HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-09, Page 240., The Eli- CANDA Doctor OW .4,.‘ Alegre ;erto wIt41.94 'drepe4d4t14 liVe 'Indefinite? 4011ar bat, accordingtq Scieace. Theta one ad- vailtaffe th� Fern), has ,nver thft ret of its, -North Bast.'Negget;. 'Appropriate pAinakity Eeveral dental 'Agee In Ontario : hays.been Visited ••bY robbers"Seeien- 'big for gOld- if they eatigli4 the _ penalty might be a•feW hours:104e dentist's Signal”, „ . . s•-•-sss „ Great With character:Win IriUah thov prighnes-s: the problem. <s.tiroviding England. Scotland and Wales with electricity hike- been O.Orled to: com- pletion; Right'years ago a rpyal, sons- -Weston reported upon a national elec..- . tr!citt §uPPITi Parllameiit.paSsedthe neeessary..iegisiatitin and Mat Month lnivf - the completion ,,et.the otirp. Onheme. Pont thousand Miles, of trans - Mission ,line . have been built. They ,rel4-'•nn:•'.2,6•800'. towers. • This.„ill the, e07nalled: electrical:grids 001, which now enyerel,OreOticall7 all'Parte • of. Great Britain. It is an ;immense , Plitimismthe'Of!rest '•'!achieVement- • Mimi. the Weir,.'com- , , mission reported the per capita' con., sumpfton cif eiecitticity in Great•Bsitain was 11:9 lainwatt".41011•'• To -day f it is 273 k.w.h. The scheine has cost 5135,- 000,000,. exclusive; Of $50,000.000k. anent on the .standardizing of frequency, or in other words, on the scrapPing• ot equiPtnent Which could net be harmon- ised with, the national' netwtilk.-•Win- nipeg Tribune. 'Area products. And there areno great THE • EMPIRE • ew lands similar to Western Canada, Strongest Horses „ -ArgeOtina ,and Australia; „still to be s. :AAVernool claims the stton eat hoises .ar Weeternircanada with its large yield Of farm prodlictis'and vastly greater production,r should , . not be discouraged •about ita future. 'Vhe. World *alleged to consume 'the production vast areas of new. lands, during .the :peal slaty years withouti any apparent,indigestiOn until' the pre - lent dePressinn bailie along. A re - r storation:', o:gob& times. would iin Iiediately see : 14ptcored,.ciet*4c1. for • . ;*•:•• • .. • !•••••-- • , • ort: Probably in thes,werld ' :Wit, Staff. 'rune: :between Porth Worth and Texarkana aeon. ; • 4 ib-gasoltne. propelled, runs On rahhet tires;',•:carrles 76' passengers and haa a •'•' speed Of. 75 miles per • ' *. 016. yitiPnt Is Betterin Ontario Improvement .is 25 Per Cent'. Over Correepondin Per - A S • King; Helps- Old Actor , :.,•London.-proni, liuckinghann., Palace the:, Xing, has sent a private gift ot 23. to ,a workless. old actorwho *rote lolling His illaJeAty to aid 'ban in .gettiligl a Pension.' ' . ' • * t,The actor, *A.:, '11'• Minton, P'.4Yed with 'Wilson .Barrett,' sir Ben Greet, ss - e eu-ss In. the *Old,' -arid-thifilTeinie-ilie Calgary Herald.. I. r..=•.• Li•Vb 00,••• — ' T sesco444teof those that the Brito .,.,ns • ...9r.nnt°.*7-MPlOYInent•.. 4i ' Ontario .11,go.. in ..tuor, battle• against the. Rs_ hanianirnVed.ay .aPtteliitnateiY:O. Per vane abet. the beginning of the cssis .. eeat; thief -Falb ovet:the.eorresPonding tine: era. • Two of these :horses'', actual--. 3.13.:rio, .49lod 14ii.t7ePit/31:: 4cicen(;ariiciT7'.mtoiTst"te,eis.D,,oTi.: ly .nulied. 'eighteen, and a half tons On . a alippery road; and two Others: pulled:1;1°mi.- ' . '. ' . '.. • . Met, It twenty:nine-end:A half tons Ona dyne. Magy, , is reported,„Atave' . .tht..liiptor. Imut to register only -t*64ty_. , called at emPlOYMeat .offices during. tons.t,:. • ,.• ' ,:. .••• , .., • , ...the ,past: few Weeks ....tol have their Oks. . ,,,‘ . .., .. • .. , . . .; names • ,, crossed 'Oft the . list of Appli , . ..ilie a • : .. . 1 ri .... • ..cants • This.. is .believed to indieate . -,----..-- . . . , . . inpeign Against °Ise . ' ... ' inhs . are ' less •CearCe , .. :' •• : , , . . ..', , . '•Leegues...tliat are :.fernied with an .. . . . .Twenty-five lumberjacks heve 'been , ,t12: aomething,:p.rogranime usually1 I' Called•ta:Siitilinry. to work In the bush* elm at serving tbe'•oroohets of reinorl- there. „These are the list to be sent 'ties • who tido that ',Whet • they.i want .1:' north since the start ,of the depression. everybody ;else : Should. be ...Made, to,, RaParts .that .einplOymeist.•had"showed Want.;, 'll'O snch.:Qual,ifiCatiOn•attat . definite improvement Were verified by., ' , , . . , . • I. , " a ae: Neise as , . ' . • ••" t• Then and Now • _ There: is a' suggestion to 'build 500 • hothesip ;Hamilton at a Cost of. 51;600 DO you remennber ',when ,plenty 0! folk were reatlYto pay that much' , . for, ,a,garage?-Strattord 'Beacon -Her -- aid, ' , Youth -Has Future . • Despite all the University graduates Who:ate looking for jobss-the'univerei-' Ilesoontinue,iii be filled With students. ,the :Youth Still haVe. faith In. the fn. • . • ture.--7LondonPree,,Press. , ai•dte Realize TrafSault st. ivt , fic-through t... ar :panel' in September waa•the.heiv,liest in any. month .s.ince>1930, totalled;:4,- . :40,,000 'teas.' Wonder how ,many of •".us.realize; there is more itallic through ,the, Sault .Canal than through the Suez Canal; -Ottawa Journal. • •• GreatisCGIftst. We are at one;:skith:Editor. Yong, of the Por Arthur News -Chronicle in ,iff3 Heav- en's greatest gift tnman, it And:a good- et pf detieridaliri.gatiu§e4,-,-,LSault Ste: , Marie Stat. , ' • • ' Why :Editors GO" mad . , , • They are ,being 'Madeby sonieone :every day.. Recently, ,regrettable .blit; rather. 40110V:ilia Ore:. 'crept pito. this Coininn„when it,...saidtliet..the. an- • nue' banquet Of the Baseball Club was 4Me.1.17. et,'Paeinen; Needless to say, .,thia was a tynOgraphical,:slip and the 'Word eheuld hav`e, been Sheld,"--.P..,:irt Guide. • .,. • . • , • . Air Traffic . -Figures' 'presented at the meeting of the International Air Traffic', Associa- tion. London show that theworld's Air lines cover • to -day More then 200,- 1000 Miles is compared With 9,000 magi ,. in. 12f3. ' Air transportation hes thus Made immense Strides, in. the last aye rearii andmay be expected to advance ' an •even greater scale in the next Jive. -Kingston Whig -Standard: • The Tourist' Traffic. . , The tourisLtrade has become' a .reel • aounce-Of_svealth_tti;,..danidars.:___Efery yea? ,thousande Of foreigners come „ from all'pointa of the], fillnerican 'Con- tinent io visit us and leave millions ot dollars „ in the proyince.-7La Trk ' ,butte, Sherbrooke. • ;I " .DisCOyery. . . ,"„,• - • , Yessir,;. ,,education Is •,:a. Mat'velons thlngI , $tiiilent,00uo at-NotthySestern ;University, After, eXhilustivelitvestigal Bien that girls like to: ,be pettedi- 'Border Cities Stat. ' sgs A :Motoristi' ."0.•hts Over It Great ,Britala they .have an "Organilation :amens Motorists Icalled , the 'oider•of :the Rend, ft is, • • Very hattil Order to get . into •iihil••.iin , easy one to be put out Of.. It ;consists OflS' �f thoite 4.1riVoth ' who 'operate' :their cars With the :strictest ,observ- Anse: nciLmerelysot-ritlesL.enilyteglila-• • : .• tionS• but'of courtesy and the etiquette Of pie hIghWays which is se often Con. . spletieus by itkainience. It a dome- ...tritic order' albeit exclitsiVe in the' ,:e'stiterna: Members of the, tom'. family b1ohg; 80 dot"teilalis tindlt..;drivers. .43iit So, 'clOsely! are -perforManei watelt, , ed, go rigidly,: are I -soothers. Scrutinised ,for,Alie• ean ittiallfibatfon that'ootintstirfving as scitili.peffect • ndr..possible•-•:•-that there nte.bnly.'2,250 .mcinhe'ts -Of% the „order in the .1:i'flited• X11100111, and the asigOla ts the most ...dcarty,:priseugadget the,. motorist otta dtbplay On his car, b...sOit in'ototiS.ts! Order et Merit, aftttitablr.111,Y'l)e; 'Itto*e it has been oiltried,l,and•displey'.' ed. only sa,440ng. 'Standards:ate: anaintalliedI.. There riSona'fer 'en Ot. • oder of the head' right .hcitel in Canada L011•14,-41.1ialtAi-,11:41.11•Z..4,4 4t6t itit0 and "herd to bay la,.,•abd let .the 4fienthershiP. theteet give the MO' .4itudttiottar sopithat. to • . rAnoe, ttOritteqt ta1ly Star. become One of the Major curses- of -°n•t4gin-l:76-6"vialaaillt;saill-P. ' 'ciyilization-if you can call civilises nffices, where, IL is stated, conditions are definitely on the mend, iinpraving an era in which regard for : all the old ."defitiitelyand persistently.' -•• decencies • of life has largely gone by . ... .r ..,.. , ,.----...„_ the hoard•and I proPhesk widespread ' 1 public .support for the, League. itis Pig-. Kirigifailil-Smith 0.'lltcird • ' nose isdefinite: and practical -to en- Lowered by 1.1 Flours •.• 4 ibit,such a force' of Public opinion. as . Derby, West Austra.lia.:---;CherlesIT.. "A. Mayne,". and, at one time, tan his.oivn.'company. • . . ills' firstengagement wai. at Sad ler's,"Weils in 1888' where. he played • in naeledrania ,as the .4`rtitlf.esi viL Ore' and invariably repented on his deathbed 'in the last act -,-for 25 shil- lings a week. •• Now, at 61, he, has cottish Defenck, Force WW1, Iight Only 'fOr • ', Peae— "First Peace Army World • Seetk are, "areling"-at least to thel: . extent of • Multiplying nationalistic bodies With militarlatic .desFriptiOnli • and Paltina/ ' VeOcists. :.lnlVe been growingng in Strength in S.entlalid• .ipr 1504W. .t1 Peat; are, of. enarae• !Marine* but they are b$7, inactive. , • In addition, 's01;t14.44, bee' now least two Other military.' nr. „tat' 't organizations "&7:4 • qtYii-d,".'whiPh. has nrigin1404. 114 :West, • and 0141, ``SiOtifsh, 1:04‘gii .7eme,h Vilek has sprung ,.THEY DISOWN IT. • The "Scots Guard," which sweells,.. • loyalty the-Allig and is organizedl • • in enalPenies, With §omPallY drill and alai+) Favors,Pork .PhYaieel training,. dams to be forthea, of members. of the. National And the, an 'Mt4ton Scottish Party, though the. National - ore . ist officials deny all 'association With' • Cattle''and Sheep, Smaller To- day :I.F.xa.n .Years 'Because the Dublin. has become Mere, Partchllar. about its toad ClaiiiiiOgjt•as "the grst.peace-el'InY;•'-..-- iiig an114e psiillSetepi•°e!°: slit(eYleiU,!iebeselsre;cZot: in the explain that ..b. a afounders-ofbe11 inr n dttle • • And decadeatsnt,;:ooti4.ory.4wsoeur.e.isalora;m ire al. ,to iriesai lost occoinasrieringPtiwonariiiothd the event :41 ate smaller now than they Used te, be: PC.c`tinnit in it., anci. to insist insist °n'''SeQt•t und mere' „ef them liVe in apart- tiall neniralitir'' • •• The 'Scottish Defence For" is an, off -shoot , of the -Democratic Scottish., . Self" Government Association • *„„fufkr •••,1, litswited" •fish,. ,seld. Chriatmes car,t1s; inents, . •• . '•• •• • ' ' KILTEI) tustipollg. s. Uiiift, • i • ' and rea,d neWsPailers to *Men' Mere • 'the things- ' rms•-meilid hg--0143441tvare-46---- elderly than hitnsielf ,for sit, shillings. Harry Tate tised, to say Mintonls' Impersonationtof Wilson Barrett was Mote. like Wilson Barrett than Bar- rett• himself i but Alia London stage Of .1933, has no use Or old type en- tertainment." •' vat§ Pecket. Th worth Prlvy Pursey were 'crossed' out, • on the receipt , and "Eteceiyed as. a denition. frorn Eis Majesty" was Written . over it , • Japan Leads World lb a roast to last two or.three bt more Trade Expansion ., : will induce the authorities to regulate P. Ltrin And: three:iompenions arrived •London..---qapant led 744e---7*Orld“iir, .sers„,„ by laiv'eertain forms "nt.' nnise hero:3'nd '4.15 p.m„. Greenvila ineridian are inallifeetik injurious to the 'corn- time (11•15. a.M, Oct. 19. .es_ :percentage of foreign • trade .ofpan- of cut, evonY dan'Or as often AS they. :. have meat served. forts health,: end:resiose of: tablishing; anew -re -cord yealed in an intervieW witlyt J.• 0. Steckley,profesbor. of animal hua- 'bandry At, Ontario Agyiohltural-.Col- lege , ,GuelPh. • For .11,, years he has', •been : professor: of .aninual....husliandry , and previous ;:in. York county: ' In, the 'old 'day.S' heef, cattle Were rbulkitan.(kna-isi,dx-ia When. a cut or a roastwouldbeserv. ed gp in the average families for seieral: days; But now, Prot , Steck. ley eiplained,the housewife and' her family' want meat that. .is 'More ten: der and they *ant • more Variety in their 'Meat dishes ....Thek dini't 'Want . . sion • durinvthe first six.,months ' of 1033;a Board Of .Trade 'survey shows. Japan's trade slitting ,the Period Wei', 58.3 per cent !fibre than in the corresponding' periescl..Ot The United States showed a7de: .cline• of 19.9Der .cent Germany •Czeelidsiovaitia.28.8;, Franee ,10;0,••• and Great 'Brita•in 6.3. • • • , • • • , mark,. India and Sweden Showed in- ., AuSttalia,. pritish Malaya, Den- •cr'eases, .all tinder .5: pet cent. Britons were patticularly interest- ed in the Government surypy because , . . of the :-.13ritish-Jatianese' trade ' war,' 11*1 1S 'nullity .at large, as well as being dam- from England. :., , , In . sheep; the same 'situation has aging to efficiency and. the amenities . The filets beat: the record of • Air oome :to Pass," : Professor •SteckleY , of numerous urban 'localities. "Bid doianttedere Si- • Charles ; Kingsford: said. ; 'the lamb new in • demand every noise be still; • peaCe yet again" Stnith by 11 Ileum The latter's time weighs 80. peunds;'Yeara: ago they .were bigger and heavier. Less lamb -Truth (London). . \ ; was eeven.. days, four hairs and • 44 . . • si . • • • . ' " • , • , and mutton I's consumed M -Ontario minutes' for•the flight by stage's. • •thin England,•alloWing. 'for the' Tho.,PestAAfet .1.14,-orici • ' e anal, b.iirst. of' speed After it liad tiventy;five...i WaS seven vnien :seemed: the. chariCes-were 'gene, • the population but • bet, more thp•Wat breke out: My Memories: of qtzeitt: contipleted the journey from pork is •etiten...hete than in the ofd, the, pre -War: world ; Ate- peffectly cleat, Englanclin. six "days, 17 11,40s,.'4n4 45 ,Coliiitry.• Very' :few,. farmers special-• Although,•of Ociuriie; they are t/le ininnteS: • ' . • . ize in sheep raising." Iiipte.en. Was b'orn. hi .1914. He can ,Sfiflw Plows Make • - In the hog -raising' ,indifstty the weight of the.. •animals *las become • ories, of a 'child. An undergraduate of . . stabilized at about 200, Pounds: -This Iiave little .recollectiOn or' the N'Ver at • Th • W. Their Inter Debut • • • • All:: His, earliest memories are of the • . centering: in ,the ..Far „East 'where, las, been the standard 'weight for fistWar years A YOung man' of Lethbridge - Snow plows -went to :Japan underselling; Britain. • indie Years. , Bot--Ass.sreati age farmers r- i'• is the chief: ...point: Of complaint. ' fattened, their hogs.. to • weigh far:. be - seventeen Atiatzatiout4o-go.,_tnthe..IMS..• Versity • .has :the 'same. reCollectien • of the, General 'Strike 'haVe Of the , . . , Armistice •.*Chango after shattering - change has, come ninin„Ttis and the' effeet Of! these iniiiaCts .upon Work .in ...Senibern Alherta‘Sugair. 'Ant beet fields. Oct: 23rd As Alt .a1C1,.tco dig- ging Opera:thins:: , -* ;With. 14% inches, -of now on the 'ground and 36,609 acres of •beets .still to...be. dug growers-ate-inalting-every, our ehildish•Onds has created a,gen- effort to save :the b.aiance .of .the orop.. "etation Without .lioniogeneitYa' gen, r...! Owing . the ..sfion• some eration all at Sea.. :The:. metita,l.chaos ranChere liave been ;forced . to *start' of our parents has. . created great yet- 'whiter. feeding " of .• theft !hicks and Itoat:divibtOr between us Of•cidas,. ,herds, • ' • ,• , . , , . . mer-biows of history made Court backgiourioi_ . NealiY 'Wag: Official zOntafdivisions: Weliave no•commort Calgary:-What's'a courtreein In the , of:Men:MO. . Our ' highest conimoit fat= if of Mr. and, Mrs, .Dachs two,:year tor is the comitiOn,experience.Of d 1)0y.. Just a place to play_ Dui-, ,yolutionerY; 0400,,. QUIT' one .point . • ing the hearing of.his• inOthet:e divorce Aigredinent tot. partner.' climbed beside his Cornhili•Magazino:(toridon).• •.. 'opinion,' of anner of life. The ham- . • • • . aCtion against his fathers the Dach boy Changes in the .future.-Quitan Hogg,wit- motlier. in the , rite • ,, ness bek, munched candy for a while, • and then threw a heavy inkwell nat. Wise:Marketing. , • „ , rovily missing :. the court reporter's ' :The: woolgrower has also prepared heed; He was taken ,outside.: : .'. ' • the Way to. gain. by .:the turn'. in the ! .1-1-des-sIfeslitte4aned the ConditiOni6net i ,. •' ' l : •t• -"----- The advertisements bring 'yon.news the :Market and 'Cleared his itocks,1: of better things :to 'have, ,and ,elisier 'There; is .no-,, heavy nceitmulatioN; no • carry-over Of ittiymenefons to dilog ways to .11Ye• ' ., tbe'.‘Vineeli at Pregress. This point has , often. .been Mentioned '.before, but it .deserves all. the 'ertiPhasia;"it 'Can be ..gtveil It 18 the , dominant 'factors:- Alickland 'Weekly News. . • : 1,0hr-01164- and •theUnemployed- For these :*ho know h,ow' to .nialte use of'•enfprced, telante,,, .even :pinyinent has :its compensation. . 'That IterY'lerge.numbet of workless men and women .42110 'resorted OS 'the soled° ot readirigsiSiShOWn itt sdrna' remark- able figures litioteirtit"theJinnlial con forenee,of-theLibtary.:Associatien;„,:lt appea'rs ,that in the six largest trIal.eities'Of btitalts•the aiiitual 111:111••• bet :or beolis issued increased ft<im 46,600;00.0. in 192621 ,to 27,500,000 in - the. last Completed Year, Tbe denntrY shoWan el,•<.;n greater :.ta, crease -Molt 11,891,000 to 34;P1,006'• liffOst ot Is ofIleially.attrintited ita'tbe niettt.gen- etel.'10te libratieT by ,persona ntgyrd,•-.5pqc,tiltOr (T.ondbn): • -`"...• THE...UNITED STATES • ..:01nan6lat FitieeSe . .t Mitt IA tlio bats? truly Intelligent .tqte .that has learned ,t0 aye in: • aiitifiVby tumlhig his tiesetildnlitit ,t0"debt (Frrottt 'the ,POttland Ora," gtinittit). .t• •: , yond this. fige:'-. SehoolS'.fOr 'Adults,: Started Geoira -AtlantasGa.7:Classes In adult ethic_ ation, . something long needed 'in ;Georgia, have begun at ,the Flat Reek School in ciayton dOunty with -the approval 'of •the Georgia :Relief Com MisSion. Sixteen adults are enrolled these. ' ! Stich. ''selipols. are .free:..of charge: for allYbile above 4,66; itg, of I:4 who --iSsliat--Otherwise enrolled in a pubite- schdol., .Control Maehine. .Sale Washington. -Tho United States Government has taken Over control `bf <the 'sale of machine, g'.uns. in •ith war •istketeering, through the t'NRA ode -for Obeli arms: Senator , Cope- s?.; New York Deineerat, chairman of ,the Senate racketeering committee announced decision, afthr Confer - en. es vvith PreSident Roosevelt and •:Ltterney deneral Ctimmings. itaYt • ••••••.••••••-•-•,•-•-•,...,-,..4.,:: • • JUst Signed. 'Contract... , Then Breaks His Elbow Terento.-tddie Burke, tin; training with the New Yerit* American of the •National Hockey League, suf- feting 'trim. a -broken elboVii •teceiy- ed when he lost his balance and fell While practising: • ,BtitE!, a TorpntO boy,. *..itad jtlE4 'Signed a eontreet bes fete gefng 'on the -ice. • PushingStalled Car Cost Women Lives - • , s-BrOwer, Me. 'TwO wonien *ere killed' instantly as their husbands at tempted to push „their stalled auto Mobile fronitthe'" Path of a Maine Central Railroad Passenger train: The dead ase Mrs. Isaac Milton 55; and ,Mrs : ;11411101d Bernardi 7 both of Melrose Mtss. ; • r''' 174-51..itsni Warship • !••,• ••• V'li44•;•i•k. •••••• tbig'4•>Xi• pto new Aeroplane carried, tiPbrageOns, dMoIibed n tht blest eilletent ,warshiniit c.aytag temottilt 'bedsit' tor. liect. thothochvres` oft the.. At coast: et • • • be: worn ; by the meinbers Of. .the• , .fence Force. '• • ' With the forination of the."Ssots' Geare and the ,,•"Defence Force," Snots are new wondering what •will be the, next politico4nilitsriy, organize- ; tion in their midst. • , Sextsiii: Of East :Barnet One. 'ef the feW, remaining' wo-men sextons in England is Mrs. •Caroling Stutters, of, East. Barnet.; She has just completed her 30th year of office,' and when she retires in the near,ftf time; owing to recent church legisla4 on, the pest will never again be held • by aVtoinart * '.•• •• ' Stutters' ' 'succeeded -her -hus- band; -neW`a Justice .of 'the Peace; in 1903, and, between Ahem, :they havs been parish clerk and seitton.for nier then half•A-ceritury,.. • • Altheugh in • the ' past' there have, • beeti. a few. instances of Wm:nen hold, laethe office, since the ApPoilitments* ,passed from the .inctimbents .Of par- ishes ..the Parochial Church Couri- cilsthey have not recurred. • • , This is 'partly owingtothe, fad . that, while :under the plder. appoint, .inents the sexton. could legally ,appoint ' a' deputy tn, discharge the 'duties • el ' the Office.; under the'. present •systein . • 'this not allowed. :', And se worhan sexton carniot.dig.gtaveS, ' • . irortictually rig Mrs. Stutiers•supetviseA everything • and East Barnet agrees that there not .47 more efficient :Parish .clerk in% • England:. Fell in Apple Butter Vat . , • Dies of Scaldi . , • • Stratford; Ont.,' Terribly. sel.de4, when she ;stepped, ipti a' vat of ap• ' Ple butter BettY Came, seven,' . it The 'little .girl,' with her patents wastVisiting an annt, In 4$/fit-Chet The; butter had • been left On the back Porch to coL until it was ready to be taken to, the 'Came -ear." betty Stepped ontsiet70.'r.' beck doors directly intolthe vat, - Slfd jumped-, but hist. her balance and felt ' dowtt the steps .to the ground the hot fluid.splaliing oier her body . .Shesvsas rushed to the hospital:: . but eitertS to save het life were -- availing, • . • ' %Besides her parents; she Icaires' younger • brother, Robert. Take.4Coilti . • • to ,Cbeek, darnblini. Wives Philadelphia. -That proverbial Shot , was on 'the other foot here -six bus. • •bands, 'complaining that theft pa), , envelopes • were drained while wiyel. sste,yect Put 'late' lights, 'had the wo. menbrought'. into cOurt, to break us• a eard genie. • °. Captain John Connor,„ who lod?:-fili". 'detail Of pnlice in i» r4d: on the,home: Of Mrs, Beatty Schaeffer, explained 't; 'the court, net he acted on the tactual., • of tire-husbandsr•"111 - let y)5,o 'off as first Offelitler%", Iliagislyate• Oswald.. told. 'prs. shao,,,.:, fet and 'ills 01 wives. ' "POn't ,n0. u!',)1 ttyt); iner ty.aqt glVe ,Y,Ott tiVit • .‘ Eat ' More Bread ',. tttoili' ii, Ont.- ---!f .every persett In: • , Canada cite One Mere ghee of ,breatil ' . a iiiiY0 .ie would Mean InOie• than $120,4 .`. ' 000,600 .. to, Millets; bakers, allied 'trades and :fanners, Said MISS * Merl•'. il.t• •,' garet p.,-Ilat-emitti-a.ddtesikni silldentel 1 of. the Trent Institute and MacOanabtl, 7 . 11''1.,'`11•Aill'05r001720.7.;i;:ailli'il'i .:1-;;t:;:- X7".617.1i;:i7-164-* •. bread today thttil prevloably, Atfsb , batons:n. satd>. and WeteltheY to 1114 ' 1 ' 'deprease, Cioibitit'S 'whettt itktpitts; i :Create nontamptiOn it would hell) 1.1 • -1•••