HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-28, Page 8.,4 II $ ECU �.. I re The ,are Con>►fortabie, a0d, Econ n i C ,OOL I?AYS! ARE:: AROUNO THE, CQRNER' 1VOW.1S.'THE -TIKE" TO BEGIN" TOUR KNITTING,• • We, Have •a 'NyeRan e':of' al rs IN' M A' � „ Mayo • . Nh .,....,g 'COW*, o_.., , ., QN RCI3 DOVE YARN ° , . B . A. ..•..,. FOIt ,SWEAT'ERS and CECILDitEhl S;,GAB ENT NEW.SFA L R ME CH` D1SE, - RRI I Th s' were, boa ht.ea f • � . _., .. ....•-.._.. . g.., rly . be,ore;,'the ;advance' in rices, l' WE C N+ VE': YOU • .*PNEt , ,R ON» YQUR FALL, ANDt J'WINTER 'RECiu1R,EMENZ$ :S 'P CI'rY- L P T L AT. •'THE; MOST POPULAR—PATTERSTO—PAY,' CO P , LETE{ IN E. •VY` DETAIL.. EAC ER TAE, IUCKNQW,5iNTINE'L TELIRSDAZ SEPTEMBER 2$,, 193! ,1• .eserities WoMer$ in,ioss Council World's' Tali Kinloss:• Council met . September 18': 1033 AIL; iilembers preserlt. • The: Eflitor ;of Tile, 'Sentinel, •M M cDou • al -Ellio g l 1 tt. That 1V1r , A When J .announc d o:• ou n ' • Nelson. be instructs •to e r s• a .r t . Y .., th ,t I_ .,, .d .. r 0 e,ent the;. wag ',en Imy wad to' visit. lens Century townsh p;�;at the:•:Adjourned air ale; of Pro fess: `l;'xhibitlon in Chiles o l' Ro s-McD.ou all •'T B e .. s - ... �.,�.,:. , ..,hat, ohn co,' $ou thought if mghfinterest, .our,.:welt . eclinin' :to; et.'a - ,... , ; , .., , Y d .... g, .,.., a• s. Cotxlmtssion., readers , it. 1 wotiid; ' write:.: short : e *:' onthe-Ross Brai_ , - • . .. .,, a . • _>• sin. Repair, we, sketch de icting • in .a,' general .wa iendorse; :the:": ction of Coun ' lor, .. ,. , ,, �' .. a ..........4x1 -some, :of the; wonders' of this. Fair. I• '.Elliott in•• •looking after t e .. .L h. _ k. ate rom'se i dI wo1..,... P d do• ' u tli bet I ' e s 1; Mott=' MK Th •tth • ,� K c � i a. e: n i � en•� mt. ou 9 a could m thin re.i..sm,.pm.ece.tn,, , 'for e✓,Mc .Do gall thewith:'a;'debit ••balancedertaking,fa .person were to,'4d,es 'against this Drain :... of$38,51,•bes°,levioed cube -'in -words the ',interesting?ro ra�Pn ah,�pariesassesed pectacles be.-;seenn `.there one the scheme and•be'. l�Ced ."n P • o t x. would'fill a good sized book. However Roll of '1033 I i wl' o. i t m ola:• tat). o, len" l , ... ..... nnr r.. • , . li • ..,. , Y, _.,. �•, .. ItossrMc,Kenzie Than the areioun' ticler, but, try: in as 'concise form:. as of ,$67 80 f.,or. repair ;'ion the' Ro's; ntlssible to relate, some of'the `Nigh Drain;' together':.with•'a:,debit. balance. lights as .they impressed.• me.i;ainst this• Drain of• 320.72 be�levied' f the'North.Gate Pb'o'rata` on all" Panties assessed you enter .atd on" and gaze : over the; .groun i•s you re- 11)e.scheme and be Placed" on the tax • ceive a.wonderful thrill at, the beauty Roll, • of 1933,, of '.the whole scene before you, with, ' After the -readings.of . the Engin its long avenue of flags and "rows of eer's report on the propesedHender. tall; massivebuildings, of strange son -Cools `,-Drainage . scheme', ,it v ar r hiteSt ra.1` dessign, practically ,none loved by' Ross and Elliott .that it' kis of 'them, .or, at least , very few , of • p oviaionally ,adopted; and the• Clerk ' sz �.azcccu-u and the Court of, Revision on the same 'to . be held: at theTtownship' act. M'Ponda.M.y, the 23rd day of .:October. ;2 ,at the. .now Fall Fair an PQ entitling:.a 10 per:, cent. discount on sh purchase •4of a pair of ishoes, n's.- en's,__Ghildren'S.] • .'imlaWmaer'4.31ftin4 'r 4. color schemes were used in painting The buildings, , twenty; per cent.• of thein are painted 'white; twenty per cent blue; twenty' per cent : orange;. fifteen:, per, cent . 'n black; and . the remaining twenty-five per cent. divided among such colors; as yellow, . red, grey and green. All .blended to create a picture, that -for --beauty s- hard to imagine. . • • RAINFALL';`PLEN.TIFUJ. Following intermittent] showers ,sat week, ,this week, was ushered in by -co ious`'rainfall-ni htl P g y, and th' warm, days Pastures are showing " improvement and root crops and,: fall, wheat have "'benefited. Fall ploughing which: previously` . • was " attempted under- difficulties, .can : ii w'. go..`on apace. ENGAGEMENT 'ANNOUNCED Mr. ..aandj Mra.r2 - ._Carter, Green -- .L- ock,Ont ; announce the engagement of ; their only daughter, Mabel May, to . Norman' Douglas; Kinloss, • Ont.,. the marriage to take, place in,October SUES. FOR . SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNT One, of se'veral. cages, heard ;in.. 'Division Court in .Chesley last week was .a: • suit against a Dobbin ton g... resident, -by the 'publisher 'of the` Chesley Enterprise for :' an unpaid eubseription,.:aecount. The 'P ublisher was `,given, ju . me t with cos a by Judge. Owens. In:' the centrean is' artificial fake or lagoon, of' possibly ten .or twelve" acres. Thin' was .spotted' with motor• boats and gondolas. At the end: of the avenue ;of flagsstands' the mal sive Hall of'. Science. .,if . the : Fair possessed no, other building, I, would be almost tempted ,to say it;would"be -worth going to see. 1 spent nearly half a ,day ; in this building Mono, and ,yet -I, know, .I did not see all the the . exhibits.' Everything shown; • is intensely interesting. hand 'although I admit a a 'good deal, of it•is . over the moss'-Eliott.. That the township assessmeof " .5on the' ,54ott Tifiin.Repairnt 'be$19`paid5 ' Ross 'McDougall That we endorse. the• action_ of; the Reeve :and Clerk' issuing order :for $200;00 since our last .meeting to . Gillespie Brei.ob account 'B. C •Ext .on ,order . of 'the • •Ross -McDougall That we do now.. adjourn- to meet again on Monday; the 23rd ;day of • Octbber; at' the usual time and 'place, Cheques. : issued. Gillespie Bros.;' August' 25, on account B 'C. Ext.;; 000.0o; ` Richard. Elliott, wood at Hall, $12:00; A,`•E. Thompson, care -1 taking, ' $2.0; Wesley McPherson; work on .Gaunt drain, $5 00; •',George: McQuoid, postage stamps, j$31.00, head of the; average person; -with his Thos. ,G Gm int, postage etc:, -$3.15,;• SECOND .'S>) RIES: BACON, '' ; limited kn•owledge of�physics, chem Thos G:• -Gaunt, :fees on Gaunt -drain,: LITTER.. COMPETITION 1)33 -tatty::and -mathematics, ;still - they try- 75c, Peter Carter:,cutting weeds .re.. to: snake• it as simple as possible; for Mr's:. B..- Davis, 0c; Pedlar People'. The.; Ontario 'Live Stock Branch all'`to understand.' S e would not : Ltd, End :Pi. -1)e : C. Ext: $11.66; has --recently-amnoulmced a ,'second permit -filling of a hundredth :part 'Joseph.'tngland, :work on McDougall` drain • $4.50,. Wm. Stimson,: 'work on series' ,Bacon hitter Competition 'for of the marvels in 'this. buildings• :, In sows farrowing between September- the basement,, one, of the, ,f rat• things 'McDougall drain :' $4.50; °. Albert Car 1 t and :October 31st; .1930.. , to :attract . your ' attention is •a large ter, Work' on • McDougall' drain Any' ,farnier ;"� wishing to enter :steel sphere,' in 'which Wm. Beebe Peter :Carter, work, on; `McDougall.: should send his entry: to R'.' .,Wade, ,dece'nded a half mile'below the- sur -drain $1.35; D, Cassidy work on. Ross .O'ntario: • Live . Stock': Branch, :Parka= face of the ocean, in' .the Saragassa .drain $7.50; Wes. McPherson, work me on Rots ,drain :6.00•' .Mark. Johnston merit, Buildings,'.Toronto, within faun= .Sea,` 'and' •.the many strange. things... s , $ , : ., teen days of the date of famrowing of..m ;fish ,and plant' life he -;brow tit to 'wor"k on Ross •drai'n,$7;50, Bert•Jones' the litter, ' The :awards, will? be, based the' surface: Also ,the'' globe tial- WO* .:on ''Rees drain $7;50;. 'R. E'1liott,•. ou the age, weight, •quality: and unt- loge •in which August Piccard deceit.: work on. Ross drain'; $9.00, J,'•Yalad fortuity: of the litter,; and in` order-•,ded .'more than ten:'miles Ante r the work on: Ross dram $4.50; Mrs A.: to-gualiiy.there"rimust be tune ,pigs in. artli'-s-stratosphere;- time greatest Hocfgms; iwrk _on Ross drain $3.75;' the litter raised' to marketing age help t ever attained by, 'man: ;"In ' Wm. Hawksliaw,;, Work.'on ,Ross dram and at least .30$ of these - must ano er place; you''see: a; 'miniature .$8.25,• Ed: -James, work onin Ross drat giari'e.:as-select-bacon.-There-ill•-no_aisd_ a .$5.25., Hugh Rode,. work on Ross drain expense: mn,°conneetion•awith' entering ':Modern. refinem1y , • prodtticing ' cleat' 75c: A .Hihn, . work "on Ross :drain, the 'Competition. . •gasoline • and ether crude oil U:80;' *.t. Thonison, workon The Federal;and 'Provincial Live= r roducts.Then you, , ee dyes; P er.= drain $3:00;Smith Bros., -in f.ull, tile SteckBrandies' provi � 200.00,in. filmes; medicines and manyother to BC.. Ext. '$290.49; qaont; • .useful.:t ins re use from . co .g P • prize money, ranging from 1st.prize: o:f' 20.00"to "14th• $ prize of$10;00 Huron ount; breeder's, fiav' o G Y edne remarkably ,well: in this competition in .the past; and .there .,' should be 'a. good entry from .the •County` in this` •contest.' - For further information and'' entry foams, app y to the .Ontario: Dept. of Agricultur hi d d al tar. hat .to . me, was of .intense '..in- terest,' was a life ,sized ' model' -of ' <, man, 'showing • the. circulation - of 'the. ,blood. At' every beat 'of the 'hear, you :wi°I'1 see: the>valves open ,, ;anti close, :forcing the blood . through :th' arteries to : every part . Of the anat 'only, and the veins Which are blueish e;,.Clinton..Ont.. in -color• bringing the blood back: •te • rCu.1ttr • u ►�rsda►y and. cto#�er 5th.:_ a ,A .Bigger and Better ,`Prize List with►%. Mans? Specials :eed. Conten• , �S the heart., ."Next' ;you' ,will see .,the rannsp rent man."lie ic.•six,, net tai` ..154 ,was brought to, the Fair from 88, 3 00 ` 'Ihesdon, Germany ,:'�He 'co'st $10,000 J: 'R. LAND";Clerk, As: though you were. endowed with • ' Tp. ASs.o.Bcott,Tiffin 'repair,` $19.55. H'i �.hwa. Cheues;F. Brown P.:.L >,' Y q r: ..76;.„$1.2.45; J.• H.' Ross,P.L., 77, •$12:. Cana n—ot-Co '„P.L. 78, $69:66, R Montge neryi ' P.L. 79, $9.00; Ht" Rob inson, P.L. 0,': $11,54. Sam• Nesbitt,: P.L.' '81 .$66;70; • ;• J. McDonald; P.L. 82; : $72.84; ' T: G. Gaunt; P,L '83, $18.00;` Neil McCallum; P. , 84, ,$,19$.08; . D:: Hallahan, P.L.85, $105,41. Ackert,:°P.L.86; $2.00; A...McLeod, P.L.78'1 $28.811FMiss g. Purvis; X ray, eyus,r.you may wiew'the inside' among • the, •thrilling , and amusing. .of. the hman body A lecturer i scenes '•of this drama, i there explaining the. functions' of al Yn front of the Travel ' and Trans-. ,the organs, glands, and entire anat, oniy,, 'from' the ..brain';' down:: A nazec' one is at the mntricacies ,•and • perfec: tion leg the thiamin, body. • , The Generale Exhibits Building:is 'devoted • almost entirely to' nnufac, Lured products. In.: 'many cases' i;hc crude "production methods ,of .farmei. years are contrasted With the • moderr methods •of today In Pavilion i this, building, is `the' magnificent diamond display; ,Cine diamond, .once among' the crown :jewels ' of ,Max» ,l' • • . c lien oo,is. valued at$30006 On.a New TraOerJainnds` valued •at more ;that • $1,000;000 are on eitliibit,-here; int, the 2.20 face or Trot Running. Race 2.30 Pace or Trot ) Pony, -Rade `MOTOR CYCLE,; BICYCLE AND, FOOT' .• RA•CES • BEST :FREAK 'CONVEY'A NCE ON' GROUNDS, ., FIRST`i PRIZE. $6,00= ' fe. LUCICNOW CITIZENS': BAND • �N ATTENDANCE; • Cncei't at BY ALABAMA MINSTItI±L;S---4tr P OI'LE Singers,' Dancers, MUsiciara end. (Funny End Men • • Firestone Building you :can 'see t'hc entire., process• in manufacturing 'cal tinea. ' , No visitor to the, Fair should fail .to, see the pageant, 'Wings of 'Gen". A ,centuryrogress•, ,in transportation; 'styles, 'a dmethod of living is �clrainatized. Each• step in the -development of •transportat#'oi' facilities on water and land is 'ru'r before you, xoimi'the' anehorse chaise used in George Washington's' days to the 'nmodorn: ; autoinabile of` today' and fr`oni the ;Tittle .�"Tom, .hum " 1.oeomotives, tha could develop speed of seven or lit miles an hoiir to `the -Iii onster'::nmagu -t,f1 to'day.--T;ht•- hardships of th'e early their `battler w} ' iTie �n line, art • here, an'a' L • Port Building,' which has' a- tremen- •dgi .,number o, echibits of .unusual interest , is the ; "Royal. Scot,'.' •the Mexican. Pre"sident's• special,- train, as 'wall as. the Baltimore arid', the Burlington 'trains , All are the 'last 'word in lukur„y I. arid•comfort• and 'well Worth Viewing. °• ` In; 'theGeneral : Motors Building you follow ".the construction ' :of a automobile frofn; the 'very beginning; to, the -'finished' car :that ,runs off on its,' own power; ' In the/ Foods' and - _ ,,...,, ,�,q,, 'Agricultural Building you will, sed, cause the idea 'i's ,new „here, 'He: f is - all'. the modern machinery riled to -k confident' that'>his faith' in the • coin'. day:. in every. branch Of agriculture, plunity 'and: the movement -will, tie will conclude that 'in,no'ralnoh justifieil.'The students are'':' not ''all` of industry, has invention; made touch front town, one coming from, ,greater •progress, In' the' Dairy Btiild- as Ottawa. •Student's ate''. preeent li frig' will be seen the manufacture of from. `itipley, I,ueknow„: and' other all ririlk products and,.eu:lo icing"the: places;•. 'A• member of the lata value of milk in . bur 'dailyrations.Marjorie Stewart, B.A.,` a gra'- ' Miss M' In this building will also :he seen. the' duate int secretari"al,' science; of West- mechanical 'cow,' which e,an chew its ern i7niversity, • who is 'teaching cud, • move :its bead, switwh its :tail' commerdial. ,She Is silt a graduate ilndo bawl, he' eats nothm br „ milking• ma nine ;is millcin her�Cort Others COArses6arb lin. astir c f Pron+ 8 q , _ . • go of Pran• tihuotisly for fourteen ;flours a°'day 1 cipal..MaeLeod,,'vkho has a wile eir To •attenl:pt to. tell all 'the marvels, periende In teaching' ; young •men and. of° the Electric . l3uildiimg' would fifl, young %' O nen Courses of leoture�t in, l • .. . , . s » Y ry 'ec'onomic,• 'social' . i ieflAnl. a virlume. Nothmng has made such a elements � PURE'; CLQVER 40 OZ' . .. I'URETRAS., & STT.: W;, •JA . '.., , ., ,:. ,., .� '.,:39r 40 QZ;,. GRANGE; ,1MARMALAPE. 444' CANNED, OORN ; ,,..;,10c; GANIED,� PEA , ' N A MONS LAR41kJ •.. ,., , , , .,., , } .:lOc , OA PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 BARS . ,; SANT-,F 'U TI,•. N .EAN .� XELLOI'�,. 3 DANS; ..: + . , , ,: , CLRS eA w U •: SA PS,, 3' •CANS ',;., :,.,,, McCQ MICK;;S FANCY 'MIXED .;a JELLY .POWDERS ,'6 PEGS „p .," .,...,, •-„2$c ,1 • SEEDLESS • 7' RICE- OGH,` COOKING LBS. : 5c . QUA STORE.,•HAS” EVERTQNY�ENIENCE' `.SO .M'AKEv OUR STOPPING PLACE ON •FAIR=DA`Y.'+ ;'Phone 82 • We ,ha e ' a-.. Fthll_Ran • e: o f Sse� NEWS TYLES, ,ALL SHADES ° 'AND SIZES ' ,' • ' •,1 Tl is. Store aturay,' o •ARRANGE• MENZ S FOR . THIS DISPLAY : HAVIi '•BEEN ,MADE WITH• A 'LARGE 'CITY i -I arige; COME IN AND: INSPECT 'O;UR,LINES. shone 3howii'in , this -building.; • The. Horticultural ;Building is truly "fairyland: ,of fi3wers, Impossible it is to.. imagine a more beautl'ful :sight than greets • you in the building: and' in .the acre or.so-.of garden' to 'the' salt ' :Thelar es i ge t , iti drvay--that'. was ever:: seen at any fair in time world, is seen- here, over ,sixty •difi'.erent attractions. All receive their quota'of patronage," fiat the---•one--that .is proving the greatest' attraction is'-Ripley's "B,e-: lieve It Or,.Not Odditonuiri;" °• There arc -many, many other won- dtrful sightsoto 'be 'seen at this "Century of Progress:". I 'have tried to . enumerate seine of the 'principal. • Nele :Warn) Under', Garinents ger "Girls. and, Women, Old at- the Cid Tinton Commercial' Actiderny open-' ed on: MdriditY with an ,erirollinent. of gaeteed, the, BELFAST •. family og spent ;. Sunday ; With Mr; and'ilirs..John Campbell. • eek ith ahd Mrs: Wilson -' Me. and Mrs. Henry Matthews and ef Nile': spent Sunday vvith ., 'Mr. and' Urs. Clifford Hackett ind baby irigited tecently , at Mr,, Will' Messrs:- Robert,.. Jamea and Glen • Cameron og Perth visited last. week 7. jititencleit for, Lea Week). , Mr; . George And Mist: Greta' Webb. AtidreW,,,Visited ;Sante of • .and Clinton last: week.•' Trie Searlet Chapter., of, kiss met- in 1,,telinowf OraneO I-411 WOriderfUL • 414