HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-28, Page 47,ru
171, ••••••••sr
m Recallthe
• 'Iii..$..•••.,.1411;•dic.i.,14.0.•-;t•
••, • •
TXXV•R$41.4,SEI!rE BJI.t 8,. 1933
usedo. have, to TedYe ,e,ar clotlioe, on lie tilingel 118,04 •t6' inl'a41fie' 4/?atit
1400., Generally , when. we Went ;Whet took ' .040 elengite sores'
to :put theM on, We 'fennd the slurt',befoTe the ,paletLlges Carflq'to' the
sleeves PF pantlei4* ti,c4 rn, !mots.; c:onntrY' X noW.1019.' .could never. !leYe
2*reW1ed, and 4breatened, a geed ,neentred beeansethe' er.Peic was ,T.1°.
deal ever this but did net a1way Ongicieridt laFge for .any. 04taPqe. t9r,
come' to -.getpal,'Aghting, altho tbis even:.Intlian canoes
Was: ' before , the reedern -nudist. dea lVhiIe .no • one', raved very 'mach
had orkginate'd we never thonght*olc. ' 't b auty' there are :parts of
heard of srivim!Ili.Pg srnts, We got all that • rtvor. that !7.eti11 .linger
virx .I:14 irAt.14s, LEADS HIM TO . -EK-' 04.441mtTlg .014t. heOinee, eft,the '14triOtiV.01),
PRESS IIOPE HAT fl.W14:.F.AT''441W1 `.1r1,4fti VAPY'I.P" 4ursa.reniember oile boy W1O of the sceneryI ' Q th§,t coin*bete it crossed onees to p
047 is
•114E. „POOL.;
• In a recent Inielbei"Ot the .Seiitillei.
. „.
.the• -WeehlY'' paper ' 'Abetbaa'. been
. printed, .in .Uiy. 014:t. lio*, , tei,v,*, ,eVer'
* ' Bleep )3efore. "I *. via.a! bOro'i. I !nevi e
,,notice,' that, •,figoratively.. speaking;
lirciught tears to .my eyes.. It stated
' that.' tlie:' Medical*, Ilealtb .Offider' had
prohibited. ming:swim.in the • ol
4C11.4014 VII!' pond I*: ealfriaafi' this
„ . .
'.. '.'action' 'was i a,didiable* and maybe even
abtiolutely.:riecessery from a' hehlth
- .standpoint. . -Nevertheleis., •.I.' cannot
belii but ' feel a bit blue: oyer the
order, .although it is, ...nOW ' over a'
• third of„a century 'piece .mIr fait . dip'.
• in that t� me delightful' waterhole
• Whether it is the distance • of ,over
ItWeitherisand;:telreir,VM.:, , -Ftrme 'd!s.-•
ta4ce of •thirty-five. yearn', r do! not
, lcnc*, but in keeping with the adeee
''.that odistance *lends enchantment 7:tc'
• the view'Itat spot - has become to
• ale a brigh Auld' deet memory; as
'indeed 'have'iall\the Other :spots ' On
• the old creek thi I'. knew in these
geodolilbad.old,,f** airs before .1'
•-'folloWed Horace Oreele .cs advice and
, 'came west. - : .•
.. ,
When I 'think Of a fiver i '.4s. not
'altvays. of Mime .greet and lordly,'
etteeM like , -the MississipA the St.
, , .
Lawrence. Or *the • Arneson, Mir' iiii it.
' 4 .teme ofthose- big or ' smell
' . , • , . ,
,-ete$red ui the ate -1' 1Ile'.11et ,the,:eoneSiOri X04de.inKinloss OleFe'
all one aft'ernoon,,Se :that he g.4.'sun- waterlilies Smiled hnelt
PanY of IgeXelient Adventures ' burne4:7At, tile:;_tend .10.14 son tanned
ing,:int„e tbe 11..a4Obit'S',13aY"'and tq after• Fot boine
• •• - • -A
.niem; ot the North: 'Wei( Cernpilny. DO3P..r.n at the foot Wheeler... .1;
of',..Teipleration the Ptl”w :bran4efd:.?!r. the eFeChflow-
r.entero, t'he Siiries,:Of La Vero.' diye, :0 11\3161v,r :st°0:Yr fl?..zir,---tbai''%'las.
, • „ - - '
Stony and InUddy in 'Other,
#earn, ',F0,n!slinr; MKenzie, Fraser Places, :It Was iri.,:elinl*er • (Min;
t the S'un. It..was nota big.patch'
nd the blies: were just like. YrellOW,
iies. elsewhere, ' but 'I.: anl. 'pre 'thltt
were trio* now:A. would want to
aVO: inY camera along to get
Ifghter..'Avonld he in-
and :athars are *ary 'AtmOntie and is there .118r119great'd.Optl:t and very
fesaaatgk' And. long before 'the*, 1ittle.1Peett *It was fine ,for ,
were the river travels f Cartier, bare-footed although the stoner
, o t
Fr,Onte.naCp. 'Char!:11)diri,Saeand bw;:;!:;voh:lrdd `.iiPensiathtee9e
..ticitto-7(in1,)..ta4strw4amt t
HenT.lePin, • . just :because , it was stony 9) MenY,...*r
Ji / Were Neaked. to ntttne .rye!;• .7time I _played irt this .part of the
tilat, 'MOO often comes.. into. MY .river .: We boys used to 'pretendor
thpaghth1 would 'say that itwaa.fiot imagine Iota of, interesting ithtngs
any one of thei n1igy rivers re-, as We Played, for "the. thoughts of
nor JAY' 'Mg Youtivore-ong;': • TZT
410toric Ones,nor the Sacred one, nor -then .1 haird' swum in Seine -rivers;
those with the swiftest currents not or padd1d on others, sailed up,1).r•
the greatest fells,' per 'those with the don 'others in steamers, of kratiOns
largest cities,Inch...those' that ;carry Sizes fished along some, pichicked'hy
the richest products, nor these with the :hanks of -'somei-iodev.wallred.or
the sweetest names or that have had Marched across ;bridges' Over :others
the Sweetest, songs written and sung kI in ..slifferent parts of two continents,
about them, net ,those tb&t ftow bt none of these operations meant
through the 'Meat lacoutifilift country pcire to.,:ine at the time than did the.
or, that cemei tumbling out of the business of 'plaiing in, .that,..,sItony
highest men/Italie Neither ' .do 1 river' in the old •Bruce county 'village
think of. 'those on Whose placidvat.- lof LucknOwr so. namedafter: the city
er,a lovers ;have ever wont . to row or
'paddle While theY'talked ..ef the
tlung.S neardit :their heart that,
is;* telked.. of • her end
;• ,
d, i sePAM!' and: get. to,
0,rk'. with brush, :palette: and eanyas.
--Amen 'the"- hther "beautiful pk-
that ,bank ori• merrtory's waU
s that he a Section of • this, ,same,
iver deWn the fields Past....wheFe,my
randeather " built aslaughter hose
or Mr., Perden,.. one Pf4h9.,..11,11aSP
UtChers,..`It seemed' to flow gently;
tween:gressy banks There was no,
in India which 'figored' .o, prominently
in the'-rnutinv • -----,... .....1----1- .......--
• ' ' , ' ' .. ' ' really, *Ondiff7 UT7arilWit-the.. river . or
r mentioned that this stream- had . the 'scenery . and yet...I have . thought
streams . that have had .history Made .
no poetic neMe.• It was; and 1 suppose .of that little stretch Of brook mote
Boyne, the Ithinne Or, the Nile iNei- • The rive .1 ' tut 'thinking Of and because its 'mouth was nine
tilli,ealled-4the h,l.ine--kle"..,Rim*t-o.' hen than I have Of..the Niagara,.the,
, . .
on theirbirfiks-FlikOth-Rapidintr-tha -thlked-o
those rivers thet havehecoine famous in th'e ;last fort years . is one that I other.. That sounds yathet indefini e
miles St 'Lawrence,: . the Otta*,a, the
Thames, the 'Seine, the Forth Or even
have theught 'Of I hundreds ,of , times north or south of some plaCe ' or .-... a
diet does my mind turn naturally to .:•
, _ . .
. •
At:the,evo i the
'1.1nitedl Clinrell- 'on Sunday' Oetobe'r
let,.44ininistering.ut ho. Sicerannont
.ob.eorVed; Tetorviee will. tic
"4144 •t0t.i 1:3y:
Sunday ScpsatLnChurh
A 'gpO4- atte!idenee QI,Yeeng. 'peeple.
was present Preeent ,at Sunday 0'0 r"
-neeiiI service' ..in'T•latie.!a• phareb, Thoae."
aftimt0airt aetViCe..ap to Which, old' AiO
TQl•lOg: Ore..itiVited, 441 te-cOntinue,4
at .leaat". thOn'khent,;()etobser,
ril'eabyterian:.':y. W. A.,
. • • • . •
Tho Seternber ieotw of tin
ifig:' at tlIn Manse Wth the prosideii,t.
• inItbn ehairt. theMeetipg opeed by,
192:and setipttne
'read, allternaely fronf'the ;chap..
-of. Jelm'S :1.84 Wes.
'followed by,. a business period mid
offering, af.ter whieh Wren 104 . was
sulig and Mt./5:
:the. Bible study. from the book of
/obit. lewitt..gave the --topic from '
Working n
• jr • !,t.FAi, .:c05.1,EDY
water , :144. wrissionv book "The. Seven Seas
*fhgt rnea0W-77174(0iiill£17.4:‘ ern -11901.- .;
MinnoWs darted. here and. there a lrid prayer by MisS. McOdIT•close • . • .
entented with the place as the ,-rier the'. meeting.'i •-• • '
was .itself. Now and ,akal.n. a co
to drink St Peter's.A.
would sten into, the • Avet0
'orAO. Coe) Oft. a bit." Tirthe ida,lvere
ox -eyed daisies, 'ant.. yoking other
blooms, and , the, distance.' .soints •
woods.':wbere.'Wel.4.sed. .toLiO.L.t6L.Aek
berries. The river bete was not.:verY
wide: the. antemer 'one'CPPliralinott, ,
ji.04'•Over ' it. -*ith..Ahe :asSiStanca.',611
a.' pole think , One could leap, frerc
-te • , :• '
The opening Meeting Of the
P. • was held at the home. of Mr.
'lot' Mrs.' Herb • McQUillin on Mon -
clay evemng.. The attendance -.;ras-:not-
as large .as :was wished but; a Splen-
did:. bhain s ting, W'as. held, The
AooSing Ofs c.apeteains for this '
Misses' Eileen Jobesten year's
bank.. ta )simk. x,Thei0 'Arai contest. in: attendance ,resulted in • the
McQuillin..being:. chosen. It was .als_o±
J.- I.
. .
decided. start a PeopY, . contest:
which 'will last until' Christrims. The
• kneethyg_ivahen elnset by' lVev.
Geoghegan' pronouneing the benedic.
tion, after whiCh lunch .Was ,served.
. Mc. and Mrs,-„LeOnard 'Corbett and
Mt aiidMis
treat, Cookstown to Mr \Itichaid El
. •
liott's on .Saturday. Mr. and • Mrs.....
Corbett Sr., will remain fel.: Some "
• Mrs. Melvin :Irwin....and• Dciris,': Mrs.
lHewitt Of,. ,SMikatOon, were, 'recent'
viaitors at Miss Lizzie
Mt. and Mr.s.. E. A...Paliner, Leis
becallae .Of tlie.,seagn the Y •baYe' in- paed kno*' boy.: NO citY is. but it is because: have forgit4teii the "Carding 7 gitil
e •
spired, like thend
'Shannon .in Ira, call its balks.' it does ot &idle .rasi.v.. facts. /.../i6vei had the. opportunity , 13 am. which, alas, is'. no longer to
the Rye7iiiid thh Afton in Scotland, ing
On i ing bola 1 think
Mountain, for it is in of many
down ,froM I, any now -tapped to follow - it to its source or to where b
Jn theAleitecr States hn&the, Ottawa ,nrovrne has no real mo
. M Canada. Not yet 'do I. think first '
of. those that Ore 'famous because Of.
the magnificent scenery 'along their
,banks,, •IiIce the ',Rhine and the ;Mtn=
• ired and One. others that peoPle rave
.. over. Seine' rivers are more or leis
!meted' like: the Jordan to Christians.
• and ,Jews, ' Olt their, 'Ganges to Hindus.
• „
. Others. get „their lame . because of2the
. cities ithrough • Which :they flow Or,
ratheik the • Cities. that •have• been
•*11144 . on their banks, like the' Thames;
the Seine,' and .thOTiber.' Then there
• are .riv.ers... that are .noted fer" the
strange *wimp people or.; 'animals'
that can -be'seen- on eir etif•courser
Some rivers are !wide ...and, deep and
.,.prOudly,carry the :largest, 'orletean
steamera Some_ate merely brooks
babbling. over , bettots . and
Creased by little ,bridges tha add . to
the, beauty of the scene.. Some :have.
•, been navigated by crafts _peculiar to
•, thernselyei litre the .Red .river, the
the Engbra,teh. Some
• :have •echoed to the Songs of the voy-
ageurs and curreitrs,(le. tocils of other
days. like .the Saskatchewan ..and
-• nearly all the other sizable streams_
..Of. Canada. And abut , that it should
• have .beetteo, state of outOwn rivers
, heard„ihe war ;Whoops of the
Iroquois or 'other .tribes of Indians -
when on.Alieir...,..scalping excursions,
the'SL Lawrence;- • ttawa an lc
elieu being tunohg: them.. Some...in
• 'Africa:have., carried :the slave 'driver"
,And,his. unfortunate priboners. On the
, -shores ...Of ,-some terrible _canmbaL
feasts or sanguine ,battles have taken
place.. And seine flew through, lands
that .anee were :populous and import-
ant' but are now forsaken , and. fer-H
• gotten.
the Danube in ..Europe,' the &mange
tie ...'iindit diSembegues its 'Waters into Lake
•.'...',„..,1;....... .',i. o : : happy hours 1e'l- i"- l- d7j5:.1:'ff-g' l'
ntaira.1uthu: / have stood Oneach of. the
This not noted for its width, depth bridges thatHcrossedit inside t4:Di.I,caiee.iha7siai)5;aielng
or speed and itis i-viqa6.iiilit,Trrsi*To,/,baPretty ceseto the lower end viere..
s. anything ligger.,. Olaya.a.. toy
. jj:9!it, *dew th)ay,, jitile.. :00.1, .ba.sk, in, the rWatei. ::-Whi.:::r.ShulloW;"7.-wiiile'..' the
except Where Sinall ...ponds have .heen. t e.. sunshine,,, appirently. ealeeP; in bigger Or•hraVe4 boys : struck out.. IMO
t.e?.1.:ncreedeklaes7Wielieee:filice'd :i9t1,-t.ltha6a*blvetril''' .Weterswirling 407n. carrying winter '1*''‘i;e' ' watchedwatched" .P''..: .b.14k'
::_. ': not always the braver . Or , the.'
the deep. ' ..0i. :CourSe. the bigger boys
retarded t'Y' the'. dam • et ..aorile*.lgri.it ' and snow...who,:,deuglit .thre was better
Na;Ore,7i better:: SWirnmers. .....That .;:•.'C'endition,
or SAW milleh . ' .. '., ' ; ...... I ' • ' . skating o ret.e.. typei.;,,..0,,fili.6.s.nt:(1,i,yhtifii.,.. bilLtopeirpelii.:e. ai„Sni de, :.:i6. everywhere.itirno.dtititir. .itttie, 4,, yli;eeirw'yi m7.. 3 tar!IFi ris
The, hcrys,, of lbe. Villate, Of the froze over. T
neighbOring, farms constructed 'boats auterritibiles,' motor'cYcles, ,airPhines,
'floiited. as ..proudly -... on .. the.,...ponda have a lot.' of wonderful,. advantages and 'allif boards out in the deep water while grOWn, Up
men pr. woolen :keep 'close enough to mostly flat-bOtomeA :,.punte,..,:which 'gliders, ,:speed 'boat
00,4 ,..t6,. ,atomtig....00..1.vaterutios,,,a0,. ,f:# . a , tape*, is contoied .bilt.., shoiaL4that':..they :caw' alWAY.a.:Feaeb;
the ...Ro nt , WIlliaM' on the*.,,Sf.,',LaW; more thin•wedid inthe
. ..., .: lattet .Yedia tion bottom -'. With ':their toes. '‘Viy .reCollec,
. of tha-Water .is that .it:Was :Clear:
as the Griffon" dirl, on the Niagara, or 'detibt,, if • they; ..enioi.:.them'sklveS .any .
rence; I rernehilrer helping-Jini Me--.' '-eftla-SteenttitY.',--P-chir..-etill-iernmphet- inil ..°1 - i'll'i -71cit".4°°' '.c614. .t6t; one
COY. to . bend ' One . of these . heats:. :It, the joy t..,got out ,of,4 Sijreadjil ..ray could ''tayy in it a lofig,.tfirrieTwi0rout:
was .e ..goed,. one of its..kind..;..eid:',We...eoat, se it.,.wOuld::datch the: Windand hiiri' .1' iiri'l' 'speaking '. of 't.1;19 ii.664":1i6-
40t-i-it4intO,Tireleitien!S '-:oFtild.:4iiin, and whisk inc oVer. the :ice, ..of the 'prn,g. .ntoows,.w'biiii.e.ina.iiiiii. :pl.f.4.,,,,a.,.' ''';'...4•ii5i'r eitill.e.:01417:-
t got into it and we Pusliect:...eir.:!Pli. 'with ite..'effOrt.':all ni.Y.,lieFt,;•ejte4,' in bo .in:,..11,ia. •ij.oad .ab3ve' it.: W.et-lei"...
'our'. great,' adventure. :The, ,,hoat. was 'slintinp,',:back: against .the .W.indi , wbith, .
taiincla and supported .:011r.'! 'Weight was almost ' as ' great ' a: joy. In 'anoth- there ' has 1').eri anY'l 'gine°. 9t:: il()% 'I
"Ill right. The ,pond howeVett was. AO ..ci. .004. 'illf: die. allinnier I ' 'usell ' to (10 not ' h'u*'''.
. . . ,
and shma stuck in the self beneath, ,I:*do not know whether .1 woUld.;give eleven' salt water. 'swiMining heac es,.
reach ; o ,
full. of ,'OtalnPai. Some :' floating Iocise. e$401...:4st..ario • occasionally •:a. frog;::. ' I. :live lie* .withill ' easy
that it: Was.... very ': difficult to . get 'anY, Much now ,for'.:One Of those liOny.bas'F;,. three out -door .Salt. water peels,. One
leeWak: To TOW; with Oar; 'of. ''..the, lint, I ''.iici. :. kilo**. that When. I..COOkee. 'illaogr and . a fresh water i'l‘FQ1.,,, T"i:
ordinary length was out of the' 007.. thdth.. 'as, a, ;young. :led I got , as much: :that '; it - is no great tretible''te:.,.gON
ttion. . So we had to paddle or pole . optileasat out ' be , th,o. : eijeki0 .ai.4..lis, :'swirtioilhg.. But none , of the swim -
stream. .7e.I.'managed : to cross Under .miicli..,setiSfactien. out ..of 'the eating' lifting 'Places .: here ,cao:, give . nmf.any,
We ' railwaY'.:(bridge, and ;get 'seine as T, ' ',kat& nat.•,. with p.:,..Taiyibote, Indr0 ..P1.0adate'' tha.:l - got . frorn the.
distanCe.beYend Wherep,We: 'tied .it. Alp' :front: •That; also applies to the frog's few ' sWironand*, places- I have is, refer'''.
while we -picked: , chestnuts •Coming 'bind. legs 'which we, fried :in hotter, 1,04..to.. 011 the:::Nifte;,11,1ile *Ver.:, Re-.-
, . ,
hack we had...more, difOculty'.fot. the watching to Isee •if it was.., true that. ler:I. cOnid• eivial. I Ittlog tn,'d. l'°gf:
*itelith ' of - the. ;water '.11447ben...:redneed: lii.e.y.,wOuld-Iiirap,*.ciii-Htliefryingttiee. 'aTyl..'WOrked -iny, WEiST .fre.M ' the.; do TO
and 'the diffieultY Of .getting between, while ,..6okilig, •I .,,do ...nn‘, rerneinher down • to.; where iX 'I could ' Stand.' UP in
the Hobstructions ' increased." At: ., one , (r0;.tilig .,Y. other 'kind . of . fish whilet14 mint0:: Once'l did' this at night.
plaee; I ',stepped out . on.: to ..one of the in tucktiew • except bass frOm. . the
, . . in the *rain' 4110 . illere ' was ; no one
-stinnos'''-te':-,See, .'7if:, i-1,:-.could4nsh the .:nonit...and.L.,rier.gli A5*-.L.P.9.rves':Liile'c. there besides 'm Yself, . and. before I
, . . . , ,. . ., ,
I3O4 Stouiitl'ii...U: I got on 't6 -a ''staajP;.iTn.:ink day at leasktiie Wage wal..hat.'cOttlt -sliviniPrheii.,-*Aat Itio•-•.:01.1o....got,
I ita.(7forgotten, it. It ., any case / 'do, 4 favorite resort Of the followers Of' .°Oi of 'ill'Inehing._.• his comrades,
qonehing. bottole .going down ' feet
first :with his `hand holdhigh above
his head, , *bile there Were 'spots
..that : Were .. dangereini. for . the:';ilittle
cliapSi" the bigger hoYS were pretty
good ;in seeing :that., they. were .icept.
Ont. of danger.
.• 'So: the Ohl, pOol 'I'S te - he U .. sed :ii0
more for one of the beat ' mirPOseS
;it was ever aged 'ter,' that of :enabling
the lads "ill , the Village to ' 'learn to
take &i.i*0 Of .;tlietlitiolyea, in the *Ater,.
An the , •SWirninitig: and : diving and
'Splashing and shouting la te: boeOtne
a thAng...of.th**st .n nlemory oilly'..
.. .
But 'to -inanY'haidee" rOyeelf it will
he 'a Oberiehed•nleiritirY;-.OE 116110
0.ttinflt.fill00d 'iN01, 1)0 '.0001i stlitti it 'dati
.. . •
Ixoyliodd . days., Maybe , some desk Or,
agnin ;beepme one of the tontieii... of
.lOY-'abil health far-,tiii'VO'Ve of l'Aick,-:,'
new AS of 'y'ore,:::if.net, then .maybe
the 'village. Pennell', Will 'lied . that ' ii.
proper 'e011erete::ipool. is .ten'etrneteil.'
with7.."neepsaary. 'eotiventiendeft for
dresailik reeina 'nue tt !guardian se
that y-eutilt, both hoys end girls, will
have ,:ibeGehatide of. ti.dally, clip ,withs
nathaving to g6 ,t6..take.-7IInten ' or
mien to Purves' 146; Then in fOri4/
yettie **I1)1f1 '.0d 'iV111 1tii ' welting ..',,to,
'libe..,:l'ioin,itillitleelti..W,,,thli,leollo.,11 :ehoilionieto"iftilillo: .st,iitl".
thh;;Imat itint, 101 *beide -;t1i.li--VIllilge
tethers. fur their ..Wisded ;in ptovid.
Ingedit': ti;•lilitee- 1 164 .So'''',-"`' .' .
gfr. Pli' Otitta
Then -there hie river a Which have,
*mile the thirsty desert - bloom as. e
*Oder. Sometimes in suelt caSes. the
Peeple have . held :the river in ho
•'great'. efiteern thit Minion ., sacrifices
havebeen oftered to it The Nile ai81-
:, • the 'Ganges are 'canon. in. Point, But
there' areother'.,rivers4 flowing' thin
• What . We call eiViliZed, countries
wherenow and rigaiti the 'hody. of
some orie“Mitidered fest greed or lust,
sOr Of, some unfortunate "SUicide'doitte
do'wh, toward the. hen. 'Seth ri'Ver
• flow gently thteugh .Verdint Meadows
*and ...others tirinhie and rata, down
ltipm the MOUnteinsi. Sonie-there ate
-undoubtedly that have ,yun,6n for
•• yenta and &Cedes and eetitttries and
'maybe for inileniuma without ;being
...onavigated Or even seen IV ai We
• know. that the white rued, at.,ieuet,
•.r.luring • the -last four hundred yeats
or Se,' hive, beetidiacoVering thretd:
• :fiOtfeti 'liefOie 13001 .1?'jf, Men Of • tholr
renietribeethat' 1 made a Plunge' and; ,Tsaa,c yvaltoa. '11/any a time however,
Was. in:: the 'water and the same 1 8.flyir:11t4 Carnier. cerning.4borne..witir'
time *lire. Weti,, thrown in from •.th,r..,ifis pole over :hi shoulder, ,carrying
:other side: :We were not ,at alt seared', chill, Of t,e8,0'eCti4)10 slze,
but 1 ' felt • .pOOSi(Idtaiilk* humilated' There -!,Cirtiff ,nriether spot .oP th
.for T was' not 'garbed in the modern Stitain:.otitsille the 'village 1imts rieaf'
,SWiinoving. Suit style for heating; .
had, all my clothes en ;and ,:,they . :all
got wet,, and more ;Or less rninidYt,
. . .
had to ethY , in. , the, hot 'sun :till wc
were dry , .enough to. . go home, Of "ft:•gkas, i*oks and it was: javaiy.
cOuthe-Ve. Wete. very "dubious about t'lie' on the Oward 'between spellg
to the water:: The rivet bottom here.
*AS...Mild and lt.folt nice and tOiy'sstid
, peel on ones foet. It was teal !oh.
;todive depir 'off theliank, and brink'
beth heradd. full of Mud and las
tet.it.tiikh the bacic
Wild just getting .out he the 'Wtitht
id"f,litttl. 110 ,,,1,06tild have to dive hack
again', ',Sometimes' ;he wanted te
light but more ,oftorthe took
good. natilredly and; joined '.the
laugh. As thiti., Place .whe iftirthAi
qfielit, nne motlir or Older' hrOthet
(Vas: .110t ,f1.6 Apt
'end to his by' mareliing hint holm,
Of enurat4. it 'Wai not; 146 b art -te yt' •
the gravel reed' leading nert which
w„as popular With the boys wile die
hot. Mind wanting; 'fib far. The Creel;,
here ran threugh ,a•field'.and had niec.
being able to fool the ::Women. of, Mir
..resPeCtive Mines, ca4 hii
'Mether in 'mine,. •grantnoth;.•
de: What rdally` happen t() 1)1(
Vliflet),1 got ' bowie another story
, cannot reeolleetithat theft wat
ithy.'switnining done in Oda pond 'eic.;
Ce,pt When sonic one fell in like. ,
'4,0t Of the ,swirnining in. the Village
Wail done ie the Ati.fne" tlie di*
Pint down the Area*
or'' lit the ' overflow bele* .the
carding pond ' farther
'flOWn. The :11440 'VeR. not IN10
bilt .*SS for the
race.. Vito Cannot think the tritili" .lidYg; A striiks twe, oek 'one fren.
' inf• Neither* 'brettit Ai -notice without Oho' side to. the /t Was a. berithei, beide 1.00;the nmther, for
1;00411frift to ',MI6) the French' bat* ,freni 'the' read and as a„eonfrie 4-16 WOuld. lievn to Stop.'to.hav:ci a d11;
dians Wile ent almoqt everYWhete .Oilente hail, the. ridVantage . or helot!' l'fin10.1f ..,bcfOre eiirryi,t4 uiil hi
•.77'en• Indian.wotild g0; Up end clown the 'a littleMete :private...At the ',.otlier '111P.trii etiOn A or' trees pattl...,
rivers in thole birch bark 01ifiOdif tli006.10/1)0 mueh nioro thbitil:rittie YR." thiff
shooting the,rutitd§',,Ut, eenSiderable even the ht•t? beva • ,
risk to life mid 'to Xaa. .itaf.Hb.air.004 • tijaft depfh Whbt'd'the ittet. eel".
T.h0. pio41,1f4c.,$4,14 0:0,Or '404 tete ti* igaiol•%
. • - ,
•'ATEND Y. F. S...11ALL/
8iStteen members of • t'he [. P.
of the United'. Church were in at-
tendance' :at :',the Presbytery 'Rally
efi"-;Thorsdasc'Hwhieh-- war
carried out:entirety...by .Yoting.People
and was considered the most success•
hilll rally, Yet, held. .The KineardiM,
Society .carried off the Shield .eivardee
to the. group Making -the most' :pro.
,gress during .the 'Year. Those. in 'at -I•
fendance fr13,m tucknow, , Were: Mis
L. Treleaven;. 1ev
S. T.. Tucker, Miss. GladYs. Tucker
ICiarence ',Greer.
Miss Frances Thorn(
'Miss Betl Alton Arthur Andrew and
miC„eirsrsy.E, ylaVIrgsr.pe:,.
Mis' Audrey. Henderson:
pion, Miss Lillian Horne,- Miss tilt-.
and. )3,1 ;ire, r. an rs. el
Avery' and ,' daughter :June:, Spent.'
Sunday '
.Mr.:and Mrs:,.. Robert ' MacDonald
spent :Sattfiday :evehing.a Mr.I,Thos.
igaleoimis: • .' • . • • • .•
and ...son. ;SOL
Aekert's? •
Mr.,and ,Mcs. !pent
Friday.. with friends at :. Clepaonnan. •
iiMiss Jelin'ston,sPent.the Week
end. it her heine. here: '.
'Mrs.• RecheF , Culbert, Eve , and
Lorne. Were the "guests . at MrWm
•Flic110'sen. Sunday.. :;** *.
‘*. -Mish. GeitrUde., Hamilton went to
Terenth, on Saturday,;YWhere she Will
attend' the College Education. this '
term.. 2
United Church Y. P. S. °
• .
Continuation SchOol :were eiltertained
:on Monday : night. and .the ...meeting
took the forth of a social.•6vening.
,After ;theopening exercises the preSY
Alex Smith,' led in a. slisirr
prayer SerVice. The president then
a "
gave an add,ress 'of Welcome • after
which Frances TheronSon took charge -
of the, gaMei.: During the evening
hurrrerebs, games 'and contests were
conducted,' Which tended to mix ,the
different, memberT-and to, provide
meini.' Ofgetting ac;quiinted.
ihumorou) ,journal was read by .Jessie.
Ma -Kenzie. Eunice. Newton, !Marg-
aret Rithfe,tona1da ,Thonipson and
-4‘.ociri:OVI-len1erson, rendered a 'pleas-
ing onortette. Two , Vocal duets' with,
guitar; aceomPariment by Fred: Em-
belin . and Sim. Adams were -,much
Afer bad beeii' served, the.
meeting ehVed. With the 'singing ;Of
the Ai•st,-verse of "Abide , with Me"
; ,
-iand ,the repeating . of • the .Miipah.
130ediction. ,
• Nothing To Stop Him
.A young eity.rfirl
in the couritr,y and ;became rather
friendly with ,a Young. fernier. One
evening as they .were strolling across
a Meadow, they saw a cow and
calf,rubbing jioses in tbe accepted
boVi tie fashion. ,•
"Ab" 4aid the young farmer "that
Sight MalteS • inc •want to do; the
"Well, go tihead;” stud the girl,
ait`a ' Your :cow."-Loriden Opinion.
. •
The monthly meeting of the H. W.,
1.. will be held .at the. home of Miss
AimieLStatters. Directors, Uri. Earle _
,tiodgins,:Mrs Joseph Hodgins. Topic,
Legeads: and ,Superstitions,"
Miss'Dorothy'lial 't oritest-
..pple Pie, prizes. •Roll call; Practical
• Idea, Lunch Corn,, Mrs, ,Elden Eck-
..-mSwiller,...Mrs: Ernest Ackert, 'Mts.
Thos. :Hodgins.
• Mrs. ly.14. MacKenzie of Gederich
is visiting her brother Mr:` R. J.
'Mrs.' Frank Ilainilten has, returned
&ern a ,tVi;Ci :Week's' .visit ni..*Windsor.,
. and, ,* daughter
Kathleen 'end Mr: and 'Mrs. A. Kil-
leugh .pt Toronto . visited over the
week -end With: friends, here.
In. looking over the, registration of '
the:: •Stratford Normal school ,. we. •
notice -the arn es --of-M-is sea Margare t-
Shnrison, Catherine MacDonald and .
Sarah MacAulay of 'Ashfield.
MiSses Cathetine:-MacPenald and: ,
Margaret. Simpson Were home. 'over
the week -end. •
Mr. Arthur SiMi).i;On leaves . thiS
week • to enler his second Year in
Knox College,''Teronto
Ashfielli':was ..weli represented atin'
the Coderich Fair. hist 'week.
po you .aioan to ion mo you &mkt.
not. see Me coming ot a Straight 4111li.14,
piece :of road: like this?". 1,the
owner eLthe avery sihall car, after
the' collision. •
• "Sorry kuvror," said the truek ;
driver, "Thought it. W,6fe a fly On nld
. •
windshield. .
Adoilt only dean .tonsinietiVe Stetee, by reading.
;Pboty.Nettignopei forltite itonoa •
Ti. •lve ft ib. constinedint world ntivi belt dOei net eitint.ine'd.ioindell. •
Hsi iotetestItia feathie 0119.141ot ill the 'family' On- WoolatecAetikkiiii,f` Homo, '
• Making,'Gnideni, tilnialion and Books. Also oat/Sloe tha Chadian and Y.nuole
• Vigoeons '116 inlaiptatation of *ASS On 4,1Vlitetrilit Ott
NOiona" COlistrin and ..'Watefting the
...World Go'. fly"
•, . • 60. of ofpecial inferosto tOofi4 •• •
the ChYlkerlin deletiOn PubllstiItig ,doelef4 '
, 107 Palnintith EltreetBoston; MastiaChnelitte\ •
,Molted ,enter my eUpscrIntion to 'The' Chetatien delonne MOilline foe
, • •tnled Of. , '
. ,
• .
Ono year • $6.00" $2.Mf
iiientha , " 'One itiOnft Itto,
,.4448446031.484 •
414! e, 44. „ • . •
4. •
0. Otty04'6 ",' ". i•i:V.114th Yr. .i34040,,, 14.4• •