HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-09, Page 1•$2. OTH EWISE
SDAY, November 9111, 19
pry�1 releaven
Hours 9,-12 A:, M. .140.'
P M ,
plio 1E 53 X-RAY
R SALE=9 k Davenport`
Intermation at ',Sentinel
Baseball Boy
Feted, ,At affguet
Cup O14cia4,Presented- At Function
Sponsored.'lit Women's• Institute-
• Manager' .B E:'.' Smit1E Makes Re
ply= ; To Toast • To Team Proposed;
Bi'' John Joynt
FOR, .SALE An UnderWeed Type, T; Y .
writer For particulars. address Box Tl e. Excelsior • Life Trophy which
x..215, Lueknow... is embiemat i of the ehampio
sh; 01; theLakeside ,•
FOR 'SALE -,Good . Durham stock League, was officially ,presented' to
'Bull Reg ' MCBride, R, 1 piolyrood, Left r. •R'.' E..Smith as, /manager:,of the'
'Phon.e. •Ripley• 8-2a, Lucknow Team, ' winners , of '` the -
trophy at a..banquet staged in thein
E WILL: LOAD. ALL'S STOCK honor, in' the Town' Hall. on ,Friday'
t the `Station: in LuOk} ow; Stock will eyefiing. The presentation • was mad(
"';e were
ted ;up ta 'Monday night Subscri'-
'bers: Who haye .paid
listi"are requested to che0k the date op
heti' been giten. In. ease :'of error,
:Whole, or in 'part- be Paid at ans early
Lutknow Merchants
To, Observe Holiday
Places Of Businese To' Rentain
.district, representative' of the !' Esoe - day.-4Stores Opel Friday N.:Fiji
''',STRAYEO=TO.; the. PremieeS of' This 'Civic. banquet was , sponsored
Cie Undersigned a white:headed calf and succesefully carried Out' in everY-
J. 'D."McLeod,, Con. .6; Kinloss twenti-five Peisons,",ineluding' mem-.
orning vents
Firlat Insertion, 50c. •
Subseciuenec'Insettione,.,• 25c•.,
A euchre:: and dance Will -lie held
Halt: 'Lucknow, Thursday next.
November 16th, ,at 8.15 p.m, Spleadie
'lunch .and. Pres. :orchestra.
.46inisidOn, 'everyone 25e.
grOUpectin the ,centre, sat down a t
tasty dinner. 1.
•Rementhrande.: Day; Saturday • •o,
observed as „a puhlic holiday., hY:
Of bnsingia will '.be cloded clUring" the
day..:and..eVening .'• Stores.' will reinain
. • Remembrance, Day hal' been ,de7;
reinarki Called upon ' .IteeVe.," 'use , to Matter, Press, . reports "from: ditier,eni
'was 'yeaponded to "by, t e. si ging .o of .thisi holiday, falling at it :does', on
teem, Which kiaS reSpOnded . to, bli Cease, here ilutini. 04 *tire .daY .iiii0:
:geese, duc)cs: and chuc ens. r attributed to the success o e eam
oroposed. ,by C, 'Thompson. am'
Geoghegan. The presentation of
Rnd Bob Thompson, two members OI
the team . was: .regretted. "SandYn
,Was a tower 'of 'strength to the tear'
.11Lirin 130b,
„ Howard" Barger will stage a shoot -
match at .'his fent, ton. 12
for:. maricsnien. carry,:home -What,
There _will. be a scicial_ and dane,
nieinher Of the 1932 team gand en
this 'fall: Two speed skating .troPllier
'Rob has ,Won 'at Belleville,. where h?
& .G.. Orchestra. Everybody, welcome gttends ,school, were on ,disP P
Gents .25C.. Ladies 10c. Dancing fror
A social evening under ausPices
4-1te'banquet. aild honor was paid him
,exoresqion- of ,which was ,reques
nd. to._ he forwarded to him.
/lance, 'which.' ,cencluded ,the festivi
nniversary Services
1.13 Marked Success
grregAtioils .- At united thotek
Chuicb.,, when the attendance,. set-,
7nons service :of Selig and
of4r1,11gif were 'all that Oduld
;sired.' It -remained "with, Rev'. .Q, R.
Turk of Toronte; a retired, ',veteran
ef.4 the ministry. now active in the
Bergaina in 'Sweater Coats,- Path.'
frOm its, h.00k 'reported: as. the,
cause Of.n blaze which razed' the
bank . barn .cif John Webb;.,:.on the:
tueltrow--Wirightini road, about three
'miles'. east .of ViThitechiireh on Monday
e age hovers,' around the four
6 ',Mark,' to hold spellbound his'
,: ,, ; ': . ,,_.. , ; • . ' :_iejailkLa : Idoeal.. en4r44
' Me to tiive is Christ'? his set- week -end in Toronto. .. .. '
ustifeeodur -.pCohli)rlitest,:!.*;e"spie!ert,einagehihnit etiMd isvsisit7oar7eiln C;t1.1.3eMrat.'rYwS7 'a we" -
in our homes and teaching hia Mrs'. James Armsitong of Blytly is
in our sehoolS were points 'he .is visiting. 'with Mr: and Mrs: 'F. A.'
saed 'ciaa :means 'of regeneration, Nixon:
e Brea
of Health
cent,' WHOLE .WHEAT•
PhL6nL,e1T36A1A.N'S QUA,LITy BLAucicki,E0RwY..
he, world.. ',`The morals Of ,our.
Vontbs ate not keeping paCe
•'heir intelligence."' be Christ.
znAtilfest •M our lives will. mean
sing ' and contributed appropriate
solos at each, service. His' evening
solo .Was a rallying song uied in his
spoke briefly before, comMencing his,
sermon. Recalling the dayS Of , the
hartooni he raised his voice. in' pro
test against the . ,present urge • V -
the words •A‘By Faith Moses, when hc
was, come to 'yeara refuied. to bc
called the son of Pharaoh's dingh-
life in the Court of, Pharaoh and Thir
r pclwer, wealth and hone],
offered by Pharaoh. He reviewed thc
foe of Meat& -Moiling' his; period in
the Wilderness to training school, ane
evening. The majority. of th..e , ma the iurning bush as* his gt.aduaiiUU
chine.:ry and,, stook was :xemsved.: w -c day. Mises! Mie. great sm, debarred
nnderstand, while the.
is a brofher of Alf': and Fred Webb. 'Pe 151:6-fPIPT-'-tile--land-'-ut-:1;Qnslage
and grain7was-Artotal loss. Mr.,Virehb.:!-__O
ate of sin. 'Beware Of sin's ,re -
entertain ..'.the members', and REMEMBRANCE- BAY—PROGRAM
Presbyterian Church at seVen 'o!clock
Rev. Heaneth MacLean Of Wingharn
ebtdially invited. .„
FormerliLliss,,Evit: Gardner
Erya Gardner. Ashfield.
Circle OP 'arace't Chnith Viti. Ai; :met
Hoy Scout's 'wil gather nt the selipoi
patade to the' Cenotaph led by tin
Day set:vice Will be hold' cemmeneing
Intrddiictery Remarks -.-Rev. S. .'T
TwoAqinute Silence.
PraYer-Rev. C. H. MacDonald.
ScriPtnre Iteacling;r:Rev.: L. Bur."
„AddresSL-ReV. J.: H. Geoghegan.
-• CHURCH AcTiviii,itg•
TWenty Nine 'Added ,To: tominutirn
_MacKenzie Eb.ee,ted Presider& Of
11;onrig Peo..p.1,771. S.O;ciitY, •
it the Comninnion Services,.;,_Octobei
29th; eight new ineMbers.Were addec Re
to 'the roll,' seven 'on .confession, of conducting the evening service .by
faith Christ, Making a. total .,, pi, Ite
241 adoitione outing the Year. 2Ca
Neat Lord's'. Day, NOveMber nth
there will be, the usnal, worship' ant', ,gb
7:3(.1 Pjn.f With this changerthatIthe re
Church: Bible School, instead : th
meeting at la oneet jy
jog sorvice, thus . giving, More title so
Mr. and' Mrs. Clair Agne* and
in Windsor: ,
Was a .Sunday visitor with ber •Sisthi
Mrs. •Elliott Miller.
:.;and little , Betty • Jean 'spent
the week •-;.Onfl in tendon;
.Mr. and. Mrs.: Frank TYler and
child .oi Liatowel, .'spent the Week,
'end'. with relatives here*
'tie revelation' hes sprUng all Out
iV14sa-Jean_Durnm —o
',into,. visited „for a , few, :days, with.
WHY' BUFFER with 'RhenMatism
Mrs. Matthew Sproul has been an
Jranci. RaPids for. the Past Week on
4CeO101t of the illness...of her :sister.
Eldcin Siddal who attended. his
upea ordinary coal oil, lighta
instantly -7n° pumping
\We -Have Them
m. Murdie &Son
f.)res orchestra -.will play,
Returned kiroin:: Europe.
Miss' Iiobel Reg,
and Mrs. Hess of Haniilton
this --Week it the henie Of Mi and:
Mrs. WM., MacKenzie. *jag MePi
recently' returned from France and
nayed a prominent part -in the In -
W. J. LIT'fLE'S SHOE, STORI de, Scotland, with the Bar. McKay,
LET'S' ,hote kood ,\'`uticie tin d is -well as • bei 'aunt.. 'Mrs •Me".
.4.14. Sutherland of ' Kinlossi, Mr. -.,and Mrs. R. L. Finney and'
/Aid has' beea.iif tot a is nOi on Douglas' left %an FridaY for 'Haw -
4.6 weWat present; his, friends "wiil
s that. are worthWhile. 1.1e stress-',
The Critical illnesS of Mrs: Pete!
only choice for Us, were his cWonactso:nn sinodsosisingr.eahseornf, afinorilyremgruectli
Service in ,the presbyterial' chnrch, Among. 'her :many. iKiende.,
the evening. we,s withdrawn, as' New lower prices on Men's Aar
11 "a; the Aahfield ,,a -n -d" :Lens and CliirdfeiN 'warm iiill and
v.5 S. To Tucker' was. a!isted ir winter Undefweet. -•
y: 0. H.,. 'MacDonald and, Rev"
d two chornies.. In" the evening 'the
gular choir *as heard 'in in, an: -
era, as Well as a qnattette TiuMbei
'Messrs.. Alex *Nay, .Hareld
11, Greer' and Eldon Render-
nr with.; the Concluding Anitnher
eing a. ladies' ' thorns,- The choirs
ere' under the iclirection of
reer and the Worship of 'sOng Was
f Order. Mrs. G. 4. Neivion
resided at the orgtn. ,The, 'offerine
as: gratifying to tile 'finance Corn-
ittee.. It is estimated it will total
'God SaVe The king
fez yonni anti, older to teach ,Church
tor Ole; morning service; and %else
making. it 'ednyenient ?or the
n'anzreOitionAo .12e present' at the
It is' Confidentially , expeeted that
Young People's Soeiety re,
is 'one of the greet t.• days
Who 'delivered 'the tinni eraarines-,
:Sages,' in the.tnited Piprch Oa Snit -
reel Meaning. VAS, pastor Ai 'the'
tot- lo6t4_11,1g....viott.olict.,00of lo Oteat
et Singing: the WOrd Of ..606.
sinned their regtilar ;Weekly Meetings 0
lait.'Fri,c,lay With an • attendance 01
"01.1r "Society" by the 'MeV., R, 'red, at
prOgrani Of the evettingi• and war tended, Wag. held at ',the home of 'Mr.
niudit appreciated. , David H. Alton, A'rixesday afternoon
Offieert for the :coining. yeat wqo and evening in honor of his 'daughter
etship • the••• '0OefetY ,,,prospered 'so tea rOSe; crepe With hide ilteket. re-
littah., The' elected Otter -fa ivete op- 'Rich:acts ,i'ssaided over the diSplaY
on hand, which may be purciaieci i ,
ply 'quantity at the Sentinel, office,
Toronto spent' :the week ead with Mr
turn tiiey Were acCompanied by Mrs
iolinstOn, ,w6 .will visit, with .them
deer hunting ;in the ,Parry Sound die -
Ind another party "of JCaigill.
dents, td add to the influx Of nimrodi
Into' the noith at this tiMe;
Ilion, where Mr. Finney, has been. --
:tationed.in Head' office of the Rank
')f .Commerce there. Mr. & Mrs. Fin-,
ley had been residents of Lucicnow
for over, four years, he being. mina-
t•er of the local Branch of :the Bank -
)f CoMmerce, which •closed this
'sammer. Since then they', have con- ,
-iey was relieving different bran---.
hes. On Thursday evening prior te
tutsts at an informal party at the,
Mean& Mrs. 'Horace Aitchi-
'Where they 'were presented with .
-emeinbrances by the friends present'
croaky • Radio at . T. 4Rtif
sTRONG'S. 'You've,' never before
from noise. . I passed, away in Wangham Hospital,,
hende of *S. Robert: Mullin dr)
Friday, 146i/ember 10,' at 2.36 O'cloCli
Topic "Health''.,, DemonstratiOn 6n
Malcing, a' -bed' for the siek. Coateit
drinka. tot
JOHNSTON-To Dr, and .Mrs. W
.V. „Johnston, on Wednesdair,
FREEMAN -On. Tuesday,' Novem:.
ber, 7th, to. Mt., and: rs. Joe tee -
man Of Leeburti."(nee Evd-,Gardaer.)
Marian Lillian, the fOur day .old
child' of rat.' and. lirsi 'Charles' "Cook
*tit be in chietge the'Litek- by the kfaseti Fiera Durniii*Htingan-
'1V'tclettAO, Annie'
decreases. Inf'order to keep mit per•
tertainment bi the season, attend,: flit'
un/xpected. A brief service WAS held
SittirdaY 'aftethoon and the remains.
of the little One laid to rest in Kiniosa
moo,. THAN A
influx of motor cars,' trucks ,and trad-,
tors, ,thfie there die fe* fine apeei“
load of splendid atintielet 1, •
'shipped Thnisday Mae.- '
One heast,; *61.06A 2300' palm&