HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-28, Page 5SI PT 2lC193,3i
p.J,wrfltRow BOOK
''PhtlelcIling 'The TrangreaSor' BY An
0111-ati.e of 30 Months Reveals
. Peniteqt.larY.' Life As It,Is.
Eraeit 8h(ift• Volf
Of :,,SOUthamptOn Peac9a?, Pied On
$PYSP 37PqrS, OP, WithrOW was Ernest E Jho, ,eottar Out
cbnricted and Sent t Kingtit.Qn Pen i- prieter -og .01e: Southampton Beacon,
t POtilgy Two and years later di4. on Sunday, of inj,iirieS suffered,
'Was ;fel:eased • because„ 4 •Ainp‘sp.., t1ue eeks ago., when -his; autorno-,
An a ticlet-o-]etve In"thi $00; "lulean over hith as he crarilied;
".he sets forth "simP41y,...4ami e0,41-.• 'while, in, oar,. , '• .
inemlable restraint, the events . . yr. IShort,'02 years old;,., was born
Yybea - be • 1,110,.Manila, Ofit,p". #PaitLirldsaY., He
•'behnc1and five. lee"... He tell's w' • educated. at Lindsay Collegiate
:his storY,--With little ,reference: tP jini 'serVed -for- some time as printer
00r I* pupose a not t apprentice � th tindAor•Post
'to:, himself- for the Later 'Jib w9ikect for the ,Wilson'
"gr4Y0-' ir•44t!..l0Da''done him, hut toPublishing. Company of TPrimto, apd
direet Attention;:"Activep,'•purposeful *4. 4.
4? ore. -4.3,mei., was ,plant .aupermtep-
" qt"tentieD * the .6a4qonditions Of «t of KiIgourBrothers in T'AiOnt.A..
He: des this by
illirr,ating, many. incidents • of prison'
Jife and• by de -eribing • with...Careful'.
accuracy .tlie rpUtine. ,of the priaon.
He•tellsp for inatince, of the schoolT
that keeps: open, for, three • qbarterf
of, an hour, •thellbrarY 'With Shelves
ie Yt'Pqt to SOnthallitit411 2.7" Years
ago. and 'pnrchasecl the Be,ascOn.
ITO was twiCO''InitYAr. of the town,
and ;was a leader,in the `•-.• agitatien
which. brought hydro, power, , to .the
tdwri t'w8 years • ago: •He was prom-
le'nt' in .Masonic, and Odd Fellows' '
• pf,,, mutilated book, and •the.• hospital vireles'.; 'Ilia 'funeral' was held TiiS
which reqUer's gel:vice- :when it must:. • day, 'under auspices of the. I.O.OX:
His- act mints. of the -prison • are •- • '
• '-isuth a 'charge, .substantiated ,as
it 'is by fact, ' that it first, startles the.
Mrs. M. Piersan,of Millarton spent
reader and then bewilders him; The •a' 'few • days . with tfriends here. ,
' ,final reactien : is, one .of • burning
anger--; that conditiOns,. developing
froin, . stupidity; and. igneranct,' and
4, .brutal to the point of savagery, have
been 'allowed'to exist, in :aur country,
Shackling4th&--4-ranagressOil • :puts'
a great •responSibility on •eyerk sane-
. Oohing anadian. , n responsi-
bility, to abolish an .age-eld systerri
that has taken , no' count either of
seientific , research or . prison 'raft:it-tr.
as it has: been instituted' during the
. pt fifty :years.
lgt$: Mark 1Orrison of .-0'ingharn
spent a few- days this Weelci," \Otis
,Mrs. David Kennedy
Miss Olive Farrier left last • week,
for., Stratford normal. We 'Wish her
-everr !Siiceesi.
• •••
" Mr. Price Scott and Mr. 'johnstoo
Conn • went to: Lon on * .w
last eek. or -
Mrs., Murray; who was in Victoria
Hospital for a ,few day's: .•We 4re
sorry to say that she 'will have to:
stay in bed for some :time.
• The Rally Day ,• service was ob-
• servad in the.• Presberian, church'
last, Sunday; when the choir consista
ed of the Sunday 'school. A -very. nice
. service Wa'S enjoyed by all, :
- Mr. Kenny: Purves, Mrs.. Jas., .Pur-•
•- yea, MI-S....Lizzie. Bolt •and son Wil-
liam. of net Lueknow, alab Mr.,Petei
arid Miss Annie Kennedy inotorcc'
' te-Guelpli •on Suhday arid 'visit -Or
,relatives. , "
_ .
Messrs.. lienty ,and [...John -Patterson.
.2.••alsis 'Mr: jack attended tlic
,.'...Stratford Fail' last . Wednesday.
Miss Mundy' of Winehain spent the
weelcaend with MisS Leila Leggatt-.
Mr.' Oordon arid' Mfg".
• Aorie.. „Gillespie • have . started- to
Wifighim.: high School'.
and •Mrs;,,..Pred Stanley. visite0-
,reeently with Mr. ,and Mrs; Duncari
, .
Mr: and .Mrs. 'Neil 1VIcCalluni• .ol
.Langside spent 'Sunday :with Mr. and
' Duncan -Kennedy., • ,
• Mts. -Smellie' and . da7n;hter;
Nelson. and :her.. wh9'
have ,spent the: last two hionths With
, the foriner's brother,, ,Andrew
Ferrie, returned ,to honia. in
"the ,west • .
• •
lIeaditasterL•NoW, we hav,e
little performance with, the cane.
Boy •( who'•had stuffed boOks in the
'seat of his trotisera in readhiess)-7-•
All ht Sir I've booked m seat
• Mr., JaCk;:1VIeFarlan„ Jr.,' iindertvent
a tonsil • operation: in Goderich .1.10-
:Ipital. Iasi. week. .
Mrs. HoWard 'McGuire and boys of.
Olivet0. 'vere-weelc,r.-ea'''d..Lvisitors-a.witb-
her. sister Mrs. Geo. Baldenbi '
,' Mr -Wes. Boyle' and Edna' are visit-
ing'...elatives at - Clandebbye.
.: Mi.. :And Mrs. B. E. .Mel.4an, "Mr.'
Ikt.. .IfcT:ein and ' Evelyn returned
home ' fioni•-attending ALI.e. World's:
• Chicago. •,
. Miss Olive• Blake 3 king .4 ttio
,weeKs visit witir rela9ves'ln Gilllitoe
and ggm91.109114.• :
Olive Anderson. spent- „the
Week -and: With 'her C9114ini Miss. Flota
i4114.now, .
Finlay ,
spents.theWeekien4 at his „
arne here. 'tfospital, .49.449lit
Mr. and . ,,19,„.C.9?t.71„W.;4.1.
etestsof e Ara!ThomasiionesXer1-.hr44%44t,;1e:
Anderson;$,IiPe107174°op a .-CD-4-• - severe
• •- • • • .. -.h. •
ft ''' sha • • • ,
Paimer Kilpatrick was horne" from -The "Big Men"- of •HuronlAWAS: !)25Toroiito .
this ., 1.0015,v!,47, .1.)•eflo07,inIc
nit 'Thursday ,,' ty Octoner,
afternoon', at the ione Of :Mrs. Ern. ,est,,
Blalie.:'There.'W4.0".a good att.endalr?' • •
(Intended for Last We)
3411i. Wzn EnsiaW',111411 ret4rned • fo
her home in '1 -os Angeles, C?al.. after'
'visiting her Mother Mrs.0. 'Gessel.
and' Sisteriiltra.„,Nelson -anlith :tor the
Past two, mcntlos• •• '
'Mimi, Annie Roach recently under -
•went all operation, in at- Jo§ePla't
. .
decided 'quilting at the OctOber meetin .
"fattener -gave--a---.reporoP-Alw
don 13ranch Meeting held in, London,
Sept. Ilth. .
•Quite •a number from, here 'atten-
ded ° Goderich Fairp Wednesday.)
Henry Alton an •
Allen and Heletior, o Desbaragas;
Algoma, spent part of last Wee with
e _former s sister,
arid „,..,11.4r.• Irvin. ,
Mr: and Mrs. 6harles McIvor anfl:
IllisS.Francea, IVIcIvor of, Ottevira.'rt
turned'home last , week,:having spent
a Pleasant. •hOliday. with :their siater,
Mrs.Elmer Phillips, and Mr.,,Pliallps:
Mr and Mrs. Will Irvin,:Doreen
and,1T'tisse1L4rviii,' were...the-guest§
92 Mr. --."And Mrs.' "Victor Errington,
•Me.) 'and, Uri. Elmer .Philips land'
Miss Frances Phillips, aceompaniee.
by :Mrs. •Theinas. Barris and two
children of -Woodstock,: who had beer
their gue ts, Motored to 'WOodstock,
on,--Sundar." Miss trances remained
• Mr 1 'and lYlka• :John ,FCrgoon, Hilda-
fore visit • ' ' • •
• Arehie of gollingwood, , were
urn ay :visi ors a ean s.
• On Friday (tri-morrOw) Morning
at 10 A. M. -there wl be' a celebra;.•
Alain ' of the Holy Com nuniOn in the
chnrch• .o., - • •
The Fall meeting of' ,the Bruei;• •
p.cancry will be, held in HelyTimity••.. SECONDCON, KINLoss:
dhurch; on Wed. October' 18. •"•. ..• -; • •
(FUrnished by tile Ontario 1)0Partqler$ 'of Agriculture)
,•The TooYelnetit,'Pf'eattle this Year The mereineqt, in this Airection has,
4. • •,,
PR to ..4.pg:aa.t.` 3lst. iapitti4o1at)y'Tigt..IO.a.ahl:o. ain00,'.tha!
rT':Orjoct. .• • Asi,. . 4
•haye,-, •
..st.rengtheped. •.aid ;oven: higher:, •
. '1 h'
s Fall,
c1op year with a 'carryover of 21r2 Ur(hase Seed LotatGes Now
. „. • • • • • • • • •••... • . ••. ...• .
than.' w•t"a•-tOri...lian't •-•'• to-. "indi
totalled . e°mPa•ted ne* Prernitim Policy went into, effect
year, '
ION .'August71.si kit Year '' gte'' •Clariy- growers Ootaio‘t for - tila;
:'btrar • of other grahig N'ot ,exceed °•,!arlY market next 's'eaSori,woUld, be
, , • 50,000;0.00 bushels• 9 - •vell-advised to purchase- their seed
. .
The Sunday schPor W1.14 De.;.•
nipplies now.
held, in Zion church on Sunday morn-
. ,
at 11 A,M. 'Tlat3iastor will give.
an address also 'a splendid Rally de.c
•:.'prokrain Will be dArried
'r.he, Zion Young ` People's Socie0
ititertained theYoung People oi
Hacketts' appointment ' to a acteial
1 thp n ion -
k' On Account' of AnniversarY, 'Services
at •Crewe next Sunday,. • Sunday
scintol will be held: at, Blake's -church
at 10.30 A.*.
,a" 0 -A-.71%.-."-.-Aiiiprig.:-.‘hc. •
• •SpeCial speakers_ _for' the day are -Calvin Irwin' and Robc.rtCampbell•
• Rev. 'R. A. Arnistrong, "B.D. alma 'f-ekv daYs liait 'week with
friends in Wingbarn.
Mr": and, Kra. Allan 'McConnell
.have moved into the ;house' .formerly.
`known as the Nicholson heme.
Mrs. W.Hudson 'pen t a few days
last week •' with' her daughter, Ars.
W. •J..! Irwin. '
Mrs. James -Martin visited ilOn Srin-•
day with:IVfrs'. J. B. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. ;Rod , and
family spent Monday' evening at the,
McKay home. ' , •
Mr. ancl -Mrs. In-170cl 1C1-illif---cTifd
Betty spent Sunday .'with Mrarid-
'editor of 'the Canadiain Churchman,.
peaking oil -the • Artie Circle; ''tev
L. Dickson, .M.A., ipeaking :on India;
-Rev. B. Atkinson; speaking-zon-Baffin's•
, , .
'Look. .. ..The..':
'-11.0g Valiti
' Leal, Tra-V:---,-
rg177Jli. 'of:Lricknow. '
.ST• • tinzN...s:
The -October :meeting 'a the •
rneu!s Institute .will be held atMrs
D.I Todd s, on Thursday afternoon,
October 5th. Reit:call "Simple Borne
:Remedies:" Subject "Firm 'Hazards"
in 'charge. of ,Mrs. *flier:
Mrs. Ferguson "of AnbUrn Is a
.viiiter`:. her :daughter, •Mrs•
Chester Taylor.
1.1'c refOrd cattle man,.
hail the int:steal:rile recently, to stifle"
"fractued hip, • resulting from- a
I1 f on a ladder; ' 'Picking
• !*i..r and Mrs. , J.: Wallace-• Of.
:13Airie and: Mrs. '„ Elliott; of
luc.knoVr Were 'tecent-; visitors With
Mr.: and Mrs. E. J. Thorn' and Mr.
and .Mrs, -W. A; ,
the -gq,SLOf..,hei. friend, Miss ' Edith.
Durnin. . • ••
Sr. and Mrs, Ed:, Dredgeof'Camp-
bellviile were week -end .visitors -with
Mr? and Mrs, I,cKenzie Webb', and
pit rins. ' With *iss • Anilie McICenzie.
. litiliPr,"•13OYS and
the: : Virk
Hotel. Toronto. -----They Ate:,
*timers Token
Contest SPOriSOred:by ,CiOSse atld
OldeltWell? lOottittO,
Of.f9.0d.lirdatietti. ithr04, their.
' " "
' c06,4,14ii• Zi41,bitlOtti • ••
TheY'.' all. travelled Canadian
Padiffe and the IleYal York Hetet
Tlie'V Wes, lunch tritert?„Milli 4.11
were adjusted be Or ntrie ;were .
•ina.clecto kilo.' diningloonis, and
there was,youeli Jolli Chatter over
ineal.Theron-0 tours -Vier
Of ,the eichibition Mr ,•
long tliese boys atid
girls will 'have haPpy ;Memories
0*dithig 0.33.4
aaXib. :
L. .
the. ,itiOileitOOMS
%votihgataiii,• the odatotitt ,'•Ot• •ri
large nut:that' bottles ot tot
sept bYer latted8:.4thd '00O
Mrs.: g rnest Gardner? 'COCO :an
Snd -Mrs. Mark Gardner, 'Lunow.
• Mr a4 Air& Kiehard'.- Gardner
;visited With othe latter's :sister?, Mrs,
Albert Campbell on Thursday last -
Mr. ,Alfred •At'diew;of Owen Sound'
called on friends here -Tuesday of
las Week.
• ,
'Miss ,Daisr "Ritchie ,rettirried liOme
a fther iisoPme:
L iof 'Mrs. Efliott.
Mr. and Mrs.. Ritchie: were
-guests recently: with the ferrnees
Sister, Mrs. janet . TWamley, Lanes.:
Miss Aline -Hunter 9 Tiver en,
" " t '
Mr. Cecil 'Gardner is assisting. in
picking apples in the • Joynt orchard:
Mrs, Joseph Treenian ' spent • a
few' days last 'week With- her: parents„
gr. and 'Mrs. Will Gardner. '
Miss, Beryl ,Gardner Of• Nile, 'spent,
Sunday? at her 'honie here.
. • .. .
'On Friday evening the, Langsid(
Foresters held an entertainment or
siiening their hall ,after redecorating -
The 'following pr,ogram, Nees given-
Forestera„. 'service, Mr., :Spears' o'
another Order of Foresters was Calf
ed ithon to. he Chairman. Violin se
lections, •Mr. McLeod, Wm. MacKen-
readings, Grace' RichardSeni:
'Kathleen MacKenzie,' ' Elsie
•Hawkleyi Mr. Wm. McKenie plaYee
:!..Annie • Laurie": with a.' string attach
oliptand a cigar box; quer!
tette Kenneth 'MacDonald Aler
rAttle.,L,Reggie,Moore, Clifton Irelanci;,
4F1gpipe:. MUSie, James ;Roist'
mentals, .Ardyst--Browni. Higb3and.
'; George, RobertsOn, D,onalcla,
lean: and 'Nellie MareCalltin".; •Orches-,
.tra •addresses, Mr. Spears on
7Foresters' 13UsineSS"; Mr.' F.. Mof-
fatt "On DepressiOn;t: The. prograiri.
Closed:. with •,:tlie,'Poresters Anthem
followed the :Foresters' •beriedic,
tioil Lunch , was then served and the
remainder Of the :evening. spent in
• •
• : The,' 2nd and 4th COn. ladies ,held
their • W. M. SI. tea at the home of
1VIrs4 Geo.: McCleneghan, -On., Friday
Attention Cattle' Shippers!.
Thomas L. Kennedy annoitn-
ces: that the Governthent hes been
fertuncite in securing offers foi
cattle to the :Old Conntry.
Shipinents be made ii
car o s an .
ea weig OTX
port' 'are'. from • 1;000 to 4_300 pounds
Farmers in different district ari
arranging to 'make, up, Shipments •tc.1
Old. Country markets...Cattle may bt'
shipped freight, ,collect.and laid (16wi:'
in ,Birkenbead or Glasgow , at a sow'
of $24.50 to $4.00 Per head. Sale!.
costa in .Great , Britain are- aroune
$5.0if per, head additiorial. , •
Colonel Kennedy announces , that.:
cattle shipments to Great: Britoil.'
will be met, nit arrival in •the',. Ole
Country and . everything-. done tK
promote sales to bestadvantage, re-
ports' beingtnade back to the shippers
• by the Agent. General's °tilde
London, f,Enquiries . for sriace Sbonle.
be addressed to the Ontario •Market
ing Board', , Parliament Buildings.
. ,
'Toronto. -
Ontario, Ploughing Matches
• The, International Ploughing Match
will be held: in .'• new territory ' this
year; the northern part.. of Grey,
county.' This location conven=.
lent' for residents 'of - $inicoe; ,Grer..
And Bruce; • who •have not been able
to attend:. the Otthering in the east,
ern and western ends of the
• Strong local. suppbrt is already
assured in the county contests ;fa"
which valuable , prizes... are donated
by Owen Sound business :firms And
indittiduals.,Worthy of note. is a Dual
PurpoSe Shorthorn ball offered, by
Col. T. Rutherford for the,. best
stubble ploughing .boys under 17
. „
! a.. 'silver tea perviee • from,
SteWart--GooperL.-for-T-beat rdoughei .
land in, any class .by boy 'under ,2fi.,
the Warden of . Grey 'County ..'extene'
an invitation to this .' combine(
..,ploughing -Match and machinery' de.
mcinstration,' October '10 'to 1.8th. .Nt
adinission fee is. charged and ther,
are no midWay... 'spielers; to .disturl
the • grounds...It is a meeting', plac(
,for 'business' men, prefeasional 'iner
and farme•rs.- • ••
• HesIdei his Central Match. 'then
will be.•abOut thirty county Or dis,.
trict' matches held ,thretighont
tario- mostly in the Month' 'of oc-
last. , ' • *.
Owing,t0 the recent ,Tains.,- thy
wheat:: fields "-are •COrning•
life and..tbe farmers are::. able tc
-splough, ,W141e heforeJthe ratnnfl
in ibis IocAlitY had:.to •step. .ploUgh.
'rig AS Ili& landsivas-; so tdry±tkeiffui--
• r:OW.S‘,ShiiplY T6'fll$Od, to turth '
Wedding are , •
and, mra:"'Fred 'Thom psrth :
Toronto Visited. last' week With Mes-;
'srs. George, 'Wes. atict.'Orville Tiffin
• Mr. Th'eS. piss , and -Murray,
.TerontO, spent a. feW.,• 'days al
their' farm here.
Mr. 'JIM' Little: 'has returned •t
-Toronto to reaurne studies? .
.:Mrs. 'NM', MacDonald • :•aind
'Piece Marion*MCDOnald'left laSt. 'Week
for Bewderi; Alb,, where their intend
tO" reSide for awhile.' • '
.1tatt., caller 'On
'•,he line 'on Monday. ,
TheV. F. W. 0. meeting at the
'lletne of Mrs. , Sandy " McLeod or
Thursday last viat Ivalt-attandeil ,
"I Mr: 'Gilbert Bamiltoit receitied thc.
sad news*. of the death of his father,
which -Odeitired at his home in Toron-
to., was sufferer. from 'heart,
trontife': and his 6titit6 Caine Very,
tiidden1i; Ma" son Gilbert, who. re,
stiles an the 'Fourth eon, vient to
Toronto to attend the. funeral: ,
Mrs. WM. ScrIrtigniir .and flilli
•Jferef. Palitteriten, Spent the:. week;
Mi. Albeit Little had .the
•'bine tatioytoae,:6ttlig Of a
truck, to ' and. dislocating
•,111.g 'Ma liti4 it!
tOi* :
.• • •
Air • 'and:•.Stered. Potatoes •
- Careless .stOring. -of wet ,potat�e-
i.'griahS11)1e for unnecessary an,uai 'losses.
'Potatoes 'ought-. fp bi
stored a :cool,' well -ventilate(
'ellab'whichiS_$reCtly _dark Pilin
•.).citatees ' ' -heaps -war* :anc
•nOlirly, ventilated ,,cellara createS. "fly
Most faVOrable.!cOndithins for rotting
Before plaeing, the. liotateaa ,
• wooder;. slats :slightly', ipari
• Slunild be - aliOut. six inches • Oi
More from the will, •and,,A, ••,terripere..
ity. floor ivith.. craCke• between thl •
bards- should he 1.141a about
inches .abeve. the permanent •.flOOr •
This will:ensure • :air to circulate:
"around and tinder. the pile of 'potatoo.:`
if .sheilld! 49 banner; .that the 134P•
has tO 'he -vary , large? sqUare'' 'yen-
tilaters,;niade• Of. Wooden . Slats' anO.
running Irian. top to hotteni,o-f,' the:
:rile should be Put -in 'here 'tinci there
TOgethr."witli 'the circulation" of air
At the- sides atict, iit the ".'hottOrn •Of
thi. ,theta. ventilators; v.411•
`ite pOtateda a better eot*
'lition, than :if: they. 'were lti* a Solid:
potatoet in 'large" tratei ,iriatte
with 8 a . e ve a ion , ween
tli ' t' beten
the•brittes etSiiting Very • io
;the potatoes. good ton-
clition. The temper:attire Of the atorea
,houte- tetat thonld 6 IdiA to
neerlY 33 Or 86. degree'
aliale4.. '
Lack .o.f :Moisture' hes resulted ih
reducing' the early crop, • of Ontario,
pptatoes approximatelY thirty-five
per cent., based on last year's figures:
, •
.potatoes is :reduced. ' by -at • leaie •
tiventy!fi've per cent. Ileav$., '
b, e s n ar e avez •
been *made from this, reduced acreage
tnereby leaving .the' stipply available'
for seed purposes.. much leis than
• isual 'at this 'tithe of the 'year. •
Under ,these
circumstances,:, it • •is '
only., reasonable to 'assurhe that con- ..
siderably higher pries wilr prevail :
next :spring. • .Therefere, wherever,
is sugges,W-tliat growers .
'procure their seed SuPPliea, while
prices are At present levels. -
Ontario Government ,Tests •
Prize -Winning
deterniine the. ,reason 'for
Prices of •Oritarle• hogs in Britain the
of prizewithiirig; at the Gana- .
dian 'National Thee . hogs
will: be ..processed and ship,ped.
seas. . •
„ , .
The: animals, purchased :
thehighesttypee. of: bacon -hog in ,the
PrPvince.:,The 'Departinent 'will '•over -•.2..
, „ , , . •
see every stage of , the •slAughtering; ••
ping: And, finally the SMOking process
,in .:Englarid. Further, : the Departinerit • ,'
•threugh,- Ontariot .•
will, .market the , finished , product.
Value . of ;Certified Seed'
, Commercialpptate , growers whose
,stock;intettect-, with disease4. or.
:cOnteina Mixed • 'varieties 'Would Arid
it,- decidedly advanta'geotis• to .seetire •
certified Seed, It 'jai. not the 'chief :
.purpose of the , Departnientot;
ricalture o encourage .potato growers . •
to • use -Certified, seed with a view to
inspected_for .cer-
tification ,,pirkpeacs;, :because • eveiy'.
ootatp, grome:riiaa not,. the necesiai
tatience and time': .9r suitable 'Ideation,
'teed:. The ,Obiett ;of : the s'Departniept.
Other is to 'Nave. growers use ',the
best seed . obtainable for theircoMr.•
mercial...Crop,.... and help" to ,,keep down
to. mininuirit deatinetikrePlant.
-diSeaSes.,', With their resultant serious'
effeet on.. Yields The. rise 'of certified:
potatcY. geed, 'On many: farms-
double the yields hit* heing:ebfanied.
GritoriOLeader ,
• • ."By, inargin;*: Ontario IS.,
tbe,first Province Canada :frern a '
Itand:point • of gross agricultural •
.4.had,,,, Said SL',_4•LS:yitio_os; elite
.the••statisties: Branen .of the " DePart,I.
, _ :
nent.' • 'This," he .491-itinued,', "mut. •
2Orne as. a ,Stirprise. 'to thote. who
have coneid,ered Ontaritt'priniarilYaS, •••••
an inditstrintaeCtion- Of •the-Dominien • ,
• The. fat res, however, that the
grosa. agrictilturai revenue of
tario for 193.2. Nyag • $226,446,000, the
IleXt 'proirlhae 'being Quebec' with a . •
.gro•sa.'• revenue of $120.,,054,000•.
".“:Sorile".'idea Of Ontario's lead •over:,
the :Other. ,Vrotrificea; Will • be ,-gained '
fi.9ni. the fat that the "'combined frose
agriCulturat revenue , Quebec,
British • Colurithia,' 'New ,Brunswick, •
Nova Sobtia• and Prince -EdWard ts-.
tand,-,waS $211,114,000' cOnipEtted••
with Ontario'S- total,' Of • $26,,446,06(),
. ,
'Farmers MuSt Produce'
' To • the Man' in the,. Street, an"y:
teniptile Ocrease Production:hi!. thee
dOSt. diepressirig 'World
seetn. waste tithe, even- *OrSea.
tle•-4orgeta, SayS Mi. t4 .H0NeWnian,,
:06niittiOn • Cerealist; ,thAt, the • firi
-bletit-Of the ..indiVidual farmer 4i1"arq., ,
vattly 'hat Ol• the riatiOn aS.
Whole; •that -capacity of the:farmer
to earry..On :and 'paY .hia, WAY
iired in:Mt small degree l by the
he redlizet, net dere. TO the farther*,
the is .unit of";produCtion, If
his average -yield's per ACrer..wikethAr
cenyetted 'ititO innttent:,..er beet,
oi diSpeSed- of , raw, •,etata.,
tatelyi ihereitge either ..Stlecunth entirely he f6rded
he deMAd'fof tlri;
'dealt:able," !ittet l'eni3Ovot •hirii iiretiettant„JfiOtei. .
1:1460'ie :atjDatott
• f ,toiniiiqo