly different'. and ; a class' by; Corn ncin.e *Was made egds '' 'or leayening,and. Is the satin MiXttire, baked la ,the cive'n:- These cake§ Were UTT By Mair. A. ,Morgan; ,grete, Pt tile) Mix :and talft' flour,: salt, .ifugar. and Mix well„. Add milk gradtrally 'stirriag, ,.to keep: smooth; egg. well, beater), arld innited, butter Pour hitt .011ed ,Ctips thick, sent teaspoon. seda, teas eon, sait 2'd a .2 tahlea dons 'eggsS' Until tight beating.. Add 'britter and. -pour:: into: "a* ..troa :frying 'greased, on the, bettairi and ski es; • With, renraining tablesppcfn butter., ;Bak 'on the iniale, grate Of ii'ot oven 're ''.25 Iiiirrers play .an ;important 'Part .in i/faiiy,.an reom has been'. tines' - formed into ntiring of 'beauty by the. SiMpie• .addition • of ..one'. two Well- ar period; see that the mirrorti are'Of the same period. AvoidincongrUities like banging a Modernistie „mirror in ft room fUrnishe4 vFith, Colonial, pieces: .'• A Mirror • Should; be hung te.reflect the light. „ In:ether words, hang ,it if you cart on 'the optiosite wall frcim a' window. • Ig that ien't !possible, hang it, • to reflect some artistie furniture ,shoilld be hung at'eye :Ye -getable song, • Made' With and- thickened With" an egg, • : • madetoniatti, sauce. Potatoei: :baked 'in': their jacketri'i; Kippers:. 'Princes and , and raisins:. Of inace,:,:two Cloves. 'Cut the. daMSona lir ' halves ' and. reineve the,' ;Stones, Add, the:, vinegar' anti sPleei rid be the ,finit from. tire pa:nand drain'"it in ha's drained, pack. it . eloseb, IA' leis to': twa:ifichlengthe. ; Boil enough -Vine; with .a; quarter of".ti toned Of stigaro .ene and •11.; half Olinces nf root ginger; 'Which: should'. he broken uli., Just 0,V,01'' Mince of' turmeric, ; .81X 'Chilbes, - One tato mintites, When OHO. cold,•plase AlioW one• pound of onions„ two popnde of apples, :9-4,444:,a.. halt pints Pt vinegar,•oneteaspoontul, q salt, tour ou}tcec of mustard, one teeepogpful; of whol,.e pepper. Slice. 449..e1110,40: ,andN peel;, ;core, and slice"..the apples i'our the •vinegar, lnto a ,etewpan, add tl}e salt, mustard,; and pepper, boll it,, then add •the :chopped apples, ,and. gni„on$, Boil Again for five, • minutes ° Allow. ,to cool, •then jour• into• bottles and cover .closely,, Picoa111111 ''he greater the•;variety.- of vege tables' used tOr thjs, the better lase one ,ounce of;`termerie, two, -;ounces, Ot astad, a quarter of, an nce of mus tard 1aeed two ounces of pepper,gorns, one saitekoonful• of cayenne, a quarter of a pound of grotu d ginger to each gallon•.; of vinegar and always enough' vinegar• tocoyer vegetables!;•*11,.the spleenin vinegar for a: few minutes” then .,pour hot over••vegetablca;. stand, .a]1 ni.ght, then Put into jars: or i#`ottlea and make afrtight�s s Household.Hints.' Casement curtains will hang much better' .if amali bagfi:.ot'silver sand are sewn; into. the : corners of: the lower edge., , This, also•. prevents' .them, •trorn • blowink about when Mindows are oPen The bags need, .not."be,'remgved when the: ;curtain's.. are washed._, Before• storing rubber bathing caps and' Shoes, dust ':'them• inside and.- out wi• th 'talcum. powder., This will pre - 'vent them,from• perishing: shoul ' be placed so that the patient cannOt seel his Own. reflection in the: Mirror,' if postible; arrange the rar so that: a-, glimpse of the ontside . After machining cc.areejnaterial the needles are liana* found to be blunt Te sharpen them, place. r, 'flee of fine Sandpaper a he niabhine arid sew' through -it tor, a few -minutes,. - 'Instead; the pan :With salt an`d Water. and leave for a few hourale. fore bringing slOwlY to, the boil. , The burnedparticies will" mite off witheut. any tratible ,and there will be, ne after Sundai School Lesson "'"Gelden Text2-.Etalieve 'on tie -Lord "And, a NUSieh: imPeared to' Paul :in the•rright.",'• Goa Wili guide Us in' this, :children; and it net Lin :this; Mariner, then Other ways "There , The; vision was probably 'a result ;di „conversations.' which . , Pain .liad had' 'with Luke regarding the wisdoni of , evangelistic work • .in ., Macedonia. ' 'Beseeching. 'him; ;and Saying, .Come ,Threugh all the ages, the gospel has advanced because • • Christian people !have: Seen the:" '1VIatedoniair Vision and. Obeyed th •Macedorian 11 ; 111 en 111 haciseen• the vighni, .straigh,tway.". VfOinpt obedience is double 'Obedience. , i"Songht :to' go .forth 449 Macedonia.", They,'. had, to coming:in that ' direction ;, perhaps they had, to .wait .".far such a beat: to arrive.." "Coneltiding• that Ged had tailed Us, te , Preach the gaspel: there,' No matter haw' noble" •; the' purpase;. it ' mist be, thought' ent,-Jie- foralt IS ente,red loon. or it *R fiot Pounded b:y. mid named after Milli); s in doing. any it is 'wise' to make:. w. 'preliminary . reconnoissance. Satiirday.; the JeWiSh' day, Of rest ',and Worehin, *heft, pant wauld 'be stir* The, •writei" being used for the 'JeWish ceremOnial •Washings -,'.'en _which the Otto the. larger.: Strynion: "Where Ve Were as. often AS :possible euisidO the denoting that" they 'were' prePared tO tea -ph. • !Wild, snake •iiiitc the •Wortien spring1pf male," P,s proves bow muck; Philippi was the .491)441.;910147,e• "Apd a ,certain; woman; 00.04 Ly 4147As, .slie came• from, "the ,Asiatic. Provinpe of 41'444, sem* wen*. trans:. •later •oris a pertain LydPian, *0410. 4!!' ""A; seller .,p purple' urple ptoth . worsh pitedtCTpd ich Sbewas ore that. ly a heathen but ,as the, word. sign fes„ had `came over to :the Jewi'ah; faith ''Heard ne whose Peart the: Lord erre a d• to give heed unto•, thb. n things Which were spoken, jay Panl "• Credit for her conversion is not g1v- en. °:to Paul;" • but •ad the Lord, Wbo opened her 1eart . when, sire was baptized„ and' her household,"'- • ¶'hie :is: characteris,. tf;c: ,of all, trueconverion; it seeks. to: Convert .these,. aro'tlnd it, :a, 4 .it k;egins vlith those nearest and 'deal. est, those -Of the: 'hdme.: • 'She.• bei; ;ought vvas not, '19;r41] o a and fort. mal• inyitat#on,, but an: •earn.e,st., • en,; treaty. real°(hAspitality, evidentlyfrgin tl e• -heart :"Saying, If'ye,'h,ave judged. me; to be ;faithful; to the- Lord;, come unto my h'ouse� '•,arid abide 'there,", j Lydia gave her` h.gspi•tality ns" it ,she i were .asking a favor: "An'd 'she con-' strained us." petit, 'with his. manly independeniee, `was dopltlesa about tc set up-his•'tent.n4akip.g 'establish;; meat; • but Lydia, would'have 'noneio•"f' THE•'J AILER,• '• '• 'But. abeet.,niidnight „rani and M- iles, were „praying and singing hymns ,unto God.". "It s�eeined,t strange that; Paul, e'se full 'of nerves; so buffeted and' trampled on 'by the; world which • he, :•longed, t o lielp,.:could; .be so happy. ,eoul'dpaint his heinousness in colors ;which • de.. 'not • fade, • He knew ' ..the• power' of it and the •guilt. of it, and the• extent of; it, ,but this: did net make him glum.. He was a ,prrrftan, a ".zea_. :lot•.for lioliness,-but he Was not grim:. He. was a reformer, ` He tried, to re- fashion the' world's • lifeand was •de-' • feated, but he did not, talk in, a p"sin tive, or pathetic toner He . was • a saint.,,,.liy.ing :.fer:.God _but his voice was not • lachrymose" ,• nor were`:h•is eyes filled :with •Shadows. He was•so. full :of : joy �that.'even xn .Jail in a Por •ergo land, .whenhe was • toomiser..'-, able; to !sleep, he ,could• ' break ;into; song."' And we: can •and'•`:should-; fol_ loib.:his; exaaripie: "And' the ri oai -er's ;were.:_listening, to thein. "And suddenly "thea e, was,. a ,great` of the •.prispn-house. were :shaken;P'•Ait. fixion, and later when ' the apostles :Were 'praying (Acts. 4: 3.1).,:so nerd. when Paul .and Silas' Were • Preying,. 74nd•Arrimecliately all the deers. We're operiad; and( every one'e..hands *ere fastened' to sta.pleS in 'the Stenet.:, :trick • Walls; which, 'would": fall., ont 'the earthquake • cracked •the t, of ,sle.ep and seeing the. Prison. dtiora• •Opeti.7 'He' was perhaps, SICeing, in •cauld -see: the :various :cells of ..tne. of .God ;died: to' bring eternal Melo 'all., . "But: Paul ,cried "with: a• lend .voice." 'HIS: quick. Shout riaing,:above ••all • the darner.; :",Saying, D8:, 'thyself • ,ne lighted apattinent e, Where the ! 'sprang in." The lights were ;needed • • An foreign. countries *Ili 'oe,t]trilmte prPgraP•ki• WhIgh' writ Pteltefl'".PP1Pf • ' 'Thns; there will be barft ?raditf!listeuer'in; thei '*orld Who• will 'net • HollYWOpit, Back •ton is Cliff Hall; the Raron'45 fridnd,, "Sharlre”. Cliff • was .net •in e.vid,ence, when,' the Baron stepped ,off, the*Tyientieth -CenturY ,grand Central Terminal, althaegh 'many thought he 'was trying to ,esettee; detection by. interviewers dieguised as a Red Cap •d't That shrinking Violet,. tire Bergin Munchause.n and' Sharlie have started in right, where they left oft,• Only More :Pearl's sbJeurn• in filtadeni has supplied him:with: new fables ,until,leven the 'voluble and erudite "Sharlie”- .Sent Teronte tadio•,artist a trained .deek. aer, a , 'Join; p. Young, , If yoti Want; to .:See the Greater Minstrels Broadcast When, in ,ChliAge. se de • ; 15,900 other ad rairera• . • stiine. waiting lis:ti•..nna,rly '209;000 nersona already • Witnessed.; this, ,uninde feattrre, :„ . •Madge Trieker, "The Lady Next Door", •in five 'Years has Written 'nearly ffiie niillion .W9rda :or radio •00Atitte, The 'apple ef Ben Bernie's .eYe. 'IS his 'son ;JAY, Military .•• ItYs • out that will, Rogers..eatrziovi., sit an,. airplane a* , Well aS he sits. a'. horse; . Jed; .13enny 711ea:a hard. lime chrivincing friends.. ••• .that Benny:is ,Iiis•real name anti ::net , a stage 'name,: .• '.•••Prank-liastew;.,popi'.., • Ian NBC, tenor is. se? tall • his has le .slouolirto reach' thd Micro/Mane, • tion. for', the.'Whereabonta • Of the -$00 'Which. Caused the bpyi. se. mAcb.:,.;, ,e If the. radio' audience "neMeinbers, Bill Was 'preparing 'to. go On his vaaa• tion to: California, end an 'announcement was made . to this effect .on tiie • Hie • letter from a Canadian 'fan Said that One of the eltildren turned 'trent the radio and 'Slid, "Mummy, I'll bet Bill Ilitylicts ;the i$500. and hi'ka • :Fortunately far th youngster's faith the Sceteh 'annomicer the planer • was found 'before Bill returned. ' • ' • i• • , first Big-Tinie Canadian Program .T1,)e new edition Of Wrjdley entertainment brought Volumes: of , thank. fulness •frem. thousands ;dr ear sore liatenere fallOWing the premiere • bread- 'ast ef trely, 'the first program originating in Canada with' a, professional .77 in Order to, that clever production Man; Dave 'Miller; caurse, YOu.reinem.: . her' that nleasing vOiCe that used to' emanate frern arnOnular • Tomato, titit••• Radio's \ All-Star Presentations zEntniis Metres Cycles before he: could go --4nto -.Montreal-7% 2 ,fear fell down befere Paul 'bald- Si- cKAR,c.,•moornatrq,.eoaf 443125 1 3900 \ CECIL Waterloo' 465 , 646 CBOT,' Toronto 312 960 CKPC, Preston 341 930 CKLW, Windsor -London 555 • 540 CPRY. Toronto 357 840 KMOX:, St. Lott's` 275 1090 Th,e jailer, Must have knoWn 91 -the Miracle' which:11.94'14. to . the incarceration .Of,: the, apoStles,. and 'at -one aSseeiated them •with• the earth,: Sirs;-witat must- I -do to be saved? Of 'evil'; "and. sin 7 ig. .the asser- atill Of Gott" • On thern„„are color's that the sun lies Their ,splender,•in ,a last exultantery., AA. ;Wonder • hey.cind 'rhese, trees. The Win,c1 in tender rev-. A. bird beWildered. by this klorY; flies Away, ••• Eaeh lovely leaf, becomes ,, a Bidding the 'earth and' sltY and niari Here ,,ait is said that any :Wprfl can 13.danty is enthroned this Autumn WBBM. ChiCago 889 •' 770 ,VVENR, Chicago . 345 WICBW, Buffalo • 202 WJZ. New York 894 WLW Cincinnati 428 . 1150 ' 160 760- .706 670 1010 Ettitern Standard Time. 1 09,...03.00—NDvriairaradtie. R. Gobutinidson, ;.......,•....:,...7..st1.13R:TT3B, • March of Time • • 8:307 -Bridges of Paris 10.00L -Dancing Party, CRCT 2.30-ilIollywood'' Show :OMR •,„ Feeddli Rich Gypsiei 1.11.00—Contented Hour .,,CROT :Wayne King • TUESDAY. '8.00--Crumit and Sanderson'. WBEN Wayne King 5.30 -Nino Martini I... 10.00;4,Legend of America. woti Time 0.00—one Hour with You RG1' Leo Reisman 4CLOYA correct .time ,clailY over ' Sta.. ' 9,30.—Gems froth. Lyries ...CRCT initrian hell] AS"' nat in , any Preper .1.9.00, -Olsen and Johnson ....WK13,Wedficated —Horaed Mann " Still Within the La'Ar. A Lt. cAte'T tic -Res. A tuck. TAO - 4 r4,414841• • • • r '44444,