HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-09-07, Page 2nada, Th •T"'ilrti..TOai V,V101',Ici 1;.,a,i*O• , that in all the bhancOlerlfia- :of the world. it has beCerne .the terror that walketh by night, 'It WO 'easy 0 ran thel 1Viran on the 'Street Was. spe'ek on thp horizoli--(414.8gew WeOcl.y. "1 01-,1ArrA ,. Easy te POvise, But -r „, • Here,•reAders, is .a little advice): "gti,r'. iy., :lied; early to,44.1j, mit the, Weeds' Swat the „Pot- Own • iniginets„ don't tell Iles; don'tget .gay ...Pd. deceive yeur. WOTPAZ • 'Daly Yeinr1 , -a el4ts;."; use entoprise and buy from" A ,these' N'zhn adl[ertiSe„ „Tillsoab.1441 Nevi,a.• People-Sorne. Bank! Tliere is a striking indication Of the , . tuancial strength" of Britain in the ' Ratter, of the eavIng; ,ornnoney• by ,R. tishers, centained injhe' annual rePort leading brink; orie 4 theig Five: • deposit's coMpared with last year ..yhow a clear. gain Of $179,000,000: .• , tne general; prrigPerity •a the tutfon; was ,sitoWirin7the maintenanat , • •of three' classes, of dividends; one ,e; .10. per cent•', the. others of 14 per cent..., „ Setter Music • There tense in the argument becaute," maple ,a6w. "on #p" •'uniyersallt. hes. been dectailed the . status >ef: water, gas., and electric light. "There was nothing, mote, Chien- lated .te degrade. Mu -tic -than the •pre- mireleSs • era or cottage pianos, and ,nutsical evening;., when:: inefficient ,.., amateurs- desecrated the., air With ,exeCrabie , renderings ' of ."Cavalleria 411sti.cana.' anti the lateat sentiMental• balladxf, so called i'meehanWaVransic'' had done •nOthing.else.hut free nt Able form of terture it Would have onr: 'heartfelt ,gratitude. -,-London Morning Post.• ' NV414 ti9t4l, r$Q01.7Ce4, approiimatinO, 111011S , of dollars there: •it sum- ,, . griPire•Tr0.8, - ••oned up a satisfactory inalieY,'..i?ron7, -- ,:. 5e4--ggYe•TIMIV-7P9iMniells.--as". ect of caPacitY to. financib.OnterPritei! iY9,11."4.ts. the 'Creiv.4 Cel'enlee-..:4te liew; _nder a Widening Market, anCh'Eni. Wati IlitWhig. :croni: a2td. 'selling te :t_h_e_...? id actif-e-4:-"-. ot..T-..,E---,.c.oirr .F...:C0-4,-.4.10-11=asing.,seal mental bonds are stroag.,',hut'aeoaoMic : !tinge Conterence,that is. Mott*: reiihr , iurii;14,, .., ,,.. ,..: ., . -•-•-:•-•-•-,,-,--------7------ hoirdscareTnottto'be-detnitedr-thrterna dexte4 :',tionel trade :iii:larTten-certiplex for. all The increased sayings ,.--en. rade to -be on:. a reciProcal'basiS hut tell the story Of:latent • ihnineihi re. it seems a coMMon, sense proposition ervied in England: ',This is lOrtified •' ...y. ;the .st.eteinelit.. a .the It4,ge •divici, te.. help those who help you 'and :fife picture Of . an eirerinereasing 'Mutual .nds earned •inti•paid•-Winnipeg Tri- Pi trade between the Old Country and the bune.- :• , ' pmpiie 'overseas is :one thatmust ap. ',,peal,=-Britisli Giiiana Corameroial, Re- Ftiiiiber--Trede--i4ekingz-Up ' A-.deeided Optitaistie.'patlook.le;now,• • • ' :. :• VIeW , . , , . . .• revading thit-,•section and,the Doinin= .., .- ''A Pririce!a: Forint* '7 . . . , .. len in -genertilin the lumb,ering,indut.• ' . • • , • - , .fe,rq' 11-nlo :Ponies.. Which have j,..utt r.y,' as the ,'deinand redently has 'hi - been hro.ught. to: England' by the Ma - .r.. eased 'And .' lumber ,niles . that-: have • tood unteirated for the-pasttwO.Years ,. . eJah of !TaiParare valued at 41,000 ave • begun in :dim:inlet.- Prices 1\9i. 4each • ' '1'hia,' Indifti..1.Prinee'S fortune mber have advaneed,five.to teir-del= re,4,ner,,theriSand,::Although::the price 0:,stiit about-hair:of what it *as in. the • otim.•:Years.: i More lima. b. or.: is :•belag• lipped -oat aow than for any tinie In e past two Years.-1-nildsaY Post. '• . HuShand's'Aiiinvance. , . italy,.baChelort. Pay,. a :tax ,ofap • rOximately ., $65 a:. year,. *hick: says 1 • he-HanilitOn-, Spectator, ' Is , jutt,aliont, ' li.Wtlre**, age7htieb,andAirthit;Corin : •,. try it 'allowed...tn. keep. Or. a0endin.g.. MeneY.t-Wobdttock Sentiiiel-RevieW; ' ' . • • '-Fatal 'Oversight-- - • bruthea his teeth twice a. day : nvith natiOnally advertisedtooth,paste. 1 doctors •.examined him ; twica'a year. He :wore. his rubbers when ,it rained. He'slent with the windowt . • ;wide open. He ritudk to diet! with plenty Of treth vegetables. He relin- guished hit tonsils. . gaited, but never more than eighteen holes at a thue.--He •gct,-At least eight hours ,gleep 1 _4101104S hla, wendalitil : cellectIon.:412. jewellery, is: estimated .at More.: than; 4 100,000,000.--44onden Answers, •' Curfew Still Rings in London London rings the curfew, though 'centuries haie,Passed 'alike.' the order, it conveyed to ''cover' yoiir diet!' had any'effect.: From the the ToWer:- Of Loll - 'den, Tram. Gray's Inn .ands groin .Char-, terhouse,the Mirfew is rinageaCh night •Pf the;Year'.....,-1Chantirlitinle. 'rings • the riuraber f the brothers in, residence. -ShOuld-the-number-be.-fuliraills-welt; If ,it fails one Short, then:the bretheri know thereby that another Of thei fellOwS had goner try his retifi-:Llionden. Daily Telegraph., • Pleases, *Rowers • . . . . . 'POr Scouts from 34 NaPiOns::BiPtiiiiSts, Rife ' The Jurop011 .nei,papers Pt rocnnt. • ' - . , , i. , , . '' ' pi .date . contain- reports, pt. 'tjo 1-lion,rtli. '. In Etrin' , Tnternationg Boy .SOnts.' • ja,M0Pre.... L • • : ... , ..: held at' GPilello.• in, 1.14ngaryi,...qaTiy„ '1,- ' • . '. riti$h JtIii$t Olaive$ ' S'i,(1-0..- iz:.4A.Eng.l.pais?it1;e..Writ,a4ti.ilree.'gToilrirttoir4ea .Mvrap,i! 1 P., , ., tiOn'Upon Offidiai ' • . ,. , .. , , sent to wele'Paieiiv:er'' g0.,900",e'couti • * .. : C 1 - ' 4'tllireg.ti::,:tc:aell.'elillIgPtiiii7;o6f1.:.etliclee.:::•:titl':7641;*'1: i.i''‘'Y9'1P;5.:::',4:...tel°,1:1;,°••41;,,91:-:1:e.leb:sil;11:7;;P:r.: veSPS,,,,.•::0,..14.1:414;.:,•,:14.'0:Ii . ' • .,Imp.ressix,e. . Lord 1.3nden,Pow"ell waii, '1.0.e.i'n -that' Pkgialld ' hnfr. 4404t tlie - f rota 3i digetent nation4,, and., kge;..An.-1 '• . i' Tc; . fenr,.,. lea(ler4 Of Inoyethents tas it Vei44-1-11.• been given . 0. ,apnYe :t0 'InnoW in' 4.! Y•04,It'. Y.a'. I;PrIll'°r' '?..°1c1441- J44tte.t“ 4l • .single,litet.rwe.: . • ....: ' ' , . ', ' I. 'IP li? '-41.1., TOlegr41,4u" or .,t#9P4.0.p He . e /t N,y4k wl .vybc!, • Onngatred the idea ,,i241(14:4,,,tihiya,:t ;tiiirolizqat,r7;upneiV)14.u4:ntocait: ... 14 appealing "te, the 100.. tir nrgaaiz.• 'a.tinn ., ,and ,.,advontaref :,Iniet'eut in fact, that Vor.Y JIttiO: .a.4,.e.110 4s 144441, ,boySfla order. to (.1.4e.c.t .tlieir 'auhilp1 1.9.a91•14111. PIP. ta..ttt0.-Of: 'men end 'W,ii.; . ,yi.totty.,: ,,i.rt ,v4mee.01,4e,.„,aue t• ' .s u, `men 'applying. for', a inarriage license• tea: anYr- antaie .. e" tire !g.ang :•axkl.rit ,'. .9,0•1111allY,"" he 41...ites.. '‘Ivith' ,n4. WOW jo,•tent„ (11..- inn's t ' , ynn ngs te 1.'4' ., 1i 0. ,! i,a,,tyClpfcra'Ogc.'41,eti oailrl1).1Y'...at,oViToieLie 1,01,66,tc,.'400fe., 5g:tail, yia:enadr;'. “0,ouglit; tO us,e 'this ,i .01.1.4. .: to gdod. \/,',1iliQ ,117.V1'7101'4'.W11.1.011. .*.,g1..You4Iirti.-4-11.1Pr' , ends. .r :87,0 7 an:, tngliSlr ,,,,WrI ter, :SUS"' ' 1.19,,,..,104..4.1,!.i.ris. ,niiird the': ideals' as .P.opulaPtill Of England, the yearly „nrim. .. tered,...bt •tne. Oa.: 1409Y4 Of i.4404'irt .. 'lien Ot,,eett•i,letI,Olis. A.,r,e, :linden' n .49401, :.X.fike,•..1.1te.., medieval,. knights/ a Scout Ole $e4et of 'tile:. fia,11,11u,triiier or cOa• ,. was ' 0 proilli$9. :to do -his.. dirty to vietions in France be :adds, is to be ; 'Con and. to. the King; 'to .141p opor.,• feund iii the precautiona taken .there ' 7.-FeePlatarall-firtre-s7,-.--trevef --to,--lirealt7„to_prevent higaniz„ and he 'proceeds": ' ..• ' : his•honer.;.10- be courteout and poirte; 'The calling Of hanns. (in Dnglandi' ,., .. toall but especially to 'Women and affords _soio r6da...„,.ne'r4MaPgno,atsiwlli4 o9 hliigsltY88,,`TieetW18 ' chiidren:, ''to, he elean, in ,?,thortghiir t, word and deed. ! ' . : , '. , ,,,,. , Marriage.Law ,Commistioners reported ' , :The . moVement presperect:, trool and, how.,'inuch.inore,is it true.,nowiu ;IpirEienti4rs•nci.d'Tr. to 'the .111-0.tb,: elx.l.gpi?rt.C10", Qizt,. 4paeygslect.clil•? eT44OrrIllhav-404.94d4.4a°IffiOieglalem,11. '• , , • • . • , AlleALnpire• ..inCiadiliCOanadai antl'..19: ad in a church it is only irecessary to -1.1 ''''. ''''f.',71411-4,074,- .1341.-tell,L-.-;4•,. , " .htit-influenne-cor•-go•:id.tire--z-pirit,-,earabe,..acquired:bk_havirig_.ii bag ,left. -f. • and . character ' of Millionsof boys ' *at ledgings for three. nights: It is not 'gr. '.threughont, the werld,, ., ,,l,p .ims. opt,r,„ necessary. to be cf, regniar church, at ted to tO, improve..,,Internitional Ander.' tentlant..or a geauin.e! parishioner, . .' 1.1ifidinv-,-.19 . 'wen -rote:, ,better relatien, '1,1„)a`c.,IieF41,'4thtleeyer...aw.rhoer..i.io'.'q.Pualirtelde:1.!3woisid;.hei4to.ibve:,..,, 'ethIP,t ,:betWeeA the'. haior.S. We, here ' -in Canada .are '',:famillar. with its Jug the 'tiOnal,noti:Oea„.'tO produce autli work A ,p4s. j-jointnfon ' j4.•••p; Mich' '.1:41,Zec.1 0010 of their birth certificatee. better,. 'etruntry,!, today than it, .wotild: in, pad! case:net More than:six Menthe ''.., ..- • • ,Saraien PrefessiOnal chaMplonship,•. Gene! climbed ent. or •his reeent slump . to triunerph ;ever Goggin the: teurria,', neat held at the, Blue': MOUnd.'cOurse Milivaukee. • ' • h.,:Eatli, 'winter 014-Tiitio4 •• , • , • . whO. de :their , Weather :lerecasting• .signs ,Of'' the • trinee airoady.•:' apparent , 'in Western _Ontario are lired.i.c,t1.11g earl!.. • Sneh;:- uniaistakaile indications as late.' tall '.'cretis': ripening., and. being -.harvested , hy, second - week ,,of: 'Angust:•••can .bave one ,sintapre- tation Wrn,ery winds will be cast- ing •their ",,hreith.: aCretri:•this'•Iia.rt „or . the proVinCe. by the :time • pepteitt ber. is and snows w11 be piled -WO., Weeks aheadOf, timei, ..,' 'The ' old4bners. elairti% that Nature ..g.,:',A.1..ter.LLier':-iown and .that Mih oreps:•..ard7ripeninveci-lar- ahead,- fg,ibieLlegaitsejaLtiteveelia •to cerrie -there 'IS' ,going • early. freeTe.:. upi that :Would destray such crops • 'Tliere•Are,ionier•!heWeVer...Who" are.: inclined 'to mit...the 'eAnte before,: the. result and blame the early . ripening" 000. which have •already .orccur„. red, They "Say that 'the.: unneuelly .1tOt weather,speedisd uP':greWth..! -every`night: , He never smelted,. drank - or lost , his temper., He did his daily dozen; He. vyas .aW,tet:te live ' to bo be 'a hundred -The 'funeral will be: next 'Wednesday. He had fork -TAUT , about trains at grade .crostings..7-For, •.e'st Standard. ' No Market • 'A' new- streetcar has lieen ,,cleinon- • sliltrated in New .car that pro- videt aCceleration...ahnoEit •double that. • of the standard model end that, ,r6117 In; ofl'. rubberized tires And with mb • .ber '.'tandviiches”. Worked” intoits aprings, is said to. •Make, less noise ,than an electric egg -beater:. • It Ott . , f590.,000 produce this :new •nar,, re - h t 'hi' In, aid .,..*orts. say. ‘T e next pro e • wo • •• seem, Is to And a large market for it. •' • THE ,uNyrgry Silent Revolution 'Six /months' age this conntry:Would have laughed to Seera aPredietion that July 'Would tee -child labor wiped :out in &often; textile' Mills,: the, stretch out aliOlighed the. snill Village on the way to the seraP heap, 10291 wages guaran= _teed to nnikilled'ialaprert 'for the. sliert- est work .week, they 'hate ever. kno*.n and the 'right to Jein -labor unions no :Squire '111k:organ .England - The 'live •eto,Olt on the ettate; it J. plerpont Morgan in Aideoh0.m, liert- .ferdth•ite„ England, had won: tieteiis •'of pries- Which, thr,3, a*ner, new. ad. -haVcr'-lieen. -Without-the , Boy -Scout eld '_after` the . movement; Which' Is led by men 'et has been celebrated, •the . celebrant; t enp,i,a0ter in....each 7 cnninionity von Must, send partichlare of tlip iiiarriage have caught trona Lot dBaden-POvVell to the registrar, of the parties' ret -Pee • senietwng.... ot his *keeness, for human .tive birtliplace„s; registrars leo • ' • ;- •must then 'endoree• .•_....snelf partienlars dressed as "Shilire":Morgall;".• 01119 .serv, '• . „thehirth.:!'bertifiCtiees. 'll• either party learned- Ot, :On his arriVar.j:there, . . . . • . • . . Wishes afterward to merry- again,' tapir', ..1ew.•'-tlays-,-Hage. ccording to- :Tare Day,Herald his bag through.,•a--6.eld ot ,eatif, lie was- equally. ,ignoraurtit'ilie feet „that sixty „ rabbits- ' had ..,been" .31nd 'the ' Labor Paper shot, while the 'field wsaaye.s..bheellixinonnwts,, '102n1 blithdaY..: iyetn, in .Brenten, Careful Drivers Willing io Testify Against Reckless' Port Credit.-Motoriats who cut' out . . of ;traffic lines and endanger the :lives • of oither' drivers :and' ligasOgers, are receiving short shift On the 4,akeShore longer questiOned. x_et. this „Dindas,...lilghwOr,s, where .proyin- to pass WIth-the'•Plaefrii of President' , tie'. :pollee are. particularly ,watelitir Robseveltraifignainre en the Cotten .tex for this foinf.etTecilessiiesi. tile code ---New York WorldiTelegra,in; driVeri..:,-are showing; great- • ••r"-,,"- . • Willingness td appear in court give„ • • Wooden pats ,For OrOliards..., • ;evidence against drivers. Who. effend in Preston Woman Attains,• . • Her 102nd Birthday . LPreSiOn,•Ont...--4athrloo County ceiitly paid • US respects to itS: oldett resident,Mrs :Mar arei Seyffeat Preston, Upon •the at ainment a bar party-: cair. only Piroduee.-An endorsed..; 'birth •Certifi:cate; and Must therefere, .:prove :before being reMarried thaV'the perteir whote,naine is endorsed there ' on :is.. either dead 'or -hat ,".beeti ,,, vorced." '• ' • • It's a'wonder that seine one has, aoL this Polie stated. thenght Of it before.- A farnier. of; War, wiekshire -England Weary Of losing' his fruit "cront Ito birds ; has made 'weeden '...eats', for '.'scarecrews” , and placed them, where ,the offending 'birds cannot, •but ' see:. them.. -L -Los Angelet Times• • New it6co)%1 of Exports : Ta -LIni;e:ELKingdom- Seen fibilfihrtirrildreateltat . *err:ninny Streetcar cOnikriaiiiee.dre in! figuyee • piOnithently. dirior4 • theta" days tO Iar brit eiten, , the hew records:for the inipertation. AD; ; titeturchase-ceneW-iii117 dem, which are annerinced by. the EM - Dire Marketiqg•Eeerti.':.in 10'; •Annual •)te'pert for ..19•32;33, Th" importation of Canadian'..Yiheatalimanted: te `nearly 47 eWtt.,'''.6 nii11oa evytt. Mere' than the Previoitarecord•ef cVdt, i1T4928. •Thit'lie* renOrd„.ts the highest rigero ever, reached ' by .',Etny• :dountrY;i Withthe exeeptfOn'Ot thtirWar year,196 aiid.,12917, When inan'orta- tions from the, tato Oreat. Britain rete higher. Canadian tobacco :hat' also Made. ,a.neW .etriking •reeor.d; where 6 Million „represented a record figure in 1631:,, f4e , figure for1,932 is first,iinder 112 Million lhs.Catiadian.Phimrihave else beaten: the renOrti theY. PreVIOU,SiY establitiied 1n 'stock-ev.ft,when it rolls on yub- ber.74-Berder.Oities, Star. ' : Prairie Tee' IViany, a ;Ann' the:fWest has 'been • . ;frayed-, brthe, pleating •kild cultivatlon Of frees.. Shelter •.be!tkproperly Made : have .proteete,d, crops from , Wind and', from' extreines of temperatures,And. have helped etilleCting arid don- serving','.molatnte. and in . directing.lt to tha,.bnst;','id-tfatitage. And,.Perhans equally important,: they ,haVe. teMPered the flatness 'ind"harronneSS' di. the. on-rtile,And have heitied to Mahe ev' en • the lone shack look and (eel like a • horneWirthipeg Tribune.,. ,• • Pligilt of Time ."•• Eighteen years ago aviatorsIto* Atlantic (idea% the first ,eVer to tate •aoiro so, The f.,Iritigh • priniltiVe Nape,' no radio,- and never • • informed 'Of 'the we'ather ahead. '' With great •,..courage,,:they garahled 40,irtst fuie,..,-aad won, ri'lle'thad trained in ' War aviation With all its". thrillS' and tOrira,ge,and'hoth had been e , NeVerthelets,,suchit, the •iate,of ;heroes hi. peace In the tisia :Einpire that the I1LnlR of John •• 'Alcock and Arthur Whidden Brow' p:rd' ' secloin rernembered.--41randert: Sun, • ; *HE tm„rog • Probems, 'ef'SSatedinerr- • : It is ,of. 'to.Itta:gd 'ern. statestden the • Old standards• , Statecraft ,to -day bah not • oplY. 40, handle ceraPleittiet. 'that Were tin Areallit Of flftY oti.,;101i0Or.O.A.STAktj...0b,- but It has". to reelibit,IItit•it dollWataft" ' sO 4aan'W alive..to 1t o'n Ib1»tt1I0 . .` • • • . .. the laket , the'. figuree-:in hiamitets be ' 'Isfew York. --Stridents. Of 'financial , , . . ., , . . . . , tag .those et'a yeat• ago:, To Georgian ' • ; relations:. 'between ., the United' States Bay -, Ports, • Port , Colborne.- Teri -intik. , and Cfsba citimate.:ithie ' eount•Wa Prescott'. '. and 'Xingsion, 37;502„00t1::.. ‘‘stake",in .the island ai het -Wean .$1,-: as little about famous sheep GerManjr MrS.,....,Seyffert came to Can-. 'years:, 'le -white ,Pigt . and; ' • _ horset ,,that have. been. • Carrying off , All Water Routing . “mtat,6r.loo roud gh.. an „ -••••• • izes at this.year.# greathgridul- • ;!. wild at that tarne, " MiS...'Seyffeist 'said 6f- ': -. -when remirriecipatitnit.. the -pioneer • Ottawa. -More- .grailL is,'bslug Slii„ 1. • , days in. that Aectionof the .countrY, ped.'his water from, the ,heacl, of 'the • ..F4ther, Aged. 81, a:1'KM iteinlittn,ilhst -ye-arser.ys areli • ' . , • • , • • • . as nP','neireltY tet.' hear. the ')Volves, issued by the Dominion Bureau • ' • • Faster 'Than. Soni . . . :during the • winter , nighti, "StatistiCs. Up .to 'JOY %the 'amount. : : Itayrnend,Alta-.When it.' ' e : t ' lig*Jillg . ,... • . ,. _. • .wipteri' of, . years • itge:•!,Were • Always. ...Was -.4.167$,00Il ' litiSbe, '..-Cornpui§d'-': swinanring„ 8i.,;yearold. Thomas Hick-. !en Can still, show the :heir's 'a thing or • th'ere,- severe :thalt•thil:i'd.ritatfa.-,et‘ the ,With' •q7,027..44., on. the?, dorresPcMillug' ' two. .. Father ot,47 . children,, Mayen: past 10 Yeart,0 •aliefialil. , ' '• ' date :.last year • . te ture of • the all-wa water traffic ;.diSpOried,. biniself ' in 71:$chaiel."S ' lnIce, . •. • • 'eutdlstnncing three or his sons', in ,a. 'llas been silinin. entt .. 'te Halifax •431 ' • ,. , . ••• race there: •••• ' ' 39,000- bushels ' as against 30,000- .a " • . . , . , 'year itgo;. god 1.14000,.16,'EuroPe• com- pered' With none last Year ' , • . ' . . . . : United. States Interests ', . , .:.T.4,e, l'tollewing .are the totalt••••op,;.t.c.„". .In, Cuba $1,500,000,000 July 21 ',by! Water from . the heed.',,o1 • ' ‘. . _ . • . , - .. , . . , • , . . . -Bore ' Mar4!aretha She. ;was niarried, ap 185 to Frederick 'Seyftert Of:Murtierriburg, 'derniarrY.'.*r. ,Sewfr feri died lfl 111:3: 79th year of mis-..,;$ey.fr4r,fli eight' children areliv-• :jg..while.ihe has 16 :graridchild:Ten; 15 • great-grairdehildren. and cite; great, great-graride‘htid. •• Two years/Ago When slierette.hed the ..delituryarli.,,• Mrs, ..$eyfferf. reeeiired. a ...cable rorn.,King George ..emiveyirig- •'• •••• ..',•• . (32,066,406) Mentreat 11:066;00,0,••• . .7.21iff;000;000iarid$1-,-50.0: 000;00Q, • (21.02.14(40R-Boret--1,751,000:!...(3;834:.'— . .:•., •The :.:fi.gures represent •holditiga Of calcullateCat, abeut $375;000,000; • ,::. , rnericY is,,. in enban • sugar in rests, .-,..P.. et.:O, C!.,ill, .C: ".1,0, Ili Of gggS.;.:. • ......, • 7 .'. • ”Iii" Ontario, at PrhetieallWaYer the , • ?;. ' DO'civi.i. , in:. ,Dritarici. :'IT'....4,A.. ports 2,5$0,00.0 '005;004; I Ear: '"Buffale' 13;112 000' '(8 .050407 ••Orthe.i: 000) ;. -- Quebec:'..,:,41, MOO:, -.'::1‘..6:1:-.07. ).:7, ' .._... 'Ope:. 4.14,000 (nil) .1.1alifaii.. 239;000, , .,(36%0,00).-:' . : , ' • - .: '' ' ''' • ' .: ....A.prriera.i9en:,s;;.4.esn.-itino,s4fttiu.tiemnsti-*.e.h",:i3Onorer• , whale ..of Canada 'said ,.:T'.. ii, Ben. -•'• ....rseon,_01:71,...dtherphi:,i): rPodourrittripYn,. ,i:.V,orfa:n:gh,;'4.;,hT4o,, • ' :Arrether ' feature Is the 'anieunt..; Of i.: - • grain ..that -.hi,: being': Shipped ..,4ireet.;„• , level, of Conturriptton.'' ......., ,,,. I,- ': : ,:;' : - instead :,ot. 1?eing .' thipped i.e. Acmes', •• teail• Of'. ilia! lakes to Mant-,:•:•., • :. clrOPPed4 • and ,....with any ' increase , in .,froni 'the Mont - demand inay..":.easily drop '.belpiv .the ,.. . .. . , : ,... . . . , . real: and other; ,St,' Lawrence ports( ' , .'...t,lie';lack,''ef..,..tan -4tetive demand lake ports ..' and transhipped i '.- from • tor 'eggS;,frons. Ontario; t:',,,n4 to spine • tkes0't:I5 .Mcllill'e4it.:CillPbc-°1(1. 845ial...'''' extent on ' the „Ontario . inarkeiti. •hatr. • ' ' • :, 1 -..-.......:;.,_.4,44-.J......._,,....; !. 'canSed .a terepora.ry„.f.iirther. redaction ;in, priCes. • This oonditieri; hoWever, -V.kiliiir::1Mir.r0.1',. Aida, atinnstia1Tat-411184eaann gliA .MaY,-,- •-: . ; ,TAtilAtiiii.--71it--,•;DiffiCI,L1:1t• ,:resiilt in .h. senteWhat, inereased • eon, , :;.,, :iea.A. •Surnption, 'as . indleated...by a betterFort •Nolleth; South Afr , )nirrer tiOve'd Valuable 'addi,' • -elearerieeTTOI-.-eggsl.. en!: the ' Market. i`illit*. :lien ..te.the tool : kit of ;,.Frotile0i.. EP/ • .. .eirly this week ;.; r'. '',' ".. ' B.oikilioiY,iii'.(iermati .aViatriX;.Whe Wail'," Receipts'' on ,..the Montreal market .i,s'.:Of 4tignst.,3-' ‘.-‘q:ro,.. bOnsi:dera.ibi 5Bil...eit, ,dijilif,t1.411:,l'ctZ: .d,jottcning,. . , : fl,i',..ii::t:, .;f1..°11. •lighter than those a' the •Sarne date - • • ' • • ' ,. j•!FiaulOre'.31eliihoin ,experidriced bad. ' ,• , . i •-•., ..; las t-year:-.11-1-nis-,trittyr•-li era1t1 •the. • - - tuupward, •aiic•ot) Iti. 4ii„upwardweather ..and After !several bump-,shi, i airl'•onc.,Q6.0f.,;;t,,,11,11tch, rn.i alit.nit:, due, - vonni. was startled:by, a sudden jerk And ly :. Stich a ..trii.n. eemeg 41)ite . dujoily• 'found 'that the had lost cOntrol 'et the , . at t,118 _seasee. .. •:. • : , , , ,. . ' ,. :i•tidder. ,. The niachirio. behavavij . E.verything...would. atinear " to de- in an .eXterterdinarY manner, She .s,Odif.',,, ,pead • : upon . consumptive .-.demand .4nd • She was linable' to disdoveg 't114::., rather than • upon. ,. anyAilteliliiinilteoirts t. c)aa.ti:2,0tile 'atglrelneae citllid.i..0,:rlitoiltihi., it!ieo1.oytt,e..1:: ..• -1.11.ronsed • suppricS,,,, ,,Althongli .seme,,0•4...tent , pc,00,,,,ii : .cooitio'riB , Through, 'a vanity 'iMittor; ih,e..wai• ,,ivi:v.tield.o.a.41U:,:toapped .salet Of' the higher :able to:160c back and earri 'that, thi; ,• grades,: ••••the .. itenia11d, foil • ektrat• ::terrific .'bilinping •eVident,1Y, had loosen ' , ear. in..0,o, increasing 'at. the •eil the lid of the luggage.biittipaithititt ' .. . , , •At a.result:varioui 'articles. had..faller iint4rid her oat hadheeeme entolgit-1111K• . , • •.••• in 192g. • • 4,00,000 FattorY:Iiiiilids'' . . • .Rettoli tolivotkin.u.s. , yVas,,,i.agitoe,-,-Sectetayy: of Labor 'Prances Perkini ,anhourKied . that : ap- pro3dmatelY 06,000 " :tactoary' workers' returned to febs in ittilik.P:tir dhaing.,p6Wer. of All.WerkerS. in Menu- facturing-plantt-holArrereased'alinot $29,000,000 in weekly: Wngcs in jply.;, compared ISeeretary estimated„ that iv- 'Ottiploililerit a 1,106,000 Wage,Carriers ft theAnanufacturing industries be- tWeen March :And Ju1y •itild' figured that another 000•,000 eildidettal work.' ors/went:140k t,c their johs, In, id. non-:: :manufacturing lacittstries la the shine period.: • • • , If.theAnOrchse Was Inaintained at Pie...,pres0riti_sAtfiAh..e,40.„td, at ,,wo9 i 'Add ;$00,000;00.0' :by pnYtalls fdr: the • , '1 • • • Ten, ThOusand Miles By Boat , . 2 „Cklgyl 4.10:14,4i'MV,P11 1V.4', 110..111, I rv.. , .', • Progress 'TAfr 1Io arriveeat t'hicalto with •.tat..i..3.9•Icet:lioat , . -CreSsed .1110;_bcia1. • Atidjont 'up the tifistit'sippC.• '•— • • • . • • larger ."(oritret:" , • ifudder, 1.. S '1)rhi4g*.*1,11,.' hhch Maritime Biscuits •,Sile•7raanageci, ev,.roitiol the plain , 'tnte- coat was. torn away., by thc' :'•ildtnos 1 Cane:di/3 far: north will wind Subsequently, she Was compel: • be'Ititinching.:Maritime biOtits in the ;led te.':,ttiril„- back.. to Port Nolloth ifiit• far 'distant future.' A. Iriscult, mann. Where) kstsito a :70-Mi1e-anflietti, gale., factiiring' eciripany 16Cated in Moriaton she,. Mode a,:good htndin .htt :recelyed, lt• large Order -irhin the • gtidson . 'Bay •Cohipany for hisetilts• to' • '.1Wano14Wor he:forWarded their trading 'Otte iti go.:SY"raTl' to:Montreal,. thenee by .steam,!,catoe • • • ' ' • • and portage into the far Mirth,. • ge°46 ' • „. . • .• e,lose that • Serfnany's •iptinpifwer hitt • • ' att)tiedY101;riliatil,43. R f ' • • ' e .ore4tai,;ork • innit;egi)•,,ISOC'11.114681g.a6isdot,q10°.kijptani'lAt'iti'aWar litis ,: obitTtt.1,411al: o°..: • .s',gere' radii:3dt- richit Ootv ttesi'v. t?, 1.itlt.i°t1rit".611:opatteo . • teritatiVes Of the MrinitSba obiorn, area .ited 1,8 pep 'eat la, Women; • meat ,ea the lease ot large tracts of POI*.vey t60.' inea :theta nOW tr�, yroVincial • landt to the 1,060 iwn, ninared wtth 1`64:414.:' Donmii�tt GoVerriiitinfr'inr,,Tofoftsea.,, tion..putpii3ci;, it 'Wits learned 'hero, ..'Ealeeni tid'With,1i101+ it '1910,,; • .*