HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-05, Page 1.."••••(•
LUCKNOW• 0141%, TkiiipAir October 5th 033.
• i.ucKNow ,
ours: 9-12 'A.M.; • t 1.30-5 PI
• FOUND -A pair ef ladY's gloves.
PPIY at Sentinel Office•••••
PUTTING gANADA lack •oji it
feet. Use Cress•Corri Salve
arn Fire Lays
aste.Entilie Crop
Ir. Milton Patrick' "Clealied-Ont''
:By Digastrouri Barn Fire On Wed-
Fire, cnsidered
caused : by a' lan,7
teto •e*Plosinfit WbiekhrOice out about
o'clock On Wednesday night•lpf
Mst week. Iaid Iow the . fine barri„Of
.aliltop • Kilpatrick, concession' nine:
• 'PO4 itadi° Set. .--Aerthpfi°0111-;:haa,yhd with
''uitntWherhesth7liediliv. eghratifne
• cheay. Apply to Jaek McKendrick,:"and'itil-filompieMenta with the elt
•40x 3.03; ItuelifloW4 ' . zeption of a luantire. spreader " and.
-, flak leader. Threehorses and nine
'PROPERTY • FOR. SALE -A •bricL pigs were removed , from the • bent
cottage, ' and ½ acre garden; in thtafter the ; blaze, started. ", The, cattle
• village Of KinlOugh-: Will exehanKi. liad beenpinked nnd released Shortly
for town tO. 'WM
defore •
149Yd, . Ai. „Kilpatrick was in Dungannop.
•• ' . . time, .and his son' Clifford:Was
- t e secur ne- in sneaves,
• iod.Y.'w6adt..Yeech and maple, free of deariig'a noise he Paid little
• linihs: • to -John Joynt but on reeshing the edge
. sf the InoW;••fceind the.,flanies. rapidly
, : • .' „,, . spreading on. the barn .11por, and. lick;
..,Are0O 'poR' sA4E---We. have . a ing up the Side of the mew. ' •
,iteck, of dryWood, • both twelve and - Last. year, Mr. Kilpatrick had -Oder)
sixteen inch for delivery throughOtif anew; -- 36 x54feet to the
• • • • ' Aber barn40 X 60 feet. Both lied
.the Yenr, • • •
• ; • • Seen newly shingledwithin the past
THE,LLICKNONir TABLECO., T TD • ...t.t..,„54.34arp; • and wei7i_irammed to the
.(12-101--c.) • roof, with the season's of hay
• ind unthrashed grain. 'landed in the
. FOR RENT.The:.,Pteinises form- implements destroyed -,•was • a
• .
. erly. occupied by the Canadian Bank 2reain separator, and 'infeet with.the
of Commerce in •Lucknow, including % -txception :of the . two machines, out -
the apartment above. Apply to- Ride. all Mr. Kilpatrick salvaged was
The Manager, :The ,Canadian Rank .1, shovel and two pails.•.' " • ef ' • ,
Commerce, Wingliain,. Ontario. • • •• The lOsa is.. pattielly, covered bv
•.5-10--rre' • ' ' Sniettoett2,491-Patric•k-..- • -
htlilding; but asethas not decide
whether, it. Will be this fell Or in the
•'• '';' • ••.•-• •
The house" which stands nearby 'Was
net in. „danger • due to.a favorable
wind and 'willing neighbors ofter,.e.
tiff. battle succeeded . in atiyingtlie
n,house, 'which itnoa net ,‘ More;
then twenty-feiir feet •frOni the Mini,
*ng inferno. - • -• • •.
rt. tir'm stotnc, itnpleineiltit-and pitultry
Space is it a prendfuni thi
week and we Have been obliged
to hold over much of the list of•'
-FaRi• Fair Prize winnet.a;- als'well
• as ether items Of news,' includ-
ing i the „results of Public School
Field Day, „ •
The Horticultural .Society . has re-
ceived' their shipment of tulip bulbs
and Members „tinny fiecerp. 'their' re-
nuitements ;at• H. Thompson'
store. The simply is limited so. mem-
bers desiring ;bulbs :are. advised • to
scent*: seine- at once. -
AUCTION SALE -John and -
;Thompson will hold, a :clearing
tied sate of, farm Steck. hay at
, , . • . .
Let 7; :'Con.: 0; Huron Township, on
Tuesday, October at, one :o'cloek•,
• Well. Henderapn; ;Ape',
AUCTION, SALE -Elmer Farris'
• 'hold ti •cleiting Miction _sale pf
:ContintiAo*StTildilifilrHold Field Meel'
Two Car, Wagon
Figure In ,:,Ao..0410rit,
na• Passenger. Suffers Minor Infer.
ie's.'„ In 'Complicated Accident lri••••
utiditg. Three V elite es
Mi'•;.g#t driver tif ;14 'fealty,
atm .wegiiii• Arthur • Stoll of Wingtiant
-400e.tt Ot WerO• the
urirs.:•pf Venicles,• Which'. 'figure& lit
,4 pattafilliir evening accide.nt, on the
ootututiry ebout..three
to. Constable 'R• J. Mtiere
who investigated, -utiniore was•pro:-
ceeutng west toward his home Witti a-
, .
watt or • cnop after dark. While atop,
Libiu to 'fix an untied, Dag. and with no:
;twat, on .the 'wagon, Arkin; 'Stone
Ideal, Weather; contributed
anceepatul „staging of . the l..ucknOw vener . of that. .town,
Centinnakoecil,,Field Da' ;hi th.' , into •'the ' tear of • (iihnore's
ValedOniati:";Park.::On, ues ay, w ic .
was officially cniened by Reeve. Asa
The • ,entire afternoon was taken Ur
In running' off °"the various events,
which were generally keenly contest-
ed. and *.on by athletes who set high
niarke in 'a 'inimber 'pf ..events.;
....The teachers, MOS McLean. Miss
Yonret. Mr. 'Calvert ...end' Mr. Iiiitcht•
'iseni, had charge Of the ionifietitions; ,
..assisted WegOn' when ti,pon it he
Smith, ! Rey, Tucker, ;,•431.thpr Andiow- ,aWnng:"to teifia;•it • and etasned into
and Dr: ,Jptinston. .
, ,
The 'senior ' boys' championship
was .wort by' Harold ' Greer, :minuets -
tip being ,George.., JOynt: and Thiag,
Clarke. Harold Ritchie.' remined' : Off
;Whit...the Junior championship, 'With;
Harold Thomnson and :"CliffOrt1 Blake;
dig the ,rack o; the latter. ,
Leaving his Conipenion and Gil -
'Mire titer% Stone returned to Luck -
:tow fpr Constable Moore, and upon
theie return found another bar in-
oFed. Robsrt Bell, proceeding to-
ward "..Luckeow. failed to see the
;wagon on . the road AS' he approached
what he. .thought.ri "one-syed" ear.
The Bread
of ..Health
BREAD :is 100 per
ur Delicious BROWN
cent. WHOLE
Pbone 36
2000 People Jam
ir roun s
Stone's ' wrecked' car. •
Wingham Oat, all, told,, received
lifiiken light and -steering wheel,
damage to the radiator and fenders.
Bell was driving. a, Ford sedan
'owned .by. his sista: Mies, Margaret
Bell of London. ACConinnnYing him
wn'qi• Mother. who received e
gashed wrist which- required stitches
-Are are informed.' The Bell cat anff-
bred, more Mirior, damages . and :later
'nroceeded -on its ' own power.- Con -
talo Mpore'towed.,the Winghath car
equipment at his ' farm, Con. Wes • AIIFIELD CIRCUIT NOTES
----2-----,--,--1-F-W-a-wanoili,„7.4_milea_nerth_s.tfLAukiirr • ,Speciar Thanksgiving Services On
•• . • ' ,on -Monday; October: 9th. For ter* the • Ashfield Circuit .next • Sunday .
, Iiistsee hills. Oct; $th Suhject'"THANKSGIVING-,--'-
, 1
. — Rah or without -Christ:" An.
, ,
.. niversary services at Blake's on Sun-
4 In the 'matter of the Est•ate. of say, Oct. 22nd. ,The special preacher
. _ ,
for the day " will Pe 'Rev. 1.;Tt Kir-
patriek;---Dearbotrellich..- On Monday
evening Mr., Kilpatrick will give, an
'illustrated,' lecture .at 131akes: ' •
•.ChriStie. Ann .1VIcIPailen. late. of . the
• Township', Of Kinloss ; in the Connti-
Britee, Widow. deceased.
Notice is • liereby.. given that .'af
perSons . hailing. any ,ciaims Or de-
mands 'against the tote: Christie. An
who 'died On Or ; about, thc.
twenty-third' day of July
: art: toe. Tneoaship of ;Kinloss in the'
. • ." amity .of "Brube. are'„reqpired;tet semi
post prepaid or to delivir•!to the
undeisigied, executor Under thrWil.
of the said .Christie MCFaria."-'.•
•• their neinea ,and .addresses and' fan.
particulars ' inwritingOf their „claims
statement& of their accounts ' ant
. nature •of the securities, it to
by verified by affi-
; 'And.•. -take. notice that after the
.L twenty-eighth day • of October
4,q0.3, the said: executor' Will 'proCeed.
"to `diatiibute.lhe assets of :the. said
•. deceased arnOng the persons erititlee„
.thereto, haVing..regefd only • to the
•(Reims:. of, Which he shall then have
' had notice, and that the seid..execur
tor will not be; liable for the said-
• asets Or any part thereof to '. any
„Person of Whose claim he shall .1101•.
. then haVe received notice..• . • ,
This eotice: given' e.Oratiatit to
'id-atute • in that' belrlf.'
• • , Dated at LiteknoW. CnteriU• thy
Seeend da v• ,of OCtober A.1131 1.933.
' .,Thonitia MaleOlin„ R. R..2, Holyraiiel
tiritario..... Executer.
• . • • - (19,--10-H=c)
First Irefekion, 50c.
Subseiment; Insertions, 25c.
. The home:of :inr.and Mrs: 'John" W
Coli,vell, was the scene oi
-a_veirk...piettY. Wedding on Saturda4.
SePt, $6tli,. at one
:sister, Mary •.. Annetta. • iVloere. wria-
united in holy, inatrimedist to illiam
Bushell of' Ripley:•ROV. , C. N. Mer,
igenzie of
: Tp • the'', Strains • -of the .. wedding
msrch played by Alias Vera Crearfurti
i'oronto.;Ahe-Lbride-'entered the. living
tato. on the arm 'Of her ':brotnerr-in,
law, John end, took •her place:
,freside' the grooni tinder' arch • bi
evergreen's, banked with.,.ferns ant
autuino floiyets. •Site looked 'lovely ir
gown : ankle length beige hie(
with ..- brown . velvet trimming and
`carriexi.: bouqUet of sweetheart reisie
Myr:Of-the-valley 90,1 .niaidenLhair
„fern. !Drab :Crawford of Riple
Sang -very pleasingly ; Werld".
The Senior. Girls' chanipitinship.
was Won by Jean Graham . With
Jessie -11feRae -twiner-Op. Audrey
Henderson *as. • One Paint: behind', pn,
the first •checit-un. -The' Junipr .chatur
OionshiP te., POrthy Gramm:. • -Ostran er s, garage. •
- •
• sENtog ,Boys, tvgimit ' RASPBERRIES RIPE •AGAIN
.• • • .. • •-•
wCnL Betty ,Bissett was runner -un''
Frenk •Mc4efizie. liarold'Greer; clerk -111.-"-13111L-A-rz"tt°ngr-Sri37-13119ug'hi.
Following the cerernOny6 the. beide
and groOM, led the way to the 'dining
rotiTh-riffich carried out- the color
sehetne_of pink and :white decorations:
wh.dre dinner Was served to about
thirty Of their immediate relativ-,
'Later : the. happy couple left fed
Toronto. Belleville ttrid other points
the bride travelling in ,a complete
blue coaturne. On theiri, return thei
will reside in Ripley.' •
. On Thanksgiving 'night,' Monday,
OctOber. 9th, .,there will be, a <lanes
in the Tiiivn HalL LUclinOw: Orr's
Orcheatra. Couples & 'Gents 50c
Extra lady and gallery 25c,
„ OCTOBER 10th, 11th..
The last fair of the season,
You b.„fooe seen • the " Rest •
NOW ;see the best,
• Meet Your friends' at
ZiOn is celebratingThanksgiving
bi a FOWL SUPPER' on Monday
October 9th. Adults -25e. Children 250
• A splendid prograntis,being'arrariged
for. Why .not spend your Thenks-
giving evening with us. 'Wake ne
other engagement. You *11.1 Make no
mistake. '
'tit the 'Irish Trebles. 'event at the
OW green on Tuesday night,,Wheel-
er41 rink of Goderieh Won first elect
with. a :snillse of two Chieketiiii- each.
Dave - Hust�it, F. T. Amstrmig and
Wallace -.Milier"'"Weit--!Jideonti' -'tted
Jos'nh 'Agnew. Robert - Rae and G. -H
thlid. Each inembev,of theac
•ty10 *WO Wen chicken,
Exploding Lamp Given As Cause • 01
Vire In Lucknow Residence °Ceti -
Wed By Mr. George Aitchison.
'An exiiloding ceal kiln), is
thought to.-bd• the, cause Of an out
,bilea1t. of lire in the residencaoccu'ineu
• y Mr. George Aitchison, which oc-
tarred Saturday ahOtit eigil.
o'clock, and whibli- Was. Semi brOugnt.
under •esatittpt by thc local fire brigadt
but'not 'before- :considerable fire an,
- Water dattiage WAS .'dedie sthe
house and the -.furnish-.
. ••, ••' , ;
.The 'reeideiribe is owned by , mti
4naking her /Mine with her ,.datightet
Mrs. ...rabies R. Hackett in Anhfield
Aitchison whotenants • the,,littil&
log; was ticresS the. read et Mr. W.
,AiitireVes :Securing it pail; ef.Watet
at the tiniethe fire..atarted. The fact
that'. tt.' Wind.* and • a sterin ,..n4nddy
in the kitellett 'Of .• the .• &Inge • Were
hi�lcen w, heti. lieand Herb McQuillin
arrived, on the scene, was ,r.eyidenct;
'of an eitnloginitio Had there. been -I
well on tha,Ptittlia`gs.. it is believed
the -Outbreak. could hevc. been eittiri
gOislied,but by .the.tiine.Jlie brigade
inade the run Mid laid a line Of hrjie
they. flanieS were enycloping. the „kit..
then -end ..ergening-,.-inte;•,,tffeli,,allWay
. Reused in the residence was turn,'
ante •beloliglillt,to 'Mta, Hunter ar
Wdll $11,1Viti; Aitthip 010 OWit. Xitt#Ort,
;In Celoanrakred..;ho4kt tbhatrrYed)3gellsbote_shiwi:Ivicthl;pgetito.yw.'. ,rtyd' :Owere
11.. • .Greer. .Rday-44D. Clarke. -1riden-7-witliTa-.-second--crep-Of-.1ruit
-tome: of 'Which had already ripened.
Mckenzie); W. Hewett,. L. McDon-
ald, J. C. .FinlaySon).. Run-
ning 1Iigh-G Greer. C.
Finlayson. : Pole Vault=L7.14-CD'Olitild.7
11. Greer, C. Jewitt. 100- yard Dash -
IL Greer, Clarke, W. Hewitt - 220'
'Nish -41. Greer,. L. McDonald, W.
Itewati. 440L-L.H. Greer, Bob Then -M -
.son,. D. Clarke: '.„Standing.' HOP.
step and jump -G. JoYnt, McDon-
ald, Finlayson; Standing
G. Joyfit.,.H. Grier; W. lleWatt. Mile
Race -H. Greer, Thompson. 3.
'JcNnJl. Bicvcle-D. Clarke, G.,a,okot_
B. McKerif.e, • ' •
'Standing, Hem, • step •,.. and. • nimp-7.,
HarindRitchie,- Harold Anin." Alum.
MeCh'ailest Rimeing atiii and
jurnp---•41. ',Ritchie, • Orland • .Paterson,
Bob McKenzie.' • Shot 'Put-r•a: Me -
Charles, Clifford, Blake, 11.•
Standing ; Ritchie, Harale
Thompson': C.- Blake; :;)1910
Ritchie, IL' McKenzie, •Jack • McDoe-
tild.littlf Mile -C. Blake,' IL Ritchie,
II. Thomoaen: .Running. Bread -H.
Ritchie; •ThompSon, C.
'standing.. Broad -I1. Ritchie,.
'Thoinpson, " A. IYICCharles.' „Relay-,
f-14,,Thaiiipitinv MeChntlea: •011ter
'Aftchiaon, 4;eonard „McLeod), • (11.
o. Paterson, Colin_ Crozier,
11. •'Allin),; (C. Blake,' B. MetKezizie,
D. Smith, J. McDonald). "Rimming
'McKenzie., 104). yard Dash -H.
•Theifinseiti. C. *Blake. 220- ydr
-Ritchie, C. Blake; H. l'honinson.
440, yard -.-71L. Ritchie; C. 'Blake. C.
Bicycle -D. Smith, A. Me,
Charles, , Ted- Buswell. , • •
Standing broa drj um 'Graham;
J. IVIceitilad, M. Ritchie. 70 Yd. Ciaah--
Grahalti, !V. SteWart..A.:111micirson.
tunning high -Graham.' %cc
..stewart, J MacRae. Stiftbilk-Ltifeow-.
n1g-1.:,Miller, •Thompson,
Threelegged thee -A. .,11enderr
Grahain; 1Ritchie,1. J. Mac:
iteeiD.• 'Thompson,- V. SteWart. 22b
id. race -J. tirahatn, D: , Miller. D
rhoitipson., Girls'. standing- .hop, ' *et
nui jump -J. •Grahatti, ..1.; Miller. J.
Miteltee. Girls' running;.btati&juinpi-'.-
MacRae, J Graham, ' Ste*art:
ilicyele race -A. . Henderson, 1. linter
•Itoii, Biscuit raber-11, McMillan;
Phonipagn, V.•:'Stewart.. Potato race -,r•
triptaitts, J. MacMillan; M. Ritchie,
Armstrong:: Dumb-bell- reoe--rear
'tides', V. Stewart, D, Miller, M. me -
Human obstacle race -captains,
Ilendetton, Vt 'Stewart,. D. 111iller.
' •
Rector Conducts .Morning Services-.
lite'. Wm. Townshend ,Speaks li
• •'
„ , , .•
IlarVest. • Thanksgiving -eervices,
were conducted in St. Feterra7Cliiii:01••
lancktiniy,, •Sunday,.. When .larg.
'zongregatibits".gatbered., to hear Iin
addresses and tiefgiVe--thatk0 Goa Whpsa'PrOmiSe never fails
;list were shall .bea harvest.' Grain,
dightsbips and flowers, meterial
ienees Of God's -bountiful gleasitigi
mankind; were arrayed ,artistical-
•:k tfiroughont the; church:
' Hay Coniiini-lon was .observed nt
evunA.M. and at eleven inornini
drayer and 'a forceful „address, by
.11, 11. Geoghegan •
Exchanging pulpits for the 'even.:
dig service, the ,iongregitiph Wet
„irivileged to hear Rev. Wrn. Tawns-
nend of .London, formerly of
Kingarf and, Bervie' Charge
anti, also ".iiiipnly-t'student. at St
'r!eter s, while •he,• attended college.
Taking the', setting. for text'
. . ,
fgoin the story; Of .Ruth and Naomi
and_illeaz;....he.L.peiriteti out how. Boar
as an:employer. bren-Wit God int�his
daily work, considered his Workmen
is Sens- of God; and recognized ''God't
law of return and that "he 'giveth the
increase": ....The Capitalist Who mai
•titay loudly and at theslung time not
my a living wage, makes of hi.a
igron a farce. "Recognition that Wt
are one lib. brotherhood 'Under tht
fatlierheed of God, swim HU
world," . he Said.
To '..-ApPrOlieb Foraier 'Attendance
"Reeardil'4.-Increased . Entries ,. In
practically All Stock,iCliases-
Stodelart's Viniting" A. 'Feature::
. . ; ,
Including childre0m-,well_es4eidults,
it was -estimated that • two thonseno
people: packed the Fair grounds
Friday, when- ideal , Weather*. favorei.
•the. 'staging. of Lueknow'S 68th Fal
Exhibition; The secretary, -Mr. Josepti;
Agnew, -, keideirea, that during his time
in , office, . this attendienCe • has oniy
been surpassed Occasions. •
oar eihibit':,,of-dow'ers ane
garden t:ediace in, coMnioa.with'othej.
fairs,. Were not iinnieroileas' -othei
„ .
yeas,. due to the drought: The classes
of *Bee handiwork and baking 'wen,
'keenly ..contested and the ant.:
grain Classes showed' exhibits.'
splendid quality. ,
- In , the • livestock classes, •horses
pontry Rica. sheep; Showed •,a,' market.i
drierealled_iiiimber of 'entries*: 0,thei
'Classes. were, 'quite'. up •
years, niaking:--this,;-':out
. former
and, Wednesday ,o1 -
a colorful one :'(.)1.• next "Week This is the .season's
Stand Forsiterii b
Completely Renovated and,
1,)"Ceuin 'Theatre, : will
have a' apecial, Thanksgiving attrac-
tion.L-ilitnet-Gaynor-and Henry Garai
,in ."Adorable" which Will be ,shown
interest - . standing' musical romance.'
•Foal 'dab, Cern petition Thursday, Friday - and Saturday
---The---Boys'-Foal---Club-rcompetktiori. Grey-Avesta:1i,
introdriced this year and jointly spon- picture, starring George O'Brien-
sored by the -Horse Breeders' Assoc-
iation and the local Society, attracteo
numerous entrantit-with the winner:.
as follows: Leonard Webster; $8:00..
along with this there will he a British
.. -
Miniature in colors,' entiled "Shake-
speare's: country."' '••
Gordon Anderson, $6:00; Elliott Car- Canadian,Girl-Guides.
ruthers, .$5.00; Gordon :McGuire, 'Jack 1 , • ,
AcKenZie.and Murray Taylor, each '• . ..-....„..• . . .
$4.00; ..Russel 'Farrier and Eldon .1r- Three 'Branches Of . Local CompanY
•iiii; each , $00. ' . -, • •• • :Make Preparations - For Fall' And
' Treleaven's Flour Mill :lad 4. ma- . Winter ' Program.
moth.display of their products : in -the • .. . ______ .
Agricultural .14,14' which . Foment': The Canadian Girl Guides' have a •
featured their new cereal with .whic, very, calrinlete organisation, in ehch
' Standing bread jump -R. Parket,
D.Grahani, 13. 'Bissett. '75 ,yd. dash -
A. Horne, 13. Bissett; M. Riteliie. Ann-
nittg- High:Junin-D. ,graharn; 13. Bia-
sett, A. Herne.' Softball,,throwing-,
A. Millie, D. Graham, E. Newton.'rhree4legged • race -j. Culbert, .3,
Collyer; A Horne, N. MeCellurilf• 0:
sett, 1,41endertion; 220 Ya.
11 Graham, ;./.. Struthers, J. 'Bender-,
ion. standing, hop; step and,
niSSett; IL Parker, D. Gra..
hain. 'gunning broad Jum*-1). Gra.
bani, Bissett Bicycle,
Gialitini; M. MeXIM,--M. Me -
Donald. `Biscuit nce-Nr.
Rowton, Relay reca-a.BIuott, D.
thiiheni; L Strtithirs.
. • •
. . . •
FOur Day, Sale .;.t.)f Nyel Products
' At, Vaterson's Drug Store -Two
•' ;Articles For The Price Of One.:•
:centre-or-chstricOuelocal ,compiknY
for a 'suitable -blame' fii• -r.;"ItTrli-- et. Guides belong to the LiteltnoW DM,
Lucknow • Table. Co. displayed ` ..rict and isbacked' by theiroWif•
dining room - suites of attractive de,
signs ;while •Rathwell and Reedha.:
on display various ; lines .of fine shoed.
Connona4/ere passed out at this ex,.
:hibit entitling the holder to .a tei
per: cent discount on.acash purchas..
of shoes .at their store. Bordering lb,
show ring,': Mr. Wrin, Jansen: of St
Helens exhibited a monster ventila
tor,. illustrating the system of rip: •I
meting he is instilling in manY, tart.
mildinkff, throughout the Com:Ark. .
Stoddart Vaults
'The crowd *as..well, entertained iy
the afternoon by Bob „Steddertla ex
hibition. of • Pole Vaulting. . He Ma&
several efforts to clearthe bar a ;
: twelve .-- jeoh
feet, - o We legvi.lett however,but just
t tfefrin
ai I itl
brought forth' the 'minimise of Oft'
crowd. , Bob's record With all condi--
tions fav�rable is thirteen 'feet.
• ,The,,hriiii -WHinonitersiEf.;,.117'.
Claes Draft Morita'
‘•Span in harnesq-7-Bert McLellan
David .1 Brooks, Jas. Forster & Sons
'Brood ,Mare -Wm. McQuillin, Lorin.
Farritih, Adam McQueen.
Lonio Parrish,. Jito.• Chisholm & :Son,
David Carruthers.. Two - year - olc
'clelding or Filly --Richard Martin
Peter Watson, Elliott Taylor. One
'(Continued on, Page 4)
Next Wedneadey, Thursday, • 'Fri-
day and Saturday. .shoppers in thiL
wil4finVe the tippertunity
4 • stocking up with their.tall supply
drtigs,. toiletries, tanetriverrubbi
.,odds and a :hundre
saVing f ocootly,' 010 HALF'
.he ..tegular priec.
This big selling event is the Nytil'
for 1; Sale to he held at .Patation'a
Jtaged last year, and thrifty bhYete
Were. hO i
alp* n • taking advantage
,the remlitkable savings Offered.
• 146e, idea is iiininly this-14.yeubuy.
a ,Nytil ,:product "at the regular retail
price and secure a aecolid.• article
'AbsoliitelYatno extra coat And beet
• all the second Or free ottiao, need
▪ not be the ,sairie product as you ,ptir-
-Chase. You May have your c'keita-01
any Nyni prechiet' of a value acititv.
alent to the, purchittnid, article.
Onpage five of this Ostia' appears
a full page .itdVertisenient listing
hundreds ' of . everyday reqUiretnents
whieh will go, On ante:fist four deka
'OrilY, text- iveek,:gead,-Alte fiat- berg4
401Y- and -there- le ..fin:AnnbtiMt.,..that
Wig, he the tilek to and InalOi
teit vt his oatonti)ittlif oit•r4
, „
, .
The fallowing id .from - ,l)etroi.,
publication, and refers to the grand
son Mr. Matthew Wporis Of • Luck.
This association , consistsof any
:zeal •women Nvho are interested; in, ,
WOrk:' The .assOciation meet§
at 'intervals and elects Olhcefe and:
an executive committee. it is the
duty.- Of this committee to "See that
Juiding in- their district is --upHtu"
standard and to assistin any weYrt
iften with finanees.. , •
Our officers are: Honorary' Presi-
'lent.•-:-Mrs.,^W, L. McKenzie: Presi-'. •
dent-'43Irs. W. V. Johnston; • See:-
Trefie.r.--Mrs. W. M.. Connell; • Mem,
)erriMrs.,• Well: ' Henderson, ; Mks.
Will Douglas, Mrs. Newton, Mrs. F:
Armstrong, Mrs. Cecil AIIm, Mrs.
R. L. Treleaven. Mrs. A. Hamilton.
The guides are orgerr
ised into three branches With ;Mrs.
A. E. ;McKim as District: C.Onithis.L
Brownies -acting Brown OWI. Miss`
Pegiy McDonald; acting Tawny -Owl
7 -Miss P. Thompson; Pack Leader -
Mise 0: M. "McDonald. .
Guides -Captain -Miss Vera Sher-
iff; Lieuteriant-,Miss Rena McDen-
..Rangers-Ranger Captain -Mrs. -C
fhonipsoni • • •
' The Rangers are newly .organized
and We invite any young Wonsan over ,
1.6; Whether she has been a guide or
not -to join our new company, :The
.netto Of 'the Rangers is "Service for
()there" and the Grimany is:Planning
in interesting program of work
. -
Guides and. Rangers Meet' in the
Public School- basement Friday even-
ing at seven -thirty Whirl); -and.we
hope ell Wlio wish to join will be
.Discovery of her Wedding 'ring hi, present on -Friday, Obtober. 6th.
her mother reVealed the elopinent Brownies meet in the Council:,
beceMe known Sunday when -for- Chamber each Saturday at 'two-
inAugust of Muriel Betty odwi
. Gn
thirty, ineetingit to begin t on Saturday
OctOber 17tir. . • - •
mal antierinteinent of ,her. marriage
to Robert. MattlieW Woods was niadt
oy theparcnts of the two.
' ••The ' parerts Of the newly-weds
Dr: and Mt's,' Lloyd S. Godwin,. 12780
Mendota aVentig.• and • Dr. and Mrs
Herbert B. WOOda. ,207 Puritan, eve.
'Highland . Park; are friends' of man.
Years and both ,faitilies have snininet
hOrkes at Colchester, Ont. Dr: Godwir
is A •dentist, Pr. Woods n physician.
On Aug.? 21; the young ' &mole, re-
vealed Sunday. ,thev were married
the rector .rof, the Anglican 'churcl,
in Colchester. They:decided to ,keet
the marriage' secret, they said, Untj.
they, had -e0MPleted: their schooling"
The bride'. id attending high- sch0e.
.and the groom a atudent in the
Detroit 'Byisinees •
After: henakinton in:„1 'Ontario,
the' Yotiiiii -edible: Wilt tailidelti 'Do
Kinloss School Fair recently, We Were
In recording the results of the
unityrare of the trophy winners whom ,
we now learn are as follows:Donald
Maittifin, S. S. No: $, 38 points;
Herald Glass, S. S. No: 1, BS* POints .
and Albert ' S. S. No. 1, ne
points. In 'case 41 ties. first 'prize. the
E. Eaton trophy went to the Student '
winning themoatfirst prizes. The
second place 'winner received ,a book
"Famous Canadian Stories., The
third place winner 'also Won a hook
"'Canada." 1/4 6 ,
In Hilton TOwnillip;IlbtatliSk-Me-
duite, Jean Farrell tad wilaic,Por4 .
OA' the vatentstanno40404 !woo, Inc chonivious p ver MOS"