HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-05, Page 8al...a_nF' A.+vP'+„ylmlb j{s.v.,., arfip
v -TlN4'k:
Aidan arrived. A shipmen
The 'Neva La Deese •Wrap
around Corset,. ;iced.
All Wbol
,25c to '45i;"
Deep, Bared; cuff,`.: in •this
•season's .s nartest` ', colors.
,Queen Quality -Make.
in Pink Conti' at . .15c:
•S i sand'. WOO:;.' SOCKS •
Wool' u Silk and Wool Sock :'
clever patterns„ New 'coloi
combination; ', These
Wonderful • vol .from ' such -'
er •"a' o'.
s. 1� 'ro
Kind 'Quality,
a r � 4ac _.-111
Specially ,Priced Pyjama;.
Cloth• Soft..cosy and dui-,
able-. This} English cloth hat
smart. Stripes that Late__8..0„,_
nice : for men and atboys.
Also daintlf patterns ' foi •
Ladies and Children.,
Directors Have ,Spared No Effort In
Preparing For , Outs>!anding °Exist.
Fria i
d...y. s, Duris n ; .. . -
_ g n on, . Fair .,pay.
lnd- ,gives; promises of. being ..one ok
,he, most outstanding, exhibfiions
,ver. staked' in this . little village..
J,�ireetors.; have spared ,no , effort 'i •,
preparing , for the: ,event „The,.prize,:
'ist heel been revised' `i ry '
���te,'a h�„geX.
and; ;better one and: as Weil thee•. re
'many extra' 'Special''prizes,-
The race -track: has bean'resurfaced,
ihd is in fine condition• for the-,apee.•
s` which includeAa • 2.20 :pace" pr,
:30' pace. 'ox trot;' a running
:pony race, motorcycle, hie
ycle:and'-foot-races A.--ArStprize-of
tib:00 is offered' for the best freak
4onveyance.. on the' grounds
A' ministrel show.of .forty 'people
ill : be staged in the evening and .'
dance will follow: 'All roads lead ;± •
Dungannon to -morrow;
en eral
i\ jss, .Helen, .Mc e.ed was! a recent
vi,�itor with friends' in Stratford,
Mr. Oliver Johnston � ; .� ,. ...:, n ..,n and Miss �Clva,
fohnston spent the week=end' in De -
,t .oit: ,2
11 r and Mrs.; Caineren MeeI3ona1d',
visited'' the first of ` ^the' week • in
London.' ...
Bargins , ir: Women's ;and 1
Bargains G x �
Reddy -to Wear' Carinents. `` THE.
,'VIA' KET , STQUE, . '
„ Edgar Franks of Phrifi.
Week at • the:home' of
ubbets Boots ate Cheaper This ear
Note the low price Tp.nge
• To 1101.i?, REIThri
Neil, McLennaii of Ripley ' attended
committee meeting -0f the 1.60t1r-Bittee
,rangenients were laid. for p
te be held, in , Walkerton ..on, julY '?fid
.next„ year. Sergeant Major 1.1.th*:v
Mr. Fisher Wits appointed, local' ief
',theught that there" are nrobabl,V
egw n S'PE'CI 4
2 'CANS. -PEAS 5'
'2 CANS: <Y ', , 25c;..
ELLQW CORN ••• „ •, . • • 4 .
2. CANS YE ..,,,;` ..•• •
LLOVIt B A '-' ' . , 25c
;2, CANS- SLICED. E N• lac; .
.re PINE'r�;FPLE, • , •25c
Ii; KRAUT , ; ; � . ;�. . 25c
NS r
3LB ,.'. 2.,e
.33c. h
.Tlie,--LuCknovr-Tahle:.Ceinpariy corn*
the 'hourg being from' seven to five
Mr,. Giant :"1VIcKeriee Cri"menc
'spentil the-Week-epd With, Mrs, 'IL GH
visitors with .• MOses' Belle and.,,,Ethel
Phone' 82;
LudknoW •Citizens' Band,. las( week.
will fre,-in.' attendance' at Pungerinon
number Of Mageo frent:Lnclinow
were, in attendance at the dedication
..!ereinony of ''Wingliam. 'Masons.' new
r.,brna 'Campbell ,..Who' are at present
ner,.; spent the week -end at the
lonie of the. Forpler. daughter, .Mrs.
The. EeV. W. '13bnjaMiri Tucker
and give the Zhanksgiving 'message,.
Rev, W.. B. and ....Mrs. Nucl.cer will sloe
with Rev, S., T. and, Tucker. of
toWn for the week -en
has beenNvisiting with her . parents,
Rey. Gardner returned.earlier, 'OP ;the.
and Mrs: Gardner 'sPent at the beach.
Mys, Moines Watson, *he has. re-
sided in Waterloo -fOr the past.. year:.
bad hen "household effects ret3rne.,.: '
here On Saturday and stored in -the
-by ;Mr. and Mrs. Win: -Porteous,'. will
s'pend .the . winter
Ur Stock of Work Shoes is Complete
ook over' our Values a
Editor Sentinel, ---
'Dear , Sire-
- The" biographical sketch of the, life
career and the scientific accomplieh-
Dr. Gamier must have been
read by' Mink. Old residentS,, pretent
myself; with' very: .• great ; intereST
put and -mentions a product et. hi,s,
',pen in the 'sbatie,Of a drama entitIee
"Prince. Pedro.", had , hoped.: that
ta rich early'. 'Canadian books any
ether pubfications,:-.' might have...a
they would be willing to part with
silo that Pr. Garider's naine. May, be
Outside of the, Parlianientary libraries
Will you'. kindly, Permit inc. thiS way.
'of finding' .ent, and oblige •
• ours truly.
I Toronto, ,Sept: 29th, 193i.
The ,eftarts of ,the-directOrs 'of' the
lima! ;agrieultural .Society in engaging,
'a ilig4y .tonted range of entertain-.
ers for Fair,day, proyed On mere than
One.' ocasiOn 'as' diSapPeint-
wilts croPped .up on all' hendi.•
Iron' stated,.that
3Nenizig -Performance. in " the Hall.
ant 1.the. audience was More Or:. 'eat.
ing•tne huinorous ;Comedy "Tillie ,the
Toiler with Mac". Associated With
-who *as.. to .give an adrobatia • Per!
formanee 'in the: afternoen.
Elibtf:' 'Vase's. President, of the Mew --
him being in attendance . to' open 'the
Pair: His failure ; tO.:•he. present . also
caneelled the': pr,esentatiori to.. :be
-given by 'hia.,wife, Ethel Gtant Mon -
tun. Indian reader: .
the Prime Minister o .anada
ITHIT�T:'a fe`w days the Dominionof�``'titolesale'prices, '.iii which even minor thangbs
CAnailsi will offer .for public ,...i.>..,___ -- highly
. significant,
.,. _ � . .
ticiii•the 1933 Refunding•Loan; the pur- from an indei .of 1 63.6 last Febt-tiarY to -one of
poses and, terms of which will be announced in 69.4in Atigust: • ,
detail by the Minister Finan e n Tuesday,
Employment, although still at' a regrettably low"
• 'Weber 10: In this nationa undertaking a
level has, nevertheless; been gaining steadily for ,
oppoxtunity 'will ,be afforded both for sound' • . ,. •
the past five months': .0n.'the basis of,,partial
in gOod faith - .and the unavoidable
disappointments were mirch regrettee
investment and for public service and I have no .
dOubts as to the readiness with which Canadian r(iports tromandustria' 1 employers some. 116 000
• persons have been added ,to pay -rolls since last
— I ce°1:114)07-11leellasti vaet b,2a86i
investors "11r '
arori Commercial Apaclem,
Typewriting', ;Bookkeeping and. Modern ACCountancy, CerresPon=
clence; BuSiness English arid Spelling, 'Eapicl Chleulation„ etc.
: We ate offer 'enuties•'.of...LeCturea lir-Elementary g'Conomie
The: deinnaercial 'Sabjeuta, are. under the :diteCtiOn .Misr
kin& offered,‘ Canada. She .is alsO graduate Of the 'Ontario
College. Of Education,' TorOn':o.' Her .ttaining kit.; the poSition has .
been ,Uniftie, and We ate to Innate in ria:ving secUted her serVicee
The other Coutsesg"will be .in Charge Of the
*tot noW and:lie Prep. t:rect kor 'geed poiitien a. year lienet
'Evejiipit Ciassea 'Will 'ht organised later, ;Witch ter onetinw
Write tot 30t3, :dodo ,
point in Canadian,' affairs to w,hich 'it' is enlY 00 during the same 'd
, proper that: public attention 'should be drawn ag • ! v , ' .
Our external tradefigures are equally ,encouragl
• Many thousands,m men and women Whohave en -
the former shoWing the -more rapid increae7e.' As
dured,aclirersity with such admirable fortitiide.
a result, Canada had a favourable trade balance Of •
With_due precaution against,unwarranted opz-7--, over 41,14,000,00Cin "the twelve months en ed
limism think'I•may say that, in Canada lire are ,./kugust 31st this year. ' For the correSponding
• ,:noyr on„theXOed to recovery. ' The road thaY periodAnat Year the favourable balance was only
long and progress may, be slow, but the events of ' $38,000,000,, . and , the, two previous twelve •
Abe past sir Months apyear to demonstrate with trionthit-periods instead-offaVourahlorfigures •we
cotne to a definite stop and that an upward trend respeativellr, • *
,increasing Clarity, that the downward trend has had ,unfavourable balances ef $45,000,000 and -of
The eVidence of improvement is va,ritten in the
w statistical facts. of our incluStry and trade. These
records', show that onr.'general economic condi-
tion reached italoweat Point during the month ef•
February last and •that today we are definitely,'
above that levelfollowing a recovery whiCh has
safely take as sign -posts on the road to recoirery.
In out further progress, no single factor will have
more 'significance than the success, of our national -
loan operatiohs The recent 4% loan in London
vms a notable _tribute to Canada's credit stand -
mg,. It was, immediately overdubscribed `thank
been gradual. hilt persistent and mimistakable. • •
I feel Satisfied that etir own'people will be quick
to perceive that the 1933 Refunding Lean in
Cauada is at once a challenge and an opportunity
challenge to aid in the restoration of btisiness
their oWn and their country's best interests. •
'The most significantof these figures, are probably
those dealing With :the physical volume .6f, bush.
„ teas, wholesale *ices and einployinent, and I give
here brietly the record rectivery ineach Case .as
which represents 141144111y the econoriiic pulse el
the nation; ,,•stoodinst_FAreitii.y For
kit -gnat; the most recent month for .whieh the •
Index is 'available, the figure, was 89:9°0 an. int-
13rOveinent 0.1 approximately 34%,. •