HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-07-27, Page 7•
/WM, M90140
: • .7- . . . .
, through' the )P• Qt the' .P67,Ve./4„te4„:4
sket Alei'the):VII44.019:49-g9,4"441i,•
:,: • ..•.c.hatry, OS,s'OU Here'
4iig• Iieiii,PECPlitinp.. red'
:cherries, •itre hew heing 1oaded•99.the
take t-te firgit elee romth:0'
frritit beft t1iticL. Ve0011e oh the.
i1.04ta Ifq§00.48:•,..thfilAgggc 1PeR4if
•7 7k9)k,14. WV'
.It!ieoidn1r8eryriddie litiled,,Ihetn.
C.IsuallY the,. first cherries ,are, :•lexpen,
:We butAhla Year thesik0 ouertit bas-:
„ .keteare ihow,lesa,••04.404 'halt deller,
. [4ke: ',other treas.:11101r 14044.9n• 16,944
te long 1U34U,0 a 4(144 "e7C4"egIP• '404-t;
• sfrd•440114011,Wfilcl•' • _ ••
Oherilea • -can anct: heelIci
..0•40 jaMe alidleilleit;, • TO COniierV0 the.
flavor for Winter use Ohly (uliy ripe;
trestf, 'cherries shohl4 housed., sec-:
. Ihirdgrade, poduct, patiehlarly IP' eaa7..
sitit,Terene, badcherry spoil• the•
. .
• •lar.,. , ••• —
$ithpImath end at
snarkling1eherryiani;.exactly the abler:
' the:freak fruit, • • ••
. .
• 'cherry. jetn, (except Wild: Cherry. or'
•••• c)oliec.herry).•;,;._ :
i chti bottled !mit. pee:
tint Bit.ahout 21 Ihs. ully ripe4her-.
ries; Crtish •therouglity or; grind '.edd.
oz.). water; 'brieg to :.A ,beil,
:b,over "end .sirnirter 15. mihute,S,- (For
• ,Itrongor flamer, .' add dk,:.teaspoon al,'
inond extreet before peur.ing,).: .Mea,
' lure sugar: into .large kettle, !A1d pre:
pared. frult,',' Peeking each cup,ablidly
-Itnd, filling up.the •la.sLctipaor baking
weight 'with water, if. neceSsar$T,
•191ix. W..61,1 and • bring' to •e full ,.rolling.
direr , hottest. Stir; .constant.
beforeAnci while Bell hard
, iniatitee,",4 .Heinove fretia.fii and stir
and.,ekha by •
furnefor plat' ktninitteS to-coolsllght
to...p.reveni 'floating fruit:'Withlkkole
.lagle.Off _fe.W.,gla sees .eri h.Ot•
. Cigar spinti.ler .jelly,' Then ,frult. will
not float,. Ponr••anickly... Seal hot jam.
abeht. 11 eight -ounce •,
• • '
Buffet Suppers
Cold buffet ;kippers are mot palat•,.
'able -Ott- het shinpier nights.•.• Arrange
• 1.4.1 the: feed: on end 4:the:Agile.;
Place plates silver napkins and, pitch
'ers iced '‘.1;itiks On the Other' end::
•L :Remember that ;A:,.great.-
• success or your slipper party •depends
•thenrtistie_and appetizing appear,
:..ance or •„, • '
Your Menu might ecinsist.ef a couple
, of .cold Salads' served 'in big boWls
garnished With crisb 0; salad greens.;
• cold exits or- meat, pickles, hot rolls,
:celery ,and anything else:You like for
supper, -•
•DeSserts Should be Made aimply- So
• that they- to May • be serVed buffet '
' atkle. platter. o1! assorted' cheeses e
• With, ,erlip , crackers will: Add to the a
on' t have to ins.,AnYWhere. at laitY spe.
celated. mix minutes (no more,.no, less),
• remove the pot from • the, fire..
•: Be suo 4,00 '4 eleRt, 00-"P914t.9„i';'
Don't U84'.10ft,O,Ver coffee. .it tga't gqQ4'
;4'41' and; ;Will 'riga the:.fleVer;:o the
treSh/Y-Mage Onffe.a.• ••
QravyT1inus Lumps
Gravy:, Is atiAiliet" �gre t Ma
cooks ; :4_4 matter tit 'fact,. it, ,rOqUir
PatrepatV;;: .••• . ,
tHi31144 iXig: you ;haye t114•L 4.P4U
,grayt stock, 174° 4: an, add-. 00fiegh co
water' to Make' the: amount ot grav
.you 'require,. • Now put shine flour in
bowl' and add. eneugh water' to mak
paste. :Beat the • rinixtu
With..a• forker a PROOn untll net
•lump remains.; • Stir •it Into the'Col
water. ie thepan, :Place. the Pan'ore.
fire:Ana stir cotOtaa0y until tb
..b.e.e0ndee: . • ,,
taketf. about two heaping tabi
spoons of flour to, thicken tWo cupe
el •
e -
gravy.: sufficiently. AlWa3cs.„, salt and
to the ,table, , • *instead or,cold:
water, • may be 'Used ir You. Prefer. '
. .
Bummer Coentetica, • .
•• Summer heat hits a 'Wey or cheaply-
yonr-Ceanieties. The heet, Way to
keep 'our face ' toOking -asthough it
has beenfreshly niade up is . to get.
cosmetics WhiChatay on In spite' of the
heat. , • • • •
' A cream rouge Will ga on ea-ally:and
evenly -and: stay on -ell :hay. -.It Will
even' resist.'eleaf Seep .040,
or. a cleansing cream, must le used O.;
take it-eff, ;•-• ;• • •,, ,! • , •
Li.oa3 forget' the rule :•.‘for: creern.
sitetily hairetense4:10hor
dation creation 3:rent-Akin before you
put, it: on. Dry 'renge may . be. applied'
after-Yon-Jutve,t-powdered; • • •'•
When year faCe has bee -Cleaned:,
enteeth o,i .a little bit, of ..felingit•
tion-treanz-z4low- take a smapiniotint.
Of :the ,foamy creani rouge and...Make:
a:4ot in the:centre of each, cheek. Blend
it,upward.and.cititwitid;'.with your tote -
fingers; according.to.the shape Or .Y,0,11T.
face. • When it is all: Meeth_ttnitateti;
Pat ,.on.,1yetii .powder' with e. itiece.A
-clean coften.
It is ',an .,eitellent
idea to get your-
roug .and- lipstick at the. same
fronl the same Pince. Inthatway; the
beautician :caw Prat
• of each. you require. Also, y.ou'll be
sure that they harmonize. ,
• Dull finish poWders.,are highly 're-
conimended for. sninnler.. -They take
awatfll Shiny effects midthey-de stai
alolig time '
beauty of „the table and .be•.delicious d
.40 well • • • ' e
. „. •• .:• ••
• • Tricky SiOwle,Things'
• .".-Tie-'Shntitest• ,thingi-Tare-seinetinies•'s
the most diffIctilt for :the wernan. who- id
learhingi! to •;e6bk. :• Indeed; •Matiy. ex, i
-,Perteneed:"ctioke have their greatest
:tronhies• recipes for feed:a it siS Y
generally:I • :believed .evervone _'knows
•.fiew 'to :Make. ,. • .•• m
You •umicitilitediY titive. heard thank
• , _ . .
• women say :they. couldn't. niake good
.: grainy, that they ..alivaYs.,had,bad• Itick
: :With 'their deffeetand on..through a
Icing' list :of • tiiing:s; whicht seund very. a
..... 4... . , t
The subject of: good' coffee" iS •prbb
„iplY,.tte.m'oSOVide,ly-diSCisseti ef, the
fOodloprobleins.! Yeur..slinCess 'At home
. entertaining 'they .depend tO ,sonie ex- *
•'teitt .int the. kind Of toffewyou serve, p..‘
g .
•,`..First, the :fact • that . cofflie .i8 j'ex t 11
Holidays •
No. longer' fio we bother • abent the
lock in•the
rranged et:. our :oWn ptediire;' we
iei tinie. • • • •
'But. yeti Must bear ,inind,:that
met:upset •routitte withoutlieving :to
ay for It. Theory is ali.yerY:weili bat
n praCtice:. Yeti Will 'firidthat,,•:fer the
rat. few days,' thechange is notdoing
Ott any good: , "1 '
You .:fee1 to do
tick,. Your atornaCh little..npseti
nsteact. .14 that .brisk, ' let's-do,a-tea-
title-Walk .feeling„ yen -reel; More . like
°nig to sleep, ; „: • . • ,
• • •
• This feeling Soon' passes as one..gets
cclimatized, se don't bedepressedat
hetlietight thp.t..You have cOme to the'
rotig place
, , . • .
Household Hints • r,
liite0turniti; well grated and :triiied•
ith a little MuStard and .04doai-, is an
When, boiling' • or
lb ' grentict„,ginger. Over. the
fowl: before cooking. • It Will'inake it
more' tender, and be a great. iniproye•:.
, . •
:Add, a • pieee ef 'hatter,' to; the:milk
,,When making', blatic-mange:'. ••
Jt • tura. the iheidil ;Mitch,
More:easily,. : , •
Mix: a •iittie. atiareli .1 and
add to the ,hltte water When rinsing
•elothea. 'It \Oil Jirev.ent !etreaitinee.e,
od. dry onicker, •
When •relthitteNbecome soiled do not
'let theth, get ..teo., dirty, hitt sprinlcte
well ;Wilk:household Salt.' filth firmly
and Weil. iate,,the felt, • With. al clean
pleee Of .rough tOw,er; ',then shake WOE'cxu will '
be pleasedwith the result.
'neeessarily .nieatty.but
Wlli Ita,Ve geed ,,coffee if yen "Se It.
rhe price you pay ia,not aii.iinpartant.
•it -is • -essential that. YOU use •fresh 'Of?
..A‘ehowever. :
•ICheiv approXiniately-how cupa.
.:tif the beyeregeYen ereioi)* to need
• tor the'moalf:•Tirep,..gitorip on full cup
:of .wiit.er•:, to each otip: 'of ;coffee.. re-
Use cOlid water:: . AlloW'one
heaping itablespoon of,COffee,f6rieach.
• ••••.enp-.-i,one oitrd. talilespeMi Tor' the pet•,
.•This forinula atwaye', applies: whether
•• yon..! Uso.. a per„ebiator 91, make:baited
, ," ."
the'.W6ter cente-re".a• Von:- •'4,f
mute , the ,coffeo begins. fulnung....up
fike.fitrated. Dre8,iuzkiizg Lesaqu Fur,-
' 'aff1e.4 with-EuerY Fattelit •
' The .bleuse. assumes 'lunch 'ilUPPqt7
ance thia season While,jacket andCape
.Istut,s „play a leaditig role. . •
And here is a ravishing Model. • it la'
one that -can be carried; out in plain,
or embroidered organdie as 'well' as in
neckline is exceedingly
Lig. And don't Yoe 'think the ;brief
• "puffed sleeves.•adorable9- '
• -It's made in a liffy!'•
Style. No: 3468 is :designedfor aiieg•
• 14; 16; 18 2Q years,48, 38aid 4Q
Inches•buit, • ' • ,
Size' 16'i:et:pima only I.T/s yards of
39 -inch material. •
:10Yir" TO-ORDEF,t
Write yairy narne and:add, resS plain-'
:135 Oiling • huinber and: site Or, such'
stamps, or • coin * . (coin prefeire'd,c1rAP
itfoarefully)-for.,:each '-htintheri
address yolir'Order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 78 Nirest__T. AdelnitleSt;itOroute:
• ,
. : . • '
Women to Studr. . .4
Trends: an Business .
•TINTe-W York. -How bushiesS ?and
fesloni1womejj in:the United :States
'Mire, Met the, ectuunnic -and
what •,•trends . and opportunities they
'See „developing through •P'resent eon-
American *onkin's
eordiug to ainpucenf&nt madby
Miss. Anne Morgati; president of the
L.*F1-12-14, Joly
;chapter. 6-8, Golden. text7:-.4eberoh
317,41•,,,the strength, ot MY: life; of
7').469411), 0411' I be. afrilii.d.-4)S. 2.7t1,
TIME—Seven-year OPPresSiOn, j;03'
the MidianiteS,ending With pideWs
victory, B.C. 182..3—'2a, •
• PLACE--Gideon's home in Ophrah
in Manes:Mi.-west Of the Joicle.n,. The
battle was fought tat the plain 9f
jezreel, in • southern
•."And Jehovah, •,:41.:1' mitt- Gidec;n."
Either by spoken 'word or by' an itn-
Ptession made, upon 'Ills _mind.. "The
• pe,eple are yet to inithy.": !]'he words
mist have sounded :iri .Gideon's •00P1
like *the. knell of doent.", "Bring them
down Unto' the.wat,er." • The Spring of
•'Hared.1,."Ahdl*ill try Ciena•for thee
there..,;:Apa it shall be that Of 'whom
•I Say unt0thee,Fhj.a.shalL go. with
• thee,: the saMe ALM go With %thee."
• Often, we select-opr *articles and life
-.partners on grounds tho last 'suffi-
cient and it is: TIQ:.-wonder
that our IWO aps. rather Weakened
;than strengthened by'stieli,friendshipe.
"And 'of. whomeoever .1. sny unto thee,
This shill not:gm:with the, the same
shall. not 3,0.7. The Lord can discern
hracterspu?t,ual.tra an tenden
is that are hidden' frmn us lie Clearly_
open before His. einniaerear7.—
' .'"Se he brelighthe xp1e unto
one of :the .ment.remarkable tests. of
'history. ' "Aid Jehovah Said m to Giti.7.
eon,':gyery. one that lapPeth of
water yirith his tongue, as 'a- dog lap
i)etb.;.bit.n shalt' thou set byhi/uSe/f.';
Various explanations • have been .given
.ef, the Jnethods' of .driziking•••Mentioned.
The ,Only one that,seenia to satisfy the.
text'as :it 'stands ie that the:three htln.:.
dred took Water in .their hands And
rest, bent down : on their, -hands .and
clranlc :directly froMthe: stream, "Likak
•wiselevtrY•0110 that,boyeth down,upon
bis 'knees ' to drink.,' The bulk of ,the
soldiers . got -down on their knees and
leisurely•Slaked their' thirst' •
.. the number_ ef thorn .the.t lap -
pea ' putting'. their. hand to their:
ntOt.th' Was •three hundred. Men. But
all the.reet of...thepla.bowed •down
upon thou. knees to drink •wn, . . Do
re belong to ‘•fall'ilie„rest"? Are we
with theliig xaajprit lead'
lives, never lifthig their; hands eb lift
the 'world's' hea+Y burdens,their SoUls
never heavy with the 'world's Sorrow?
"A.ridJehovah said Unto qideart, By
the three , nieri that •lapped
will Litive YOu and deliVer the Midian-
*es -Into 'thrhatid?'• :'The Lotil-WOUld
serict-ne-merethan-three hfindied •
r elites ,against those:hordes �f heath-
ens. "And•let :all. the.PeePthe4!
man Unto bis place." go<iteverri,
• ' • " . •
'The: atudiea; Which*Will be financed
by."grants .to the easecietien 0003, •
,onet.'32oop .from 'the: Carnegie Mind* •
tion and the Quggenheini • •Fo.untia.
'w‘lf be. iziade in, .CO-oPeiatioti with
National Occepatienal :,:confer-
• Once, ',*eStahlished• reeently:, to. Serve-
-under the Carnegie,,Totinpation as
Airecting, and clearnig rnednin ,the
'field, of, 'voCaticinal:: guidance ••and .per-
sehai •Adjitstritent •to: occupational tire;
.special 'feature injury. will ,
be:. A ••Study.: 'Of :changes.; in Standards, 1
:of : or the Weinen.jirbitaittese,
and the Orokeasiois..!..' • '
The .:aWarda •by bath feundatietit:
wore 'inade'ln ,recOghttion•of the Work
The Sword of Jeho ...rid of Gid-
eon. "And 'divided the. three him,
,Ired •men into three companies:" •-Thus
the •IVIidianitee Would feel that they,
were attacked by a great .hot .• "And
he put- into the. hands of all Of them
trumpets." The trurripets we,!.e rams"
horns, :hello*, and • making a hideous
blest when blown. "And empty pit-
chers, with tbt•cheIt. Within': the pitch-
ers." ' Christians ,niay sell fellow Gid-,
ens .example :and .go intothe.
world with the sitnrile • equipinent �f
he Word 'of -God; the •sword Of the
Nyhik with::,),rayerLia_ulig•W
to the pulling aciWn Of Stronglields.'
."And' he said ini,to them, Look o
Met, and do likeWise." true leader'
f men. rimet ,,be..PrePared :to set him-•
self up an .an example: :"And;,:behOlcii
when I come' to the outer moat part o±
he CamP". Of the • camp'
It shill be that; as :I • de; ...se Shall 'ye
Whenthe leader breaks his pit -
her; flourished -his ,terch,, •and. blows
is trumpet, they are,to, 9 the same.
"When.I.blew.•,th'e truinpe,'.; I anti:.ali
hat:. are. With; methen blew ;ye. the
runlidets also ,cin every': side; Of: the,
nainiP, and Say,. For jeboVali and for
ideon.." All. gen.eralS,1109 known ' the
SefulnesS of Stirring War ekes 0•
Gideoh :and; 'the htlAred, men'
•'7, • the . secret •of sureess any 'eam-
aign ..akainst r‘Tairia, tinteihe
• OtertoOst pert •the canip, in the be-
ginning of the mid le
Via- in the dead <if night; 'aboil Mid-
night: ',"When they had •but neWly. Set
the • Watch:" • •And When,' "th.erefore„
there •WOuld"be sonle res•Mtunt eonfu-
and1Wseldiers in' Faii.
thin. had ..not settled ' to • keep'.
• strict guard. • "And, 'theY, blew. the
.tinnipet4, ahd brake 'in ,pieees the: pit-
chers that:Were in their httrids:". ,The
IVOlianitee• were net striVeti back by
ha;tgeolad beiyite: ".•e,Werds', Of: stent-,
" ""
the-three,cein-Panies blow p
trumpets,": etc.. The stratr,genias
outnrried ,precise y. as la •i cen
planned,' God does.tiot welt the trtim-,
Pet. testimony and darkness. Ile"Wants. (I
'•the testiniony aedonipenied by light, •
the association.:has done" .during..the
past 'three 3reays, in- giving InfoAna-3
don and providing :vbeational. &nun-
• eelje its membership of 4000 wetnen,. "
,annountement said.. . The: re- .d
search will ,be :0.0.* On under .tha. e
direCtioii of the general service con- h
thittee cif the Agee:elation,: headed 'hv
Mrs . t
MerY G. Schonberg. .
• C,30 -imotrdb. vtiossie
et4c.Testm.i. to -The 'Li 01.1
TAmRt''CL,ots sfus,r tD SG
.1-30t.P. Mel) . kaA'ct1O
SVTdi-44 ITTtis,
Itto. Tti4itt";
notion Jewels u
of Mrs. E. Ma'am
.tenieh' Mrs.• t
dianiend braceletti,
bronehes; !and' • earringe-74111 6
be put ti-tilor—attotien. at Sotheby's..
,• ,There •, ,are , breceleta; Allkor
:dientehdseXcent,•ene which ceMbilieti
diamaiiits; and enteraldi; .ton•••'ringS,
•0l_thichAW6 hrty...0arie,Stilitaire
,iiientla. • and others.: are enriched with:
erneralde. Aor:.:tubies; four • breeches,
one dealgited as a hasket.of flowers;
iWo.pairs..Of earring's,' and:a .tlianitind
pendant -On a platinum' Aind pearl
necklet', •' • •' ••' •1
gold.'clgarotte0., case
,With: the Anitiali• "V.; .. JiL W,"
.Motid.a,„' and a•IMig, chain; from Which
me ohe did:00110a Is O.1181§ing:
totat.ef tWeitty-reur 'tenni;
. that. are to 7 dispeSed: Of. , •
tyro coise,
• qennese, •Yedth w„ the
Prene4 nation has. si..ESIS. 14P'SPort•ht.14
heat refie9ted at the P. OTb0101.raria
University, writes' the ?aria; core-'
• Pundhnt of "The Lorldell Deily 'Tele-
graph"' It new. ha4, f04itute. fOt•
Illygical• Culture that •sUrP6S'ee!
thing of the kind abroad. •
The ihfiltittite has1)eVn.•;:YEs*,Vci by
mih*eivIle PhYsleal ,eultn-Z4
enthusiasts, ',who', eau :statlY there all
the. ,newest 'theorteg •te. 'their li0tirt's'
content. The latest distinguiehed
Medill?er is -4.- R. H:
Van:Sehageni MaPieiln4 14:sPeetor 0
Phyaleel ecieeetichi. at, ,AMO.erclaRip on
wherry a*• decorate has been .9Onferred
by the Parls- Univereity. .:}ks Weal
in the deVelolindent of , the' 'Peional
' e. role, of physical educatien
rn future one 'rst tiar0fac'id.
ot to
confuse J).,Se. Sordefpie
we Marthitl in'ste-44 0f.'13.A. the
.flifurPtliheristc,eijnilchlW, Zegsirte0Y:s:•P°caallVi'al'irkl''a(M4tat471°
ter of Football) and, Ei.R.CM: (Pet-
lovof the_Royal College of,-Heckey)
may be ,conferred on.' visitors from:
England who cligplay 'special prowess
when here. ,\
US VVinnen Overworked
• 11,1Heerrei en:,orilf ()ern Alyin4riretepo ,lub
dhsar. da 74:0
•says the osikszetniartoni•Becza„Annie.
no more or less
than that she's. a Ifungarian'Coloners
daughter). •. .
anlinstserYBrelTtittitirtiegsihkert reeliitt°111,14siint.
in Teliovostone National' PariS, said
she found Many lovely thingslin the
United States ,to hold her:here, but
eoulda't kernainThecauSe there's'
-too much -labor-and not'ffetionghAtive
in the .life Of the „average r American
•W'omari; says a bulletin.from. National
' Park Service. •1,°
ritiSbands -who come hem° on. the
Wife's ,hridge• tight only to' find the
_house either deserted or overrun with
bridge kddiets might -well Pittise be-
fere.replying in indignant'vein to the
'Hungarian beauty.
,qrs R2,0, Vixa. "awd
;Canadian Literature J5 •;
- Prased. By London- 'Times
Londow.--iligh"PraiSe- for Canadian• :
literary efforts was fortheotning from
• the:, Times ,recently follewing the :gala
,ftinctiona .held• in honor ot- the
menibers' 61:_thcfatisdian,Litt
ors" ASSticiation:
Theyhoard speeches.- of.' Weleenta
by.,Itudyard lipling•,!, G. Ic.Chestet,
ten and:: •Henry ' Newholt at • a
great ••latielleon arranged 'hy—'t
rtekal Society of Literature, and -IiSr
1St, •JOhn,: Ervine,• •,Etineliwater
and • /in Hay at "a recePtion,
'ed by the, . IneorPorated ' Soclety of
Authors.. ••
•, The ",luncheon; said • the •Tiniee,
.''mekee a :happy .bit lof iiterary—per-
Iniperial.--hiatery. It isa tri -
:hate to the 'power :end . Ivigor,Of a.
literature When the 'names of :even a
OW of its, anthers • era .honsehold.
Words; in another lend::
tijiterary workers.: or. Canada, with
•so Vast and se Aively, a
:Prosent,z- have very _i eat tiuiigs Jp
gfre Dngliih.literatitre ixi ,the thtnre,'!
Killed by Cricket. Ball
In- recOrding • a,' rare' death • by
'cricket seine London' papers compare,.
•tho".Vital. statistictlioTeti-ekeMld
With. theSe of .feetbatl, and' add that
Mhlie there' Is no ecord el .4 football
ever..r. having 'Itself been •responsible
' for: A death..it:.is. not •S.6 'With 'the••ball.
used' in Cricket.' This. ball, is Only .3
inches in diarneter bat W,eighs• eter.
V2 ounees; ',due te the :feet, that; its
interior a 'mais..•of:' .cotten ,thread
• tightly; ' Wound • around: 'a half,4nch
sphere: of hard' rUbber, the whale Coli•
slirfihken • On! and stitehed at the eir-'
• curaference. 'The aCeitlent Which'
'aitused the 'continent, feek place- at
Potters Bar, Middlesex, when',
er WaS F.,:trtie.3k,bY the ball•Wshigh '41.its;"
ed .coniPreSsion. of 'the 1,irain.-,ibroug.h
4..,,•ruptured blood 'Vessel. , •' • L.,•_•4'
1Seek ' Oil on Swedish ;stand.
stockhon.l..,—.Few offokls are beiri
made, to find oil on the island•::Of
Oland, long, nefed for the fi'as Which
Se 'ePS frorn it peculiar' litnestone.,,for-
,mation....Electrical eqiiipment is being.
used. Pilcovery of oil wauld be un-
:ique •for xis kingdom.
• f"
tt.S e.F.V At9b...THAr ,tcirC KNOW) WAT' wt
A Lot‘i4 '1"0. 7;r1tft • '6•o•ys,?
to,*(AVs' '441z6NG`;
Re.-Futes "
Go ito
r•Os Teo
and.Launches 'First. Mail
.,11414e4 7oxi,..ftraxxt,RoPtP .
-Tehe1re,7---.N**.-pekithellte with ,:;-
eictrie4iiavfoOr.-.4tois:4tie.'449,,p00444tieo:tirleie .70411,cPaogisti::,
Westphalen es,'•a. way.
aPcl the firet,../ine••*111. get; iiii4eriTe7
in 19,04.-BaYa: Cafitain Frit4
. captain HaMmeri,
.the tivng• 4e4t...0e4r and cgrector
,cOmpa,fiy., whicti will .operate the! lin%
• piloted the..first fiyi4 boat Catapulted -
fretnniiii-epean. In ..a' teat run to Bra,
The ahjp• •already .hatt •receiied and
catapultedplaneeitretn. airica'X94;06k.,,,
besidesin ,: ',' taking.
numerous offshore, landing and-Catk. .
' ocean air line,hlternating. wits( :
tite,:.:Grar:. Zeppelin,. wilt , at :the itarl.„'„
-give' .fontrday 0,erVice: rretnAterIfit
Rio," 'SaidCaptaiiii,Xammer, ","taterr,--
as night flying AfrIcA 'coast, ajidgdi..ligSite4rtetidYainitliligPteht:
The trithsoCeen,part, of the ;line :will
require trent twelve to feniteenhoura,
depending on piing coaititions, rIttneti, ,-
frora.liathiirst *eStphs..•
• len; .in miclOcean, in six or BeVen
ltetira,7, ther,tests, showed.; ,
-Reaching, the Westphalen, the flying
,heete, Will be takenaheard, by an
Ingenious drag sail and • crane. :
'The,land.ing'deyi.e.e,0•Itey• to the_ sno;
.exPerithents,,, worked, with
out a hitch in the four. nceanfilglite _.• •
:made ..ati,.,-eiPeriment's•:, 'This. device ..
onsiets.: Of .a.....OAnfae: 62 :by .26 feet;'
thid�rnOath to assure sta
Wane,. tbe West
Phalen heads. into:the, :wind, „letting. •:'
, , , . • ,
out the :canvas drag sail behind..
, tithe their :descent to hit the teti; of: ••••
a 'wave Close.'tct, the , :Canvas.
Germans Receiving 1.
Berlin;—Coursek Of'. instruction • to.
.bchnbardinents hegan, °last :week at
herWycinwrotectionfusetithAtt Chaic;. •
,lettenhurt'un,der.. the auspices -of the:
.Federal:..League, for •Protectied: Against
Air ,,Atiacka, •, • ' • ''•• '
I The; ,leagtie Operates under'
;Ailatlon 'hlinistri headed 'hy dap.
,Wilhelm -Goring. •
thousand School, teachers,. moste':.
•Iy: teaching :ohernistry: ,and physica, •
entered the three clays'. .10tensiv1
••eotirse :and, they iI1 be .follewed by
others. •': •
-Waited Fift3i, Years• •.
. ..,For Husband.. -of a' Day
who ,diedIreeently,i1Ctislieticilin,- a
Seaside ' .vi in Countg,
Antrini, • 'Ireland ;• 'waited' for fifty
years for .her huaha.nd-orte-day.
One; morning; •fifty. years* ago .Cap.„ .•
idin :Welter 'BeasAnt; the iweetheart:. •
Of sehOol •daYs,rhade her,' his bride, ".
and he left; later in the, day ..to,. take. ;
his :threeltiaeted; Ship. to ItataVin.','
. The. ,Ship 'sailed; and , was , nevei.:.
heard of • • john , • '7
Beasent, .the"
brother; said '''Iter love never died, :
SherernFedi offer after: offer. mar' 2
Ord0 ACinalii:NeetiOct
Chicago —f • the . 400060 or mori..
words. in thes-English: language,' only
856 are . actuallyneeded In brititiarY
according t� Misi
Mary , L ,GUYton; superViser ,er adul
educatiint ,Igaesiteliutett4.': •
Mis'onVjoirrarii.eared on san :adult
education program to ..explain ...the7 •
?baste', •Dnglish Werlts • .Of Professor
Ogden' of,Ca'aibri'dgeAielitail,
WhoiVas itoahle:•tO' he 'here hoeanao•
of A change 'of .Plans.•!•,••„ •
- • "Profesior Ogdeti. saYS there . are
1:5fi0 languageS acting as..barriers to
word ittiderstanditi,:” ,Sinee."
...hied by 500,0661:000 ;people h6
ieVes ,baeic ,..14righage• 1,• Of •7tInl1sa. • '.
air :be, used International •,,z
• ;••
, •.,
' • • A • 1
Duelia tired forgetterations, oti :the •
rY,-laint -farming', area_s.. MOniatia a
„ V !eat the 'Power of swinizning..,
4 .
soloy MacPherson Refuses to 'Tip
Isel TKAT TVW DitAst.
°c".00 i.hp
. •••"
111111111111011VIIIIII11110 11110
IteAtAL. *114°
, •-•