HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-28, Page 3og.
• peech leneeepelicioue'.. 4 great nriety. of these .sanceS inay
'..rs:c • sWItly umieti140 freit. Scald be Meile'eesily an(l cheaply, so that the
and peel. pnt; inneegerVingkettie and filling of thsereiiSheshelvee of thq Pi:er"
etew uetil poft•, evieepere stewed fruit•e4I.P,II•ie.,.11..P.,V. e•r'd Is PPt..a forbidding.
and 'cover with .segar, allowing % :cub task.
of sugar to e. cup'ef fruit. :Let .aiend -Reintnage Piekle „.
one hour..
• TWO 'Octets:- gteeii -tOniatoes, 1 uart
•.'COOlt lowlv until sugar is melted, rip, tomatoes, 3 large heads V§ierY,
'Amin and Welt, rapidly (straining 'off large green eeeemeerpr 3 leeeeenteee,
until desired eensiStency is 3 eeeeneePperee3 red:POPPer.s, 1 email
.• eeeehee, seat in sterilized ars.." heed: of cabbage,, *'9;P' Olt, 1 641,11ail'
:.The jniee; of **eh 'thereis e...egoOd „seeeeeeee eeee erewee. Bemire es tato,
used *in P•14.he ehe'101a1'. spbouegrpund museerd, 1 tea-sPooh pep -
syrup. :In •eaneing peaches or .otli'er pee, .
• ,'At1,4, water if sWeeteie than de- Peel onions
and •rt.illitIVe• seeds frere-,
filTeq, • • : . • ' • • ,peppers. WasIiremaining vegetables.'
:,..'OdernerrY and. POStiariple Jelty VhoP and lent inteet large. Crock with
sprinkled through layers Let
rielj:58e0.1'41071) olretto04:e1.)11-,ant.w:itya§nii4;Hf ezidderhptepr:: salt
etreed eeeneeetea guil. drain over night.
, . Imre fruit, add' whatever , 'ter Is In the triereinelnit
necessary. ' /led until •fruitl 'le • spite 'inte preserving kettle and bring to the
Strain over night.Add rene•Pt•Sugar -boiling P,Offit-Simmer'10: minutes and
toe: cup ;or Wee, 130 tintil.leily.polet pour • into 'sterilized Jere. Seal and
a reached. 'Pour- In starlliZed glasses. atO.F,e,.14,0,.da* cool: plate. • • . •
A's.econd lot of e •C , .
utney Sauce
. • • .
adding water. to ,tlikleft:over...pulp and r, !evolve sour geee.a apples, 12r, of.troi
Win in bag ahd strum. sqiieez7 green: toMatoes, green, peopers,,
tMees•nre..j'itee,. 444"mediuni eize4:SPenish. onionsi,.1:P014114
Ing only % eup of Bilker to 1 cOn..9f seedless raisins; 6 'tablespoons l‘t
juice, as less sugar is required fpr ebe eeeee green eeig.ee',eeee..3 teeieeeeeete
Second' belling, -Oen '•nilti,1 Jeflylng ,muetard'aeede 21/a. 'enlje dal* hreWil.'
point is reached, pour In gases. sugar; 1¼ quarts vinegar. • .' .2 •
'Lefeeivees• • .• ' • ' Wash tomatoes ..ancl'-romov,0
'ehOp. coarsely-sprinkle--wlth-2 table-
spoons salt and-let:ereite 'Oen night..
rare, ebre and chop aPpees.. Teel and
chOp.'eniens. Remove seedsandPith
from. peppers and Chop. , COMbine
sugar; remaining salte and .vinega.r.,
Bring to the hOilieg point and boll flee.
nlinutes.Add remaining 'ingredients
end saunter until vegetables are tender
:and,mixtere It willtake„
ehent 5..te hour Tnin 'Into'strilized
glasees and seal. • '• '
-10ineht flavor is wanted. e eup
cheeped. Mint leaves to ,ehopped.,mix-
ture when combined 'with
. . . .
. .
Ip761...Ba6rs.Pley Pene . .
I Ni.Iday SoIii441
• ..,
, _,:-.7-9 Lesson
.... • • ......._
, ,.. , , ...
, . .
A .
7t.!'gs,s014, I. -October 8.
0:4:V:4: IN .P"Alk.19,§.PY0.;-,Act8 114.11i:
qPIeDgel. TEXT. '14(herefolie.„ if
any .men s In •chriete.,he „.1.a.a.; new:
creeture, the old *binge are pa!,1P0,,:
pway;,..beleeleVaii thiefie;ellt,..§44eitte.
new..- 2 Cot" 517' •
Sala. in Arabia.,:•.A.D., 6. Saul ce,•‘.
P:a•P•0••3•••rOt• D.41.0eusi
,peeeebeS .in Jereeelene •and' returee
to Tareus,. .• •
PLACE.'---DatnaseuS. $ornewhere.
.in Arabia (Sinai Jerusalem.
"But Saulr,. yet' breathing lehreeten-
• ing ,• and slaughter against the
ciples, of the Lord." e' It must have
intreased Seul's trage' to ha e that
these Whom he had beeii instrumental
in driving from Jerusalem were so
*feces -ea inpreaching the religion
he wee, so' eager tei` root out. ..oWent
Unto•the high peiest," The high priest
was the president of the ,Sanhedrin:
rhereettenea tieffe-Toware the end
• . • T
• ot•• the. seaSon, when,. inailtets,,tMd
dens , are7f.111e.d ,with oeda, and oints..oh
the ..uriarner's prop„"eTnera .may,: net
he "enough ;: of .any ,Yegetab,19'. or
fruit --left in the 'leeleiduee.gatdeti or
: orchard to serve ;on the table', .4ir can
(er -winter. use, but a veriety•-•.tif..ePpe::'
. .11 S • s • 1 '
Chnineys, and 'preservei-tiiay7:b Made
by .cOndiiiiing, the lefeoverse
thouent•ii given to the: predpiebe,
taseiedesieee, almost any .com.
.bination of Yegetables:. May be 'used,
for .epree 'a.
's Careful. stittlY 'ne'etitabieed flavors Is
• 'needed •toe satisfactory•:yesults. •-•
' • : to: Acicilo Meat bitic.ke;
The baby's play -pen, -which one sees
In . nearly every ' hpme., nowadays, it
• • • teete ifidispeesable when the mother
,Ale eite'ellepts'eoup,mixture to add •toe • -. . . -. , • e
hee to• d.oelipeeehold,lebs.es :Welk -as be
: ineat.steek iethe. winter. IS 'Made by - „,,.
neeee. :There,ip pu.O.bsacl.iCap-coMmon
ge.e...eteeilized jar:•witheleyere Of
• '
all the •iegetablOil'at; hand:, ../4i.0.3,.p6a: to alt plariPena;,Ifd,w.ever; elle that •le
..:beanse ce-e'rets., earn, .eelery; tomatoes, .' th4t • .the. child; .: being ;Oh . thee'. floor,'
• 'catches '411 t 'le draughts., .A1 Mattress
eonioris••• turbine ''.eaulifloWer. and cab.' .: • , , • .e' . , • , ,••• :•-• .'
': • e : • ' ..-• • pe a 'few inches in, thickness. seems •• to
• liege May la ' .used . in niinierons Coml. :.
. , . , , .cailne . c
.• .d • .b. the 1. out'' f iii. di et - f 11 • ' Whoever ted th
e . ., only o e , Teo. y, . o.oWei.S. ., °eye . „. , , . .. . . ,
r rejec . mit, re, •
a ' but u"nfortimately' it is not easy to get jectocV him (Luke 10: . ' : 4191?:(:isi '.14n7athilaatda8,°•a-ipe°17ebei:figto..a.'b°1fO:thtoe:
•• blnationa. The Mixture is
cerdi.ng tnthee usual hot-Paek. method, •:.
ProceSsing .the cans for thelperiod,re- • "And he'eaid,-Whe are then, Lord? '!: .., . •
erie just the right 'size, end to haVenne
, suire'd hy ehe eegetable.•needieg 'tile. , ' - e - • ' • • This. qtestion indicatei that Saul. had igeereeece and neglect.. '..It Is • .l'e,Com,_:'-..
., speCially 'made would 'co'. t a ' o ' id
', , , • , s ., C hF ere
. ' ' : ' ' - • ' : ' ' lees daring the theee yeara
the pen. was' discarded.' e • • ' • • • • .. . of Oiliest s slTenotle:dcl2f9olra,tfiraellibediZr7dIsulTil:...,t11,4i,e.
• ^ ,longest tillid.,'''.-..,. - ' ' . .. id in the.fieshi 'Doubt-. ' ,
. Able amount. It •would. be uSelesS' when 11--1°t-aaaa auli149
. . ,,.• 'pais& Mixtures re .. ..• .• . '. .. public 'Minietry S,aul,'• : liavIng come week,....erulibieli ele.ared • :frO.n1 "atOra6 • CPC0,.. Cha'tham .4 i.'. '297., . 1210.
' ' CFRB T •• . 435''.. .; 690'
...Salad iniXtiir'es ere,eanned: in slight-simple'matter.'• '-Take• i • ' g bl •cKA0; ,I•Virtlitgaf , v...., . ... • . .
".e..... 4.11 . • .130
4.. • . .•. • ' . . , • • .. •Tc.,.. radio):•6;,, jam:tress. at .11.0mq.e- is 4 pleted- his' :theological. stadieses' was Wereliquies '.....,, 'Siiti-„,;.. .f.a.Ctorles•,-..... th, at
- ly Sweetened, einegar, The ,vegetables Itets, and tOrd -them to the 'size Of the 'hotels theatres and'publie. buildings, • cleCR, Waterloo': .e.......
.eRcre Toronto .,...6.• •'..$12 ' •• • , 960'
• • . ri.., .,".•,, . • .. .... ,., .,..a pa r o. an."
Pley'penuaiially thke 'hieaes 'raiding' CHML,..11/1am,ilton:•.:4•....', 340- :: .. •., 89,0
OBOO,: OttaWa.......
' 6re ikesli :and delicleus teetleg, when . . ., .
" `'And asked.of 'him. letters .to Dee Jack Cralefoed'ef. Australia who
emecus unt(i. the •synagogues" • The • Io -,t to Fred J. Perry,of. p.ieleed,
. authority oCtlie ligh priest arid :the • In the Forest;e111111.• tennis tonV-
Sanhedrin extended oyer the syna- • - , • . •
ogges 4, an4. the Jews ell :over the name*.It Wea• eti , aii-e121Pire'
• . ,
world. "That if he found •any that. • metal.
were Of tlia NVIY-:fr:-., SO the • • eterlY : •-••'
K.orr urr ,e• - •
"Whether men or women." 'Worneh, . 'triunity, "The Lard, • even Jesus."
lel(' of so little account in those days, "Who appeared unto thee, in the way
had already been: elevated to a higher
consideconsideration'by and were
recognized. as influential in the propa-
gation a Christianity.) "He might:
brit*, thein bound to, Jerusalem.
mChinalanisti degradingly as ordinary
. • •
4VitY-LIPASKUTEST-2r4o„u_-_Ayigt words to % §aul. •And ise a
Ir,‘• $.9.. • ' , t.he HelY Spirit:" we • have an
"And. as. liejourrie ecl It " t instance of the giving of the Holy
ease that he • diew, nigh Oka Paplas- .Stritly Otte was not an apostle.
eels." It was it 'midday, '(Act s• 26.1 • .-Strai'ght•waf there 'fell 11.°m.
1.3), a tiele.,yehen, , on account of 'the, •1:11•esres'a4 it'wete scales, and he re-
peat tea: tra:ijellis ht. that land are 'eeived'his'eiglt" "411'd he arose ihdE
wont to pitch_ their tents A and , reet
but Saul, both on aceo-uht of his fierce
zeal land his nearness to lis journey's
end,' ae,. pressing..on, •!`Ann suddenly.
there shone round about:Min .a light
.out heaven.'? ,In Acts 2f: 13 Paul:
Saye :that `at Mid-day' :the light was.
'above the- brightness of the mine,
.. "And he fell' upon. the earth."
companions fell with , him; struck
down by the fearful light (Acts. 26::
14), but Saul alone had, the 'vision
of Christ (verse. 7), and he..alOne Yeae
blinded ..:by it. "And heard a voice
eaYing unteebeinie*Saill, ,Saule!'-"-: We
which thou carneet." Here was con-
firmation to Saul, of the reality of his
vision; it,Iiad not been a dream, -but
Was •glorious reality. "Hath sent
me." Jesus, then; :was still active
in the world. "That thou mayest re-
ceive 'thy eight." •:Those Avere blessed,
• • . .
,was baptized.P Probably Ananues• ad.
ministereiV Ole . • • '
"And • he took food and Was
stierigtheeedg-.LInemetliately, in • a-
ver& with SiePs downright t,erepera;•
irbent, Seuleueed his neW-strength-and
his .rnarvellously obtained •faith in
preaching Christ in thd synageeues Of
Dernesene, proclaiming Jesus, ae the
Messiah, the Son of God., •
Fire. Prevention Vkfeek
'0,ttaAva.-tFaced with. an _.annual
are 'to. note, that the ,repetition :of the. -fire-Itell7-41?!
300 lives and- $45,000,000
Proper naineteernetional: ackereee.was• in 'Property damage. •• Qamads. . 7111 jet
evidently characteristic ' Christ: aside- the week •of Octeber-e-14 as ai
'Martha; Martha." •special fire,breyention week. A pre-
•"Why•persecutest thou- mer Christ, ,clarnatiOn to this effect appears ' in
as alWalr's;'Illantified Nvill,his the Canada. Gazette.The. prociaina-
_ • .
Fann Shee•Eeels at Home
...... •
Witen Fanny :13riceateps: ehe, Stage for her diffei.ent br&adcasti I.
Tilge'S..aquAre- ,e11,13. has, every •right to feel, er. home: It was on the
same 'Stage that : Ole reported for iker.;irst lob en a Broadway; musical tithoyo'
ettelle. Was the New Amaterdani. Theatre roof garden then, .end
Panny7waa. butel.ileyeare pld. , ybe,,alievy was ,e revueetat ..5arn Harrfe and
deeige Cohan wererprOdueing, -afid 'yelp* 'Miss price hadelanded a kin In •
the' -chorus.- Her .oplY lireelous' expeelAnce;Wa,s eie amateur . eight,: at .
Broeklyn theatre, ,. , , • ' e': • „ .
• Fenny clidn't stay; On.% the ..,NeVei Amsterdam. •reof every lone hawb•var,-,
that first time: -She lasted one week, and. then they ' fired her hecante,
she couldn't. dance. Her firet.hiechahee came whe,n Flei•enz Ziegfeld
her playing the lead 'in a burlesceue show'. From there the, Went back to ,
the New Amsterdam, 'eud. as a star of the Ziegfeld: Fo)liee• , •
Last wieter Fanny came back to the same', old root 'garden, *lc no
known as the Times Square studio to make her•debut befere the, microPhone
and .coinmenOe one ot the most stieCessful careers that any radio, artist
may lay claiiit• to. , .•
•rir Sr' * Ot•
. :
. • .
Jack Pearl Returns to .Air. • ..• .
Peiitt the emodOrn Baron. Munchausen ' and One ,of '• radio's ,most
popular chin-014ns, is returning' to the air to resume ehe'weekiy.talt etoriee
• heel -re
"Sharlie".. is to bo beard for half 'en, hour Saturday over COaSt
' The comedian, assisted by indispensable asseciate. • Cliff Hall. as
to coast network..beginning October 7, at 0.00 p.m. , .
At present Pearleit, in Hollywood where he is 'Cbhipleting work on • ix„
motion picture which :Will be released this Fell, and running true to tor*
on the golf ..courses, ,
/3efore he becathe, a radio celebrity as. the Baton •Munchausen, Pearly
had starred in BroedwaY' musical shows , for nuire• than ion 7ears.•
Peari always has attributed his suceepe to his facility with dialects and
hie' ability tn tweet .hie face- and .tongue into ell .kincla • of shapes. • Each '
mOrnieg lie spends heir •hour Wore. the reirrolt7ePracticing Ana fac*i
. ,
and vocal aceobeties. Which he . employs on the stage affict, air.
Rudy Walks Ont.•
• .•• Rude. Yalleeetodey Might be.ir eeiggist • In W'esthr0.01F; Maine, his .naree
unknown to the world .for ein: incident of youth:. He had an :ergo-
metit :with' the pharmiteist ',in charge. Of his father's drug store and '
oue, :never to return as an einbloyee, Instead, he get a job' as usher In a
'19041 +theatre. exhere was born the desire in hecome:, og.enteetaitiere:•,
A' Canny , '' . . • ' • . '• .:
. .. .. •, ; . • ........... .. . .
.Harrye MeNaughlon,:heard with ' Milt. Bakee, :tells of % a Scotsman trho''
laid down • a $20 hill ' at the ticket Office in Washington for .e.....tieket to NOW':
'Ypik. ,"Chapge at Jersey PitY,":•eaid:the tleke.t seller... • :. •. ' ' . • , ,
' i'lettlt On .your life ProteSted the Scot "You give. iiieenie: change, fight:
. „ .. , i
Radio's All Star
• • „ •
' .
'Station. . • •Metres. i•cyhies
'exNc, Toronto .. .. • • '291' • 1030
CFCF, Montreal 291, ' 600,
, .
,Imple in leis •. 'Tarsus,, perform-
ing there the duties of ••a rabbi .for,
Which he, lied,. been trained e thus he
did net recbghize the Saviour." "And
he said, I 'am jesue whom thou Per;
seChtest" , • . • • ••
. „ .
be 'inspected for flre-traps,' end that.
ere 'deills'be held in en:hotel; stores,
faatoriee aredipublic gathering* plaeeS:.
ei've4 :hi the ewinter • with: a them into fpur. • Measure•the' inteeihr•
• .. 0KPC4- Preston • 341' • .,• '930
CKO.C. Htatillt*ri .•:',.:•,.. .476, • .,1010
'Prelich.,d.r.easing or 'mayonnaise ,dresse the e'en .8,114 tnake
. . macintoish cpver. OKLW, Windsoi-Ve.ondon 5,55 540
Int. 'lhev elSte•eregoodadded to a W 111 ablig.ferm. so that the.bianketS•nieY
• .opR'zil:nronto 330567; :4:
930-•; 7.30, -,.-The Mills pros..
salad. .,„„Lims,....ee_eheeeS than :Auncut be..1'.sliripedLineldn..eeThenesevrehotetleee
Kerox17,-ese.77-Lmieftee.275....eeeettoacee -Press ••Bu 11 e tins
... .... . 4-.4' -..W.GE
$'46-Poetts .Gold
• WW1
9.30--Fira, Chief' Band. ....2..2 . .WLVO
10.00 -L -Gaiety and Romance ......CRC1
'Lives at'Stake
11.30 -Press Bulletins. . • .,-.! •
6.45LoWell Thomas ..4.01tt-a
.7.00 -Amos 'xi' .Andy ...CRC
• Morton .Downey
1.45 -The Goidbergs ........::..WBE
, 8.00 -Happy' Bakers
.8.30 -Kate Smith • • WG
' • Core 'Op Club. .t..
. WG
• One Hour With YOu CR
10.30.Botwe11 Sisters 64. • • CFR)]
10,45 -Edwin C. Her•
1/.900 --Columbia ...Corche.stra •
11.30 -Press Bulletins
• Lyt' traeireAer ,
6:45-e-towe11 exitomes
7.00 -*Morton Downey .." . . ... .CFRB •
. ;Amos 'n' Andy .. ..... ,
"Wit else." The first word .to the
-Ohristiarr convert-: I' "-And en,
tereinto the .city.'! Paul was-. to keep
right on Into Damascus, bet in What
-a different epiri. "And it shall be
'told thee what thou must do." Step
bY.step the, convert' is to go on. Day
bsr. day he is to lead his life, heed
in the 'Master's. _ .•
"And the roA that jeureeyed with
him steed speechless. They lead
to the' ground with Saul; and re-
mained fixed there. : "gearing, the
yoicei.".bdt beholding no map," The
diptinction, is that „while •Satil's com-
panions knew that 'there: Was a cori-
Vereation going':Said' alone' under,
etoed the velirds. The nienifestatiche
both visible end autlibl,ee was clear
to him alone. • • .
"And Saul arose from the earth!?
Obedient to his new. Master's corn -
Canada's •Cars .Coulcl. •
• ld ,
Putting the capacity of:the ayer-
age. SAW-twill:1W:- at---414e--spassengers;
'recent Official' .figureS indicate that
Canada. hasenough •care' to
accei.ninedete half the popelation
one time. '.0ariada.''heS ono • motor'
vehicle to every 9.4 perSons And
ranks fourth ,arrhongf'Werld:.:countrieS
je...thie teapectli the United States
leading..., with •bne. ,inotor• , vehicle to
eVerye 5.1pet:sem. Th'e' Province ;of
Cintarin leads ell Canada, with ip
pei,,Aps:,Per , meter vehlcln, British
cabin -Oita' corning' •seeolui 'with el
persohs pee :vehicle, • .
• beans, carrots, rod end green pepeerse meuth of the maciatoah bag. -With a
single bed sheet -the strong, uebleecii-.
ed variety lie verbena' the best ---make'
another big Ante :Which the niacin toehe
ceveree. blankets Can be placed. For,
the, sheet bag iese• taking, stitches •so
that. the sheet may be retie:fired: ;easily
for *fishing.
. silver -skinned Op:ions:end cecumbere,
ere taitieularlyegobd,Aor this
• With the exception Ot• ••ciictiniherS,•,
,salt solution; .t49,': Vegetehles' ereyree
, .Paked. as for canning. • ,.",. .• • ,
Wilen vegetables , :are, ready,. . pack
'them, le -SteellIzed jari' and potiroyer.
poluelon :Made, bY'bringiniei the
. iebinte" eto; tup.• gine
• water, ,g . cups.. vinegar ahd. 2 .teeePO•one
Process inlio.t eater bath for 36'.•
minutee •or at ten,pbunds tiresSare for
eenniinutese. .•• . ; : • .: •
ate • canned iii 'light- when
wantedfor salads.''
One cup 1 cup cern Cut
frn cob..11. Cup diced ..carepts,: 1 ...Cup
' ilicbd-teelory;-17-iblartibidu
cti.Ps, dick!. :to:Melee% g teaspoons salt,,
1 ,LabiesPuon niiTiOred iiafsfe3.r;
‘.VrebareAtageinbiti.ns for tile. table?:
•edoniblee endbringto tlie-b�iling point.
• :Add, sat • and. 1.1011..filie.Minutes.'
fu stern lied Jere; hal tetal and pePedes„
itt .het. Water beth for three hours • or'
• • under ten polies pressure for.:ediete,
' 'Minutes'. •, •. • •
. • ': Piquant Sauces Make Plain 'Meals
. • Tasty •
,.. BC cstise 'flagging appetites :are -whet:::
•••• tod hy nOVel flaVol•s, the' piquant sauce
eeeakes „a defleite,.Contributioh to the
.wcll balanced Tlie et:teal:feed
valuo;ef a zeettel„religh.iiiey Very
bm,a11,....bnt it ttirns tho.plamqt1 pot -
,roast dinilet-or';cold-ineatepupeer lntO
palatable and 1hLeiesting Meal:
KitchenKinks • •
When making cheery eeke first roll
the, gleeeieheeries. in the weigived:,flour
to: prevent tlieni'sleVing., .• e • • . •
• In •iiittkineelaky, Paitty dredge each
leYet• Of eat lightly' :With flour, to pro-.
'duce -light flakes. ' • ° • ' •
• 'AVoiti beating eggs: eh attath ,when
making 't.t. baked •ctiltbeel ...or the
ture' will net set Veil. •
. . •
,••••Yerkshiee pudding is lighter If a lit. 1:101.1peried., :he Saw •nothine. "And hey
tie Water Is iulded to the batter:49 part led him by'the hand, and brought.
' et the mulk1 iheasurmirent'. " ' • iihe into • • • DenilaCils." ...Beheld: the.
, „ To prepae f!.' new cake tin wash, blual,.,man led by , he harn mto the
dry, -and heat it insa gentle city! ''Ilewediffe're4" .0ir611".
• eeee fee„teeee neeleteee., . • • f.reinithate‘wlich-.e shortetinieehefOre
•• ileine-niade seenes' ifot•tife addhowas'.1.4•TithoUt
if die , dough; ,is,mixed ?Oa. dry: .'••
:ntict. did neither. eat rior`•drinle"
Gas Tax
time nor inclfnation for food.
Theee' tliere, the three Most in•Ofitabie
dayS, of sanrn life. He had tsp,mtieh.
to think about that 14 had neither
.. ... ..
,:. Perhaps • Austria is • where • the •term' • : RECEIVE I'IlY ' SMHT. •
"..itti.oline? .aairie frarn.At .any rat, • l'And'•Arianiae departed, '''afia• .61'
•t,expe :On '„ gasoline atile)(11Aing-.• to 24 tete& into the house." .' All his fear
centre a" gal -ion plus Other. fees., hale iihd by, Oita time :left hira,.e:sperially.
resalied. in 19,500 Austrian anteing. '•'..01en he seer the •helPlessblind teen,
bile owners turning •Iiietheir license 'And IaYing his hands on hum • s
.0dt.es .in ,thr,e.e. months; ti,.v,, oe. A . the outward token '• Of; the Miracle'
'Anefple(i prose: , •• .• , . •; . , • W., ich .he.Twai.s-atott• to perfo . Said;
' 13rOther Sa01.,":, ''Orother'.•PIAS ,Sanr.8
By st3b: nskikit •
"De. I dance well, Deirethy20 •
••• 'elfee but 'for two things:"
",What areetliey t". '
'• •
WABC, New lorie ....... 349 , • 860 . 8.30 -Dramatic Guild • eWG
WBBM: Chicago .‘......1 389. VTO: .9:00 -..:Mark •WitrnOvi --CFRWREN;713-iffalo .'.,...:;c:--333---- --7,- -900- 7-7,-,-7--;DU'lli-Vidley;''Eays-:;-tr,22.-.7.-2W1-2
WEAF; Nevi.'"Yerk -...........4e4 .• : • ,-66fr , . - "'• Shaw- Boa ..„ .....:-...' ;Walt
'WR, ENChicago .4.; .... 345 , 870' .1,0.00Willatd Robinson .-......WKSW
.WGR; Buffalo --------------545 • .. 550
,,,. ' • ' Al JolsOn ...".::.... .. .......:WTAII .
,‘VGY,..schehectady .......• 371 • '.1 7v.,' -11.30-Peess Bulletins ...' . .. .. . cRet
' .1711P4T
WHAM; ROcheser :1150.- • •
WICI3N -*Buffalo' . .2...,..202'.• ...1480. ,,,,...;,. , , , ;
A 6:45 -Lowell -1`hornas * - - .... .'....CRCT •
W.TZ,, yr York ..........- 394 , 760.. L-04
W.TR, etrolf •... 7•5" 7.00 -Morton DoWneyr ::7, ..''...CFR .
WLW., Cincinnati.......... 428,5 71 ' ' *Amos 'W. -Andy ,, . '.• .......a._CRC .
Cley,pland' 2?30160'10 .8.po-.Ces Service ',.. '....'....crto
'WMAQ, Chicago .,447 , ..
'Thez* programs are SUbject.to".ch;.1e.'
Poruin . a' • ,CRC '
HaPpY -.Bakers,
'. % Fred- Alien .without notice. ,
' , TrVia s. :Cobb .WABC-
(Eastei7n ' 15.00,;,-First,Nighter . KPKA
• .. • . • , • ,10.-3000well.'Sisters
2:15The PlayboY4 .... . Wuit "Balletina ' •
.2:30='-"-Maiihattari MeoCis ...;...cPRB...
- Symphonic HoUr ...............CFR1,3 • .... .... - •.I..,.
•--0.40-Critmit__airtia-Barrderson b • • .WGR '
' 4:00 -.Cathedral 'Hour ....":.:r....:CKLW, ,.87:3106_---iAnntne:e4,1'1...iittodnayi .'n.•..i...4.L,2,._:..±...:Zelte...;..::B:c.:. •
• Paul Ash Orchestra. ....,...CleCer ".8.00: -Evan L'vans,,, • c,........Crita:
''.5:00,-,-Wiflara_ Robinson ;....e...CFRI3 7,30-lcinde'rgarten. , ......,...,"..WitALI•• ;
', 0.30 -Chicago. Knights, • • • .4. • •••• . evils', a:etlee-W-i nerd Ftoinnse .... .....WABC '
'..7,30, -Press' Milletins • , ... .24...CRCT; . K-1.. Mystery ..... e.:-.:'.Wiliei
' 8.00Bert Lahr ..1.............e.........ORCT 10 00-panetng: .Party• ;.,......ied.t'CRC
.: 6.15 -John •Renrk ... ':'•••••• i .•.••.:.W.A1.30 .111,15"-Cornhu,skers :.. ; .......- CFRA
3 00 -National' .0pera .CROT p.m:. •
,8.30 --Phil. Concert ............:.CFRB • IMILOVA time daily over'. Stations
10.00 -,--Operetta (CRC), 'CRCT CRCT CXAC. •
11,001: -Old Folks :(CB.13C) CB.CT . •
6.45,:-.LoNvoi viti..4 • •cu,Ti .., ' .
- /.00--Aitio 'n' Andy ..4....,...-..CROTI ... - • , - , ,..1„
• 8,0beellappy „Bakers .......... .CK.L,W. • .i-i.ollyWo,ou."=•"-Mary Rogers '' pre4,
8:30,i -,Kate Sinitiv. .........• C/tIAV • ,•-, . •
• • 'A. & IS: GY,Pstes • •'• -...•.•-lArBEN' 'Present at leest ' • ''' ' .' ‘) '
915 ---Four Aces . ..,...(pREp i • • -,,- ' • •
. '•Andre ecosteianeVz :. `eve."BeV .syho: von . a Part, in' "a.' forth cunt i
2:15-Sineln 'Sam . 18-yeareale 'eduiliter • of 'Wilreteigerij •
.• 9.00 -Greater MinSirele .:."!...WITAM has abandtined Rem ' career. for the'e,
40,00--eontentee •• .WIeW .0 oee ••..frierids of the :Young -or
Highway Costs. '
The total • expelidituree ,fer high-
way conetruction (hiring 1031' amount -
'ed to $60,002,819 and •fOr'briagea and
ferries, to, $6i241.,410, mekiiig total
1 of $66,25'0,220; ...ea' • 'compared with a
total of $69,998,2'83 in 1030.
IAA 0.7-4)? ress tunetthe' • • • ' • • 1 tiOn "under . the tattle,.
t. • • TIYEE9":53r.:' • trI1 ittilry1;)111-°Tod•vi'ea,ict, and sVitheiit Itnottri
BroViers .WG1t"ed rebElnilv 'that "etiss itogers had
well Thomas' . 'CROP ".Adce" t ber.iiittiviou.sottat.h:er, leve
00 -'mos n Andy .„CRCT •- o
Press BulletinCid. ed. sbe. rie.eded. furthet% ekperiencli
8.1":10.71I51°aVect:eSto°i\legs . before contiouu11nmotiOn pictereed
Matter Where the fur 'is the Heart,is Close. By,
...t..-...... ., • .
69'it>. liseY,- w H AT. Pt tk,,o'r'DM."
6oine. oN,PALS, Ltt'S'6E.Tout
.'7- •. OF't, A.'s'. HEAT- Id E .•not•IT '
• 41 -(OW NOW ANY:WO,'
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