HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-05, Page 2• • 4.I.X*91'ERF'f••
gefiteln• Trevelyeal. -.had • rented his
large Itedat •Pitt4ford:te. Mrs; Willett
and taltea .amslier Pim, In the Pewast,
town.- E4thelliPten. 'While .ltis• 11104,
, • AtfAier 13ternakv, .404, three ,fielghttere
' •.,•;_were.niaTIngattable tipping, With Airs.
Wiflett and,'3•her ditagitter vielef. ;4
trIt'mesSage 'was. Teeeived'that Tiec'
-volyen, ',had been. murdered, ',Buraabr.
- dads his friend.dead, akitil•f required
4.377,,a Plow. .The, snapecit Tr,gTei•.•
Yait'ai sister. Xro.,•Jetinifer. Qather, pd
' the *hre hfldi O 11/4tr: Pea -Pion,'
ether •elster, :.notv,;•tlead, as' theeey.fear',
..shared•ennany in..orrevelyturs estate et.
t- 90.000 pounds. Jantes,Vearsop,?hati. come
'la ',It'haitiPtati. from 1.3ention 'tile' day •o1.
the murder, velled'zoixhis
taitenr,the first•train hack lite •net, ;nem,'
ing,•`•ge Wad aity ,f
reeett. - The fiey,,after the rder..,B4ett,
--way received .4 . ,01ctequn.: for, Oh. :POUnds
trent, Charles, gnfierbY, porter or. the
for,k,:the 'Oertget-.Sofutfox of
newsP8`tIer7e "coninetition:,.graily
, Tr.einsis,• ;Inn, •.learson'e. 'fiancee, Made
acqnslatanok of EtIderhy,,, a.sked hint
•lO h1p her Clear 'Pearson; end *ent. With
hint' to•`gittaford. When Narrecott went
to question.:Mrs.:-Winett And:, mentioned
\Pearsore,s ,nante, ;Violet ,fainted,„
is. approached hy Capt. Wyatt, 'Who is.
. • ,.
;row GO vzf va-AT.* !rim sT91Pr•
: kfMTW ithont said' Cap-
tain •N‘r.Y•att..' "He' sold Me' this ,Cot-
ta e:.":••• • ' • •
"YeSr.• -
" "that's What iie 'as,'
'said Ca.PtsiinW:Yatt. • "The.' arrange,
. , •
• Ment WAS that he was to dO...thettlaeg,
up th•:.'Snit., the • InirelieSee,S: ate 'aid
jist. becanse.,I.b,ad the windOw paehes.
bhoeolate pinked •ott in lOnion, he
:wanted„rne ta, Pay half. • Said the ar-
rangendent was fO a uPiforat celer.",
u..4sli4n't like filth," Said. Eiriliy,•
came in. 'Pho WAS A very Pretty.04,
milicd and exPensiye-
13r dresse4?„eri4 s.he elsd.thePght she
had neterYSeena rL irgreeiter
stat ef hervells• aPprellensient lcro:
•!oat: this, -s .1,14Varent Sur7.
feeeehe:wever: • IgiPe sWillett was ,ixlsk-
'int a:gallant appearande of .being en-
tirely At,.her,eaSe, - ' •
';•1.`00•04 nitirnihe she silt'adyeitikl*
and Shaking .handS, „so serrY,
Mother 4n:14 -coining 007).Vki1414 she,'S
Spending The •-innrilinglii: bed." . •
Oh, 1 o rry; Fin afraid 1
h4y-e.44,1• e,T4t pn.fer4psite Mine".”":
iorse not The n.QA,
Writing'..O.At the recipe7 ITOr that cake
ow We Lre`einti'tQC1 &lighted or
Ansi FerceboUSe . Are .you•
staiiiWifh her'
- ,-"-talifildt-exectIrstaying-Witl;herilt
said: EinilY: '• °In •fack;11"rii grs,
,Curties.' • • ' •
' •
!!Of- conrSe; the cottage' is • tertiblY,
mall 'and•she has her ileithew' Rennie
fill person, iSn't :Slie? So much char-.
act,et atwayi think; but I am. rather
afraid Of hgr%really," •
•1Y7';--• lan S agree
Emily Cheerfinry"Bt it's an awful
.femptation- to he a Wily; especially
if. people. Woril , stand up to.
Mises Willett . :sighed. .
"1 -wish I could stand up to. People,"
she said. •4 "WeVe bad tie' most -awful
morningsil3solutely pestered by ye-•.
porters." „
' "Oli of-,tcourSe,"&Enii1Tiiis
was always having rows wifh-; - -
him," ..sid Captain But ."'s.'•,olittain "TrivelYan',s7honsejeally
a ,•
always,:hiOe'.rows with every.one", it? -the man *he. iva‘ murdered
added AS 'aii. afterthOugh,t ''"i , EAhamptore '
,place fike this you Italie ..t6 teach, people She was trying to , determine' the
, - 'exact canse of Violet Willett's, ner-.
to leave a.man Alone, ,Alwaya-kneek:
4 Chusn'ess. :The girl was Clearly°Ti• the
ingat the door -and dropping in. and 4 . :
.• che tiering:I don't Mind` eeeing,people Sthilethin0... Was :frightening
the:mood-11)14 it has 4°44.1.14''f.rigiitelli.ng her badly • Shewhen '1 am iii
killed' a tairei name ithintly. on.
• got to be •
'••• good, ..Trevelyin grving me his terd Pur,PQse., The gicl didn't. no icea y
of the. ,Alaribf, airs and dropping in ree•._'' to it in any them she
Whenever he felt like:A. There's -net 'svalprobal-ilY exl?.ecting SOille‘ such.
; a s.(iuljin the place' Conies' near in'e reference.'"---,-: • • '
"Ye,j wasn't it dreadfin97.,
noW,""he:added 'With satisfaction.
"Ohl"ld;•Enaily. 4`Df5,••teil you do' at
mind 'talking aboai, it" •
"Thitt'S' the'b4t of „having; a nat've
• •664.0A,n sii.4..coptaii Wytt alSlo 4• bouree not :..
: shu1d 11,!; 7 Y
••-understand orderi.
IiidArijiraTtifftWirtarife-Ottil ----4-Therefs-agiethingyery wrong With
this, girl,"IthOlight.Erinly;-"IrSliFhlitirs;
of-,thacOttage"and'weited attentivelY;
"Cee in and have Something," Said '15T ifiwwis'What-sfie!S
• `!AlatMt that. table turningi". went
,CaPtain Wyatt "And see: mit. little'
'bertta e on Emily.".!`I heard about it in ..a
sorry," sad Emily, but have.
casual sert or. way ,and • it "-seemed to
• • Me kr frightfully interesting -,4 ;mean
to laniry ".
"Oh no you haven'•iaid CaPtain.
Wyatt. , •:•• . • .,;-•*: • -
• got lati appointment." ; , '
,k'IstelbedY Understand's 'the art of liv-
-ing„noWadays;" said CaPtein .Wyatt.
"Catching Making ,. appoint -
mento, 'fitting.-tiaies for etterything-7-,'
• 'all 'nerisense.-: Get an •Withythe, sum. I
SO..; haye „Your. meali. 'When:: you • feel
-never:, tie. riiirSelf to a
• tiiyier.La::„.date7::717:4tuld' teach People
10,7e if. they would :listen to
. . . • ,• • •
The results • of .eiali•ed, idea , of
• :living were not too hopeful,
...fieetect;',. Anything inorejilte a batter-
ed• Wreck of Mari- 'than •-• CaPtain
'Wyatt shad -tad never seen. "..ler,curi-,
'oslitY` satised,,. -she Men-
,.•tioned, her aPpeintinetit' again and
. her WaY. , • • • • .
• ,Sittaforfi. • House had a , solid oak
• front,' door, a neat hell
Alonzo wire • mat a a Ian y
, polished brass letter :, ,'It repte-
. ientpd, fail.tpi See,
cotrifOrt: and decoruin.' A neat -and
conventional parkirrnaid• anskeyed, the
•:Emily deduced :the • journalist • evil:
• had been before her as ,the-parliormaid
•"aaid' at +Mee' in a 'cliitant tone; .`Mrs,
'Willett,. in anYnne, this
• *Opine.• ' • 4 .
, have brought a note from :NlisS
..1:',.ercelionee,"7-said•Eitily;-----.T-- •
• 4 •• Thi's clearly alteredinatters:-
• Wal4' Ushered into :What house;'agentS
describe 'ai•."ti wolt-a-ppointed.
and from there into.,a, large „dra0,-.Ing
• robin. • A, Are, WaS hurning', brightly:
•=and there were traces leMinine'oe-
bnpntion ,•In, the •toopt. • getrie glass
tutiPS, ,an ',elaborate Werkbag,--ii•girl's•
hat, and it,Pietret with very long
Were abont...Thero .Was,
she noticed, nest', phetographe, :;‘.
Eitsiing taken in all= there was 6
see, nu1y Was: Wminning :hands
in, front" of 'the fire, ,when: the door
opened:rilid tehout her. own age
••.'‘When 'We resumed- ho,ttgeheephig a
••triettith 'ago1 fotind toy draperies 'ha(t• o
theta ant on,,tbe tine, hoping to 're.
'niOire'the cretitieti• Then I:forget, them;
The result! Wathey. bec,anie • badly• '
tatted and SUZi,-S6Otted.' • • ‘, •'
"t Wei hetirtsiek' Untfi tile happy
thovgict strUCk inc to dyetheni.•just
fired' them a deeper • gieen, and ,,as 't
used b1attop4 byes they look giirg.eiitig
and fle\v' t haVe, betel' Se'ett.• easier
'dyee:ta0s tliiin.01641'160d byes, They
gfve :the: ritbSt beautiful thiters=,),,Wlien•
tied 'either for tinting Or dyette-aud
neV,ei take the, ritt •cleth •,ias
ottiet 'dreg tio." * ,;• •
;1-k.„1",• •T4,
• 4.!Girliehtlitilla," she. thought to her;
. "Oh, was.liortict,7: said, .
it!• We, thotight,, .pf cours4. that 'it.
was' :somebody just fealing-,only it,
‘seetned a.,very, nest*. JOkei'• r
: •••• .
• . ferget-when turn-
. .
the lights en..e'tierybocly .1 kod so
;An eerrH.-Not-:-Mr:•--Duke-
' .kind.
'But. yoU Pould see that :ka.jeir:-BilrnabY•
retticd:hy. . :I, think. that,
.actuallY'he.belieVecl injt ingre:than
• body ' else Bilt :thought poor
• little: Mr. "Rycreft Was- gOint to .have
a heart' attack ;or 7 Something; ,and as
for:Rennie', Ronnie Gareld.Yea,knoW
,,--,-••he 'leaked ae...though.,he hadSeen'a
ghost,-,actitallY Seen One...Even ,.atother
.was. awfully •Up•Set,Linere than have
ever.Seeti:her •befote,"'..
: ••:,"It. nittat have been rioaSt spooky;?''
said'Emilv. "1 WWII had been .there
'to' see'. • • • : • —t .
• "It Was 'rather 'horrid really We'
, . .
pretended; .3 was -just •you:
know, ,Seein like that.
• And 'then Major'Burnaby
*ade, .un. his mind' te.:go over te...E)c-
hamptifiii- and we 'all'Aried4O.Tetoiiiiin7::
•and . said he ...WOuld, be btiried :hi a stiaw-.
, he WOnid .gO. fr there -
'we sat, 'After .he :itta. gone all feeling
'dreadful and Worried.' , And • thin,. laat,
nighti'=nb,.,YesterdaY . morning We., got
1116•••newa." ••• ' .
,•"Yon, think it res Captain' Trev'el-
yan,s,eniiiti74 Einity"in .awed
voice, • "Pr. -do you think it ,Weeclair-.
;VOyatice telepathY . ••• . .
• ',"Oh; I -den% 'But 1' ,halI
nver neVer• latigh. at .these things
again.'"'' • , • '••' • ';
• The. parlortneid entered ft:Ad-
pieee Paget -en .a salver, *Ilia
:she handed ,6.Vinlet. 'Violet unfolded
the .paper, glanced ever and handed
tb • , •' : • •
-Orhete yeti saie,'',•••she said, • a
Matter of' fact you' are jtist in' tittle,
This tritirder• business 'has upset the,
siervantS. -,.They' think it!s •dangeroUS•
•to ;live • in title Out; of, the'..*att. part.
Mother lost her teinPer 'With them
:YesterdaY.iiia la; sent' theist ell pitekj
.frig,.• They are Oink: after intiell. We
,itte',gailag to get niett instead; ,I
,"Seittilits are. Silly, aren'rthey•D',
taidniily • •• • ••
"It'istet. evon •a If, qs.ptitiu•
Vciyan 'had been, killed. ithialintiSe•",
"What made •;*u think, a eotpipg
tO hetet"". aSked .0-111y4 .trying, to,.
itiake 'the question Soittid. artieSS and
girlishly, natural: • „
• "Ohi.'Ope thought. it would hse. tither '
fun Vielet:- ••
,!1'17/OnYt yall fin tin] 1
• "6h,. '1 160 the -0011111.02'''.
•IInt. bet -eyes avoided 'lust
.1(it lifoinent loehed stispielouk
• . . . .
• itIrred. itneaS4 In. her ehiir
itads,•vose rather- rereete.4$
her 'feet. " • . •
oft mdest. he iiewr she 4,3,04.,
411144 re se, raeek•Aftea,14,114eit,
Ahke' your ;nether will he:44 ri042'
she's -dnita !well re41)5f.,
enlY the serveuteepti 411.,the- werry,"
AdreitlY, )24ereeived. by- .the Other,
P4i47'..Wenaged to,„(lisgard her &yes
en` .a small 1ible.The 134rlorinaid
• Whh had)OPenedl the- cladr tagniilk had.
n1.14ocke4 it: but as. Violet ;Wine
clnqed. it behind. retreating
Emily catight. nO Sound of 'the ..key
1)0g'i14.rnS4: • When Sl3e l'eanhett the
00p:therefore/ !he retraned her st.eps
• " - •
lf,er visit ,hed mere than genfirnied
• the' 'theerieish held,abeat :Sittatord
1,Telise; 711:orP, Was'Scolet.,,• ing -440er
going on here:. She didn't think :Violet
Willett was -t.14ectlf .0171,icated..14114t
.sher was a' very 'nlgiTer-a-0";.`
ti•Ss•' indeed,:7 • •E.nt -there ''was
thing -Wrong, •And that something ntinit.'
hdire a e.Qtinee4Q4with the • trakeC1*.•'
Thereoiniust be sOine' link between 'the
•Willeitsand aptain•TrevelYaiirjand
to. -the -.rabb• its, :the .14st: In'otatit tO he Animals Gontagieus • DISTaSos ,cdt,
She 4):ie.:11ii to the front door, turn: brought ,forward Was ane .froM the whieh • ,requires that every ,..owner,
miec 9tes
• t e
•PpeeltAng.,"ef,the.,, keen tta.eteeS'e- Methr
.*7 Q' ie-kP49113, Pen.P.1S• M4/0i:;(404.-
eral Ernegt •SWi4t0.11:•'
9,X TAalgf3) there WAS:inn/iaek
plpliplgq,.d.PrPag, the Weak Wert .
.444.4e. tellS StOrY
.ot ilteatralien, When It 13ePeete iteeeS-,
earY te.•etrolre'therPrItiatt *erehitte 00e
0ChP9k 44 trent Pt. Qtner tO.
Pern4tted; -0E144ns/out-A,
.seit4hie tennqs. • near
Ater.#100.• ' * ,
••.; '"ft. is r elated: thet this, *decis Inn'
,W4S•Macle,• Itnewn. te:the Initalitteete
44ter ern'
SWptnn• tins.!.'p.,,ye7itneas.andi the .0.r1K-.
Only the MOOS befere •thek
• ••:
• , •
'!"19. •Feeding MethOds'.., .
.in' of the' Tanke.).. "iinnienee OPP-pip! . arniers
:ton wa.e .ahb*ii• t� the ProtPoselPie-, ,• „
. S"-
tp SWelling the•:: . • •
amount ,of .COmpeneation Whichould NatifiaAtftill Aelfi.1,1 „
lie . 40),.:4!Ide4,.' - • ''•''" " ' ' ' ' • 4Or.SeS.....ihnleS•:-.4nd, aSSeS O'f'411 ageS
, .. i . - .;
. - , •.,41‘ z ..'''11:‘, '
• , ... . . 4nd elasSe$:--,Ore'lialiXte bentraet 4n3'-
',After'yerieni'ehiee'ATOe.e had been of the sgriona•:'centagfous: diaeasei 'bf.
Mei And -disposed -64 including 'that of the skin known as. Mange, scable14 or
Ak.that link there. iniAll• klie the due the, dietiiiiiance• that Wenild be natiisel 'i_teh.,: 'Vanier fa--'10diiled . tiiid et TWO::
ecl the Lplaie VerY gentlk. and -Passed leme'l ShrilaPers!
breeder, .dealer, or .veterinary sargeon"
'aei.ose the'threshold; The hall was .41P•1 'Whateverdo youthink it wa!:?• 'auSli.ectillk the existence 'of Ulla' dis-
deserted, XmIty had her :gxptise.:- The :U•alea 'ineieteci that the nets!' enSe`shall iminefl1Q4e4•%Q:etifY:
• thegloves ib th t1iil1yhThd inrellent--.1a4Y--shc1411344014, , ':est.„,veterinary, inspector—Treatingn
the drawing-roosn. She'. stood Stoat aliCuLg" their PregeQ7 Without PishaP!' is carried but under •querantine; the'
'still listening': There was no sound jecTIeie,StOwraysisefvsletre.eneme
silent as , ebh'euweitilieles fdllovving Mixture beiseffi
ng ud ocially
cent a verxmt niurinur
_ ti . „ the for hand
t.r.eatuion‘t updet.. the sever.
- " vices froin' -•••••••,•:•.•
as possible Emily crept to the foot :-
The 'Manner in Which. th 'e 'secret et oil; ,1 galfon, •
• . * , • lbs.: oir (if tar,: 8 ounces; ra* linseed
vo,thett!:iiesaryirsgianZ:iisiiy sehd 19ciasetillgdj,P4'. • TN;aansit,Siewn:S-01;e_PhtedmIlrel:Itg Lheihrr131Ittibl.de. Ainiotigh the.'re are several methos
stet+ at a thne, ThisraS rather, more t c; • • • . •
risky• She'could ha dly pretend that' • • •
of prep ring nieal raixtures for e-
• ing the whole coursg of the War,. says
•General Swinton. .Although, thousands:
•.bf menknew' about theta only' two
cases A .breach .of confidence: came-
ta---Ina7Personal-'-knowlengez±,BOth $111.1
plleated laditisand gentlemen, '
• ',On One eceasion a charming ladY)
.my n'eighhor at a..Itincheon-party," he
relates '41,on• hearing rnY name began'
artlesely-: to • ply the . with questions,
which showed that'Someone had,. been
.talking unwisely. re,meinbered that
a .Certehr youngofficer. ih, the Heavy
.seetion"(Tanksj: bore .her nernei end
-,inetle a shrewd...guess, as to
letiOnship, •
e g es a •s, •ir own
accord to the first flobri but she 'had
a burning desire -to, Overhear. Sortie-
thing-ot_theLegneratition'that was
•gOing on upstairs.. 'Modern ;builders.
never made :their' doors' fit :liven, in
Opinien. You could- hear 'A
Triurinin.: Of voices down' here. There -
'fare if you reached the door • itself,
•you 'would hear. plainly the conversaL
tion •that' was going on. Inside the
'in g: pigs; the following rules are reco-
'mended -ast.Safe Practices in prodfid-
ing •hogs' , thtir. desired type': (i)
• Grind all. grain. , Phie grinding is
renonimendea ".'especially. 'for, young
pigs, 'Seak, Meal mixture between
feeds; do not lise too ,ninch4Water;
but feed as fairly;thick ,(3) Rand
.feeding is the beat metlied for secur-
ing liog-S: of: desirOble type.AO. If
necessary, ;a self -feeder may be Used.
• roomIt A:nether step -one more Akain. after pigs have reached the 'growing
-..• Two einen's ,voices -Violet. and stage of,: deVelOpment: (5) ,Keep pans,
• her Mother Without . ui merit
• ' . (To Be Oor4inned,) clean. Mouldy o decay lig matter will
nauee reeding troubles Lind (6) Supply
clean drinking water.'
• .. .
young .1..Erigkshwornan •
.Reconnnends. Hitch, Hiking
".Caleatta.."Ritchbiking" qn a grand
Scale has been. carried out by a 'young
riglishwoman;-Mis s ; Cooper,
• Miss: Coolie.* • IS
wlhite Woniau :Who , has traVelea 'the'
,of th•-ghan:'StateS,in.Iiidia7alone
-,and -aid So,:sheSayS, strictly ,against
• the .adviceof all her bests,"friends.: :•-•••
▪ Hith hiking" or "lorry hoping
asthe l3ritishsayi is an .excellent mode
transport you .Want .to See
'heart Of ; the:. conntry, and, See, it, cheap-
ly, Miss CeoPer, inf °rine& the'rtiembera
.ot the „Rotary Club in Calcuttawhen
she told'thentof her adventures, •and
she ,did not hesitate to makeiuse
.sto.rtiog.krotja 'sitigO,i)ore,ihe,rtaq4-
e0, Bangkok by. train; and then, taking
, to -the roads, (Orthe lack of "theni). She
puslid -north thrsingti,. the herders ',of
-1-Siani-And.....then,....through.. „the Shan
States And Btirmamaking ase of the
front at Of a niot*.lajt;...,ftelI,011-e4a•T
•bandy ,; allot' when. One was not; perch,
ing herself up' beside the: driver of a
truck-y4n-4W WkreSacliing Rangoon In
seven .days; • • '.
Cooer, is '.apt to take. the travelerin
its grip: Rangoon doge. not represent
the goal Of her 'amhitiOns.„ She says
that she -wanta t�, •ko. all rount1;.the
*arid in Order tOstudy 'conditions, and
'Means. to •dipilet the next 'available
seat in a hus.,tor a.' trek ,acroes Rersia
t� Europe 'and London: ,
.130gitiitn. Fights Pests
In. the Congo 'arid at. Horne:
• Brut
. . .'adniinstra-
kep mesquite nes'ts in their gardens.
Sentoyears i'go ari inhalaitant of the
colonYwas COndeinited;t0H3one ,dey,
PriStati: And a 'finettf , $40 for haVing tWo.
Vases of stagrikit ,water„ _his. garden;
breeding. places. for ip•osqUitos,. bear,
ere of feVere.;'' '
• Public'epinitth approred this'setere
Measurer but. no action, is taken:
f •
agr7Inst big companies and the •govorn-
ment .fer oWning .sWeintiy • iati,d Th
habited. areas, say the panel's.
The light, agelitat nidsqUiteie 'IS , der-
ried .on ,wth , great, rathlessneSa. riot.
• only in the'clOngo.'but.in Antwern., Bel-
giuni, beeause the -Skint-laden, Ships"
bring trepleal meSontO es .• to. th e.• Pert•.
•-• .. • . •P‘ri
lie ly patented int 'deter. dial Jot
• eutcdiatibile Steering )-,i'!aet,s3, indicates at
a glance whether the, car's: ignition !St
Working property .ot
.0AL •560.4t0.04E•:,GN
A+ • 4oc. 'PER '
:the shares Of :thit '0Ompen.y pre.
sent att tintistral onnottsnity 'to
pertleiPate h al Property 'which 'Is
:rapichy reaching , the producing'
• Stage; Fr full, pa'rtietilars Write
Ore Wire at oflce ' •
Northern suebec.'
dolit' Mines., Limited,
242 BAYSTRET,• Ittlit•tsitd;
,WAVeriey."54d2 „Ting : pan, be• bruttlied t•ft.6e." of the tillniteIta the, re;
. .
•• • • A •
' I
r re,
...Very 'Seri -041y, and in a lbw' tone,
I told her that there Was only one per-
son from Whoni she could have learned
what she ;knew; that if it: got out it
'Would.. not only Mean, hiS death,: but
the death Of'manY others a passibly
'the dose �f the War; thet • unl': 'She,
pitaniised,46 maintain silence, except
o contradict anythip.gahe:hao.aiready
order- that indi
,vid4al's arrest. by telenhone and have'
hii tried: by .court,niartial for, treadli-
ery-41ielner ty for WM Ch.. was . death
• • - .
Greatly 'Opsi,t,- the lady :vowed that she,
•would carry out ,tny histruetiOns.' Slie
had, not thought of _doing any herm,-
hitt like many „tith'ers, did not .reelize
the danger of thattering.
• other • case was We.
heard that adertain actress 'at One' of
the 'London theetr,es had got Wind of
sdnietbing trOin an. eitcet'. and. was;
indis'ereetly.' Accordingly
. Stern (dolonel Alb.ert, -Stdrit) --and
'..visited. her„th her ,di•-•saing-roonf ,fino"
night • attOr the WAY, with muoh-the
same •result.' as I `hive jut deScribed,
414 this' caSe.ti era afraid I• bluffed in
threateningherinformant with aeatlr,,
for we had Us21144 GP hth identity; but
she was -sufficiently- frightened. to pro,.
anise to ao alt that f'deirtended:"."
•••• PepYs...was a ..seholer..of filtirMtilens
College,' Gambridge,. and it was. to
,Megdelehe ithat. he • . bequeathed 'his
library;.••-af .1;006,•.,Vali1inea; 'which in-.
eluded the Original ••of the famous
diary.. IDS eareer at.coflege' is •very'
OltsCure..' • The:. .enly factor, ,distinetfy.
kn:own abeut hint; according,to the
tate; Sir ' EdmUnd G6's'se, 'Was' 'that ,on.
one bade:316n he was ',admonished :for
being '...scariddlotisly „over -served
-arinkrther,preVionS-Irigirtry. •..
Beatrice Herradein who rote,that
line :story.- 'f'Ship.S7Tliat .PasS in the
•Night,'!'•;rati. the''IlbrerY at •a. military
hOSISitaLlturitig4Ite-;LWiirld-War...,, :She
had . aa, itMUSing eXperience
vvotindedsOldierWhe'llad•been ant on
'Nave for "the. atter,noork. and. *Ice, had:
taken enough. trefreShinent, to create,
franknees-in hi S speech:. ' •• • •
it a fact; migs,!!'lie. 'aeked,•"that
yini; Write Seine:of. ilie,Se hooks that
are stadlcd, away here?"' • . •''
Miss Rarraden,..nneWered . that she
was 'responsible .for IlvOir three, • ,
• Want y,ou undettand,'.'..be .Wont•
On heavily, all Vett well 'far YOn.
people•:to down and Write .4008;..
hilt, ICS,. pretty btOotiliug hard 'oh thoSe:
Of us,. that have to • read,'entt."' . • terMi. gilywth: tinik, At 40egi tl.es
,• • *•f•• thre eis 'Practically •n(f.,:ehange in.
Another•Of her Stories' had a thirae •the tittni.ber/pt bacteria et the end. et'
'iirging On a Woltntledl.4Toninay" the. .,24•1thlirs'ret 50'degrees 'the litimber•111,
ylatthilitY . of sending 'a Yost cheerful Creases roily .told ''''ana• it fit) dogreer
Worths Ida. !taint. He declared .tIlat Pea4Y, haltdre(1.011„lea as thlaiiya t.
. he end', hia itilSetis+ad rieVer! Written :the Start. •'14,ilit ,Sliculti be co•oled as
to.,:bach, Other . and a' •cOrninunicatiati Prositcy oi:htVg-
'WaS eltOgetlier nnneteseary.• • kthilk...contains sitbstaliCe knoWti as
reaohttely, taking Writing:4%4,01:d peh.1 teritt far a;tertaiii period,' it the
lust a iitte.Kst two to eheet. het.' fug is 'delayed., the effect; soon"paeges.
; There, I hOve'begtin' it's "'My dart,' off tiYetript ;calls g thc7,1aCter, le et:,
. • ••• •• . • • tett, may beOX tended eye'n• to 24 Itourit
.. •
inclibeltible ...Poultry Feed:6., •
• the slaugliter house 'hy-PrOilitcts
for thelfeeding Of poultry, • meet meal's
Or , Meat scraps are .by far . the , most
.coinnibaly used and, are -the atandard,
anlaral7prOteiti-sun pl ente,-tcrp on Y. --
rations. • They vary greatly in unaly-
ideiarding „
i4terial 'they colitain, but siren401y,
Purehaeed on a gbaranteed analysis1
• The;ipoorei• grades. cOntaining quaint-
, ,
;ties: of hoof. or horn slibliId not he:
"tolerated as, pbultrY feed as these -pro-
ducts' thOof and horny ,erellnactically
i?.(ligestible to patiltry: .,With a little
experience; is Possible tO'. at. e
glance Wie.therthe.brand is, •suitable
for foe& or toit',, doubt, pour
•a• little: Water.' on. a sample,.
4,0 ' the smellarising should Settle.
the •matter even" With:the inexperien:.
tt, the odour. is, foetid the •Serriple,
Is, unfit_ for food-. •
That"Canedien consuitters ar begin-
ning :to apprediate the advantages of
government graded beef is borne Out
by, the feet that monthly
Dominion; „ are , now ' -approxiniately
three,miltion pounds. It Is also report-
ed • that:, the demand is increasing:
Steadily. ` • ' '
I •• COcking Sche.ols
The cookingschools held .at Streth;•
,roY4' Exeter, St: Mary's" and Aylmer re-
cently tinder auspices Of...the DePart-
merit 'of Agriculture, prdoveVery sue,
cessful. For instance, at Aylmer, more
than: 200 ,*.r0t011 attended each • day,'
Mr.- Geo,. 4..i.PUtnant, 'Superintendent of '
Womert'S Institutes tar Ontarlowas
Charge and his :assistants •were Miss;
and ,MiSS' E.
Thejclea Wes to dentanstrato
noW.to Make the best'Use of Ontario's*
bountifill:foodstuffs; ..ne.W ideas • for Ore -
"Paring econornicut -riliiitili7neW ways
to get.' , out of meats new
thoughts. on 'preparing, dai•rity, •Saleas
and deSert and ehjOyable beverages;
AeW Suggestions for canning finita and,
•v egetabl es. ;‘ an d new, .inetliods for' 'Mak-.
int the tithle.elloWance go lartlicr and
'still keen the •tantily wonffed.. Printed.
eacipea ye're also furnished., It is llk
'ly that o cooking schsta.41plan will 'be
extend t,t) other centres , titr. fittnre,.
, Value'•ot Ceolit.g Milk•
•, It is • a shun] • Metter to •cbiltrol 'bac,
•". '!"Ah," said the soldier, that'll Make .orionget •
iet''laugh it. anything Can "
-'. • .tepstast4eXe
A Pew type et cranked:4k Plug cm), ! tallots dev.00.11
tains 'twolmagnetised poles' which aii...,,forpily:Jt ti at €,,d, front inc t6to.totoIN
Itract,totergit Particles et.,Motal from whoo,,,theY are to A:, sy4o,o.k,j.•
the of 1'1)r- W h en , the' ail is 'drained -the Of age, he ,t'males are "datilrnr"iliA
pertnauentir 'magnetized poles •ot the aml. ',Ono, to clam' ',the teed btnie
6d .4rt4i4es,
, • ,n14s ititertnoi e it is -good
nome.,!, .• • •
• 4100.6 - thet:e ate. e.Ograitte
' tlietit
. - - • : - - • . -
.44PrePtcrOg. : .meal. '.'ripxturees. ter teeft .
:ing pigs, Ilie,:ti5llowing. rules are .re. :. • '
commended as isAfP '13174040S IP ;Pr!) f
7411Oltig-hogs- or tlfo,•',4O$Ireti--t7pe. 1.,
'Hullo .0) grail-Fnegrin-dingle- 0.
.c(2T. Smo.(414qn(ileCel*inIcicitantri'YeibYtWI:eulillelenttl..''
do not use tog pinch water but feed
„as a ;00y:thick slop., ' (3) Hand feed
.414g.L.,,is• th.k...,best method • for. securjA
'hogs of e 'deeirehle rt:7,' '• • (4) -If nOces-
sary, o s 'lf,feeder, niai •be, used fter
. . . _.
pigs have teaches& the' growing stage.. '
-,-.-,-,, e ,_.)e.,:". tkrp •
t rP tigl'S '.4 n (1,. -(101er-feeding. equipment
clean,' Moinslyor decaying matter Win ',..
canee feeding- troubles; and '(6),.Siipply ••
tlean .drinking. water. . ' ' • •:
Cinemas to 'Assist •
London Shoe' Fitters
London. - ,1IfoVies And customers-
Walking are to aid shoe fitterS in Lon -
•don storeS. To incrgase the comfoits •
of walking, -arrangements are being
I•nhmedeBibityihtliebsroct.sesa4*ch,s,haoessoctrisadtisosn .;
film feet. in motionAolh. - bars arid...*
For this purpose a; moving platferm '
is to be' set uP, so•that .thg walker can ,
and'yet xeinein in One 'spot' It is be
jieved that by this i'neans. consider-.
•.able improveirlent in :the structure of:
• leots.t,and elicies 4riay.-he .made. •
. 'Another :rnaChine, whias ReelIrately
;measities the thapeOf j_eL,
its records or siiialts clocks, which, in
turn, tell the shoemaker all he, needi
-te-'kifo-Will order' to "Wild' A 00-rtectIS
7fittink -shbe. ,
China s Politewe. men
aiikiag noW has, thitty•two npalice ,
women, 'though • the first Chinese city..
to employ women as officers 0! the law
was not Nanking hut Shanghai. No*
fo•-; -
Accord,ing .to The Policewoman's fie
'view, ,it girj. eulistipg-okhh Veining's.
'Finest'. must he nineteen „or there
abouts. • She Must be Single,• and s1 •
`Must -net have sdrVed , :a prison sailtencef more than ,onsi.year,".•
• Mrs. ...‘1-feripeeki‘ Pm •
sortie 'I'M -not.
Mr. gen'peck: -Out' the
niy?. •
.tiot oke .
,diven :to
:icing talk
Dig for Character, Says
„ , Woman Gardener
'New yon' Wish to fortify •
•yonr child-against--e-•furtrre-tlepres,1011 •
let him dig.to hiS heart'S, content in a ••
garden' of, his .own. , Even a,.windoW
box or a tin can' garden:Op a tenement
roof, if carefally tended and cherished
u late -an
InteroSt at krowing things 'that will,
serve humWl1; in' ,ad'ult •
Bo : Mrs: ..tohit "McAllister of• .:
Scarsdale; N.Y./Who lilts had 'the. ep,
porience, of enlisting, 200 lusty r'Otlitil
•gardeners' fitain thetender age of (114 .
years urAvatil in a junior 'garden slimi
and jtidging their ,entrtes., •
Gardeningninhing lii cientaet witt '
inetligr 'earth -is a ...great, cliarattei
' 47iil
• •,,•tiak,,,00d`z•••,..t.
1000 6• A?".•
it‘lOI‘r4 ' ' •