HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-12, Page 6••• 9 •PY49.RAIS. , Qa,Ptain ;Treyeiyan, "had. rented...his large house In, $,Ittaf,ord to •Afrs. winett Sad ..teheal a. smaller one "in: the nearest town, Pi:411•PantOii!. . Wtine-,his; friend .Alafor' ournahy,, ,apd. Itiree,neighbor§, °•were,...plaYing-at-,table tilMing with Aire, •• 'Willett Arid.; her datighter •"spirit!' message Was, received, that Tre.,' .velYan bad teen-. murdered ! IiiurnanY, ftods tits; Xriend dead. ilis.sltnit fractured by, .110w"The; Polioe sosneot Tr:evei•-: yan's er Mr auir. Gardnerand. . the 'three :children of Mrs. ar5afl• ,tither sister,--noWi ded. ajameS, PearSen' bad -opine., to Bxbamoton froth Vonelon, the (ray .of „the hurer. e Vas 'arrest, ed by inspeotoia Narracott. The day, after- murder' Burnaby 'receiveC a cheque: for "..5000...pciunds' 'front Qharles •Enderhy, reporter' ,for Wiree ' for' the corr,edt,',sonition of the 'news'i. paper,',e'• competition.; 4gerii1y ' ,Trefusis, ,Jin rearspre§ fiancie„ made.' the.- qualntance Df ,nderb3•.,-, and went with hini7to; Sittaford. , when.Narractitt vvent — question,.114.re...:Wiliett, and- mentioned•' vearson.,S .natne, Violet • visite"the Willetts, then returns, ter gloves, which,' she left purposelY, , • :INSTAI4M'ENT ;18. SnddenlY there was a break in the • conversation—a sound of; a footstep, Einily-;-,retteated,-rapidIS.e, ••:,•• • • When Violet Willett opened het' other's door arid anie down the .11F.O.,q(311 to :_tnci her standing-,.in.;=theihall-Peet, • ug ahocit her in a losf dog:Itind Of " "My • gloves,". She explained. ', "1 •• Must haye left them." :1 Came' hack • for thern.'." • • ; • ,• • . "I expect,. they are in here,' said • • . Tlry, went , into' the dra,Win.eroorn and there? •sure •enough, On .it .." table,' near. Where Emily had:been sit;, 'ting To the missing gloves.' "Oh, than y�," said.Emily., • stupid' of 'me. •I. am alwayS leaving Oire .again "they, parted .'at -the hall door, And -this time, Emily heard the •Aey ttirned in the lock. wertt•Ldewn-i-Ttlic plerity.to think alatuit.for,:as Nit door • " on the uPper 'landing had opened; She heard distindtly,'One :sentence 'spoken • inn der Woman'S fretfnl and tive 'voice: • •„ • "My 'Grecl;” the•voice had, wailed; "I • can't•• bear it. 'Will-- tonight ,• neVer • • • • • • the geedS, icnew, P.Y.er/cme and .4iglit in'a foo 00,d p be trAe!1 kcell Phiehing Myself and feA14:1.4"....1, 7,04 vtaR,.. .a Prisinut.P. ba"Ye you40,tic.c4 th4 log?" 'It;'w-cnt't 'OOP gPing to Exeter this aternoo i1 it?' said Emily, 'Doyou.viant tgo to Exeter?" . • fleS, have to meet gr. Dere' th00, '''-'14,.'solieltOr; Yen -know,--.the ne•wil4,4 undet4king Jini's,deferise; 11e*ants to ',see ine; And I -.thrinIc 1'..'411411:: pay, a *iSit to Jith's Aunt an there, After.. allErgieter isqn1 half: 'an - AWAY." "Meaning she , might hive. nipped over,,by train and qbatted ,her:In•Other over the head and' nobody Wonld have noticed her ab nee.' ; • "Oh, I know :it, sounds rather im- probable; but one:has to ko into every- thing. Not, that I want it to be Aunt 3ennifer.74 Clon't. • I r 'would Inueh ther, it-waS%-Martirn•Derin,g.;_l_hate The. sert ' of, •Jnan..,Whor Presumes on going to be -41 brpther-in-1a' and does lic thatjou can't...smack Ills face for." 7 . 'he that kind?". I'Versi much that.,kind, ;Hes an ideal -Person gor a murderer—alwayS • getting telegrams from .beekrnakers , aid losing money•on It.'S an- noYingthat he's got such a good alibi. Dacree Old aboAt,it:', A 130 - Usher and a literary dinnei seems 'so very Unbreakable and•uespectable.' "A literary dinner," said 'Enderby. '"FridaY night. Martin. Deritig—let arrivectisack- at -the- dottago- to find. ber by ; friend absent., had, ; Mrs.: CurtiS, explained; rand 'off .with'several-other-oung gentlemen; ,hirt ‘two telegrami 'had 'Come- fen; the young "lady. Emily tic& 'then, read .thena, and; put them in flie packet Of ber sWeater. • ' .• . At the nranent she. felt disindlined for anything but She want- eto out; and :arrange her. oWn '''itteas:••,', She went, up -to her: ovy:ri rooin;• ind,taking, pencil and. notepaper she set to • Work...on a system Of her own. • .After3Wenty, this exerciSe she:Wad. interrapted: by, Air. EndePby. hnlio,"hiallo, there yen are. Street , has :been hard. on yolir. .tracks morning, ' tut they .haYe, •-just--,-Missedlyou•-everYwhere...: .Any4 • way they 11AVe had"'it-frOm 'me that you you are.not to be Worried. As fai.;—ig • Yon= are .0.11ce.rnedi ti* big . noise!' • .1 • He 'int down' on the chair, Emily accupied the bed', and chuckled. - "Envy and /bailee, isn't in .it!" he "‘‘I. have been handing, theta out 'arfes1 Pariing,!". Emily „ earne 1Yrical eniteinent. „ "How MarVelons., Therl' khe'hrtlte' waSn't at the dinner •At .007" "• "Ybd-'4re;-,enre-yenNO4'renteInhered the nanie right?"', • ' • have torn UP ;the letter, worsejuclt; but I CO alwaYs wire to Carruthers to make snrei Tint absohltelY know Pm not nliStAken.!''. "There's the... publisher •stillf •ceurse," sai.ni1. "Tbe one he .spent the' AfterneOA W1th:: 130 .r.Ather think jt was A:PubliSher Who . woe 31Ist going baek to, AliPeriga; and inokiAsilY; Inean it lenks aa tilcugri. 'be .114a A*ted aon165116 ;VIIO conldn't be „asked witbelit • you'' think- Wa.,have.bit 4,t•?" said chaides - • 417411;it ,1ook hke it t1un1 04 'best.; thing' to., be dime, is to:, go traigt tn'that %ice InsPedtor nitre- cOtt., and:jnet,fell,him theSetneW :facts', I mean' we can't tackle An American pubhshe who--ha-.-ortlne--.4411retarna-, -",The. new 'feet-v/4e devised...to'giVe • • , or ' the Beyerigaria 'Or somewhere, method of testing 60,104 " • . it • est Reveals CO olintoxicatiOR wo Drops Of. 71310P4::VOM FilPg0}, Syr Alsg.•VPec.1., iii •hp• r:4•ci4y;11:04.feeg:-Pi7.4: feiro.;t:1;icw'q-."'toci .1. 7.. ot7. .er, 01. 744,4- r4.4tloan - P § ch.pnlicg $000,;(.: • incidental findiftg, While *oving yzp thls tetj the report told of, three men A40. One %,Vninati Whoodrank fOur be,flee.,•of 3•..Ale,er 1415 minntee; 'On Alnpty' filteniaChs.; The, alcohel:, tliek .410(4' ten/A* fren4: the, beer; prOvedtq be 1s thanlialf theNcilitme which eauses'Intogieation, • it wae:just :aboift'enntiO,tn`Cau4e 4.'4044094 of 'WA,i1Atik ter a•-• rorsPii•iii. 4warm xqom. Painless :IM'Othqd, Found • • . • , • . • , • , 'That's a job fo.. thepolice." - alcohol -in the SyatPin, te replace the ' "My WOrd, if this cenles, Off. • What usual blood tests Which take 'enough seedpl" ,said .1Y1r. Enderby. "If 'it bloed to be painful, to Most persons; does, I. shduld think, the Daily 'Wire Angerlprick ,techniqUe requires couldn't offer me less than—' : two drops. .•• • TEinily broke, in rutliTel-sly Inte .The same "fest can. IN used In dreams' "of adVancement. : • Ihe,.diagnosis of dfabeteS. Per 'that "But, we rausn't lose' our , heads," disease it shows' the a.inount of ace- s sAln, ,,•• ratiggel,••• 2. 1 .1tiallat.,s- to the 1 Eiceter. ,wise the method Is easyn1 quick. , cicin't• suppose I shal be ab . It was flesenbed by Drs. T. • D. back -here torriorrovv.., But I've PrIedmann, W.' G. Motel and Ileinridh ,got a' job for you" ' . • :. ' „ Necheles of the University of Chicago •‘:Nhat kind of. 4 johi?, . ; 'The •blood • fa placed in a sman tube,, -ElnilY described,' her visit to the with a little, water; 'Cleaned of pro - •Willetts and the, strange ' Sentence she teins • and; dietilled: In the 41siiiled had oVerheard on leaVing, • liqUid iss•Pla.ced Some potassium per; “we 'have got absolutely Ari'd •POSi•-• .nlaaganatei. Which CfinVerte the alcohol tively. to find out What is going t.i.) into carbon dioxide and water. This happen tonight; ;•Theres ; something conversion 'ases up some of the poles.' „ Promises ou eirei e rOkerr If Child' 'is, Ci3untin. on S Th: H t . Hell•fle If You Chaligel(9Pr " i ,g. oririet Angi. ....QV.... ,.1§appoln • • •Teddy Cenldn't Sleep. . He layitliere InTthe da-rki his eyes wide opeiii thfiik--- Ing. HO Was•trYing.tOpuzzle.out.sonl-' thing his' mother had iaid$ l3y and by she looked "A.sleePlu' • "Ne Came •a, subdued little voice,• :; "Turn over 'how •Itad your'yes. Yon'll have to get. over being •dieap., pointed." •' • . 411ni -net disiappiiinted•."' *41;F..':"Then Wha s "Nothing:" • "That's a good bOy'l" she kissed him. aneriixed the covers., , '• The door,-eloid-ini0-he was in dark- • ness again. •He la:y very qiiietly lout he didn't sleep. • • . •• ' The little boy was wonile,ring about things. Why, he was •pronn'sed Some, thing, that Made 'him so very happy and then anddenly told that, the Pro-, mise conldn't be kept. • nie see—Martin Derink-L-why,' yes—in 'the. wunl.", • . : Sinin permanganate. measuring ;thp X andralmost:sur.e of :it: Dash it "What,an, extraordinarithingr amount used ,Up by the alcohol gives' I. am quite sure of it; but I,can clinch • "We'ifil it?' Pia-of:course it m4Y accurate estimate of the'pereentage ' of alcohol in the blood. Priedinarin also 'reported ..teste. showing that the tissu'es tff the,human • bodies, regardless of. wh'ether a person 1-00,611.441riales .in about the -.Preportien 10 parts 'In '4,000,600. •" •, •• • , »The Chicago experiments , incliCate .that this natural alcohol is ,produded 1.by the hodY.' froin. sugars.: , A 'small part of it may he .formed in 'the:body by 'bacteria. , ' • 'things by wiring to, Carruthers." ' "Whet are you talking about?" said .1 came •cloWn to E)thanipten..,,ori day evening; Emily., 7611, there; w0 a bit of informapore I Wqs goiog :get from a pal of Mine, another ne paper .inani,'Cartutlia0 his •name He Was 'doming round Pla see roe' abont half past, six if he .cotif.d;--befdre went•en to some, literal' Y dinner --lie. bea doirOdence; .0r it .mky not ---but -you 'obierve that the servants are be: • ing eleAred" mit of' the way. S,ornething queer . is going to liaPperi. there tc.0- night; and' you have to be on the spotT • to sO *hat it' •'"You ,rnean have, to , spend: the whole night ,shit.ering ,,under. bupb, in the garden?" ' •' "Well, you don't naind that,: do,yOn? Journalists don't nand .what they cl,itb In a good cause.' You will de it, won't is-ratherva loug. Carriathers'-and you. • ' • ' —• if be couldn't make,it he:Ntrould ,send me a line to Exhaititon. • Well, be -didn't :Make' he-did-.--sedrl-me 'a •• ""Oh, rather,". said Charles. "I ,am •"What hall this: gat , •witli it?" Said. Emily.• ' • , ' ."Don't be 'so intatient, I an "cent- ing. •te the point: The old Chap •was .reth.er 'fuddled when; he wrote it doe hiinself Well at 'the dinner• -- after. giving Me itein 1 wanted, he...Went On to, wast,e a. bit Of juicy de- scrifItion on ..,You know -about the SpeecheS 'and what 'asSes so „and se ' famoui' novelisk,and. a farbou§ 'playwright were.. And he Saidle had been . rottenly , Placed :at the. diiinet • There was! an empty.- seat on, one. not. going:to miss anything; If any- thing queer" goes on. .at ,Sittaferd • House tonight I sfia11 be -in it" Emily- theri-told hint about the iug;. gag e label. . "Its 'odd," `said ,Mr. Enderby; "Au:v. • trate is where the third Pearson' is, isn't it? --the 'youngest one. • Not, of • course, that that means anithingt4but •till it—well there might be; a don- ,nection." •• •• • . Said "I think that's all. Have you anythiag to report on your side?". ' • "Well," said' Charles; "I've, gotan` • idea: • The only:thing is dent. know you'lHilte it." . ' , Lis ' Where McAlmott, :that III Ope° I, can• .sensibly and awful best best-seller woman, .ought . to quietly to anY : "Wellr,the point is;" :said Charles Enderby, eyeing her doubtfully; "don't think I: inean to. be offensive or anYthing like that, hut do you. blink that lad of yours is to lbe de, pended,on.for the striat truth?" . • "Do you Mean," said tinily, that he "did murder him after all?' You' haVe.sat andl an empty plate. on the other, side of •hini! Where, the •sex spa cialist, Martin I)ering, ought t� have been, but he moved up near to a Poet 'yvlio is Very Well.knoWn Black- heath, -arid tried to ,a,k.e the best of thing. Now, :do' you see, the Point?" • SWEET ,ROLLS made with Royal Yeast tikes (overnight dough method) • • hi the ev'enlint alabolte 1 ' !Rey* Veitee.eeke In c. „ .:teptd water. Scaid,ona Cool trilik, add 2 tbsp. butt& And2 thsr.larst 2thtiP, sugar' and 1 Op: salt. Beat In the • ,yeast and 3 re: flew% This• • makes,n' 4ponge Potlith: Lei • flee overnight, • . In'theinOrnimt cream to- • gether 4 4411:yoke; 4 tbsp. • diipr, i :tap; cinnamon 1414, &mai); and heat 1110 the sPonge:1045e..11intr t� make a anitioth dough;$riead tet 'bulk.' fornt Inin Patter • Heine Rolls', or any.. other , 'shape. Let rlsetilll ''atiout 15 Onninthier.ate oen..••3.154 I"; • • .VOR over 50 years Royal.VeaSt Cakes have Veen the Standard of. qnafity. wherever dry, yeast ,iI4 .used for honad baking. order a supply todaY•. Sealed air -tight Waxed paper, they,stay fresh fertnonths.,Keep thou , handydur kitchen.. Boy lfrade.111.-CanAtIn de"oari And be aure,io'get the • ROI'eAL YEkSt, Bigg. ,116.01,4 to need when you bake at lionie gated recipes fora ,,i;attety of deltdiotts breads. AddreSs Stand- ird:. Brands _ &, Liberty l'Oterite ()Kt • tintif&t, , "T,h6 0041 Rdiid • totettO 'testis IMW Roo .iteiffeit Oates Will• fintireve *our hetuth,,ntid 4a,t: ' theft*. '• • ' . , are quite weldome to that view ,if ycia jike. 'I said. to yoa at the: beginning that that Was:, the natural yieWil to lake,',.but I said we 'had to work 'on the assumption that , ,doti!tnle41.2 that," said" EnderhY., 41,Vhat ys he e, Old • him ilik it taallY ean,Mean is, hh* far.. is,his own of* what • happened ,trne't He sawent there, had chat With M.felloW, and 'came- away leay- ink alive and well. ..you don't th's possible he'Werit there arid. acf wind the: old ,trian'dead? in• h t like Emily e might have been scared -and. . nod; to say So." • " •.• frowned 'and • creased her brow in "1, a:thouglifT „. m not going to Pretend,." she id,' said. ' olight ouldn't ight e ,sillY ould h • is ',Postible„.. !I hadn't th, of it .before. I knew Jiin murder-, anyone, but he niuite welt, get rattled and tell ••• a' and*theni Of course,. he Walm. to stick telt, Ye:s, it is 'cpnte •pOSSible.' •' • •XTo 'te'' Continued.) The Patriarch tIroboard of the forest, ;ancient: bee011i "Beside Whonl aii&hai4a.kri tower, • Crop • • • . Is Grown br,King , „ , at Sandringbani, :has been :gathered e matter?" • ,Ilieyond illia'Reason\ ' HO ,wasn't old , enough•to 'reason in abstracts..:' TO -night' a 'Very Concrete -Problem wets:bothering hint... Hp• had never Seen the moon at night. always,.gone.to bed at six, except last -,suMiner-whh-Sofe1-t1i,A, hour -:"Plid:raboli had often looked down at -11.o..'11;Ineweadleu'dtodesnleYT-t'1.1•e, 41" -°:Yr1"1:-.7L.Ii-'e- • The -family .gasP;ed, "It was triier tbey looked at each. other. "Teddy lad 'never, seen a greet big round full . moonl" • ' . •' ' . • So his mother ,Prentised, him. he contd. stay up to see it. alien theught; about it rising an hour 14ter, ' That . wouldn't, d�, all! . No, Terid3 Weuld have to go to bed on, time. :She , Stand,',,, He had. been .prbmised,. ..and : • that to•hini Was enougb. • A Ptizzlrng Question . 'Isfow he „ 14 wondering Wh'y little • boys • could have ",prennises •Inade..to them' broken SQ,. easily, 'wanted" to •, see' the moan. •• • , . • ; 'Downstairs he heayd--Voices, tht 'radio; doors clpsing; laughter, feet . ning up and dOwn. staffs: They had forgotten the, boy and :the Moon and the prothise. :And it Was Se linpert- • ant: to. him. • • .• . , I.the harder :be tried to think the Wider ANValte he•becarne, •• • • lid sat up in lied; fltiallY,' and Watdhed the curtains blowing at the winciew,'"' And then betvve,en :the twe. housee aor ss - et ib,all hang directly iihislineofvision ' him in broa, ht a whitish. disk The : moon' He at and stared an . iliean ptbaeleglirelliaolden• et-g'lbPttheeno4n1 V•elVet. the window ',sill. . • neVer. then .leaped out of 'bed and 'hung or Se • :baekgroiiiid 'like the.pictures ,In his. books, • 'He had; never seen .eVen half `a plateor even, a Saucer. At least not, stied be hadbegun to,•take-ali interest -Initliingst-celestlaPakvell-aS thoge ten.' fesTter-idaaLy :someOne had spoken of the: how. TO-morrovr -broken prOmiset -beauty ortlie i irlast night 7-' TO .wonld not eXist-i-perliapS. •••,At least no night it vas to be full. • • ' :this one. The moon' seemed to say., oi your ide: fooled theta 'all. • Heri, We, are—now ,take geod.,,Iook;' thei be a -good .boy. and g4 to SleeP." • Teddy,'firially went beek to bed ecia! Instantly to. sleep. He Was: satietei. •••• and, ithe East Anglian ,,liarve'st • . year has been so good that neigiumg27)000 000 "Grid" Plan earing Completion the home of :the finest' in the ' World, inay have to fake Sedond lace in in this linclestry. - • Lond6n.—At VOrclingbridge, en the 47fie„.seed will also be of excellent outskirts of•the New Forest in Ramp, ;cpiality,',! an: official of the Linen In the last pylon..was .erected ie 'diistry :Research Association said. cently Which competed the Main part This is a Matter ofgreat iMPor- of the ••"grid" Scheme for' transmitting , . tance: aS it is hoped East Tnktio„ will, electricity throughout• England." ,becorne the ,centre- Of sppply of petit- This Portion of the' undertakilg, tv,as •gree flax seed .for the Northern he begun five and yeas ago, has land.'flax-growiere, ,Who for',tbis eont-, iniolyed the erectioa of 261,265 pylon§, ModitY-have had. te .depeni,... alinosl. has cost .2.27,000,000and has emPloyed entirelk-on-th-e7forg1gilers„'. .; direCt-Ty O-rindireatlY7-:§pnie-.7200,000 'The nextstage; is the ha1ling of. Workers. , • , • , thy-Crep at the quay in King"s tynni. •In. addition to the natwork of pylons so that-- it, may' be . shipped to Noith-• all over England and Scotland, the ,erti; %eland for: turning 'into •ilbre of scheme has involved the -building Of. Lambeg County. Antrirn. Then only 'many Plain and substations ; also the 'will'''. it be possible', 'to. determine transforroer,statibas which step down Whether East Anglia Can:become the the .main.pbWer current • of 132,000 ,Produeer of •a - flax Crop - second: to volts to 66;000 or 32 000 volts, •Otthes, none and 'whether modern Mech.. .4009 mileso[transmisSion cable2894 . • . • 'malted metliodS can beat the fnherif- carry the higher power. The 273 trans. ed' skill of centudes in pr'bviding forming and switching .stations repro. Than bildding,Youtlis.' whose arips may. • neVer•retic,ii ' . • elbowed lengths to Ileav, 4 • s• • • 1•Fe'p•i' mighty roei:s: have .burrowed '• tareugri the, grettail • TO deeper riiterS*tor, theft ' • `; :TIke•-lietterr-stripsbuJlC - *: around • , : • fteagh hark; Whose fissures prove long, Years of Strife, : 1 • , When eaoh 'now ,spiog, shed ,I;ere , gentle heain; : • • • A-, theitsand „soft leavoS„. saii„,• . Strength' posg:essed; • On 'shoulderS that nould bear it li•e;ti, .dfeatri, • . • Pell • cast her cloak, ' Then* ',IltIeVY • anOws were pressed,'.. • Nlya 1.6)..1011 hUiid trembles („o v, rd 'the ' r ! rise, Wicken den, for' . the been • trade -7-a , - fibre .df- the :seat transformiag 'capacity of famous Courtrai qualif.Y.” • . 000,000liorse,power: • Iii .19,31 ..t.he Kink grew .a sthali Main scheme .is split up"8441to -acreage of of. fl'aX ,Ott his., Sandringham, nide areasand at Present some ..2500f estate' and the.11,44straw was trana-:. Mlles; al,e4n• ' operation. It'is ahtici ported to lielana, .processed into pitted that: the whole be Ore, in 'the eXperimental faetory of, .supplying 'electricity' by the :.' end7:0.1, the 'Linea ladastry-Itesear4h:.ASSoCia-, .1934.. the 'current will be there, 'and., tion, and 'Manufactured: .2,hy.„ i'eti,e,q it will only_reinain- for the Ulster. flrin's into :a ifingel..4r differ. ,COmPanies- te dovelop the different, kinde, of 'linen. Thislinen was areas atid, stilipik them ;, t' By 1940,- With presented to thelr Majestles In the grids ,fullk lbad4d; ehere'slionfil be -cember, 1.932; :"! • • an Output, of:25,000,000,000 units, exporironent,L,Ch • , Cess both as to the ,yield, ‚int high, • '.100, 1300161a to Acre on 36 Acre • cinalitYof the 'fibre,' th,at interest.•Was . ; ,•oat Field • Theodore, SaSk.-.-44in healing ,6114k inda'Stri •84t ,HOdge," faun-. „ aroused in the pOSsihility, of estab.,• . ,itgo, vias one. 01 Yield er, two °ateHe 10i•vost6d, .66' miles freinliere, has ,arecOrd which;up to .60., the traditionani l' • homes of flax"buShels trent a ' • 30 -acre st Gems ,FrOm Liles Scrap-boOk • • We are at Tire of these' • dramatic •• . CU:1.11111g points iithiltory when. the Path '110W es , will beConle sancP- to progress 'lies% elearlY before us 'if ' our ' , . lied? I3Y COht6P11141.g Itself anre:servd- ohly we Taith and 'confidence to, .1Y to' that ot'Ood.",7,!-Penelon.. . : ;take 1.1„,,Tilygi011.4 B• '"Ont wills are ears,..te-iiiake ,• • • .• ' - Tbine."'-r4tenny's60... ' , • • be axerdiJ . ,"Tlieqiti.Wer Of the inutan silould • r , , , • , • • , -SAVED 1M PORTED .DRESS sed, ontyi in stiborditiatioti tO T•ruth"---Uary taker Eddy; . ..,vhere Isnothing good or, evil save fn. the Wi11."1-.."--Epletertira, • , , '• '414o ono :14 a:staye.', whose wUl 18 Maxinifts, • : the freedoin.of the I1l'is •o ss -"The,;•Only. Way (A' setting the *1.11' frcte, is RI deliv,er'V from WiquesS,'" ti. -4 A. NI.' flare. 1. • ; • . -;.- It s bht it..basel- that", Meant§ no Ifigher than i liird can goer, tidn t,,`%•••••'"?•4',1•••.#"4`74,17.4,,,, e -y-, • • • i - After a If t,e, year' .ovely gr hujorted.dress-'-loSt 'color SO, toitipletely• that" it Was 'not Wearable'. A tri:otitt•whe, itaalted trio why 1 WaSn't•Weariiititty tuore," Qn --bearing-the.reitSeshe.a•itir.le'edYeIng. it anti-. recolinifondod Olaniond Oy.es;': 'To 'Matte a,lOng 4100 'elfeliclt out heautituliy,. ila%!e a Adreiy 'heist dress that'really • eost. jlist: 15—the • iiel:de of one•puaage nt lliOnton0 Dyeg •,'!I have s1r used biathaatt Dyes for bbth tinting .and dyeing; 'either eitually well„ 1 aril not. au ot, ..., • port ;dyer hut never b a'v e a fat In re with niame4d• oyes, •'.iaii•ey 800111 t:o be Bough i tiotqed nia.dd 'gsa rftey alsvt'sql•-gu011 smobtlity • • ., .1.,•' 'and. eVerilY,' never OkSCH: .004 , And frNlitls ;never know the • • ,tit•11.118.--1.--ayeriti)—t-str(imintr-riy,',4 pre yelephept retiy.e4 , . , ,• • -PJRP�ES No, stream from •1tS Source' Fle•ws sea,Ward; AlOW • lonely soeve] - it ,course, . •• . But what Some land is gladdened • • No star even rose •, , And set • Without'. Influence ".sOine . • Who' Attioyr,s'.., " What' earth ileeds..froM earth's' low...• est,' creature? . Noc4ife " • • esti. be -pure in its purpose,an. strdni,, inits strife,. And 411 'life, • not. be „purer' an • I stronger thereby'. •,„ • * ' Meredith Pedantry in thecommon aCeeptation" 64,1/411,.he word; meanik an absurd ostenta. .tion„'of •• learning,' • and • stiffness of Phisseolog,y, tproce'edihg,,from a Mai§ guided knowledge of books and a:total. ignOrance of Men,'--"Nlaelierizie. YOU andyotir baby, w41[11 both be glad • Send for Mir new edilion of'"Baby's-- , ' Welfare." It contains 84 pages of4'" vital information on baby's layette., , baby's bath, sleep, food; health. fogjeIrAmir. - 'rho r e a re erkhtnd- height ch a rt s. affd. tniih in- ' valuable infOr: matiop. I Write . The Berden Co:, Ya id! o y • 'Hottie, •'tont°. • too , Ot1.43gt— coost.p6,66‘). ISSUE • , •