HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-12, Page 2- On Trial For Life flAda-1. The. ErnPiTe a nd The, .orld at ,11.4.1:ge, " their share to,ensure the ,o;derlY inar ltet10:4: Pf wheat.- 'If it is fair to sup- por wheat even -to the- eztent, of the Domfoion Gofernmeot becoming a partner in, ,the •hus*ness, then it Is equally fair that the potato:groWer de - mead he faionrablY listened' They are asking less than,the wheat -growers are getting. With theezatriple 4the West se. strikingly hofere. whiCh TailliOns Or dollars, have *been, risked - :to suiTert. the price, of wheat,'-fliere Thotildda,e„ no inopeoty in New. ruis- wiek in • dOnaaaclhig similar treatment for ., -the Potato -growers pro- 1Vin,Saint Jelin Tolegraplx.4.qurnal: • THE 'E'mpiRt Britishr 'F0411144 the • Fere.°' • Wheo, *run, butcher, attends. an, ,Ainerican movie and. beholds'. Greta lGarbo e,s, Meta, ,Hari making love ill' gutteral pnglinit Wiih. a Swedishgoat to. ga. Liatin',Imiersonating a Bussian 'officer; he suddenly remem.. :berg .Leagtie. of Nations and the, . . ' CAN AbA To Encourage M4rrlaie* " TQ etieestfrate Ularrtagee • coupleo. the 'Fascist Party in +Italy is ufferihg 00, eada to 20(l' couples who eall4Pt. marrY f0 lack of funds. True, 141i. lso't a, very rounihcent -euni on which to start in, double harness; hilt thp grandparents of many orus, have done it on -less, -,•qtratford liettoOn- • • . • , For:Si/vie, Men W,e11.Ceildiieted eanips,appear to he .the` -hest Way:, of. Meeting•ooe phase of. '.the: onemplOyineot problem, ---..Eegina .•,.1-4....94d.e. 1'1NA: .2, S.• thingS.,in the 04ers • " The '..extraerdloart: thing—which • Is .. almost „the; tnopt., ortlinari thing in 'a newspaperPs• experience -Ida that,' it. Is the seine- Sort ofpeople who common- ly want -to:,get..Certain thiegs into the, paper Who, else want :te- keep, certain other ;things; out. The nia .ef' the. :,1,0,e4tes...44_1thatAbe,:things4b..y....went4o. keepl.:Ont are almeef'invaritthly newn the . --Most --honeSt- and, Intelligent de-. 'finition and the things ,thetfwent to •g01:' Ill Or 110r: ; in oomt"anotancea-they assuoie,' its -be :Ceriiiere -hr-hoth. , stance's they'..,can never liepersoadecl-,-- „ 'and lierY, often lhey are, quite decent citizeiis—thattheir nensorshin In the long,run IS a utterly, ftitile,,and• self- • defeating thing,-,Wanconver'PrOvince. Great Britain's jrnproyernent • • liardshipe:-.don't . kill ';•people, Great,: • Pri‘.ain IS, healthier to -day than it has been •for, years and the death ratehas d'ec&asect districts hit hardest by • the depression.—Lindsay Pest. • •• , tlibig-lthelit"-thic*OWailOri; it• tebdS.te: ;ed14-ee, snpei'OtitfoniNet near- - ly, so :Many' •people Wili :stilt consider • • Onlueity..woodsto4 • .:.Sentinel-flevlew • A:Great Shock -1, "Chicago man; died ,Of a heart attack is he was :ffikin'g,.b:is auto Probably' ;the. shack •of-findinea, parking space Within fcitir blocks of hIs distinatiod.-----,, Ninnineg Tribune. ' ••• • •U•nmarked.!Vietarlea, Aji iiiikessiv.e.: granite ...*:moniiMent .:.-5;waS-.receptly-ereeted-at-Fortprie;-Ont,, ..te mark the earliest. -trading post . 'and also. the capture Of two tnited:States war AOring,tha Wironf,•181.2•, .,Ontarie,has.,nuinertinn sites �n which ...victories over -invaders from the 'South „ • aro parked. NeW,Brtinsw1ak alSO.pai- Sesses,theni, butwIthitheexCePtion Of Fort buniberiand' or'Reetuiejeur; none Is marked .° $.9Me six miles west0! ; Fredericton on the site of whet, once 1; was the In,dian viliage;2of..Anitpalt,"11; ' rebel American :kerneunder JOhl. ien,•• Was Capturedand at ,ManaWagoh,' ' isk :west 0! Saint John,a similar rebel' ..06f6.04.-6.Cettriedeitherls•-144nr,War rnarlied.4.-Yrederieten'oleiner.: • ' • •.. , ' Use Fog,Small 'Spuds , : ,Potatoes are not 'a:geed* Crop ul this • .,c,ommuniti. gait the. orep late° small • ior' table use •Fainiere. who have pot• "tateee'to'Isell-.mbuld be helping,,thent; elves hj. grading them. One, Of: these sinneone rbit 4htt.'"Igaritiragq.-', and the grocers, ere wili find'. trouble in .selling 'their little Or -mixed stock -Halt of the small • Is lest, in peeling. •;The Irish -people find Uttl� potatoes ' geed .fbod, : 'tar little pis, and their bac'oti ".is iratled on the be,S•ttliaciin . Market Id. . the World "three'...pOints. higher than the anadien bacon.. which is made from .bos fatten eir "On 'good Cern; eel:hied :the. :heSt:•,rittiOn .in the W:orld' ablismination of Versailles,., hastens fromeatre an, never is :seen again. Foreign CustOniers all'oVer that .world • have been hastening' for !Ilya 7 , . The :sound revoluti.On .in .Anierfca gave Struggling European pro- ditoers: the breathing opell,Whicla they so; sorely need. , That they have taken full advantage of itis 'evidenced ,by the feet that, 'of the five Miler Wei -l& studios, showing profits during Ihe last year;three liverein1Eurone--pfa; Cour, moot:British and British InterailiOnal. German. Pictures are galohig on the ConIinent„,in: almost 1,difect ratio .to the •decline of' American' prestige.- British comPanleo. are .making heavy iereads; In the COloniegf,,the French have "gain, ed 'ground .in ;Middle 'turelie, "and the .Russians, .Of eOursec,have-their.market ell to themselied.• It is dale: to say that within. two years foreign notably British—will be offering pirit •ed competition in-nedlyirtod's back yard-lifir, 'Dalton, lruinb.5,:, in 'The 'North Anierican.BevieW. :iliffritfitDonference and British -; ' Commonwealth., .The CooferenCe served further 'AO, consolidate the Britlah:Connlionweattli ahdAllikewlse thee,..nterling4bia0411.11e- sterling blab' In 'mere, favourably situ ated thanwheitthe Oanferenee opened,' tor it is-. zioW-dellnitelrin*paSition to hold the balance 0! power • between' .tlio Old.. gold standard the dallar..• .In • Othai .words, f Landon' is, once more the. centre ...of. the-worIcjscomtherciaI and Monetary gra,vity...--.JOhanoeshurg Stinday Titnee • • •.• , ' tofiatteeing hogs.•Pert,RoWan NeWS, r•tiu 'tire .• p to the Motoring Jut as lotig ' the general ,pdbltc continues to smile' at stories of "ee:, speed; to feoltiiaflZiwsre far .the-.other.:tellow,..and that It is all right ta,'Aireak them. as long as you 4.;don't get daughq.,,,,40.1ield4lie; OPini;011: • ::: :that .any•action, 'Wait -deg pr' driving, IS lierinliSible'se tong as One ia, able te • • :get' away With,„, it .,:•• far' hint .that .perloti •. :Motor: VehiCle _accidents • continue 'to be. menace. • When every driver afld ievery Pedestrian 'realizes, that safety' edmes. ahead of schedUlei, ahead' of . tersonal riglitg; that, Safety CO/nee „ithead of everything elSeellien Wortley, ekpeet a•redtietiOn in the,wdote of life, lbealpi, 'an& -propertk thrmfgh aci- hnts, to be brOught abotit.H-Ontarle . Motor ..volficies Htahet, . Agee' ; •Ware told women used.:ta paint their :kaed.4 ifi the tliadle still paint their faces in the Middle ages—Ottawa Journal: • ' , thrift), . The 'rntiat have,i thrifty bunch Of eouncillOra in Peenbroolt,, Hitherte aceitewbell fititl been ' ounded ,there to, clear 'the stheta 'Of hat ikerdar to 'pave 15 cent* the fire llAiibell will neW be ined ,ter. the JOU. The finat signal will fie for lights Out instead el lire ,ilraritford ExPO,eit0. • Help Per the PotarozdrOWer • Yeare ago, ivea thel petato, I z•tir1..*.Qtadir writti pot 396,: 0,004.teilts' a hatter fee ••••; • vet'O'cotttrthitettit '. • Gold Standard and Sterling7Blec• Britain has been driven hy the fail- ure of the Conference te'ektabliali a so-called Sterling blocIts qhjec s to ensure at least a measure of. Mone- tary 'sanity and economic ee-OPeration: Britafir will make 'things as easy as ire -e-an:-for.:the-gold'autmtriels„ 'blade for various ;reasans she *fishes them to renfain on gold. It Is, .• however; doubtfid Whether,iIolland,:Belgium anA Switzerland, or. evenl.Prance;' Will be • able tO hold • out 1n1efiriltely4-4-Cape Argus,. • The' Indian ,CUltivatOr : The thriftlessness of the average In- dian cultivator is 'perhaps :the most obstinate 'trait in his 'character '§tand- tingtin the wayof individual As well as I e°11eciivii:Pgress:., Per..',this reason, the.!ndontion, of better methods of cut- •tivation, .the' purchase of new! types Of agricultural itnpleinenta, imbroved, and; • better •cattle require a Canitai Outlay genera -fly; beYond•his CapaCity."--v-Boni- • • --7t-Wi1helm1nFriede.W-01t-a, war nurse; raigned7,in $aritClara; Calif„ otichrage. .o eltOciting With Whom J. -J. Noble). ,CishaWa;--.-: .; Ont.; war veteran, has offered' 14 • • letter to --her to tak1erp1aeon , ; the . 'galioWs .';11she , be: 'cen, • ..iricted, "You :saved my ;life twj ;-.1m 'tbe ' warm:4. Noble wi:Vtii7th':' her. . , , Bin. Inveitigated Rural Courier Y. Woman Nominated For Twenty Years Alfred Thornton Retirds'Af7 • .‘ One; • Twenty -'years .0,f ;serYi.ce:. over. the raval.inall rbute terminated. With the retirement Of the contractor. for Mail .route. No, 1, the Person of Alfred Thompson.' ' • ' • Mr, -Thompson estiMates that he hag traVellec1 •appro,icimately 125,000 miles in. mall 'delivery alone in the - score Of Years: ,Menihers of ,the post °Mee etgr.teolt advantage Of the o.cca-• sion to preeent to the ;,retiring Inem- ber' ailaodsoncie 'easy b.air ands- Minated. addresb:. • ; B.• Skinner,: who resideS ,0.11; 'the 2nd ‘COnCeSsien„.:of Blandford, 'suc, ..o.9.eds TboalPabtl, s eOntracter;. 'ri'41+41 algary'f.Plan .„, „ . .Co-opOative Village ‘. experintetit: In establishieg a co-operative community a1tnig4he line of.theeniall co:operative. villages in Enrope wilt he tested out” . • °in Alber_ta • • •' :" .• , EleVerilarnilieS with 1.5.children,are intending t� -..form • such a: community provided the • provincial 'government •fir -gran -to- fano •lor the -purpose.. The CalgarY:City Courioir has agreeicl to 'supply to' these .unemployed 'fainit; fee relief gents f.M:' a year. Their rent allOwance,Which thedity', Of Cal- gary. hes been paying .be to ,the .purchase of lumber and build- • ing Materiels. • , , . ..; ' The.,atheri. -Of the 11; famtAiesare, experts in of., trades in. eluding carPentryahd, poultry raising; • • Foe Nobel.. Prize •. . . •New'. York.—Congratulaircos.,, .trre l30.1-irie-g PPPO: Mrs, 1)Qx1a1dCnrQr *..131,atig1e Shee,JP-415,...9,r- Wagstaff as Phe kliQW.Q., 10 •Adailiwrs, af..11Pr npetry,r th'e. si-gfiaT 'holier -accorded •fiefiti her nomination , for, the Nevel prize for, literature by -the Swedish Vfetbn'.'?e,tterberg. • , • ; Setterberg first met Mrs., Carr. upon a visqt•te the uniteA $eittes,S.ey- pl:h1 years ,ago.'-witir: ailgroup 0.4.Pr- eign golferi when ilic Was clang hook reviewftfit;q1„ g'olf• magazine. fig be, Came So All:PeOst94 j'A. her ‘Yerls; ticularlY "Mortality " and the rerse5 .incIudd in the volume piiblished ir (3,0 that,' that he asked pertnis- sien tetealislifte it into -Swedish upon tag. returnito: Zurope,. where •it -,;has had' a. Wide circulation , The poem !f,f1Viortality" is perhaps 'the hesf 'mown. of • her :-WOrk• Theii- - spiration carnet� Sn,d,denlY ,and „it' was, c�thposed,'jn six minutes... It came in for Wi'de notice pot long ago, • when it Was found after 'his 'eitecir-, tion among ,the:belongings of a eon-, vict, to whom' !the 'afeclit of author - hip,. Was given until the: error ;Was discovered., ---Ganadiart.-Girt-4,ees Queen at, Close- . Range -Weiider ' .What . One Harifiltttn.4-4gthurities . are •iit'esS, and-i4a .e st theby, tehhac a ng000.' pt he Vavs eer ycn iacties. ink ,frivestigation into: 11, firea.of WS- nieieus. , origin -which. were; disee*dr- Plilaty, The ;iviveS will. he' jest as ft.- . . ect 14 the : frame farmhotise. of John' .tivas , their, Men folkin: furthering Oriwse,,' Fiddler's Green. and were 'the', ebli*OitY, 'Plan' and Will help; %eit1OgaiSlieciTliiiferO7'67-41-40 &fad -eTeIT:othe-rwithirreabnialiiiirfight iiii; toatiol, .. - ,•• , ' • ..1. ... : ' ' demngi canning, ;Picitlitig and. • other .. First. ortie 'fires weS•qiiscovered "?iisql:°1(1' 4 ac6mi'Plishrileils. ' ,•" by 1.1Year.old , Ed'wlity.13rowee• -'•helfr . ; citlive-ortfre, owner of ,the house. 'The, blaze was aminating from, a. pile, of oillsoaked raga,: in • an junoecupie:cr section Of theliallding; The fire ..de. partment'*as. notified and • 'the:flames Were'' Seen extingdisheil., • '.; . the .,"hre .etiginea' ,tuiried ,;;to. leave :;. the house Other..,:fires vere used ,Vipond. ; Of Aneaster for the •storage, of "fitriliture. , Vire. continued to •break out ,ddring the day • and the, fire 1eOgioeS were: callet1-7-haek: threetime g' to the dwelt 1:ing; Most�f the blaies• were 'found , . to be lir: bundles of oil, 'rags:. , • , . Paper : Company.„ *, TO Increase Wages, Saint : emPlOy6a. Of the Port Royal "Pulp and Paper 'Company 'Limited:, • Will ,receive a 'salary in - :Crease Of JO. per-lient , :starting . on October 15., "Steadily • ' linproved husiness, conditions: led uS, to make Ille—detition-70"ra1ning.7--Wagee'—air official of the eompanY sant. The plant started. out with' a - crew ••of:140.• menJaSt November.:and.nosv • employs. 200 on. three, eight -11,10r, ' ' • ' • , • ;, he Tines of ' . Shilling : 'Bible Result.' •Of 'Gift .From Dinninion' London L -The British and' Foreign Bible Society has sold 'More than 000,000.,cepies. Of a ,shilling Bible firat Issued "oWirig to4the genermis4ift of Canatirlin celebration, of tile society's 1251h hirthday." The Stille,is still the world's bet 'seller, Last YZir- volunies. e hi --667 laiiguans m 11111•Wilm Jaw.. •••• - Aix* • Britons ..Speriding. Much...More., Money , London -The ma,rited recovery . in: . ; 'British business.: continues t� be at-, tested•hy reports from: all quarters of commerce and industryy The ,etatis. tics pabliehed by,the4ssociation of ....Distribtitare; .show that retail •sales for •Augunt :increased, in their total. I 'value. for the -first trinesmjnce Sales.- of ',men's:wear were t up 1.1.a liern, cent.; -hardware. 41.6. and :hduaeliold 'piecegoeds 3.S per ceat.' • Coramenting: on. thee figtires.;•...th.e yinancM1 Times saYs., it • is .evident that' there has been a decided: linturri. In; the •PurChasing power of the People with increased; railway traffic ' ai.,an 'acceptable .sign ,that .reonet IS being spent. For ,the - last nine Weeks the' .total revenues of the 'British' railway hive •:regiatered a ,gain Of approxi-• inataly ' $5;,280,0fid over, the same per. .iod of. 1632..• • 41,u" t • , Three:.$4t.ei4*,.bi e Pressed! ;Alike; They Act 4,1 -; • -.Attendartce-I,Or -Fach.,--(),thei•-::. 7 • . Bridgeport.,. Conn.—Three sisters, Florence, Loretta and Jes le Whelan, • j br!dal lo,T8e,40e11..nilvi:rnebaerrtis.%f. Par,t1 together • front thO home Of John frocks of *Itite faille with •34,ato17e.: wedding, at. St. Charles Church, another, Were -married to 'Victor CO- • • (heat Bayringtop, igass4 ,and, JoSeph elhowlength gloves.•- • ' All:three' couples Will make a wett • recentlY Warne. brides n a triple - burn of Bridgeport, Edviard 6f, , cerehipny i,orfas.l3rpledIgleoPrraorefd. bVyllethelittlpelvo W, Whelan, • . (ether, of.. -.the•• brides. ' veiled turbans„. White pumne,ind white . When.,,theY reached'. the church, 11,fft-ri rip to •.'Washington before re • crowd estimated at 1 5011.'perSOnS h• figliqre(1-. , • , • turning. ta their hotnes„,: q ' acting in• turn as attendants ler me • Each 'carrYirig old,fashionea gays, the brides , were dresSed ' The sisters, dressed, identically afut.. ,WOulthbe Crook . *Loses His 'Nerve, — • 11 foot.'",• That is the quentio,n, still puzzling • jeeenstsliY6L! •rijet4urrYniedT•i1460:4to ' 1 Eaui'16Ettri ne-x! me - though she ,didn't qito step on the tops ' of her „Majesty, she narrowly " -When paying :, a • bilr in a 4OndOn book -shop the • clerk ,said to , Blies Jarvis: ",pore&". turn.,.about- iMme- drately, the Queen is,Juit behind- yon.!? •"After-a.,'sweet', intenval,". jenaica Jars said, .turned 'around and, saw': the • queen, leoking .„et;,a othet.i;ee4it4os,innr_friSe- nObbdy -paid r : or shopped around after;looking at some, things?, tOrpeci.:eotlderily, te find' the Oueen • ,, • • 1Iha narrowly, Missed' Stepping • .on her •• • tO,S • •, • ,gronatilesa!•parilo• 1Qat•-•14111V 5,000, ac: carding to a police' report, ' • The „Mani:. whose • name Is:. not given ,oPeoed- an; account in a • iocal bank .by depasitlitg.'a •,certified cheque • for .$14,000. d,ravvp', on a:Calgary bank, , The :nekt day he deposited a ch que..fer 1412' drawn pit a Isiew" •ntinster: hank, but •catno back about noon" to withdraw- $8,000, • do: clue was initialed, but -when thetell- er started. to' pay, in atrial' •bills he asked -• for larger Ortes.c ,,..Thetoiter -• went to, the safe'aird,,at that: moment ,. ' the liank *ors' *era :ehised • for the, • • • • The mao, apparently t fin ng •• ht Was: about _to, be detained,. rustle! • 41--forL-sin • that a ,bolt was foiced lie fi dow; Hastings •street. -"and le Deputy 'Minister . , . • . Made. Indian ..Cluef Brantford.—Ont4rio'S .Deputy Mir • sought. , ;;Eir. cheque 4eVetiled the New Minster cheque • i'erit.§ 7FO4Ont,,Orfell.• ; 'io,lice. Itt;•• Cz,t1gary 'have' 1)edn itikesi to inves,tigate,"th.e.' 'other. • , ' ' , • • •-• ter. of Agriculttire, 1; B. Fairbairn-, 11 - ••• , .1- . . now !Tilliezf Handsome—River." The ,.i • 4 .. Is- -ih • interpretatian :the bathe' ,M01-*:in-Botoo: .4.40s Qa Yomi 1,10.:Tp•;:•-by-Which he:•ivill be: -known- lienge,fort-h-to.;ther-ZI Nation -a Indians .On .the, renerve here.; The honor .ef.,ehieftainship was.'eon. , felted 'ed;:mr. F. P. Saiid7; :reit '.St. •Catharines, -.and, Charlea , • , . Byrd.. of .1.ferfolton .at. tho'Sis Nations, ;pair , at • Ohsweken. •••Iii the ancient', ritualistic Manner, Italians in ; war paint :end feathers. Perfornie,d., -the :war dances while:: the Cer.eniehiek; were,, 1„ ; • The, cor.;fOrring of the ehliftainalti`pa. .„nierked the eloSing day of ;the,: fair, :which. this year. ,has ettreeted.: recerct 'numbers of yisitora.; • • • • • • :Eats:,Bear Meat With.,: The Bear's Own Teeth. 'Log -Angeles.-.7Iteres , one told ,by 'floss Moulton. of Vaireouy'er; .13,0., here' for •.the,'Internetional. Sour-beirgh re :Beauty, Hints Are Offered Men at . WOineil s Expositi(0,n. 4.".• New yOrk.:--;' The ...Men. get -liorne beentY.4 hints here ..at ..the 'exposition :oi,f,;r;haeint3eneisi.i.t.,rits.s,seaunsdibtinedislit:Icieneil.-19•0k't,i. tar in a ma/0.11(1as Flerenee. E,•Wall,. .• .. . INO:man to SeekE:Dainages, . ,C.141eag9,A mouse,. In :the bottle, • .. ieworth two In/the cupboard ,;va. Gonsha., I .4 • : She. -found- one :'cleceased....mouse a ;bottle Of' non, and-. alleked, ;the' lowing.restilts ' • • 4,A; se.tere nervous shock recuperative ; spell In, a:seal • A • trip.. to.' EnrOpe,' during -.Whiet.1: she. found ,;it -necessar7 to. place :he!' daughter mn a•,pilititti•••sehOOl.., • ' . All of which being • enpensife; • . . . . •Gonsha .fyled• !Mit :against ,ithe bet tling •COMPany,...•.'deinitndin',,335,0( ' .damnages Jtidge ..TOseph•. B.'. • David •,. 'Stiggeated, th...cOrapany pay, her $1,00.. • . The healers' said ,theY1i4d alrsady Offered $1;500 'Which • she rejected. • '••• ., The...pi-nut • vire • opP6sink. cuiseI untjl ..Octelier.10-,t0;••-agree.' • • • "'Ntli two triends:,,jlappy Sack arid Fellow of the American Institute ei , , • Bill the Home, 1 set eqt,ffertt .Circ,le ., cnn s, sind, 'means good PhYsical, City into the. Yuko n dOnliffy-.: 46, riletrelopment, good health—.,and ,..above• broke his fal,se.teeth.,' r „ , all; radiant cleanliness." "Well, Sir, that same day pill the' Some ...thing she ,reeehuneede4 i Horse ahq ,a bear. • We skinned the , *ere:: Geed cleansing cream 'Ostend. bearand demented its teeth into his, oiate wit?, ;Of aterforihe dry tin;, a mild,' lOw- tipti411L:P. A 0314iel‘ Irir,e18',"' ' Ilien.thrIaro:917-rtith'Xc ift,edn eat bear., ineat With" the; bear'S and fifially a 'lightweight face d , , pow er In. a;!.nattiral ,shade --.'not the marsh= mallow •,: white , or baby -doll pink'' • .. COrrection of the oil Y condition 18 not an effeininate itinve,""-alte 'sald. teeth. :.help: me, 41; • •' Stimulating ,br,oath •praCtl., initierlai spirit' .'cnineo 'from: ' the Manifesto:of-the Enipire; Trade League, , . . pForibse4...-avilkeas•-do,4441.444i*: st ement ahder .chartered :campanies, 'or'otiter allspice's, Stich "ColptiiSing ad. Ventures", being regarded an a 'long ratio .plan for the futnre! •ArnOnohe 'signatories are "pi'oin'ittent, men . EniPirehuficlifig • dectrine is' in, sharp l• • 'contrast With the presentoilicial polley ai gtititas„restricifen'at outpat and. like i, tacaStivea which wOuld-mill the Lien .00,11ritish people to British stop' :ex'n'ansien,rendei, .it and meredifficult' ter the, DOMinionsi ...„ to pay their :debts r and make more or leSs,etatic the ktopi re market •fcir. the Mentlittetatee .-of the.' Motherland--:-- ,Auckland Weekly, btews, .• • • THq. ,tiNftED ' 'sTATES .. • ‘, ,Refunding ,Britaln'a Debt . • The' British SCttIt)tulous- ly "obSerVed.- the terms Of ite'COntreet- until last June, .0Ven 'then ftth4ett iiiayment on 'ae`etiunt.. 1t -has iiaJtaii-- ed this recerd in the face,efliteitilariri difficult' .finaneial “Conditinife., Oat •reqUeSt fer .revision Caine Mail it '• plain to ell thinking' People.. both tides of the,A9tin that the,,ae-1, tenni 'debt peet, no longer rested:on, a; fair baSiO,:* The henohr Wlmkh the Bri:1 tie -h xlr1bked in koaphitlit' letter 6f the contract long- after it hotatrie dent that Coinmen justice reqUireit tth reVieion shoutd new be inat6lied by ; equal honour,' Oti oni, part -in ,g1Vi1trg iheni: freSiii' etititract that Will: Need deeivetill4 .efittailoite4,440Viticheb ' I • "Rather, is ,it true altroistri, Use good ; Skin 84elis ,for daily cleansing -e --even tincture . green soap)alcohOlic le- . , baps Aar after. shaithig, and in 'sairere ses a recreiiiieil, astringent: letien," •••• arr. • „, ,v ktt n it ld, tIve British ti ataler, 0004/ ' VI/Whig'liJs • ---htthl,'—or-trtratittig t v.: • w ltcn 11O: v t,1 tear h ',VI% Mtum Lead a, En gi , Prefilter. Maeltione, alalei:Mated 1)(a tIth:birtitaify, oiLlYatotitte 12th, ' • First Lumberjatka Leave for, u ury Inmberjacks tcmbe sent-frara Toronto , Toronto. ---The ' first conting§nt 'Of , to:the;-Northland' in- More than two, years is , ooF on the .waY to timber numbers 2-5. They wil bo.ai•L • The employment lists were ticked; 10 mintites after their' -.opening, . J. F. :Marsh,' superintendent Oe..the XederaLEMployment,_Ser.irice.!sIToreb.I., to office., • He believed-, further Orders'. WOul&probably. come in, as the avail .able supply' ;of workers around' • , bilry had been empkiyed airoady., At ' . . tmo-a-aa-comma»i to, send 24110•H` or8,0O0 :bush vvorkers • north from • T64Onto in a season. '; • • • . Mr. Marsh reported , increased de, . .,:mand .614 workers- in other lines.. has jilt ,sp,nt -a • crew of 80 to thi 'celery fields around Arackville, • • "Gtiod. tolour, .Fr .Fruits . .,, "Good dolor" • far.;frnitg :other 't he'll. 1 ' opplea, as laid down b' the b7ruit, Act, .., Means ;dolor, elieraCteristia of variety • -Wheft•Mature...Por applee.".good cOlOr" , means, as defined by:, Circular -40 of •„thd .F.rtiit, traneh,:,' Dominion Depart ' ••trient,,of. Agrleutture. Ili this: cireular, :' •,-peteeiftages of, color 'are. laid” devirit : • Or. .acli ,,grede Of'. tact' variety Of apple._ '*••Fpr. lestapee, lVlqTates1; ,No_ 1,. • .65 per,Cent,;. Whiesep, "Domestie,° 25, , per . telit.; gra1i,dilOtein .(ted); 40 per • • cent.; -,a,titi Se on. - These percetitageS• Of color referte. the area .0, the Sur- face Which imiatt„be 'Covered Wiiiva Clear shade ..of . red, chai:exteiletle of,:. the , varlety'.. '41101 is, ..a'S iov tett inealletlitg otielloarto. ,St 'the s'arta4o of taeh apple, is!o3tfcre'd with 'hernial • raattire.obior,;: . : • , . . • •. ' • Witittiertip—f044937.' • Colder Say Engineers OILS cOrtipary "etigibeers are Mit to back the tali.adian.trapperti and other 'Weather sages Witha predie; den that thia atinihig WItitet. IS, ft61# .16 be 'colder than laSt. hitt not eapeciall y Sevele. Tiappere prediet hythe Air British Oisilurriblii, belteVes 6O.per citL ,tin their fekea; or ItOVilifek iffilskrata Of the ce,eatt go- there for an edtteatiek • look at it'itifehlebe,i,i,.1b8uttotit! fi 1�t 50 f$011;!, ar,y .a.bJebt. '..' years ,and see 'What the itend. • Seine Of, tio,W':ar0 •;11-er'ipteiligf"4-OritWiteiTZ:—"IraifliTaisiStraric ijoit'...itt aka .,lia• ?Whiter ttp• to 1,(1',Fti titty '41th:baited-at ytidiffigy• lb' firder ba :(!goaertik etilacp# 7,140804 Father It. Witness' . Siiii's'HOrrible , . despatch from Oltirksburg;,, Onti„!, Says t• •Q•While his father.and- tWo low Workmen bOoked' on horrified, Vi. 'ter Marritt,;82,, wee killed ;instal:0V • When he stumbled ttnil fell exi' cultir SaW whiell',:.,firacioatiy Cut his beitlY in tWo.. 'The accident eccOrred • at the Clendenah :shingle, Mill Where Merritt alid.hia ,kaitheri *eta both etn. ,Ployed. Victer Was Operating the aw ; When. it cedar slab, bectinie jammed in thd trioyeatile 1 rano. In attentPting,to disiolf,ie the pieta of Weed ,he lost his '' tera144110'11•11gintriletl'!"-- Inachine,oPe.ratfid.: Saw. • CO-Xds -Desire '• • : Real Idtidation , ,VaticOttret. MISS 1t. Ix Ilellert, dean 'of woateti it th'e-UniVeistty • • • •