HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-07, Page 3•
.. .
. If. The ttilsting.reiations.bel.We,encapi-•
• ' ,. • rat and tabor•will have to he radicallY•
•. reyid7SameetUterrnyer.,•
"The:mere mentionof the 'YleetPre-
sident; whoever he may he, is pma ro.r.
, 4,400.1 n4.1)! time."-qeorge,,Tcne Nath..
.-.-7- • '..: tt,e,:,. . ; - • , . .,
• '. '.74e..tiihe • has. ceme. wite4 t4e Mt-.
. Vona, Wilt have. to .Jea:rn tO, have :mutual
respect tor one. anether's Problern.B,Yv•,
(..Adol,F,..1.11tler. ,.." . •'.-. • ., ' .., • • ,
If internattepalitirri doe no . altit:
... il...!*elY,, -Prevail the: world will be „the
• ....' toser."-liarry.,,Eltner Batneg: ' • • .
"i'M an old Man end ifj srpiled pep-
' pie. would thlnit ftWerF pretendtag.'"-7.
!John D. Boehefeller, .• " .. , .. ,..'..•
-.• PHoWeVer good kdietatoishili .1140.i.
'he,'„hoWeyer ConstruCtive; and, ponveni-
. Mit, it'aIwayS ceniptomises,ttie futlire,
. because it. leaves,.,aO a. legaey, :diser,
44i4=-.77 iler'..)•,:taintareho Elias 041-lles,
..,.!,,A. reotored. Arneea.w.
. ..,..'9111t1.donht,
less contribute rnore .9 reviyal 0 ,,,,,0,14
: t rade, ;than, .pu.r.'..sefrn. spathetie co opera
'titni With other. ations nthe effertto
•• ,. stanclardiSe..adversity,,P... -4 Bainbridge
Colby. • ,•!.''.• . ',,,. ...:, • • ' • • ! . ,
:.fiTife, •
Most '"refigioug:" PerfodS... in the
World's: historY ' have not. alWays. b een
the best•periede.'!t---BruCe• Barton,
l. . ,,Tpriskitlitional $0yerarrient rests. nnt•
on two 'ilageri,•natietial:stretigth and
..14cal. se1f.!gOvetnmetie.7--E1ilitt. Beet. .
•••"A • mall' whocan :hcild hi .tongue
•-ccanholdanything„ even ,a,hishopric.."-,-.
.! Dpanlb- . •, ;,...,...ge,,..,......4.. '•' ........_ ..
•-"Th-KiFe-is-T.Wrielli-iii• :Lax_ reat_deal-,bet,-
,* ter than twitting the,predigal Son. hack.
..• from the, far.. eountry......and that• is .7,t,o-
,tteeli'llirn :from going there in the first
'• - place:',--.1-Iarry.,Errierselu.Poadipi.
!.Nviteh'priii,:iiiall'Atetefftreq4,r,es. It
the ;pi7.e§ does notjaii: to ,shlft:, tronl
.• combat tci. ccmnieration." ',- Elerhort.
, Roover,,-, : :' - ,•'.... •.,,';'• :. ; .., ,. , ., •.• .,
":" •; f',POW Attinge !,die, SO like]. '::te.' die
.the habit et, liatretf,as the .Op•portunitY,
to do;,e6net,ruetive .wo.rh of An'tiripoittt•
' Alit kifid.Berttand 'Ittfasellt :, .• : !..;. •
•, "Tbe. one:11ring ,:ahotit, 'war' is that,
-' p.'!ineliee.•.another• one eiwally C'et.tain."
..,t7KitrasaY...*ait:DOrialt.1......: , ....,. •• . t.,
' eithihih
ng can e-•••cgt" Until ' wages
• • -.. .• • : • ._ -
ittietwont.," 4eary-Iforcr..7 .',-'•-77.---7-,
'We have .anethee,:10§,o,ii.,fii:',,keaf.o.i..
• '...;:oid that to to.keep'onr eyes on organ
. IFed•;:aiinciritiie.Alfreit.E,Stnitit. ':....'
r." j4k . gr:e4t many.t'hing,eare being' and.
,• tiave;heerr eharaed•iii :the' poindar,i,feW
• . ,against .. finance' t' -,With :Whieh finance
. ..propeyty. •undergtookl,,:. has nettling lo.
40;:"..--Ott.0....,K;;;;Kaliti..." ..' ."',::: -.• ..'''....
:•'.,!0!17a.cf, to: tia iniPertatit•tP••eaCh'.0 ins'.
Iii every',contact ht. 'life as 'it... is ,to
,••eorps•-.",-.-ji.hniittAiiet.,-,',.., ,' . ',--L.:.--.,77.7."'••",;""'
, ...'Ille..:,,Politfeian•,.."who:.,erices:- had -to -
learn how to flatter' Kings. has now to
,. .learti:'..how ' to •fascinate.-atpuoei; koaxi-
)4341:bli*, ,.fr igliign.:!..iir 'otherWiee''..ittike,
:the "fancY..of the..iefeetbrate:!'±:george
ser,nard..shaw.:•,,".,..-.., :. ::.:- '..'" ... '; • ,. • •-.•:
.i...tli'',geiAer,4.1 wiedo*.Of the demand
tor fees laws fa..tirideniable..',...-wi!hilk.
: • 0* 4 tiooeev.af,:.:,...::..',,i....:,,.
' '"If ofe'istitiete4.T8iit„e40,6 'Were .eori,
fusing, : the 'll'irteteen: Thirties.' are likieir
to be more eer.!'..0tiven lE)..•::Iretini...• • ''.'
.... "*e are living in the:;twentieili Con-
, .• ,
tary•-and;-.Whether :4,,,ILike.' it or .not,,.
`.tir..ocietice•and technology haiefas-
ed ''On.. Us,' a neW, kind ;Of•
..ynteird'.4.,.,Foodick • ;!,.. ; • :,, .'•
..'"Wetnen .. ate:, .ittit less ; Modest but
..thepahlie,hag gro•vya.leoef..pritrient; -7,
pharleer It,: parkhrirst. ;:,, ...; . • ; •
.I.'''..TOO,0-nek'ireedoni.''for • ehildren!'hi'
• ilot:.goott."--if Me, 'Sphilmarni41.eialt..:' .
1.•,,,t4terit..1ltirope' ISI:iiiil.: t.b., breed,
:41i-Oofilict:', Of. ,f fittir e was -Nicholas
'fleeseVett.. _,..-- : !••• , .:'; : ' : ,... .-..: ....i.
. ... "Therear6..SO!;-,Maity:„.eXeellent.,peo
.•ple in th.e,Werld. Witege,.:hearts 'are in.
:,..ithe, 'tight .place. ....k only -their heads.
••'• j'inie 'SereiVed" en:th.e 'righ;:t ''.1.V,..ayl't.ttrl.
.:• litiVeloylt,:Ellis,.'
1.:"Oird...ofAhe :strangeati "feat:a.res, ,of
:.. itioderti. eivitiSation. is the: LaCilitY with
Which free '' andl :.soyereign... liepPle.e.'
'd'apt 'theinOelvea' - tb.!par...erierniotre,
a.xeS';'--:.7.Guglielmo.•Perrero.- . .•. .. ,
niake ....friends ':":•-•••deneriii jig • . C..
. *pinta '' • ''' '
.. • .
Xperts to,
OtiP,'WTrinripilt,, -,Agkicultural
Technicians and. Rail,:
Mpntroar;7-4-pioati,o21 ,of 'one new
agriQuititral • pariah..,44.year in, the
eolf4a4ation 4istri4t -61.7 *Abitibi isthe• ,
ambitious plan to Jj,e feintlY ander-
faien by. the, Agrletiltpral °liege.' of
.Ste. Anne de ;la -Pec..atiere,' the 24P -
bee. CoVerttnient, • and the tanattien•
. • , , • , , , , _
. Nation.41' 0.4.11!W5ys.,i it Alas Weep an,.
nounced; by, • Laforce colonise-.
tion. direeter, 'of the ...I‘latiOnal
*Ws-. ' • •
WilIztIie t' tn Veeks' Mr•
Laforde• stated a .,contirigentf.:120.
'fariners' 'sons...from , •'the Well-estah.,
Hlished cenicities.' OP Kairiouraska artA
w111: be 'taken coVeentra,"
tion:camp at Roquemura On the.
; s'outh.".slibre ,of -Abftiiii, and a
,f•e•W". miles • front , the •Qatario-Quebec.
• liord,er„.inere . to hew a ;perish 'out of
The railway .w I prOv.,Ide -tran
tatioo ;rep :for the, young Men. The
a*,Piculturat 'college • undertakes . -.t�
see that tliky have 'food for tire -next,
three: Years; and the -_,Qiiebec'' Govern -
Met wilL pay; thern bonasee_for the
%clearing': Of •land and - their. eiticienc-y-• ---
ni 'creating' homesteads,. ' .
All diring tiqs ,
• •
The. Stailirig..Ntiltatic6., .•
kingoVille ..RepOi'1ter.,-Rei5Orti
nittig in froM,.'.'Varibuo •SOCt4one lil
anada regarding .the 'serious.' deirre;..
tione •Crt the destruetiVe. Statlitige.'•
• teen. `p0t,,..crops; lettnee'''and . fruit's
•till !dodo.' ara Meeting- With. YOMIe....
sale •',13estruc,iiiiti, Oving':to the .,inanN'
'tie:neat:ids: Of birds 'that, iltoire-..,Ise.en.
141traiijied at :the 'Miner janctnartand
•• tstrOyed) thitt.dittriet Isnot as bad -
infested.' as • :titanY. . others ',where
o. effort ,Ort a large Scale hb been
Ittle ,to cciritrel there. , the ,
•kiest I siinmy a. waste Of dead' .4nd.
3.:agarnunitien;•• •'• effective'
arTati's �t..; rediicihg the nfirribers. fa..
'• the :1144ter trap, which ..an'Yetre.
:Fan 'build lit a mederate cost, . and it
• Nall 'pay •for itself id a ' year irl tile
;etivingS on thany. OrOPS.•• . 1••
doubt sone people will .Ohject
to the dostrattion ,theSe 'birds• .
mitnply .h.cdattse db not itriow
the extent of .,tbeir "ravages,
• these people il1 retake' after aWhile.
that' When jack .Miner 'said' the star-:
• lifir•Was nidst •deStritetiVe bird
In arm ;Crone' and. Other bird life that
tr' Vet infeated .country, he kneW
...hat he Wait talking • aboitL..
Initillaittalltlea are' troW instniiiiig, the,
Miner traps as. a .bleapi fientroll.
;the, .,44tribeit .4t: this
' 7 •
The: wise Mali is he ,:vho-noW, taltes ft
• ,1411.11th positiOn 'arid lianga to. itleitatlf-
• Anety.filltn iiuinds.vAt.d.moo _4014)144
to,,wfq0r,,ve, or tonvpityy. tdtcdtfotii,
iivorlo-nifiret-trirget Prtiers-Of'Sbeciji-al:'
istS •frern the agricultural • College,
preparing their ' land ,and',creating
their hornesteads.;... ,It is ,ho.ped that
next' .SPrink ereatien • of 1,-tho parfsh'
.will, have, Sufficiently ;. ad..vaneed th
,the settlers to Weleerne ,their
.wives 'anci faniifies to 'the neW North-
erri-...Onelme farms, :
e pito sed:
„ • .
colonis'ingi puts of Abitibi and
;alge.:the''.Lalie St,. joifif area. '
4:ing asqlioriCIompan,.
"ion; ''Praulein• Fridei lyfeer, a: tWenty,:.
fnatt-,Year-.61t1 130,ratian.. girl,. 4S "travel',
ting rotted ''• the Isles in a
,..canee.,.';,aftempting:;, • to
welt:kits' reef:ltd. in :,• Sea ..noierike' to!,
t1144„, type of 'itfesset. ,.
.p1),64 carriek;.,no provlstons O!4 any
;kink, .and ';Niii.41:1: heetnnea.',.t.ire4
,Stiee.. takes, ashore' any Sea-.
;pert or,,4hing..village:,"where• We. can'
th.P:110.111t,re Craft WithSafety.
-T•7. '74e biggest danger : en:
cpunteretle. SO: far;:''-', :said Wheln
.inte•OION.ired..''.'is the ;I:Melt-Wash. from
large vessels had an .'elcoftinge*::..,
perxence hen:n-137.;canOe .got amongst
.:a;.sehbol .pOrpoiSes. I''shiPped ;a
lat. or :*atei.; ,and the:•dOgt,hecathe ge'
afraid that .he „jumped.; oirephbard,' and
swam *Ob.!'
: Off.: •;LOWeOteft ..ritaulein'•'' Meyer
cante „across •Man.,'Who been
threwit pat og.'.4:..1364t: 'fighing.•
:She 'Secured .lifs ;loat,. -and :',V4ti able,
teLteSehe ',Alit' '
• The'. inale •"danger •ege4"wliere ;Mar,
riag,e .is concern,ed,„ lietWeen the
Tforliath•-and.:fiftietli •*at tn di
iorce' cases' WO sixty. per,: cent Of
,.the e.sring, husband's• .infe this
'group, • .
yisitsN'S to London this ,suntnier will
see Big BO In splints “ Reetoration of
the debaYing iteneWerk,hasbegunand
'the: clock, tower, will soon' he ;Wrapped
in li. netWOrk ot steel Scaffolding from
top. 'te hettein.:. • :
•' 'Verazp by Lo.N‘Tr .P4§-
•4,, , ; •
.4,4*. l'respeete.,• • 44440.
reiwaYs .'ehOw sii4h.s 4 hrighteatng
aud 4'40 c: returns • .for batik i01i.dAY
we..!0 • Were considerabIY higher.than
during. the corrf„,,spoinlIng week last
411 'your ” systeinS. 41.fewed;
k,ubstaptial.'.i.MPrevemeilt,... •• •
PreigItt• returns. oa •
the ,:14.enden
,..1fertheastern• and • Southern
ways. showed- an. ihorease,;, While
49$'SqS on. the .(.1reat: Western and .Len--
: don Midland- and -Seettish,.'were ipso,
than.. ei.pected., ;, view et te act
the. Week, had. one, leSS'
than. ht.Si year; ••••,, OVer.the,. fortnight
• incanding,• the holiday 'thi.letir • co*
.'.paiii4.,"together in.cfeased their, 'telt-
•.."• ••
• lngs:, g1:110M9, :over ' :figures'
"When. 'the raliways were. restered:
' totb. owners hY the. w.reintnent
-alter4,1irelvar,. witylviieevy inbrCAP•••
edwage the: Times . cony/tented
en! ito Ananciai 1age !it was hoped;
that, the railway by by raising _their.
•;•charges, weuld .nevertheinss:--be able
to meet 414' Mereased.01 and.at the
-same. -modest .reverinei,• no: they. • did
before the war, •'
."B,ut • the', atterit,Pt- '.te. ref neries,
• ciretonstanOs
WayA .t0 proali 010...rirObi'ettl' • frem.
a digereyt andmote huSinesilike..
prove their .efheiency eiremir'age
traihe.hy..,oheaper;;• instead. Of higher
rates:" This' „pcilley 4g.iVes promise 'of
sw4eas• ,•,. • • • •
. 4..0,7 •
.F.0.40nS G-67011 19)0117.'
acations.in.:, O. Mb • trodatise It
Polo.tokihO,, Okfetoo
•Tritia., At LOW'Cost
.irt.4)0etve are now ern:100g the
.fligh.iseas T and •,finding:.,tirait ,it !costa
..• .•• • ••••
Mary Pielfford la ,show"ri -In 'her
suite ..att a New YOT„It hotel, She
talked abeht....bieiefing and the ,.e d
blOgraph days„but mentions of.
Conciliation • with •F'airboriks• •Was ;
taboo; ;
• „
;Ceith.TjalbY, an English profesSionaf;
le,'•entertaining in a London ;cabaret by
playing ..soft.golf on the stable
..of din.er;s. ' ' '
who has an artificial leg, Was -knocked.
,down an automobilist Whe also 'had
an artificial., leg -and here .the same
'Prank •Williain. Robert ..a:' •Keitt
miner, used, say that en his tune
• caine. he wished. to die...quiOdy- and
:down was •hilled,at,^ 45,
stipervising:' jOh, at, itie..poito.th..pf
pit slaft
, Wm: WhitcOmly, 53; mindoW•bleanet„
-igil-from-a-BrightOn-witicloi4in 4October,
last,And wag killed.,.'lleritird„Leave0;:,,
fit; who pelt over Wit'fterinill'e bssi
elthe same. fate,„from tire same
, , • • . ,
Alfred Dove for 21 years caticluotor,
•at the London lColiseum:ha,s ;
Wal:- one of.London'S most '.farpOus
•Muslear ecinductorS, and was.knewri as
OTbe-•'irtati,....,Iyitii.: -the 'pest' 1,:noWn
Lloyd •"George:,Presides
Over. Welsh Eisteddfod• .
, Wrexham; 'Mlles . -Under the bar
!clic title ‘LIWydokmyytedd," which
*ars; ,"L167d :Awn ;North" Wales,'':
Mr David Lloyd ,George;:fainiet Prinie
lecl-th-e-•-; ddsiii-gra let •-•the
'Welsh National listeddfOd
4'.:1)akt•Yf..,of..'Welgh...peopie, from the
• .1.Inqed,States and panicle gaye,
eelitien :in. eentleetton. With; the feSti
• .
"To tie the do4dit to gold' fs like- ty..:
ing it to a bucking brene,o."-7Iiving
Fisher; it;
September hods
London's electrified tramway sYsteirt.
coYeXs 1-67 miles of rente...• ••
' Kent preduce.s one quarter Of the en-
tire English out -put offruit
' ,Bablee ber.n in •'Winter :are,. tin the
,aVerage, the; healthiest;: .apeording te
one American, exbert.. • • • .
1,Ord Ashfield, London's new tratPc
'chief, begins tile ..day with fortY fninliteS
• "physical jerks,'! . •
G,00d cheese eau be 1,e.pt for, fear
years; lope ease is 1.01,PW.R••q:it
ing ler :ten. leng' end, ternain-
ing‘ POI b1e. •• • • ,
threaded on a wire stretched along. the
meh",ean .,take,na,,rt. in, run-
ning races, Iv means ,of a brass 'ring
cOurge,.. •!' •
Btitain'S eating -feWer 'oysters.
Last .year the total ,riuMber landed in
•the.,.icountry :wee. .7;000000, "against
Kingdein. has' :g#W17.:. S91:400137 0..4,t
.126,00C Werke...to atii eni$Ioyed, 'where-
as the Mini:her eighteen . months ..agp•
was only 54,000. • , .• • '
Suonn-er work on...farms Gt,
pro:vides. watk, •for. over, 106,-
00.0 Seasonai hands; in• addition • to
those ushally employed •on the land..'
. Winthrop Rockefeller, fourth son of
•ttie riehegt. M•an, in the' World, is: work-:
log in the Standard 'Oil •CorapanY,'his
father's cdrieern;,fOr $5 a Week
' Varming ,is' a: po ular e-
.11-qe?A40.1 .1 Stag 011• y.-
vtif oo a; among tirese.taliing it.'up are
GratlY, geoper Riebhrd.' bix and. !Joel:
RheMIPOtiM for • 12 Yeal.'
.i,$ ietler .goes' to ,prove
, that even rheu•matisin of long standing
tan • be rejieyed by the rigbt treat-
. .rnmPftI:tini-a7T(Elt:;b^ ?see; ft•foer.4.14- rYr•e°411)4's rllnoweII
and have refi1ishly, taken 4no steps to
••relieye jt:. '1V13, PartiC:nlar form of then-
: adtoi Se: ejy :1111,7e iNt.aOyta,•akned, t :et -111: ee Id tofp
•handa'alld. knees.: The latter would
unless a eheir.or table were handy: -
at QiC041 etir' ead b.otnPa
.• •
' Burglaries :.end house ..a.nd shOP,
'breaking ..cases iire':inereasi.og•
LaSt Years;there'were 13,S0(f.eaSes,
and.only„ thirtn eeper.cent. 6tirke. ses.
were clearednp,,• ,• •
..(3,37g,riEt.4.14 Nontreal.Mnstiow 447
a Po .pe• petiniF7Theynre 1 iTinted to
fifteen :miles-. an. honk, .,arid 'must net
hang Ort te.moving Vehieles;• Carty •pa's-•
k. •
'serigerg,.c.in•fthe crossbar., or raCe;in the
. • .'. • •
Tho latest •:.0tirepear( fashions are
• diapla Cing, the'. kimono. where
clotiles are toW' fn '..Prine; • a hanti.-em7.
r ,ic ere ::siiirtrellTfitItnivirtdfiRang'
about.420 4n- Tokyo ••
• . The. ' dema4d, • for:'.ediblohails in
.,,P,kanee..ati far '.01c'eeedS",-.'the.,supply that
emptY.' Sell:. Welt.in ;Paris, .''where
theY are 'Washed. ,e0
,terated mixtui es!;• •• • • • ;
Stainp,etilleeting ,,i S. the i-elaxati On
President. BoOsevelt, Who, has -a 00Ct
mb that no envelope reaching bus,
141:11.ehjDld mnst be destroyed uutil'•he
hlag--ieen•46-.4staratia-.1.t.:beirsz-- "
'Under, the....health in
in England -.and tbere;are 15.7641
.doetbits 'Pr:evicting. Medical service!' tor.
44,5n3i000 tiagured'persons..betw.een..tlie
• ages sliteen' and 'w
coi7ie be10 the $1 250 marl
..COUrts .and other ,sports
greands can now be dried ininediately
by,:the iii6-0t4t, patent 'rubber rOilef,in,
vented hy •an AuStralian.:.This ccinsista.
:of .a..rollet;,leoyered. with ''.sponge " ytibi
•ber ineh, thiek,,cvhich •abSorbs..!all
• the Moisture fronti•thegreund..
• A.:..1,5;;000.464 , linet• . tas: ' juSrlef
London with; T.00 yacationis;:si tinclittl-.
:ing :postai workeri,. ,a4a ;even: bid.
drivers •••••tbeniselVe;s;-" f r•. a •3000101e
..crhise, in 4 the :glinshin :. ',round. Al-
giers :and- gp)i:iot:a.i....,:': , -,-...
' t tg::, taie. lira :.6g• five cries at:
ranged -by -the • Verkers,..tTraver Aal
seem len. of. London. • trice s • ouw.
4alanijec'dn ..:14 '1'in9ling..44blo;a115Siab:ye,sla'llpiabrieil.lha:!'es.
for-Lth 'Oise:1,30TO:-. -re eel-fet,'---O inall-FWagest.
hitt: ..haiT . hien ageL„*.,,,S.a.y..e7.g. ...little
ialnal°•orLY...'.,•the.linll ),e'rec.,oesotaitoYf..0...tfhAe'e•!!Wui;s;11
A ..'s..:' 'en terpr ft s,..., ',-Ocones --. to , about .3,
.centa .a 'mile' a, head: .......: ' • ..:: ' -
‘,.. ;Other'holida,ys arra,nted - ;by the
•Workers', ..,4.S,(iClirl:004 ••• .6111- tiO 1 taken
ef,,.the' Surniner, camas that, have been
-inaugurated on th:e Continent, '', •It
. . . . ., . , • .
.bas been . made , possible fer, workers
to seire'..fOr ..a'll,gliday. with the ..con1.-•
.,pany,..'ivirieli adds :a:tonna. at the 'end:
of ;the Peried, of.;saying. . • .;
, •
. •
• • ,
• :The rpSp garden'S of the Centra1
ft'perimentai Ottawa, eel:halo
oe 1100 yet ieties..„ ••
age, one lii ey,ery TOO,: niarriages:;,...,in
th „tir flitted' one .tnaltriage. • in,
eVery:ten• end-O.:in the diVeree etinit;
Afi the varieus 'flies 4itaolting:shqp
in Canada. are •pecallar in that- While,
• , . •
their, -normal. breeding. plate is the
• • „
'• of a. dead. animal..., leftjg
eXpoieth they are, not *siqw,..in ,dePoSit-'
ink'di 1ithg sheep-,
yal 'INOliara"
Once Largest' ShipT
Now • to be :Broken ',UP,
,.• Poit. stkiley,;.,Falitlar;u1,
14.attneired--90-Yeaya-ago 'arid Once hold-
ing 'the prOild. Position' of,„,heing the
'largest •ship inthe World; the "Great
is. being 'withdrawn 'tiorn
441erviee!' here, and will probably be
,brOken u Actinit;tedtY its seryiee•for
• the, laat. 50 year's has not been strent1=.
*Otis ,since it has been..used.as• a' float-.
41kWih a: tointage 'a,446 land 322
;Otere: . • • '• , .••••
feet' long.: the .f`Great •BritOn" :Could
a.cebmraodate neariy::7(t0.:'PersOns in
..cluding, the crew, aide carry some• l
2,000-•,tcria'.bf. .tons Of
COI in additien, •••••:•
Hei hist: creasing ,Of the:Atlantic
from Li. 62po01j. NeW.:York in 1846
waS,ebinpleted iiMMe77.qa.177b7:116-
•bf On the ```Great.? Britain?'"
fir:set!--neWts..--slieet..• on beard' a. liner
•is. claimed to ,have been: IsSued...• 'It
obrisigted ,et: "4 littio• fonr-pageeaticin
• • •
.............. " •
.socCiaf CanadiaryS&Cetit postage stamp .appearg.bil
; sale this 'week to toilimenterate the. ceptenary.Of the
historie sailing of the.nitoyat Pictou,
to Londoti on August 47t11,.18a3, , TWO fattlettg..yessel.,
:. built in 9,ttond..,4.44:.,01660(1', in iViontreali.,yagAhe irst
•'%'CSSI to cross the Atlantic by dentinnbus Stearn power,
three Cunard hrothers, of Ilatifax;• NS.,: andthe e)i,•,
perience they gained through this cohnection inillienett • .
Sabine' 'Cigar(' kahove) totirganise and forma in I4
the, gedat Line which bearshis nahtc today.
(PliN6i .":1f6yaltilliatit"onitof Pieloit irHuy 1
1144,14.409;'..' bytmitt,i,s'y eang:410GognipiiiegtiOputt,),
. a • *, .1.
• 44
tiial-aak.POW' I .feel arerat1 be•..., •
• iPg. Jean zscareelk 'believe -tat so.
short a time age Ewes:hobbling'plpng
with a P, ••".
; Krtisehen.: ig effective against *.rhent
matis* •becauselfS six saltasthiplate
•the liver and. 410 neYs tor reghlar aetion4,,
-„Whenjilese OrganS are. wo4c1n&
ently,they; rid the be,14 of eXeess uria
acid.... And when. urje add goes, these
• athes and• -pains, go, too,
Herd Records:
; In the Jersey herd of MunroLart:,
doP, Simege, Ont, two 2-yeartold hei-
f.ers have recent,ly sornPleted 'receipts, ,•
Blythelirde Bailifid in 36p, clefs pre-;
duced 6,245 ,1-6%: of milk, ;With' an ay- -
erage test of 5.86 Per cent. qind
ntOITC ':ap average : 'test ' *
per cent,. in, 365 dayse ....Beth these, •
'heifers are -sired .17Y! the • Well-ltUown,.
'herd 'sire': at .,Slythebraie,Jersey.itok •
unteer,. from ..O.n.e•fif.„=the outstanding..,
datighteta-Of .Xenia's Sultan,:
., • .
• •
, Suetll keep'fresh, for along time,
even. 'in, the hottest weather, ifit is .
,put In 17-'13-1, ;Per ha: ati,c1. covered with
.flour.‘ • „,
: Ten thousand eggs Were smashed
When sixty,Crat,es 'fellIrara a ferry' in
,S.4uth. .,olidon. Street: , •
Classified .Advertising
. •POR S&LE..,
, .
AKERS' OyElsTS---:NENv! AND ;RE- .
BVILT. Write for 'eatMlegu'e, and
deferred' payment plant, • Mibliard OVen
CorhPanff, A3.0,a• Bath • Street TOrofito.
„ •
• 'CYCLES, 19 :•• LT13;. ASUTOAftfB11.;E.:
0. Tires, •$g,up. Spor Goods. Free.
Cato,logue. Peerless:, ,195. Dundar.s west,
, • ' •
••• • t •- .
• • „
•:Lit of wanted' inventions "angl...fulL.
niorinaitibn Sent...free, The Raansa*,,cuin-, „.
Pany, `;‘1r.oridatet Attorueys.'. 213,13anfr
Street,. Ott4NV4, Canada. • .
. .
7301VDS "AND ctraltEiTaT WAI5TED.,'
.0everninent :Ronda and Curreneies
,mqintedl, 'highest prices •.Paid. •Da.v.id
Davie, ,137 Qudqh. St. West, 1.dront0. •
R. S
Located in Toronto* • ,
Complete EqUipment; .+WeFerges,
Pneumatic ' -And::-• Cutter,
Drilla,' Lathe and a vet* -complete
stock,of teels,, Will sell is agoing
concern with faybrable:'lea0e or wil,
.sell -,machinery separately en
bloc •or piecemeal: . •
• . H. WA:TH.11'4S, '
• 73 West Adelaide St:, ,
• pereuricu per BUN
• Allexposua pots cicpr akrtofs..5.his':priet at •
--L-='7-'7-1,13#(741.rrigtair-4-agla-gt, Writ*,f erdt1/4
• HAA1L:Tbl44.
•• • Dept. 32 • '•
•••••- •••••••41''
•To Assure, a tleattly
sOmi and
Soap•25c; Ointment 25c. and 50e.
FF..; COLOUR.? •
‘,Itke up Otcr..Liver. Bile., .
—Without (lomeI
. •
• ',tout jiver's A rety' Small Orion, 'hit it Cor•4
''Atiniy.cm put yom: dloative Ana ojirtinativo .
• daily two pounds of licitid bile Int.g:vOurtit bowels
roue out -of kiluer;14 re(ating to pour ite
YMA Iton'teoniPletellt .eorreet %tell n condition
. by tacimealt,oil,raM,ersititer, iuciieeipdy
moved Fear ;belVele they're . thrower -mid you
need ainteretititulaat. •
Carter's Litt1e2I4Vet Pilla Will soon bring back ,
the eanshine intp yoxit lifeL.TheV'te•parely "veg.& '
table. Ssfe*Stire, AEik fetl,hqtahytiaine•,„Itefuei....
substitute‘.25e at all dtaggistir• LS' .
. Whet in, the world made .you
•,"Oh, he got' on niy, nerves, al-
ways •ask1ii4 permission to kiss •
1. WhenYour
the seed of the carob trod 'Wag' irsed
as standard of weight in Weighin• =test° -oma nhoo d
Give Her Lydia E. Pinki;am913
• Vegetal) c Conipund
precionS stones by ancient Jewelers; !.
the •Modern word ".carat" iS ;derived
troth "carob." •
.•.-110.11tv.,flopp is .a bretty oili.t48hitifted
inarriago 60nitnlitifty, tOrkpa:red With,
the `"Iiiretropolitan seefai
0e0r4c: Nathan.'
',,A.hteric# *Of liasi hertVi
the r fit tintelf.A. a]lbWs talth 1j its•
liaanitti and bankers- to 'bps .44 ctottufued;'''
'',.41ruce lioten; • :A,
• 'A'
• Most girls:in theirteens need tt
tonit ntid .regutatok. Give., your • •
daughter Pinithatit4".
'VegettiltietGoitpennid fat die/text
few months,: Witch: .ritetb�w to
guard Iter".henitti. at thi1'eritietti
. tinte, Witch she le t1hAPPY, hestfitv..
-larifeand ttinthet tine Will tballk