HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-21, Page 2While Mrs. Willett.' lietv.laughter VIQ-
et,:^3,1a.jor Burnaby and tlitee. neighbors
• played at table.' tipping, a *,:s.-Pirit!' laes-
iiagp states • that Capt. ,Jos. Trevelyan
• ii-ae been- murderecl at. Ills home In E.,4s.
hampton. 3s4-naliy 'fournf, his! friend
•dead, Ijs kuU•-'1Factured. 'rrevelyan's
winfoivides big .e,Siate intotour, equal.
Parts, .hetw;in
gen, s Xrs, 'Jennifer'
Pardnerr ad the it.ree children ot
• deceased sister; Maay pearscin',. A...Jame§,
Peo.rOon •had bepist in g.Vhartiptorr the
•afterne0;,„ of tleinartler, 'leaving for
London the 'fQ1,10iying ndOrning.
Burnaby ,r'eceives slieqne, ;for -5,000
POan4ln a newsPaer cOmpetitfon. Emily
• Trefusis, BearsoWs'fiancee. helieves'ne, is
•inlocent Ann klatirrie
t� ' and.
nialteS the, acquaitstatipc 0.4 newspaner-
man, Charles Bnd,erhyr, uncVnsiia' nun `to
help, *clear,' Pearson.. She accompanies
Enderby xoit4rrwere ;a Mr. Ry-
..rroft MfOrs..,to,)lieln :no geive the
• mys-
'."Nybi.,,t do yObi USlik. about tifis
, .
table -turning business. Mr 13,y-reft9"
• ...asked. Emily. •
"Now', that is very strange. 1 con-,
fegs Miss Trefusis ain•Power-
folly impressed by 'ii•:.,. 'I am, as, per-.
•• hitia you May-have:beard, a, belieVer
In , psychic things,„ To 'a certain: de -
.gree 1ania believer in-spirtuallsra,
alrpntly vireiilt a fu I an-
-. .rount and sent ;it Up to the Secie y of
;PsyChical --ReSearth., "A Well anti:tea-
• ticated• and- amazing, Case. Vive people
present, .nime a whom conld have the
• leak idea Or stispition that, Captain
Trevelyan Was. guirdered."; • • '
; "You • don't , think=" • .
•• •Emily stopped. -It was net so ea0
to suggest her own Idea to Mr; Ry•croft.
guilty f�re.knwle.dge," as he himself
.- had been one of -them,- .She 'pursued
her object it a pore rciundabOut•Mari-
, ,
"Yon"re Mis§-,, and there LA A
13144 there, the PNe's Cavey
they ' AS na An oPening
,between twn •reekA: M. YOueOnld:'find,
but it Widens Allt, insides"
„nhist..takO•ir 10k at that
Cave," Said -Charles. • '
"Y9lesiI beSnrI3rised tisiv harrl
.3., 149W: Yer4TS.: 01,4
• Princess Elizabeth. is. • growing' UP,
Jhe.SMAII, -enellAntingW4rAlre 0A -0.Y
"trtici nalce-,ClariStehed•herselt otillyhet,"
iia yaiisldfnr'•eyel7; Aint her :place
hag bee -en 1444 C11.4rTP7
1.00 Tottat40
Her'ilken,eSs;.. tO, the Queea4, tinws
itet .0t4, str. Many a•plenur Party Inmore rmarkabIe everc:14v,roit:°:;
P.144,T0er• looks. for it the. 0916 MA4e'StY'S she:CS*:
L7401:* itut.40esn't AO it, but if 7,0.u.„fie ,b4;. way„' her .meters
14nd it. be ure to leaVe- a Pin, inswo it ch41174 th le grang4t,itlier'S,digty
tia, • ;
1fOr: luck:" ' ••• • "4.4' PAIffliPa014114q.- 4.0r. gaiety lion
• fir; wonder"'said • Charles' when gitgr-s,IS 41kher PW-14,andnsrOiere. is It
breakfast was , .• A40 he and Eral4r,ore ap.parent.thaa, i pppop...40,,.were
had 4-:i...04od out into Aho..gukdon;,,,,.qt,ishe i. doredby all the tenants
cLght toge of to princoaoli?&iwizrtibillife§,araung „Glamis AT03,,BonorAr
tipe up',7,;,i-o• yOU jiai.e T4,21loye t see her.starting;eff oi
With, the- C/neett-tine- „41-'.
,a; bit of leekHerer Start Wth pieni
.' i
-.a simple, football eompet4t104 far our1te treaiss It
and before t know. 'Where '1' aro 1 run, .°1° expedition leads t-45 new 'Eur
straiht lnto -an- escaped -cOnvint ani a r1ause in-,t4e-----P-n.an-'-nfnl.lttter,-
alnrderers; Marvelous!" • • . •hAq" been.. sPeeiallY iS.101$ for
'What abont,thiS PhOtgralabing of 4uN.Cvbitiiir
aa. perfecly cut kilt of 9yai
dhorar14.1.1noakbecir'SoepOtt.aingeth:s':171••• tartan, and a hot4171MittOd.poll
he aid j!,./ tb/41,c1 shall .e,),e the over of green,:', she hardly ever wears'
:ther Et• -4. hope'you den't' hat':
hut .allewS..• her fair,,s,wavyliain.
irkiPdc 1 have juSt. 'seat off 'An inter- t°,144-4414.41.' the Ivi°4'vew with •
,hair to4giVe`aWa_y: a Secret-, is the enivy,
..nr oc.,:,61:got;tri; ometimes needs
"Oh; the•illnaI:Sort'a things, people Rose
little gentle ersuasion! •
like tO•hear,", Said: littr..•.EnderbY.',.4-`00r • ; • p • • ' '
special representativrecords his Princess' Elizabeth" is always delight -
: 'e • fnlly Maternal- towards this' younger:
terview with Mips EmilyTrqtpip,,..the
Slater sit hers, and no wonder,. for she, '
'fiancee of Mr. -James Pearson Who, Is' a delicious Mind, rather ;More flinty
been arrested hi-the•peliee and eriarg-
ed With .the murder of Captain. and frilly 'than --"the, fourth lady in the
d," yOict is •Very severely and .lieltutf-'
VelYan. Then gik-totpres:sionlan
..of you beautiful girL"fully, tailored: nowadays, as:befits one
sat--herrd.-ignified 40:
Y-00 :Paid • greatchats': .and 'etabrodered: ittiUsiin •
"It,•waS. a splendid .intervieW," said .
smocks are 'it' once the'' despair :And
Mr„ Enderby,. '"Yea!Ve idea :what •
of•eiery 'Mother .in London..
:fine -won-Milli touching thingsyou Said These two royal .ststers set inirgerY
'fashions, eyetwhere,;., -
.1f thy are •spen in red c�at one
rnorningred co re Certain to titeat
out all -Over the••Park.the next ,da,y, and
.they have:dope iiinnit to popularize the
•#•iiike-tYPe.' of dro:S.Sing..:So..
'becoming :.-te •the iriedern Child.
• The i Werk and PlaY, two' Charming
and' typically' Bri fish 'little : girls, In an
atmosphere et.. perfect ...siniplicity,-
Nursery teas:in their airY'Pale.blue -and
•PriittroSe. suite, at -146..Piceadilly are,
preSitied-over by Mrs,.. Knight; their
formality --lucky •
ren 4740 -to- snare their; fu never
'eurtsyand the 'tithe -honored. rule 'of
• , •
w41.04,4',alWaYS Aottoured jy
•4Pr• • pr,:044.P.P..- V.014.0.144'. .P94414944
14-0:14#-Pgcl: "T:11$iy? th thlrd, "goo
Of ,tho. QUj1 aRIa fAITAAritn A.4,4
.rhri4141,intl' Y.'hilet'Yttit'-lallePaisItIg4e14thaer4;''t4teY:
naeonsehma !of .he • 040044 PrOW4
that. "th.cr. n're Ont i Hamilton Gar
4ens!•'. • ' .
• tlaclY Pgrjs.' 'YYner, 04S, Qf'the
.•DucheSS .01170.41$ beSt fr1e4l44 ,44..4: A
pretty... iitpe: Zilzolt0t,T4. ot lterOWa,
• n'Arned:Aker *OYAl gOdmOhe,„ and
ant ,Q4Arte.5, ;a4d.
ali:Actlyp.„44044gy4,0 this
partbileolscsirEclit;4„ tl.e*""h• •03' t11,, am.
fro th Klug,- Wlo: understands- is,
4K444.00, ii1406,41::.-tastee; er
and ke;epe.;her,
'with, reter4s. otall„lherlatest",tand the.
remarkable 'peWer- o forming gutok
4ceisiOas, :raettitY. for, kwing
what she...wants, comhine. to. indite her
natural •leader : Of the "Nuriery
Party.” • 7
'SP her days go by, 4Ue4 with:games.
apiti• lessons end- the.. other nornial ac,
fiVities ..Of girls of1;,seven,,
all.Etigland watches With love and ad-
4ntratiott thig.•Sp'ecially.Sweerperven,
s- .
whe is also, their. on Prin.
cess; .
' .
; .
• - Foe. •V,Vonien. of Empite,
• • .47
' 'Fifty :organizatione Australian
women,. Urban and rura1 are making
usy • preparatihns for • the Centenary'
Celebrations., beginning' in. • October'
aext year. ,They are raising
Ofifi., by a ClfilIiag *riveaad'hOne,t'n
gaiiitnuCia,rnere hy selling' little );,Pooks
and :certificatea giiing hiographies...'of
wornen. pioneers and iraphic ...scenes.
,from their lives. A .brohze statue
will,probahly be erected ' • bearing
:meinOrial panels tO_IvoMen..1..piotkee.4
-cotintry, nursing ,, eerleges„ a, Cancel":
-hospital :Ward, .'extension, s of
drertl. welfare.' Worlt • a college,. 'Of
Sehernes—prQsals like these Make
'up an eXteasty.e .program.. One 'et
the teata.res 'Will:he. an Empire Knit,
thig;„ -.Canipetitien ••. 'with 'Australian
wool, •fer which there., Will be 'rich
priZes-. Open :te. every, 'Wontan 'Under
the British gag; Ftill information,
can- be -obtained fraBrigdierben-
er.aI ; --Melbourne,
Victoria, ..• '
intoret...0. me vefi much,. Mr. I abcklAt' 4Anding .bY :Your man, :no mat:.
,Rygroft.,:•_It is; ai•yon.say, an Amer,: ter if the 'whole world', was against
• ing •oecurience: You ' - ,•••• -•
ef the•people presept, with the vamp- I "Did, I, really sly , that?"
,tion of yoargelfilof'coprse were ifs an- • "De you mindre' said My. Enderby
way P*Olicr • anxiousl
y dear yourig lady, I myself arin
hot IPSychic. I have no power in• that
TQiJamoUy a' VerY deeply
intereated observeC"
'• "W abont ,this Mr, Garfield?"
• "A ,iiice lad," • said. Rycroft,
"but:116t-krenrariddYle in Any way.":''
"Well off, I.:min:toed," said EnailY.
"Stony broke; 1 belieVe" 'said. Mr.
• RycrOft: • "He ,coineS •down here. ...to
•ilinc attendance isti an 'aunt, from
' whom he has what. r. Call 'expects. -
bons' But Miss Percehonse has:a ssa•-•:
&tic ,iforin of humor 'and keePS': him
dancing" :
should ' like to: meet her," said
• "Yes, Yeu Must certainly meether."
' "Tell me' about the Willetts," Said
• s "Charming;" said • Mr. • RkerOft,
• "Colcinial, of - course: •No real'. poise.
' A: Attie toe'lavish in' their ,hospitalitY.
Miss, Violet: is a charming
• ,
They bad had.: been Slowly descending
the hillside aid,: Were'.nOW ivext4Ink
,•theiF W:a3, .dewri4-theiane;--
,"Who' _lives' In 'that cottage'' asked
Emily abuptly4..
dapiAn Wyatt --he. is 'an in:valid.
liather-,itrisotiable. 1' fear.". ; •• '•
.'"A friend of Captain Trevelyan's?"
"TreVelyan merely, Made. a :fern:tat
. visit ,oh'hiin every noW.and.them As
a matter of fact Wyatt doesret, ene01:1T-
ike. visitors.. ,A Orly man," • •
• EntilY reimenibered •,• the
•liithe.rte unmentioned irtembeil of the
4What•abetit Mn Duke?" SheaSked.
"Weil," Md Mr, RYereft :slow/Y;
'• "that „its what nobody 'knaves: You see,
..•OukeiS,,stinh •aheritirelY tinntylterious
individual.: I 'should iniagine that the
only rnYsterysaheut hint was his ,social
arigin.••" Not --.-not quite, if you under: -
Eta* --But A very send goad' fel-
:foie,' hehaOteried te• add. •
• , •,
' : ia.'iny cottage,- said 74.17. Ry -
Croft ;'pausing, "perhapi',you windo
me' the :honor . Of Coming..in and in-
-SPecting • .
:They, • Went. up.- the. sinan .path and
.'entered,the cottage. • The interior Was
: charming.. '13,OokcaseSAIned-the
• Emily glanced curiously .at'ithestitles
: f the books. • one 'SectiOn dealt with
ocanit prenoniena, another with mod -
'ern :deteetive- antiOn),.but by far- the
greater 2-parff' of I the,: ,bdolic6,ses., was:
• given up to ' Books On.
•' ornithology • held a • bontparatiVelY
sniall 'position. ` • • •
• "I think WC all • delightfUl," said
" "1 rtinst'oget baCk•paw: 1 e3t7,
'.'pect Mrs Enderhy Will sbe.Waiting for
• me.-, 'As a -matter Of f anti' hav.-4riit 114d
•'.13t4kfast yet, r We told Mrs. Curtis
:..Its.if-past nine and 1 ,z4..e it's ten
O'clock." 'Emily gayMr, tydroftrilet
„handand squeezed hisd,waintly,„
•,1ts s„wolViertal,”! 'she sa'd. "to
. • feel thit there's soiieori nwhom One
Can really,telY." • : '
Emuly retu'rtied.' to find gsahd
„Gharles ,wt.itihg.: for )ter.,
• ' Cartis-::-Wee-,ttill-ager-withj-eX.1
citement ever the ,escape of the eon:"
'T , .
"Do. you think'. hell con e this way?"
:asked ChatIts. ,• " -
• "They never -Canes: Ws'. way' ail
•are inootjand is, And, at -4'0'60
"toWria Whoriou de. diffine Off the fitoor,
1101 friake qrillyitOntit most, likelY.
%tat' they'll ,catch:hts 16mt• bittory.,
thatt" • • „
eould•tiral htdTa
11104e--ttOcrt-01-the otire:rtitla
of the Toe," salekr• •4*.s.
• ,
'"Oh,'Itel" 'stud Emily..."Enjoy, your-
lf, darling."'
:Mr. EnclerbY looked 'snghtlY :taken
aback. • • --• • _•
"It's bil right;" said Emily. "That's
a IlOtaticat.... X had it on my bib when
I' was Sinall-iny &friday bib. The
week-daY one ;had ,`Deitlt... be a glutton• !
1:117• "10iii7l ..I-7See.; pnt .:ver.y-good—
bit about Captain Trevelyan's- sea car=••
eer,and-:Just a hint at foreign. idols "bread and hatter 'firar is always:most'
looted'and' a- possibility' Of a strange I firmly enter:reed.'
On e smallguest returned home from
a:royal tea party,And Plaintively asked
her mother: •.
."What is..the.useof being a,•priacesS,
if you; eattct start with checoate
Princes S Elizaheth•is something of a•
tomboy,' and ..so has inaah in Common
With her two' cousins, Lord.Las`c,elles
•and his Younger !brother Gerald. An-
.6ther, smallcompani�n,' also ia :consin,
is "Janne," the sturdy broWn-eyed son
•of Lady Maude Carnegie; tha:-Iting's
faVeurife i•niece.'!Although be is only
osts on taking part in all their gatineS,
lioWeyer streauphe,
• "The eltildrea• next door,": toe, play
a great 113.4,4 1 n .the life 'of eur birthday
.Priticess. . •
their•inothr, Lady Aliendale, giires
an anneal Christmas Party at 144 Pie-
II •
priest"s revenge,only-a' laint. ',you
know., What have you been ..iii to??
.. Emily described. her .nieeting with
Mr. Rycroft., She brolce'off.:SUddenly,
A pink, healthY-lOoking Yontig. ,man
was' leaning .sztlter the 'gate. : •
"I . say,"- said the young man,
"frightfullY sorry 'to,butt in..- I 'mean,
it is, ,awfully' awkWard, but my aunt
• sent:•7:ne. along.., _ 1•, ' " . '
:-.. tinily and Charles beth 'said.„ "Ohl"
•' `-!IreSsi! "'said-- the-yourig.Man. •is?co
, ten 'the truth iny-annt's rather a Tar:
tar• *11-taheLsa;Y:S.,goes,;_if4.ysi&-knsimt,
, what I Mean, , Of 'course, 1 think it's
,•,frightitilly bad .forni:eorning` .althig at
. a. time like this, but if you 'knew. my
aunt—r...ad.•if Yott.cle as'shewantp, you
Will know her ina few minntes" :
"Is your . mint. MiSS, Pereehouse?"
Like in Emily', : • - • , .• • '!
' '"That's right," said the young.man,
Much relieirce. "So you know all about
• her?: •Old .. Mother Curtis has been
.talking 1 suppose. ;Weil, the fact: is,
My aut,t, ;saki sh'e'. wanted t� see. Yon,1
an.: 'was 'to tell you,So. CeMpliMents
ill that, and Would, it .be'trotibliii-g-
'yeito,O much—She was an inValid and
auite • unable '4; get out and it ,would
be a great, kindries-Well,' you know
the, sort ef LI--tieeaza.saY•atJ all.
It's .entiosity' realIY,„ of. •ctairse, 'and
you say kOti'v. got -a headache,: or
have 'get IetterS to .write • it be,
4-titte Li h ad • .koji.. „needn't
bother.? ,, • '•
"Oh, but r should like torbOther,''
.•.•trA,g9. '-with.-yoti'..at. once,
derby muse' goalong and , ate, Major •
'• '`.'I'mUst'i"' said 'Enderby in low
a low- •
white- • : • .
Yea- must," said Emily firmlY
'She, dismissed him. with a brief nod
and Seined her Pei.: friend:in the road,
"/ sttPpose you're -Mr. Garfield," ,:
° "That's ,right, I ought to have th,10
:you.. • Splendid of Yon &Ming along
like: this. • totsof gi.r4,,.tlibuld have
been aWfully Offended. ; But yeti -know
What -old ladies are'
"You don't, live. down here, do:you,
Garfield?'" , • . : •• ,
, "Yon bet ,Votir life I don't" said
'Ronnie Garfield. , here we are.", ,
:He sashed 'open gate and Emily
Passed throtigli arid ,went up the path
leading to a: small' cettage 'identiCal
-With the reSt, .'.,the lititig-roOrn
ing on the garden was a tenth end On
it *as lying'an elderly ially with
tharpeit and Most 'irtierrogrliVenoSes
that thrilYliad 'ever. seen. She raked'
herself orrati diffi:"!'"
. ."Se you've .heoght 'her!" she,"%said;
"V6'ill kind C,f ybii,my dear!, O noine
alopg to -tee an' old Wernans,„ 'Rut yeo.;
knoW Int •ft is When 'Yon, hre.nn
invalid, Yeti ft:4st have a :Anger in..'
every )i'ie going, aht,I if yob darn ,go
,to the p1.i.t, thent1 MuSt cotile•V$
4foa.,-",Artd--YOU' -i•teeA • „ , _ ,
41.1‘10$1i A sa
"* l rre e P, that 'tf6ntile, • with ,S0 Or•4, .
go out,:and paint the garden furniture.
In the Shed at the end ef.thegarden...
T-vto basket chairs ,and a bench. -You'll
find'the Paint there -all ready."
, • , .
-• The obedient nephew disappeared.
• "Sit ,doWn'," said ,Mids Perc.elieuCe.'
; .-• (To, be contInuech)' • •
• 0!dtsi Town • Crier in England
Sam-Snty.: ,' of Orford, the oldegt
• town crier, 1- has :inst. celebrated his
ninetieth birthday.. Mr, SMy was a
• powder -bet in • the, •Crimea, :and: has
.200- grand and. great -grand -children.
He becanie town Crier 70.•Yearsago;
and nearly all . the • itiliabitant's ,of'
• OrfOrd are his !relatives. • '
• Mr,....SinY's duties ,are very varied.
He must:call...the inhabitants toa
fire when .o,ne cCurS: - He also tikes
visitois, to the ca;stle 'and • th.em.
itt private .life he is, the village rag-
and-bone inan,„ • newspaperL.:mait
Chimney .sweep and: fisherinan. He
has :a sinalF•holding2„on whiCh• he
keeps pigs and •••poultry -:,and, grows
vegetables and fruit *. _
'N40 Types
`4..ci:eitti.pf0"'', Dci41.0.p1,..•St '../....ii -,',41k•
' tpi'dthirik 1Di..6rint. frOirk 2
• ;Malady in Other Parts .' •
• .• Ba,tou' Rouge, Pa.--g-erbert, Brown;
, ' of • COpptry.
.2.7,year.Old eit-sohlier, ,has offered iota.
salt as .an experiMental subject In the
fight against sleephig -.sickness: • - „
, • • •Brown. described -himself- as a, victim
of.Juberculosis; -unable t� work, -and.
einreased.the desire to "do sontalliin-
i•-•:„_144h... iHk*OesaL-7-41.1.-1frA•gtetL4.1y-i*
.nlysicians la S. :LoalS,- . where .eticep-
halitis had made heavy '
larOads should
• • • : . - -- -:
he made •acquainted Withilli 'offer,
•:•-St.•touis, Mo.:.-Bejetitists studying
. . .
the "sleening--sieltriess" epdemie" here
. were, et the genefai•beliet, that the en-
cephalitis' Outbreaks. In other -part§ of
the Vaited 'States were of .a different
. !type than the St.' Louis malady,. • .
Tivo deathtolutei
C'Tbelleval tse On
caused by sleeping Sinkness, occurred
in Kansas • City, Nas.,..within,21heur
aad s,ix •cases have been reported over
• Kansas. ' Ten 'cases, hav,e develoned .in
Kansas 'City, Mo.. Another death was
reported ' • at FOrt Smith, Arkr,'.• The
ifentliIiCiTiale -te7:14yrift!St.:•1.,otife, : ' ••,;'...;
:"There are -two- tYpei,of encapbalitils
yehich.Make their aPpearance in Many
mniunitieS," ,.8iii*-D-Paill 'zeittair
• assistant health commissioner. ',"They
are the sporadic' typo, vihreii..upiany
follows another illaessAuch as meas-
les, Whooping , chugh .or .other types 'of.
body' infection, Atilt, the -lethargie en-
cephalitis, which is O. printatir disease:
.- At Jefferson- 'City, .Mr. Mary Edna
'Cruiert; • State ',Leber ., Cammissioner,
.said.:.Shelia:d...writteri-St,...I,dtra:-.1 Coun.tY
hearth oitcials'' asking them. to: deter-
mine.' whether "filthyii,,Itailding".,•WAts•
.eontributing te, the epideillic:;.:• • '
Mrs. curzen faaid he had closed
several Mattress 'firms;..where-arispect,
-ors found "filthy.- cOnaltionst", and that
other firnis,. vOlunearily, • cleaned tip
when they "saw we.nteant :business:" .
Washington.—Th e Associated Press
has asked me ,for,..an •actiele ou •epi-
deinie encephalitis, the "Sleepinesick-
tiess"" which in tha pa St :ntopth has
reialtedin 46 death; 320cases, in St.
;Louis; writeS'4iighL 'Si ;Cnaniding, Sur,
'geon•Geiteral of•the Public Heafth Se-
,Seekinga div•oree decree, Mrs. 7,Alida'
boehler Of Chicago said her husband'
was abSent-Minded.; *He even forgot
'I was his Wife," said she. "116 triti,-
dized me for tring to flirt with him On
the Street." The decree was granted. :
Champion Corn Eater
. '!4rhOrria.A• .10:lte"'' Eaton:, Who ft'y' 'eating r)2.• ears Or. corn detittOnes•
e, ,to'ritter.:ehamnioni' Ed .2'
I. 4,,
• My•-experienee IS that the Press is
,Health Service nieeting such
'epidemics., It gives the people ihfcir-:
taatiOn for their protection. ''
Not sineethe polionvelitis:opidemic
iii, ,
NeW York in 19.16..has this aerVi-de
beea confronted with an enideinic in
sdcli: imperative need immediate and
intensive. stud. To itirther., it, am
asking the Treasury b,epartment 'far
inflanunation of Brain
• Eniaemio -encep.halitjS,.. or "sleeping
sieliness" is an inflammation af the
brain itself; With,•a .moderate inv�Iye
Meat of the. meniges; or 'coveringsof
the Snitial•nord..• -.•
• -It is. bite. Of the gratin known aS•virus
:diseases,. Ute nitia;Minro8Cepie germ
having thus far .proven iinposeible of
Isolation, Its.'Carriers remain, ;
ItusuaIlr starts wth a pain in the
back of the...neck and headache. Otter'
there.are gastro!intestinal SyreptOms--
vomitiag, • diarrhoea, .emistipatietr;'
The riatielitia,'aliatifetie,-Iying
bile; The temperature.rises,' Charac,
teristie ,1 the "facial
. or • exiire:ssion , in • the tante]
muscles. -AccomPanylag this condition
,often . are motorreilexes.: Of :•elbeW,
.knee, wrist, or anklet or: treinore.of
arms o tegg-•-7;eentinnenslia1tiiig.:
Ii' -
regular ; paralYSIS"rnay ocetie. • • -
.Postraortems- show-. eviderate•of• des!-•
traction. of the brain•fisitte:
•,.• .i0limesota Deaths ';
St;,Minn,-=-Tlie -.State Depart',
ment Or istealth •have. aiiiiettneed that
20.ot '28 eases of ,ein,cephailtia o.r
sieknesS". reported itl mhinesotti
shine slailuary 1 had resultedIb death,.
There are fear baSeS. at Present, '
A.J. :Chesley, depaitirmirt ,Iyea•O,
so:W.:the fatiintie8 °Centred in 'Western
and southern inittie8Otit, He islertecl
that the situaticni',wtts•no 'Worse thai
any Other year,Slitce the first 1141-inte,..
Soto. ,case.tippeared . • '
"‘Shot.4er" for Bridegeooni„
hitroducod`k, .Men
• 11:oiiter: for CtIVe
egtninia is the, latest in' stielai
„.1"rAnittn•e-,;:oraght, ivilb will marry
Sally (!rocit.er in T'acoritSept. il,was
!ignored at 'Stith ti'pailly.by, Male
frig 'gle'vesi and' it M611 .0101 catalognas
' 'The g'IttglliclinICW'Aislf. cloths, bat-
s , 0 s
.•IVIaY0f5-04Y ..tie Can'
• - „
Only rine, 71744.1qd Culprit
'In infl two fines on 1,.ady Aline ,2
• Barnett of ..Sopviell, 4Ister of the
f:oArthgari'Vf. •VorPlallis4Lt-F-s,
the May,,er ,Alhansi rentarhesl ;•
"'this is ,her ninetcepth-i metorin4
conviction. 1 at:, pot re'eall the nami
d.f. another wn-an in the country who,
1,as.• had se many.- ',rive distreSsing
entures of :lier cases arethat she
stfinioned iniNre): arrested,
that-gifdreiii&:4-6-enfrY never • aps,
.peafgln perion, but is .n1Ways„repres
.sented:hy counsel,, .
"1 am not stikgestrng. that the: eon -
stables wIt4 sunlit -Ion her do net,i'ds--, •
their duty,,but, it must be evident tJhat
if she were breitght here On -a War-
rant,. 'she Would, then be ohliged. • to
listell.to what We might WiSh to: say '
.and-I-Vrag.W•haw-the privilege
'priying her Ladyship of her license,'..•
Velileh 1 cannot do tinder A sutra-noes.'
Lady : Aline liai.rieU IS' 26 years of
• age and the wife of Geoffrey 'Arthur •
Barnett, In the 'present. ease -againSI, "
her:- she was fine $100. for 4iiyig a
-441,`Withont .reEt?ionable "e0iisjderation. ;
...for other- pergonsi"-a-ini-$1:06.1,or
g o . give her name and, :,addrese :
altei• 4„u1 itterdtqtt.--- ,
• • ,Tlirdligh• hey ,cennsel, .as •usual,.
pleaded „net guilty*. te .the,firSt sum;
:oohs and: guilty. to 'the .secoraL. .Her
:lawyer read 'eta a.statement prepared
by her and strongly intinnatedAliat all;
'the- ,constables' ;in the ..,-Ciitintry 1 veers
prejudiced' against her driving.
In' her statement she alleget_l that'. ,
,.w.aS . due • to; the ether motOrist ,not
keeping a proper-lookoutCrt the see, "
ond., Charge; sh,e' said ' she -was: tinaWart•
that she:had-to give' her halite 'land;
,addres in n case .#11 -ere rio person'
were injured. . ' ' '
., •
Pfacili,o gee
Justgot back -from My- Vat'ation.'":
• '"Sorry; olt! Man. •I'can',i lend ypi .
cent. I'm jue gems on mine".
Undertakes T0 Explain
. •
• • .. .
Nil-horn...motion. :picture' ',actor .and
former: ,soldier qf , fortune, *. antilyzed•
the' 4ary.Pickforiltictuglaqi Fairliatik8
dernestic• :situation' :for" sitip neWa
1orter ho , arrived' rih the
• "She loves • Dotigla's Fairbanks and ,••••• •
he loves:. • her,". said MeLagle-n,.
ask •Ier, and : he 'did in ;Way.
tlie.trouble *as she dida..i look.an to
Douglas,.-: ,ifliat's . all,' • • • •
' MeLagien, .Who WAS 'etironi,e; to •
Califoi-nja-after malting .6/ picture hi
gngland, s.aid 'Miss ''Ptelaptd:„"is thE;.•
-sWeoteSTlibilywo.od,•• None -•
. .
otber ,can • (ouch , ., •
,Extlalnh,-,,,he • ivaS "taking . 1,
.clitince". In saying, 6, 'he added the)
.Marlene, Deitrich Is the "Meet Intel
ligent"; Hollywood' • an
,Marlon DaYleS 18 '„4the finest, woinar.
.11ellyWood when it 'conies •to.
limitaint log 'of ,fifo "
Wi 0
..1$,S.U8 57''