HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-05, Page 3N•
• pungent Pielqee,
q44e4t P•mt P1,111,-
44 Vegetables at alake wholeagm• e
;Meals need just A Ouchof a Ruzigent•
, .spicyreligh to add ,ges,t tothe menti.
• _Very of teka w .ebbs P1c14e tOe3r:
,•,'"be Served with inent•or fish in Place ,of
' a special:1Y prepared sauce: • A 'baked
fish, oat niight Otherwise demand a
'partieular.`A'dcourP'antritent. ad& the
„Outer thetP it lac1cs,. gains piquancrY
; from pickles that are •,:redy., to Serve
; vdthout eXtrA effert ••
So since the:piekjing; season is"with
us, again, we ere glyilik:YOit the recipes
*a Piece Pt PlUsill)
'tty4lite§.4 Add .cucunibers and cook,
ten *ftes Re'move encumbers -to a
.stone j,ar, olia pour over the _syrup.
Scald syrup tAyee stic:ceaSiVe morniugS
and 'retura'•
,, 'Chopped PlORE0
4• qiiirtS chopped.green. 'tomatoes,
cnp saa 2 te.p.syocin..s.p'eppei,," tee:,
'spaaris' .each ptiOtatd„ eltina,man,
SpieeAnd clOI"ep, ¼ cup t1ijte atikot4id.
seed, 4 '4Yeen'PoPPerS; sliced,, .2 c1100.,ett:
-bniOns, 2 quarts. vinegar. • - ,
Add :salt .tor, tornatoeS, igever;Jet
stand 24'1ourP and ran .Add slakes
, •
belew in ne:lione,.*at- Some of them: .tQ__ylnegar.--end, lioat to botlingrpOint,
• jitst..-tile4,hind-Of-•-•relish, you, andcQo1 ttes after boiling point
'want" to add sPiee and pen .to your • is reached. 'Store in jars, and keep in
mea1o.. particularly during the long
•winter to come, .
• Pifty.'euctimbers.,three to. four inches'
•fa. length,' 1 quart omall.,:wbite:iiriloni,
clip, Wh1e mustard seed, „ 1/3
• c'ele, or seed; olive.: oil, .4 table-
.' 7. 44,7117•01,t _
'1 quart vinegar, horse raaigh' root.
'Wash • • and wipe cueunaberg; peel
! onions.. ...Pat into' a. largeseroch.and
• ,'•• cover, with, a .,strong brine; .tiging 1Y2'
''sialp8 I salt, stand overnight. In,
the morning, , drain ,aid. shoe': both cit.:
• curnbersf, . aflc1 oniOnS • Mix xnuarard
• seed celery Iseed, stiga4, ao.4 PoPPer
With' Vincgin• ana 8tie. oota :i.ugar. Is
diri.seti,e4; ...(4radually-b,eat.4n-
• ..,elided cuctimbers and Onions in A.large
crock•Or 'sterilised .jars and •Cover top
•,..witk, horse tadi S.W.:root: Cut, In slices.
Pear over th.e vinegar and Olirrificture
to:cover. • Seat jars. Or: coter crock
Weighted Plate,. and keen 'in a
a cool plaCe..;• . • ..
SI:tallish Pickle's. •
1, peck green tomatoes, thinly rilice&:
,allspice berries 'and pepper,'
corns, .% cup brown' mustard seed, 1; ascentlancY. "Travelled as far as misi•epary journey..
lb.. brown sugar 4 .green peppers. finely Phee. joia." An Ancient cOuntry ,along, • ' •
Sunday Sellool
Lesson 111;--Ociober 15..--PADL IN.
A .19-30;
'Ooldqo..Text-,-Fet. I. aryi. not aeham-
ed of the..90"spet; , fot, it rie"fbe
PO,W.Or- 9t 0,941 ' liSlvestion to
e:ycry; One , Plat ben:eV:eel; to . the
-flrott. "andatsq tQthe,..'Oree.k.
16;; • • •
. . • • •
jannarY ?4, A.D. 41; church. at..4110,.-
oth• founded, ,A.1). .38,41. Batnabas.
gees,to Antioch, A.P. 42. .$.aul! gimp:
,to. ;Antioch, ,,sent to
j'ernaalein by 0,1•11 arid Pernabas
44 or`45.' Rethrn of SA.U1, andliarna-
bas; with -Mark -id Aritiach A.D. 45
•• '1)4CP-Atitiee,b.;
` '
c'They therefere that We'r'e'cotarq,ct
abroad upon the tribulatiOn- that arose
ablaut :Stephen?, The. --martyrdom, of
Stephen wao only the beginning of an
increased. PerSecutien of the, Chris-
tians. Led by raging Saul, the: satt-
hedrin and ,its'myrrnidens -increased
their bitter attaci1s on..the dis.cipless of
!Jesus deterinined rapt out the tell,
ened their own- eVil gains and haleful
ThP:t, is ,affecting all the* vitt not
crops should fai ,•onnnitane-
OnolY °all lands. "Which, Came to
• pas. in. the days a ga.1.14ip..s.- There,
• were terrible famines, as _llistory re-'
lates, in maity.,plaCes. dtiting the reign;
;of, Claudius, and JoseRhuS is that
;the famine' was very severe, 1.4 JuotrafrO:
the gVerY -MAW AK-
cl-rding to his •. •yed
ePac4telid, Mtahn°Ac'wcioserdin7iteerhiliS171-11')Ctett. f•r"bTra9
eaCh man according to his ability.!'
That W,,aa the_ good old principle Pf
the tithe,and no' better PrineiPl!e . of
gOidvieTidg' it:hiaas.lfin,Ylecal'el'ieriddeillet6ivirae(iiii?a7i-
saie "Determined to .Serid, re
lief unto the brethren 'that :dwelt in.
'Judaea." The organization Of . the
Phristiari ehurehbegan with this
frig 'of to the poor, tne ApPointinent
fiflbe fit deaepos.,_ •
• "Which Also. -they did sending it, to
theeldersi."' The. oMeer,S Of ;the eru
saipi,o14.174,.violilit responsible-fOr
Jts "wise. dietribution; "33Y. the hand
of ,BernaloaS' and,Saut," They.did'Ot•
..'Send'aune'rclinate i1/4'orkers; 1t digni
,fiect ate :etrand liOnored.the
mita •of their bounty by son"ding by
their pastor:.'
"And lIarnabas .and .Saul retut•ned
-from 'Jerusalem, when 'they:
• Ailed their' minigtration, 4k,leg with
thein John whose surname was Mark."
This 'John 1A'arici the Christian who,
propably under the stniervision' of
•Peter; wrote the, second GCSPol• 'Ile
was the, Son Of Mary; the epusie of
Of "Blit,cbaki and Paul, 'Am their first
....••••rn-r•-.9r•-•.--...„ • ,
.Tonr'lynx ;41,:Nip,* Series-s--404raPte
Nes For. Canadian- Progratio,,
•ceel. •plaCe, '
' ••• , Dresden Relish
TVelve,sWeet red pepper% 6 sweet:.
.-greetiperipersk 6 medium •sig,ed onions,,
2 , tablespoons • salt,' •i%. cum.: Aght,
'brovro sugar, 2 teaspoons 'White :nths-
:tard seed,. 1tahleSpoon. ;celery. seed, 3:
;cups Vinegar.. , • •• .. • •
'ReitieVe;Aoas peppers,' peel
,okicuis .atid. put fall •thrmigh food .cliop-•
'Per.- 'Put' into colander and pent. sei.t-
boiling :water Ihr_ough:
serving.leattlf with yinegar.'Ougars oalt.
. . . .
. . -,ntrksPices:-.111rintrtolioiliziegointand;
CoOlt stOWly' ftOM :1' te, 2.,,hourg, • Until
'•••• thick. , jars: Store.
fit, a . dark, .,cool place. • • • " .
BIt and Horseradish • 'Relish" ,
. , „ .
F�ur 'cups chopped. cooked ,beets, 4
; cupgihreddedronlyhage-itliT-onp--grated,
harSeradiSh, .-1 cup sugar, 2. teaspeeng.
Sprinkle alternate layers ' Of Willa -
toes and onions with. salt and let drain
and put,4na preserving .kettle, adding
remaining ingredients, using enough
vinegar, t� cover all. Heat gradually
to boiling pointand boll one-half hour,.
.•Chow Chow .
•-••1 botirt1 by Jewish PreIndicos, an4 more
Two quarts small green somatees, bagei to share their. CTitistian bles
,2Lt- ineri-of-other7-race
12.'antall. cucumbers '.3.,r
CaOlflOW9r..g /11111946 'PM..e.rye.' •,1.111:.13ililt ofCyprus and •Cyrene.'.' Barnons
small onions. .2 "cflo.'strfn,g, beans, 14. .wasts.it�fl of CSk011a, ho,- when
lb mustard ,geld 2 oz tumailcy oz ;.they were Come to AntioCh, spake. unto.'
each of AllspiCe, pepper and clov,e,..salt,,
the Greeks also' ThenobleGreek'
1 gallOrt Vinegar.
• • language .was s'poken • all over Syria
CYPtts,'!' . The large island' in thei T -T
'nettliiastern-Tportion of 'the Mediter-
repeat "And • .Antioch.": The capital
of Syria'. "Speaking the word to none
, 'S
Save otily.to Jews," • •itiklio
!111.4 therewere somethem". 'Presentations
They were Jews whOlad lived abroad
among the • Gentiles, and so Were is 4 -.4! -"t1 -*-•-•-•*•""1!-•'?
"ttgro- Nvir S•ertes
„ t• Ore• Mix's ',colorful career •the inetiOn•Piciatre camera and
co' puUer,80Idier' al14 a15',S. ,S1Wrsha1• real is -being dramatized before •
the microPbette. • -7, • • ; ' - • ' _ • '
7 Holy, •ighOse Olotibn pietafe roles astrvities"fd real life ' lave
been 'equalli tirillThg Was sltht by bandits. whilb. „enforcing .the, la*" on tile!
,Weotero plalns wounded "by, the ..P3.1011Y.-#1 tjre s 0-Xld starre witb'
his farriOns Iscir,se, Tony, before the, 'camera, will terin. (he baSis...ot the. broad,
:casts, each of which YiJ1 tell a complete' story.
• • IVIix's .owri 'adventurotta career, tally as Animated as any of WS, liereeu.
• rdles, began -when be helped to round no snipers as a 'scout in the7Spartisl1T •
• American. War. He fought .1n. China during the Boxer uprising andwag
badly injured. 1,ater he was with the British MPS' in 'South Mrica „during' '
•the Boer War: • ' .•
Mix's first idea to enter then1oYing pleture' business cattlete him after
winning the title of Champion Steer ThreWer Of the: 'World •At a Seattle .•
round•tip. .1n, Hollywood he became one of the! sorPOWS. gratest• stars, andU
todarla. knowirt-O- motibii-Picture;goers 4d- every ,'nation in the World; :Aix
came to the uderoplionefor his new series Septet)* er 25. '
Z.* • '
' 'Prepare Vegetables and an small
pieCes, !cover with salt and let -Stand
2.4.,:bOura; ; drain; Heat vii,tekar. and
spices to .point, add' Vegetables
„. .
gait; teaeDoon, pepper, 2 eups.,vinei
, 'The bet. ire Cooked. Until tender,:
.di.pped `cold,Water; to. slip Okins and
Measured:after Chopping, -.Combine all
• Angredients.,ilsing •enough- vinegar to.
dover,..mixture, •Bring. to the „lso ng
•.point rind'WO vinegar.' Cork while hot.. ' .• ••
throoghogt wegtern. Asia,
• Kilo-
• 291 1030'
.. 291.
• 322
.. 22,7
CFRB,,'Toron..o 43,
CICA.C, Montreal 411
CKCR,'' Waterloo 465
'CRCT.' Toronto 7. 312
• Rita:LIDA •
'CKN.C., Torcirito
CFCH. North Bay.
• CPC°, Chatham' •.......
OROO, Ottawa. . • • 1010
1 ,sed 'to' "Jews,'':. the gepero term cr4c$C,•, Hamilton 475" ' ' 1010 •
f‘Oentiles"-ii: Meant. CKPO. Preston, 341 .930.
."And . the ''hand ;Of the Lerd,. was „SpKBLTW,*;i:Wartidt4odr...14..9,n,1°.11; '
: ntra911-9-?:-P,r
• Lizitresi Pickles ' escribe the cOntrolling *Wet : '`KMOK, St. Lea's ••• • 276' , 1030
J010 '
• 690'
: 64$
where ",Greeke ire, 'OPekeii ofas ‘. • '.,1141411tP4' "r"'-'440: 890-
Christ A.T4 " d " KYW ohicago • • ' 294 '1020
• 'One gallon, vinegar, l'cup salt, 1 cup . • • • . . •WAB New • orls...
,• . . - ... •an o . "Andi great.. num.: .,i . ... " :::,:,349', 2 880.:
• -. ,- , ,... 1 ber that believed' turned, 'unto the wl.313 . ehietige ..:......:. 389 , 77g'
Sugar, 12 small. hot red. peppel 8, 1 gni, vv*I3EN, Buffalo ....... 3,33 .' ' 900-
. WGEt, J3,ufealo ‘.......... i 5,45,990 •
Wash Cucumbers carefulIt'ancl pack Wox, scheneatady. ........" 379: '. ,. -791)
them. in glean glass *jars.Mix 'salt, WRAM, Rochester ,..t: 261: . 1150
. , . , . . ,
94ar, mnsta.rd andpeppers, with, the
Littcl." These Greeks turned to the
Lord in believing, carrying out
belief, in obedience to the .cOnuriandw
of Chrig : ; '• • :•• •
, ,
custard geed, 2 gatio .0 cticurnberSA.Yg ,*.WEAF, New Yoii ......: 454 -
,,• . • • • WBNR, ChiCago .....,....345', '870 '
to 2'.inches long . ' . '
"WKBW.,, Buffalo 202 • .1480
22-26. ' , '• •
• WJ.Z, New_york 3. ,
Vinegar, fill Jai's to eVerileviiii with It: • ; •• . • • 'WJR, Detroit . ..y... 400 • 50.
•he-repor' t-cuneerni., ng .t1101-1 • • " '700
, dr place came to the• eats 'of, the ehtirch.".. Which wmAo,' Chic"° ".• • • 44767°
r..j.oru„ To -u -T• -
8t iU tWO was ra e rou
n , s e Travellers g
• WTA.M;' 1070
ht These programs are 'pab)ect to ch Ige
"Weelcs., • the news of 'the ekteneion..,Of Chris- itn t
. ..• Pickled Onions . • , tianity, to Gentilea. "And they sent • • ; '
4 -11 eel Intel), -wite onons • coverwithforth Barnabas as fat as "Antioch' ' . • ' • ' ' •
- hi
•• , , ' tHastern Dayligm Saying Time.)
brine,,:allowing one andne,half -cups. No more, suitable delegate c4u1a have p ' A ".• • '
salt to to quarts. bailing• Water and been found, for Barnabas wag a. na- 2.16,1 -the Playboys ... •, ••4. ‘'.1:Viroit
4 ., . oypros, brought, up amid Gep,... %op -Manhattan 11/00da...1....... it' . cFna
lot stain two. days. . Drain .and 'cover •tive, of••
surroundings-similar-4o ,those -of- ,3.00 -National Opera_ „Jj_.,_•.„...._...._.:,...CBCT_,
'filtirriibre biliferlefilizid-rdirra"-aifd 431°-
.JnmIe• 't Schnozzle' Parente of.: the "New York Daralltec slitt across ,
the studio floor and bobbed nirtindef-lhe Mike, miOe• and all. to make his
.first snansered radio appearance, ',Jimmie is doing thefill in until •Cantor
retUr• TUhSofprpaointlinglint114YrtoOt ft.li on
(.1‘ tite boards 0 b'uries' gut 4..
theatres an ,up-andceming: yOung. &uneaten: ; burlesque he went.'
;into vandeVille, and i was there..'tha.t. be becatnefamous'. throughout, the
• ' I
From Vaudeville; be went to New York night clubs Where he became the, '' •
layo.rite "of l the stak-Uplatel 'customers, 'Later Jiminie teak .hio, •selmossle:,•• •
and tog . capacity. fat 'insane coniedF.TO HolTywanNew -
Yerk:he was ,cast for .a leading rale • in "Strike,' Me. rink". Nevi- that
'proclitctidif-lias• closed after.a ucessfu run•. • .•'. ,• • *
Protaises New Names FOr Radio
. •
„ are. alWaYS_Alitereati.lii, • aa(L Ono, -
'Flerbee Randolpb Who hag ' been operating , the, "Theatre. of -,tha,. 'Ale' in'. ;
Toronto. will: *Oven, With.a, new -Policy; . . . .• . , • • ; • ; •
• ' .• 'Radio : is' playing ,tO snail part.. in the •"endeavqtir; One it'Is intended
to give to radio 'Iiit'eners• the lioest In entertainment.'•' The theatre
*pete,~artitirietlie end-. of...the teanth, ati-d4ratir-thcri-,o,*-A•arsof4-betliAlt •••
and, van:07011e. Will be heard freqUentlybroadcasting.: fram, the stage.;,,•
Canadians have been clamoring for • a, chOnce to air their 'talent. ;arid
WON,. they ,are ,to be,.gven the! .,opportnoityli • ;The. feature, Is „the . fad. that ,
,all the artilki are to pa:Cana:diem ' and ,'Forhes, himself belonging totbe• , .4
lVfakie Leaf isgoing to develop 'talent' Whit*he says ; be a.:a' gtted
any of the American artists, WhiCh•.un to now, have 'monopolised the ;ears:: •
of .radio fansaerose, the 11)Orainien." ; That's a .big .statement l to. make, but,.
Mr.: Randolph.: has been associated with the New toil sliow bius,inees ,for
twenty ears and he'ltnewe how' -names are•Imilt
CovAr• tightly storicol .. • .• ' - • ,•±
• •• *' •'* * ;•
. . .
. . •
dram 6gat.i. mote more 'and :Antioch. 4.00*-gYaniteehd°ranilVoPtilirr
brine qW1O, when he •was • cOme, and had llotanoe;1•, ▪ •
leen grace of Pod,;*Its glid.„:? He , EV Ash Orchestra
heat to boilingpeint; put'in oniena and_
sne boil three MitiuteS. jare inter- .rejoic thit tipt grace fGod' had been •.5'3 27., •101,1,,I; •‘• • :MS
.6.30 o ▪ .
':*.lth bits Ofile,ct:i...Wbite Pel- u n Gentile.;cotive#4..a§
•,..-Cloy.es, bits of ...bar leaf and .well Jewisht ."And he.-ekhOtted
Fill Jars to .eiTer, thein all. that with purr;e•,-_,;e'•6'f • 6.15-John.Relincy
.. .
redpeppr h-zrinegar, scalded 'with sugar', they 'woilld cleaVe unto the Lail:1;" "113).-31-r--11.)hil; "C°11ter " • 'erR13.
' 1V00 firPotit; * i191.11F4
gL,•411';' onk Bainabas that tlie-CLiti..41413,
- the heathen city of Antioch sdr- moss:mi. •' •
640.1 belling:hot, in. sterilizedjars. • • •
• :
;" SiTice
mediUM-Sized ripe. tematoes,,I. Peis•;•.
..per.."and: One onion,.. finely; chopped,
•cups vinegar,, 3' 'tableopoons sugar, .1
. tableepOpn. salt, t.eaonbene • .each 01
• 0004. :einnarrion, ilOpice,, and,
grated nutmeg: •••• ' :.•• ;
. • Peel•and ellee...finnatoes., '-f,nt: a-
pr'eserving 'kettle 'With 'rentaining. in-
• .gredients...• ;...Heat. gradually to: boiling:.
• •Point..and 'cook 'slew's, .two 'an& 'on&
• halt hanrs.•
Ripe Tomato Plek•le • .
. „
!°1 pints' tothatoes,, ; peeled and,
1 cup...Chopped. celery, •• 4 table-
• . spoons• each chopped.red-peppet and
;cliablied, onion; 4 tablesp,oOns,
•tablegpoons sugar, .6, tablespoOns ptus
• and' cinnemint'l'teaSpoot);:.grated
...Inez .2:cups ;vinegar,. ',, • • •
•• •-•:1Vilx.ingrediontS ortler.giVen. 'Put
'• Stoneijay and coVer; This inipaciked
. „ .
.' mixture' ntrist stand ,Week , befote
:Using; .1)1i t May be kept • year..,
, •
Cut ouctinther'e. id:halves: lerigtlivvise..
•.(ovet• . With' alum, „Water, all owrig `two
'teaspOafia Powdered: alum, to ',e.act,
quart of water.,, graduallY bOil-
: theft let stancloysersfewheat.,
•:. fee , or° hours. RetnciVe ;fram ;,',"1114tri•
• '•ivater and Chill in iee Water. Make a
•syi'ap by beiliitig' two. POtinda .su4ar,,
• pint yinegar,Utid 2 tablespoone .eadh of
• wholo: chives' _and,' stick ' cintiam‘n
• :green TOrriato.Ch:titney ,
• 'hall
.,peck.' green tomatoes, • .11
onions, '14, peek ripe ,tornatoes,'mit
pieces,' 4i.•doeii • sweet red pepper
cliOPPeds,':14 ibo..sugar., 2 tablespoo
ground 'cinnamon.' .1 tablespoon r
Tepper, 2 'fableSpoons cleves; ground;
tablesfloon,allspiee, ground.
'S1i4e 'finriatoes aild-ortiong,.plaCe
each.layer with s
and .let dram overnight. .In • the. may
ing Add.. tentaining ingredients; • cOv
Witlf"Viliegar-andebek:Utifft SOIL' 7S6
in'.covered .Jars, kore.pe less ‘sg.
inay,be used desired; also opiens.
; • Ideas,Abetit Pressini:• .
CO eti if
1%•.. ring Up the rd get
plq'uedresseg; preSs.thent On'the vvre
•, , • ..
. '
• Mien, becanse .1t, requires a- glossy'
. .
ViAND jEFE'-.. B:PD`•.P1811.E1.•.,
f'q 01)P-VICTOR8 16 y .30
COM?LFTht Atw A Al'100t, f.s.4414, •?:
ALL e/Olz,
:r 45$, `; $00,
lAtA $614t.
CLAS! • •
• • _
, Both. real and ',artificial silks
. •
irniktiarltS .very .eatily' and Sheitid• "be
ironed on, the',,wrolig Side; •
be Simplified:if, You...bear:1n Mind that.
.artificial silk shonkt be ironeO With ,
• cool ,iron and Obotild•he.:plaetically drY
befOrepreosind; Silks Shoat'. he• derby-
' ed slightly More And the iroh should
be a little .fietter; Cottons Should. be
'•darriped fairlY Well • ankI.lineris
datni);•Whil.e:a very bet „Iran
silOnld be ns.ed for'each, ".
• Starched' goods be thorough',
damn and meesed Ole*: with a
Very hot iron... '
• rotinded. with Many temptations.. ;•:: • : • ""
• tern]; • ipt: crowded 'With:-'hOnerahle
•meanipg. "And fug Of the Hoi$pirit
and .of -faith." • So Stephen isdescrib-
'edd (Acts •6':•0). "And Innen .people
was added: unto .the LOrd." Ihat, in
the case of ;Barnabio, 'anin: the cage
'of • Peter. Pentecost, was because of
the convicting' and convincing
Of. the' Holy 'Spirit. • Barnabas, seeps
t hale been older than Sag .and the
v;igor.„-of that ardent sou! was just"
_Whatite needed te,carry 430'work in Igo_
great a City es •Antiocit, . • :
•• ",And it 'came to paes;,that even fOl"
whole Year they Were' gatkereck to -
Other with the .atirChi and'. taught
•7' ' people, Every Christian'will
•seek/pont a partner ij hi5 ris tan,
work,, perhaps many Partners. »And
that the diseiPles 'Were' called Chris-
itiis rraine74
Greek root '"Christ,", with a :HebreW
'inearling, 'the Anointed,", and a ,Laffirt
termination, a 'matter of •Vtiqe
lug ..to....piek .01) •a• Sponsor fOi their act.. ,They, finally clicked; apa. 749:sY.
they are 'featured as the T.Oice'RePorters. ' ' • • •
Al .•and : Boh.41ariveit:.-arelnek,:„14-47-prontotattet...theii tour et -
the Dritisk
ISleg. t•Sitetessfili. . ...• They were headlined; in ....some:".ef'
largest•Alieatree ''the. other Aide. ; " • ,
Cirreicioning-LbaSs.--and,,---bandetatir.-knocited--,abript-t7the • .
country for frite.'yearg with,-erchestraS before he sang his:first song.
Ulm. and Abner heard over . the predict . good wiles, are here
Aor the..tarnier., are cOnting :•liadk so. that • he.: can •.sell off ,'Unpro•'•
:ductive fielde. to 'City, Men for':gelf.Ceitriei. .• , .
•Paul Whiteman had. to, •reduce Weight . from 303 pounds"te,-1.50,1atet.a,.
'his Wile, .Margaret:-LiVingeton *Mild 'Step` to, ;the altar • with ;,•.• • • ;
.1rie • l'Sisters' or the SkIllet",.iwalked: New York.' streets for menths; try: ..
10 00-WtUard
W.B--"-t%f:113:11tax-s-'14724;....."".....:....'...:77;.rt. -St"'
p.. , , et . aide a a
0:4-5-Lowel! rhotrias!
7.00, -Amos n Andy. . ... 7.00.14,1orton Downey 64 6 4CFRB
.88..0105-!--"41Sirgpiny., 13saakinet..a. •-• • • • • • • ▪ -':wGR- 8,00 -cities -Service
.13.30-•4Cate Smith' Bappy Bakers,
• ,••:' 7-30;12:• go. • '• • , "
'"Now tbeso, day:5 theite game
tiOWu tdloplietti from Jerusalern
:.Antiech." Brephets Were a 'class of'
;religious teacherg..Oftert •rnentiartad .if
the. 'NeW.Vestarrient., • • ' :
• 'Ara., there stood" un one". of ' them'.
.tiareted Agabtis:" Meet hitt'.
,again. ori, Paul's 1.4ot: journey' to ,ler0-
Solent where.- the ape9tid. eneoonteeti
'hint , at Caesarea,' Ahtt ;Signified .t.s.
the Siirit , that there' shOuld','be
.great famine °yet!' •••all „the world.
.9:00 -•-Greater, Minstrels .....
! &P. G3•Psiee.
10.0,9-CotitInted 1-ioar •
•„,. •
Andre Kastelanelz
1i.304-Pre6s. Bulletins
• • piivAit , •
6.45-LoWell Thonias
'7.00-Amos''n' Andy'?
• 7.30-D01111s Brothers
• Press Bulletin 3 •
8.00.--LOve ,SOngS . ... ..
Forum ..•.....
.. 'Irvin S. Cobb
,1111•1.3309-;BproessvinuSliisettelz.;1'.,.. ",ing •econotaie Atid poletcal. conference!
, sTiotnity in"Canada for the, pa.et
.;parshiiIi:etc0•00:tmth. eoEtic)ievi:arplurteu;erthe, :{3.,11er cu(- :
787.:;p81•009=t- i'EAc ivilandni ate •'59.1 tents, .by inflation, go,1!•W:ould.
axed. with. :$3'2, •the •.fireseix,
:eath $42 ;an etince
ofessor 'Gregork.' It weie: •
not far Canatla,[116Wever to attentpi
adiai experialatits ta. the
eothietnics. Canada's populatiba
too!,Sniall, Coin:pared to the. size'Of .ths
count:ill' and ,conditions' did adt . war-
rant tadieril attempte t , rectify. coo, .
: IVIontreal.=Cartada's gold Mines mai:
be her ecdnottic salvation;: Said ; -Pre
feisor T. Oregory of 'London tint,
'versity,.; who arrived here9n.„ hie Was ••
home. Professor Gregory is .a
fanied .econoiniat who haS. heen•attend,
.K-7, Mystery • • ,
6.30 -Kate Smidi .•,••••••••••••••• *••• • " • • • •' • •
V J-uaneing Party ,
$.45 -.-Poet's Gold fie
'• 9.00 -Ben •Bernle.. . . • • •„. • • •
'•'.9.30, Vire Chiet•Band • I •WlaW Tat../LOVA time daily over ',tailors
10.00Gaiety wnd. Roinance orte. 'CKA C.
•• Lives at Stake WTAM
11.30• Press •- .. CR.CT
.1.00 11' Andy.
. Merton Downey
• 7.45 -The •Goldberge
,'6,30-Kate:Srnith •.•..4•• • WGFt
•9.00,---iryiti • S. :Cobb. „WABC
•' Conn 'Cob Club'
, One Rour"vvith
10,30--,BokWel1; Sisters , • • •
1.0.45 Cdwin. C. Hai , ‘.... IVOR
11.00 -:-Columbia Orches
11.30L -Press Bulletins,
7.00 --Morten Downey . .
'Amos 're Andy
, /-36-.-the Mtus BroS,
13.004-Rady'V81lee • • C Rqr
.8.30--1)rainati9 •4* 4 4 WGR
• 9,005t5rk Warnow,
Death Valley ,_
Blien, Boat WGV
No Better Fishing
• . ,coun,try-Th, 8aut.,---Pi-apessorylareg-..
Tlire is no better fishing ,COMitrY 1,ieyed,•tiis,tountry Should ,Wait:
• than Canaria believe's IVlrs -.I • 15 Ah for -economic'saltitiong: by the United.
bott, well-known Bileith'spoitswernati Kingdoin , and the'UnitVd States and,
who hos fished and 'hunted ,iii many then 'take, aiivontage Of her excellent
conottieS. She Sailed from 011ehe'e fat- PoSitian -tilt.' Ciriti*tflaitatte"Siflt(G: -
.1164" .11.dtti i‘ in London . th •four fine
§liecinion's of ';lier 'first fishing.
to this canntry..
• They'. Were all .suitar'ettploa: abck-
lcd,' tro'ut,:the, iege9t: siwe'totott.
fmmg erght pOnn (18 one ounce, and Were
• .• . • . •
Mounted spiecal .cases.. whieh.'yers,
Abbott hao Set up 111 her -stateroom on
the liner: 'They were- . caught in the
'N)Pigon district,' slip said., year
she links to .coine back and 'do some
morn fishing:la, Canada. •
OUR 131 Pid-119.t IS •
or•-ii-iA Ds A REAL SUCcEs5 -
11*0PLV ALL ol)80. TwoRLDWILL.
KNoto AS Soot,1 AS l'AEY 56. -ate
urizezicki) r.40,1-11-itY A. 114
Fog soME geAL. ettTEMAIN t
' •
ALL'SV.:1'11:)1-Av:E. i:"..)1,7.CURES OP • ;
OP 04 Amp
1,..yreg BIKO! '
i919190, at:Sikh
'The otorntal infant :is• both withthe
• faculty Of distingtifshing irool
:ctiti.knegs and, 'poc4aibly,..with thesoil.ge', !.. •
, of color, • . • '• • •,,, • • ..
1, But ;,it is not born With. sterooseOnie
reports Wilber' .1:4.4 • :gaYti'mt,
bur .'head ofth&
Lomb Optical CoMpany•
*Are Jesions-Even Feather' ed Ones
1'M ;SORRY, MUrrif.5Qt MY PA1145
EA64E; aust• 13,6AT -rHe LIFE. Otrr'ciP
-rro 0/Kt 13IRD tio/i)
. • .. •