HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-09, Page 5•
.. 11UA D. ;*;7"'
ever tl�e em,rgea
g1a 'ses : illness ;
... en inability to pay an sex='
ectedt : 'vis •..Ionetiom
�•.... ... mess.'.
101>� :our 'tele..,
shone takes..c r
` r
ne•,x ensy.:e; cel],:,.•• ute�`� ou
=::ixr�;rimediaxe personal touch
ardless. _of .distance.' <:
For 30 '.gifts :
you •can .telephone',abouit
1O0 12111et3• .�I .
• by Making an:'"ohrUl." Call.
_. (station=to station) after_'' 830'.
See._Wt, of ram io=lit
• of directory",
.,..or:L. st •..eek
(Intended For a
James' is *Pending a few
"Mrs: Ed:: Jams , p g
-weeks wits hex': mother, :Mrs. Wnr
Mr.'and: Mrs ' Geo, .Bell •and'. Laura
i •aid ine on unda� .
' � vs�ited zlear K nc d S y .
' ` s 'a`ri Win-
Messrs:' Earle Hodgrn d
Davidson `spent .a'. day at Alliston '.
Miss •Foster f ..N., visited Mr. -ani
Mrs.:1Jos. •Hodgins' last week. •
o rot
�":Sorri�e of the :members; of H ly o.
• Women's Institute' made the annua,
tripto the the House :of •R'efuge and pre.
•,tfented the :inmates; ' with a handker_
Chief each:
e �'
Mrs, Earle 'Hodgins 'ins: has `returned
home from' Walkerton Hospital ani'
is doing ` nisei* after .her; operation
Miss' • Foster' is still irursing.,. er,.
Mrs. Nelson - HB,ice went `•to Clinton
: last' week ,where she intends spending.
the. winter, Oath 'friends thei;e.•
Mrs. Green of: Teeswater,• a. sister
of :Mrs. Thos: Gaunt . is • seriously` ill
with double ,pneumonias. We • hp;ie for
, speedy.•,recovery.,, •
We are 'sorry 'e report. Mr; Jack
,Webb had, the misfortune ,to have his
' barn: burned tai,; the, ground ,Monday
ool Repots
4, Weet
or Roam):...
Teat Marks
Sr, III—Johnny Pritchard 7710;
- ordon, �icDon Alt,"
G . n. , . , aid. '.74,, Jimmie Ai„
chi son 61;1 RR;uigiell- Webb* :'•46„ ^il`ngus•
Xer10.nald, 4:4; Tyle: • Gaynor*`, 28;
Harold Woods* 24.;'., ' •
Jr.' III; --Doris :Wilkinson'" 78.
;Daily, Marks.
�•Mae McDonald, Masyrga
• 4ret
:A... .i.
itc so '793•�' Helen McDonald. 746
Malcolm ''Buchanan* •703, Ross' Gam ,; •
i�: la
641 ; 'Marie Swan* 4 4 1 n
;Cranston!' . 325. '$
AGR Ff V8;
' Winter Fair Pato"; ,
"INURANCE COMPANIES ' Ottawa :*,*inter Fair '-f oyember
A 'IN CANADA.. 14 o 1'..
' •. CARING :FOR.; TEET8 , Koyai' Winter Fait,' 'Toronto:.
Stop look and read if" YAM a x:e; tow; :'N'oveinber 22: to 30,.
young Ind. you want to,'preserve the !„ Ontario ' Provincial. Winter
natural, youthful; appearance et` you; ':Guelph';— Dpcemb¢r 5;. to 7.,
face:and, a t e "
,k , , . t .he Gine time, »en"oy thF: ,.
• x • ...` comfort and ••health• which eoine. iitl;,Rhyalt ProsP� is�iood:
a healthy 'mouth, , containingsound • - Advance idformton f
om the
d• managgnient ,of the Royal Winter
I Murr.aY:W996, .Marie food you
eat-builds your; teeth,Fair' tothe effect: that
• roe eci,.
sAitchieen 851,Dorothy: Webb* 760 Iron 'Cannot have 'wen -bent teeth are brighter far "the coming`
fair than
;Phyllis, Gaynor* 695.
• unless you use milk, green vegetables `any in 'its. 12 -year :hi for e It is ex=
pected that there will ' be, a partieu
...Primer—;Shirley Buchanan 875•;rad' fresh; ' fruits
a _ .., during that period
of life ,when the . body is building the larly heavy, "entry' of 'all classes : of
;En'•1..:McDonald- 464'.;•:
,Those . marked- *•, 'missed; ' one- or
more. days 'or exams.• ;
Beatrice McQuillan
o. 5; Aaltheld
• Sr: IV -Lana Gardner :91%; Ellen
Andic+P.a r •
Jr. 'IV=R'ena Hunter 85; Bi113
Drennan '59.
Sr.. IT =Eldon Ritchie -73; Jimniit
Hunter 70:
Jr. III=Lorna Reid ' 65 KaMhleei
Gibson 60;' Doris Reid ' 60; Kath •.ger
Gardner 59, o '
• II Glass=Kathleen: Reid •70, Ros-
sell `Ritchie " 68, _Keith_' Hackett 61
•Keith 'Ritchie :(absent) µ
No: on roll', I5., .'.':Ada M.' Welsher .
Mr., and Mrs. We11, Iienderst►n n
Mr.' and Mrs,' Geddes` spent :Thursday
evenin '.at' Thomas Harris'.
g a
b.. ° ,o _ it
1VIr. and. Mrs. T m ,R bb,.
Were v srtors'
and Vera Robb,,'R,N., •wee .
on atur a .
a ic. ar •' ]libtt-s S d
tR h d E., .Y
Mr. and :: Mrs. • War Ead • `and
. l Y
ski` .recent viii o s at Dan
ildieh,were re en } t r
•McKinn n's.
Mr. :and Mrs. I e• spent the;
week -end ek=end with f da at;
Mr.arid'Mrs,: Jamieson of Par
mount . were • • recent, '.visitors with.
Mrs.: 'Harris:
their daughter,
'S S. No. 3, • West Wawanosh
and tober`
For September, A,
:Pupils tested. in .Spelling;. ,Atithmetir
History •Geography, Composition.
Literature, Memory:, Work
Sr.`IV=Helen Duriiin ;82% .
Jr: IV—Harold' . Irwin `:88; ' Elmer
Foran 56
r, :IIT -Bol bie . Brigham ;'80
Jr..'III—Mary Foran' 70; Leo Foran
Sr.. IT ..:Gene Smyth 81; Noting
1VIi1ts 79;',Norman Foran 68 -
J;.` II -Gordon •Foran 77 Eilee''
_M•as.*--Aylmer. Aoke>•t.4ntertarned':
her Sunda school class on Sunday'
e Y Y
evening, b
• ;.e
- Mr. and .Mrs. Campbell and M
'Mary ,of Chalmers- • Kere • Suniday
'visitors at Ernest` Ackert's'.•
teeth out or the foods•' which' are live stock and: farm: products. F,oi
eight days, November' 22:to 30; there
Teeth.•.•are required: to eltevw .fooc: will .be'on display some of the best,
end so prepare it for,
digestion Foody ;products of the land. The small bree-
which require., :chewing' •should J..* der or .small,, landowner• will.�,b
.included: in, the diet, because the a 1 found;�in competition with ':the pro-
_... ......_ g...� ..-•,a'8 S e r . ngs.
oerly and, helps to "kbep ,theteetl- will have` an opportunity to ,shoos
ind gums : healthy their beef calves }n a wide open
':In order .that -th.e :teeth and -•gum: • competition ' Formerly it .was ,neces-
nay be, kept healthy, they shquli airy to.3.be a' .member' of a calf club,
/11:360 ' clean. p' It is 'VOA. to , clean in order to Show, ,out this. • year any
:hem after every meal; ;but they 'boy between 14' and , 20 'years' ,of .
should at least: be cleaned •after age;who has a calf sired by>. a; pure-,
yreakfast°. and before..going,•,to bed
,.ilsin a;tooth,._brush-and:,.a._little sal'.•
and .•,water; or, a. •non=gritty: powder
or paste. The mouth 'should be rinsed'
After the: 'teeth, 'have been brushed,
eros with the . Canadian• National:
xhi'i io
R. , b t n, oitita out' that, gate
rete„ipts are increasing Benerally and,
in -sorne cases this increase is , as!'
much, as: tl'artyi or fort : per' ;cent,'
over last.°ear
"Crops' :any general., being 'earlier'
this', :'y • ar f° ;he.° sa;'d "hasp' resulted in:
more farmers time to • attend
the, fairs: Then: a aeco o is co •
, n
dit;ons have had much . to do '.'with
inereased,_attendance Where in the
past.'far'mers would turn to, the city
for relaxation, a less expensive en
tertainment is• now the order ofethe'.
day: Fall: faire 'answer this need.”
'More attractive' prizes; and the
program:,..of:-Junior-Werk were' nam-
ed4as two: additional' reasons for the.
increased • interest in the fall, . fair. •
union ". or as, een' carrigd on tor'
aver twenty' years now; and this
gram %is beginning to ' bear 'fruitr, �•.
nasmuch. as an entirely new ' gener-
ition is 'added to. the attendance at
,:hese • annual ' functions..
".For these 'reasons ;':•he concluded, •
'1 cannot take • anything but an op-
timistic 'attitude •' towards the , future '
bred hull born. on or after Septembei.,
1 1932 --:which he-;has-fedreared-for
and fitted„ two. months ,prior to fail
dates, may • enter in: competition.
The dentist 'should b'e visited' twist, . .
British" M•
I "year so that ..the teeth may be: '
;Ieaned and"to. secure : tl`.e `�ealy "
C4aidadian APP: -O4- .`
Writing .from the 'Ontario' Govern-,
,reatment� of any decay. Early treat- ..• : .
tient sto s further decay,' reserve. on, Andrew F,u -
:. f!,•:. ... .. , P . men': Office in, Land . , . . • .;, d
he'.teg ` and..prevents ';the: pain any ton reports " that excessive ahipmenti
' •oul `other ase of • Canadian . Cookin'g . apples to 'Ow
irseQ�nf"ost;' whichl. .K •,d w.
tccu British markets are seriously depres-
r ' i of ,a apples,:
sin :rices. -for- all k rads pp
Uniess the teeth and gums arc, g •p -.�
. r for the a become diseases including, English; • In many case:
sed .., Y
is the result of germs" setting;u at! Prices slumped from,' los to '15s a
�' • barrel within. two, weeks::
nfeCtion, ,• What;. is serious• abed', • :: "
infection ood..; Nova_._ Scotia o , i Blen..,..
nosh 'infection . Vis.—not °so "much; � the G, , N ,
- i 1's a• barrel:
`�Iamage -that may be;---caused-..locally ' '-?eims �` are � sell, ng at1 ,
:Ontario; Blenheims 13s . to; .15s a:;bar,-
rel, •:English Blenheims :3a .6d s.
Bushel; and' .wast* and 'indiffcrei'P.
fruit as: love as 3s; 6d a barrel, but
mostly' 7s 6d. At the same time, good
^ivality. Ontario red. dessert tipples
a.x.e • ' ho l d;i n g • their : "own, ...as
•t' Pi '• fetching.
brigJtr• Searle ppitis are:`
o'' �s 'o •25s• Jonathan: 24s.. tc
fr m,, 22 t. ,,,
16s, and. firm McIntosh,`', free• fray
brumes. 22s to 7221b.
o ens , 'that it is- r
' Mr:F,ulton c nsxd ,
slu rs` .•'to
mistake for:. Ontario
^xport ppe .
•their `a i pPles .immediately'they:
ire packed,. w}thout'copsid
a -and Eng-.
'.in Nova, 3c g.
arse. :crops�•� .
'and.. The heavy supplies of Nov
"roti ravensteins Blenbeims,
a • G ,
;tons; .and'' other fall varieties .that.
ire coming. 'forward-; to,'
•orts in' unpre edented quantities.' at
�+as,time• of the year, are setting';'the
�rsee, ':for .tiffs •Blass
of 'fruit. . This
'i `'o is also' Navin a depressin:
tants n g
^ffect upon €the , English grown ,. p-
i -
,and. growers are begn .
,a', •.to• cr ; :Out for; something',.fu .,
»ins...'.... �'.. .
they t' be •.'done to ' protect • their,
-e . 'not
Mie" fOi
'interest., This 'time , it is
i •fruit ' t 'h_,at, is' causing•the trouble
but apples from Canada and a severe
overlap' ping 'if New • Zealand bo5cea,
Present, indications 'are that Ontaric
apple :-shippers who have put , their
apples: into 'cold' storage ':will .'find
markets more satisfactory after•
Christmas •
O A C 'Team Send
The'.,Ontario Agricultural; College
dairy cattle judging' team stood, sec-
ond •with.18 'teams.: Competing in 'the:
international Inter-Cellegiate Judg-
ing .Competition' at the,Dairy Cattle
i;ongress '"held at 'Waterloo, „ Iowa,
Iowa ' team-' was first.' Individua,
members of the' Ontario. team .went
sigh 'iii judging Holsteins, Brown
Swiss and Ayrshires.•,and second in
7Gnernseys. . his •a, team .they were
first in the judging Of • Holsteins' •and
The „team, was •composed • of
Archibald, : H:' J, Hunter",
Caugllerty , and" D. A Dal ell:. The
'boys.'were 'coached' by,
Raithby; Mcdaugherty was high Man
in ' l lolsteins ; Archibald high.
:.Brown Swiss and second' yin Guerra
seys,, and hunter first in `Ayrsiiirea
The: team aril th ii coach are to.13e.
: congratulated . upon .:, then: •excellent
standing in '• competition »witl•. : the
best! judges 'Irani •17 • Agricultural
Colleges across the, line.'
Ontatia- Fall;•lr'iiirs. -...
Foran 4i. •» '. ' . ;although—that ' is bad' •Lenough; • bu
NO: on roll 1;1 L I.' Hackett : rather that the infection: *ay spree('''
to, other parts of the body and'\cans'
serious ,harm to, vital 'organs. •
F•or September • ,and October.Many .people; do not' enjoy the de -
Those marked .-with-an:4sterick have, gree :of `health which; they should
x' because their health.is being sa ped
'been •absent dor an examination.g .. P
l .`diseased teeth' an gums. may
•V Irw•in .'Carruthers t30s66% Y •
bethat.:the: foo , is . not•"Properly;
0 92.83
Sr IV=Grace • Reyna ids ,
Johns"Parkes �:d7. � '
' chewed 'arid thus' digestion is" inter=
• *Rath- feted" with.'. The '.'absorption of . pun
Jr. IV -Mar Re': olds •92 R
Y Yn.
Rob may' be ,poisoning• the: body. Patnfu7,
'leen: Carruthers 83.4° • George
' teeth cause -lack of sleep; and: Ieac:`
,:neon G1.18:. �, P '
ta, irritability
— n: MacLeod
`II Murd
• T
r .:Goad teeth aan asset • to tht •
i ` MaeLeod-B'su
S.' S. No. 5, Kinloss `.
Jr' III Harry Carter: personal appearance, but much mor(
Carruthers , T =
Ca ' Arthur
important '• is '. their-.eiffluence .upoi "11•a I" L i e n :. a ,
the "health of the' body':" Care: of.''tlu
, • a Pi.rk
's 77.2
Wheeler 81:5; Robert 4 ,: . . , ;
:teeth in early life, secures these ad-
Lave he-� ..., a '
t later
vantages for the years.
No: on: roll' 13
neglect. cannot be offsetby later care,
._ . E. : • Ms}cD• o
i, It is better:to act now; rather than::
s regrets ' in the 'ears to,•' come
Ashfield. offer, .,Y.
Questions Concerning' Health h ,. .
..'ForSeptember and Octoberdressed .to the Canadian Medical As
,-"�Alex�arrish.Jim � Nelson.sociatior, 1$4 College Street, Torun -
IV -Eileen .,' Campbell,; ,Jean to, will ;be answered personally b3
Sr.' III -Cecelia Watt', .Bob :Fairish
l.iljer, Grace Campbell
I --Pearl Jamieson, Louis(
' ' II=John Austin, (Alvin : Drennan
Dorothy', Dre n) ties Vincent Au-
r: ;
, ., • . , - •.. .. , . stip, Grant Parrish. ,
Sr. I—Evelyn •.Little. Warren Zinn"
Ri • ,1:e.. and District•
ItObert Marin visited ntith
het. aha wirs. ,Edgar • ROulstosi; of
EidgetoWn. during the 04.se week.
Billie : Hogan.;
Pr.—Marguerite .. Jamieson. Teres*
Austin: Rena Millen,
No. on 'roll X21.• , Av. Att. 20
M.; G. MacDonald:-
9. Aiihfield
the nail, it was hanging on to start
— Mr. and Mrs: John Auburn , Supper '• on FiLiday evening of this ,Alion 69; /3ertrans curran 60, HirleY
Mrs; . clatenee 'COX ;pent ,the WOeic. nthnh.c.i7 'the itie41:"'sPar•Smen '
,St;-1V—Violet Saunders q2,10.
t Fowl. Jr IV--Pliyllis Blake- 72; Elmira,
••• OleilYii. ' !tele thei. Ill!ank°1:Te4'1,0' 'Rade and Dr. Nkt.:10.:•• Wtetia, . ' ''' I,-,,;,., Eitaininatiena,t iteie Marie Lin-
' liesday. afterneeii, Pillen I11.. Lick ,- ,Mr. and Mits`;;;,W. Inekstin arid: ion' Bitie 90:5; ' :Elia 1.1otriii '86; ...,,Tor
I. apilietiol,tntootett to meth.
"4114. ciirititair bowline. Ptiblieniiikaionlet.0::
t. Aidetion.
etie and tile: animals had to he allift-o:
feridetit; 'feinting :the Wens 116t1V4,
The tangside United W. 'M. S.
halt! 'their NoVember meeting:at tit(
home of Mrs.:Walter, Scott an vrea-,
The yoUth and aged enjOyed
entertainment on Friday. nig , o
left week. Dancing Was tho Order el
the evening. in, twd; weeks' time tlit'
entertainnient :will, be prOtram ane
Mrs. Victor Emerson', spent tht
week.;•end with" Mr. and: ; Mrs; Russe`:
Ritchie' of , St. Helena.
Miss driee Richardson sPent Iasi
week with Mrs'. James Wilson. ,tit
Whitechurch. ,
;,The hitechurch: Women'S Insti-
tute 'Will hold. their Nevernber Meet-
ing 'Friday: afternoon, in the hell
when Rev.' 1. Pelitiek will address
Spent Sunday:, at Mi. .t.; A. Carney -
40N1 catnobeii 'is 'visiting *Ai
days last :wasu tri Toronto: `,
the latei's aistei; 'Roy, Ahem
ed J, A: Carroll, stiPefintendeht ' of
rf the- fall fair rn On arae:.
Winter Fairw:.
At' Gnelph:.
The Ontario ' Provincial. :Winter
'air; • to be held - December' 5 to 7 -
nelusrve,--will undoubtedly ---draw a -.
rticnler •
ly strong entry. At ,fno show
s` there. a more .attractive display,,
if. draft horses than is seen in the
;angle and ": teams ' at .Guelph. The'.
:lasses' for; market cattle: are:s;lvvays
;trong and; there is, usually. a,good :'
;bowing , in • 'the three , Lbeef. :breeds:'
Phe:,sheep •.. stow is outstanding In.. ;
she 'seed': department there' are good
orates = ;end keen, :,competition -:, The:..:.
avenins; horse show is ;an attraction,
that always ' pleases Write to 1 W."
Wade, Parliament :Buildings; Tor- ':`
onto, for, 'premium list, and remember
that :entries close on November 20.
This. is ' the . fiftieth .annual 'Ontario ,
Provincial Winter Fair. - to be held
at Guelph.
' •
4 .
Winners toRepresent .Ontarlo
Teams representing Bo3►s',.,C
Swine, • G
rain and Potato , Clubs
annual •iter -club
Ontario . held .their p
ompetitions at 0. A, C, .on Friday:
were . Bac
letdber `':27th: Teams .
• osed• of.' two 'club members .between
of •'1 And inclusive.
'die ages 6. ao . '20:years ,
ail . 2,111• club members -are'
•olled 'in'.the' 103. clubs 'organized in
"o urin '
• ntari daring' ..
four :.projects ,in O
ve ' of, 'these -
year. • Fifty R . ,
their ':,r resentatives• t
clubs sent. _!'P :.
e e to 'coin tet in one of the
Coll $.: _ .. � •
R o titioas
.our. inter -club'' c mpe „ ,
•.of R..S
` lucted,,under ,the' direction
i ltural
7uncan'. director; of the.:. AgX
iv s fbr..Ontario..
:epresentati , e
In. the Cattle; Club. C.o'mpetition, 21'
`,same competed. Th-eTWo`odb•idg�E
''rk' Count coin-'
Deity Calf _,Club of Yo .. Y
'osed' of Norman 'Bagga • and,..Wilbert
fennings, • were winners.
Th,e , G;r a
i n• blub . • :Competition
Irought out teams • representing 14 •••:' •
^lobs: The winners ,'vete 'Kenneth . .•
smith and: Garwood .Sperling , of the-
Renfrew,Grain; Club.
The .Swine +Flub Competition'. was
'reedy, contes"tell5y 1'0"`teams"�rep '
resenting; :'as. many - different' clubs.
First • place , was awarded'• to the Or- •
Ina Boys' , Swine. , •Club of ; Dart.*
iounty, composed Of :Wesley Yellow-
'des and: Newton Asshton.
The, 'Inter -Club Potato Competition„
also' brought. ;Mit 'contenders' . from
`en different •clubs. The winners' were'
Gordon Armstrong ,and Lloyd Itawn
of the Orangeville` Potatq Club,'' Duff.;'
•srii 'ounty.
Following the keenly' contested
competitions,., the •competitors, •the''
,roaches and .. officials were guests at
a, dinner• its the OAC: cafeteria. Fal-
lowing the' announcement of the re-
itrlts, , Dr. George I. Christie; : Press
dent of 'the. O.A.C, delivered an in
apiring address which climaxed • ,an' '•
nteresting' 'and enjoyable day for the
lob members who had •gathered ,'.,',
fi+otn as far as ,Renfrew in the ,east
and Lanibton • in ;the',west.: Another
pleating• feature at this function was
the presentation of ''The *,Farmer':'
trophies by , Editor Ci K. Hodge, • to
the, teeing from ;York and Durham`
'0114ies,.,'winners; in the Cattle. ndd
,wine Cot>9peiiLiuiis esot 3iw 1y�,, -;
• The four': *inning teams fr6nt-Dut-
erin,+ Iytirl;ant', Renfrew land { York' '
will represent Ontario in `the' "Inter, : .
Provincial Contests ta`be held at the'
'Royal Winter Fair in Novemb''er.
� flapper Ann Condbye. iii'othet/ .
Mtoderrt` :Mother':
ileo-- Sign' tile' visitor's • bbOk iii th .
14 r10 befora %au' goy";,,; ,�y- ,�,,,u•