HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-07, Page 5,TIRTOPAY, EPTPIVIV,PII 7 1933
uron Commercial ,Academ
.17 West St.7 q0DERICH, ONT.
i°01PaTe*.i.g. MOnttaY;lqi)t.-,fig, 1933
•, A newenterPrise,4,xviths."; POW -entangle-Pr' a poW. day:. Offering
to qualified young Men And y0,1pg.."wP1110.4an.•onpertnnity here. it
home to :equip themselves :for suFpesfrfn1.'eAreer„0:!,--' , • ;
' The movement is. founded PPOn ..absolute confidence ii the. future -
Of Canada,; absolute confidence,in modern youth, and n ts ability
and courage: to POPP'''''7,4h PrObleniS of PrcidePI seelefY* And al
quiet to:ifidence that , -.this new educational effifrt::can render valua-
pistanep ' to serious-minded young people who desire to Make
the Mast ..of life.-:-
.Therotigh Coutes;:are offered in- all 'commercial subjeCts,-includ-
, ing. the complete secretarial ceUrse,. with al academic :subjeets , re-
lated thereto.- • :" • ' „
• The. Staff is composed of three ,thorcnighlY,.,enialified• irtatinetors;
graduates' Of Canadian'Univer-sitiea, Andholdersof, cettificates
-"Con= ercial SpeCialiStS" frO in, the - 'Department of' Education .
The indiVidusi' method 6i instruction :" and. . supervision will • be
• .
,foliOwed, and cOurses will be prescribed to meet 1h -requirements
•,..of the' student,
Vocational -Guidance'
An.important departinent, Aimed' at'-gUiding • yeting people"the
; choice 'of a carerr, becondnetedby one who has hail wide .
. • .
With student life. His counsel and •services
will be ,-available to the students co.nstantly throughout the: terin,
Special attention Will be Oren to the develOpMent. of peraen-
alitY and. character, and to the .presentation • of a wholesome phil-
osophy Of life- • •
The aim of the institution is to 'serve. .youth.
Further information. may be had by calling at the residence of
the undersigned, corner , Wellington ;and ,Picton streets, or by tele-
phoning 578, or writing to -• „ •,'•
"1iONA,L11 MacLEOD, Pnncipa1GodencIi Grit.
Miss Jean MieMillan has eturned
to her home in --Lucknow„, after
visiting with her eousin,' 'Misfit Isabel,
Miss Kathleen 1.4Innbers of Toron-
to .has returned to her home after
-spending three weeks with friends
here.: "•••"::
Frak Girthrie :of Guelph held
r.neetings in the Gospel Hall on J.
j- ;K, nnd
are- home. Irani:, their nimainer home
M. 'MacGilltriay, gicitipied' his Own
pulpit on .Sunday: •
Mise".Isabel •Nacr4eari has gone to
Ripley,' to attend High' eehoel, •
MissesKatherineMacKenzie; ,,Bett;
, •
Bissett,"" Jessie TAacRae and Margaret
and Mary 'MaPICOilgie •are.:`attendleg
LuCknonf High 'Scheel. , •
Misses Kathleen, Lumbers, kather.
Ine MacDonald "arid Margaret, 'ane
Mary, Ma• Kenzie . spent Friday• in.
Stratford • an :ClintOn.
Mr. and„ Mr, G.' De Claire art
daughter Marie,' .Clawsiori, Mick;
„spent the ,*ee1Ler4• with Mrs. De
olaire'e. uncle, Mr. Dan
Alice, Collina of Kincardine
was a recent bvisitoi. with Mts.
Lean •
Mise Floreneellaw,kleY..teturri*
her -home eon. 8,. after ;spending the
past two weeks With her aunt, ...gra.
Wm. Jackson;
Scheol .re-opened.on 'Tuesday,. and
the /olleWing..teachera resumed :their
'•dUtieS.: Miss Clete MacDonald .
McPherson of sof fIth. Cultscias:. to:
te, Con; 10.;. Miss Grace 'Elald'enby
Walkerton' " "Miss Jean -:Lane to Wel-
Miss Agnes Gillespie of White -
'!church.. spent last at' Charlie
GillesPie's.:'' • • • '
ReV. • G. Benson Cox returned •tc
. New ,York after holidaying with his
.mother, M:"Cox arid qther rela-
: --,•-;-Mr: and Mrs. Pat tanip,hier. et:
Lucan were at W...Boyie.s on Moncla.
.."Misses "ICathieert and Ena Barber
• reterned , to Ldindim, after'', it tVie
*Misses- Hazel and: Wirinie • Pere
were able ' to :yeturn'shome:aftei.
a painful • Accident . which ..occUrrees,
while on a^ niiitor trip to the Soo.
Those attending the . N: E., Ter
from here were Misses Gra ci
and DoruthY,.lialdenbyi Mr Harol
Percy; Kra. Bodkins; Mrste:
Wall; Mr. arid • Mrs,: Geo.: Held rib3
and ,family.;.,. 1;1 ' ' •
Rey.. H. F.1; ApPleyard elf Kerwood
called On /rien.dp,..liere en , Thtirsday
last. Mr. and Mrs AnpleYsird„ have
just returned from a trip" to_•Erit'lan.d.-
• The -meeting :of the lJp es Canada
Bible Society will he 'he'd in the.
'PresbYteriari .Chtitch on FridaY--of-
. tbis, 'week , at. 9. P. M. ,
• • A., sessional. meeting of 'the: WO-
- men's Missionary Aciety th
' Maitland :Presbytery, -be
in the, Chtitch,. here on, •Thursday
September 14th . at .2 ' Al'
ladies Weleoine. , •
Miss' Frances- Croiier, anent a' few
days' with friends in Getietich.
, . . .
„ .
' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil" Chariney of
13plgraye visited Mr. .and Mrs: .ItaY-,
, mond Finnigan en Sunday.
... Mrs. Marvin Durniii.. left , 'Friday
e\rJr.•K MeGillivraY Reunited :with
.An Old •iriendlloth Discarded
-Teaetarig, .„ Profession To Enter
The Owen iSound Sun Times _re-.
cerds the 'visit to that city of two
forrn,erprincipala---,-.nf---Ovven Sound
Piablic-sebools;.t:ReV. l3titingr7
'and -Re*. J., -
McGillivray° of 'Ashfield.: Altho
it is over half.'-a-centnry ..isincethey
were . teaehers.ilif 'Olken Sound, and
they have since. been widely separated
they lhave kept in tend) with each
other'. through the .years. Each; has
• .
had "it Varied ind.useful career (says
the .account in the Owen Sound
Paper)and each used the teaching.
profession, as,S • Steppingstone to the:
Ministry. Both are in -charge of 'Pres
byferian_ congregatiOne.1: • •.• Mr. B.an,-
nernien spent five Yeare,, as a inisa•-•
lottery in the French' Dingo; Africa
end later wasengaged in, missionary
..work • Alasieseat1-re-•
then foOk his .pre'sent charge, the
ministry- of the Presbyterian church
at Titusville.' N.L.which is attended
. the :faculty Of Prineeteni Univer.
• •
to resume her ibitieS aa'tea'ehee of
• .
Mr. and Mrs.' John Kilpatrick foe
KeIth; visited: *ith Mit,"•"Kilpittrick's
. ,
parents, Mr,: and rs.. Wm. Robinaiir
Over ilia' Week -end.
Mr: and Mrs. Ben Comfort• spen'
- with MrS,
were neethiapanied lionie. by their or
EnnW w,ho had. Spent his .acatiT
'friends 'here. •• ;
••,Mr., and Mrs Will Reed. . and, or
Seeltie and Mr. Bert and:Miss -*be\
attZndea. 60 Reed re-thileti. tit Stiat•
:From . JR,,ipley Squad
Exhibition Game, MO In , hstping
UP Poi Theala
Ten. dnyii Withent ahaIi game and
with the Lakeside championship.
P1aY-4)ff" Series: in sight, the
chasers, arranged or an ,elchibition
game with: Ripley which was plaYed
;on Friday - Irwin and Curning pitehed
inning. itbout for LucknoW With Roy
McKeniie, , :veteran - •pottsidet,'going
the entire •seven ,innings .for Ripley
to be touched for • nine hits, with is
many errors by ;his...teammates, gave
'1-neknow 'an 11 to 3 victory .This
workout . and. &• .stiff Airstic,tiite • ,en
tuesdainight, has the sqiind workinq
•qmoothlyi with •Iiigh;. hopes of "eoping
the championship.,
Lircknow „ ibrhpOse
• •TbOmpson, 1st 1 . 0 8 1
Garton, 3rd..._._4. 2 1,. 1
°Andrew, if. -..........„.4 1 '0 '1 0 0
Irwin, c., p. 3 2 . 5 2 C'
Clarke, cf. 'QrOO. 0 0
C. Einigyson, ss : • 1 2 2 2
R. Finlayton, 2nd 0 • 0 2 1
•eInining; p,c. 0 .2 ;3'., 2.', 0
L' Fisher, .. • 'I -
M 9 9
Mich:, and Mr: and Mrar. Harypy J•
Martin, - of 'Albion; Mich., were -*week
end "visitors at Neil .G. ,MacKenzie's
Dr.^ Arnold , 'Cowan , .of Toronto
.spent the :holiday with • his father
,... „ .. . , . ,
•Mri....Johri Cotian, Sr. :
, Missrs; Charlie , and ' RaYnione.
Diekaon -o -Philadelphia - were -here=
attending ;t funeral of their aunt
Mrs. Brady. ' -•'" '
.Mr,. Stanley Bissett: and • his ,Innelt'
Mr., Alert ,jedinaten of.„thiestgo were
-here attending: the funeral .01 Mrs
••• • , •
. , .
• ...There";' awn st,. her :Mime.
.0S. the, Blue • Water •HigliWay;•.:on: Aug
29th;. :Mks:- • Elizabeth.'" Brady.. Mrs •
'Bredy'vytta:.a sd'airgliter,of the late 'My •
and 'Mee James 'Johnston. She he(
lived • for „many:: years ,. in Chicago,:bi
it: few years Ago tetnrited. And fined(
her -home at Amberley.. .Fteni theri
she moved to . last,
poring returned, to • her . honae:
Elle1eaVea ; to mo her her less; tWe.
Sons, I Stanley Bissett of Chicago
Russell,..BiSsett.Ofthe twelftl:
eon., one Sra.. Treat '• of Chi;
. „ , .
cage and. two.. .„ David
Alert -:JohristOn •ChiCago. The • fun
. . . ,
eral visits. held. fromt. the home of 7.40-I..
sen ,itirstell.' on. • Friday, . interinent.
'being" inade Cemetery,
• :Nil': George Bellew ..hasti 'gene'
Geileticii High' Schkil to: resume hi
EqUally interesting (continues the
Sup -Times): ,is • the 'life, of ReV..: Mr;
Mae•Giliivray, who was horn in Satr-
e:On:, township, „ Bruce county, and.
graduated . from ' Port Elgin. "High
Seliobl. After,. his six months' resi-;
'ilence in "Owen 'Sound , he taught in
ItidgetoWn and"; then, Went West .for
ten years,' • and 'after teaching". for
year a rho...wag • entinected: With
the, ,•Deliartitient of •EducatiOn'.. of
fMito.ba1ater--r-graduating. • •frinia
Manitoba "and. Princettin
-tIniVersitY: 'Then . he .entered . the
, .
'minittry, his first .chitge.. hen* the
'Pre abYteri ,Chiirch-s•at -bay
1861: Atter.' this he went '• to Michi-
gan and beettme interested in. Sunday
sehoot Work,
s Mr. .MacGillivray went' t� Oregon
and spent :five. years 'Organizing, Stan
day schools ithrougliont that ' State,
;In the'stime -mirk he Fes in Utah /Or'
fie' Years;t Idaho, seven .years;;, Mon-
tana; two.. years;. and in the New
England.' States for SIX' years. Then
he, had char -eta' in Neva Scotiaand
perinsYlV,Ania, Prior to beeoming
Minister at the Preabyterian,church
mhAoii. With :Igo. MacGillivray he
has iliehri canniing at Pert Elgin.'
studies. '
. 33 11 9 219 4
sib r b. po a e
M. McLean„ as, .„.A 0 -,1„ 1 .2 . 6
Lane, 1st, , 0 , 6 0
MeLaY, , -07 -0;• 9. .0
McKenzie; Ix 2 .0,
Gemniel, •rf. • 3. 100, 1,
McLean, • if, 3 2. 0
Ti!metton, 'cf. '0 : 0'. 0,!.. .49
McLeod, trid .0 1 1' 4 4
, .
— 77 -
Summary -3 -base . hits;
!rid!). .27.-lisse hita, Garton; McLean
Struck out, by McKenzie 5;!-IiY,Ctim-
ing, :4 innings; ;by in
innings: ,Base • on balls, off •McKenziP
1. Double 'plays,. Mclienzie to Lane
1Wel.esin. "to.. Lane, 'C. Finlayson . te
Thompson to Irwin.. Umpires—Mc;
Kenzie and Munn. •
,dongrint.' Re -Union
.enjoYaNe.. time was spent at.,
Port-, Albert at 'Melville Culbert's
:cottage, Wednesday, when. the Ccin,
gran) family held its first ,re -union
and family gatheting. The late Mr.
'And: Mrs. Richard ,Congram, early
InOneere • of Holyroed,.. were blessed.
With a family of nine children,
ham of licilyteod; Charles on 'the.
homestead ,At. Holyitiod; Theme's .of
Wingbaniz: , Abram Culbert Of
Dungannon and Samuel,: Kinross, all
of when). Ore Still 'living. Descendants
were ,Present, about 40 in A'
,Program.. of, spirts was. carried out.
It .was decided to make it an annual
event. The. ,following ..COmnaittee, was:
appointed to, 'arrange for 'heist Year:
Mrs. :W.' A. Culbert, Dtingennen;
Clarles . • • . I r
cOngl*11, 110Yt06(1 • and
,Wellington Henderson,. T.Atieltni4. •
'Reid .tRantily ,Re4Tnisa..;
On Sunda•y;. August 20th, a niunber
of friends grid relatives,: formerly
from Bruce (Jourity; gathered ,at the.
mine of Mr. ,aitcl Mrs. Sheridan at
Langley: Prairie, B. C. Those bresent
were Mr, 'and Mrs.. James' Sheridan'
tx,tilderasen -J. A. Garbutt and 'Mrs
darbutt, Mr, arid .Toe Patton,
Mr and' Mrs. Geofge. Vinkeitini, Mr.
Aord on satdid4sr, .and MrS7 William Keyes, Mr. and
Ahleti liastsi hes, been engaged
Mrs. R. 'Keyes,- Mrs," „Brundage, Mr.
; int teacher in Anbiltii aellinii." We wish ..„Arnold .I3rontlage;. Mr. Thoma a Yining
, • hint streceas, • °Mr, ' Charles . Mr. °Geol'ge
Miss -BeriliCe rnin wAs the glies",„
,Mias Amikhnd Beittice Treleavoi
:, •
Mrs. "toward D'Utiiin ;left ,Friclay te
key;es,' Mr;' Clarence Keyes, , Miss
geLean and' kr, At',Colwell, Mr,
Sheridoni,WHe is an 'old -tired Cariboo
trail;alto trha'fis(-4,4rhpioti
• "Ceirtity, entertained
Luckrtow, Meets .ICinc,ardine 'In The
Lair Town.',0n. Thursday In First
Game ot ,chempienerdp SerieS.-
Vletnry each tucked away
Kincardine,, and TOinghini ..battled 11
Teeswater. Monday in the....fi,nal
game of the Series ::. to determine
which team will. meet Lueknow
league leaders,' for Litkeaide
'League championship
celsior .Life Trophy. Oi*.liatl thrills*
:for WingliaM; iffloWedgineardine te
Acer.0..reiteiLruna„,iti.,_a ,;_barage 'that'
'dn.:rise Joe Tiffin 'fr,cim• theriainind, And
and paVeittbe, way f for si,•9
tory • for, the..Kiricaidine squid• .
These; tWo. teams :battled to. a. 2-2.
draw in • Winghain•oli Thursdays until
'the last, of the 9th inning, When. Joe
'Tiffin smashed a' lag home over
the Centrefield :fehle, with two 'men
in: bases to give- Winglutin .a victory
:and; knot the series , witli,"-a
each, thus necessitating the game in
•Tf illoswwlentget,iopnil dair•atte
' at 3.30 in..incknOW,
.Lucknew wril tackle the, Kinear
dine tern* en Thursday ,Lake-
siitie ttiVin with the return game the
:Kincardine trots outit.hougii
artai"Ortihiggers an Lik
now te.ttie edge Ads afar, .
bting tirbength is e tanlid_4eetrtineeltd sietriewsi,!! foi
the silirerWare:, .
Lucknow Memories Alive,
nant„ ' Treleaven, Walker, Webster,
i.4101FrioW, Ontariet• Yule; A good many of these namea
. , ,
anpear the Sentinel from time to copy of your •Weevaluable a°„,i,i'eFeeeli:1:ee'dOna; 4ttli:en 1o:641r:7:113;i reports.
and. 1 etta:4rnse
if the same",. /snaffles. l'eople.' cif
ll these -and. ether families which
.haven't taken .tinie to mention built- •
u'ir the Lucknow.. of my day and they
and their descendents, and others,
who haVe singe, become ;citizens, have
would' hold such interest for 'me" as. ^
-Editor Lucknew Sentinel,
Dear Sir:
diretpti persidical whiph interested .ing•
Pa few. papptir have pea long :wird
past., If any nne, told. me When I left
l...uClehirw. one, cold., Marchmorning.:
that thirty-five Years latet:...the'Sen::
tinel. would; still lie Published . and
thatT,particul�x, copy did, „I would
have said see" I Wita
geing. to -say 'I *Mad have used the
*pression "oh yeah" but that rather
,.xpressitse,^entirely- Stupid hit of
, „ ,
slang, had not been invented then.
Really that issue • was4 interesting.
It 'carried' me back to --nay, OW!' boy.:
lihod 'and yotmg manhood daye when
looked on various members of the
Webster family as admirable friends
for had they.not been friends of my
grandfather, -Witli"--.-whom lived.
made the Lu,cknow 'of today yg-hich L
,have ne doubt IS a ,supericir place ,
the timn.1 Anew-. 1 imaginethat .:
it id a hard .pill for anyone .tp, swal-
low: to realize that,•his town has -
become S better town since he left.
Most of is have a soft spot in our
neart for the 'home of our boyhood, '
Ind it is hthink
:of to thinhf .it as being
different nnw from what is was then?
Materially I know bait :altered
for the better. 'You walk' on cement .
jiavernents where :f used t� ;Walk en •
from of old; I would like well to haw 'Plank., sidewalks or cinder. .Paths.
been in LnelcnOW. that- tlrrY.; ' • ,factl usedt-d. help .MY _grandfather
. 'The letteralif• Xr;,".E•er..,-C-A-SWe rid-• ,tbe
YV had- great. interest for aM. 'nein street; and When we tore up the
embodying them in a scrap book oi-Ad walks I Used to peer .carefully •
Ltscitnew.histery for they are so full for the . odd .cein , that might have
of information --regarding the .Paet dropped threughthe grapkik Being.. -
.even beyond my day,„ and they ,f1Y. a Caledonian:town it ,wasnot to be •
eritettainingly', Written., Then tin expected.. that I found many. The
next papk. „cape alongbad, t Ciri,IZenS nty. day got their drinking'
. '
-long And-interesting.letter_froniliir_ _w 'ter_ out:._of wells end their washing
. • • . .
,. .
The annual "Reid :family re -union
was held. on 'Monday (Labor . Day) in
Qtreen's Park, StratfOrcl, *hen des-
cendants of 'this' illustrious family'
gathered to renew happy sisohietions:
,Itio 'relettohohlisE4.'!'
The. lite .111r: and Mr's. John ' Reid •
,in the , early.7-akiMigrated ' from
Belfast, Ireland; , ringing Witirthein',
their family of Sixc ildien. The eld..-
O.st Son; Henry, ,had 'Coine.'te", dazed&
someWhet .. earlier.r. , .ving , Settled a4
filen Morris in the Viei.nity. of Guelph
-s‘vbere...hia •descendants are: atilt lif
ented. The, other Metribers of the
family' came later V), the 'Township
• of . Ashfield,. where, many of their
tIeacendanta 'Still reside.: The originals
family .eiihsisted. Of four Slone
three., ;daughters' las' .follovit; Henry
-Reid. of Gleit, Morris:, .• John, Robert .
;and James' of . iAslifield T,ciwnsihip,
near l)ungithhon; MarYfO.rifif (Mrs:
,CharlesDurhin,) of St. .Helens; Mar-
, , . , .
h'sitot...V.110 , later became .Mrs. Reid
of Plislinch; and Mrs. Thomas- Stew-
art of 1,1ualcidta.., (Mary Ann) of St...
Ifelens is :the sele survivor of this
family, she 'being •riOw 83 years of
age, 'All Were married with, the ex -
ion of Itobert Who 'resided on
AsffrELD NATiv.p
. •.• • • ' •
• " • .
;Nit Caawell, The following :week, water out of barrels or .. from the
there was another from.. :tip': same 'Creek. I. judge that your water `BY.et,
Liwriter, 1 never had the Pleasure''of ton. is• entirely ;different '• now. I
'Meeting either 'of these men but the remember thefirst' electric lighting
.name ' of Edi Caswell was.a house- '.3ystem. .The street lights and the
hold word in my -grandmother's' home few hOnsilights'wete. run from plec-
and, in Other. homes where I 'was in triP current that came', front, the: •
Stewart' 'Planing. Mill just ,beyond,
And,, :Mrs. A.': MchitYre,
natives, of Ashfield and for 55 years
residents of , Kineardine; were hon-
ored , several functions in thlif
teWnr,.. Prior • to :.:their . departure' to
their. new" lionie TorontO on' Wed-
10,. McIntyre', Was' born in Ashfield
townahip:, on, August' J.,8th, 1855, at -
'ended Lcichalsh °school and when 12...
years' of age oun emp oyment with
Mr. •• at Amberley? and aevt..
yeare. ' later moved to , Kincardine,
'where he has resided continually With
the eiCelption , Of 7a: year and A half
:spent in, Dungannon administering
an .estate. , Hentatried Miss "Barbara
Bayne Of Ashfield and„..riav the.
parents...have gene te Tottinto where
'their farniiy•Lef five, children all re-
side: They ,are Dr,Horace McIntyre
Miss ,Agnes, McIntyre, ltubf,
Mrs; Duffin; Hilda, Mrs. W. Mad -
Kenzie "•ena. Edith, Mrs.: Nichol .111e-
Nithel. ' '
s' Mr. McIntyre, ',aa s a 'real estate
agent, k clerk off the third division
.cOtirt Anti justice of the peiteb, btd
served iwo years eti the coUricil And:
twenty-five years as Member
. e
after leaving : Lticknow I. fould. that Cliff...* Foryster's „ ac
art..pd Caswell. had liecOrne•'''.faineus Beier& that the ltnipligliter used to •
in the ; field. Of, Canadian " literature go around and light"oii lamps at. the •
concluded that 'the. two Ed Caswell 's street', cOrnets. :I 1 :We:11„.•. renter/I:her •
.viere.ene'zie4,ihe.8411fte• man, pr may- Watehinghim try to light one. at the.
.:Werefather and sett:. His letterfeet of the Seheol. hill. The Wind was
in :the Sentinel .:adMitting., be onceso' contrary that. no Matter • biro' he
in., VpicknOvi ,iettled the,, matter turned the.light",*.ge blown out '7
're in Now;.'stithehigh:'I have fere he could get t' enclosed in• 14 : •
never seen'*111; 1 :Will leek on him as glasscase It took V.-ffirti1Te-
.a /elle*: citizen, and: a friend And my .te,•:Milie his., rounds that eVehing,
From references ;in your :papers- 'td,' • I
the HYdro:, Electric ,Service, I, pre- .
,attind that you now have :An pp -to,
the-niliute system
' Since. reading • of the, 'Webster
family gathering I •haire seen. in .
y�urpaper repOrts �f.aeveistl others,
I 'like "the idea: Very, 'much. It Is ap-
parently one, .of the ...inanY - new
things that have come to Lticknow
since I :left 1 'have never had the
Oriiierturilty• , of:.attending , any ;large ,
. „
here, the • ide neit, werked" :
very, *ell at • present WhateVers,:. May
-be-:done in-snotherftY-,-Ov".-seVenty--
qve years.- We, have no homesteads
vliere' families have lived: generation'
'gather all et. granafather'S.des-:: .
. . • -
'titer generation,. For :iinttante,
tem:lents' in ' one : Place, ..preferably
Lueltirevi Where he liVed. Tribai of his
life, Would he ver difficult for they '
Wenticishave t� be ,brought from .Scht-
land Honduras talifOrnia. 001e -wade.
New .York, ,Yirginia; 'British Colunh.
Alberta„.• !Manitoba, Michigan.
And -ether parts of the woild. Unlike
the ....families, that have "been. holding
gatherings in ,YoUr• 0*i) "out, ;family'
has riii• menrbet there, now and there
is Po '.1)0inestead still ..in the family
possession which could he looked hp,
-•!1.:Ii'ilhsti:Pileomtliee.•,"W: pirate -it.' and :the: et:11:9. ••
.familY" groups: of LiicknoW and its
environs' Will continue - :far: • many.
years to germ). 16-"gathertheir -clans -
there , Annually,. It is. a heitutifill'tidea,
'bad read.. of such gatherings .'on
;mailer: tittle ' in fiction"; netlahlY• in, I.
. very "readable...books' of
SiontgoinerYis"(Mra. MacDonald),1-bni
I did not knoW they were a regular,
• .
event in my Own ho7e._te,iwn., .1‘:Ia„,ybe
the anther of "The 'tangled . Web" .•
get hor• idea :from rending the seri- •
tinel, on the occaftion of Scime these
former gatheringS.. `
Thanking ,yoir for So ,niucli of your
space, i remaini ' •
WILL 'ilAttAl)kr;
• , • . • • • • .
.interest in his work will be greatly.
..I•1 • • • • . -
'enhaneed, • •
You , notice , V used the -expeasion
•."he .adriiitted- he. Once;livediin Luck -
now.!' I' did' se° advisedly for I had
heen told as that tucknow was
.neitet, :as. a place, t at. people . not
like ,O . refer to.. as their: home:. I. was.
teild' that • conductors on. the Welling -
ten, Grey and Bruce Arid' the Landon
'Buren' Mid -Brnee 'RallwaYs; .hati`re
name for •it that ended' , instead :. of
:Started with" an ?When, I used to group Orthe, natUre.--
teat': :the . acriptirte. "passage ."Car
any good ,thing'comp out of" I .fount
not 'then have answeredthe AtieStior
in the . affirmatiVe: 1 elm now,ior ,1
knoW. :of lseveral :Men' hailing iror.
beCtithe :an honor net, onlY'to -Ltielcnov
. .
to ',Canada ,among . there Mr. ta
• •
"C.4svv14in adthOltY..on 'Canadiar
anthology •.And. ' Jan MaCkai.
;princiPiti.- Of :Manitoba College
should . also :include the .lte .Chief
Instice Mathers of Manitoba:,
But 1 have, learned afterthe lapse.
of years' that not only two .orthree,
but ,rnany,1:g4od •:peeple. have emne:
out ; of ,Lucknow and many...„ men',
-peopie of the type that Canada..
should :be PreudOf have liVed their
„ , .
lives . -1-esi-
of many .ni."...theint ncluding
of: eetirse ierne ek.i.het,sarrie Webster
fariailY.: Aimee the fanuly ames,
faniilier to...Me ditring4, .: myretdenee
dre the. • 'followings Allen, Agnew
Arrhationg, Archibald, Berber, :Berry .
Bryan,;'Birriessi; 'Clarneron;„ Campbell .
Carrick,. ,Connel.l, Corrigan,. Cain
Davison, Douglas, Elhott, Findlat:er
Gallagher, ...Geddes; • Gordon,. Grahain,
Greer, :listinbleton;
Hainley; Hobnes,. :Johnston, Jeynt,
LaWrence; Lindsay, Little, Libns,
McCharleS, MeCoYi". Ma:these!)
.1),Ietthie,::, Meetly, Mnrchison,
Murdoch, •Mutray,.. Newton, Peart,
Proctor, Reid; .ftirb,ertaen; Bess, Sid -
011, "gotit)i, stewett,,,otkiklor; Ten -
Schedi • fats Opened !again with
teachers for 'another
fierO.' ,
and Mrs. Tnylor and Gordon
of' St. -11elens;-Vialted. Sunday At' Mr.
R. Martin's. .
.Miss Jean, Ferris Of RipleY visited
'Wet Week with Mrs. ' A. MacDonald.
.., alid..• Mrs, 'Engel,, 11Its: Higgs
and 'Mrs..., Hurley, wire have been
Wsiting at Mr. D. Meltinnon's, re-'
turhed, to their hoine in Buffalo. '
BORN—In:Kincardine,. Htispitsrl, on
TlintsdaY, kugust, '81.st, to*, mid
.4 MI'S ‘Ceell ItObb* A daughter.' eo,11-
t e„panik' d .,c7Les 10.11.1 Atb,ma, . Itat'aiatt921
iotttiet ,aartij • VancouVer. woideti ihini041 001y8,„ , .1" - , 0.cgr • - —
Miss Patricia Robertaim of Rip ey ,
visited 'With Mrs. ti Middleteri laat
, • ,
:Mr. and ;Uri. W; ..T..liall Of. Aahfield'
spent a day recently with the let -
tees. Mother,, ,Mrs4 tittle.,
, Mrs ban Mckinnon,. (4th Coh.),
entertained a, number of friends
from' the States last week,
Miss' Elizabeth McIver" left for
Powassan, where, she has secured a ,
school. , •
Mr. 'arid Mrs'. It, Moffat and' babe,
and Mr. Bert MdffAt, . visited, •With
friends. in Blyth during the week.
;Mrs, Win, McDonald of IiiPleY and
Marion Metionald, spent' lest week
at the home of Mr. W. McKenzie.
0. A little girl arrived, at the hone
Sq. Mr. and lira: Dick MCOnillitt on'
Vedneidirf SO,Oft' 43. ' Ohstatilationsi