HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-07-13, Page 6Canada, The Empire and The ,World at Large CANADA 4 Road Menace... The report on eiltomobile accident • during the. first '01.1r- tP-nathe- Of 1.633, Pat., iSanad: by the statisticians for. a -10404 ineurance company, -contains bite rather. ingaiddent little ,disclesuro. • WIttle ti4Vtotg nurnber oftkaths 40- ..ereaeed About 16 per gent, from the•: nuineer for the seine Period: in 1932, '7 400, number • at defectivecarsi ;• In fatal accidents lnereased. by loorli • 46 per,cent. This, of course, is Li. con eequeece 9X'the- daPrea.ain,t1.! Pais that ,,•eugh,t5tn.be,Tetired to the Junkyard aro•, , Still in-,serVice; Others,which, have de- fective. brakes,, lights„, tires or . steer- .111e014111‘111..are going witimt'the repairs they 'need beeattaa ttieir: awn- :.ereare pressed for caSh..-. Tltp, nlan, .• *4cofdrlY.PS'.13.4c. a.Car 18 nada' kbeavY ' Tesponsibility„ •If ho keeps 1it car's • detects in mind , and makes- allow- ance . for them: in , his 'driving, emerY- . 'Minx :111 alL right;_14,:if•An4rieu tn 'Imndle an aging and d,efectife'inechine as .he Would ,4 brand new one he int, IrteMately makes a• public menace of ; himself,Vanconver Sun. • rtr "Ar . Police Uniforms • Former Mayor Frank J, Mitchell is only talking coniMen 'Senile; When .he augeeete.'thatAthe.POlioe.dePartnient be .outfitted -with, neat-ittennel'ehirte fri 11071#7.-t. *Ana oven claimed second 'place for *-Tekle.'•• The new greater Tokio, with opulation of littleirt-e2tcess' Of 900,000, however; falls:into third:Place. X;entlen ,and NOW Yorlvare both credit- ed with mare than 6,996,090 inhabit- ants. --Fredericton gleaner.. • • \ . THE 4EMPIRE A Needs of the World. . - The' three vital needs of the ;world . . are the, raising of price, levels; the stabilisatien:of -currencies ,and :the „'re,- ductien: .or artificial • restrictions; la. 'trade... These ,and dependent Problems have ',created, .30,060,669 unemployed, and: 'brought the world to the Verge of insolvency„,. Each of the .85...nations Which. are Meeting In • an attempt :to bring, order out of , chaos has, Ifs. oivit interests, •;rights,. and engagements., The task .is one, calling for the great. -eet ,caution. Anymeasures,..decided upon will .have to be Made with full _regard for the-nationall-intereats-in;- volved.Daily Mail. • , . On Up Grade • The employment return for May is SACOuraging: For, the fourth month in succession ,the employed total is, up and the unemployed total down Trade and industry are at.least on. the4,fip , r, tan o -titiomp ofda-, hot weather use, instead of being vain - Veiled, to roast In heavy., tunina.l 04: S *Jilt Browne belts. have been try- , Ingto get that 'dime for five years," the former: mayor., teMerited to; the pox- „yeaterday,.'"aud it should be ecnie, on , the ground's of coMmOrthnmanitY.";We • have net , talked to , any policemen -:..abont_theidea,„bat-we-havene:dedht- that all.,-menibers oC Wind's cies . fine •. force ''would Welconie the innovation. Furthermore, ' the cast of, making this • Change for the -hot menthe 'would not be'.4 serinne. iteni:47Bcirder, Cities Star. • . --- • - peculation and Recovery '•- • Only a Cliert- tin* ago Sir, Josiah iittanip,-,.warriked-::ihe'r-Ve4107 'Of the :United States ..'against tho dangers of Speculation. Another boom anchas the 'cue of .late kintented nientOrY whet he :feared. It Is foolish: to suggest that such a thing cannot haPPenagain.",,It Can: There are indications of that , possibility ;everywhere. The ' etOCa 4 markets are flourishing, 'stock Prices ;advencing. sensationally --and every one Is beginning pi:311141.0a the items terms as formerly. If, the reCotetY . from the- depression ts,-to-heaccom- panied , by, an uridontrolled Wave Of reckless ,speculation, it w1li not last -1,ani, for 'Speculation ansettlea'hust. ness,. Plays hob 'With:pleas, makes pro- duction and development 'subordinate to the making of money by exchanging pieces of paper and:, diverts money and attention and , constructive- thought away- fioin the channels Of legitiMite, in'OdUctive business. The •controls be prepared.—Saskatoon , Star; •Phoenbc..' ' ;Mar)--atiril- Vanity,: . , •• . , . • A: despatch ,fram.,.LOridoa:flitY8.,t)iat ; even the niesenline 'Englishman has taken .tp'. the ,;pitteuit of personal ••• beauty.. ' All over,: England beauty shop S are crowded with •:men. They. .stre. 4ityto; their sle�p in 'hair • Wet; why not? Why are. We:met:tied to the niiiPealliable notion, that per, •• lona ' 'vanity and adornment 'twilita tuttaprihi•stera duties of the world?. rrahee'aftteitt.Louiti:..WaS a little .',foP;- end: ye ho was a:highly, successful ruler; The 'greatest,:Greeks • apq:',itpl: • manft..0iient ,heare . beautifying theint :selves-. One 4pett net look like./..a. ita'bleboy to; pacit..:.a,' louver Sun. •• • at:She'hi Ityrote't • . Dr. Alien Sinclair Will, heed of the . Department of '4,t'Ontiteliene at Rutgers Onivereity,. 'dna§ tanSa 'tor congratu- lation' in•the.Englieli".now.belue'.na.s.4 • fitjhe newspapers Of ,this.; continent, • 'Ali but , ltaneetable,'!, ;la ;:the' ,N;iiiy he • : pOteisee it. "The English need.at:the • presenttime in thethelit, newspapers,!, add, 'tie net inferior to that • whieh•hey,':he .seen, in current litera- ture finding.iiCeeptance teem a large: body of discrineinating re'aders, Nws- paprs do not 1443, or Wish to use 'Ylc: • torten. English,: Their, ;preferente'49 • for the' Viggintle speecli:CUttent.aniong ' 'Cultivated • tlyinniPeg bane,. ' • , Hs Secret ofSuccess '4 Ckriik 11. i. (:tirLI, l'hilaiIelphiapiib. Iieb.er, Who whenhe'*.clied, the other day was the. piib118)10r'proepetoir .neWsPePets 'and' eVeti Mere pitSpOr01 8 having iittibii wide sales Tanning into the millions, ascribed Iii , ettnee'ae, to; the men. Aiho worited to; }Te once ,okfa.: 'The Main:point: With inia alWaYe has been in ,getting ,..sOniehody to do' a job better than.1 could do It myself.; .knew *hat •I Wanted, but/ Obtild-not alWitie ;accord- , 'plish it. The anccess Of our organize; Iton has been due entirely to tho Pe‘P •rple 1 have foifild,"•7-St. Thonlas • W4r(tPi. City,• By ' ticidenly....inerettaing5 Its. eity, IlinftS,.•Tottio has joined, tendonand • tletV Yefk,• in ,the dieltlartie• grOOP that • the. World,1 Wlieit 'thls tichtevernent, • was celebrated ln lie,,Sa1ptine.so Le in Octrjtor, sotes, enthuslast1ccjtj • 011 ,,the regiater-2,582,000—are still :terribly large, but they are less by 158,000 than they Were lastMAY and 'less by 320,600 %than they Were .last Jenuary,''...Qn.the other band,"there are now 9,557,000 employed persona, a gain 'ot 372;000 .in four Months. In every distrlct except thestifre:do- pendent;en oriel and badly affected, by jp. : the sasonal,decline • that trade, tin-- pmploynient'.hes decreased. ' ;ATP:teat aU industries except coal mining 'she:* an ..iniPreiremetit; plight, Perhaps, but. none the less, .,signiflcant.z-The Seep. tatot ” • ' • God Fish Story maatoffl.plimmagggrziomo.....,, Ps, Oliver Grinnell hooked ,a bilge . fish nea New York citat y ; 9.' A.m., .fought him until 4 fi.m.; was yelleved by her ':husband,„ iettirned to the fight at •5. a.m. following .inoreing and finaily gott4 the niOnSter' sWordfleh after 20 hours or -lay 'Ottawa Pacts 'Help • . ......Un-tethe•present-theOttawalegree- . , • , inent has brought Australia no disa& vantage. On'the contrary, . itheti meant advantage; The ,building of now Teetotiee and the general improvement itanufaetitring , production .are. ainong the best,eigns.erreturning prod.!. Industrial stocks on share market are strongerand more buoyant than they have been. sinee adversity -- swept over ,Wevertree did_net_attendLthe •.. • ;..• .Wedding :of her adopted deinghter. Miss ly aVertree's opted Daughter amegi in London and. a Bride Gowned in Ice -Blue Lace is Stockingless No Reception , • Ideal. Pedestrian ream(' itageniary to ,It is reported from dzeche---Sio,Viiiia '41'onel Hayeet; which toOkplaCeet•St. that .4, certain e Alois-NeVatnt was Clement Dane's, Strend;Lenctio, ,., • I, .61* the :Other 'day ; PT a nigthicar.The bride -Was given away by her, and suffered eevere,Cut.en ithe head. -; . • M. Niiietny's head had.; of eburne, no. Ch!tielh, Sir 4an Walker, a well-known serious .:efrect: On the car, l but the transaction soflustered the drlier :that he swerved into a lanip post .which had: , The victint rose unsteadily :ieliew-nlephyWilt,itcoet me," he Said'to the astonished driver, '"to repair your then' Wrote out ,a .Cheque onathe Spot end went halite to potl, Is It possible iket out of the welter of modern trafft0,•efter Years of Wafting,' exhorting, and legielathig, the .perfect itedestrien has arisen, humble enough to ,,accept the status of. banker: In:the fairway; and SO businesslike that he pays proMptly and gees honio,LThe Glasgow Herald. ".• 1 • 1 • .:TH.E 'UNITED.:STATES ''• • . . • • , .Englishman's Conscience 1 '11 • house th • In an ,: English mov e • e Other night ,nearly a theusend people sat w&ilting for the feature Picture. The .prOjectien.,, machine • broke down' and.the ,inanageMentannounced that the, patrons would be, refunded,theit money at the liox'oftlee. .:11titis.thete Wete'different Price seats the.ptoblem: arose as , Varioneclaims- fiit:teMnn7. eretiOn. The managemerely oat 'his !Custeintra'en-,:theirlintioic..', And. when the last pa -Ment was made the: tre • ceipte, and the money. paid out ,poinied to ,aryonny. •. 4 is •atnarited characteristic , of the 'sturdy Middle, class .11Ingliahnien thathe only wants --tirarlthroit-ITK1ii XaiifiiifirVOitune ,eetthl be wtittenoti that little incident to show 'how e.highly Civilised 'peotilis can have ingrained Into them, a sense et personal responsibility. dell It hon- esty or fiOilor or what you will, behind it Is a SoCial consciencewhickekplaitin why London lial1cif,t1O; car - 13' ,guns andrterelY eVen eattin\ billies,. and why Old Bailey,' the once "Crimin- al court ' in all Lendori,.. only. heeds , to hold '4010ns:three' daYs. a Week: . the - geed tiglishnian no higher 'duty than 'the respprielhtlitt af iII(1Vi(1- 111(1 Fite FtesS. How to ptiawt boo.' • ,W1i6 'sioa want t11,"baW1 our Herne- btidi'write it Ont.'. Take' a• lot of Utile and Make, it 'Strong: Then laY it ,S,Side Until, ne)tefiey.t.iir , Nest :day tent it tin arid throw 11 away., Yon Will :feel bettor :and it has served Its pnr- p.ose.-,--lvlsySyllie (014) licfv‘4,3, • •NeWs• • , ' .A,noverbObe dOitt6ef1oft Wae•diS, 'COVereein*-taniden Poilde (!o4rt Men Whehad b4ti 'nearly bowled OVat by ;ti. tleig was illerged b3 the Oteet with •grAttrilitgA, at It, tfine :anteing ,the anititureIre. Whett.:0...111t11jit1tA,1 tIrtg",. , it sl• to )f nt4bon ilia men/ (Ince- tha..,groWlfDP-4-Illtbitlatt 8ciaiten polo. Player, .and was accOmPenie Y two bridesmaids, who were her school friends; • • : • • • , Only fifty guests ,sirbfe. at. the, Wed-. ciing.The church was barely; •decor- ated with several pets Of Reline, and the service as short as possible.' The bride, who Was dressed, in 41,ettel looking frock, made of -icelilue anger skin lace,,follewedihn'faehion of wear, int, no stockings, Ovei her head and face she Worea veil of net' , NO Reception "Pere • wa nn. recePtiOn. • immediJ, .atelY after the .Serileo the . Pimple re- turned to.the'bOtelnt which Miss Hall :Walker had staYettihe previou,s night. She changed .,inta travelling clothes, and they left for Switzerland by train. ' Lord 'WeVertree left Miss Hall -Walk - pr, £ 10,000, '41.o.dire per..eent. shares, , „ . 41whtliicehisr, W1114;yooleoldi:tritlirr;MO.Of-aPPrtOtt-, roves ales' of Bacon Climbs to Fourth Place is Supplier of British Market ,hae cllmbed Into fourth plece7as-a. Contributor:'tcr the „pritsli_bebon -metket,durititt-the-Manth May, •aecordlng 10 Han:, H. Ste- vens, MinisterofTretle: and : Com- merce. Iii that Month the-Dominionf :delivered 5,556,400 pounds. • , . "The progress which, Canada has Made in sapPlYing, the British market w4t1i bacon:one 0! the most eneOutag- ing.ithinga in out International trade;" ,saiti,Mr., Stevens; '!:The Countries wlth higher • contributions • were bean:jerk, 'Holland .end'Paland: •In 1May, 1932, . r • • Canada '.stood ' 2,814,224 • pounds : and May, 1931, • ',eighth with '234,970 pounds; ,Conibagrafbehind Den- haerk Netherlands, ',Sweden, :Poland, tnited States 'and. Lithuania." ' eft, , Typewriter :ep: Years.. 4noritionmen . • , • Offense of ',:Pi.,1(Prtillg':.S.Qci41, • Pt9PertYi.PATI Russia • Norplally .Punishable 1:°attl • Impr.i§ou.mq.t was th 'sentenee passed an a young and pretty blendO: . ATOeew or stealin :a typewriter. • • 'l'lie local Prese,recetinted.the:•tria without. any eense of the enbrinity , the .'sentence„ Indeed; the prOse jaa plied that thegirl got off:lightly-sine „. . , „ ,iiteeitag'.0,secielized,:propertr Is .norra ,gliy' punished, 'hy: deatb,, mine: sburoehka eared, 4er,dOwnfal ,to, a handsome, engineer, Ile lied told . . .40.;00. modern line:plan :Woman 'Mist ,OOrabine. tlfeA.01100 P401inten of a Men. with th ehartn women. '4. In the 9!tlee Ole inttat'bi,ag „91deleOt *orher. In eoetel .0be *dot .:.4.:,;.:.*qcitshiy dieissed end:',.endowett.Witn,s4 appeal. :0,0Tinhelse4idgeizle,(;arnrdnapPtresrse:icit7lymth.:phsahnud.,- ,roehita4. The' theft Of .tha, tYilawrAtar? ,ahe, explained to the 4,n4gPst Orle littit 'step. in 'putting that. hieto tato .praetlee,.. 4 tYPewri::er .01181,0 Rasera ,paetr4ty410,0e1r,001.,5AQQ.t,0 10;000. roub- les (nominellY: R50010 She Nowi 9 7` vr spendr inete*Tia'llit4;.7pria-.1;( Was. thus.••showing Inaineas .aetrinet, she and at.: the. Same time, , aCquiring .fitnds: te.en Golden Rules for Holiclays • From A Nurses' Journal ' ' • • • , The 'holidaY;•seaaon Is hear And' a inn:Rand° ot. 'preparations are -alreadyTender---wity. The :‘``.Pinifiing- Ithrror" 'Offers eoine,exCellentl'adviee. intended More, particularly for nurses but Oplicabie also to :trio. Teat. of tbe. holiday Inuit be •stirnii7, and•4-' enist Whet' the appetite wlth a' :snice'',ot adventure.,, Physical exercise Is essential, but the lig Mirror! this td say bout . ,7"The soundest rule repteteber. IS to 1)0 careful for -the .flist..teW.-days; in ',din entlitiShen.' at new ,tree; too fast, sirbe too icing,' .dance • toe hitp,', :• and etren• •eat ,' some ' ot Our :precious Aleye are, . anent in re-; •coVering; 'nursery days we ean all remember ••the; tiresome rules,.:which --reslicted+,oiti7paddling--on ;the 'friirst- dayati---the-rseaside---Orl-renferced EL- .:T.bst:. out ., sunshine after Iunch, but it is perhaps0.pay they are not uloku studied izy. the adult:," , ThereAS-bne.Other piece of advice offered . by .•tli "Nnisieg:Idirror!'..which. Is 7 well • founded : but '.1a.ton:often.,tte- gleeted. Sleeping in a'neW every night. is ..not tha..sUrest Way„ of- ob- taining better, therefore, to...ceinbine,Ithe tour ,..with i414,•eied413;ig.141; ,Pent in Pnitith'e1ei; inkd not having to. berry to catch 'trains arid reach new towns..• ..; Ottawa BatherHas 'Escape: t Sucked,:R'01,11ptuanikp-.--inCarriPd • i - • 'Station ' •OttaWa.—Sneked-,- into a .16 -tont '• Watermain,helplessly' carried, :along and, iinattly ditinPed into a 'tenk:'at' O QttePa. Str,Oet-Pamplamse, -was the hor! rifying eNparience. of • Ralph grestent 'For -29 riiitlatOs iir Pibeh.blaAr.'d.ailr,':. 'neee Preston%ed carried by the avii,rt. waters. There was en airspace ol f but two laChes, between the Surface ot , the water and the reef of the, tube. (1,t ,At timeshis bead bumPed: the top of e. • i"reston, with two eA'; tall%eitlitag.athudb- nilersVeall°4:3at'°tea6red;.1i4d13 • wae..thving front a Pier above t4' Chandiere Tans.' •lie was. not Wearing , a bathing snit' and; When he Came ant, at the Ptimp-house had to VorrOVr pair of trousers ounnti•thkei-IfoaTCLOfrtt °.41.'d:V'Tt cover his elothes , On his final dive of -the day, be "denly:-"Was--Atiregge&intetho:mPutli-ot themarnmetli. intae:p)pe,„ "I 'can't describe the tripi"Ite ivat, dark, and only the rushing waters • could, be Seen, and felt. ' Time after • tizne; he turned in an 'effort to fight back to the riyer., but the fast-moving • current ruahed, him along.' He did net • know'•,where the pipe led to, ,and let thewater carry him whero, it , 'Thou to his intense, surprise, he plunked into tkecomparetilie light et the '.tanIt'' afn.'d ' few" •SecOndelater ei.jell)ect• out of the vatea...' Here he toned the ptinin-house-in' the .heart of a ,residential area, and: remembered , his clothing 'had been left behind, •Ta4p6...13Lrt.?..'hh'eot'iiti-thiotedtli;0‘ii9iVa:hui°1ininal7p:41 of trousers and eicplanations' 611:med. • The 4)1.40; pine, carrying thousand,: of ;albino into the heat -soaked, City, .; had never befOO•tripped 'a sWininien7 :Officials 'could not explain how ton 4a.ti .been swung into the' orifice', •:, A.ut:eieifie4sedlths..opiiion a -river -041 : had washed blie into the danger 'ions • Some time ago; a youth in Hziiiil- ton paddled up a city sewer to • th0-',' •'.' corner of a busy street. and wasseen p*iing. an Open eiaphole by a '.eur. prised pelleentani It •Ne'esk,later found• •the canoe in which the lithir 1)10 -leg had been -stolen. Natural Gas Found', Quebec. Vilage • ste. Angelo De Laval.—At a depth of 5;000 feet- heloW''-this 'Smell 'village on the south' shore Of •the St.,Law- tepee r River, . opnosite -,Three Rivers, a small quantity of 'natural' gaff haa been discovered. The Well is at pres- ent only yielding 25;000 .cubic feet and as a minimum of "q0,000,900• 'feet is necessary for contmetcial purposes, 'drilling is ccintinuiiig: A total of 82 tons' of Piping, has been Sunk since operations commenced on February ' L rr: ;East WeitM' 177'Altar • Meet at. • • Grasshoppers: - World Recovery.? 'Kineeld; .,,Snak.T.lieten is no ',need .for;: the -four sigreat steat gooivtog .cototttiee,.. now meeting , in London to Out the world's .4,w:heat- acreage 15 • 'GriniehopPere,, havd• 'already 'done all the %refacing' in the, *heti.t..!•1•00., :that'. ' • •. • ' 5e...414 •Dr. • 1).•.. for this .,coustittiteticy, on hiserrlial. :here from Ottawa.• ,Dr. Donnelly', :who returned :to !tli'e west by; *ray • Of 'the States, declared!, ',that' miilione of liePpers ti. eh th ,were ea ng o e• crop e c. tat- . 'tty • to tlie Smith; ' • • • ' J.tuly Asti* Beaten. •, ByPrince at Welton:, :Pripet) of .,Wales defeated. Lady 'Astor ,;.two: and one 'in 'their ,19 -hale senti-finel • thateli Of,,the,einuel ' Parliamentary I-Iandicap teurnainent ,here last , The Prince , gave lis opponent seven strokes• • „ 'Lady-. Astor led one through the • slith,lnit loap,tife lett& 'soon after, and never regahied Jt' The: Prinde, insisted. 'that. 'Lady 'A s to r oh ou 1 d take th o honors' :et , the sfir,st bele, Althbugli be a11. theCan; dedet.of fitteke.s;r wee, entitled' to delito 'lirat. ' 135O0 -Foot Height • •, — An airline paesenger 300,. Cool for Flier , flying front hate • to. Cliiinago foand .it too co -61,' •• • At an altitude of 13,506 fe bee 'Smith, pilot; found the teloperatnre 32, degrees-- aboVi end Wae^,torifea'to COth thiNstii.;bi timp geOf to 6t hth pass e1gar , • . It we99 t1�W nit„ the 'Krnentl; ..AdVide to Bathers '-"Da not bailie .00n .efteri• eating whit LW() liur "Do not get 'Otter:in yotte tnotitli "Dr; not bathe ift (10ts 0P '011,c1i` "ntherWifte feted. e ,tost 'thi depth, , I net Wfarfi 4 slio,stebe Trfb tfyit wenia a. gazing tend& *.at,hori, 'iloi•re reentel, Yottie„,/' Col eimlY hi: '0 11,(ftfii t 1 t)Or11t te? NT '1OYO20" l'401.tet"; .1 .e.elefttisf, ric4P, imticcqy ,IrnprzrItelI,linriittaltyitt • • , , -••••••;•••#.,.._ •t 'craft To own:in Regina Rug Section. Expected to. Haye• 'Interesting; Display The: 'tug Section of the handicraft .' exhiLit to be held' .by the Weinord'a Art Asobeintion of 'aaskatiche*an. in connection with the ferld. Grain Show at Regina, Jitly• pi. to Aug. 5, ' bide, fair to bo a most extensive and interest*, display. ":• : In recentyears mat -Interest has been revived in the hiutdicraftwaa a beautifier Of hoines:tte' Well is 'a ;ma-. tient pastinsearid‘ especially_adapted t, this is the art of .i.eg-millting7,7-coni-; leg as it does from * background of • early pioneer and tOfoniat days. Home- made rugs ' draw attention because of. their tri4litiona1. • and hiatorieal aspo- ipii:earwtteiraTisiesi,;.71,11dassi:tes;iahr.:70:tul,id71.tcaherrolf:OhrsTh'tu.:77,itd;e:irl ,w,filltutbaiariddogs,ati'of,,theb6uain*tis?Qi.lctetiixrifi pictures of • and 1.,,askets of kittens woven into the ravelled' and tufted rugs of bYgons days,thoge.thodeitu.r,uga,shot0:seenal of • 'hp .field •'; Of prairie fatmetead—the„, Red ::-River, But their quaint old-fashioned; ,haenty, stirs' menioriet:ef childheed-' when .sirnilar,- ovate graeod. the iloors: • in'grandmOther'S pioneer home. •TheSiPentive expect Wide represen- tation of the following classee. of :rugs: 1; hooked; 2, braided; 3, loom ,woven;' „ knitted; 5, crocheted; .0; .needle 10, • • vett: Those nindo of prairic grOVitag ". wool will be of Pattlett14i interOt„ Snores of Tired Doctor • 'op' • • Bring 'Polite to Bedside . Was Just like ' • a. mystery story, theca .weird sounds,,' that ,canie oVer. the .wire to 'the tele- ' telephone coMPany swit,clihnerd ,dur; ing 'theeerlymorning hours, „and' th,e• operator 'knew just Whet :to (14.. .40),A,,, She imtlfied police that Some one. 'aPPerently V1LL in distress, at the OA - 't.1 rose ind 1 eat ed ali d all the hem i eido , 'squad inede a fl37'.11ig Rut at theother end, Of the tins the' found that Dr, V. G. 1.4eXittle, had, .e'verturtictiIt bedside telephone . in .hht Steep. and was smiting ennoble* Oft the trabatuitter, • ;.Th, • • • Weddings in Canada Show Big Jurnp for -May ;Ottawa; , Wee 0." month for Weddings, bOthrtis tot 74' Othadina. cities 1'eeyed by the Do. nriiii(ni. :Macau of StetisticS OW*0 • ' Iry of'2,246: This was e ft per; • Omit, kncrosse pvcr. May 1932, When: 9Ltfl't�tal was 3.940 --'' • 'MOM; than 161066;006,001 :,tiine 44 'eettli arc 1ift60 lu:dest:cletnis front th4 8011 of ,Itritain • every year and tlePosit 'id hi rat* OtOttits.