HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-14, Page 3•
„.e -s --.-
Fall kiOnSe.i5CePirip•
Are yotf tiiet of t11.9§441Triei' agvoax:
-Ivy& Qf ;y0i4t1tilpgt reoni?, It is A tale'
r:eMcjilte'..XPart.Filipt eoYerS-44,
curtains-- next
•• '-.twkweelcs, With'. the Ogling: Pt 'shorter
tditya. 'and, pepler-,-y0101`tfeel-•tliat.-0..04
reent ,k1.1.which te.
tlityp;": The,..girst, necessity will .be
' .reindve those ftiruiNtigS,;whiCh":4100,
ehieltellthe cool nea s..yo.u. des:6-ed•
Ing the SOMineVincintha..In Order to
-LlteeP the ,col -Ors .fresh,' and the fabric
iiitaet, don't put yourelip covers away:
fabric, 'the barder, it; is •• to. reprieve,
Gritty 'particles sink • deepinto th'
• fihreS, causingthemto weaften. and
0Ventua1ly 'wear out. The .tne4ority. oft
nreOiatie of tub.,
; fast materials' so itis easy to remove
: t the soil'. in a soapy warm:wter, bath.;
I. in t, -1 ironed,., and put tthein_
aWay, in neartii:Wggedbiindrea.
ipthet• 'item* • :t•
• ..Whiiet these things are..being cared
By MVB.:• Spf0110 '•"."
Gd.. °And the Chernhiin, cOvered. the
,ark and ; the staves there0 ‘,.413Q.Y.e.”
These .roYSte0-01, hei41;a• Tepresentt4
also the inArstery that: sgrrounfb all
religion. ,
..S$4:111 "And the staves were long .that
• • the 'ends' of the staves were seen from'
. • ' • the holy place hetpre ttio oracle; but
Less�n XII 'September 17 Solemen they were. -ot l;" It is
- Kin,gs 8:1,11, PPlden Text-. suggeStocl liat. the Wlthdrawil 'of the
reach to the 'should0r the•evetting,
• . .Evening .Gown.Ap000sorlee
A..: 1itt1Alcult cap ef. sKrifrek.blaPlc,
felitet gleit,est to matelf,ate thetid-
'SOilie'..a.eeeef3orteS fel:. a. White eic,
gown. They ate :the kind.a litpe hats
.Wiaien, Will •niake.„yon want to keep,
, .
.g..0er „int°. gates Wltn. tkiank.S.7 •tte..v.te•qt w4•5 intended $1gA that .the
4101E4 'and.',Into' WS; Pgurfa' wthark had reP41.11:- the Place of ittarre5tpt..
, .
" •of Solomon, .1„A „C.
1041. SOlornon.becomes'Icing•• 0,0; 1_02_2,
.SO14.41911 4empletes the teipPle,
1612, ; Visit , of the Queen, 61- Sheha,
Peath'Of Solenien,
"- ACE -Jerusalem. • '
and was liot, to, an5!
1, ore. • "'And there' they are tinfte, this
day;',•!---Vp-to. the' tirne
tion•Of the Bible Was, written -not, of
eourse, after the destryuetig't t5f.•
. • ,
"There was nothing in the ark save
salern and, the, tein.131;„ ' • • • ;
the '-tWe tables of St.,904° The *tcine
tAblets 'TO whielit4 Ten Connnaritclg
Wete. :Written 't the finger
O'Whiefi ,t4o.ses
••••"•r -P7,-,••••
-Assoc. Raclia Nw"13`Sindicate-,---
StaYing on Top ' -4 Lanny ,Ross*To*:Make PiCtures
nients • ".Miller Goes Musical
. ,
• Sorote401.-14..."B.0430.P.R.
Ahem' on during:the whole'eYe,O1W,• .w4s.,PaYitcli.st: -there at,fforelar . The fist tables were,
• • th t th
de , •
.,'- . , • ,_,• ' ' ' .." • ."- .; • - '. ''' earueSt , , sire to; ui •,in, ., Jerusalem hrolse by ••11.119Ws 'all:. his .wra , t a , e
a gre,at:temple•to'hhovOlik-th,talke'the' "frinicing of ;,.,the golden bog, and after
• `...' ' 4 •;" The., vaefoi . Lemon . .
,• 41Waya keeP, tWe ,er three 191#0:iii§ in PlAce, clf .the Tent w ,leh 4- retg, ''',t ' the repentance•..of the . ople..J. „q ah
.• , t • „
Ybilitt,'Icitelietv It'a''ainazin!g•howt Maiii, inany centuries, mended 9Yer and t Oyeri .wrote two other • ttati,10,S,,. PWlitwitt „Ite t,
WayS tneY. may De.da44.0).drP}i5t.i1,1)•tlieT 4.144 Ster1401 4$. th0.;•PrOen-e$,Pha.n1.14et eti hovalit:rnadet 0,', CoVefient. --41th'the:ichi,- '
Nod tYett serve. t . • t •. ambition Of ins vyas dented by the Lord 'tile 'atm' of Egypt.". It 'was a•coveti, .
the Most Nigh.' But this lienetrahle dren of Israel, when they emit° eut'Of
" • ,
' VOX! inStaheei, PUP slice o[ letdpu, 14,,te bo-aase the -**%,....a, Tao, .af w4r, an 44t,t01,,, their protecting 024,$.0 long
--eUlfT0f-eleari-101,1111mr*IVee-Olatl° P' ' God's •helieet Sheri. e..b41.1t,DY: _an as -they . obeyed the 'Law ,written -
tart savor' and a decorative touch. of PeaCet hilt he was Consoled by the the to • ,,
peaebescbananaa and apples wDich •dityine. tprOrniSe that! his ..sUgee§egr.. "And' it catim to : 'pass, When the
. , .
have been Peeled and Slieed tntn bla4k 'alio•nid be allowed tc.L erect' the .sacred t priests 'were collie • out„.• of the holy
. • .
tvrueil shell Nyhile.. put they tedifiee;ttand that, ueept,r4ingly,tSolomdn place;” • The ,eztetiq. 'compartment, .of
• 't cit at, all if tyou,sprinkle
them' with :fresh les trion•tlii.te soo.ri
won't tur
as -.they are sliced.,. •
made one of histchmf aims,. The tem-.
.ple,he' built wo.S p.ecOunted; one of the
seven Wolders of the ancient'world'
SoLomores Asspivilift 1 Kings 13.0.-5.
"Then SeiemeiriStaertibled-- the eld-;
, .
of -Israel, and, all the heads of the
tribes; the princes of the fathers',
• hOtise:, of the children of, Israel." The
the sanctuary, • 'KW the cloud filled
tli,e4bOuSe of ...Jeliett4117.7TlieThfightt
Sheehittah, oVt.he Presence, at
cince.,•ciond,and •Itad' • heen•
• I' on
04F.,:*es"- Go,
TD9-iite of a .radiat 411i9t; .ea.O.' 1)Y...44f tneau,s; ,We ,can ludge
iliattby4hia •trouP,-: of 'young radio, artists. "Toronto, ha's •a • newt. recarding,
studio where yeti,:,eant drop In and sang, tal15, play a' IntiOcalt.114.5tritintent; ,cor.
thetentertainnient. line, and •a., T:eCOVd; can -be Made Oft.
he Whole' preeeedings, 'The "Vent .4.ceat'• Spent two -hours tt thi ,'S•thdio-
. ,e
Monday ,night ,inaking, records of the Song. hits. which. they have •presented
4 • •
over the air fromitt.time to time • Two'hOUrs drrecoiding is, tiresome and
trtcky work, but -to pack up and then run to the broadeasting studio and J
Present 'a Commission program would tell on the best and that.s not ail, -
after their •broadcast . they shuffled off tosped 4Uether four or five hdur8
rehearsing for next week's Presentation, Well,maybe thla is th,e et.thet
radio artist, -full Speed. ahead, -it's speed that has placed 'OAS tpopular
Canadian: quartettet, at the top of the list. • ' '
. • ,
The Old. Maestro
- Ben 13ernie and all tie 'LSO ate scheduled, to .entertain front pod
act' . .
* *, • * * tt*
• This is a deliciOuS fish. diSh. R;e-
moire bones And skin frointhe r,erimins
for. arrange to have bainters, plumhers • of:Cooked cod.':„Put‘ Some Chopped let;
nd earperiters attend to any odd jobs, tuce •a: Pie dish,, then Mit alternate temPle :was- finished and its contents
that. ineY•lialleaccumulated during the laYere• of fish. and lettuce; •sorirtilie been .deposited in it except :the
summer,. •• withsalt and 'PePlier and garnish with' ITK's• 410brtant of all, the 41* of :the
covenant.... "Unto king Solcknon • in
Make surellie furnace andradiatorS a hatd-boiled egg cat into rings. .
• JeniSalem.". -Which hencdorill was to
ate in good condition, and tlmt •the .. , Chicken With Tomatoes
be nichn than ever before the capital
• Washers cm kirelien andliathroonrtaim. Talie Young chiekeli; •ciii le ttof-the-natiOn,„;ths-centre_to which. all
of : the 'covenant .0f Jehovah. That,
-sacred chest, matte by. divine direction'
in the days of Moses, Containing .the
saucepan a piece of. butter the size of
two stone tables of the Law), the Coin-
. .
Mandmetits, with for a' lid the. golden
inerey seat, with th two golden cheru-
biin tedell ; ether -above "Out
of the city of David,, Which is ion."
id, C. ttired •JerusaleM,
heathen, Jebusites, wt. o a held' the,
place: front first entrance Of, the
I•Sraeliteg; into Canaan.. t• •
. ,
"And all
the: men of Israel assem-:
bled therriselv,es unto . king Solemen.!':.
Representativd. goverritient• has Tun
through inantY, ages it is no inetzlern
'discovery. "At the ages,
This was,
the feast of 'taberrineles 45r heahi, herd,
at corieltiSion. Of the harvest. "In
.• the month ' Ethanim,..-Which is the ig43/-
.erith nth„"" 'As."..„the-.JewiSh year be
. • •
are' working as, they should. •
drinnstieksi: :and . the • breast; and
doWii, cleaned and'etbrede .
hearts turned.- brifig t:r the; atic
seven piecesT-The wings; ,the legs, the
Seen and awnings 'should be talceti
sprinkle 'them with salt. •Melt 111 a
WindoWs and Shades
.,your windows Will all require Wash-
ing andleolt-IO-tlie-shades-top,if
they't0 •the washable kind; lay thetut
and Serlib them on
betli „sides', with Warm soany:watei:., If
'0t1 10 not quite sure, whether the
altades will stattukthe scrubbing, wine
.1lienr With -a cloth wi•tintg. out of hike -
:warn( soap suds,'
Walls'and WoodilVork
Wall and WOcidw.cirk may be tfres1F
tened by WaShing. , tPapered walls4may
be ilinckly. cleaned : by • wiping:, theta
dowa with. a•leather Idfister. ter broom
thjit has a: Oft eloth'Wranned tightly,
• 4t* around0" It :-Radiators . when. 'dusted:
:1thuallYttreYeal. a:heaVy dePosit,ef grit,
wliich Is beat renieVedtWithwariti suds
ahd„a:Icipg. handled radiator brnO:t
thiitfloprs, to0 will n6ed: a bath...or
a polishing of.Wax:depending 'upon the
• tkind'Of-ivoqd of ,whiell'the'yk are made,
. It ‘..Weirti. take, Icing to tlay -•tb.e.ruge,
bang,- freshcurtains. and re -arrange
the. furniture, ,Once the house Is in
• Shin-shy:Pe:order; day by ;day.. cleaning
• systematicallyplanned, should keep ,it
comfortably auviting during , the fall
and.tWihter. • • •-'•
•NO.sv that '••,all the fathoug'' fashion
••Createra .of. Paris have giVentheir:ths
plays inif tried te.dperee wiral-fronient
his 'Winter; here is:a eum-
mat y. of thd prevailing 'iendst.. • . •
. "2.The, ailhoiiette ,may lie anything.
'ci,nate'designershatie adopted the
seitiGreeiair.effeet; with iietVing lThes,
A .Wiiiie;• others have. toyed With .the
•.. hobble-skiTti,, the 1iooi skii t andt.even
ItNaughty NinetieS tonChes.', • : .•
itileaVy:richmaterials are ued every-
' -',Where, and they help the bustle effectand blgs
sleeires.• • .•
"1 eathers, (furs, and fancy ribbons rain
riot through the /new- fathiotts,, Many'
:'•:....ei7nttst being , divided into halItiu and,
• '
for the '•inost :Part, t are;
. .
They may bemoved up qr
de,pending• en one,e •taSte's...
,$kirts,-generally, '46an inch or .twb'
,ionger.•, Shouldera ae well.defined.by
Solite designers and ignored by Others:.
SleeVes :continue...to bepuffed at the
laoutdei. but :not 'so. mueb. as b.ofere."
'Theisviter'Part.Of the sleate,rentains•
• tight; Finless.. it is b.ell.sliappit- in which:
clise it is:designed' so 'that it cant, be
turned, badkto tho.. sliouldee.tO glc
an' odcl .boicre •effect:.' : •;;;
,are 'Off -Shade's Of', red, blue.
'broWn; green lincr grey,' k
Slioe aie.pitin, ili quiet' .colorS.
• iriatching! cestunieslt 'There are', seine
. exeeptiOns of bright sliades.„
Itats -aro aunall anclSbaped,•, like
niushrodins and eye-ciiPs; • .theY are Of
.t.proclietedi.knittedand felt.fordayinne
„and. Jane .and velVet...for evening with
one 'metal and.° &loth ."of.' gOid. tOr
valietY,'•• • •• T. ,
otoyeg ard, citfied fer 'claytitim iad
ta• walnut Mid a tablespoon' ()live: oil:
Toss •-the...pieces,o.f.:ehiciceit,lintil theY.
slightly IiroWhed, 'Cheriadd ono
small 'onion. and two .,shallostS :finely
Aapiti• -c.O6V
sherry. Stir 4614 cook ,on& initiate
and add 0.,tablespeoii puree. Of tomato,
littlemineedt Spice, cover .the sauce-
pan, Mid cook•shivily_fer twitY
utesor ,a littlismole,aecordingto the
size of the 'chicken. •
Meanwhile' peel hale -a -dozen torn -
:toes' and remOve;:the 'pips, ' cut them
coarsely, and cool.c. the pieces in!b•-•iitter
iiemove the 'piece's Of'chicken, dis-•
L, , •
and hid. hallowed the (?n$.eeT,P.": Me"' and all the rest of the faMiliar-:Bernie-iSms that have endeared ,
tion the tablernaele;snow sinularlY IVIae'stro to the. hearts..,o.f show, dance and radio lovers from one ocean to
the other Will 'continue to ring out weekly: . • ;
, The show:will continue along the same lines as in past programs
and will be Berni's third §tiegessive., year of. broadcasting under the
sanie, sponsorship . . with probably :one new hole . . . variety. „
' • '
* * * • '
cleseeneed' on the temple; as a IsIgn of
it,• ac:ApPtaneot With God:,
• `.'.So that the priests•cOuld..not stand.
-by reason of the, cloud.'•
The Splendor .of the divine :ight' was
overpowering. • •
'"For the glory of Jehova.h.filled :the
house of .',Jehov,r,b,'! Tittre was:. no.
7filace'wheye it Was not-,---4747the-pr jests
pose , „ 0, the • r'llng equinox)
them in 4 serving d' If
in April, (at the
-thp'Setventh -month- Would- cerrespend:.
•tileceeof tomatoes on top t sprinkle:
:just,alittle 'cliOpPed parSleY, andsPOur
the Sauce in Which,t''.the ,Chicken ,has,
coek0d,. all :over ,t:titt'ough a.tstrainer.7
:This dish should be highly spic0d
•.;Stuffed Green Peppers
Remove' the contents of ,a,large can
of boneless sardines and, chop finely.,
Mix, with two. large. Cups 'of breacV.:
crumbs or 'belled ilec aedaoh t' with
salt, pepper. lemon )uace and a little
Worcestershire' sauceFill hellowed
out greenliepperiahd Place in, a. gas-
erote: Peur artound the Pe -PP ers, tWo,
"And all the'elders Isfsel canm."
e Leads ,of the. Varions families Or
clans: "And the •priests took up the•
ark.:'!. Thus it .was borne from- place
to place through the' Wilderness, and
on the few occasions when • it was
to:uched.•.or . looked- irreverently,
• . .
„those who did so instantly . See
1 Sam. t19:2 Sam 6.6-11 •
' 'And they brought up the ark of
Jehovah; a.ricl the tent of meeting."
Tit,iS was not the tabernacle made .14
Moses in. the wilderness; • which had
long ago diSapPeared,.1Mt, Waa a p,eyt
tent for the meeting' r God and man,',
wem coirmelled •k,o flee inte the cOurt.
r•••••••••••-•••4; •
Radio's -All-Star
• • Station . , Metres Cycles
cKwc; Toronto, ▪ '291 3.030 "
cr.cr, Montreal 291 . • 600
CECIL NOrth', Bay 322 1. 980 -
CFCO, Chatham . 297 ; 1,2,10
,CFRB,.„TOronto . ,690
CKAC, „Montreal ............411, • :...790
CKCR.'-'Wtaterloo• 445 .•' "645
CRCT, ..,Toronto •312, - • • 940.
•ci-rmL,' Hamilton •340 •. .890
CRCO Ottawa:, . ' ; 1010
Lanny: Ross •Goes Hollywood. ..? .
...Lanny of GaptainliehryLs:_slie.wheat„..,WIll_gq to'. Holly -wood to conimenes
%tisk on hia. first 'picture shortly. .. .. .„ '. - . „•, .- ' ..:' .
' Ilia screen ' contract-. will not interfere With . his radio work, and his ...
, . . „
part in • the: broadcast will be picked up [ram the West CoaSL, Lanny'. iiaA .. i
Jiad a siic.essfni: redid career with 'ShOWboat..ahd-this -played Small pert
in his . being chosen •tor„t the ,. slitr.er, screen -, ; '.• he has sung in nutnero.ita 7
. .
motion -picture theAtreS.'and in.•vaudeville .in .addition to his broadcasting..
. ,
activity,. • -• . -tttt , . t • : • .•• . .
-. . ' ' - . '. ' • - , :-', • * --tic tt.,14,..•-•,*',1- • cc,
We Hear- That-, . •-.... 1 ' -
• . .. ,. •
. .. . . • • . . . •
,• t.dore Ketitudie, ohrrrist--4retirclen•-•-.-r-ont-tiaSsio-nadc4.4t.4,1;lias cont. •
pleted .neOtiatione to liavoteVeral of this,. Splendid songs PubliShed. tOreerkei
by the WAY speaks.kiX•or eeireti languages ....t. is. a firie*Wrestle.it . •:,, teethed'
conrses. at. the t:Ejniversity' Of Toronto, and for :recreation tickler!' the ivories.
t Dave Miller Until lately 41s6ciated with Station CF1113 has gone musictil
' OaVe Surpriged a large audience the Other ,eVening when • he -calmly walked' '.' F '
tO the microphene • and 'burst forth in song, and. he has zothe voice to.o.“.. :
' pi,nce leaving cTro3 DaVe -has :bedoine• connected With an advertising cOin,. :
'homy in :torcitto, -..ii4. Is assistant director of radio: ...... rightly. . SO . .•
there; isn't 'pinch. you. cant. tell the sameDave about the-broadeaStinslifeSs,:
., , 'Al and '.'Bob HarVeY,. the popular . Comedyand 'singing.: team, are .,atill dot'..: .
Ing:,things-in-a ;big Twar:on:theother side of the: Pend.' The English audit'.
enee has ttakenlo thetwny these twe. boys ' present.. their..programs. • ,`:
_ --, , . ,
" d M sked ‘"
blUAV, winasor4;oncion 555 ' • 540' • tTencir4' has "takeri',NeW'r'York'rY StOrra-' Jimmie 'poSsesied•-one-.„efe.-Aneat,'
-CKPC.:1-Pr-6sto'h • .....-•-•;. 341".. ' .. '930 •Jimmie, Shedds,1:. who, sang'. under ••tin, . incrigni.tP:-..a e • t
CRO.C...,.1,1amilton „.„......„. 4•7„p ., .... - . ,. .. . . .
'tenor' voicesever te- be 'heard biter' a Canadian 'Station It's too' bad to lievii .
•KDKA; 'Pittsburg et...... 3QS ....k 030 ": ' " • • ' ' • ' • ' '' '
CP1:1"X; Toronto ;,...,....,4 257: „, ' • , 840:
-.baelt. and, Watch our :bost ehtertainerg. being. picked . up ,by. Anaericas
..KMOX; ,St. .Leuis ........ 275 • . ':;1000 , to .S;.,
•KY,W, Chicago ................294 , ; .',• 1020 : sponsors. ' - - t ' • 4 ' ' . • ' .
"WABc, New ' 'ork ..'....,,3415..,. ...IGO . . ..
WBBM. -Chicago. , .389 .',' :. ' 770 " , •
.WBEN,. Buffalo. .-......:. g33 ••.•• 900, 10:30-Bos*ell -Sisters-. ..,... , .. i . CFRI3
,WEAF, New York ' 45;1 ' • 0 10:45 -Edwin C. Hill ....'....'..:....., .WGR
11.00=ColUmhia. 'Orchestra ...,...CERB
wpsixt, Chicago ...,..,. .345
11.36--PreSs Bulletins .... : ...... CRCT
WR, Buffalo .•'..'...:•••••••545
WGY, SeheneCtady 379 ' Wircrusosy- - •
WHAM,. Rochester 261
6.45 -Lowell Thomas
7.O0 -Morton Downey ' ',CFRB
Amos, °n' Andy
'7130 -The mins Bros. ;. e•',•• • i •CFRIBt
Press 'Bulleti/ns ....CRCT
'8.00=RtIcly ..; ;CRCT
9.00 -Mark Warriow
Death 'Valley Days
' •;. Show Boat , .. • • • ..• •;.• '• • .4••wG/
'.A1' Jolson .. AM.
11,3,0=Press • Bulletfris ....:....'.CRCT
WKBW, Buffalo .. ..... •
WJZ, New- York .'......; 394 760
WJR„petroit 400. " .750 ,
WLW, ▪ ,......-.428 ;.: 700
;WMAQ, Chicago .447 670*
•WTAM. Cleveland '250 • 1070
. „ •
ch ige
.cups,of well-sea,sened•ttomato 0.1.1ce and h d b• D • d 'whente brought 'without. notice. r. • • .:••• • . •
.." Trieset'orograrns'..4ro,;sub•ieet ti•.•
• . .
-gdIfe-Tin a slow oven' for inielichn, the arIcto the city -of DaVid. „. Li •
,the. holy vessels' that wiere in the (Eastern, DaYlight...Savitig, Tittle.)
• • . •
•tCooking Cabbage
'Tent''' These holy' vessels probably 1Is • :. ,. • ; \N. it
C4bbagP is: Most: delicious When ' 2 3.5. -.-The
• t '
• included the table.tof shewbread, the
golden Candlestick, and the altar of
incense; with, the :various utensils
,riect_1: with these; ,,!`Even there did
the,priests and the',Levites bring un.".
The,pari.ests•were members of the, tribe
bf. I, but .were 'set apart ,for the
higher' work of the Sanctuary', such is
offering' the siierifides.'
."And Icing Solomon and dill the con=
f-regation Of Israel, , that *ere-assem-
blel unto hirn." tA.11, the representa-
tives of the peoplai • named '• above.
."Were With hint before the ark!! Not
'in the, sanctuary itself, of 'Course, but:
in thC cc,urt 0ut51cie;"."5i1-gfie1ng Sheep
.and oxen; that could.: not be :counted
nor 'numbered lier...multitt:. • The
Object of the saCrifices,wa.s to testify
the;grr.teful joy t Of the people at the
•proxiinate realiTition of ‘•th-eir-thipes-
• 2.30=-Manha.ttan MOOda • • • • • • •e
300 -National Opera
SYmphorile• Hour,
400 -Cathedral . ..
Robins.olf . •
..4 • k
Paul Ash Orchestra.
5.90=Crumit and ;•Sanderson • \VCR.
4,30•' -•-•Chicago. Knights
7..30=41r0ss. Bulletins .
8.O0 -Bert Lahr ... ▪ ..
8•15=j0ha ilentY ...; • ..
8,90= -Phil..; Concert: , ; ..CF.R.:B
10,00-00eretta CBOT'
• . . .
6.45•=Lowe1l ThothaS r
'n' Andy' , , •
5.00=11a0310, 'BakOrS,
8:15=-Singin' Sant
8.31) -Kate Sniith• it of .0Ktli
9t.00---t-arkdatPtir iiti8ti•e1.. . ; • .. WHAM,
• . A. 'St B. GypSies
.915=10011r Ace's •• - CRCT
1.0„00--;.tronfeated ,WLW
14,30----nrogs. BulletinS. .
• •, .
• • ; TNESpAy •
'4,45=1.dwell ThOnIas• • CItt..-1
,7.00=AMOS 'n' 'Andy , •
7.30=Mills Brothers
P; 1itttliteriO3
• 6.00•=1„,oVe • SengS ..; • 4*.• * f.CFRT3
, Blacks to he . ,W.BEN•
• 445. -1 -Poet's, t..... • • ▪ .'PFB13
• 9.00H -Ben 'Bernie•
0.30 -Fire ( •B
ntief and., . • . . • . ...WLW,
1,0•09,GaietV and Roin•ance
't Lives' at Stake
11.30=11re:4s; .w)31,D
Thothaa .
•7•00.-4-AmoS 'n' Andy. ;..., . , . C,• ittctit
t Morton tt)eWileyt•.?....,.•...t.,.;.01d18
1:45 --The aoldbergs . .
8.0.0thipPy• 1.3akos
„ \VGA
6,0e•A4rviii 8. Cobb,
k 1U00 -Mandy 'Lou. . 6.,r • • 44 4 . 41.47..MC.X•
• • .' Cara :Cob Club.... • :WON'
One* licitit With Y,ti ....••• • C13.C10,
ceoked in a covered an With ,very lit -
water, tCover the bottom of/ a ket-
tle with about bait an inch of water,2
•add a good sized 'piece of butter or
-bacciti fat' and then:tpu:t.in. the shredded
Cabbage, CoVer the 'kettle and eel:A
'until tender. •
.HouSehold Hints
Sardinehtinelniay be ()Dens& more:
'easily' if A strong :skewer is Pushed
through ,the key,handle, ' ' •
. Don't. tlii0w away Melted lee ci•eati1,.
add to it a little-disSolved, and
a drop of flatitoring,landt use it as Part':
,Of a trifle, or, with Cold Stewed fiuit
Jelly:for a Sweet'enieltei will, spread
'better if it lebeuten'te thedC2ire1-con.,
Sikeitcy- first.
Eggo 1 1 hoileit hard, will' be
found lo peel; omits easily it eraeked
at •rather pia Instead of, rOund.the fnid
• , Whenstoring t. 'dry geoda: aet,,
herbai„-'Cor its tarcli,,,- ete.,.111..glaSS jaas
stiek tfre, liibtls niqide.016 ,Jak.,: ;theywill '.
treitiaiatelean. and cannot rub ••qte...:
• Attio'r'‘i.fashilpi net cu'rtaing,. hang
ilieni bp,:at'Oae:Wet;,AlloWt'to.tdry' at
:the ..WindO 'Anti then), " from
„time.to, tiito te.kcep the'shape:
• • -A:few drops.„Of., aI4d Oli Mit:into'. the
„Water li. ,Which 'Wash -leathers are,
„waStied. leaves -thrall Oft
to leosph A...glesa'attopper, rah a tit
Ito .01 retind, iCtand plata heat toalt
Tap the ..atoppet. lightly and •stiM. will
• "
find 16 Cranes out 'easily '
; .•
.,•.."An• . the priests brought in the ark
of the' Covenant of Jehovah unto its
place.':'_,.T:he,ark passed.intothe:dark--,
:ness; of the Oracle, and Was Seen no
more tilit it was carried away )y Nebu-
thadnetiar 'fair -CelithrieS afterwards..
,"Into the oracle of the beuSe, to the
most 'holy:. place." . The , Most ItIoly
•Place is Called the Oracle.: becanse it
was from there lltot thp veke -of. Je-
hovah' :P.rbeeeded. •"Even Uniter ''thd
.-wings Of the thertibini." ' The: cherti-
thirn `Were iinages perhaps in the fortn
of angels, of gign.'ntic $ii.e 'They Sim-,
bolized the' presence and approacht
nbility ' of ;JehoVah, ' , • ''
"For the cherubim spranirferth thteir,
wings over the placcof the ark." Thus
they weiT in the •attittnle at Worship,
arid 8ymholiZed 40-,....adoratiOn due tb.
6,,45=LoWell Thomas .. • ,••• •••.,
-7,00--Morten Dawney
Amos Andy. .. • . ;
S00 -Cities service ...
-Happy I3akers -....WGR
.-900---Little F�rum.
Fred Allen -.V.713E/4
, ° Irvin S: Cobb"
10.00 -First Nighter
10.30= -Boswell Sisters
11.30vress Bulletins ....•
,(715 -Annie, Jud3,t. 'n' :eke
,7.3o•-ii.-indertsarten . .
'8.00 -=Evan Evans . • .
8.30=Internat1orial •
,9.30=Willard RobinscmWJIIIC
10 viD
1n .15-1Cornituskers
BIJLOVA time daily over Stations ;
' '• 4
It must stay witennthers take the6t
And Kee the-' Werld -beafaiid • nly'
. WindoW)Allt
iyltd -nrake niy .veYages-41.? Phantel!f
That come lnd go at will
me .1140_a_ ,Whefe,_ •X;an
not see . ;. '• •
And' 1. shall learn 'that. like a pal,
• Ing toret
•. •
The. Alpine glow niay aOme across
' to me
tlion a .tOttageTIM,rcli.' • ,
••-,-2.1ilthel Fainting young iq't.tr0
churl:1111'1am . •
More Citrusfrtuts
For Great Britain,
Trade Dispute Between' Ails.
tiaiia and New Zealand.'..
Results in Large Supply
for United Kingdom
Al disguised trade dispute between
Anstralia anniew Zealand has ledtl
the'defiectionroRtirge supplies' of, Aus •
trailer' citri1S-Triiits to the tritish Mar
The :dispute began ;when Australli '•
PlaCed an ,.embargo on New ealimcf,Pe• ,
ta'ioes,2,ostefisibly.hecause .Of the • teat
of introduCing,.a iietatedisease into '
:Atistralia. • This.' move, however, Wal
'regarded as ;Protection 'for Australian
potato growers.
Then New Zealand. Placed an einban:
go, on :Australian citrus fruits because
of the ''pe.sSihinty of the introduction.
.of. a fruit.disese,:snting that she.had .
-beet informed... by the United 'Statel
that 'Ne‘st:•Zealand ifruit net be
pertuitted to 'enter Amerlea"
country hi which a..ftnit Mease.
,existed. ,:t. •t:t,
, So Anstralia4 "ettrug•-frilit '..grOweris
found theniselires,With a gurplus•of fruit
valued' .at' £130,000 04 their bands, •an
looking for new, Markets,: decided th
an Ottawa agreenient„preference -n
• •'3s.' dd. trn a d the • Vilited:Kiii
-dhiii-their :best iiiayIL Alreo.dy '
season 56,090 caseOfcitrusfinit
have been dispatched • oe pack Od,. fot
:giort to
. ,
The World is 4i -citing- woNe„ say .th
lil3si1t1l'ts • a, ii.)c•a•I chnrch•
Packed to •the &iota. , for a 's eek
mission . Thuut
nt1neS'',J..001'nal• '
.pdNe00;-rikE• ONLY (4)W'tkiE CAN • MA ,
KE , '1-1-.kizES /i.ke,A6t* Now,, t-rritq6 ----:_.-, • ,/\•• , -TflAtt;
filoVIRGPICTORE HORE IS".•to 'GO Rd> oF 1ON -rk1ikr,feNe6 -seNt.:36F.BA*4
sTOf'S COM.- *AGLE-. t's.ti,. VRI Li. THAT ' :110" 1`1% S1UDIet.4.0(4i A'SktYv•Fi0014. ____ H"---)
..." „. .Pkg/01., ?Stciot .
. , . . ,
0--k-,,.,,,i,,, i AM D'• t IA ATI
'Bab f WA- oF.SULLr'S,'' ' '
. •
,-.0.. r, - .(512:54)KeTWIN'G A6iti LoMi Mt
latm.r.,u1:„.„..."1416,411' 1 27;r,l'' ' !:'"'"I"..4 -.:it ; " '.('747/.4,71 /741111ft 01/./(;.,.(,,
14 ott4
tilviit t 11411.wrifI'm , frill , i.
' •it p,•‘,/
....i„. ....
al ' ''
The Only ,Thing 1Vhot Missed Was the Eagle!
w ffiir7.0-c) 5 PLuRvat.)
r ugotot!
• ,
iftYlfrillia• Pk", 14,5,0
tt.• 4 ‘Atiteitt(1.4,,
„ 0444, tiftiii titit, 14:C