HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-07-27, Page 4'CET A MILLEt 'HARGAIN'FAREEI " FR.IDAIr A,UOUST 4m �LVow OINITREALe.QUEBIRC CITY side To -p- ia-st.TAisne de ReauPre ALSO TO utddrea 5 'Years, and.under .1; half farC Nkilaigage CheeKea' ° TiCketH' gOOd h c°11CiteS 014Y • ' Tickets to, Chicago sold' s,ribieet- to •PaaSenger meeting. Immigration 1, • tetniirements er I. S. A. An•oPPortulityto see the World's Fair p Chieago-Century of ' ProgreSs Expositi9n • sPeeific return fare's -train service-tranait limits -tickets, etc. , Apply 10-LUC1NOW, .Ont.-Pepot Ticket Agent QA1sTADIAN A,TI NAL 1,163 MAFEKING Miss Grace Blake ;of London spent Sunday' with-, her. ' tiarei4s, Mrand - 411,11; Thomas raokS.,..., *IN Finlay okocieton was home • from ,',LOndon overtbe Week -rend.' Mr: . and MrS Hnan ,Moffat , of Sar14; are holiclaYing with the ia- er'5. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard JohnstOn. • Miss- -/Sobel. Anderson -of-London- , spent , Sunday with 'relatives here.. • Mr. Marva Anderson has , pur- chased the farm On the 9th concession of Ashfield, reeentlY , owned by Mr. Chris, CoOki but better known as the heineptead of his grandparents, the •late` Mr Paul Reed and Mrs. Reed, who moved to Lucknow- some,' tWenty eiht-Year.* , aio. • 7-7=7 ' Mr.' and Mrs; Louis Boothhy of • Detroit are -spending a fortnight witW t!ie latter'S. brother, Mr: .Toni „ .• Misses V1016Vand ,RubY. Kilpatrick • of Toronto are home on account of the serious, illness of their brother Mrs....Cecil'. Wheeler- of Belgrave was with her sister, Mrs.' /ohn, 1014 'patrick-iiiit. week,' while Mr.: Kilpat- rick, was critically illwith. • pietral' ,4th CON.i, ICINL,OSS ; Mr." ani -Mra.:Russell,,MCDonald lisd,'familY: of RlYth'.visited,with. and. Mrs. .Pan McKinnon (4th con.) over the, iweek-end. ' . Mrs. R. Maitin. and. I.,aurine spent a day Iast weck with Urn.. Munn at; her .cottage at the beach. Mrs -Jardine is visiting with her mother, Mra, McKenzie. Mr. BiiRe PtimannJ4*:,,' met, *i0 *-11011,nfOl• ,11,ciideiPtI144•'•Week,':"while :,*,orking With :Ur: W. donati, failing a feVi! feet he .lighted on a. Piece of • iron; :which ; pierced his, side, hurting the liver. He was taken to -Goderich ' Hospital ;:-where be is ,recovering nicely, we are glado . large groWft attended', the -South Kinloss Congregational pienic.:., Point Clark', on Friday last. .Mr.' and Mrs. A. Fraser and Mr. and Mrs. ' Da*, Of Emliror -visited Sunday- at Mr. '1'. 'Robinson's. Most of the farmerst,ftre throne, haying I, and cutting wi.t.e4t i th( order olZtha.day. .Mr. iDan ,McDonald of ,LUcknow, visited' last week ;at Mr. John Mc- Donald's. 4. • •• Mrs. - W. 1. Ensign and Been of -Goderich are spending, this week With Mrs. 1f. Robinson... , • Miss Baldwin of Toronto Is' visiting with MissAnnie McLeod. •'Miss 'Betty Murray of London h.. spending .her vacation with MIss -Martha Sutherland. The July ,meeting of the ILF.W.O. • met Thursday at the home of Mit. • Richard Martin, with an attendance Of thirtyme..In the. absence_of _the tditjKMfddjet�nJiresid- ed, and the meeting Opened by sing- ing the "Opening. Song"f and repeat• = ing the Lord's Prayer in unison. • After the roll' call, eirerybpdy joined 7singink-'"Carry -me-:back-to.- old Virginia:" Miss *Sarah McIver read: a Paper prepared„ by 'Misa Mary. Mc-! •'Leod, 'JIM Little gave ' some .splendid selections on the Violin. Miss Derothy •Irwin' favored: the nieetihg • With a piano, side. Mrs. D. Munn • 'Rave a travel talk, which along' with - several beautiful views and souiren- iers, made a very interesting '.Part • In the program. After a Vete. of • thanks to the ,hostess , the nieetinr •• closed by singing .the ,National • thein, after which refreshments were Ripley , -Edward , and John. Gillespie of London are visiting nt -the bezne,?.of Mr.! Thos. Thompson) Con - • .• Visitors at Mr: J. A. Farrell's the past- Week were, Mr.S.:'K.,•McAllister and daughter:: jeYee„, Bloomingdale, Mrs. (Dr.,) • L. ' Meredith: and :Mary /eau Of • Waikerville and Mrs. Win! Knight, •Aipley. •- 'Huron Star Rebekah Lodge 'held their picnic at - Landsdowne Park, park, Kincardine.. Rev. Winans and family of Price. - to, a• for -mer minister 'here, visited with ae9iiiaintanees in the village: During.:the absence of 'ReV. C. N. • 'MacKenzie -of--St-.--',"-AndreWa--tnited Chtircli.lon his holidays, SerVices at Ripley, I3erVie and Olivet' were .con- ducted . by 'ley: R. M. gentle': Past9r. -A-Knox Presbyterian 'Church,' the' congregations .of St. Andrews and Km* :Churches nreting together for the. morning service 11,t •Ripley.' Rev. MacKenZie_.[Ia_conducting.„theiservices_ for 'the next two Weeks hi thelii-the; manner, w1iIe Rev. • karma 'is on holiclaire.; • . ' • • Misses Margaret, Jean .and Pauline McInnes and their. aged 'mother Of Toronto, are occupying their cottage • at, -Bruce, 'Beach... ,; " •••• • Mrs.J.McLarty„,ene. Of 'Thiren ToWnship!s..; pioneers, is, „quite 111 at her;i hoindi Con. 10.. , Residents' of Ripley ad surround- ing :eenilicniniY are being, '!efficiently served .- by .the new SUPerior Store, '.0.eta0iShed'in tbe Welsh. biock,here: and which. is :Owned and Operated by • When the stove pipes_ took fire • .part of them -fallingin a bedroom -he home of 'Everett 19,nnigan, ,nar- ....owly escaped falling prey to- .fire Thtirs14,...4v.- Mr. Finnigan and brother UtikveY,. Sricceeded. in anguishing' the flaines brit not be.forf, ...onsiderable :damage was; ,done the -.Sedroorn furnishings by 'fire and , smoke. • Mr, end Mrs. j'amea - Stevenson and family of ,Zeltria. -'SaSk. hav.e. irrived bere .by --Motor and wilt' set- tle;on the SteVenson farm; Ashfield %Ir. and Mrs. Gordoar•SteWart haVe noved.fo 'their hew -home at the river: recentl.Prireliased from WjI- ':iam • Higley, '-Thonrits AnderSoa, has Prir,chased. the-tfarin in''Ashfield,„re- •• 'ently owned by Christopher;:Cook, „ ,Mr. George, Freeman a Colborne „eivp„: had a'. valuable"cow,•killed T•by ightning recently,- • , . Miss Doris Swan is visiting,-rela, ,ives in West: WaWanosii1 • • `Miss Ferrie:•Alton:is a• 'guest 'with 'her grandparents. Mr. •and Mrs.:Jas. Alton, •- • . Tte, Misses Ernie, and: Cora Fin- nigan,' :Nancy, Kleff,' Beryl.. Elliott; Durnin," Catherine' Crawford, alargaret Ryan and OliVe And:Orson have returned' from, spending. a week MelVille Chlbeit's cottage at Port: • Miss Dorothy ;Allen �f Goderich, has been enbjd tat41,ach.cetrit4zei. S.S.),, and Miss Margaret Pentland is to"..be. the • teacher at, SialtfOrd for the. eh - suing .year. • • • ., • . _ • , Mr, George Wood, veteran:school teacner is, a .guest at tse ileMe ex his brother' Mr. Thomas livoocio and :Miss Woods„ 'After. teaching' school for' 40 years; and four moiling; WOodshas_Joined_the_list_Pf_retited teachers. • For the last thirty-five years he has taught")coritintia,iy. in Saltford' Ptablie scho61,, and in his long life .of .teaching be has been in only six Sehools,as dyce; "Cameren's school (West, ,Wit -7. .wanoSh),_,LDiniganium• Goderich 1Vio- del. School, Bempjfler and „Sanford' .In" 1884. he Attended Normal School An Teronto at the4imp_when:Rev.... Dr. Davie was principal. He received .his High.*Sclioottraining atCoflin- wood. Mr. Woods', will powrijoy a. 'well-earned resj-; ,whi&hhe wifl snend at his beautiful home in :Goderich and With his: ,Ohlyi", sop 'at- Niagara FARS; New- York. : ITECHLIRCII Miss ' Agnes training....:„at,..1Stratford„:„ItospitaL-iE spending her - two :Weelisc holidaYs with her parents; My.. and Mrs. 'Jas. Wison Nlis Gladys , Garton. rettirned.,last • Friday to 'Ontario Hospital at 'Lon-. don, -.after' spending her holidays with ter parents,. Mr. aid Mrs.•Geo. • . • Garton. • Mr. -Duncan Kennedy. coninienced threshing cm Monday. Miss' Mary Simpson - of Langside is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Jas. Wilson, Sr.. '. • • Mrs.Thc•s: /ziglis made a .:business trip, to London last Friday. -.Mrs. Roy Cringle and daughter Helen retriined- to •Detroit after visit,' big? With' her mother, Mrs. • David • We are sorry t� report that .Mrs: IIillehisoe'sr., is not as well, as her many:friends would wiah, her. We hope fora'speedy. recovery. • Mr. and Mrs. Leven of near Fend - wish, 'visited recentlY with , Mr. and Mr. Eli Jacques. ' *The W. M. S. of' the Presbyterian' _Cluarchare- meeting on.:'Friday at, 2.30. pun., at the'home' of Mrs. A. Enierso;', Avhen Mrs. 1VIeWhinney Of Dungannon will be the special -speaker:, The .Miasitin Band quembers. are' rilgo inVited.,' „ Mrs; A. -FOX-. and TMiikGezileVe" Watt visited one day last ,Week with the fortner'S' sister. Mrs, ; Humphrey of St. Helena and Mr. Win. 13arbour visited Mr. Woods of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. •Ilarry Tichbourne of doderich spent ',Sunday with • the Tatter's parents., Mr. and NTS. David Kennedy. • •• , • • Master Angus. McDonald of • St. Helens, is 'visiting withhis, cousia, Mr, Jack •.1 • - Mr. arid IVIrs.,Ddrican 'kenriedy and Mrs. Charles Morria spent S d •t served and a social 'time sPent; Lake.. YOUR HOME IS ..YOUR. CASTLE' • . Aiwit only.clears,, ortstructive. new by, reading. THE CHRISTIAN 'SCIENCE MONITOR Nesoapisiier eonotruedie world news hut iloOs not esploli crn andscandatJtmi i laitarossirg feature pekoe tot all the tinnily on Irioinen'e,Actieities, Honig.; •iiiitiliGardins,ladueadon and Booki.. Moo pagei.toe the' Children and Young ..- 1/441sa. Vigorous ed.iterials, an Interpretaiion ,of new, in the "Maieh Olt ' 'Malone 'COlunsti and. "Watching the. World GO By"• ,,, •,. 'ire ot us:metal int, • to men:, • . „ The Christian Relent* Publishing sedate 107 Falmouth Street:144ton; MessachUsetts , • Please- enter My eubsorirition, to The miriade°. ikleiite MOnitai tOr 1' ,IsOlod Of onit rear. . • Threo ihitititha , lEttigs,0114,?1:44. .,4se.e$ - 4 '4;4 e :,11 • + • .. • • H -Ft . TOO Lurqw__SENTI1EL4 'Published every , Thrirsday morning LUCkilOY4 01.4114(4 Mrs. 'A., D. MacKenzie - FrOPrieter mpbelI TheniPsoril-7-134blialler. THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1933. ST. HELENS Mr. And Mrs. Percy, ourne T9rOnto, Mrs.. Gillespie ot Greenbank and Mr. George Hibben cif.'TorontO, were: recent • visitors with Mr. , a Thinn, • • „ • Mr, and Mrs. Alvin ,Miller, • „M Joirir ,Miller and Mr., Eldon NM were wee -end visitors witty -Mr, a Mrs,• $ikrkes_ of: Per0ter: Parkes arid .babY Eileen return ith them of9ratate'nh'de!diClatYThoswhl.ie co'n'f' o'r ity ,picnic at Kincardine on Frida Were given : wett-•recep'tiOn. noon, hoWeVer, the weather clear and the afternoon' proved ideal for nicnic. Bathing, sight-seeing, • quoi arid softball •oecripied the time very pleasantly and it was decided from experience past and present, that if rain is wanted ,just arrange for a Women's Institute picnic. • „Miss Christine and Mr. lilting° McFarlane of '131neVale are yisiter§. sister, Mrs. G;MePherso n. Mr. „and Mrs:. Pickwood Janet and Edwin of New:York are visitors with Mrs. •PickwOod's brother Mr. John and 'qrs. • Cameron. The II.W.I. end COeleilleitT,, (30 held their annuOI.Oienic at Itlocrt)intt Beach en Tue,sda, JulY ltith,.. Tlia ncloayrni31)e°1!!)PgreIsdePllatl: Mthi:S" .i;)'*Itii:l 41k.141,41: Mr 'Bert TheMPSO0 .4kiid• Mr., 'Wu Statters took charge of the'spOrts. ° Girla, 6 " Yi's• • until Ondek`,:-Nr,ill'a: Hodgine, Donalda and IIelen Vaiad:: i Boys,: tq yrs, and. underiward rs, .4.n,d,,*Harold.:„Pliett.,' 4,, ,,:°' WaGlilir,IsM' all'6Y'Y'Wi'shit!!":e V41°t*I"Ile 7/11;j" '‘ i39343, 1., Yrs---1•E-Waiii• 11;. Cleelile ed. Gilli; .10:1'rs.---.-Iielen" :TlioinPa.91). • Hewer(' •HalderibY. • jean' ThemPSOn. -- : . ,.. Boys, lo Yrs. -Jack. APitert; :Lloyd A9kert, Howard, Lep', ..tuung IVI,. en'sl:Iarold and Prat* ed .. • , . , : Young, tedies4DorothY Xakienby '17 *ary',Yedginso, D'Ia••13eYlo, ! Yft "'Married Ladies-1-MrS. ,Thos,' Hod - At gi„n4,1, mrk, IIewar4 Ha -141s, ed • Married Men-H•James \rabid, a Conley.. .,,, • ts • Coat Race2Mra, Howard Harris, - Eugene. Conley'. Misg* Mani White Clifford Johnston, "Tie Race -Miss Hazel • Percy, Me Bert Thompson. Fat Ladies_-Mrs.:,..Trodgins, ,Mrs• Abner. Ackert, Mrs. James Valad." inriTid:sl le161i114ddll'otys',u nip ti a '':eednd" sa;:): easi , Sunday visitors at ,,Thes.'.:11ritrio' were Mr: and IVIrs. E.' A, Palmer Lois and Billie, Mies , Margaret • and Anios ri'aliner, Mr. ,and Mrs. Fifireld AVery and;June of Kincardine !gigs,' Mildred' Treleaven; 'Miss Mar-, 7 flick's 'anci. Margaret Treleaven; .Billie nn.d.Jack'Treleaven. and Jim Hiela d of .LneknoW. ••• " — — Messrs. George • and 'Charles Mc- 15uillie and Wa144' Forster WI last cOmpanied theMas far, as Tara., Mrs. Archie Anderson receive Word hiecontlY ei the death , of, h brother,. Mr. Murdoch McLean. of R Peer, -Alta., Mrw ; McLean •hese- ear ": 7 home was near V,Vbitechureb, was, o his_way to_ a ,fungral,;3vhen the e..4 in ..which .he'was riding struck fres gravel -in-4assing a truck, and Over tnrned. Mr. MeLean had • his nec broken 'and :died a few - hours late The •other occaparifs: of the car wer less. ,seriously „in tired. - • Thursday, _August 3rd Grand :mot ers. arvvi. mWeir,s, Ititete,‘,The meeting will he held a t end at his the honie of Mrs. John ',McQuilli 'du 4i.kenrrieS Of' •Grandinoth er4'. The subject "Ps,.ioneer' bayi in charge of 'Miss, M. C. RUtherter. and, th:e hostesses are •Mrs. .An dereon and Mrs. Joseph:.Gatnit, • Week -end .guests ' of kiss Anni McKenZie. Clark an . • Mise Annie.'Clark of Guelph and Mr. er Mr a; Kenneth, Finlayson and. Cies- 'd ter; :4th cob., 'and Wainer' Tayson .of Detroit, • Mrs, Ellen Mc - n l'hersen and Yvonne of • Wing -.• :spet-Sr .un4a:aIVIttr,-.-Honier-parrisl- • ,.. , Mr! and ts. •MacD0,nald • 0.eh!iB re, thaerr, ult;stss a tui:!fofaMyi . .. e• Mr.,. and 'Mrs. WM. Eadie, Doris and "Lorne were at Mrs. Rachel Cul- bert's, on Monday. - spOnt-the' week-. • :•`•' • 4 Mr and Mrs....Litnican Campbell:el 131aek Horse vvere the• ghests at 1VI „ The Misses Selena and -Jean' Grant have returned \from . their .trip to ,Chicago ,and Oii,*their 'Way horneirisit- •_ed_their aunt,:Mrs.L-Margaret-Mae-: :Kenzie in , Sarnia.• • Rev. 'and Mrs: J.' K. MacGillivray a14 of Toronto, "formerly a resident their seri and his family. of 'Detroit. The Misses 'Jessie MacRae; Mar,: garet Simpson and Margaret- Mac- Kenzie are home after ,attending the Summer school at• Kintail. The latter represented the kaitland••Pres- , byterial.. ' °Mr. Charles MacGregor iespending • his 'vacation with* his mother ,IVIrs, MacGregOr.;:.. • . The friends of Mra.•-•John McDon- all of Toronto 'fOrinerlY a resident of this locality. learned with regret of ,•her illheSs2 Mrs. MacDonald has reached.: the • a.ernarkable ,age, af ninety-one years. 11 The , of 'Presby- terianAshfield..•., Church held their July'•meet,' ing at the hoine Of IVIra,•K. D. Mac- Lennan, with the -ladies of Dungan- non anxiliary as 'their. guests,: ,Mrs. MacGillivray occupied the •chair. and oPe.ried the hieethig by devotional ekereiSes in -whieh: Mrs, btmean Mc- Lennan. -read the-seripttire-lessontaidr all repeated theLerd's Prayer uniSen, Miss Louise MacDonald read a Paper entitled a cOMmunion :season in Rosshire; 'Seotlarid; Miss Leis Me- K4nzie read a paper,, after. which Misi''Mary-McKenzie Sang 4. sole. Mis R McWhinney Of Dungannon Presbyterial • president,: then gave:A splendidaddress, lifter meeting was closed, and:A social hall hour enjoyed.. The Sun -Mier School at Canip:Kin-.. tail 'closed on.Monday All those 'who 'attended enjOyed a veiy proliY able' vieerc, 4iite a few'. of the -peoplc Of the , neighborhood itttend.ed thc Open meetings held ,e.ah :evening.: On Tuesday evening, Rev.. Patterson of Bitievale;• ThiirsdaYeVeningr Shortt of Barrie and :Satu day eVen ' .• ing; Dr. Margaret ..Strang of Peace River;. each, giVing addresseS: Sunday morning, the 'School attended, Ashfield ehnrell •irif a body 'and :took charge of the 'ServiCe'. Rev. c. •MacDonaidi dean of the ,Schopl,'• occupied: the pul.L, pit. A clibir from the school lead the serVice of, praise. In, the eveningthe nottaldneetifig was 'lipid at the Camp" When 'Re'si Pollock o Whitechurch teek Charge. In spite of the threaten Ing' Storm a large crowd .gathered fet this ;"the last 'Meeting of , the SehooL, .-i•-•"How can Jget ray husbstul, to tell hie about his htisiness affairs?" asks 4 get him to 110%Y. cATI at,I0 $tt,h4. $ 0 ,:colit Theatrc WINGtIAM TIttiRS,„' *RID" .$"411J,TR.D.At.,.. " Jul' .4.71$714. •'.. AO1.171.S: • ,N:.•OT • • • ..... NEX'Is WEEK - - EDNA MAY QI,XVER In - Penguin Pool Mystery r. s ; • • - Jan Baker's, Thursday evening, cL d Harris,. Mar- garet and Murray of Toronto who are • holidaying at Bruce I3eaeh, were vis- • itors. at Mrs. Rachel Culbert's; "lpth con;, • on Sunday. • • The ' next nieeting of the II. W. will -be held at the home of ,Mrs, 7 Jaroes•liedgins, Thursday, Aug.' .3rd Directors, Mrs. Jos: Hanna :and' Ms.'s. Hodgins, Historical research...7 Granditiothera' Day. Pregrain "by s _Grandmothers. .topic-LIiiitOry-of Tn- titte,..by....Mrs' test -Best piece of knitted...Work ,by • a GrandmOther ..••'(prize given); • also for the oldest • and youngest grand, f. mother. Roll eit11-.Name of a Cana- dian IliatOricaLevent and date. Lunch Corn.. ---Mrs. Will •,Ilodgini„, Mrs. Pan , McFarlane, Miss Hazel Percy. and.. ..D.. Kenzie �f TiVerton Hyde s il day at Port Elgini:dcthe ae 'tgdh:eenft:s' lnihe sister, Mrs. WhO,-14, Spending -4he. holiday withhi grandmother,; Mrs. R. -J. Woods, wa a•visitor with Mr, and MrsC Deck- er at their cottage at Point Clark. . . Mss '. „ Donalda Miller:::daughter r. and Mrs. Richard A. :Miller of osetown, Sask.?' who.. were foriner esidents Of : Si. 'Helena, is' Visiting elatives guest of . her .aufit is R. -1C-, • Miss Kathleen Thom is Spending . • er • Vacation ,Dettoit.- . Miss, Jean ,Forsterand.Miss Kenna elitherhead Were successful in. their Cent music ,exams. -The former; ho is 'a pupil of Mrs'. George Smith -ied-bei-:..-Prirriary Pianoforte; the tter a, pupil Of • Mrs. Newton; her leinentarY and Miss: \ Annie' Watson so a Minn . Of: :Mrs. Smith..pasSed, theory.: Congratulations., , The:death occurred' on Sunclay_at e borne' of her brother, Mr. Brown nab Of •Mrs. Brigham; after ;about ghteen .montha illness. Mrs. 13rig-- carne from heri.home in Midis.- n,Sask.. owing to the, illnesi of hrether; Mr, Wm. J. Sinith, who ed nearly two years age: :A•': ✓ from here attended, the funeral' Wednesday, Master Bobby, Phillips of, Fergu 85 • here, thc IVI .• re he -,••• th •ei ba he di be ,on ,•• McDonald and 0Durnih• Cotairrienced. their Seaaori''s theshing,:at Mr; Frank Todd's ion Monday .This is two weeks earlier, than, uanal: There was a'. splendid: attendeinta At the W.; XS, ineeting held in , the tinited'-:•Church-On Wednesday. w,hen. many _ladies from 'Whitechurch were PreSent,Tilerpresident, tiss M. C. Rutherford :0Cellpied the chair, Mrs, 'George: Lane of .Aslifiehl;,, Who isa vice-president; 6i*: the Presbyter- ial Was the .euest speaker.,,and chose ."Putting First ,Things First"'; tui the, stibject: of ,lher,,,splenclid ,address, solo by Mrs, S,parling and,:a Misses: Olive Ferrier' and Agnea 011, leaPie of Whiteehuvili adiled tp tho Sueeess of •the 'Meeting', lAt ,the ebii•-•• 1,41.11ti.4.1rihelt:sl•MasoksOo:lief eruoym f Visitor -"What nice 'buttons yo'u are. sewing on your, little boy's suit. My husband once had So:me like.that on his, suit," •. Vicar's wife -:"Yes, I get ..all any careful with it. Hp telt! •ihe =last week nittons from the collection:plate. that I had broken • it., Fq` 1 • PARAMOUNT.' Mi.. and •Mrs. TPete Dahnier and ramily'ind Mr: and...Mrs. Jas. COX'. Kilicardine • were recent visiters. with. Mr: and 'Airs. Wm, MacGill. " Mr. and Mrs., Earl 'Swan 7' -visited :!:/itelkiferndier.idi in 'Clinton during the ye 'Mrs-, Win. • Martin: and 'EtheLat- - iendeit the'Kairshea U,F.W,0.-nieet.-, ,ng, at. Mra.',12:, Martin's, laSt Thtirs- .day.afternbon, Mr: and Mrs. Jas. • McInnes . and ' :babe from : Teesavater,.viSited • with Gordon=JaMieson . re gently. • There will: be a dance in the Para- mount .Hall on Friday evening; July '; Good .muSic.,Adrnission 25c Ladies, :Free. 'Refreshments. Dancing,. .Connuences...pf, 9.30." Messrs: Carman Hamilton, Wilaner Hainilten • Lloyd" Stein' and. ' iter left- on Tuesday, by motorfor SitSkafehewari. . • : Mrs, .J. Ensign anif Eileen, Goderich are, visiting :with Mr a,id t• .• -• The July meeting .. of '. the Para-.., mount Club U. F. W. 0. was held at thc. home of Mrs. Jas. Webster, Kin- loss,, with:.a : splendid., attendance. The Meeting Opened in. • the , usual manner. After:. the business meeting the program was as' follows: Reading . Sy, the president; Mrs.:Jai. Webster; paper, Mrs. MCGill; 'Solo, Mrs. Ham-- . • " • ilton;-..instrtimental, Norma', Ander- t•-•ii, paper, Mrs. • Sam • Alton; readings - lx: . Beth_ A lton.rs-Al ex -McNay-:and Miss.Lizzie :Reid; ° instrumental by; • Eevelyii Reid. A. dainty lunch. was served. and a vote of thanks was , tendered •the hosIess. The Meeting closed with the National Anthem .The ,next meeting Will be. at theliorne of Mrs -William • F'11:211fs-Jack has placed, his, heart. in My keeping. • • , ' 'Doris---W_ell, you had better , be " , 4,- • , said Mrs. Kelly, of NilesVille, the other' do.y.'"wOuld-L,:. n't4t be ,fine if WO could know all the Magazines, so we eOuld pick outtlie mica to help ati- iiiostz,••WItli, the cooking, ,, -,the.: chiakaa,. Or when ,titiYhedy; gets Sile10',,Tot like to have t.,to or ' three. 'more "comilu: ;in the house :everbrit "don't know'' whatto ordpr.?", r1/4 ;Min. kelbCan „know -..very eitoily. SO eau yeu„, if you Wish.; r.: We • , . have listed in "esitiilog!eis• in the SENTINtt., offic *rag:, :thistly tfl the anyoite. in Canada' WantS.Well beM kind, to. paga• 01it your atibacltiptimi, it Ito, extra cost to :*tiu;‘f,t1r any ot 'the**, looknals, 'Heap in Mid ask, about lids. iiCitice; , The ll aunt of ,$125.000 will ,he of ered nrizes at the '6inatilan Nat this year, c en • 4,40.f