HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-05, Page 6!v.
00!14;,.". .4rrt'.4rIt'44**1H. 7*71'!7*+4!
Cannak The ErPliii.axid The World at Large
•,canuctain. Altpert• e •
Canada," hes', ninety -Six licenSed air
Portt„•"•-itle" fait:laegimling hut eirer
att area as Widd a tlila riOnlialen tul
-alrlator is•liable to he a .1Ong way troth
A rending -field wbe.11, 4 14:mPs,t,:494ed.
.T40 ,Vin1te4 g4tPs. has 2i36 PArPOrizid t4
landiagjleids:t' -Many are lighted
ror•"night OSe:!' iCanada •wI,. need to
push oh with thIS- neceeSdry ground
"work te.
aviation as it s omjn within "the -next:
• teit, •years."-:--.Dttaive, Oitizezi...
Bron te
Poop spa fishertou nest facemany
ao4114'44but for Canadians whes, YPP'•
• sele . go. to ..the .great, batiks : off•
aniadiAnd•IPtieh year sonie of the 'Them
are diminished by the action of the,
et tiding a docter with the fleet se that -
cases, of eickneSs or aetident ratiJi
-.have, prompt attentime by a qualified.
physiden and hurgeon,", an official
statenfeet fro*, ptt4wa
X,Ast year,. this sea -going, deetor
treated 260 'patients:on the bailiff the
,aargiCal treatment Was,..required, aud•
—purnui-0154-4MBE*Orp, nnae,r,Inol• 'w46-
• had 'Men taken. ill With Oa sickneari
. or another. ,ij In the. Preceding
•• the tank float," was somewhat
• larger ;than In.1932, , the deetor'e 'eased
Atintheret .4.302, • Some of the. eases
handled each yearare, Of -course; not
iteriouss tut in•othets datigereirie candi•
Ilene 'Would" doubtless toile* if. treat,
hY.. PraqtitleilSr 'W4a.
' Chroeiete-Telegraph, • '
• A' Sen'sible Oritish.Act :
„ . . ,
British magistratei have •dieen put-
. fing• inte: effect 4, Protision .in receh
.Ael. • which' ,seame. to have., so much
• ScoMMon. 8...e4Sd in. it . that ;the'. *wider
`'..Viideethe'fitoteetion At
'which Was Passed .last."seseign.;,.•a
.son cenyleted' ot cruelty • 'to , a•hors,i3,
Cow; dog or ether. be
• ,Pf citvn drship. the • animal . bY
,...ordet -.of the •' in the pate of
• bizieltY• to pg. it court can ,order ;that,
Ute owner be eirpisiorp
et heldiOea deg. licez060 • This :has
be done ie. a number of. "caSea, rover
-.and abote..'theinsnal-„seotenoe,'Aulait.ila-
. -conflabated May be deStroyffe; Or glean
taaid*TaidiaTion. er•;individitat whli
-will kite there: kind treatment.
sal -S 'rhomas Tnjes Journal
Buell a.PtOyisleglenght to he meter -L..
, _Escaped '4Eloome7, •
. Vieltigrin towns rnanage.d./le
get along. in 1932 without deyying,tatees
•becauee they:had no boems.: la the
more '1)i',Osperout years. itt ',other
• words, nci- booms, no, •hoemerangs•-
• From :the ,Kitehelier Record-. • '
•• ,A 'Moderir:Sop"teles.
who work on one ,Ot: the
• tobaceearms. in loCalitY•• t
---Tatirptise byreeeing-a-Yining Man-41tin
ve •poiinds o! extracted honey in r•tO
'irifillites. Woh'tho. heti' the bet b
g e drank thelve.poihicts fiv.e
minete!, the:owner. Was to, 'eve: hini
pounli.. ::. ,.the ',Young geatleinan.
.• eould not drink the hohey tithe
Set he Weate.paY•for.the-liviF'.-Poinids
• He Won.' Congratillate hIIfland
tie:fs still feeling •line.-7-pennoek Ite
In •Tilisenberg:Newe, : , • .
,..` . • .,•;
' _ ' •
qriPOPUIpr 600101139
Minnesota -u ,who wen tn
orn-on-the-cob 'Cliarciplefishib• by eai
Ln k i50'; sate aimuldn't be, surprised
• -he doesnl -get AnY•ini,itetiorit:tireerti
,roatts.-7-Hamillon Spectator
. .
. iv„ o ,calgorr. -thq" quality Qf
,Nylligh: *RS relt.ch. ;that :PlirP4ASer
•ettld he wile through with: New Brims-
WiCk ahipPete,•Publicity alse given
to ccimPlainta.ftoni. the.,Weet
Np.W. potatoes for export are inspected.
The PrePet gredag. of P,Blilgs:`,..43- 410-
Pr.witio.Od -',7120;-IlIca' Will
be true 4.014'414y trade .111•4144aeth,
64 arg afloPtg , •
The bely hope qf soccesain expOrt
trade is hinging:hp ii.,tepatatien. for
aii* for, falr Paint
• ,Iehn Telegtaph4pernal. •• -
• •; • •ti7jE EMOIRE.
ynkleg Up the' poiles,
The sehezne to link up StOtiand yard
wjth:, the :protieelal pollee and"„Ceit-
tinentai^. force'd 'hes., teen •cletinitely'
launched by the .1-toMe Office.:• OelY
'Co-ordination Of every pellee• ;force
country it pesSible-te deal
•SucceSSfully with; the daring' modern
iminal,. The_organia„atien.. of the en,
derWorld, whip)). is often on niotienal,
and poinelintes an internatiohad, Scale,.
can only be fought withan'adectuate
• ter organization: Lendog Daily
Mail, ' •
fs-said that had ilpropliet Sere
•miat beet' alive to -day, he would. in all.
prebability hate remained iilent.in the
seclusion of the wilderness. There are
somany problems, evils and calamities
that the task of cursing them all weind
hate oyertaxed his talent. for veliem,
eat Init.pibus 'invective. — Edinburgh
Seotsinan. , ••
• Changed touthiek In India •
The evidenee of the, sinderRY" °VIM,
tish intention in the matter of eonsti,
tational .progrest for:India has at
lehgth pvereonne•thelerees of, colleen-
trated and teellY-Prepagated
• Misttust . The VieereVa own repeated
e arations of keen symPathy with In-'
.Goodbye Comebaele '
• •
. Jack Sharkey, former world's heavyweight' champion, refits on the
repes when Kingash Leyinskyre tushes -him, with furious attack, .
, • ,
'. Rebellion -of 1837.
.. . ..
Norfolk ,enuntry,§ 014.qnt , al,tizen,
• Mts.: Catherine . Sage, . of ..• Stincoe,
bniario,-recently eetebrated her 100th
,hirthday. • njOying Splendid 'health;
, wit , good eyeeight - and tearing, • she
h 7 ' •
Appreadhed the :4Pntury •,.mark with,
Pieta ,teffilment have '• had specially
•telling effect. — Louden Daily Tele.
graph."' ^,• •
Polly: Smith Her f t
• youth. ,She. was'. •born Glanfora;
fiear ' Hamilton, ;Avg.' •26, ";•1833, the
daughter ;of' Francis G
. Rare Spectacle •
• •''•
'The„ yeling" • dava• ry. subaltern .was
shOwing an•elderly auntround the bat-.
racks'. !The ofdladY became confuS•ed by
many references teniilitary tleelinte jt.
es, but she gamely det• erraine,d' to. a.th
ear--to•-•take.:An-APPriciatitabiter-eit iii;
sad the' Sub; .'0pOinting..to. .the distant.
landscaint; "is'oUr polo field:" • "Ahl
lady", -„Peering through -
her glitsies; •04ez1 think.. there's. no
more. .beantiful ;eight than 'el•field. of
,Wairf.140 pele,"-,--Spertiagand;Draniatie
(age itiaCkSrhith's Nein, Art 'in
,ener :ux and
her , to
...Upper, ;Canada_ from..Quhe.' , She
..was tpP..pdond: yoUlixtuit .fam0i,
tf. 10; .1 .. ,
• . Although 'oily...four .years:of..rige
at the'' outbreak •ef.: the Rebellion 'of
.:.1837, 'she. can.".renidelher, • seeing. red -i
' 'Touted .-soldierk:Passing.".lier7-:tatiter'a
She came" 11) • Nortelk
•when quite y.o,untg,..'making, her heftie• r,
,ivitn a inartled.,.aister at ,Delhi,..Onf.
that. liinea•thelattily lilted; in: a'
,rade,loeliciate in the wood; • in .COn7.
stani from u. and
,iiiatitticliag :• • • .•
. .1.850' lieeame, the :bride of
Iluise11.78:. page, and made per henie
Burford? On. They 'enjoyed.' more
than $9. ''year,a, -'of. !tartlet, ,ita, Mr.
ge: They," had. :six
ldr,et.); whons..4te: dead With
exeeptien Pt, Mrs. Will Hambly
R,4kfOrct ()ht. . .
Mrs.. 'Gage •seeMa not t� ' her
reMatkable. • 'L never thought
111. my grandfather 'lived th!,be.:101;,.
-"PlOtherWas,.9): .when she. died
and I 'believe MY:,•'father Was •-eldee
.than- that.1".1,Slie, Made: the rather'
'reniarkabie stateplelif deethot
find • her. age; particujarly :.*desitable.
becenie ienely,'
filehde 4te.gorie,, and'.r have. on
d all but one 'of ' My children. ' '
rs, • :Gage. has .41.• ;gtand-children
•3y great-.grandehlffiten. • ;
• - •••
of hand-,
made "painted fronifork has • already.
sayed Maey, village smithy ,frOna be- cul
ing chied .*i.arnietir sack the
irOaWOrk teaChed;tik. item 'the cont.ini
en • Now eareens,' and 'waif de•
. cotations--rivaling:0- 'the • hest ',Wench
mitififfip-,,ate being
. made by bleekazilithaln-"D
:shire,: 13ecifoPcidltird.eiati:liertterdsliite,
• tinder' the. .g uidance. of ;English artiste.;
, Daily • Telegraph. .. • • , •••- . • .•
• For there than. halfa .tentiity•-• ab,
breydated, tern' of tha
name• of th
Pa. ;Anglesey ,village, tjailfairpwilgwYegY.
• IgegetychwYrndiebenlilandisiiiogoge
• 'oehhas been Used at the railway st
tion on the tondoix-Holyhead • line' o
e . the 1.441.• and,S. Rallway,-; but last wee
!the. naine was blaioned an a. phi
f : .entdAtt:'In.O•;,. .' This' le•undets toed t
, •
.b. n honor . of. the ,visit Prieee
Geotger.te."the reside'n.ee of.;1,Ord.Ang-
iesey, Thanaine is genie). onliy,.shett-
•ined ted,larifeirpWllgwyegyll, meaning
..hazel peel," :to Llanfairir.g.; and even
to ilinfair. • The tull:tiAile. contains
• 073 lettett.and 19 syllabieS.,-,— LOndon
" !Times.
• .;
a- and
Toronto.-- -Bok•H: Cnred
• After ,paorn Pronunced
TOrouW.--Tilmn, to tinsPjtni,i,4i vc
tiM of tetanus, a month .ago, With
only three hours to. live; Ilinuqd, KO-
rigan, aged '12, hes. been discharged
frOn 03a:hospital. ter sick children7,
tnied. •. • • •' • s'
,fut: athlete, JVhd• was finite a 'boxer
, , • •
his weight, 75 'pounds, •dre 'els:
triet..; 'A week prier. to his collipSe
$3$'909:t!.1•:::4'11'1"‘ap,blilini,11:-,esh"ilar.eniDecla.re$ 'Sorperville
ge1135W0ed.-dberlie • and ColtiBloodeci Golfer
wq..t.Q.F,Algl'il4f7e,,lAta Grey Chaplin ar ,
Or 410.9'1 on their two,childrea diftleg D w t
nt. n.worfygf. pont .ovnr:., ton luv4htuout Best Shot
Says maker AnfOtgl.41..•
speet 515,841.04. on Charles Jr.. eight '
Altheilgh. P,elthet `was. in,„eeeft; whetil (betarlo gelfet _was .fortunqte
the 'accounting was. made, ,attorney4 papg,„,tlefaat. in ,e,a,ch-,-oe lia
V,04,904•1 niatehea •WrSOUpsd4:.. 04164,
.gbaplia'S•"cOonSet assail Oli•ertd1,
qUesttiming is .an Outlay of '5086. ter
polleeptoteetion 'for
W•as O.*.soy.
'Phe et • the items. that.: .Will. escape_
(Opt from ;kidnappers.- ,
, , •
"peardrInd, roper" ,for 'the „childrea,
rdepire 5270 nienth. each, ,the'lie-,
counting.`disCi4s04.- eingle7 haircut
. Was *ten' et. • A,..gutotreau tr$0,.
:cost neatlY 57;000,, Wad ,Orki Of. a 414.!Xt-
beir,. Of Pleaaare $0',inits., the boYa en -
The 'boys. wny4:, not without legal
counsel. Their tnethet listed $3,488 for
•CO.O:14", .04-/"Ahla Attorney•.EdwinT.
N10.14arraY,..Mra, Chaplia's Uncle.
The.,'•eipentlituree were made from:
Somertille's dVeat wet- ileither stir,
'and $17,153,05 on • Sidney' Earl, Beyer). prisieg uer: shoeking. he i„i'endoe
doting bis two rounds^ Someryilli
looked like .Oertain, loser; •hut, each
time a great comPetitive spirit carrie4
blm on. , StiletlY • off his gaine,:".• thil; • •
samdy-Intfred. Canadian. kept buCkfine, ,
diaster. ;Twice, on Wedfiesay, be ,
went, to extra, liOlea to 'teat. his:6
poeents„. but It. was.. pertain tb,•
same thing coule-hotskeep. hap •
He 'finished the ThurE3day
rophd" two. dewn and he Joal.
two end, one; , • ,•'
Selnertille is ' hat' goed •putter, •
Ile was. a had putter in thig tootna,'
meht, anti he. was . off 'With his tea
shots and did not .conttol
In the heavy ram yesterday afternoen
he hooked' his firet drive about 30
yards off the fairway atul, pleared the
A .$2 0,000 -trust 'fund ChaPlin ste•b:' tglrireeeeldwoWitnkWIlithis 01.87eqhQouldeclelt(4•inb:;liale•
hshed-August 19; 1927,' when he and: • ' • if hi •• t k Th • fite't thai
iflaWife7,1rieie7LadiYojAr_ree:ri-tid` • Pad( • he. 171eoestt. try, :00. "2,,cilsorsae !as...ntargieu as two
Moose and Bear tame . . .
'the .1.4antentid
• • , •
park. that mototiettl. end • tOurfsts
lietiT. Ire, so
valor, • • .
, •
Semerville, :is an excellent golfee,
He has , poise.- , He . is deliberate and
calehlating.. He has perfect bohipett
vialt the. pariveport beingtit t Maker. Tommy Armoar says be is
live tediperament, -He is a good :abet,
o get
the "-coldest:blooded" golfer' who
tbo near thesw aniniale,. and of,litivitig been , seen In national coMpetition ..
to back' away. from them; to get good
yiettires.. i • ` . :. . , . • . Sloce.:Walter Hagen' reache1 ,the top,
. . The- pioirmetal ': 6Overniniint .0 • ilts Iinee.,,41sitiiwe;4-54t7s71:heotit 1,1,,iialike'rli:31..n7i1Vel .'°a•Yinea....!: :
inbyrepr:QthliieliitPixalrgk flarnearalnulsnlatthe'ltrein,*abunid : tent: field., but. 'gall' It Hugon' could '..,:.
ill. visitors aro.. lieurehed. ' . " : . not vibil when he failed , to keep hie •
tee •shote on ,the line and 'when :hie;
• Numerous. meose• and bear' are rit•
, . -putts were anywhere .from three feet ,
ported in the park, but .,e,s they.liave to four indhea Short. -ThaeIS what
never heard the 'sound of_a .guii,' Sad - '
.w,reeked Somerville.
•'The: wiSe Men ot. golf said .that Lite
have ••never beenmolested, it Is nco,
of ;animal trollhig `..4lone file •hlgh.
ways that afforid .theane of comMix-
hication 'through the perk";
, , . .
rs yo - .
lessneas. who I,at SOMorvilla la -titiS 4 `.. '
!eli ,a.aopt. :tt,eraily?';.nagmei.in.ithi;Nive:0.1.:::raiitle.7h..i:oeca.:44dethoitxti, , .• ,.
'front tire .disease 'he .hadjiiiriPed from. , DraStie meisureaschliTgve
wego.n Ori o a garden rake, ene Of ed o prevent po , is. what happened.. with his ep.d.u4 be-
tfiVFteeth. pasSinethrou h thetightm• . - , :traordlnaryleautioue wililo 11.!n youth, •
, , • .,.
fprot,.. Wheil.adeCter Wiellrially.ealled ,,,A.Aii....e!itisin'e i.s. • ' . fili.°PP°I"Rt'lja4F(I'airay
- ;He was 'Unconscious for a. week,
With RaCilrwedayittd Boost • ' - ' '
..,---,—..... ,. .
tetanus had set in, ` ••• •• .' • • l• ' ' ' • • • • • ' •
----X^ XI. Cebill, chairman. Pensrons-* ..' C
AWE.; :loeked, and debtors' aud: /*sea ' elv .
'lira..., It .wale. settd at, the liespital dila Missouri Kansas -Texas ' Railroad. Ale- eCtiVe C .
• Or
-Workek-SevetisblY,,oirer Abe,- :eV the board and. -President of .
,Wesapperently the only, ease of•recov- elates :that 'ari eggresSite neitaPal)
The. reaewed.- Pephlarity
• „eit from sett' an advanced 0stage • ndibrtiking etinipaign, figured 'pre
Thirty thousand•units. ottetarius ineatly.,',1a. tratile -Incteaseiln„.4ing
runi were injected ,apd•on."....three.:occa-. and"titiring •the first. 'half Septe
sions• the boy's heart . stepped; .be.. •ber,'•• • • ' .• .:••• • • • ' •
,reVived. oxygen administered ; itueldeag.attrieted to the 11.
itessifte'.of not less -than 200••poutid.s1 as, it• result 'ot. tat:. adtertising.•• pi
There. was wide ° interest in .. -the eie!. the. imiirthremerit. :in. the ....birinne
in niedleal • " .". •sititation 'and the ...se' ecess• of •Onr.....0
m. Ne'fff Set-up of 'Admin.:, •.
• • istration
ea • taWa.-4/0tiee[ contairied in Ike
. Amendments, to Act Requiri3
current Issue of Canada' Gazette that.
28. amendments to the Pensions Act wOuli'•'.
.• •
.Lord :gitincannon, Cast.. - that.the..road • lieu • ". • • ' •"i • '• • a' bluer •C"''.'
come into force on Oct 1 next. Theis
Ploy.e) -solicitatiort move • t
• aniendMents • requirea drastie :Change
ed; ize, the tietqfp of . pens oti , in c y,,
. Romeo
aka*. fgo,. able to... earn
as • meo awa aY charges:" he self!. •
. x and .reorganization. has beeit40111,5,„9r..
wait a- week•with.nb, official.atinounce •
'•Otta)va.--Lord buneartnoti, sen "of • •• • •
the; Opyernor-deneral, will te:east •dri
d,Ood . ' •
Inent Coining 'es Yet.' '
the part Of Remee In..Sliablespeare"s • • A••• ,Season -.The• did, hoard. of Pensieh "cOnlinite
• 7 •
Roineo•:'..and Ify the.• ' ••• :RePort.
. , . !LOnerd.ot. th:ren. in'exutiern iv111..benoms
Ottawa :.4eague`, here daring
the Oliristmaii vacation.. ;The : sup-
porting cast Will be drawn front . the,
prineipal theetteS pf .Canadi.
11aPert ,Hatvey, • Mie of the., fore-
• ShalcesPearean• producers in
the \United, Hingdom, •be girest
Otodueet. ' Ile • visited. Canada' last
season as adjudicator of. the Domin-
ion. drama 'festival Onipetilions, :••
• • t • •
Molars ,Prove:Good 13ait. .
k ,,The„MeSt cle,ngetous;•.a,nimal. in he . '.Freepert • Tex —When a •:beit tilea,
-• -Milted States IS the mai With uit ninO,': th.ii fin.h,- that's:. newS... .. l'pr..: Sop', 'Wm-.
0 bon and a-de$Iits, tO- peas a nen; law...,-!--,-. moat, 'Dallas ' .,:delitisti. • Went'
, .
Herbert floe:yet: ' • ; • kingflah Off...•thia tiett and used 'a, calk
:lection of • old , molars attifi Olaf. genii)
St:lidded. with lipoitt,„ the who] e . inciiiid,-
ed 'together; • ; to „make . • several • ; big'
.. .
. • - ' , ,eatelies . .
, Use of Hattuner
:13a4a.41; Of:14anSirig, goes'tbja
e .pse •a Aimee • '
• faitillY car when. MS wife fold him -he
could not drive it. A harnmer sheuld
hetet- be. used for that ,pitraose. •It
was for driving nails the'Weirs
• Of "tented' hoilses and fey. Operating inf
• the ,firet.batCh bi tea biseelle whieli
• • the bride hakes, Stratford, Beticen,
• -Herald. , • •.
- ; Ttto•Predictions.•
,;Olie doctor Says that • predigekte• d
0. food in. the. fature make: teeth hie-••
.• tiecessary, While aripther,prediett that
'100 year S .toethache be iih• t
kno•Wfi --.Ncirth pay 'Nugget
• „
..• 4-lardly 'taw Him. •
....'.!Ifites'tared at m," she coin:Waffled.
rd ,eYebt.oive
and A ,greY- felt' Ifittged a mole Ott his,
: and a bow a .stilt and a gray tie
• And lie 'looked ithie it'he -wanted'
to take '/O oVOryt hie g vote -4,7;6A rade
'•fellon..rotoittoistar; „ • '
. • 4vidultUte in .New '
.A.:,hopeAtil• sign of the:4101es '-is:•the-
•'eVidenCe Whieli„OPpeatt ftelid thee •to
•BranSiel4k ate"Payiug, mere attentimi
to the quality of Wheat,they stae.te.
outside Markets.. The latest'iittstra
tionernilea trout •e,arlefoii • detiiitY
Where there dere an d for CniUlk
.ifetYt iriSpectiee et hay: It it afitieV
3 'that. better .ptieei Pretail
;this y4tir if the fatmets OPet,ate- and
..bompulsory s lie etion &Mead
• ,. PrOVidatt • •
thither Of ypait • itgri ihisruettes-,
iumee told 1.;•s tettilLP4 the 'story cit ie
•'Carload,. of potattiedrOni 'this proirento,
• • . •
Oid Enough •-• .
94-Yeateild Mao has inst.`, ieeived
at: Woffoid Ccdie'ge, gnat.-
tarisburg,.. S.C.,. 72 •Yeart afterhe. ffrat•
entered. th.e".;scheol, iti
vieWingpresPeellye employers he,,Wen't
be teld.he 'tap you:1g .for.the
,-Les.1,ingelea '
45..iventiria, to Gzve
UijDuty ,Cuts.
• • . •
clauses ••., Of a,
stiviilelnehtarY .of the Brit
trade :agree ment are efek'
hooted to be tonifileted seen,. ,"
• The ehitiset g.r.tint 1.3ritala.towet
tu2;itii; , ' •
...13r!tiA,Oact Argentine' delegates diet.
ISt We'dk" to Cott:line' dtafting., the
elatises/ • , ." •
The Senate' has apPrOved :by vOt6,
Alortgage,.idoratorliiiii 1111 detil 4
eld..farmer's ahrl other •PrOliittoets,
Mistress' Nained Bene8ciary,
, In'Servants WiH
•,iramli10#0 leave pro-
pertSr to, my &xi mittress, MO: tale,
for het sole use and benefit."•
This 1i/40ed•,A111,'publithed rbeeht,
was inad'S 'by a" doinestic set ten t,
Miss Panny tlita ROWe, of tligGrove,
Ttilintotit•,She'dieti /rist•Surtal leaving
Business, to revive,- mutpraise
new 'Methods; adopt neii principles
and -develop , new mind.--Adolf.,Ilit,
•ler. •
• • Co.bourg,i-,-The outlook for•Pheathint: '"•° PPnAn.3n:. cemthissieziera.:..".
shooting this.; foi.. clalizied to ' be DO
with not less than'tight and not Imre
per cent. ;hotter than, last :fall. ilbOk
ing, through, Northomberland .county
'today,, :.great,' number of flecks. ,Ot
these :birds Were,. seen leeding. lie• the
fields. wheie .graighlid heeh taken off,
hut. PlentY had been deft .pn,the ground
to make !good 'pieking thee birds.
'The farmers are. dissitished .the 'Way
Rte....Government diandled , pheasant
•Sheeting :last' ;yeet;.'• neatly all farina
*00 Placarded; Prohibiting . trespase,
Ing,ty...-hunteta,, but it 'did not stop
the; hunters.; The Covetninenk had
'hundreds of fristfeetors ,th:See:that'
all hlinters were carrying a,..licenSe
u ey did not tnake an. eft t
keep. ahoetera front sheeting °A prep-
, , •
ettlet that • Were displaying ,ptohiliit-
Pry-notices, the farmers state.
•LlOyd 'Geer& In Peaceful Aole.
• , • t
P6tIlth Clogrge hag. Jog uhVeitp4 'a, tit OpOilal .t� 4,OWIS Carroll, ." IOW thaetTe'
hinfoushitit Itlihretifil • "AricVnnkrlArid fii. aix ‘ftlOt Mouhnient atittd's at Lia tLthb Wa el!
than .twelvainembers. the travelling
Petishinjr,ibuinil nifiememliers ,
be the Benaions..40-
;peal court of thtee"MembeiS will re, "
made a pelt Of, the eystem.-
It is understood that some difficulty.
itt deelding..thes,.heceStary:, appoint-'
mente.has held Up itorganization bet'
the 'activities of tbEi trIbutial ..o.eased.
°yet; Week .ago .aes"0yeral, pf :the
members have already left for 'their' •
hemee. , The expe.etatitni. is.that allthe •
'feimer •Ctunrnissipfiere who wish,
he •aliSerbed neWpeesioa. eon):
inisslOn . and. some ,,Of 'the :menthets ot '
the, tribunal niay 'recel ye eti• •
_.Attendiince_LReCord. sa-.
••At.Sonth Waterloo
' Aist ,ne. the
South, 'Waterfo,o Agricultural Society"
held' receritlY Dickseir Park was the .
best' in its tiatorY, With' a "recOrd
,tentiente eleSe to.10000. The 1144.
show Was the: feature. • Thie4' rings,
were kept going, • all afternoeir and
every' class was well Tiled, one for •..
green: l'hingert ito less than '
exittlei.• Horses; Caine from all ;over'
the Provinee. Other ilstocit dassps • ,
were well filled :also.
Lad)! Clayten :killed...
. •,
As Plane Runs Amok
East-Cinyfort, '.noted yourigamatefir • •
pilot and the widowofthe expleter,
Sh 'Robert Clayton-East,dayton, wag,•
'killed recently in an nituinAl airplane
aetident, 'here , ' ' , ' .1, .• I •
• , A:4 she ••was• enterhik• the plane
• stetted 'up. $40,..trie4 despetetely
elimb tia the illaehine
rapidly geedtspeed. Was . into „ •
t� the gtoned t/leitiltly. At the plane '
..t.try)160--olfelttle4:1145,§e;.--het' slc,ell' -
• fractured, ma ;she' died. shortly aftet •
beiug takeh te a'llesPitrilf; • "
• • , Ittre '
,NeVer fancy yeti Could be tent* ..
'thing if ,only yea pad 0. difti.itent
and spitete 'assigned •
retY thinks that yim irieSt d`efireCtilk.
es fatal Itni'itatfcitts !•of bstittj
are•iiitbahlY „What Yon, Mott Want;
What .SPOti: tall it n draft ••
discoutagetnenti, are tit bittify
• •th
• •P
• sh
• of
• to
'ft I