HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-14, Page 2r".
•. • -,.. , - ,.
, pap,ialco'rovelyan nod renkect bis,large .
' ,se in. "the 'tinir •Finglish • xillase ..qe.,
r ,titttaforn4,to Mrs. Willett. oxact. taken 4 '
' Mtlig ;le hil.-1 tb4 neqrsSt town,. iji,s7-,
• P o. ,.. IF, ilSe .0-f.stant 14,k410• , his
then,4'Ma.lor li3arna4$,' ank •tbreq...peisti,
b.qa'S.,1.,_vera Plating at tal)le, tipping, *tin •
Wirk7-., w,illet•Ana .bsr ,0aughterV'igaiii. a
"spirit' , ineesage -Wes reed ,tbaf,Tre
ve1ya4 bad ,boon. murdered.
,starte4 for 'pxliampton, aacli cam! '.1i.,.
....••:ftiend:'deacl,. his shall„..ftactar_sol: oy :,-.c.
•'blow; -Pplise ene.Molon• turned tOwit4-
' 4'r,eve1Ya1'S siSter, !Ars,. 4 enm6r Gai-,0:7
• *er, shd the threechildren ag mrs.:iiear-.
• eon, anbtber. sister; oci-iv,„clead; as 'these
tfour shared equa1iy„ irk-Treveiyan's,‘gstate,
.• I "90 °se• pomode;' :`Janie.s,'Peerramfftact
' Come 'tpE$1"isAinPton,, , 'd 'the
• day' of -the murder, Calico. or his nacie,,,,
' and taieothe: first ,tram back the, net
• . moroM,
g. .He was arrested. •EtnilY,' Tre..
• lusts, Jiiir Ppersqp's ' ;lances, ,prqmptly
• made he eqauanconce ofEnclerOYt,,DaliF
Wire reported, and Owed, him o help
h,Sr e).ear pear6on. )When Taspoeter Nat,
-raeott went to; ouestioo Airs, winett; and
,menticinee rearsoals neine,',Vlofet: fatilt,'
• - '....-•
QIIAPT.E,R, •-t4„.
ed their steps t MraCartis's.
• .."'Comednto4PY„-toOPII.kWait lk ta
to you said Emily, • 8.1W,,'=-011.- 7.-41
• one chair and Charles •sat On :the 1)ed.
•4'N -ow, listen " eiaid. `I. think
•"I've got a kind of starting point. 'I
May be wrong and I mey he right.
At any rate it's an idea., I think.a
lot biles •on this table timing
nes. ou've done this table, turning
• "What' On eart have they get 0'
ain11-9)Ti bal4,
OfS' thetc f jt, ??nthing;
if My Weer ia•eorreet; there 'Must
he .4.'ecterieetiOP: senle,Wheret got.
tO:--find7What is the” connectio"
_1(410p; AIrS,;•OurttiY Voic0 POlecl! ex-,
•eitedly 'from 'helot,. Yon-, hear, thg,
,,• "What' is'it?" aake"Zt's the bell wt Prineetown
pear .t.O twelVe.mile:tiwaY, 1„t,,aleaTIS
;that a COPV1:00 eaeI
GeetgeWhere that.:•Piatil 'Dyoii
•h:ors.bhe: helAl Th:er,'wettlivict
Her voice .,d'ide aws.,0-:ae•• she:weiit
•:throughtthe Mtecilem . •
thatleS, sat.,doWn ain If, ony
his eenviet 'Ittidesoa.ped. d,1L Friday,.
why, the ouad be Our a -Orderer
niceT accohnted for. :Au, so. siniPle.°
Be Shook his'liehil sadly. • ' '
that: yo.Arig, Jhii hett a ,Preaaing, fleecl,' -•'01, rie
Of: Ille07. 'that he eama4 49w4 t.g. See. ...
-hlig. im,e?et •:ttlgtt he, aakec.1- te...T, 111,0P,eY, On On Vnri4,10 1,nnget 'air'llnn •1•.'an'
that his -Mlele reflls'ea, that J.* 0,:lir-,„ A0 -Y.4.4 e4,1teneel. 909.0 Milee, tIA0
'inent Of •PasIsion he picked up a. atifid•-•' fare la, £118: 1,0s; . , ' •
bag/ that was 131ag; at the dOert- arkl ' .-4netOn's 13,1g.4et. eeuree:s:e:ra:Pph07.t:
0,...at he hit hi a tliWle ever the, heeq, eleet are the •dletriFetiVe• trades. ell -
The erioRe wee glipreMedi4tted-L-Was 'gineeriiir aed metal trad • ,
in fact a. feelish irrelione4 affair most.'_gid baildiag, • ' . 4 1 ,
delgerahlY• eoliduete4. •Ne'w't all'A thht. • V11044-A4te`• Le:04e,, P.eg.> ShcPs' for
probledit: 'On the opeliaP•4 Wane
or tipping haven't you?"
• "Qh,yes,onow and then. Not serious•',
' you know." .1'. •• ••
On, theTither hrtild 'May -the-sale- --ot-c-w.omen't •runst'
1,ave parted: With his wide in.anger' .leaSt''' thirty, ei4ea reaR-- •
'and' some other person may hay t made gapineats • and 150' t•1 '
i.4••.e110#4.3!,'" eft'eiWe;NO,'.a.,n.d.,•00417. • , ' •
. Mit:fed:the rime ThatIs',I;What yen •Oveee0 '-telegraph .Wirea are gi.a.(1,'
.believeand,tq pu It aallY tlisaPpearing u thq 'Hfor„tekKjog„
exit13r' that is what i. hope.. 1. do.'pot 1on 75QQ0G mi1s o yire re -hew
Want, your: fiance', to have committea Andpf0o0c1,- $11P ipe 'total nalieado'
'uninterestng lhat he shu1d Fred by thepPP:tilar..ity' of
have done so 1 am therefOre: haelii.lig• 'tailored ainkoth'er goods,. men in:
:,•01.4..eth,e0rOiVetPheflme waSeeni-..V4,11k414' are .now •disPieviopt
such zo-
,feeling.testless, She sect:Oltt fere-brisk
Wall alongthe Jane 1nthe' olVeeite
, -
last night. ,
The lane came out op 'the open 'meet
wheri. degenereted Info A; grass
traelc and Soon petered ont.altogether.
aseentiedto, the verytop of Sit-
•taforci' Tort. a pile Of, gra)? " reek et a
fantastic shape... ytorn, this height she
looliecldOwn over an exPaeie reePr-
land;, unlyrolien ' as • fir ,iti„ she 'could'
:see,' • withont
. • .
No, efAellrSe not. It's 010 kind of•
thing one dOes 47•11' a wet 'afternoen
andeveryone accuses everyone else of
shoving: Well, if you've Playedit you
know whet happens. The, table starts
spelling. out, say, a 'tame; well, it**.
laalnesefaeliody knows.1-.3Lery.,
hey recognize it ati'enee antthopelt
' !sift going to he that, and all the time'
• unconsciously they. arre.What One, Calls
SheVing.. nteen sort of recognizing• things.',Makes , one give an itlyollalto47
jerk when the rieitt.letter earries-:• and
...stops.h the thing. And the. less you
. want, t� no ,that 'sOMetimes the More
happen."1•''., • :• .•
"Yes, that's ttife;"-,agto641.,I;di. Eri=• .
• "StiPpOini,,ilifit One '.'cif".4hOSe People
•:,;Who.,i'vete:.;plItYnig,'ItneW.tlialt 'Captain
•L'',revelyaii7wesleing.,inurdered,---P,' •
‘`,011, :saY,7 Protested' :Charles,
!'that'a *Winn f tchedr?" •'•
• "We are just taking :a .hypOtheeiS--.
•that'S.. All. • arel. asserting. that
•Soniebody .knew Ca,ptain
Vies dead and. 0,4610,61y, conidn'e bide'
'Itpow'ledgp The table, betrayed,
t11- ices '•as' "Englisch r" and "Bii
`Soi" rs Loa inost
fli.porta:ht paint; Was ',that. sOrneone
Ase aware. of the -cluarkel- that had
lust-Ialcen,;-plae47 'Loyd that quatrel,,
in fact; actu,elly"precipitate the, mw-
j4:4hY neeil We
thht and go at nce
der? ' You see My point? , 'Someone is
tieh hater's."' • • . • • • ,
Less, than oneper•cent. of the school
childrea:ut Lentleir 'are Poorly. clad; 06
pereent, are,inenteliy norfnaLbtit 0111Y' • •• t:t •
tWe-thir4srhave E,i(innd teefh'ahtrib6:la' -4"'n11(4171trati",1 b7i'sn si 1'4:stow igathi in sght of
•one-lialp4ave geed 'eyesight; •
. ,
la4silarlts •
'Poo ,staSt• We live,' too nuieh'tire, tried', •
Toe harass'd, to attain •• !"-
'.W.e.lhiswortli"S sweet•alm,, or'Ooetlie's
. •
,),.114.edv•iteulyt.ianngti:di.oseg.. izesttwatyhiswiortphpoco,rtuptannitiyo, a,Mcv,sspitrer4adtsweerreainntitror,edau.c9efd siolimtoeE4uort; our theme- '
. •. • e in 1905' and in twenty years' thin • For One of theconieonence Of this
17...alio;g-,y,:tullItir:,-,-ejitla.rnp.ie, ion
is bound -_y it. is oyer tn--o-g-at to. import „moderm-nialady-nt.ours.-is-trliat-the-gra--
. dolls things which lend. to life And
.d o,d th . rom these animal§ Into Englalld eaeeRt en- t •
y consi gr, thematter . , uman n ercourse•the beauty:lot seren-
.- tier license.
its ''delightfult.tanilliAtlet.ietk.Pllt;, na
: to numbern over.
• • "Ili:Alit case " she, C.°:•ws • • :. • t . • . Ir
not have been pee hundred' per cent. •
e'fireient. "(in "our devastating Modert, •
Plirase), but it' did haVe,shelter
grow,:ripe, and, l.eisuFe
grow yiso,• and More than. ont owt
driving;- restless potied, it aid poses „
ite seal: "Ile hasteth well," wrote
Chaucer; Whom busineas could poi
inake- d
we first learn to live When we . •
claim not etery laughing• Hour
t din bowel •
-i 4niaid- ^
tn t ,•it•Wane. 'rhe wiscloni of. a 'learned To usher for a destined space
. Mr.. IlYereft; took .thaiwo.rde out of a -re 15!Pt hetls 'wi th Y man," •wrote thq•author-Of Ecelesiasti•
her mouth.. „. of.LiverPooi. Although, they live such. • .
• that cese,:! he' said briskly, 'the
triurderet wOuld4aave,to he a perion
inelese association with Oaptain Tre-
velyan.- woul have to. ,be domi
Ciled iniExhanipt,On. .1n .ifIl.'probabil-L
A3r iiveuld have t� in"the honk,
teed,, Below her, on the oppo•sith side •ei.,:cit7IP•g::•)r
: bandy • about names freely, the
Ite'boulders and rockS. • r
as a person who could sat -
that• she had Met 'the dead nytilif even
of the 'ter,,*ere graymaws,ofirini. ,arleelive. are notre a court of law and
, • •
• "But,:l• &Mgt for, a inintite believe
it's" trpe,7 said Charles: •
• "We'l'l assuniethat :it true," sid
•491i, I'm .quite..agreeable," said Mr.
Enderby. `.`Anythitig you like..
. , .
."S-0‘*114 *0 11,av.0, to 40," said Em-
.ily,--"iet,o••conSider-Lvery • Car,etilly :the
• people* Who•'•were' Playing. . To begin
.with there's 'Mor Birxiaby and ,Nr;-
4nlikely•thet, either
of them .shelild•have an a.CcOmplice WhO
Was the:mdeter. 'Then-therei thiS
Mr, DUke. We•knOW nothing abeut:him
So an:Z.-against, his 'name..
• And now `We' •come, bo the Willetts.
'Oharles,, there IS Something' awfully,
tiOus about .the
. •
• booklet:.
• "Bab?..a•
of the servant,EVAns; leaps to
• ,.01'37 'Wished With all her heart name
isfY,our conclitionS,.. A Man Who quite
if Only 'once It was so hardtot
• . poSsiblY Might have been in the house
idea of p'eopie yu na41.. , 1 Have oveTheard an seized the oppor-•
You had tother-f-e9 inty; ur-ale-xt.:-pctint-is,-toLdisto*et;
itid0,104 'and. E had never Yet'hethei EVana. berlats • any •way
acklioviiedged t1t a other' person a
.judgMent Was ISuperior to her awn.
Shesighed impatiently and:shifted. her
position.' „•• ' •
She had been se ,lost in her own
thoughts thatit ',Was with ,a shock of
surprise she realited ", that a\iltnall
elderly' gentienaan" was standing , few
• feet *Way - roinher,breatliirig the?:
masterl,s Lath.", ;;-.!
helleve he gets 'a 'small legaeY,i'
:said ' . •
•• T' at may or may not constitute a
Sufficient We shill have to.
'discoVer„whethert or mot Evans had.;
'Pressing lieed �f inoneit. We.giust also,
.consider Evans -7 -there is a IVirs•..
-Eyans of recent -date I unde•istanil.
If 3ri'Su have Studied crii•ninology,'MiSs
artifiCial lives, 80 per cent!,.of the milk,
they: supply IS stated to be equal; if 'not
,sUPPrior;IP.-; Grade; A standard., .
An uhemployed youth in p"Clieehire
makes e living by painting ddor-linecli7
-ers Witli,„ gold paint at "ld. or, a
'Among the 4,56 giiests at a London
Welsh dinner; there Were,57 With the
nanig of Jones,' • 42 Called Evans; 31'
I./aides, 30. Williams, • 261119ni.as,. rs
Lewis. Tligie ,sti( well-known 'Welsh
narees made up nearlyhalt the party.'
- • LondoWsAargest 'clock is :on 'Abe
Nevi/Shell Mex;building on,• the
.dianeter; :the Mhaute'hand 11 0: 6
inieng,, and 2qt.' 2 ;.inswide at the.
:Wiaest pert.' The eleck ie worked by
electricity. ' •
The tents. of the nomadic Lapps who
take:their reindeer betas te graze in
Sweden will, in future be ,fitted with
-telephones.: , The Lapps may then,
-phone each -other ,regarding. graziug
-conditione: encl. the,. state- of-the...herds
.euslong .centuries . ago, "cometh by op-
POrtiinity. leisure,": and not wisdom
only, but grace;. and ,gentle •Oreediet
and, anienity, and Poise 'come so and
cinly ab, AAA leisure• (Which is att.`
be eonfised • with. empty • tline,••• but
which Is time:thrOugh whieh free, life
enhancing - eurtents'llow);HleiShrg
-these.'daye ie. Something to be sought
nini...eheripaed 'ea a rare and ,pricelpss.
'boOn; leiaure .to think, and
write and read. --106i" arts else • all of
their "John WealeY's-,eoriversation is
• good," said , Dr .k ..,,Tolinsbn Boswell
once, 'but he .4S ,never leisuret' He
is :always atca certain
hour This Yety.disegree,alite to a
men who lov'es tofold 'his leg's end'
• .
,ta.iceent es.:I de." ,The saint-
ed JOhnSesley in tlieroloof a modern.
"bustler" iS a little :htimotenS, ••• and
Sainuet,Joiinson did' a Certain, amnia
Of ivotkhimeelf. 'Bei an • age ' that
'ioved;.on oCaeSion, to fold, its:degs, and
hd,ve its talk out; 44d itS' book nut, ' an
• , • . ' ; • . • • • • , .
(Her 'Own sweet .9:1)ree0s.'ellorg,0110),
The too inipprioue traveler on, • •'
""W'e• are: great fools," , Says Mon
taigitei 1-16 13.0.pild6. Ilia life -.in' idle'
nese," we. say, . "I've done 'nothing tci,'
Whatr.' Have y.on not livedi
That is,neit only the Lfgridathenta, 1, blit,
themest illustriou:S of Your becu.p*••
'tions:r ' „',/ • •,•
'Our, e re
Ce the '
?ustil ,to :be terever hurried 'w,itli .the
cr,owd; and' our resolution to.step: put
of. it et • intervalc. and drin`k , from deeP•.-
•ei" ;"Ii.so faut reserver AD.;
riereboatique,•,. • Amite nostre;•• , tonte
fra.nehe".-"tW'e...onglit te'reserVe;f0iH1
nurseles an 'arrere-beatque,', a back-
%Shop:all ouf e•Wn, all free,„in:WhiCh Nve '.•
..maY our own true 'liberty and '
. • •
plincrpal retreat.and solitude." • That
.; Kontaigne's. . leisured 'wisdom,
•and in that arrlere-houtiatie the wish:
y'wis, :to rade son.'
'nifty lind. ace•PinplishmelFrOrn
Reading, Booker,by'.Tolin 'Ll ingston
• .•• .
• beire'dis-saseS-;-•T‘PreVrention..:at:-.-dechyi
List-DeiaYett Teeth
• us's; eievg. was. moat irimortant the ' speaker
"My name is • Rycroft. !You miist,
• "Excnse, me," he said. ."Miss Tre-.
•Trefusis,Yogiketild realize the cnrions
In country districts. • ...There:ere 'At
least font young women in Eteailmoor,.
pleaSant. in m,anner;., but wiblf: that
dm-ions:kink in their dispositiOne that
human life is. •little or. no account:to:
theim' NO4-we ,niust,•not leave 1VIrs,
Evans out Of aecolint." • '. • •
•• (To be c,Ontiinied,.) •
%The net:41Perg,micY et "Iren",ratilin
,cake. Weighing only QZ$, It consiits
„ .
cocoa,' agar; . pea powder beef pew,
der,, Oil Of lemon, and .cpc0a liuttet::'
•thipPeSed':tO sustain 'a Man for 24
hours.• '. •• •
•ustin Good 'Priddy morning' a, "Hikers'
ExpresS"...will leave pedantic% static%
beilnd for 4. ttestiOatiot Unknown even
to: theghard. and driVer until' a Mo-
ment. before the itein, start's., This 4s
the fir.st of a series to be run by the
421;.W..R. A "spedial' feature' Will be the• '
loW.:fares, • and the, PtoVision . of a.
snack ,boic :for these tecjuiting it, tot,
.a ,Sinail extra. charge. •, :
saidi,'en(l--Stress:ed.theL.`:WiOthici'of, ,'"., ,
ie culcating health' .,liaMts in the: ;first '
of 'forgive speaking to you, :but hi seven. years:of
littg--cermitunity - of,..o*rah
. te
smallest .detail is knoWn, and :your
arriVal here yesterday has naturally
'gene the -round*,.: I can aSsure you that
• everyene feels a .deet) sYMPatliy with
youi 'position; Miss Trefusie: We are
all anxiousXo assist yOu in, any way
"That's verykind of,,Yon,", said Eni'd
"Not at'all;"'said Mr: Itycreft.That
riensiy,' thy dear yeting lady,• de`
:eetnit Onme. if thee is any"w'ay,
• which I•can peesilily assistyon.ipeatti;
tifal View from up here, is it not"
,•"Wenderful," agreed Emily. • `.
• "Yon knOW, that • a priserier escaped
Lat night froni Pripeetewn?". •'
' "Yes. Has .he been, .recaptured'?"'
"Not, Yet;•I believe. , .Ahwll, poor'
fent*, he will no dotibtIM recaptirrel
'soon enough: No one 110 ekaPed
• cessfully.'froin P.rincetown for the last
twenty. years.? :•••• ' •
, , , • •,
' • "Which direction' is -Princetown?"...'•
45iroft tretphed-'04t.
and Ii4iritedtsoUthwardS' over 'the moor.
"It lieS ,Ovei•;' .there about, twelve,
rnils as the crow ov• n i•o e
:moorland., „Sixteen miles by 'load,"
' • Emily ga,y,e taint sNVer,' The,
Rita, Of. the ,deSperate.hunted man ityr-
jiressed her Pevve1f1lly..LI11i:33_yeroft
was .wateh.ing bet 'and, gave' a little
•-"Yea'," 1iesid. '"I-fe'el the SaMe inYd.
self. • :•It'S • carious. how: one's. histinet&
rebel at the. thOught,Of a man\ being
hunted dotwn,alid yet these these I -nen.' at
:Prinetown areai dangerousand irio,
lent criminalsthe kjnd o men yen
entll •PrebahlY,,,would do our ut,MOA
to pub -there in the gr§t , You
must 'forgiVe me, MisS•Trefusis, I am
deeplY ifitereSted,in the study of drinie.
Ornithologyand Criminology are my.
two subject)" • ,He 'paused and then
• tie*
,exl-pra'a tit
pa �n—•
Care .befOre:
•tgette. Bab•es;
01st 44ings on feedhig•
Wrlia Ito 1ord ; LIcaltecf..•Tardley
• T.es yap?. * '
Actate0 ;
1110.0.11.1111111111110010110.0 •
' Pa at oncel•'•
' • v7r;:0-1,1,01...c,Sta.t1:
. ols‘cle c.0 Oft .
• lotklieA tili?
• ;SulPharwOuld 'seem to Thavelnitlit-
tie. connection With 'hOrtimilture,-,-aiid.
Yet there are, many tis,ea for it in'the
garded,-.declares liorticut,
, , .
tural ;lecturer, • ' I isz,-parti liularty
valuable In ' in preventhig ; mildew • and
batk. spot on.,.rOsea. rt 10 •'..most. ekei-
• .
'ent,:when combined' with, arsenate,,o.f
Ibad,..nine Parts' Of sulphur to one Of.
the, poison; making. What is COminon.
lY !called thelgasiey' duSt. 'khis
.p,aration; or .,aulyihur•„, aione is also'
helpful in pretseting :phlox:end delpli,
liiiums from: attacks of. Mildew: If
•Sweet 'Peas show signs • of..mildew„.
theY,' too, should be :dusted, with Sul-
phur, • •Mixed with, aragnate, le,
it"is, useful for thisting on ,micum-
bers and: ;Melons . to keep. aviay "atrip..
.ed beetles .?and ;ilea: beetles. ., Itts
impOrtant, hoWever,: that the dust
should :be the very finely gound-
kind obtained - at the seed tere and
...noLthe coarse sulphur in drugostdres.,
' What Happened"'
"':"Ungry Sharelfold r•••-"Afid ,May I ask
'What' liak.,ppened-to. e Sinking fund?"
• ,Chairnien i(sedi ) :"It sank."i" '
•. , .._.„------4._..-_,.,__•- •
-A man Who does- not, learn to live
whjle he le getting a living is ,tt' poor,
Or' Mat after his' Wealth is Wen' than
he Was before.L4:.,q; Holland. •
• Brides Cali 'Take i Bow.
4.: Looks as if the days were over,
1.Ahen newly weds had tO go hoine tg
mother. if they wanted to get an "eat-
able" •ineal when the...only kitchen
utensil a bride krieW hew to use was .a
• can opener, and wherl _a bridegroom
sulfereci,:constantly from' indigestion
through his, loyal efforts ,to eat his
wife's dishes, coniinents the Toronto
Good Teeth 'are Result
• Di,t
Veronto.7--"A' aurfey.... had .ahoWa.
that *97, per: cent of the Anglor•eicons'
have ;decayed., teeth,q -"stated ,
,• , .
• Harry ThOrriPpen field:. 'secretary for.
banadd of the •Dental
at the • nreet•iii.r.. of the Toronto
Health League: 'Sixty four per cent.
the:Central bluropeang, • the' DilaerW
• o.f, Now.,gealand only :ceL and'
the -Eq io pily. 3. .per eent.-ant
decaying :teeth 'In :children of these
tWO Iattor.'raaes tinknoWn.' peien-
, . _
tiata, have been fOrcect: to; the .a.on'-.•
. . • .
elusion :that geed -teeth are :the pro-
duct of foodseaten, in thecr.'.natural
state, • With 'all esseptial minerale,"'
'the speaker 'said.:• : • • • • • •
Preventive , :dentistry, :Dr •Thomji,
Seri, 'said,: is'• a',110ealth measure; and' bct
'gen only 83 •YearS ago' When the first
2eXtractien, de.ritist hung • „ 'out.,• his
"shingle in •Haltimore, F'ripr•:•tO., that
tithe the 4p.pt4ic4rsi • and ' the bleat.'
• sinith;attenited 'to-ttiOSe teeth •Which
gelled 'their oWnera•into:. drastic. re--
nigaehres...EktrACtion 'era :Was
foIlOwed, by. the "conseriation •age?. -7'
whet -the, pOlicyWas • .te Save'. every-;
thing in., the raciuth.;- ;Bridges and
teroWirs flourished as dentistry „sn-
.preciie....,• Then ..came: the Z,ray.,,w,hie,h,
led to the • diseoverv..,that .90. per cent.
of disease is •cauSecl by • infection and
that ?(Y.,Per. Cent. Of••the infection be-,
gins. in 'the •-tiviiithand,l•-goes';--Vitt-the,
blood to the Wealt„parta beilY
. "Dr; Thompson:, :montiOnatf among
the diseaaes.. treaaantiV attrl:
bated to, •Infeated
•theitthatism, Iiih9ou1os1s- and: sotto'
At the Edmonton exhibliort..abride
Of' less:than a :year tarried off three
• first prime in • cooking, And there
were 111.01* priie-WinherS among young
Matrons . and girls than evert befpre.
An older *Oman whO•feryehrs- has
*on a substantial •number Of prizes
beaten thiS.Year. • Officials 'o -c: the fair
felt •that ,ceolting'Schools Were -phi -61y
'respon,sible for the Vbry fine bakitg
•hat ine.iie up the •show. '
• FREB'•
a, bridge gaMe at, Caledonia,
lylisS 1;0'1 -Ohl -Ice Made a grata slany,
in spades. She held 13 ofatiena, Jim!
pii.Oner I3.' hearts land her Opponeks
13 chanaands and 1$ clubs respectively.
7•—• •
• • 6.11,e: :"What hasJm heeri. doing. .. '
he'-oraduated from College?:
Ben 'try ihg .to fina co;i:tvi.hat
• 'hp:Jearned. .
Why Carry 'a Lightl•
,:jrhere,i. a storyof a rnan•:wh,o was .•
.Walking Orli, street; 'and Pet
another Pan with a a.tait and: a. lani
tern • The ,,atillting thing, as the., .
:stranger ..'noticed wes that, ,the- men., •
was feeiiingjoa wa'rwith htfand
.aPparently iitaking no use de ,the.
Wheii askea f he, were
pan replied thathe was, 'but he knew
the street .Well, and had no difilcalty;
.in making hiwhy` ,•wieli staff..
-:"Entr-'n.sked-th e lityanger,
'Ynii tarry; .a lanterit?" ••:To keep :other.
-people' without:•lanterns !front: stiiinb..
ling • over waS••• the: blind 'inan's
'an'sWer.; 71.0 be able, °alit to tell others
...whereLnet4o-46 la a:41unit gietr..-bnt,it_._
is Something, ••1slot• cvcryont pin 'he a
brilliant:: beacon th di wiId, but tbe ;
humblest ''porSon can ktdp bitusell'
frifin *a sttinibling'•block.11/44
E. •Walson, • •" • ' 't• •••
. ,•
werit, • •
"That's the ' teeSoia*W-liy, if goi, *gt
allow met o de'so, I ,shotil4 like,,to'
ociate rnygekt With You in ilii4,•Yriqter".
Will you, plaee. your ootfidenee iri, Ines,
TrepisiS, and .alloW me' to place.
my. e.,kperietee at your disposall".
i,tviily,was silent for a Minute" She
was ,Petigratiilating herself on tho'yi,Ay.
'events were-71-;raYing into he hand:
Here tvhS firsthand kneWledge `.beirig
.kftered- her' of life as ithad beetilived.
,at $ittafo'rd,,., This it1 ,
dried -:up gentleman had read and stu-,
d led ldeeply, 'Was well.Veried,in
cuirosity hIll@ displayed' by the man
of refleetion asot)tio.§:t,(12 to tho'.inein.
ftetibb.. '
."PleaSe help ,rney. phe' said siintly,
"1 aritSo'very wattled and kinhaki'
. iti ritust.heq :dear, Yon Mtst„
14oW;'• et,' 1 understand ,The ,
Vre.:tielyat'S eldest'. tiephew,Aag
beet 'arrested, or 'detairied--4he evi'7
delve a gaiiist..,hint being. of
What, simple and •obVions tafure;. I;
ot eeurse, havet '401 -Mind•"'
••ic",t).t. 'entirSeff, said , "Why'.
'when 'Yon1411c1,0-41.6tilirig '
jit„rcitsonable,;.? said Mr„
- f' Now to n pp; 4,i'vh.
• IF
:ANI) THEY 6914T
OFF.` .
• '"
• • '...-
• .rogi
r Lt. BUS'
• .".`,,(Si44.
".,••• • •
Stainsflush: with: Gillett s
• r
• •
i'eckluSt..Pour LYP-Ifull: •
• , • 'your .¥el1'e bW1 end
Itotiteve'S ellStUbbOritstaits 0'111'040;
• harci cnd b1t attot hit
,•fionrin'jurions •,ttejpintribiti Itills,
.-kettts•eirid hanishat odors, tad.
a..to)Ltiiit)q-or tye
,t)ti 14hd Pe, r:nil you houselield ""Criie
OtSpecinftil diVaii.e'itlit � ti.ualtdr e,61:Zi4-t11tetH.
• ,
, • .
- WHAT A 81G 1 -EL'
, qii,LETT'S LYE.
• , Is,
the Gillet:en Lye notiOet''•
teltfrti how Of
ii,tmilti.dty by, it'd' ti g thlb'
• , lilted:tint for ilozd.tvi'
henvy cleaning 361A, • °
' 11'n cssthlij, ttili dit'Oe‘ ;
Akiiit,t6r it61113 snaking, dini,
.' 0111d 01.1?tr trOtti Olt ••
tit otrf.ntll Litilitcdr
Str'ebliTnennte, Ontario.
'makes 1 bcd;rit'fet
gi.eatyottJtr1Ntia, 'tit)1{.8
bAtfittlhg. ••
• And be sure.: to get tho gennite Oftlei•P'-a
Ppte• Ptak& Lye-, Ordi thjtdy.A*, tottit
hy,namo at yeur groai's, "
,• I
• (4t';
•.• ,
• . .
v.00.,°°', •