HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-14, Page 6\
Canada, The EinPire and The Worla t Lag. •
Steady Seine,
Babeen's -reports ,ou conditions, .11,1
'Ciitiadal•thie raMith says ,Mishiess
Provereent. is heiag steadily maintain.
ed Over, this Do1UiOfl. Theurrent
SaYs. that, While general IMO'
• .nesin.the. T.Taited States is' sliewint
feMiecV in ,flatten; off ihte: aitehiptirary
•'dideWiSe Motet:neat, there is nelriter,
,ruption iii the ,upWarcl: sweep ot Major,
huluetries• throughout, the DM:414ton.—
Brandon, Sun. .
. „..•
Pepidation Orowth,
, , . •
• There 'arel?,,Q90,Q6b;:inOre.people. in
' the Averid: thatY than, there,. W,§re font
Years•"ago, aCeerdizig to :Sir- Charles
President.Of, the •Inteinationitl-
populatioh, , I.Triton, ;Who .•aPParently
keelie „close ,tab onbirths and 'deaths...,
Getting ,BusraeRS
Crider the new trade treetiee ,ganl•
•"•'4,4„0„rexports tcarance have inereased
• by 73 pr cent, ih the past year; and
those to, South Africa.are up ,65per,
' Cent.Tliat'e :talkin• g business.)3Order
, .
1.40:1-11114 to t,49'.911..'
A WI-Mie.'n teacher at VancP11Yer
colitis,. offered to resign her: pest it it
were gIatitoct to a male teacher
out S. 4e1),. 'in •WhiCh case She would
marry her. isneeeSsor; TheSehool
Tioti,r4 ”ifi-upep, lier proposal out Of
court." Otte of the: great caudes.„9f: the:
present wave „ iineniPloymehta cording to many antlicirities s•Ilie
fact' that'. milliens or" women havere-,:
ftieed. to disPlay the• that thie.
. • . .
YancouverIeacher' s() ,eager. to . de,
Net miry Is she willrltig, ,inalte., room'
,a,Workleee Man; but she 18 wI$ng
to de it •Ithowing-that •it'..Peane the
'artcrifice of financial. IndePendened cin
her part, j -ler: belief that' sh'e.will,be
*Qxp than, compensated for that'Sagri,
ilcele"b4sicle:: the,. point..,Ednionten-
Jeurnal. •
The. Orst Jazz Band, •
It is recalled tbat:the Roval
band; which aceompaniee the Wool-
wieh searchlight tattoo, was the only
regimental band recognized and pro-
•• SunTan Plan:
•The girl who 'need: to• blacken her
leg to hid:e a hide a:hiile in her, Steck-
ing -nOw. both, legs, 6314,V:rears' no
stockings at Manias
' Little B t'Oh'110iYi
A bee's eting,Is One-thirty=seCond Of
" iiic long. . The other two feet s
tiohr-'--Sault :Star. ' •
PublicityFor Moosejaw
According to the record of ,the:Do-
,rainion, Press :griping 'Bureau, the
fileeedjaw Evening Timed was quoted
196 'timed by 'other Canadian news -
•paper's for the thi-'-e-esisthe-reirdeil
' . March. , This. Is gdod,PUblie4Y:for
lfoosejaii - arid coniPliment' to our
editorial Page.. The Ottawa .Journal
• ,beads the list With 2,3r8 quotatiorie;
and the Toronto Globe is :second With
• • ,
1.2,033. Out of PA, daille,dosOjaw
Thnes. ranks 510.--1ViecisejeW titles.
that year it consisted �f38 perforreers;
including twe_negroes who played the
big drum, the 'Cymbals, and the 0..fing
ling Johnnies.7, ,Tbis.apparently,was
the first:official' recognition of a jazz
band.. SuPernatural fpresiglit, eanhot
be expected even from the militarY.—'
•London 'Evening , News. •
: •
• . Better; Times
There has, been noticeable this year
a brighter:Spirit , in industry.- thiem...
Ployment has fallen,.:beyond. the. sea.
-seller fall,. thipleYment has risen.: Out-,
:put is rising ,..,Business losses " have
beeivreplaeecr ',by' profits, aa..recent
,statistiee -show. , •••:The., ' relief irom.
anxiety; so afforded bas ea Yet a:niched
. . .
4es .Sven $;11.40To ee
ana da s Famous
• Have Seen
Lifitd Police
ervice For §ixty Years
• This is, the , diamond jubilee year
of the Royal Canadian Mountek•Po-
i'ormerir the Royal NorthWeSt
Mounted Police.; The fam,us fol.*
\vas foIlowin; thb
*acquisition of " the'. Western' prairie
land in 1870 by the poniinien oepan-
. •
ada. The Indian'tribei: on the,prair-
ieS :were 0,t.'„athUt thne Powerful and
proslieretis hat .wee being denioral-'
ised by•liqiier•,sellere and by wars 'of
:•such a natiirrd.i tO discourage ,sett,19-
anent-by, the. whites.
• The,,poljee;erily -300 strong.at the
outset, marelied, in I874 right aCrese
the, prairies:.frOm 'the Red River in
,Manitelia •„to the 'RoeitY MPuritaiksi
theientire March being more than
mileS ;and throught. Country. of
which Part Was 'Unknown, The tribes
'were so 'tnapreSsect that a „serieS Of
treatiee_were_cenel4eslitrid „the • goy-
Big 'Business and Peesident. Roosevelt.
•Italy and :.',G,ertneny and continues
• to ,support them, there was ' a tithe.
*hen neither 1VIUSsolini tor. Hitler
,eetildihave' gene :forward without this
•, hacking.' :Perhaps: beth .are. independ
Pg it t� -day. Nevertheless,
• .mairie:their ',Stout hi, the'lJnited
States big businese has net fieen:
ctrdlaIto Itao,Sevelt: • He liaS :had to
erititiley:,Pressitre: and even Yet it re,
"Mains to heseen.vriletlier.-.the great In
, 41101.11es; will. heartilyl.co-Onerate..•with,
Butit is plain enough:that-if the
•-:'great.-bnat cial and indtkeirial.,interests',
:.are secretly In favour oZsome Sort 'of
• 'dictatorshiP, • Roosevelt Is not thelr
'idea of
,a7-dietkerif,"----TeltntonVrail anct
a ' narrow , trete, •• .
IntO higher Waged thriiiighbat the
munity, ' • the area . of 'depression. ..and
hardship •Wiil not shrink;LOticlerf.,
Bally Herald.
It is officially' announced 'from. the
Bonainion•Office_ that ;the -Empire' Mar,
-rating liciaid-IS':co-,-lie-alielisited:There
•arenci„.sulticiettt reasons to jest* this
decision as, it steads,: and,•the.'matter
•is,sure to ,be,raisect as seen as Paine -
night reaaserapies, Tlie-refiisal 'op the
Eienilnions to etiopera.te 1,17Ce Joint Irn
-Perial'bodY„ regrettable, as 'it; niuSt be,.
• is not e -reason why. the:devernment
of this touptry: should:discontinue tile
*irk ,Of the Bad on ,hebalf of tle
lioine preducer and the doldnies,,ol
its work in helping the Population ..af
these.islands te'realize What the.Bri-'
tish Empire js. 11 Is a commonplace
• that the'Colonies have suffered hetient
in .the' Past,: and that .'601iergovernt.
merits have been s1t:4, to give the lead,
l'ItOrganizihetheirdevelp-Pment. In;
its seen y•ear4 bf 11,fq . the, E. M. B. has
:dope.much to •remove that reprOach,
:and l'no..Voicen have' heen clearer Or
'moreLsustained. In protest against the
proposal to. disband the Beard; than
. ,
these af' golooltti.'proF1.0erst Whether
,they gro* bananas in the West Indies,.
:Or sia1 in East •Africa or tea in Gest:
• lon;—tcaidon Times. •l•
•••••,. ,
Sanford (Sunny) McSweeney', 15-yearold, Star delivery. bey: •of
Oiilhawba covered-the--distatme-$loni his hoMe-to the reAideiiee a 1,
his • aunt Mre. 'Charles Bakei il Alderwoed,, In , seven "hours,.. So he
could pee Canada's ,.greatest fair. , "I -alWayS Wanted to see., the 'EX:
he said. ••••• •.
PliysicianS ;Must: Chnge`
To Meet New Conditions
Gu1nhCrging • Meinbers or the
•• • fessiot ,•,-join Other"
treupd, In • making appraiser of eitst-
ing:- ecoruimic'-. conditions. tir. •
Neal Peterborongli, president Of
the 'Ontario Medical: Association toi
100 'Phthat
. of. this „district_•at
it:was useless 'for . them , try • and.
-adjust their' affairs . to ' the present.
'sySteni •• • •;" • • • ' ')) .
- Careless Viith114 Oniy ,
A Calgary river bather „eomplaind• to
• the pblice „that :$283 Were lifted -from
)iie clothes while he was disporting
•imselt inthe water. It may sound
but. what right has a. men
)areless to compiain?-.—cargary Herald.
The relation of medicine. to 880'
ernment was enabled' to aSettnie^
.tiVe enatiol. er the Indians..
in addition te' disk harging
dutiee and • tindeylaking
'Live wurk, tile early, d'aYsa sigh 4141,
gnarding again. prairie fires, go.fe-
guardirig, .set:tlersa'' and „the
responsible tasks,. the forcr.ii9WJ its
share of military duties. •.
The Present'force ef 2,500 offieers
Undniert new distrilnited. thi•etighiml
Canada performs' a wide -variety a
duties.- Its' members are scattered
..4,19n.g the , i1t:Ovation:4 boundary ,to
aid i'n.Unfo&ing0hP:P,11,Stearns and Pre-
'VeUting. the:- entrance" of undesir le
4dieris: Cqabie estatione
or 'in the NleinitY. of:Indian reserved
te'rnaintain.„gbed artier and te aid in:
edorcement ,•laws. ySonie • 91:
them eeeupy, lonely pedte,ie, the:North;
West' territoriee and the ItePni,..es.
Well as along...the Arctic and lludSei) '
Bay coasts • '
:•Holda a Clothes. R.ecord‘:-
• , . ,
: RoYer; Nels.—Plothed just 'seem to
. ,
last Walter IJ. Seaman , a Jeng time.
Re is b5 and has beep township
Ignoring Stop Sign-
. Cause of Accidents
as.se'r sinc'1899‘ •aPproachiS to•
' Seaman 'wears 'a' hat, oneof the. ways are erected for the benefit and
C. bailie Chaplin type that., he bought protection ot.Inotorista, and yet there
aair!eaf'tg4,qttefiY't6hayieaorlds,'°!111t. da"yTeh,:e .47-4LbePte'si:
see, 'I bought, :them-nly hirtY-ene,
year rigci.•::•.They cost 'me $2•50, with
a pair of "eoelcs throWn in. The ,first
fifteenyears I just :Were thern for
tunla,y, best and then, r were' there
'„efrener.' 1 never' had , to have them
trieutletl.;:uatil- they Were, twenty-five• :
'y,eara; o117,71rou don't •gath
et leer like,
that now.”. •• '
Sortie idea of the durability Of, the
shoes May ,gathered from the fact
r s Supply :the ac:c.ig,Atileil6a,t811;s.rnent.gh.'e,At(i!vgisrhtiip4s;•tils:
1. •
B itish t
"Argentine Locust.$4rrios 1101 •Six seven' YcarS, but „he says
, "•;Buenes -Aires —British • ',firms • will he has buy nevsi pair of overalls
,• .
, '
be • awarded cOntracts., for 13;000960 e.bout •once.a Yenr. '
o ,006,1)00 metres of pet -7-117w 7 •
lomist barriers Which the Argentine
Government will order'. for • Octeher
delivery, It safd in ':s,ernt:oflicial
.quarte kS in the Miiiielry of Agrieul-
• ••United,' States .firms slim) T
the balance. The.•' ,contraCti.. wIll
a gregate about $5 250 000 In Cana
.immies-•.md-th9-n-,ed4Qr„;stnxtecigt,' diao ,funda • '• .
'fiiiite'step,beirig:taltetL.to: assurd the.
medicar..,Then • recchrippiee-lor
.serVieee, . he hap...been., giVing
trek: *ere eituihasiSfd ...by, Dr.:. Neal,
who'wai•••riSpealtiiik On.: the grounds :of
the. HeineWeod • Sanatoriu'in. : .meta,
• hers. of: District 2..:0±, the. Ontarre
.MediCar.fAssociation • which. included
physiCiaite: from Waterloo,
• Wellington, bittern • :Perth, ' • Huron
an&Norolk . counties,. - '
•Destruction of ,OorestS",
The shortsightedness of many, of Our
• ,
pioaeers„; has turned very considerable
.,Iireas of Canada into veritable deserts,.
Ione to the thoughtless cutting Of Weed,
, ands that were.Once faredsuss
little more then
Aaild country. :Rat whet our Pioneers
, 'did under tike' urge ;of neceesity; , We,
bcintinhe to doto-day 't•ritirceit'• that.
:overywhc e for :present, ppotit •without:
. thought:
for the fiittire.Wirinipeg Tri-•
• Britani s Trade Problem
'• Writes,' the Leede- YOrkehlre,'Peett
,TheJliiitet1,-States- arOiet,..: penfenC
for besential., food suprilies:unon abil
ity to buy
iiendent, tee; to, •mitCh .grefate.A...eic,••
tene_than. Ourselves in 1 the inattet of
'raw. materials cotton cottert:,:'being'-f• 'Orem-
inept ' '.0ceiri1le. • It ' foltp*S-. that.
Whether Wg• like' it Or not:We Must
:Perferce. pay greeter . atten (Joao at :a11
'timed .to ability ',ie..: dell alsciad, be
-cause ,,only so car We, buir: ,What we
. need. :::•Therefore, we ;Cannot: even'
:temporarily " Afield to:' negleCti:. the
,probable effect, of deliberate; and fat.7
reaching curreney. devaluation bylin
.,flaticin upon onr neeeegarY importa Of
everdeas"fecidstuffEend re* materials.
Prams Are Pasain'g
, • . • • .
Not so Jong ago certainly 111 the pre.
lific.reign of Victoria, when fathers
.were alit:te'mideeent' the, nuniber of
their children,cPush-carts and ?`.pranas,
mestilavefor"ined the largest Class:. of
'vehicular ,•li,owailays;'' when
thred..,'ehildren 'cOnetitute • .a "large
.family;" 'there are. Undbulitedlypore
meter cars than PeraMbillaterea If the
baby carriage is doomed to diaaPpear,
,iheti•bahles.aleoi merely objects
of antiquarian interest. And; that: is
a painful theUght„-LLondon Daily
-Safety on the•Beads
Thinking •,things through to the, pit- The Portailly'eu the: roads Is rem .
1" ter end 44 a di"ifieititAaSik 'for most men,
higb•a, IS • inereashig, and Must bedi. r
Corn Ripe in August
„Three 'Weeks Ahead
,-London, Ont. -Ter, the 'first time' in,
the peniory farniere,, %cern was
cut •lei an extendive•scale, in, August.
Between :London and Ingersoll; pear-
ly half of ;:the. fariners copitnenced
:cuttipg • their • corn croPel-T-7. • ,',.. •
Tile Corn was ,ripe, andlike all
Wier farm ..crops was two.. :to- three.
'Weeks .ahead ",the•••,season: •EarlY
apples . are being: harYested .in .114=
y'anee of the norreal.tithe. Pinnplcind
• and .4C1uagh hav beee, :nyellable . for,
.,-Weeks As • ler, •as ferin 4..growth is
I•ceneerned; .the; calendar • shot:Or:be
'nearing -the. end. ,•of •$epiteriiher • ,
Ciabs ,
Crabs oceut on Canada's A.tlanTi-c-
coast;.• as' Well, as • in the Doininion'e
Pacific waters, but 'Much the :larger:
'ca,teli • i's niade,-by • British •POlumbie
:fishernieri, ,.In 1921 they landed More
than ,:A37.,Q00 pouind *jai Markete'
value of 'serriething:eier -$7,4.q0:,SOMe
,bf, •the catth seann,eda thetreater
part is marketed in ,the fre„li forin
v — '
thee /warning signs. Step., 10'
'class Of Motorist' does net, mean eVes.
to slow' 'hp and senie- of Alierit. wit ,
Speed onto •a highway and across it
trusting to fcol's luck to .carry then. ,
through safely. If it were ohly dam
gerous to themselves it wmildliet in;
so bad but they are endangering tht -
lives a drivers who, de' exercise pre.
caiition • Riles become a.-TeeyingFth
one . does .riet..onlY .have to • w,atch ii
own driving, but the driving of
as well •order to. he Safe.: 'those
who de not.stOp at: the Step. signs are; •
ineneeing the', inetorista who believe,T,
they can drivepast the intersections .
safety,' 'Careful driers ; shu1d b'
Protected, and 'the step sytterrr figidly7 .
• Another ruenate to motor ra c Zs •
the ene eyed thiver He driVes alOng,
the highway a;'perpetual Cotaindriun • •
• to the drivers he •meets.: He presenti
riddle‘that must be solved( inerglq:
to avoid accidents, ,forwhen, driver
sees a one eyed car approaching he
iriusli try • and,: 'figure out Which Side
First Woman Director
: :In 'Talking Pictnres
• Cal.•,=-Nhia Noise is the
.1first •woman .direetor' to he named by,,a'
HollywOcid studio since :the 'Cel,
•luloid. found Voice several years ago.
.confident 'and With a back-
. ,
greand, of' 17 years as an aetress•ouid,
begin work immediatelY as. aisiefant, s"--4 wrong' guess -accidents --result.
clirectort;..hd.,San.Prenelseen will the. lighted, headlight is on and if. he
'There are spnietn_mi drivers who are
to Michael Leisen.
Miss Noise was -the first'ilirector
ru,. She' . was both aetress
New •,,Yerk's provincetOwn ,. Player's'
ecter wth' the' late ,Teesie. Sotiatelle!s.
steck. conipani.111 Detroit: .• • • t
;Dorothy %Aretier, who won her rank
In Silent Pieture daYS;ie.the only other,
woman director :hi metlon cttireS
here. '
14Ore Books BOrrowed
In 'Manchester,, Eng.
Manchester. , ,Eng:=-41i11aliester is
end wet:lien, hitt Ito* saner, and
.`lbgidal the ,reSuiti:when it Is done. it
is a hal4that sliCUild cultivated -4Y,
ali'anq:especially by those who are .or
;Would be ldadere.-::7E'dnienton .1ournal,
, HeItSkelter • .
..:The'NeW York'Suri had
The Dutch, deStreying bulbs, and
Abe ,Senthe1*. feriners pleWing; Cotten
..tiird'er, might tiee'llarter'le advantage..
•,'Ontelf hill114'inighthe as ,rotteh of a
•bietyin the 'ninth as cotton plant
*.ottni be in the Netherlands.:
Nothing" lndleate, the hettor
E1terpolidttiOn the,,,world .more
than the feet thht they destroyed large
41.1aiititles of wheat in ko,Tisgs.,
bUye thonSaiids ions:Of:Coffee
• , Ili:a:v:111nd for seoroS or Prignai'y pro,
duets like anger,' rubbera" ete,, the Mar-
. lot Pi..ice has been ••:lieliee the aCtual
..,e6St production. Itiglit at home
• herdlaSt ybar,hiledreds.ef,t6hs Of good
grapes Were: left
• -The..reference Is, of emir:sea to,:iast
yeai, and a COMParisen year
.big •hopa- and etidOurageinel'it
• .
• " -brilitage ar,1 brought,
• , Oevertitnents reay ;be ,-pertaitted•.
... • „ . ,. • .
rat htinus for eadt acre Orland'
'Vecialined.•from swatiipy areas', and to
• , ,liay.a`tarnier tpr dr4thitig:his�Wnlatid
' • teter reserVOirs Will be wien"for:oe,'
It will net be dindoished:
by broadcast. appeals to the' Motoring
public to be reasehable 'arid carefUl.
The bVerwhelming mass!' of motoristS
ii0reasotra hle and- careful.' I3ut, there
iS 'a Minority that l's neither,. and
LUIS, ininerity is indifferent to' at
peals; 'and can .oily he • restrained 1,y
the , fear Of drestie Penaltiee for reck,',.
Oardinar In The hot,. ,
;don Star. •'•
• SI Pshod .L.itreture
• biterature Pore than anythieg ere& ,
'bet'rays , SpeclotU, and' •slipshod.
:These !things, are , net, altogether tlie
, fault 'of the,aontemporayy writer.. They,.
ere- the 'fault of the; ti hi lives
'tp,,,krite as Macauley
eris, . Viet:nue 'tardy, • who was the ,.
last .af thStii,„a..firean reenires a hadk
ground that • ief,spaelotig .Seltire.'.1.
its • The :uncertainty. and re-Slit:84,1
hese- of .thodern, are .reticctett
itiodaill leteers.: :A man without, con... ••
adonee in the futtire,ean feel no &Mt,
dilehce his fatere e'r• hiroselg, and,
nieiiCora:Mem:a eSsetitral<Itireally,
twat* they ,are PreSerVOS:4-.
• 1 a •
. hotdd Know Better •
•1-11,74Mard Flings ,ellamPion
• The, World, aeize•i•ding tb science, 181 ' • ' '• •
t • 1 ' ml, .i' • `1,, (AY ' r • 17 ' .1 i att 5,"
,Street-thilik8 •-ohat at thlt-„age'lltotiglit.,.....,.. •11!.., -101)1Y ' tb , ...2.,..01, 1141; e JO J: ego!'" t,Vat4, .:Yea're c t aw :
. .• r - ct •to , 1 d , ., ii(if -*lib' '‘,i(r011 the "eirli',ger-Itinti-lliug iiiiil .s"vOl'il Aittit'64h•ttf.• thViCetill
, attorbr601t0,1Ledilit • • , ' " '
4,600;`060 Years ohl.s,•The
_reading more:than ever, aCeording V
statistic.* revealed : in the annual re=
portof the kanclieeter Corporation
Libraries Conirnitteed„. Wbieh, shows
that .dniting the year 1932-1933 the
totartissue of booka,,frOin"--all--depett
.thents Teethed the :record figure .Of
4,774,048'' volumes, exelndiang maps,
prints and Pictures, :representing, an
'hic,rease of 174,874 over the previbils
year.„, •••
, BOoks iSsuedier home reading from
tiv, 28 , 'lending ',•;libraries:; numbered
3;766,6,69 Volur0s, average of
12,866, or about 24 book § ,every min
ute of the library.. year. .
,Ministeit Marriei. Daughter •
:13* Lo_ng. DIstance
: WoOdeVille;• N.H. — A•. midister: in
Lajeila Calif., sppke the Weide whieh•
'Medd ,daughter,, Vevah; . Wier
Mears ,• and ,rames" M."Leatiatd, 'map,
and. wife. 'as ,theYAtood in a Toone in
the house •:Vere 'yvlilehl Leonard
• Misg Amy, 1)4On 14 'atieWliawatdirfit the , Vela. Wafter Sittl ,
fiat aware ;that pne: t.has flunked
out but• the Majority knevi•pf the .de
feet :and drive Serenely on preferring
to let the other; fellow •do the werry., •
nig instead. pf having .the.defeet .4(17;
A. rigid enfercetnent.ot the traffic,
laws, regarding these menaces Would
de .nrileh to. decrease,the nurribe'r of
accidents on. highways and'tive Care:
.fal drivers more 'confidence. .and: a• •
stronger 'sense of safe*. \Oen' driving, '
• Britisb Agriculture 1:,oes
. 2 Million'. Aides. in—Decade
• London.-rtritieh,„ agriculture . eon.
IAT ' • ^
• •
tinuesto eln4ak.1 The less .in 'total ' "
arable' area, :.:..ageolding.:- to the ' "firat
part of the i9V2tatietica.•
6464. by I the MiniStry' • of Agrieititure,: •
•lias-been ,abent.' • 000,000 . scree ir.
;ten Years... - .total 7Ortip„' '„,-ares
alone, •which in 1922 was 6,000,06( '
. hetes. :has decreased each year :Until,
it was 4,060.00Q -,acres .' last year. •Tht-'•
• arealiferited ..Vegetables'
deelined ". :Trani ..1;,206i0061 aces ii
1022, to 81•,000 acre* 1932..., ,
• Notable: exeeptions• to ..the: g5riera.,• .
farla,-whiehs:the.:rePart-..saYs.cen bi,.:
'fairly attributed the :el* ,nt„, leg
.islatien," :are° the.• ihar'ease in ,wheal
acreage. attributed to the anticipatiOn: •
of...the Wheat: 'Vet, ' and the horttcUl
War Products 'arfordint,
o mine ,pr
Meer S;,..,1-6'ori-ttitd-•,-aild• -the .10
persons' Who:wit-1'1'609d the 'earerrieny
, air Were head, Sets to Beton to i the
• Rev, Charles ,14.,'MearS , pastor of the
'Union 'Congregatiehai .Church at •
• Lajella,, perfcirni, the"eereineny over
special long. distr:nee telephene
• w-Neir ;YelkStin,
• ttal Canada ASSO'clatiOn. • Moot 'af,,OlWa4'4l-
tett ti,ye
'Five. Reds! ..
. .
Condemned 'to Death
, Soda,. .persons haye
been' ebildenmed. tett,death , and Utile
others ',..se`nieticed letig • Pri4on
terins.• after. ,atterepted, ComMuniet
agitatien. thP• • •• :
•• •
Biead Made Froni.Cocoa'
Tritirdad,t-Dtie' to'
le* :pride reeee,t,ed :tor cOooai :sate ot
whfeli they. are attenipting.,
to In-
• eroaae, bakers. herd. are .11,OW hial lug
•too.oa:, bread,-. 'L'The to* broad hid
eiilte.litio flavor wit mai be, oaten
. '
'C'ectOrt. Hew' a00that pae
tleht's nerves? • -• .
.tecond Beetort' Fine; he din
read all the headthis ),ri' the tiatii,
paper howIthout, a trein,or,
• ,
' ,lcustOms Returns: Rise
f.rovor.tO,—..Att• increase' in., total', . •
tdins•:••ancl'.,eXcise returtuv,‘,: ter; the'
,riionth, of •,August. was .,r,ey.caled
the. release:"og figtires (rein' the: TO: .
'ronto Branch of: the rDeuilliton. Cue
tome, 'and Excise Bureati,•;'• .Total lot•
leetions fOriAngtiet ..ainounted
/189,16%0 Which hetter.ed, the. Jul •
collection bY' epiirti
'show that July, 1933•;'.. was, arsi
month. since Sui d'Of-1932: ti 'gain
, months..Trovieus to-23Ulytotah ,
(elteetiolfs were 'de.Wil• ConsiderablY,•
" ° I V; ti •
but the ...recent: .gains s to that .
de'fibtedly, 'business • is on '0(1.1'11c:1.dt:use:
In' "compartsori •With' the 'figures!" Cif '
year `ago, the :eolleetiehi., et.. ttigtist'.
of this year thoW • •••fin inerease
$56,539,72 '
.Swims $ 17. Miles
•Ptoite Their( Thi,kiril
hi bethini;'
• atid carryin4 srindWiches in fruit lare ,
'Louis ,Linidy,' go, am W,•,13, Irrned
17, ,both Of, .iscranihled
ashore here a(tet swlnjitiing Non,
Danville Tenn., 111& tidies Up aft--
TontiesSec riVar, • . .
' "They' Said they liqd left •the
twice entOilte—eneo :•
. WOod poottired 'their inner :,ttihos
:revIrIgg ..pdtehing,And again le 6 -Us'
.candy-.• They were tir the ,Iwater At."
hourS.• • ,
The ..,obly ,r•aas'ext Ter' theft
:then, 8Wini wag that fri;;I
ehtISiitt tolit
the* it 'couldn't 'he