HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-12, Page 1-LA j1,54551 45 $140Q.Pgiti YEAR ADVAgeti, 017ERWISE ,I4j.c41,110W0 011.TAi THURSDAY, October : 12,t4i 19; • SINGLE* COPIES 5 CENTS i • DENTIST Treleaven lUOli444;)W' '11riere:" 9.-L12"A:1%I;:-......."1.30- PHONE FOUND, -:A ' Gentlellaan!s'&'wateli.* ..Apply at: Sentinel Office. '• i' OK to Phillip. Stewart. Apply .7,E•XVER1MpINT no lo.ng.er-rit' LCqn • ,. Salve At- McK,M'S DRUG STORE :FOR,. SALE7-,400d' . winter apples .in the prehEird•:"...by bag or barrel., Cheap -C • Gr.e_eA 1, -Lucl(trow *AFFLES FOR SA4E.:1-ShoWs and •Talman, Sweets. pciccd Reasonahle. (allat-W -G Andrew's • ' Xpip1hient , hqp, • , FIGS goR, SALE -30' White pigs, 6 Weeks Old: Priced, reasonable. fol Cash. Boar, for service. -Jas. Parkes, ' Con„ 6-,--Kin1oss. 'Phone' 27-24, Ripley. PROPERTY FOR SALE'-'-,A..Lricl cottage; and % acre garden, in tbe village of Kinlough., Will .exchingt.' for fown. property.- Apply to Wm - : • Lloyd,..Lucknow. 'FOR. '§ALE -16 drY .loodY wood, beech andOmple, free' Of " ljnibs. -.774Pply to John Joynt., - :(14-71a-tf.). , WOOD FOR t SALE -We , stock of &Tweed both tinlve"..and ..siXteen' inchfer:.'deliyery thithighon1 the • year.. [HE LUCKNOW• TABLE, CO,; LTD. (12-I0c,) . • NOTICE'. TO OltpOITOR's • In. the matter of .;the Eatate. Of Christie Ann Mclearlan, date of the Townahip•-•ot•Kinless .Connty , . of Bruce,. ,WidoW._ deceased:. • NOtice-ie-hereby---given"--t4arTal. " persons. • having' Any claims or; 'd67 reaticis against. the tate Christie:Aiu 11LL:x .41Ei.n, :Who; died on or anent the' ' twerity-third day of:-.dulY .1903 at the Tc.iwnship':of Kinloss in, ,the ionetY of Bruce, are required to send by :post prepaid or to deliver-te,the Ludersigned,. executor under. the ',Wilk .• of • the saiti Christie. .Ann• McFarlai), •• their •names and addresses and 'full ,,,Partieulare in writing of their claims • rind .stAtenients ,of their' accounts - and • the* nature of the ,:sccurities, if Ai-. • ' by. the/C..061y verified. by. %loin- ' • . ',And:. take notice --that. :after the . tWentymeiglith-dayloil October -A. 13033, the. said executor will proceed ,to distribute the itsets„ of the said ,.(leCeaSed among. the' Persena: entitled •thereto„ having' teg*r.d; eillY'• to -the "of which he .shall then -. have h • . ad. notice, and that the said :execti idr will not , be ' for .the Said . ri§seta ,or'-enY part thereof to . any • • person of Whose . claim' he Shall .not •1,heri • have received :notice: • :". • This . notice is given pursuant te' the' statute in :that behalf. • • Dated at 'Liieknow, Ontario', this Sen,Ond claV 'Of 'October. A.D. 1933. ,Thornas 111Wolin; R. R. 2, .1.101yrdoe . Ontario, ' Executer. ' • ' • ; (19,- 1:1-c) , • • !""IpeMINI,Ink, Corning -Events First Insertion, ,5a. Subsequent Insertions,, 25e. FOWL SUPPER :...qot Fowl Supper, Parish ,St: A ugnstine, :Wednesday,, October25. Harvey McGee and other artists in: attendance. Gaines and acinserneriti, AdthissiOn 35e _Arid 15,V kityf tikisT.A.LtAtioN tIllknow L�dg, .10; 112, apd, :JesVel 'Rebekah Ledge, 270, 1.0. Q.F. wili 'hold • a joint installation 61 eel's • oflb- on Friday 'evening;:"Oebeber. 13 , • ' 'at 8 P. M; All members' requested to 241"rittend . and visiting. brothers?: And '• 'lusters welcome..,-LConi., • AsigyiELp. dkReting ' . :The Paster...Will be.'ins.hii"own,11Int.' Pit ...next. StindeA, :October. '15th. The' ,W0t,JLD'.11AVE..'GO.NE FURTIItTer:. ..Serviees Zion 11 • • 'Anniversary Services, October • ,Rcv.:•12., T...tiiiiatrith•':.ot:.tietirborn will he ',oil' are . happy JO ren-SW,:aSSOCiatidn'S..Withan' tdd AShiletd1":'hoy...and it hrother of . .flnr esteeined friend, Mr. Sarnuel :tit -petit& • 7, , bOtetier' ..Fano1414..:,Pf'040t:01,- will be the niThivei.sory preacher. - -. ;kw .tharite [Alt .trienda..'Wha. ':inaiin't„Eteat 'enictrt. eath..of Miss geilderson, WEDDING. BELLS ocks:.com.munity . . prettYi wedding took , , Active ,Werlfer".' In • -.Presbyterian 'Place' in the Church of Ascension, ,Chnr4 NaPirea Shortly on Saturday, October 00Oher''7th• ' :f;,,,relnsdgeNPgartalytic .114r°1•16 r4ite: ''civt elf! r..1). °arn9dtil,f4r: rMat.. !lAagentiT11:4i1iiiiidkett ,•• ••• • 'Was united in marrjge to 14.trp1d. H. It waa with setting suddennessThonripson,, Aon of Mr. aotfldts. Tied that. residents Of -the .village .learned Thompson, the ,Rey„,,WO., Hall -offic- of Wednesday Morning Of the death tiating; The -chk % was decorated • of Miss Dollena- Henderson, •whicb atitition flower's 'And ' the -wedding 'occurred About two AM, Miss Hen- inusf9 was ' •piayed by, MissEdna- derson had spent the evening with Stoyle; The. 'bride who was given .in Miss Mary McLeod and after return-. marriage by her father, wore a gown 8,46.ed with a Paralytic of white satin, and lace', With bridal stroke. Her death, • 'resulted; sej.ne°II' and 'orange 'blossoms, and ear three housd•later, , shehaving; never ried .a* baeiltet Of sweetheart rises The, bridesmaids were, Miffs. , Mary Montgomery of Detroit and , Weal Bert ThOMPSen of , 'Ayr " acted groomsman.' Mr.- Alvin , Percy' 'of. Detroit :and Mr. Frank. Thompson Were ushers. After the -ceremony reception Was held at the bricle/s home: Later' the bride and groom, left for it trip to Toronto and ,Niagara Fella. On their return theYreside ' . . at ,Kinloss. • : ' 'regained consciousness. • • Born on • the-1.2th 'eoneession , of t.!:. . ars rlereonre - we girl, molted., to ..-Lucknow, with her parents, Mr. James .Hendersen, tie - maker, and the late Mrs. Henderson. She has been a continuous resident of, the village since,- then, „with the exception , Of a- few years, spent Ir Detroit."', Her mother died eighteen' Year* ago and Miss Henderson has been keeping 'house for her father and her sister, 'Miss Elizabeth Hen- derson, local ',Canadian National Ex- Miss Henderson ' has long been ' a , faithful, and Untiring Worker in , the chfirek- Saturday, -.October 7th, •when. -No-stOek-was--4ept- in -the barn. ..,- Preshitevian Church. She Was Pr,Cfi- Ile•IT1 FerP' Youngest * daughter ' of dent ' Of the , ir.W:M.'S. -arid for 'r Mrs. keirtwald and the late Mr ears .has taught 'the William Reinwald of Stratford; was LEITH--.-REINW'ALD - A, quiet Wedding took Place 4/t., the parsonage' of Centennial Evangelical 14y,A0,-4.1:mplepless. 100$1.'Whek:Ba4 • ,•• urns ,Threshing . Operations". C o milete About .An Hour 'Frier To Outbrea "-Engine Spark Is Blamed *The fine barn on the,fornipii•Archie McCall -fariki`.A91:16AAAian stx,- Kinlosi4 was razed hi/T., fire which .hteke out late -^: Thursday afternoon : about an : bout ,after the • threshing of buck - 'wheat was... completed and: thethen had dePartecl;, the building ,aS.Own- rid by 'Mr, .1.0.k ,MeRenaie,'•WhO • re- sides On hie,-,Ather•farm on concession 4:7 riciriliff;70.frich., -Vres notified-of- the'llaxe an he, Was about to sit down to Supper upon his return from , re line' In rempyine, the. ma- ehine,"frony the :premisei_it was esiary to bring the engine 'qui lose to the barn, which is a stru ure, of, well preserved old timbers, 54x56. It.„i§ believed ,that' a spark from the, engine. remitted in the conflagration The-ithreshed grain had been re- moved. to 'his other farni, but awne twenty-five tons Of haY as ,well as a quantity of last year's Straw Was destroyed. A mower, disc, light wagon and ' hay loader were 'included among the the• implements . which Were burned. . 1 11 • '-----..--da-' hridrierge-Leith '4 Toting Men's ,Bible' ClasS, AlOver of .nlarM-: to,. Jo . , 7-e flowers, 'she delighted in beautifying .son. of Mr. and Mts. J. It Leith' her borne surroundings. • ' ' , • TACknew. •Rev. • J. P. Minch OfiSciated, Her death leaves a:, Wide circle 'of The bride was attended by he sister .serrewing ' friends arid' A. breech, in 'church ...actiVitieS, that .for. devotion qii'd sincerity, will be•hardlto en..., •: Gregory . Leith, ' Liicknow. After r, • ' • ' ' • ' • _ ; • lipirc.go ..,E,,,EPRI4Ss ' RATES, . _s,irviv.eit ._•,..40 her ag,zi father wedding- dinner; With a reir, not4,. L,..„-:_"0,4ed.t..,e.xoress__rittei_are.,,,,., ilow. ' pearl of. Detroit ‘ and' Elizabeth Of, diate relatives present; ,.Mi.-ond. Mrs',.. effective. In. Ontario points, . swp. : ' . -.; • . LneknoW :i.lit ,tiyo .brattieis; :WilliaM Leith left for a short trip .to Windsor Merits may be made at the rat , 1 ' . d Detroit.On their return they' • ... • r., ' .- • ,--..". .n,"9 . fl'd*- 'la*. °f •Lnekn°14' '..: , .• " . .q.,." - :. 15e. 'fnr. a • pound ., or less; merensing . : The funeral' service •will be held at 'll *ti A St tf d propo '1.4anat}e Y' •/-lP to ten pounds her erne on ri ay a erriopn wk. - . interment in Kinloss cemetery. .,:•RULDS AND FI,OWERSfor 55e and , from thirteen to fifteen.: pods „for' 60e. These red/iced 'I./dee ,Wa have ;new a geed ;display of . • .. . . btilbt, prices : also include pick-up and delivery free Also. Cut Flewers. 'PheCe" 88., *.• ' • ' §Or..„omprr -GREEN4acis$ ' The loss is ;Only partially covered. Mr, McKeniie; ‘• having reduced , his lirisurande last year. The land is new. out --buildings, as 4he. h'mee razed by. fire Some years' ago The farm is a 'good one, horirever,''.and McKenzie and his brother 'eon Th se Bread " •of Reath' The. Bread of 'Health * ,• , • , OUR Alotr, Is ,ci.u,ALETY: AND .8Ntivici:, SATUflDAYSPECIALS CHELSEA. BUNS, JELLT ROLLS . DUNDEE ,' CAKES, SCONES ' , • U T Aind FRUXT:.BREAD" -• tir Delicious BROWN cent. WHOLE 'BREAD -is 100.per WHEAT -7 QUAf.LITY ?hone 36Luckn�w BAKERY DR. MARGARET ,11/facKELLAR' r To___Luxx,N.Q.3,47 Prominent Missionary From India Guest Speaker At W. M. S. Thank - offering •Meeting' t .7The M.. S. of the. United Church Lucknow, will have, for their Speaker at the Think -Offering ,reeeting. on t Thursday evening .at 8 o'elbek,--Oc- 120,. the. outstanding missionary from India, Dr. Margaret MacKellar. MalReiler was the 'first 'Woman to 'receive the 'degree .ef Dr. 'Cif Laws from Toronto University, •only -r -one other [woman . sharing -this- .honer Dent fail to hear; her. Everybody vvelcome; Men and Women. Cor..-See'y La,keside league' Mia's .'lleinWald, Toronto; • sin' •template. 'reheilding next yearDividends Sniall . si . , the • bridegro,oni 'by his 'brother, Mr • . , • . , , . •• WINGHAM MOTORIST s: Or ,sale, a ' reatonable :GRANTED—DAM,AGR• S. HG rne Of. Wiri ham u , Wing ham Action To/Ilecover Amount Of Damages Resulting From Car Accident In Leeknovr. • ? 'oectireed at tlieX.Tnited 'Church corner .1n.:the village • in September of of, ,last :year, was. •heard .in Division Court Wednesday morning befere His Hon- or Judge Owens. . . , William H. Gurney, of Wingham, :plaintiff; in the action sought dem- i:gee Of $120.00 from the:defendant Mr, John 'McRae cf"Ashfield. Several • witnesses were Called. and at .the eanelusion.of.,.the evidenee,theiplain7 tiff was 'granted judegment Of • s100.54 vvith•the defendant assessed the costs of the '.'court as well. ' - accident occurredwhen the Gurney 'earcame oV,e'r a Slight ele-, vation at, :this point; driving west. Mr. • McRae :was proceeding east; on 'Main.. street . was in the act, of turning left to gci north ,toward the C. N. R. depot. popolottt:o.00testAt Paterson's Store .. Introduced On Wednesday When NYal 'for '1 Sale Opened , Eight boys, and eight ,girls; fifteen year or or younder, are going to be happy on .Christintia when , the re- sults are a`rinouneedof the Popularity ,Contest, at' ''Paterion:s Drug Store, Which,:conuneneed On Wednesday, and will 'Fenton/6 until' 'twel`ve O'clo,c1c Christmas eve. The Nyal 2„fer.1 'Sale is' in fell swing. this week .and voter may be cast on all bargainpurchas- es *ado during this Sale as Each entrant is credited with inoe .votes to'comineneerthe contest, And for every -cent spent during per- Jod.. one ,vote ' may be credited ;to your ,kriVerite ctinteitatt case of Nyal, 'goods ' Purchased,' tri4,`, veto. .ntiv beeredited. for every •cent, ' Theo:1st prize for boys is a 'sten-, data C. O. AL bicycle with • seven Other Valuable prizes for runners un In contest. `Til Winning girl 'gets a heantiftd:doll, carriage and dell, first Ilr.iae; 'With seven' Other Worth - While pries for the 'riekt in Order, The "!'boinplote • ttilnlay at ptikes ban beenT:,0-thc; at-Pate-ra-tha itnre;'Wliere full PArtientafs' wiit be give. Child- ren &at ,otitat thls onittest, slniply by leaving, t i#0144 with Mr, Fator- :',,.._. ' ••••" • t Community Assistance . . . Urged In Prepaing - Gar For The West -COthnipuity Car. To Be Shipped .Por Distribution Among, Needy. In Saskatehewan:-;-,Will ,. Be, ,PaCked, , Next Week 7-,-VegetribleS, : Fruits .Clothing" Are. Wanted. At a ineeting of. the:Relief 'Board With representatives • frem. the .vi17: 'age ehureheS, held en TuesdaY morn - .in, the distress and'need, in ,eertain sections'of Western Canada was laid before the deniMittee. . Immediate sctriie. is heint• taken to have' * car of 'fruit; Vegetables. ;and :clothing.' • Peeked and; shipped from 'this .eoin-, It is• planned .to.rissemble the, gen.' tributiens at :the C. N. R. depot eerly,". next week. 'Theie will be leaded and: shipped by Thursday, October lath if 'pessihle. The;railyiray companies , . -9ff•er, fr6a-:-transpostation-,,of---ench shipments and the local car Will be Shipped to 'the:Saskatchewan „Relief. Commission for distribution in, areas' in that proYinCe, Where the •need -,,is •g,reatest. • , .,'• " The :eommittee statei ,that 'the LiicknoW Car is to be ;community "ine. Individuals. and .,Orginilatiens throughout ; the. district and village re urged to make their ,eontribfitiOni, lioWeyer, small or 'largetheir:may. be, ,go a we e be, ship. that ' 11 fill (1 car ca ' uortain, 'groups Wish' to tor- JectiVely askeirible their centrilnitiOnf A point in their oWif neighborhood int! the ainount Warrants' it;, truck , „ service- Will be provided ip transport - ng it to tiichnOw;, • • . ROentiy a Saskatchewan resident formerly o, Lucknow, in corresPend, , trig 'with a ' girlhood 'friend 'here,: no Meant appealing for relief „dated' that, for a, Inedred' he vicinity of 'ElbOW; 'Many were' jestithte. and She feared .Whiit tb vinter might mean for ' many. • .Although fruit; and Vegetables art l•ot as iileritifiil in the" district mao years, liere are but tett ivh iiannet spate iOniething' Of this na- ture for so WOrthir mitrift$f .to -Operation is a 'rieeeS§Ity td-OYOXYlaneJt,',Orged,.. to do their .oatt in filling Pp the,' ear. do- ations w11 be gladly roceivedb the doninfittee to .014 in 'tletrayinclot. will :1040 in ths pro,;, °. • .• . • • r3e01./TS pPEND 'WEEK- ' END AT BRUCE • BEACH/ . . n harge Of -.-Seoutmaster,Dr. R.;-1: Treleaven -Hold ,Sunday AfterneM "Service.' • -7-1 • The recently re -organized LueknOv troop of BOY ' ScoutS, under thei,"-' lewlY-appointed Scoutmaster; Dr. It' L Treleaven :With Stuart" Camerin •assistant •scoutmaster, Spent ar enjoyable ,week -end at Bruce. Bench where they occupied the, Treleityer and Henderson cottages. • Some twenty-nine scouts were ir the party which gethered at the beach on Saturday morning.' and returnee' hoire2Monday afternoon. All werr meinhers of 'the',10cal company with the, exception of two • Lone Scouts; Gordon and; Lloyd ,Aiken of Allen:, ferd',Arid nephews " of 'Dr. -Treleaven " Scenting expeditions', Were engage(/' in and • on Sunday an openra.it seivice. was held when Rev. '%T Bejain Tucker, 'addressed .the hays. Guitar accerepaniinentAy Ihmg Clarke and Gordon Aiken and Dr. Treleaven assisted the singing. Rain forced the latheringto conclude tlpir-sthwiee' 'in the cotta ! ' .:Kintio.dille..Totstruck •••By,i4tokno,wito: co. Driven By 'Miss' Ruby:, McDonga.R. Of 'Kincardine -Injuries' Of A'. ,SeriOuF Nature, • dots and bruises.' arid.' Serious. in- ternal' injuries ;were inflicted to Gordon Jacobs, aged 9, Of Kincardine When ho Was., struck in that town hy a ear driven by Miss Ruby McDougali and Owned,' We, are infornied, , by GeOrge'McinneS, Of this , , Stepping in front .Of the ear as it ptoeeedect, dp* the Mein Street, the lIttbe chap was 41 hurled to the pave- ment to have the rear wheels pass over his abdomen, 'causing internal., injuries. Which resulted in him being realied.te Itineirdine IMapital, Where his. condition 'Cerise§ grave teneerii.‘; The driver,,Misa • McDougall, ' • a darighter of Mr.,: and. %Mrs. 'Angus 'McDougall, formerly of' thehnoW, Wtia 'll*onipiinield by Ada ,Oatopbeit The ear ethitifiried on -its .Way after striking the lad; and as stopped 'by duukti46_key.t.Petor-.4arther-O$;Itt-i- eestigation by Chief efi Police Sinith revealed faulty brealii on • the ;'ety 0,04,141$1 MoDonoill minus a Pernik !Of* to,004.*4 0000:U1410d: Ipinit itpr on ' 11 Lueknow Gate Amorints • To J77.45 Dti.t Local Shar Of Pliy-DE ile-L, --7-ailitil•-Oiili-,--NetCliiii**-$1-0:68:7-***--- . . . The followingis the financial state? nent Of the Lakeside League PlaYar retries; as received. from secretary Marcus. Gate receipts this'. year vere lower and expenses higher, and ./ach club's "share was ,a mere "dor') /in, the bucket". Eagli team was 'al- ' wed $15.00 a game for Mileage A!id This allowance ran the 'total -up to 190:99...As :Well each club was; assess- ed ib share of an Items. of ' $9,75 *Well Was to pay for the , rented onivasi; by; which Wingham encloses heie .playhig field. • • Playoff Receipts • :Vingharn at Kincardine 'Kincardine -at Wingham Kincardine and), WirigliaM. cat, Teeswater • *;peknew.; at Kincardine 47,1f ./Cineardine at Lueknoty -.:.—. 7,7 4' . $221.5F, •Playofr Eigienses- AdVertising • - 24.05 Unipires 1 • " 30 00' 4 Secretary's- mileage Terinis':" Mileage: 90.0f Telephone account top, Wingliain grounds 9.7F Item not :legible 2.0f . , $194.8r Balance to be iffire:1/4.1 26.70 '$221 • . • ' Luelaipmes.„,share.-40.% Kincardine's. share,' 25% 6;67 WhighimN .share, 20% 5.34 League's share .15% 4,01 `‘`,' LOCAL RIDER HURT • • IN RACE SPILL oin McKenzie Pigures IiiRuflidng Rice Spill At Tecowatei Fair When the horse ahead of the one lie WAS riding, sttnnbled in the second • lieat: of a running race at Teeswater • Pair, Torn McKenzie, son of Mr; and Mrs.'Wed. McKenzie of tewn,hurtled to the grass it the etig,O of the track, Offer a deeply bruised forehead Intl a Splintered rib; He was COM - stunned by the accident for an hour: or niere and ean recall' nothing of What followed the spill. Ilia nieunt 0131ickl! which, he WAS riding for, Alec Andre* was uninjured. The horse in the lead that ataniblail had &One the Same thing in the first heat and 'injured ' who was replaced by , another Chap fei the, second 6ato • Kenneth McDonald Of Teeswater nephew' Of Rev. C. H. MacDonald and and aReawick-hey---Who-fotmerly-lived ki.hil:O; were bath .badly hurt' In 1"the snrn spill as ' Toni; However, tFelr lhjiirleii 46 not '41'1)44 al *tie' To- :1),Orted 144 1)iitli,tiroLivi410,t toorsble. toovatils .; 4:4. IJOMINION OFCANADA 1933 Refunding Loan PROSPECTUS • On Pege 5• ' Native of Langside Passes on Saturday . • targo.COricotsrse Of •Friends Attend Fur-tel-4rrOn Monday ' A gloomwascast- over this coin." *rinnity. when it was 'learned that Mrs; Deal had passed to the 'Great Beyond early Saturdays:morning in the Wing - am • hospital, in her seventy-sixth -marrafter-a7short7illness:-.11,4rs7-15thil Was born at Langside, her Parents .• ille:,late'.:,,Mr-and._mrs,_.:Thonias.:- • Wraith After her husband died she livedfer many years with her sister. Mrs. W: Scott, but for the 'last few 'mars she had lived' with her brother : -Mr. Robert Wraith of Culross. While living with her (deter, : she was a- belPful 'member and worker of Tiffin's Methodist church Owing to"h..er kind i'.!he.erfer disposition she won, for her - ;elf many friends, friends, as was shown by he large crowd' who gathered' at the.. -,home of Mrs. Walter Scott; from shose heme the funeral was .held .qn. 'Moo-day::afternoon to Tiffifilis cone-, terY, interment being made in the.:• !tunny pia. 'Rev: Wilkinson ' of St. Helens :officiated. I The pall -bearers • ' liere; Win. Orr, R. Ross, RI Tiffin, N. 't '4ricCellum, D. MacTntyre • and Wm. • irown: The floral tributes:: were many tnd beautiful showing the, esteem :in „yhich Mrs. Deal Was held by friends Ind • relatives."" 'She leaves to mthirn 'ler loss', two sisters, Mrs. Walter .3cotf-'(Alice), Mrs,. Cuibert (Lizzie),' ind three brothers, - George Wraith if Winghini; Robert .of 'Culross and, William of Langside on the Old home-, • Two Sisters Hannah .(Mrs. Roster), and Annie '• wedeceased ter. My. "and Mrs. Harold Johnson - •:' ' Luchno*,:speet Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs.' Wm. Conn.' and ific--Andmv,Toisy,91. ',who Mve been with i With anti 'Mrs.'. J. • B. . Vforriso:n iiTa'ye gone, to Windsor., -Vhdre--Mi?:-reitYllii-lialt7secured a -. Mr. and Mrs. john MeInnes, George: ind John, M. and Mrs. Cecil Falcon - r, Relison and !Angus, . spent Sunday • 1vith Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, . gr. .itnti Mrs. : Nelson :Pickle and, LeOnst of Culross spent ?Sunday.. with XT.. and Mrs. Victor Victor :Emerson.' .Mr. Dave. Scott of EntgeaVille was. here 0 the' week -end' Attending lbe funeral Of his aunt, the late. Mrs. Deal. On Monday evening' thia commit* 2. 14 Attended • the -SmithL6askinette.., reception at the home of lifF. and Mrs. Ralph baikinette being, given, ;n loner Of the marriage of their, , daughter Miss• FlorencO Caikinette. to Mr; 'W./W.' Smith. The 'presents were . many,, consisting of ,hlanlets, :silver- ware,,.4inen,.,,,bardwareli•and,_Chiria."- shawing 'the esteeni • In the votitm,c9oprg' aro held. by their Many friends.' , A wARKNG Motorists with one ,head berning; continue 'to . be 'a nuisance to „night drivers. 'Constable MooreT has tighted,;severailOftenders redent--'• :1Y and beteliY notifies them to have - ctboir headligbts-Lik tte1140a- to. SO as ------ to eliminate the 18':' tljs tondltiMi' ' :nontatlif• S' • 5