HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-07-27, Page 1• At" • .PER.:YEAR IN. APVAZ4.0.0; $00.79THE1WISE" UC1INOWI . U RSDAZ Ju1 7the 19 • ,o'gFrtslt Treleaven 1.3.0„-6 PIIONE. 53 • X-RAY . ; FOR ;all metal Water tank, with running gear • forffierly used as a...Street Sprinkler., Suitable 1or a t'hresher's tank; Apply to Joseph Agnew, • Luckhow FOR SALE,Aere. lot,, Bain and fi-room house, all in • good repair. ' tiood cellar, ceMent foundation. flare and soft-Twitter:lir -do-o-f:`-priced'.1b7W-." • ADP1Y• James J,, Aosell klast of Station; LUCknow, , CLERKS. NOTICE'OI 1411t8T , . POSTING OF VOTERS'. LIST . ,• • Voters',• Lists, 1933, MUjcii1ity1 of the Township of Kinloss, Corint,y,. ,Bruce , NOtice. is " hereby . given, that 1 have transmitted er delivered to the , Persons •inentioned in section 9 ei ;The 'Ontario- Voters' •Lists Act, the copies required reilnired h'y ; said sections to' be go tranamitted... or :delivered -.of the list. Made,' pursuant to. ,said Act, of of all nersOnS appearing by the' l; last revised -Assessment• -.-Bell of the saidmunicipulity be entitled to vote in .in , the, said 'municipality' at eleetionS for members of the. 14.xis1a_tivs • .senibry and at, 'Uunielpal,,, Elections; nd. that. the Said :list was first: post - cd up•Lat my office, at. R. "''3," HolYrood on the .• 24th day Of July; -1933, . and reinaino° there. for-inaneeti,on. ' ••: And I 'hereby_eall ri , to.. take .., immediate •••proceedin -t(, have any errors,.;Or emissions corroc- ted according:to,laW;;the last day_ for , annear being :the: 15th day Of August' Dated this this 24th -day Loft JOY.1038 ;1. It LANE. Clerk of ToWrishin �f rintoss. omlngEvents First Insertieni. 50e. 'Subsequent Insertions, 25c. .KINcARDINE, PLATS ueknow Couple . %HERE THIS AFTERNOON , th4lli*s Promises ' Neen‘eaP seontegt • ears Married TO Pate -Hays Are Playing Great r • 'Mt: and: Mrs:. Joseph Hackett Honor., W.: 'Xxx.?..4egornt.gok:,..0.k . • 'Y A ici443,a1:4ine and- •Locknow, the Their Gehia-a."Nie4di4g. •400*SAsarY winners and, runners-up of the Lakci,. • Side - League, last: ,:season,. :will meet .:Surrounded by their, entire family, 'in a schgclided 'league ,,fixture this 'anti. ComPletelY And ".`pleasaittly 410r, afternoon in the 'CaledOnian. Park,:lit 'Prised by the event 'Mr and Mrs •• This is their. ..,Arit% 'clash` • • • • :• •Joseph Hackettlf entnenie, resi enta this, season and, promises. to. be "a ., • ofAshfielit,:,livingi". just at. ,the nut, kenfixture., LuCknow.'has won ;aik he • celebrated,c2their- ,Straight-gatriee,'--,and no --doubt the , Lakesiders:will be anxious to Pitan golden wedding anniversary On Tues - end to this winning streak: day evening last, at Fairview paria, }WM' Rillith has worked wondersthe home of MY- nild. Mrsi." Ewart with the boys this season, who after Taylor, init south of the Village: The last ,years ,experience, 'look ., 6.0% better and: are playing _smartban fornily. gathering \was originniii, and fielding well , , ,; tended to be held last Pall, November. t-Lto- date, iiaiioIbeei 9tIvinarkinetli- 50th - the bet, hilt the manager and 'play- of , their. Marriage; but at that. "time ers •areexpecting a :4thaPer crowd the serious ',illness of Mrs. IMekett to -day, Which :will 'be moit..erieourig- With .pneunionia,- neeeisitated' a post - Itsand will offer financial. 'Support, Wart,irr25.0 of anyone's,i Money to 'Penement `'ot.the celebration,; Mrs; see these yoang. fellOwS,-. working Hackett is now :Much restored ° in behind Gordy' Irwin.1': • health,. while Mr. Hackett continnei 93 Years ..:„ Years An Orangeman :to enjoy Splendid health. Of their early ' roinOke, their marriage, --and 'their early struggles' ag, pioneers: of. the- townships,, no ilofibt • pages could 'be, written, Mit on Mr.....• Win. Miller ':Still Bright And this occasion the fact that they -have Active and -litais-7Probably '`)"•?-r-griiirerd7. 'ffr -firan';gt'Y' -lea* . . • • together, to . be surrounded .by - their Record• III. 9r,1•91• who at the furthest, • -,, , live but a. few miles distant cannot Mr. William Miller was 93 yeare be but :of the: greater ..,import ' and old oil .mopdaY, July 24th. HisSIR .Ler Mrs:--Peter-Torrance, • With .whoin of: reason for. th, 4n, kill. ine.s-7and-rejale has made hie borne for two years, ing.' • ° ,find who is .a,,fewyears younger, will 29th, 1882, Mr. wender He'hett and his bride,'Eliza 'Jane Henry were united in _marriage by vouch .fOr that He's a I sir,', and. You will be right; for at 93 ' y.ra„,find. marc than- active, he-isas srnart-a 1-`?-g-1--b"ilne,*-COticessien-12,Aahkeld a cricket, . and , every day...in-Ida him ..the emni"ence4:;Jkel; ,busy 'qVorking about , the farni.. •and: ..";ur6eY through "'r'ess.essed' of equentlr-he Walk's 4' Mile and2,a such pioneer virtues -as -industry, ii- q:inrtc.r . inte. tOwn•Tand 'home again taglity and hospitality, andthinks nothing', of it. lowefforts .and the log house But that is not all. Mr.. Miller has was later rePla°ed by what became" been amember ofthe local Orane one p the fine homes of the township • . 'g odge for 76 years and:, In all those ' Tresent at :the gathering On 4,Kiips-; yearS',.. has never-.....MisSed more than day were their six daughters,' Mrs. .two 12th ;Of. ,JuIY.. celebrations. Ir f George: Hunter ,(lennie); •• Mrs... Bert eshect. to 'age, number of years •as- Treleaven .(Arnelitt);„ Mr.S..'Herhert Ociated: with. Orangeisin in _onehedge Stothers: Mrs: Jack Brad- nd COnSeciitive!!. years ,tittendiice at 'ley (Mary); Mrs. 'Wilfred'. premien. elehrationS, we and othere.are ;(:/iniet);. Mrs,- Ewart: 'Taylor. (Ida) lined to believe : that he may hold a and two sons, Alexander and :ThOinas• hree-fold „Doniiiiieireeord„'" • and an adopted ion 'Harry. Wen 3r7 - ph Monday evening,. :members of four, , Of, their twenty-six,Ltrandchil& surprised ,Mr.'Millr and ex- renwere also present: The death of ended birthday ' greetings . and :pre- a granddaughter, little; • litrlittnifred ented-Thim With a pia, eiAblanfatie-d Bunter; has heeri the only break' in ie Arch ...degree.: Mark Gardner, 'this ..fainilY circle. - Woishipful Master of LO.L.• , Spoke Catered lights . and streamers" n1 On behalf of the:.order and Bert Ward hail -ed the :attractiveness of .the :tea Made' the presentation. Mr. Thomas table set on the, lawn, which was Reed, Orangeman,, 'well advanced decorated' .with flowers ''aida Centred in years, was: rilse,present "and amus- by n fOurAeek, wedding 'eake,:adOril- • :and.: -interesting :Were. the stories ed with fifty candles aU4' bearing the - he' and Mr. • Miller' recalled. . Mrs. golden inseriPtion, ''"13,31-1932,„,. Gold.; Terrance had been f'.advised of the :en N,tedding, 502 years." Miss Maizu surprisegathering and hada birth- Hackett and ;Will Hunter, 'grnndt day ...Cake and 'other delicacies pre- Children:. poured • tea and 'cut. the pared; -• ft .• Mk. was born in ,Ireland coming ,to : Canada in Peel:, Township as a YOutigster,..When about sixtecn he and his ,brother Thoirias, took op 200• acres of solid bash in"...Way'vanaA, e farini ,noW. occupied bY, James I;37(sns and grandparents by Lorraine' Drennan and 'Doris Tay}or. An . interesting and varied Pr°""'' poi*, who, bore' her :to her jest, grain: 10110Wed during the evening: resting *co were Thomas ofid tn Pioi)osing ,the' toast to the hollered. Robert Malcolm, John Hugh tithe couple. Rev. 'CaraPbelt Tavener paid James Hodgins and Willirfin Percy, .ORANGE DANCE, _ . , There will Will •be an Orange Dance held in Lucknow Orange on Thursday evening, August, 3rd. borne Talent Orchegtra. Dancing :from 1. to 1 A'. M. Gents 2.e. Ladies ' ' INMEMOBIAM ' 10110EGALL-In-",loVing merriory 'of my dear. husband, and father, John geDougall,..whe died .iulY.:31st, For days and„nights he bore his pain., To look for'cure .Was all in Vain; ! Till God. above: who thought it ,best Did ease his ,pain and gave rest. goiv. sweet,tte know we'll meet again Where partings are ..no .', • '.Arid that iflii...pne-we....:16ved..",ne•Aear,- .1;las, gone. before. ' " Inserted by his loying,. wife • and, . , family. , • • •;MiliMMOMmi...1•0(0040* CoNSPIRVAircliit--; (kr • Ivipslc •The fedi:I:Wing 'pupils.' of Mrs G. • `Mils', Bac:, , were• successful titthe'•reeerit initistiMmer examintitiOns.. • ' ; .AssOCiate . Di PI Oin ; A Course -Honors, Jean' A. Long,•. .A8 .• Telt; .cher's Coarse -,L-Hon ore,: Jean • A.', long Intermediate Piano Denalda i:a.StfOglaS. ".'Junior ..plittiO1-4:11040ka-Amiglao :-.11IiicDOnaldi Frank AlacKenZie...• PASS , ,.-Katharine.11141tenzie. :RelefOrd OS- ". tea/Icier, "., ° ,.• ' • ' . Priinary' Piano 'p-•• HenorsMoriOn' •• MacDonald, Rachel litaeljorkold., Pass --4Jean Forster; Lida Richard's, An- netta Fisher', 'Jennie Pearlinan. 1. , ..• Eletpentary Piano'-tioncratelen. Mactiontild, PassHHCien Pearlmans”Mei-; Vin Morrison. .Hist , • . ;:orsttlifyttle-, Wehster, Miners. 'Myra MacDonald. , 1St ,',Class' .11einora-L., lqyrtio. Webster. • : Theory. of ..Mtitlelet ktg--7-1411",i- * strand ma Ira Edith • •' g;,-lemeiitary noes' ' Musical Form-Jcan A. Long.' , , 46toitoinolift.-letict red • • th ,crettili- lealice-cti:iielf,' ;White -Other grandchildren assisted, in Serving. ' Before- simper, .an address Was read to the honored -.couple by their son Tom, with'tlieir. son Alex pre- senting •thein',with a, purse of •gold. IBmiiniets were pregnted • their cleared enough land tit, ereCt a log house and the slow process of furth- er clearing of :the land 'for, agricul- tural _ , purposes continued., Mr, Minor .was married at the age of eighteen rind to , the union were born 'seven tribute, to Mr. and Mrs. Hackett, as and as usefu sid attmneds:::b:cti, .ciiizens,,both., in eiinreh ,and social limn and .-kargaret:' -0-t- eaeeniatf aelghbors- wh as ronecTED, TATtoo • STAGED:TarlgORROW NIGHT RiliCardiae Koq:Band.wilt sent -Good .Progran;'''Ooliowed By ••`0treet Rance• .. ',Ram which fell last Friday .,and • threatened Ao •• continue during .the evening,: .caused a ..postponement. :of . i1.3andT4tF9o''bl'isedf.C1.ani11:T1'eveut will behe:I4l04 night (Friday) and ilr0141:414 to :be a, sPleadid ;,ehteltaininent, , Bands from Harriston,Ninghami...Teeaw4ter- Eineardine ''''Jitirl „Luekiiiiii. will • take 044 as well "as the Kincardine Kilty BOA A go(;(1 'Piegres4 has /3011•Pre- i4ireti'as''Nelland. a Street, 'dance will conclude the eveliingp.,'' Caledonian the admission foe is. lOW,"•25c andl4e. Park is the Scene , of the Tattoo ;' and • ' CARTER: IS • DISMISS:ED . ' ' . ' HEART ATTACH ' CHARGE .AGAINsT,. PETER . • . , , . .t.IFFEits sEyg4E , , , r - . f , the , organiaatimr_Ammte-On-..ithia- ..,;',. ' --,...,...... .. ..',.)r,1 • Tattoo -to be a'big . help financially Evidence 'Civen ' BY Two 'HaaghteirO,' : While golfing laid Week, Mr: T. , . . . and funds are necessary if the .Hand Contrail' 'Ta That ' Said TO . Be Reid of ,arillia, „fornierly, of ' the is to 'elid.*; enntinued 40Pro.Veinent • Contained *In Statements. tigek.ii°*' braneh -of .tie c Bank of • • , , Montreal, iiffererl n severe-- , Ile*,4": lines Of Dry Goods:are 11-r. 'In ' polka court in ' Walherisa -.an attack' ' m''sadicallY -terined ' .angina .' riving daily -and although. the :Prices. Friday morning,'ai.;t1.1e conclusion• Of tiiqoo 'Ivis.-,,:vote .:g.tliye., 'And -f,a14ed 110 raising any. Of our prices. riiZ • ' " . - ' , • , . . attack. Over the -week-end- his con - of !'e.*er3'thing are 'adYilifeiag--Wa are the. evide„nee ,given ,bi two. daughters ila.rni: te the 4ogiee ...tiint hrs.; ion MA.,RIC-ETL-,STORE...• ' , , af4Petera-CarterT-Kifiloss Township, Alwein.,pf: Kitchener • 'was summoned .. • . . Who was.. arrainged on serious •alle- home. His :condition . is: somewhat .eah&charge, g4titons,maaittie, Magistrate wiiii7r:. di7iliss...... improved, Oileer then, although • he is: still 'gravely 'ill. Mrs., ' Mr.) .New7-' ton, a sister of. Mrs. Reid, has been, l'ACIY:. PitS!". • C -i '1 lovTaehi,..a.i.,4glaet.171.‘li lIrproceedingse:4ise, -;,' x va bri:Yiicel .1 - which -we- frrePo-:-•v*ii tin' eeltnatfil '*: ri' and nol .1,r'd:' :°•riiii,lhiSiial ii.:4".8.:4nYe' e*". .rG. . '1 41.1e.i-d'ins .i.tili117:127.::::-.:' tiOned,..last week.. :McClevio was ac- COmPanied. by ' Revi. .1i..' 'Perdue :and County Conitahle, 'Archie :, Ferguson of Walkerton; whea„they interVieweit„ Mary oid, Jane Carter, from whom . 1The lucky ticket draws' conducted they Were. said to have , Teethed' at the Miirket . Store : are , iirOviig'F' 3igpOd statements, :Which . involved popular.. Whereby ThVe 'persofie- it, heir father . in,: a aerieinn. offense, each. drawing Win sugar prizes; rang - and . , . , , , . . . ,aainrdesotnedt.he :S.:trength o ich,Lhe-wa ' Iiii'r,./rontleT-poimos-10-, ,-..511-0-ii-The , 4 iiiiiir-On.:.-Saturdai7inght was cinidiie--. . %,;......,,evidence Mary Cattergave „in. ted by. kr'. WilliamHadie and Mrs. ' -:ourt -4.Wee-In direet repudiation• of, Dan. McKinnon, With ' the.' following •_ ,NNhat;. Was...Understood-40' have been winners: r.Miss :. K. McGregor,: • .:'1.i,-Luck-aztailed:,1tbiYrittelitaten11:iwiiit4glsaiteiitLai,'It;Straneera,s1a:ictUIedofthe.ofe:2nd; Vi. aldJohcosct77,rd. ” Her , sister ..corroborated ...what she Mr; Alex MONO. R. ,..3, 4th Eid: Miss , told the :court. ` • ? ; ''' . ...Carter la *Acme '411a0; Mr. 0. A Klein acted, had previously pleaded ,..nuodtgeaainitdj y. ear4d....elected. :trial 'before .i he' Bread " of -Health . • ,otTa mom 18 QUALITY AND BERVX91 " • „ dOMS 5CgFril he Bread ef • SATURDAY 'DITIcIDEE CAKES, • • ; HELff. stONE'S..?' 49448' N't.TT, and ratir n OATMEAL '9991PE.S.' „. . DeliCiOus '11)ROW11.'•BREAD 100 per . , cent: Wii0LE'WHEAT. LYMAN'S. • Phone 36 UALITY BAKERY • , LucknOw • ed ICinlou 'C'tiristr'Anti-MCFarlan; Hiving piiis-,'"` •Four -Score Mark, •Is ReinoVed BY Death After A Brief ,Illness. , • On Sunday. July 23rd there passed away -a well-known . citizen of .1cin• lough 'in ,the person' Of Christy 'AIM MiOcinald, relict Of, the late Dentili:,. "Me-Fiiiiin in her • eighty-first . year. r -..-71,1"ii.-..-McFarlan was born in Dates- vilie, -in the7provinee ef.,Quebec, tbe. fdaughter-of the late Alexander and Cbristena"alacDonald. When she was, five, years of , age the -family, moved, to a_ farm a' mile. West . of Kinlough. . • In the, year. 1371Was married to • . _ , . Donald, meFarlan; who predeceas- • ed 'her in '1926. :Since that tinie, ,she, has. made ''her •• heree. with her WOE'. WiJiiam at Rinlough. Her 'illness, was of Short duration. FOr, the past few years she had-beei: unable to enjoy many of the pleas- ures of., life ° on account of,: failing eyesight , and hearing, but . patiently bore her 'affliction. in al true. Christian ' ' The motto of Mrs: McFarlarits life 'n the capacitY of wile and mother vits service to oihers;, her kindly disposition attracted many to her. She was ;never , tee. busy with her household tasks entertain neigh- bors and Strangers.. The funeral was held on Tuesday nfternOcin at • 2.30 p. m. from :_the Presbyterian :church . at ICinloug , interment in South Kinloss CenieterY1 The-Serylee"*Iii---Ceirditeted by her. minister; Rev: J. L. Burgess. Mrs: McFarlan is, syryiveci by ont. daughter, Mrs. E. N. Hodgins LucknoW,, and four sitins, ,Daniel; William, Archibald and Jelin, „all of the vicinity of 'Hinlotigli. 'She also • X • Aukvitted by -two brothers, Cohn and • . ,„ 'lever :MacDonald; of Westminster,. B.C.' ICINLQUCII CHURCH o,,precieceaSed their father, Eta well ir80.' %;.°'' of the is a member of -,sTauat • BY •iIGHTNING bi,s. tofe; i,Aio.i ; :&Eit,h. o.ccuited. the Session el the: ripelcnitVAtnited riiniO' yeiti, ago. • .'...4, •-.. • , '. •Chnrch and an ex -Reeve of di'slifield immediate, , Action By.. penile : min, .Townslq. ... , . . ,Of 4 family of seven, Mr., Miller , Of , Yilli.,gP ,Extiniguiiitee glat'el'On OArid.Mre.. Terrance are • the, only: stir- ,, The: following .is "the ad4Fifis: :ilecif.: YlVora'.. The. others, Margaret, James; Dear.. 'Father and Mother,-. 1" .. .: ' ..- Thomas, lehn, and Alexander, have : „We, your ' children,. have 'gathered ' On, Thursday evening 'gait !nine 'been o,ead,,ioe varying niiinhete '' of here this evening to Celebrate With o'clock during .4 ,se;rere.: but brief Y'eatii, ..., .. , ,,,, ,, , Your Marriage: AS years have gone gOne di*.ieii. :Ate Prealvtetien Church. at yeti,: gOai Fiftieth Anniversary • Of electrical :sterM which litritek .this by and we .. have had the tare. and kiiihnigh WO ; struck ..hy lightning.' responsibility of Mit own,homes,it The bolt :struck AM' the ridge to. ilie. ''.,.' Xehn. Xiipatriek, Astdifield, , its has given 11,0 Att '•;opportunity.,Litx,:„Elee;fraate-,at-:pie--chtireh-le#Itig-:,-the-root. 1h6filie iii -or ofTiiiiiiiiikreiiiiiit7liaV4:' --iiiia realize the sacrifice that, parents ofifire. That at deistrtictiO 'fire Wait jng 'Piet the •Crisia, early.. in the Week, are called upon t� mike '` for :their averted was dud to the PrOtrint' action fit 4in crityal.:,illiiess, With pleural -Children. ...It is, now ,ierhapa; Ai of young Men who ,*fre:': Oil '' hand,. Pnetfinonitt at his ,hoine.: 4t;hn. , 'Ina never . before , that : tiie APPteelate .*)10. hid- ti0' dine in .securing ladders' net boen'iti the best of heti h. rill your ear ' andguidatice over Us as the, spring, and hearty, two weeks ' .0.0414040.vlifilv*240-els; Elf Mriet*r*IZ7/Te as cot' in cokbrrioN. IUpaoirgti, •„ . „ • . . irno afire° Of local Web', ittlail; AS Ido two 'brother-in4aws, pre. Hareld. Robinson of '.Walkerton ' and Dr. *lifted Robinson of toronte, n eat graduate, Were in attendance . eve we -grow childhood manho°4 1414Wfiffite token of :Oar appreciation, We ask you to accept this purse of 'ntintey, atld','Ilope .and trust that• you „may SCO', many years of 'health and hitnni , „ Attie& On. ban& of .your Thoints. aekitt Ajpt, ,Hackett. r the Weelt..ende 14A.,, 114 .' • to reach /tot .13 thee extinguish the, fire.' 'Rad the etiiiireide been an aur-or;lo-laterrivoeffIck-havolddi *any people "retired fee the night and ' kiniotigh, Would 06 cit,tab.t: 144 thiftete4 'initi4ef,'144-if tiie de- struction of Church.:" The; .'OeitirregtdiOn, are indeed grateful, , 'thee° rendering .stiell tintety•-:'siest0.41.1,04' ' y . • •••••• A *, 04 '•'44*4.tY , I • , GET ' FREE' .SUGAR • DANIEL . SERVING MONTH IN JAIL ' Charge Of Theft' Is Withdrawn And Lesser' 'Charge Beings Short Sentence :Pleading guilty :before: Magistrate *alker., on a charge of : making false statement. regarding his ability to pat -Ebner Daniel was sentenced .one :niirnith in Walkerton jai!. •A',: fernier • inmate , of liurWash, Daniel gave'a:" Worthless cheque to Sam Fisk, car dealer.' of, Walkerton and ,dePaTted With a Nash coach. A Charge of theft, was laid ,:against • Daniel„...4tht4followingAiis,- arrest-- Sev-- eral days later, he was brought 0. the 'County Town- where where the charge against him ,was. amended the les- ser One .of making a •false statement, 'and, resufted in his 30 -day Sentence. ' Mr. Fisk .got his car. baek'. in good !shape.' • ' '..1 • BARN' RAISING: BEE • • HELD • IN -ASIIPIELD ••••••....Ayym, 4Vir;‘•Jas It H(eckett RaiSea Addition To ; Hi S .Barn -Timbers :Used Arc arly_111,1..Y.ears Old. .. • .. ' On Tuesday a barn raising bee . „ • . was held. on the farm of James Edna Wolfe; R. 3, 5th.• • The , next draw will take place sometime' In August ords Atten Detroit din Ralph Hackett, ,Son "of JOseph Haelc7 ett,. of Ashfield, Wediri Miss . Dorothy . Ingratu: - • Henry': Ford,. and I- Mrs.., Ford' at- tended, the *pilling ied was Dorothy „ Ingram, ' daughter ofia Ford Trade Scheel .instrnCtor, rand,..Ralph Hackett ,whose ,,grandinother is cousin of Mrs.. Ford. The marriage took place, In Highland Park Presbyteiiiin Church, at 6.30 p.m. Saturday, July 15th. The aerVice wits read by Rev. R. M. Crissman; pastor of, the church: The bride *ha,. attended ,by her sister, Hiss, • Virginia Ingrara,,, and Carl Greenwood, a cousin of the bridegroom 'c acted as hest man: :After, , the 'Marriage ceremony, ' about one; • , hundred guests . attended a reception at the "'home of the bride's -parents, Mr. and ,Mrs, :David' Ingram; .24, Av- alon Ave. 'There 'Mr.. and pos.. 'Ford ate sandwiches, ice Cream and 'cake, chatted •with : the ' guests, • and re- mained in the home for nearly three After the reception the •newlytveds left for a short honeymoon it 'St. Clair, Mich. Ralph Hackett is a, son of Joseph Hackett, Commissioner of Highland 'Park- City. . -Ralph em- ployed in the -printing business in. the city. Mr. , and' lift's. Will' Line and kr: Hackett, when an addition .34! z 26 Jima: mra:: Walter, Line of Ripley at - Wag. added . to his :already fine lfigs, Assistance Was rei!dered .,b3r::teede4: 'the ilieri4te' ibeuefifty friends.' aUft ; teighbors. who:, in .aolne , eases; with wives and families made a -gathering of .aanie one hundred people; . who after the raising, . Were Fleeted • a .bountiful 'supper on the lawn. in front of the Haekett. ' , • „ forinerfY stood On another -fifey4acre farm -owned .by Mr Hackett, wthuiech deThWae and ,..moved. .o. - home -ace. BORN r original building Wsii ireeted in AS66, , At,tittatitt.iti Detroit- on Wed -1 61 yeah ago' erid unique was ,the nesday, July16thi. to Mr.' and Mrs. , feet that Mr; Joseph Hackett •%;Iiit itarstrid Albright' (nee. Ella Mac 0rr , $4.°'. • ' '' - lithtile,t,trittni 'if Or Plant Ye'rg, are' „Pretierved esPecially Card Of Thinks one 56 foot foot square , plate a . , ." o.Which *itdcutd6Wh to the required length The famtiyof the late Mrs, Donald for the rieW hnilding; 'which 'attiads" ‘,i'lrtAor Ce.lrient. IddOtlation and. will .e4cfireeeitnie of kindness od on a tym- grateful appreciation r tne atabline tfathy....A4tifig.'„stie illness -and at th - atd- tate ItillOt 0401'10,— • PROCLAMATION • At the.: request '':of a number. of citizens, : I' hereby prficlairri, Monda;/ the 7th day of ngust, 1933 a. Civic Holiday for the :Village of Lucknow. All citizens are hereby, notified to govern themselves accordingly, ,• ROBERT it,AR, Reeve. (3-4.1-;-„c:) 'ee: