HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-14, Page 1p .41 , es, e. ,••• • .$2•90: PRAit N ADVANCE: $2.50 OTHEEWl13 ILUCKNOW ONT., THURSDAY, September 14th . • 1933: .RINGUI• PO, 4, CENTS ' DENTIST A,. Treleaven• ..LticKNo)ir • ' : ours:. 9-12 A. M. 1.30-5 P. M. PHONE - 54 X-RAY . FOR SURE FOOT (oMPO4T,.. - Cress, CornSaiVe.:aold at,LACKIM'S. tatuo STORW . a money ..,near Hplyrood.. Enquire 'at :the home of Mrs. Alymer Ackert • , WORK' WANTED--,,capalole. girl with 7 'years' experiencewishes' house wprk--4.PPly at Sentinel Office. PROPERTY FOR SALE --15 acre • nranerth_witlerfort e othebuijngjiorth' ofC NR Tenet. Apply to Hiram PlOom. WOOD' FOR'. SALE -16 inch dry body Wood, beech and Maple, free of 1imb -Apply to John. joynt. ' •". WOOD FOR SALE -*-All kinds' ty: Hardwood ---•arid-gSoftWood, $2:00.Ln :cord and up'. - Apply to '.Wililan R, R. 2, LticknOW,."-• (14-.--10-*Ap.) • • n Wool) poll; SALt-We Stock of dryWood :both twelve' and sirdeen inch for for deliyerir, threughout, th ear THE LUCKNOW ',TABLE CO,„'• LTD • „„ (127 -.16 -Le)'. rawanosh • • n • • dookWins Scholarship: Miss: Jean Webster" highly Success ful at Midsummer Examinations - Win i Two Year Tuition at West; ern And $50 Prise. • 1‘,/lisa Jean Webster?. daughter 'of Mr. William. 'Webster of Nest Wa- wanosh, as a student. of 'Whighain High School. Ceinpleted her secondary education with ,rnueh success. Miss Webster Won two scholarship awards one,,of which gees by reversion ' to .the runner-up. The award is a *40.0.0 -1(4gli7rrize, anu wa years' „.free . -tio-irin-:-UniVersitY' -College of Arts • (tptal Of $250), • Miss Webster won the scholarship. Cor .Latin,French .and German,. or Spanish or Greek; also the scholar ship:for clastiics , and two other pa - peri, thelatter goes byreversionto ,John, Pickering :of .LOndpn. tlo-year tuition scholarship is awarded to each • callegiate institute . • pr. Ingli 'Scheel, in the fenrteen, coun- ties mentioned in; the charter of the LIniVersity ,of Western Ontario. These, • are eneral praficiency.. -scholarships- depending ....on the,. results' . nine tipper:School papers. In the case of, Winginarn',Iligit 'School the scholar - 'hip laPies as _Miss' Webster;., the only candidate, had won a higher award.:' Jean : else', won one subject schnlarahips in • , Greek and ,• Latin, making „five in all. • ..vcrotifi FOR SALE ---:We have quantity of , Wood; le. long, 'whitt ash and elm. It has dried undercove' and will make excellent . burning. Orders ' promptly • delivered. , , W1� •MURDIE Sr SOIN WANTED -$1000.00 &Our- ---ity;:f•onezofthe--best store•'Prepertiem LYehnOW*. Good interest, abort .or, long terM. APplir in. elo '-"SentiU , • , , . - P.AIMO2 TUBES ' TESTED FREE • From September 4 li, to September r't3th; radio tubes will be tested free Lucknow. • „JOHNSTON -BROS. • - FOR SLE -2 -storey brick resi dence .and ¼ acre Of ground on ilave. loei St., Lucknow, ;the property of the • late Mrs. James Boyle- • •'APPly to Frank 'Boyle, R. 3, •RipleY '?hone , (21-7,10-..c) • • , • 4: FOR SALE -Acre lot, Barn „and' • 5 -room house, all in good condition ---Good"-eellar-cement-foinidatien-41ard•-- and soft, Water s.. -at doer, ,Priced IOW, Apply to James J. Boss, .• 'East of Station, Lucknow U. F. Et. 'SHIPPING Having been 'appointed as snipper .for (Lucknow) Co-operative • Company, I ;am in a position to handle. the 'shipping of all ..kinds , of live stock at lowest , rates.. Am keep- , big- close touch with the -market and information can be ;secured at all 'times. Rod MacDougall,; 5, Iniekiipw. !Pborie 26 -28, -.:Ripley or 135 .LucknoW. .NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given 'that' court will be held pursuant to the. Voters' Liate,Act, at the Tow; -hip 'West Wawanosh, on ,the 2 Lb day of September, A. D., 1933 at 16.30 ' o'clock , A. M., , for hearing all coin.: 1.•'` plaints made' against the lst and 2nd parts of the Voters' list for the Muni- : cipality of West Wawanosh for 1933 DU,RNIN PHILLIPS, Clerk • (2110-c.)' • - • NOTICE OF ,,00tlFp. OF • REyiSioN : Notice; is herehy•:.•lei:i6h. that a Can't will be held, PUrSaa,nt :to The Ontario' Voters' Lists Act, . by His Honour 'the • Judge of the 'ootintY: ...I-COtirt**ef-4the--LConnty,.._of-,.*13rUee.:-at* Townshij hall, YelYrOod On the „'26tly day Of :Sentember, 190.,„ at ', 3 . e'efeelc, P M. to• hear and deterMine • complaints Of 6errors. and • enniSsibaS in the Voters' ,List • of -the Muriel- Prility of. the Tewriship. Of Kinloss fel! 1938.* • " Dated the:, •lith day Of: September, ' • .1. R. LANE,Clerk M"thcMunicipality of . "*the. Township -: of Kinloss. " • NOTICE. The animal meeting of the Luck.' now Elevator Co., Liinithd;' *ill be , held in the Connell Roam of the . Carnegie Hal, liticknow, on Wedns- day, Sept,, 26th; 4at 2.30 in the after- 'rioon• for: the trianaction of regular business' and the electipa of Directors ..for -the ensuing 'year, JAMES *ALTON; President, , - • of or -Men uf lloyt“at'Old low prices: THE kAlt, grr OtPlit• • pigri IN THE :WEST On August 25th, the Murdoch family received the sad ,news of the • , . • death by -pneumonia of 'their brother Steele, whose : home was it Cooking Like, Alberta. ; Steele Was the. second son of the ate Mr. and Mrs. Iteele- his early life ' haiingbeen.,spent in Lucknow, later • going to the west vhere he has since resided. Ile served in the Great War and leaves to norm hirn, a wife, one son and Jour daughters, -also one brother and, Tour 'sisters here. oming „Events First- Insertion 50e. Subsequent Insertions, 25c. . 'coiAkGE°' -.SOCIAL AND DANCE . :There will be an. ,Orange Social and Dance, held, inI...tickno*. Orange Hall on Thursday. evening, Sept. •gi.. Music by Home Orchestra. Dancing from '9 P, in: to 1.80 a. m. Gents 25c 'Ladies .10c. Lunch supplied -by lodge DANCE The first ...indoor dance of the. Falb season, 'lilt be held in the TownHall Lucknow on Friday, SePternber 22nd,• Music by Ernie -Brown .9-plece orchestra • of ' Walkerton. General. adrilission 25c. ,Auspices Lucknow Fire Co. '• •: GODERICII . FAIR, NEXT 'WEEK , Viait Goderieh Exhibition, ',Tuesday 'anti --Wednesday,- • September 19 and 20 -Special program Tuesday evening , Wednesday afternoon program in- cludes two harness rates.; two run- ning races, -Vaudeville program, etc Admission '25d. • , • ST.: HELENS' SCHOOL FAIR' . A school children's parade, will alien the. •St. Helens' School Fair at one o'clock on Friday, Sept. 15th. .1p 'tile evening "The Rad .Raek" hS., Presented, by. St, Peter's Dramatic Sediety, Another feature df .the even- nig .performance will Are Various ItuMbers by •Mr. Harry „MeGee, Scoteb entertainer •of' Aliburru .PHILVO'rT TO SPEAK • The IJ. F. 0.• Association of Huron*. Bruce is sponsoring a seried• Of pub - lie meetings t� he held in: the riding.. .to •be addressed by Captain Elmore Philpott, ;The' first meeting, Will he "'W`inglitiml; on SatUrdaye-Sentein- her 23rd; Brussels •on Monday, -SePtertiber- •Tuesdayr •Septernher; 26th,, .4birimene-. ing In each .case itt 8 O'clock, Silver collection, DR. W; V: JOHNSTON" PENS INTERESTING BIOGRAPHY A Revelation Of Important Pacts. Of . The Life :of ,The Late, Dr. t Gautier Of Lucknow, .A Naturalist . And Writer Of In this issue appears 'the ,ist- in- stallment' of • a MOat inteieSting, biography on the life of the late Dr. J Monier, a pioneer physician and naturalist of Lucknow. The data was Compiled and written. by Dr: W. V. Johnsten of .Lucknovi, who read the paper before the • Academy of Medicine, Toronto , on .Library and Historical night, January :3rd, 11,933, and, which appeared': in ;a current issue ' of the Canadian .Medical ..Jrairrial.. -In- delving into the 'ecceit- trieities of . Dr. ',Garnier's 'life, Dr.' Johnston has brought to light: many facts, which those who. knew the doc- tor personally; are probable • unaware of. This paper is ':much _indebted -to. Dr. Johnston,for permission to re - Print the article. ' 'rhieves •Break Into Ostrander's Garage its• And 00 Are Stolen Aftir, Break- : Ihg., Inta Bitilding, • TO.' Secure aa Pump Handle • • •• , Although the extent of :their. loot lao inore or less trifling the manner' in which thieves effected :their theft, from the garage of Garfield Ostran- der, on Friday night, was reason to . : make their Crime a serious' offense. Several gallons cif gasoline, quart bottles of oil and car 'Polish, figured in the theft. The writer . can also disappeared, supposedly full of gas ohne, as a check up revealed that f gal; ke n ri"I'1191-- mote' than whit .wchld ',Sr the, Car tank and the water can,. , 1. Entry was; :made ;by prying, Up n window pear the rear of the blinding The next -step was to break a, small pane of glass,' Which 'perniitted en- trance :to the showrecoil .hy reaching in and slipping the bolt The office _i_Thesketch...:will be completed in •, .0 • z---7-.7-is-within'the showroomand par - next week's issue. Extra co titi0.4 off: and locked, but into who,. be available at .5e each, and Pci doubt r • a way vias made' by smashing in a manY will desire to send these two ' issues ;to formir Luclinewites,-•Whe ,a.P°..rtiu'll' ''t'h°' .waill?°°rd are • ','..Copies • for :4"6,4Y-!--02,-relijP-t-1.1-Were_Seeuraliv.the mailing will 'be available ready wrap- , „ .' • ClIABLES CHIN TO' •. VACATE PRESENT STANb • , . . A petition. is ...being eirulated among ratepayers in the. village requesting. that no further, restaur- ant ;licenses, be, granted here. This petition' irises ',following differences' between lf Charles -• Chin and 'Harry Lem: Chin , has for the past -three years occupied-and-conductedta-res= taurant in the building Owned by Harry Lem, a former restaurant proprietor here. The • lease has ex- pired and it appears that Lem is anxious to recpirrinenCe. business' here. Differences - have 'arisen r between the twoPartiei as to the agreement nritde,:when Chin took over the busi- nes • Mr.-. Chin and his wife and family, will. vacate , the , present . stand. the end' -of the month and we 'understand will occupy the former Welker store building If sufficient signatures are affixed to the --petition, it. will be , pre- sented to the Village • Council, re- queting that. no •further restaurant licenses be 'granted. SPE.CIAL:ATTRACTION . AT LUCKNOW. FAlk , Posters Will 'be' Out the , end 9f:the week announcing the several Special' safe however, and a money theft was thus • frustrated. ., •.' Locating- -the handle : of the .gas pump' .in. the showroom, ',.-the .thieves proceeded to, 'smash, •the lock on the pump and, "ffil up" with gas., 'Constable • Moore.' and Provincial Officer McClevis. have been *irking on the •case,' and we understand a ten -foot Piece of rubber hose Which disappeared • .from. a local residence that -srinie evening has been located. BASEBALL TI1OPHY. , . ARRIVED" 'WEDNESDAY The Excelsior Life Trophy pre- sented each year . to the champion- -ship team of the Lakeside League by j. D. McKay of Kincardine, was 'presented by him to manager Reg. Smith' on, Wednesday. This attractive cup. will 'be on „display,. in F. T Armstrong's window. A banquet, we believe,' is in order, .'when the cur Ruld be officially presented,, and the •team's -success recognized. , 'GROWS ,LAK.GE • , • , , Mr: D. O. ' htcMorran bids, well, to carry off honor*. In_ growing large tomatoes this season. They are --.Of the • beefsteak variety and three •of • - them, ' which have , been on display in the windOw of .R: H. •ThOmPson's grecery, stere,' ,weigh 4 .141 5, 9z., which approaches the *eight of '11/2 attractions at, Lucknow .Fall Fair on lbs. apiece. The: Vines we are -in- septembei 28th 'and nth...Next. week's forayed bear »Unlit, tomatoes of simi- Sentinel ' will outline more •fully, :' the; lar , size,. which in the. face of this added. features 'this year, which 'summer's drought; is a• remarkable should result in ,a' marked 'increase growth.' Miss Mell,forran has kindly in attendance. ,The Fair is only two presented the three mammoth tal Weeks away • and entries Sheirld: net rnatoes to the publisher, who should - be deleted until, the last fel days. n't lack Of chili sauce this linter. • • • H.John Hutchisonaturalist. arnie d Physician By. W; • V. Johnston,B.A., M.D. • Lucknow," Ont ' Dr. ,i. Gander lived for nearly • „ , , forty Years in the village of Lticknevr in the County of Bruce, aad,•Wasone „ of the: most interesting figures .in the history of .WeStern. Ontario. • He had pne of the largest general medi- cal 'Practices of his time in. -that part ofthe-prOvince and enjoyed in envia- ble reputation as a consultant ever large, •part' of three counties. He reeked Very high ,as a naturalist, he was 'a writer of considerable' petit, and last, but not least,':I ai- sure you he Made suell.an inintessitm: on his eommunity; both liy• his abili tics and his eccentricities, that the memory of him. ;there is almost as fresh to -day' as when " he was hying; He died on February int, 1898 at the an•e of 75: • . • Dr. derider's:. Mother was a French Renirin Cathollc. :Ilis,.fatlier was -s .1Ingenot. 'and la' 'ithember of a long line Of distingainied Military' Men: Becaase of religious Petaecutidn''he ,fied With his life from France ,to Scotland, where *here he obtaineda eom-- niissioi as 'eeletiel 40: the 'English, ariny; The •fitiniii," Wealth and eulture, and. into 123 the siihject Of . this address was, born. This boy. on. g&wingup.wassent to Dublin :to., :redelV.0_ cation. He was • always an ardent Orangeman, •ttrid, while:10 , Ireland he, • , ' ,• • bedtime well acquainted With Daniel . • O'Connell, and 'in . his later yea's was very fond Of 'relating incidenta-:froni the 'life of :that* distingnishea. man., He w sent to Paris for further study. Penciling this he anent severa years' travelling, .Visiting many lands, landa; including' Anittelit;' India and:,Sept.h Africa Ife+eaMe-to---Canatir'and-,-evz- tabliehed. a medical practice at Hag- , • • , . 'ersVille„ Ont.:This did' net ,-. satisfy hini,..ao •1960 he moved to the • village of Lucknow. • , . „, came', to Lucknow , Only four years after thjfirst settlers had Ili., tiVed there. A ; hat .time the Counties• of Hiiren and truce were ',owned'. by the ,Canada Company and were kno*n. as • the Queen's .Bush. • They were an. unbroken • etretth of, forest, full of game, , with a. few .scattered settle- nients ,heing carved- out of the woods. The early Settlers' were chieflY trof-• , • • ,. ters• froth the Highlands Of 'Scotland and the Isle of Skye, with a'fel im- niigrants from Ireland and England. In Such a locality' and, at such a time Dr: Gentler Chose to live his life. Whir n Man of his :fralting. and turd should leave the hOineland to • , dwell in a, wilderness has • remained mystery. ‘Runior it that be :left ltrelitteair the result ' of a duel. 110 ,vtis,gyaitit,'feet; 16•1riches_ itt weighed about 1dg pounds Iffi,Sheitildera• were .slightly itOoped:, * • , • " (Continued on Pii#O 8) : Breail , of ii,ealttl- - , The Brea4 of Health R MOTTO 18 QU41JTy AND -SERVICE .. . .. . , , SATURDAY.• SPECIALS. :p0Pgt ,':Aggi-T..'' . Am, VA,' BUNS, - 'SCONES , t, • •• • '.'s - JELLY.,,..R0.144,3*. ‘ . ' Ni,iT,, irid FRUIT' BREAD: ,.. ..,, 004E4 coops:'• BROWNoir:__Delicjous...-.•-,.. pnikp,_ 48 100 . .... „.. . ..„ , . eeitt: .wookx wHEAT, I-IOLLYMAN'S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Iacknow 50. -1-CoLLARS • REWARD' .A $5�. reward will Will be given for formation, Which leads to the. con- viction and ''prosecutien of the parti, or parties, responsible for the break- ing of windows and other- acts . of oc- ewuari;teedh. • ,atdeixisty.rnaeptiveine ewvhaitichoi. •ahatoiv.e. . • • • Captain Takeo, off Witit..Many • 'Pagiertgersariettivi. Thrills Crow' With Parachute Leap At 1600. Ft ' That ' aeroplanes .and peraelinte , jumping have not •••,beComei conaMen- Plate in this district; was evidenced on Saturday :when an immense crowd gathered. at the farmi 'Of .. Mr. john McLeod, eastTof South KinEOSs Church ' to Itriel 'Barney .• Bristol's 115th parachute juritn' and to enj�y or watch ,others enjoy nir flights over the village In a black and. 'yid le* biplane,. ably piloted: by Captain Fred Scheduled to: appear here :on Sit- artlair morning, Gillies did• not ,arrive. till early in the '• • afternoon y'• as he was: obliged to return to Stratford from, Clinton, 'where he, was flying the .day previous, and , make neces- sary repaira, to his . plane.. •Upwardi to sixty passengers' were. necomo- iated .before 'dark and the pilot re: -maine,d-over-and.Lon„Stinday-afterneen. sfter a gusty wind had subsided, was able to take un some of the remain- ing passengers whosought a ride:: The' :flights, were of •' about 'three.. minutes 'duration and were at an RI.: titucle of; frem. 800 to 1200.feet. Mr. Alex Gollan was among the ..first and the oldest; to our knowledge to takf Off. Little . Jean . Bushell and ;Etti, 13elle McDonald, as far as we know were the: youngest naii, of girls to, make the flight, whileDenald John- ston and ' Jewittgot 'qUite'a Oak -Out of their ride. Except in the eerie , 'of children,: passengers: .were taken singlelir.: . Bristorv'S ii5th Jumg „:Frem.. an altitude of • 1600.. feet Barney BriaPir7ililifetT7the Crowd with it parachute NAM- took the lean about .4.15''.SatUrelay afternoon turning tWe',SOniereatilts-,While '• hurt; ling :some..*), feet through epee( before • opening his chute. TO the' ',..,rowd it Would . appear that, the chute opened :shortly' after Bristow the. leap, but when one considers that he drops at .the rite Of mpWardato : 120 , nines' an hour, to, drop . the 896 feet was only a Matter Of some : A've seconds. The ‘parachute opens in 14-5 see:O-Cids, . after' the t•iii,cOrd is Milled.. After.' the 'chute opens : the,. rate of fall is tedtited to the 'speed of 12' ft. ,seCend, varying slightlY. according • to air' pressure. : The shock on :.atrik-- ing the ground is flinch the same as if One :were, to juin* off a twelve foot elevation.; we are inforrned, . • SUNDAY -,AFTEEN-0614- :”---SERVICES AT LANES , A goodly number tvere attend:, ance atl-Line's Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon, when plans for the • re -opening of, Ole 'church for Sunday afternoon :*services . was 'dis- cussed. Next -Sunday--there will --be • an ep(in,riieeting commencing at 2.30 o'clock • with Rev. IC, McGillivray. ,in charge. 'Mr. G. S. Robertson has thrown this building open to all who : wish to gather .'there, for Sunday ^ worship and should the attendance • continue to show. that the 'People of the district are -interested in attend- ing these services,: they will be held regularly each" Sunday afternoon. BRING DOWN', :TW • LARGE BIRDS; While • ,,Genrge •Whitby, Charles Morrisonarier-RaY70-61Yer -were: arn- Iling. about with hot guns. last .Wednesdairi;mear the 4th concession, Kinloss,„; they • caught sight of two exceptionally „large :birds which. took ling; but failed,taget • slap before 'George. .Whitby : brotightthem both • One wear dead: and the ether. 'suffered...a; broken wing,* and:, Was later destroyed and. Stuffed by c. Mac , *Oist,er. The bird* had a wing , spread of about Ave, feet,: SAX'. inches. , int • their species was doubtful ., at first, although they are now :consid- ered to .be •turkey buzzards, They resemble .a• Innen: eagle With:'' the. exception of *high. . . . , • • is pinch' the sante as that of •a do- ' mestic turkey. -, Since. • they *ere brought down,-. their presence in the • locality , has been 'vouched for by. two or three' farmers. ' • ASHFIELD UNITED CHURCH he mr.m.s. Of this ' church will hold 'their annual 'rhankoffering ser-, vies, at Hacketts next Sunday, Sept. Services it 2:30, 13.ni- IT14.. 7.30: p.m.. The special Speakers fpr the' daYi. are: Mrs. •Campbell 'Tavener at ; 2.30 p.m; and .the Rev. F. W. Cr-aik of Goderich for the evening Service. that giVeth ' nide the • poor: shall not not lack: but ,he 'that hidetli• a curse." Apple . . ,F..a0041.s., • Riddled By anda1s , ' • . , , . Exteitaiie blaniage Has Been Done • To Mr. John doynt's Apple Evap- oratorL-Offers 'Reward, .For •AP- , prehension Of Guilt/f.Party.... • Recent discovery Of the, ' destrue; tine which has . been -going. ,on 'both Within , and -without this ' batting, utilized . as an apnle. factory, 'has. so aroused . the ,.' Proprietor, 'Mi., Jahn, Stint; pat he Is Offering : a fifty,. dollar reward for ,information that ,wilt lead tej the eonvictien, and ,pro- secution of these responsible for the In Bristow's 'decent he was tarried ;de actOryo41"0:61;g0•••I'l equip- :ivfiereld*ra't 14theeLereda'rs.'Ofta'rit l•buoilutten,.itvi°..;(17"tpeirdh'`e-fOrilitPhlee purpose, has not :been eral hundred yards /rein where . Gil- regularly -dneratedi • and haso • was landing his 'plane, As Bern - 0Y 'tva • droppitg • h,e' doom he ..A'een. feverishly working .the ropes, the chute which eaPSIZeil the Silk bag to the rear,' .liddh aided In carrying himover the. orchard .arid barn to a safe landing, , The decent, Can • be fairly acentaterir -inntrelled', in this .inanner .by an expert • jinitper, and is A sintiler procedure to sailboat tack, ing. to, capsize, the, ,bagin. front. of him, wouhl.bring hini:te: etthe : rt, more. 'an interview With The :Sentinel ifriatetV Made light , of his - perfor- mance. aid- and ind in a jeditlat 'Vein iennirked` "why these ehttes, are giitiranteed,. t•c " ;on ':tittp 4), • +.\ been visited for: about .4 year • until . reCently, . When the carnage was discOvered. The, building had •,been ' broken into, • doors removed, 'floors tern up and hoarded windows tinned 'Open. • This lumber, evidently was desired:at fire i'veod. There is scarcely a pain of glass in the building whieh. is not hrekeri. in some cases these coald be broken from, the outside, after . the boards were • removed', but other ivindOW1i•still' boarded' over also. hive the glass broken, apparently' In '1lb' other ..yrty than .by deliberate' -breakage from the long eridless-reatherLbelt or operating..t-he---- machinery has been removed and in general the building has heen riddled: it a moat wanton manlieri