HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-07, Page 8fie THE. L-VC1�NaW':3�8Nfi'xNEI -.100siitr SEPTEMBER. 7; 193$ . • ver. You.. bought your glasses more I f than two years ago it's quite probable. that they no, 'longer, suit.' your eyes •'`'Odtgrown": •glasses are;; • ,y often -worse than' hone • at all 'Let us give you ,a free, examination: •' r4a where Nthe. now... ;lll Preva:i • Aeroplane Tickets With 'Every Watch:' or Clock :Repair d'ob. of $'1.0.0: or over, :Taken in .. on ' Fr day and Satu.rday.. msr�o .JEWELLER and OPTi.011ETRi.Srl 'Acr'op ider' ticketta with every' Purchase of $1.00 Or overs Av atio DaSpecial 10 • BARS PEARL SOAP , . '.. 33c MUFFETS, " RICE KRISPIES, 'PKG 1 ' u BRAN FLAKES, PKG y:. .10c: , R B P. : Ise QUA T BOTTLE. E CATSUP IN :29c •.:'ROBIN, •HOOD OATS ' GH A , . PRINCESS SOAP FLAKS, .2 PKGS , •29c 1- 2 c--�- ;'a.OILYDOL; :I.ARGE_P_KG .� ,. , •-r,-.-, } : REG. 39c TEA. 85c..3' LBS :� $1:00', BULK COCOA, 2" LBS .. •23c • TANGLE "FOOT FLY .SPRAY 8' OZ' BOTTLE' :23c ROLLS TOILET PAPER... ... •. 0000.:.., 0000.. ,,000:0 .• 25c • • QtriPs04 aeroplaneRide' tickets with every purchase of $100 or over . ,._. :.• _ . ,...._._.�._.-. _�_�_�__........., _.. 0000 blow many Lucknow citizens have paid'a` ten, spot i a. "joy bop''? It isn't soVery long ago that. Calif.' Fred, 'Gillies, ,one of Can ida's outsta4iding Air • Pilots, fle�r.:,thrill. seekers"in a rickety old velar "jenny':, at a cost to. each • passenger , of a ten 'dollar bill. Then Pilot . Gillies intro' , . of duced commercial flying • into this. Part, the Province; of Ontario. Ile' located' at Kitchener in 1925, •where' he conducted a successful, flying: school, • later .becoming Flying Instructor for the Kitchener -Waterloo ,flying ; Club. it is witli rll'ot'.triiiiese tnat Lacs -now merchants( :wfose: ihavead iertisenents appear,_in thinpaper'` arran e'to: put Oil a f ing bargain;,' Saturday, September 9th. Mr. Gillies is, a qualified Government' hnotructor, and an -Engineer who ;is already -Weill-known in this district, He'is Manager of the Strjztford •Airport and for the past two years has been instructor at Camp' Borden. , your . Falt. Re oirolsn .h- Here is' . ow to.. obtain an: aviation flight'over Lvckno w for. 98 cents--,-.. 'Do,your shopping at' one of the.stores re dveris d in t is paper _an , Make! . ,.. sure ,you are- given .a salesstip or r ecei pt.,and ; _this his •receipt, with only ninety-eight:cents':will, entitle you to; a trip bY air. ` You must': have sa•,les sliP from one of thesestores to get a ride at 'orth inert ndi en- titles' ow price. • • The'. purchase, of : •one dollar's;, :Worth of ha se .. titles you to .a sales; slip. Make your • purchases :on Friday and Saturday Theplane wilhfly in town from•9 am. until dark: The ' plane as; •new : one and up` to minute in every ;respect, and ha• been inspected : by the ... Gov- ern•rent Do not overlook- this at.fl ingbargain sale. "Aeroplane Ride" tickets with every purchase of $100' or .over• CHILDREN ' A E "BACK; TO'BCHOOL , AND ''THEY NEED STRONG, STU DY ' FOOTWEAR;YOR THE FALL WEATHER WE INVITEYOU .TO COMPARE OUR, ,VALUES. ,BEFORE". YOU B.UY . rowing Girls' Oxfords $2.95, $3.4 isses' Oxfords,- oys' Box Kip with weather or . Panco Soles, $2.00, ;$2.25 few. Specials in Women's Patent and Kid Straps, ,Pumps and'Ties $1.49, $1.98, $2.49 2.00, th Every Purchase of $1.00 'or Over Aeroplane Ride Tickets Wi Hospital on Thnrsday, August ,3ist, to.: Mk. and Mrs,' Cecil E.' Robb; the LANNAN--At Alexandra Hospital CHIN—In Luelchow, ' on Wednesday August aOth; tp Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Aviation Day '71 daliOn Cans,' ,69c 'EXCEL SPAR VARNISH. • • ae Porteous 42nd STREET AT This Thuisday, Friday and: Satur- day, A2nd Street is op the Screen t4 Lyceum'. Theatre; Winghant, Four- teen stirs .feature this pieture, the, ontstandirig enes being' pained :in' the advertisement appearing elsewhere in. ,this issue. Mach has been heard and read,. regarding the excellence of this :Musical comedy and no' •doubt xious to See and bear this, ,much touted , ,picture, ARRIVED Complete, Rapge for liadies and Gentlemen 'LOOK 'I'HIS ,LINE OVER .9et, Aeroplane Tickets Here Parachute Jump by Barney; Bristow. Over 100: Jumps.' Jump, at 2 P.M. • Silver :.Collection �onm�rcia' Academy hnens 'At 1oderich Rev.' Donald,. McLeod,Formerly:` Of ,Ripley, 'Head Of New.: Educationa) Enterpriser. an :advIrtiseraent annoinicing the opening of the Haron , Commercial Academy; on Monday, •Septeniber 10th. At the bead of this eduCational enterprise is ',Bev.. McLeOcl, a2natiVe. of with whom Will be. 'associated .on the teadhing,:staff, Universitk 'graduates 'fully qualified as „. instractors \, in cOmmercial • and allied subjects: This academy, is to • be more than an. ordinary "bu-sitieSsi, college."' Its. distinguiShing feature will be a- departmenti of ' vocational. guidance, haying as its aiM 'the guiding of work for which .they are naturally fittid by their -particular talentS and capabilities. . McGill 'University' 'and' the Presby- terian College of Montreal, he.;, was for seVen years Minister of Rose- mount.' Presbyterian churcb ,that Metropolis. Later be Was for four years .minister of 'Union, ehurch," Ste:. Anne: de Bellevue,- Quebec; 'and lec-,, turer to stUdents of Macdonald periene as'• Provincial secretary Of Aeroplane $ub0c$0_00: ft:00r ntin older boys' work under the National Council, 'Y.M.C:A.,. 'supervising work withboys in the„ churches i Eastern Ontario and Quebec For a time he wassecretary-. of, Strathcona Montreal, ministering • to 'the. students. 'of • McGill University. • • ATTRACTIVE MISPLAY Numerous Beautiful' Bouqueta At- - In spite of:the extremely dry sea - hers of the Lucknow Horticultural WATERLOO SCORE SHEET Society ,in ,Davison's shew Window on' osme tics RUTH 'LANE RO,UG E ' .(Four Shades) FREE with a 'A bo�c RUTH , I:ANI • of-^-F-AC•E"=PUWIII;R" 1. value for 50c (Excise. Tax Extra) • • SEVENTEEN PURSETTES' 50ic ' Flacons Special 39c APRIL': SHOWERS Combination Package --56'c--box=of Fuce-•Fowd�er--with•••�- a vial' of eheramy Perfume. .' 5 8 VALUE' c FO • "Aeroplane ' Ride" ;tickets . with 'every purchase of $1.90: , or over= n.J' . Uuctory Offer for Saturday; September 9th h.•Ove a s ,eadl�g t THIS' GARM•ENT. CONTAINS ORIGINAL EXCLUSIVE . PAT.-' ; TENTED_QUAcLITY. 0 1st -Patented •'Safety, Watch' Pocket 2nd Patented: Safety Rule Pocket. 3rd—Patented Safety,. Pencil 'Pocket you PAY NO. MORE, FOR=HEADLIGHT° OVERALLS=THAN'- INE ERIOR MAKES:: • "Aeroplane ,Ride" tickets with .eiery purchase of $1.00, 'or over Saturday; were evidence that many hortieultiiAsts: in -the 'villa h spent ranch time in defeating the drought: and '..have attraetiye_ Bower " Ovdi 'tiwo dozen exhibits were dia.- played, Including a mass of. bloom ConapoSed of gladioli, petunias; %Sweet peas,' dalhias,1' roses; CoSmoi; Wool plant, .verbenas, marigolds; snap- dragons and phloX. ' The exbibitOrs Were A. W: 4nd Bert' Ward. Usea To Insure 'Safety' . enzie C, Agnew PhOne Tiekersliern- • The folloWing 'are the points 'avv- arcled 'the' Lucknow' Citizens' 'Band at the . Waterloo Festival, .reeentlyfinad'e knowni which: will be of -interest. . noting where, imprevement pair' . be made in comparison with the ;,. lsi wflich 'standing is also given "h.ere„. ,,LTJCKNOW-Tone 151/2 pts.,.ont Of 20;,-Tinie '71/2 points out Of 10; Teinpi,' 8V2 -Points--out-of 10; Interpretation', 01714, points out, of 20; Soloists, ,7 Tune, 9 points;.Tenapi, 9 points; In- 1, terpretation, 181(2' points; -SOlciists, 9; deneral effect, :181/4; Balance; 0. Just Arrived- Sornething NE* in STYLES bArlig ht. Patterns ann 1.0oh Them Over lett rke- BAIIGAINS AT Variety Store White Pia -tea Kitchen Fancy Cups & Saucers CREAM and GREEN -AT BARGAIN PRICES • eckles Get Aeroplane Tickets Here CAPT. ;GILLIES titioco. as a FOR l'ERFECT SERVICE for 'Sale at GAAGE