HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-12, Page 3• 1 , ,.,$E1NG, MADE ,pAlLy -7); 4 ' BUYing ' Season Wight Ahead .. ,- / AGENTri,*110'....have'sorne working capital te''handle• ,n4eflOillfe. t"iiIitorY. Marketing. ri,swpWxwm G.6,..RISAVAUS tq ear OWIlel'Sf, g'0.11AgeOr ,strtres,r, farm, el s,•etc. This As the only produat of, its kind On the Market; 10,9es MORIa ., , MILEAC.M, l'OSVI:gt, and l',EP: 113er:easing 'gasoline 'prices assure year .mar, ,Itet• Sold by leading <I ealOrs, and demand growing daily. Agent's now.,,ullding . steadY,-Iproiltahle and e.):clu.sive business. Anquiro forde tulle -741m, territory: - LAXERINE GAS SAVERS (Reg.),:'372 Bay St., TOrOnt iro li0 1:1$;) : . , , .,. npnion- ' . . Celtic Element Manifest in Ballads of Newfound1anI New .('Cille.Ctl'ori • Contains MuOh. 'Genuine Folk Music of Good Quality Elliaboth Gidnnle4t. apd:-. Grace. ansfield have - just "publitted , dada and .S.P4-Song.s1/49f,..NdVf0.1111diqn.4,"..' The Leniden firaesysaYS:': "In 2the-nitist recent publication of songs from '.NeWfoundland to M'any songs are given, without their. ;tune,: but the tunes when: they are given . . : 'seem to have_ been, accurately 'Yen in. aaaes where the underlaying_ 'If the Words iCentrary to their na- tural accentuation. Irregularities of lime 'and nide have been preserved' 'ind the word i' are for the moSt part complete. , Mrs; Greenleaf/ exPlaing"in lw-exceitent intreditetton Vec.ahriii he viSits to Newfoundland how she eagle to take. up Soli -song; .collection without any special train ng„erP. x e vice, but she had the help: of a coal-. petent musician in MrsMansfield and the notes ,'• which' gliie 'very full refer; . erThes, hate, great1y. benefitted from the .editerial,assistauce *Of Professor Re"c'ent,ENtens. Tom: Ccirete4s, • • Cabinet Members EnjoyVacations London, Efi. Tbe British q'oVerri- Went Is ,not on duty. at the't149Weilt to deal witlit'war debts., We8tn1instei is • holiday • until' Nov'ember. cabinet Ministers, are 8cattered Inle follow fellow- . Ihg pfage.:,.. • • -.Coisf4To-Coag , MAPOnald . . . .0..:,.4ossieratinth ' • Mr. Baldwin...............,.Worcdstershire- Mr. Cliagiberlaia •. Pertfishire 1-'441.41 Hailsharn• t,OTOt Sank4y, Wales Sir. J. Gilin:our Scotland Sir John 'Sirrion • ' •`• Brazil Si E. Hilton Young • Norfolk Mr. Run6iffiali •• Seotland Sir 1?„,, • Yorkshire Lord Londonderry • • • ,U1Stei' g. eoliths . ••••-• ••• ;.,Sdotrand IVIajOr • Roxbargbshire OrniSby-aere . Mr. J. H."Thomas Brighton Sir S. Boare , Norfolk Sir. B.,13etterton „'; • Norfolk Lord Irwin ' .• Yorkshire , Telescope For Torontp , ,Newepittle, Elag.—Tbe• largest tele- scope 4Irer' made. in. tprope, and the eCorof-jarge-st-in-t116LothistaJth shape at the NenaaStie works of Sir i-loward Grubb, Persona Co',, for, de- tract is worth:, .240,000 tb , • It will contain a .70-iiich diameter •rnirror -now tieing made mein lanC4,.„ 114arlieptlipi tettwaer-s. jaanra;;41.1:st..- bf rifteri Weie set free in Vince. Edward Island in October, 1917; grid forty-nine more pairs in INV. N•ow thousands of these birds •;are,10. 'be seen, in the 1. 'land' woods, which have becotne their' naturavliabitatien.' The -experiment is •1005,(1, 0••1).cia.4* .a...CoMplate "sne.. OSA. ° . •• . §ariTit'.44; New•firnnswick. FL* . ' lowing meeting' bf-the%Civie Indus: trial Comfnittee, ..yo,s,stated that the ,Oatiaak,IfOrIinfit1Striai ,.'tle,yeloprnent in Saint John. 'is mast promising, , the starting of 'several,. large establish- ments being hi prospect, • . • Quebec, Quebec.—A report by Mr. A. 0. Dufresne, Direetor •4g. 1119- QUebeC shows fri, beStes and copper- firOdadtion during the second Onarter. of 1333. ; Shipipents Of asbeStos to consumers due"r this pe:Fied-airletifiteit'teT`31774r TOnS, 'cam: pared:. With 20,779" tens, ,in, the _seine Period of 1932 while cep* shipMents total1ed.18;761,764..peunds against 13. glaga in -New York. , The 'mirror alone 918,319''Pounds. in the second .onarter willweigh 2 tons,, and•Will 1)6,1 ftf• of 1932; • k It will• be polished by MeSsrS • ,Ottawa. --The latest .ofiletai returns Grubb, Parsonsfor a Where year, ex - show that en'•Ardth• 31, .1933, p• erti working upori it inr;til ls-.601*- °Were' ,761.288 licenied•radio• receiving . ' t to •the eareat one-fiireaiunclied- thousandth 6( an inch, , A • 7,5 -ton rer volVing steel dome to house the' tele; seoPe IS ',being, manufactured ,at: Mid- dlesbrough. • • Meanwhile, Messrs.. Grubb, 'Parsons are :•atiso 'making the•slargest,teleacoPel in htigla.ixd-7a 30,1nch reflector ,for Ithe Royar, All , Ovir a Cr 'London 'Eng.; ---A London County Coancit tramcar:, being driven, along Nerthside Clapham CoMnion; recently left ,therails it the: cornerof Cedars 13 • Kittredge.,.' Nevertheless, many of,tyesets in Canada, an increase,over•Marep, songs have no Place in a collection•ot •31, 1933, Of 103;930 sets... ,The Province of: Ontario -has the largestnumber with 340;347; pr. alitiut one for • eery ten Of P1.0 ,l/rOvinee's. pepdlatioM• 'Quebec Cemes -next With 195,389, followby BritishiColUmbia with 61;368, Manitoba -.Witti--47;9'80;-.Alberfa• with r 38;380','.Sas- Itatchewan ' with 33,3,67, . Nova: Stay., *101.2k/324 Ne*' Brunsvvi 908, Prince EdWard :Island with 144.841 and: the • Yukon • and North-West Terri- tories NY1,I1 24. Mentreal 'hold's first. pacea.inpni cities with 128;360, Ter- Ontod'eninifig second . with 169,331:, and Wirtalpeg'..third with 35,196, ": ••• Winnipeg, Manitoba. -r Baring the month. of June thelfourYeSterw Pro.: lances., , alt.': reported prOductmli of creamery' butter.; in excess: or that! or 411116,, tetia's „ontptit ern punt- ect to„:,3;068,;692.notoids compared with, .,follt-Aouge'en even a „leoseintptprpta7 „ lion' of that: elastic deSignatiOO.. At the ,same,tinie,• tolk, Or not folk, their: in-, vinSion•throwa• a..flOod•ef light. on••the •practice.ef•tollt-singingand ifirthe.10a,:y. .blety 'thatbasnot yc't wholly abandon- ed faVor;•••of•print: • , . . • ,• . , •• . e :emelt the: 'population of Nelvfeliptiland, and •seirie Scotch, who ate said still to preserve their thotigh.the •••preSent. collectlint:..of 135' stings,..Whichyppreseats:•geograPhiCally .2001Y•••a srnall area of the Island; in- cludes Of; theiptoe,otany senge', *of•: the fFredeli.Speaking, :The.. ,gltit way with fulliTsetik-is7difterent- freni the griglish,'whieh:•.1S.?,inOre'cOn. lier:Vative:::and keeps' words, and tune -indiss,ohibly,asVaciated; as Cecil Sham • always found. found, •,,Artiong , the. Celts.the brdiitaditioh. is •‘'petent. ''A • . gifted singer will 'plaice:, up, a Poem. -.anent :Carrent seyente:and.,•either` sing •••• it toa"•tune belmigiag.to another song that happens to...dti:tir7will plaice up li Lune flieintyPidalliltS. andphrases that apq•continon to the whole.,body: national 'folk-song,tlius...prodaeing. a tune. which :hat '13.Of'neiy•-if-the.: beginning • • '-of thepro*of cianimunkar•greWth, 'fact:hut not yet yet true ,fOlk.solig,' ". Collector in Nova Scotia 'Mat :stim iner',Iteund. thcra:4-,SOng-. c-ornposcd- on the subject of the .• evacuation of • the Asienci:•ou, St. Ci1di, :was, 'Sung to,her in Gaelic. - : '.`The innes•lare MoStly good •lieneSt: staff; inif .110t. af paiy,sa-rpassing•bean-. - ty,except; in,:e few instances, such • as :the ;Strong' "The Plain of ,Watpi•t. loo' and, '.13Old ,Wolfe,',. a. good song , whose •Werds-seeni:to 'be,' the Product. of grafting the. •histerical.,expleits],,of. General .:Wolfe ' On to.,aii •Steek • 7,i'he .'Snap".chitraithistiO' of...Seettish and: the cadence :•of,,three."reileated. 'notes Characteristie •. or Irish• -•folk!, .'stngs are;found,: as well as several' Irish icels, ' Taken in all, the Collec.. • lion is a. 'Very' 'pitted., bag, .Containing muiehgennine folk-music-og gocl. thia- • a; ,g.03(1.. ,deal • of penular music .ee ' tact •,:reaily had. titiality, old and.'newin .-66tit..equal,.Propertions, antt.all .6f. it p.43010143rWlf,0 , • , • • "The Modern *Ovid is jiist DOW, More, politically,coniieleuS_ and ,more,lieliti-, • .ally anxious than it has. eVer • Nicholas igurray Butler. ' MOTHER -OF 13 WITHOUT A WRINK • ; What,' 11..7 raritY! 'Wernan • Witk . • ' large, fanally.o.iid an Unlined' face. Read . . . this, letter •she has - • "I,aro!a violiimi,•of tot 114ird .fainily of 13•Clitidreivarld have net a Wrinkle •On my.' face. • Seine tit* agoPaSsed ,thrOugh:.a 'very ,Seyere.illtfesa, and re- ' •,solyedttOry' Saltei and am -•, new *Milan .sinte4iiking•-thent.. • 1 • haire • taken , kruschen •fer,,•. tvvelVe • ''''''aleritlietnit .dose,'but lialki- ...tettsp4ottfat oVerk in a cto of ;hot- water. . y think Xruscheit. gives '.•, you. a feeling' of htiOyatity Youth - that nothing cisc doesri!(Mrsi)J T. Many 'Minor ,ilitieseca, ql,elireSSIOn Obit worfy—wliiell are the Chief cense§ w •dire•tO the, Presen tett! the:systent.of lItibloOS bred. by ..:the WaSte products of diggation; These Puisella tlre lb ,rtia eatige' Of Itteaticlied,'Itdney trouble od other complaints, whith•inake.peo- • Pit:tildbefdre••theit. Utile., It Is•111-6 ,".1Taiting-.6ffect Of' Klimek* Snits tit ex. Pei these linisoos ;keep' tke • ' pure.,.. And". a yigh'Sripply -of •=nlite*, Ntgoi,obi, .Y6dettfat .4 ifieyi and • Worrien iffiV'e 'already. prO1114 •8 ?;9.3;827: poundsin s 11‘. "June; .1932,• an in-,. 'Crease :of '2.8 per • cent.; SaskatcheWan ienorteil ; 34.35,7':38.' Pounds corairared with 2,890•,076 •pOnndS,..an Increase of 83 per cent; Alberte."Stored the high- est increase, '13 Per Cent., '-prodiiction., being.'3;534,009 pounds, coMpared:withl Q0Pourida i , , 3 119 .0 n' the :preitious year, , ; • • ;While BriiishiCelnmhia produced ql..4•,•••• injO •pattrc14 • against ',578,305'peniicts:' in 1932;' a gain of 0.2 per cont. . Beg.' .SaSkatielterwan....--7Oolte pro-: tietiOn-,of; four' Western...proviltes in iftnie;ainOinited to, 13,299. tone; a con, siderable liferefise•• over, -the 49;805. tons 'recorded-fer4luk-saing.4non.th-last-xear : proditetiOn- to date however,. for the Whole' year, 18' Still'Slightfir beloW that • - fr,th 193,%' b ein g'.. 79,-. '746'tens• against $2,407 tons., in 1932. *SaSitatoOn; S'askatthewanEr. J l3 S •Ycu Can get these five keep,, well -honed safety razor for -.hanlayd:insa(pfitwilqn:4- Gillette-typo dcrhaza0r,:ift Given frge. • :just One complete. set of Turret Poker -Iand.S: tr.ity• • yet sWeet and fill Of flavour—Turret Eine Cut* . is `a Particular •favourite' with men who "roll their ov.:711,n 4 -20 dent Package of this tnellOvv _Virginia Tobacco will make :at least 50:Cigarettes ... it are combined v'tiSfaction and genuine economy • ; • • with ••• C R E ,K" E HANDS'1.:. . .pital told.him not to ride again thil , - This ace was was', his dist time' in the. saddle sirree hi 'accident. CalY'' a few days ago :lie 'tame and won. not only -,--7- (pr •ta:ce,. • • ' • .' ', , - I %p other i' 2.:.3 pookids...):A.-. Milk 0..d... the gold star hat lac , fourth pe; in 'an- ' Sinai! 006.ienitobiqe TO....te Housed 1,31 2 7'.of 'Butter ,F4t in • ; : ' :. •. - ; • in •Gar:agez • , , •.• .. i Year. i. Npiy:li ', M 4r • ' Feltiiam; Eng. -The., 'cheapest and ./11411.esiergir machine eierrrit lown :has.. : `23r4raPtoa ••BaSiltia;" '..t.erse'Y • 00*, been flown at•Banworth Air pait rot; ,cio,vited.b.y.B.,.H. Bull .4 Pea, Branipted, hen,. .Cierva, de,la.,0 roa•cl, Middlesex. • ' .. • . , • estahlished •a• world's yeeerd, for this: •r.,.',y,1P.. ,It is a new. babyautogyra: invented breed) of- to* on Sept.' 25thi'When 'sh by Dela jaatf e Coinpleted ili,'phenetilenal production:. ,. . ,the -'110e autegyre.'W be flo vrCin.-,Bri- ..et 19:012•4Penild§ of '111114 and 4:312.,7, am. noun s o u ei a insays.., .- When finallY completed, it: Wilthave,..• : ThiS• ' great •tew adcordine to :ad- only-4-40-14eae1li9wer engine. and Will 1"ices, w9141.1s.:cd4,95,°:P;i?.ilAde:r.•Yet ..she -Probably OOSt,no.niore than- ,.: R300. .•• outproduced ' all. 'other ccrivS, Of ' all fta• engine Will be made by a Motor- ; :breeds:the Werhi; Over 'cin three: titaes a day'• milking ' *Only: two reedrcIP. Ile:"!"•0". 0,94 and „careered a fe* yards. over ' 'cycle, firm, :with: rup..aing; costs • about i,• a: local ,'Bradalaff,?! .fie* into the, half thoSe Of.a•small 'Car.'s.. • , • ' ' : 'heen established ;that are higher for he, rOadWayi-When' ir: e ri ck et :ball;•,.hit aid' and was •.‘!Caugh.t.". shy a wheel.; 'of ,...- vide'ail tb' t it ff • ' needed.il A large: enhurbaria garden wiir<pie- e , a e -o .. room .. .ap , ., . . , . ., , ., .., . . , .. butter fat, ;.:it• is. claimed, and,,•these. were rnatie 'on "four times a day milk-, 13r4m ton Co*- Sets New Record • Barriligton. Who.,Is..in 'charge. . et :cereal:•:exPeriments•.at 'tlie•UPi'versity. .when roc•tipy.•,; mole along ithey ,or -paslcatebeWatv;• ' observes ' t.htit new .'f,r•eni.•,ghee'le,... • : •' • • : hybrid., varieties ,of ander•lte4 at "• the, 'thaversity are, . showing Much greater res•istance,te dry -weather than are -Ike: Staiulard varieties. , SeVeral - kinds of •barfey; ..anth, ascoliess and Regal, also, show More ability to with, stand,..dty Weather,than 04.G • 21bar- ley, • liarrie,gtoll belieVes tilat..the .#1).'erinenta1 resrults„. tliis•• year; Wttle crops '.•art sinall, will provide •valuithle. inftnniation on -such Ottesiltais .as the cornparatiVe .stectigth. straw and the smattering Of Oita' Varieties. • "gdmenten,.• Alberta: annual . . census et • L'ditiontett shoWS..the eitYs t6.have,ti nerMatient population of Inerdase Of. 84:4 'Over 216.3:g. ,tbe total residents.. 61.490 :live •pn, :t-he..north sitle-,et4e :Vatootiver; • pritiih Columbia. •H A. ilew Arain..export recoid. for Vancouver. Was Made Per. the •• crop. Year' 1932.38 With 9.6;873,773 •basheis; the preViconS recetd.heing 1111928-29 When 95;40,519, bushels were exported, ..The -new• re cord .represents...tininctease of 124348,. 077'bliehela over the 11.931••42.CrOP Colorado. Fat,itio4 ..0ko*.• More iritritish.'Tobcco he•ireliele:' • The cricket 401, Was jile• a oi 'nary garage wi Ouse . , • • Woman. Saves Soh.: Alio machine:safe 'frOM intruders. , .111.itilted by', 'George -.Woodwith has • , ' ' mirtct 611,.. ,. . ea care is mg. a tep., .. • .. . , • "-Bettie;'Efig,4Mri.l.EaPay,..;spenorb4 - No details are•heing either confirm- 'handled more high reeeril'JeSeit- thali Lolii'lepeeteilloa,;01:111idern,Isia.:evyedwathree.lii.fae'•ovt dpe,r ,:ed 0 4euied: yet,: hilt tgr. bietwa. 0-n7' any other ma.i:Hn Canada. Site; isAlte, he quitksand:s at Seaforth,, Pear here. .phaSited that the mac:bine is essential ','Iti'''hest' teSting, eaw. in 4h e world ever 1y:experimental. • •• .• •:....• • liundrods of people on the'sh.ine close' . ' • ".' • riew—Peer Aged :Nine di- hand Were . it:no:Wareof. what wb Brighten; rpg,-HL'orti Monk. trettan. happening.' l• ''. •,.. • . • ' „ • ..,. ...died in' g ;nursing liOni.e. herd •*recently. : ivrs. Spencer:and Tier sons-•-,:Geetge, He wA5 .62'•''' .•:'•• •• : ' ; ' , : . . .tWinalte WOrt.d."'S, record:1. 'She ISAhe "SrPtillest Co0 •tiv*er :1,200 Potaids of fat in, one year She•prci-• dpeodmoa butter fat. in one', month .0.36 thOn' •other •JerSey-eoW, aged nine,' ;and 4aMeS,'• aged seven4-•, 140 110 dlisting.u,:i$hed :earee'i,'iri ,:eyer‘.PredOced•io..that, • Bi1ua'was froM jersey ; a.,yeailing- palj, •§014;. • •itad made -..an.exCelient, record:Of. mare .• then' q00 pounds 'of •fat at two'..years',.. .-...okireereicird:brea'kinenaee' were walking across• a••••,silaile* still". 'ilibloinatic gerviqi knir ivas Chair -Mau of water)y,lieri they ;Mind ..theniselVes of •..,t4_11e.b..C. in, t9-2046. • •• : ' :.' ''' : . . . . ." ., inking. 'They ,, Strilkal•d,:' but • .saiik. 1 : . alle'• - u'dw: ''',. bareii;,,.11i.e. • Bon. • delth teener. .,• SiPon they- Weiein -;:the•-•sands' .''Ci•VV.1.0-e P.P4.$91i.,. 'F.:a ine',,Yeark'eld!' ',., • 1.1.i•lo. their waists: . ' . ....: 11 iisba ad.'s Arrest ;..i,•.' , , . . gra, '..Sflencer seized her: sew ja.m.es . Otr(hif;'....welee-..---7120:110..TAarn•ai' 54i andi '•:malti.e.'g,- • a.„‘SuperhUrnan :effort; of:•PliqleY Street,,Wai aeditsedb.t.police •roWink,;.•:1?.el'seff on her 'side-- she l';'int'ilf4•"ii.e or.hi?°:•il.'ileej'k Inie' .lts1:16.1.."-eit6.1-ilncle I Ircitlid. .,erse c ear. . retie • .nd.oVer, 11 cliachIng her ' ' .;.4, polit'einan. st'ated that; tWeitas aii- ‘ciii;-."&nd . drag, uni•id taretr. -•••'•, .' ' '' PY.p.0'.01'eq-1.111T.' 'In ..1.1:1•6:'1't'r?'•°' -a:li C1' ' said' : JbleanWhi.e,,,,George had Ina.an.ged 't6 t...1.1v,or.,t-•to,.give•r4.seil•up; ' f have eut free hirnielf and .had dashed. away ter ; 70' .*irC''S thYPe1.7. ' • ' ' ' ' Beaver; Parinerti are harVeating and etiltitg•e:ttep of 40,00 'Penna. of Turkish tobacce,V This li the second eentriereial oleoo that variety ort.0.• hada' PrOdtited , here.. •• Last, Year IV quantity was gitcy it• ittl(t, Made •110 into, 'elgarette'S' which were, retailed localty, , • • ' -11 111 sald that 014 io Obleraile can 'Tiititish.tobileee jie raised itt this try, pnd It 1s nredieted :that, the Ieet itIi time. etigaTboote • • ceiciratle's prineipal •eash, 1110c dlitY•Oti iniportations fiOrii Tarkey. Make tilt 'Mil All •tInlIstIlIly prod let la .doe for the itettleSti6.grnwer. •,' ..„ <is • vbi•stri 106 :rrOttiek,ous ▪ .toto 1)L•eo ....., . ' , Scout,' Reply .to Ban. ....• • hoping • for a new postefficell:aiiitlifig; :1:o,ii. (.1e ii,. En g--.. Deanph.dlitifirlgt: ibitiiillitilei.idi70' j: but b;.0't.i:tge:c7.:etrilli..iiii,'°•ni, c._,Ijil'..le.e.:.::.ir'lli.1ityl: .s.c'llijile'vetirile' el; 'tiSh. 'Scriata•:'irein .1 So ,LOrd...Bittl en -Po w ell lifts. jimilied D611..... „liere;.• • Some ..o_tiler : 'IOW n , . ,tber6, ore,' itiark - • • . ' '',. '„, • ' • .'nit b:enefit by cafre's .p1.0:;- I ie rity . ... ampton recently :with ',050 Girl . Guides ', '• ' .-. 0..,1- won's :••'P' cowsoc-.,..1,0 .., The Chief Scent sa,iletr.trom• Setitii;'. ,' - .'• .. • ... ,f:t,rt----, , ;1 . OA: 'd mit% 16 trait eqo' iltillie 'ft:iris , • ; ....t;f'e.521.1 41"ath .4.p.00.u, ip 1,,,,;),,,:x0..1.9n rn.' Pi ii ttered .by• Oa d ..visit :of a ropcitt er Of . , . . ',• . • . .1.`3.2..9;: • ' ' ' as 5. -year-old.• .He'r Sire'Wai iniiported• • by,, Bra Mpton and: Old in 'Tennessee,, Wh-ere he- is St1.31, In.serVice, was-•!alpelinkorted hy 'Brampton., • *ere niost.of 'the On1Standirig aulnials in :the .ped4gree,,Of Classified "Advertis'ing- X<XTERARY., • £1:00. CA.811, 010.1PVIE1;), FOR NOVEL. Full^ partieulars' atia.: catalogue on application. MSS. all types-'.' iso ••• 'ea for in'onip.t. publication. No reading : fees. :Stockwell, Ltd., :29, Ludgate London, England. Established fgps... • • pliwzi‘rTs. N OFF133R 'TO ,EyElty. 'INVENTOR. , ,L-1 List of -fy):iited inventions ana ' • Ikiiormation „dent free. •The Icanisay.,Com.. • PatiY, World. Patent Attorneys,. 27.3'..Bank Street, Ottaiva, Canada, • . TosAcb,ti. .3 ..rob4ce,),•$1. 15,'ibe bright. Builelt, $.1.75. Trepaid. L. Spanpis,'Cottain, Ont.- , . Txriadi. • pito :Ors. 1-1 i3 1 C1.0 H TirTI4r . `Nerves 'Improved; bowels; Moving, ihaleep•excellerit,'! writes:76.-years-old .Mrs: • Fredrikson; 5112 Bounbonniere. St,,, Mon-, , treal„,;_"IcEral.,s INEIg:FINITELY." Money taco guarantee. , 12 cakes! 450. .T,HY:LA 1'1103:RIOTS, Department' 2, Sox 291,1„ Montreal. . • • . : , ... • • . , : , 'Digs Oyster Shell 1.:11, Air a *. . . . swyipg•• pei,1 'slr; :150 fe•el• •abt.i.Oli 1.11., CitST, -...'ort, . lOrr'S illianC,Ia1: dis-- trict, alAnest ,on $ ,n,)d.din,..g..terin.e,with; Phr.ii..S, there iS'..a' men digging! tot 04;sler sily.l'is,.• '.Wilat IS, ' iliOrE.;' )3e. Attlils . . ..t11.0111'..:. • ;, ,' ", .,... ' . . ',• ' • • ' 'The man...is, ,i,i'. .s.t.o‘,116•InaS Oil 'ha nr6.d tidward• Bugliee::.'ne".•..1.s. engitged in, reliointitig the 'telle'.,WOrti:on the .ton .:. of -.thesteeple • Of .S,t; llylder 's •Chucli. The. t)ail the: ofher. Denmark Said •thp pai•Cy. Could land' if pl,ey wore civilian ciptifes, but ' once assumed. the character' of a Visit 'Irani the..nrOgtally. 1)1 icin 11 glut • • , "On iny "ire, nave -- . . 13,aden-Powell, 'refused told; ..9.4 'the there'the Law' Ira • de, , Bridge .and; further 'round the Thaines'y gaiIye"4 ,the prize :for 4e CITStal '‘YeStnlinSel. 13.fid,ger lefthis sick recall'. Was a gold. stai. 1.1"0.""'"•`.. .11.1fir.r6•OtP-tikced,.1,,ik..ueotilo'll%dU‘4.19: •'1.12.,115",', r. Pni'll'ament-L-and "6' , awardcA com '0 1),e ft '1aq:et. 0% 01 . D. aerieloi!brieig. 6n-L.,1etSe'rthlt : ;et•t•tril*e'ti,"'; 01,4, b . :a. Sneered a trimple, p▪ ainless, inexpensive , , • hivirwith theneeret. A!SyritEE,Book, ' It Worked', Thousandiffiave .wori hertrity and' ‘v. 1,114! :W o''',4,i;er,' OveecOnie•ISuperiluous< flair,' explains the • method and Proves actual iffiecess, Mailed in of these•etg or the • litnirk envelope. Aleo Vial:Otter. No obligation. ,hwid„iiig, ey, "we i.e pia 1.1).01e 10 ,idsp .v,11.ap :Chrlst.opl)er WrOn .W•as bli•itding this. 'iteeple,. The Were used, in Peintiti;g; and very much' more effective. .tbey 421' e than' the Modern 'Methods,' tOivi. go:3i goitl ' • • •Tittie-Paymerif Basis•, • SitdlinrY,,,On o. „•3 be '-oppi•ioa' en a titne•paY.ment basis ;Ad hack.-to:.:therland seftlers the. 411.10. Goyernmsm Chis• sututto:' Hon. r eS McCrea, Ontario Minister of hero 't,eek•• "Plats , nre • not yet' •voinniete," said Vt. 'Icevett. who Visithig Set- "buL the t ev- ertiniimt has• agreed thitt • iletc-rrinti. ed. settlers Who litise:'sifilicient hay .00 liceti the tiCAV (Wet', the..Win- ter bd *SupPlied •.a.coiv." • Payment for the eonVe, 1,,),01,11,d' be, • iilede by deducting the 7N'''ouOieri • • • - ' London,. Eng .• -•-A 11 -Year -,old "s•,;.t. vaalrCilthed- tlerk • did 101.23 •mileean ,hoUr• the • Aletittnient, • the .,itoy-,111 xnntor,cycie rateat Breeklands roc:patty, ZIP:Inge, the Tower of :London:Tower fraetured_Lel,tnit. • • . ' 100 aii.r.11, method. - This 'tiaring ¶ and (Leterm hied .-oung tlig•Pr'appeal..g of tits, rnjl and.filefids that it would , be" l'Inadadaar to race, is Mr.Edifar':•Owens. • Annc.;tt,• 1,n nv,•,•• (to, 143 /re ,live - th, court, 1101190 (utrc •ens, church st,' 11pjlt. dllorch End, Pin_clrley; and is emploYed 6Str1clie9,,!hthig• 'perstied OVe,r.locity, • groundthre*y. stOne.s. With great ioree at the!Avenel's; the peat • bit* "are not avore ot' tills fact,: Iievevm • . • The -,breedin g torIte'y$ •tinri 11g the ' lini It od rat Ions, • 'AA they IftiNd a tdfiz (1011(1 tO OVelqat itvol • • • ' r bY a builder,: • ', • , • ; Be fra'e,titred the.hase of his Situlf in:. a f'inill.'!' at ,Dermington Park. bil, Whit mondary, tIls ,nternpry Went.fer a few days; ttod tho sorgeon,at a Derby 'iota, PROTIEct. Y01JIR C IL the Chil.citen gained heAlth,a.itct•strengthj7, through the suniiner SCOTT'S EMULSiCIN • wI help,them heep weU 'through the wiotei: STOMACH' BURNS IIE FIRE SOthet In; es '.4ionlacsJi 0 eld make,S your .stOmacb ,feel like a lake Of ;fire. You den -Stop this:T-0111c y- -aid ate relief froth burningpalm stair atici AtotnaCh anfL.itutigestinti with, a spoon- ful Of Biatfilted 141`itglipsittln half a' glas's O Watch. .• A110 drag, stor•e. haa* Skit (0104 -and jag' 611e 5110011 N1 prove 110W:10;40v WOrk:4, : DANDRUFF And i-talt, 4se ' ard's exsetly,. a you ,would istry hits tnnte; 1)O this 4 (snits a Weal< Aticl the, result *eta be n Clear' Head and 010,1sy Halt ' !A, ii 670002,•600,-,a4ear sickness, which :fleets 'tn... health.. ot 40,000,000,persens. • " 'Drift:aft,' Andrei) Who' lOft lion1 th*ek work at end of the • fast sello61 Year are said to he the gfroot'itii,v13.,:stogti health, aria. Infe111,- Vell•de OlttbetilloS bave cvcrItnow.n, li.61)Li .0; the year • ot ° • --c T.STO.PITCHING AN:D TO - CLEAR .UP ..ND 5K14:-.R.ASRES D r 1:), D. Eletmis' Liquid Prescrip- tion, Inde• and gnerariteed by., the nsaliers of Calnpata's Italian ,Baltn.:' Trial bottle 35e at your cicggil. 1-3 PM?' 7105 eafness —HEAD/410LS ,ssueIN Ithat 1 OP KANS., tasear IN kosrau.s*rw EAR •011C0 , .$1:25 liartigitstk letetto" folder ea Nput , Also excellent for Temporary.',Derifness arid:: lined ,-Niusea Atte -to-lsongeStIon ' Caused, by' colds,. Fin and awintralpf. A. O. 1_,E()NARD,, Inc: .• IQ Fifth Ave., New 'York City' • OFF 'COLOUR? , HOW IS YOUR". LIVER? „ Wake up iouttiver •„...-7•Withold Calomel" Your iiver's 4 veil', straal Otirpri, bet it' est. • minis', etas ptit your digestive'Itfilr-ellinitittivir ovine out of kiltet, tw refusing, id Potir on't its daily two pouf:ids of liquid bile into yout bowels , 'Von won't eorripletely.eorreet•nuet n conditiom trikinig 'oils, oil, inniernt tarn/tire nntidy Or chewing num or totrainge. . When th<y'7,115 ,,rootn'o/lhrtit y;o<erbin;Itlyiiiillsot,,tlity!rn ,r,.11rougji-,-t and yolk.; etirter's.Litde ' batik • the iiutishine into your lifct.rTliey'ro Pine*, vsles table. Sae; Sure, 'Ask 'fbr,IlutO liy tune. •tubaptiitta, 2c at all dragglata, `AS U. IV ER IN G Yield to Lydia ' vegetable Compound When you are just on 'edge . . when'you can't stand the chil..• • drun's noise . when everything, is a burden .. whati you are iyri- • bet atenbnelee.fi,9at,7 8out o 100 ontcn report. dbi uut it will .04 you jutt.'tlie tttra energy you heed. Life WIII Semi worth "r. I