HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-07-13, Page 51181?Alt.
• •
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• 4.
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'The, •-0,00., large h4T4i the farm
belonging tO; ¥r Join IiI1s,,c�Iice8r
pion West WaiYaaga,..WaS, raSed.
td"tlie grOund bY' fire .abut 9 00• p
on Mon.44k eire4n8"1,, the Oft drigiriatT-
ing;it 4 VekieVed;,fwm .04(01-1P14941•43
141:1Q4t twdle4 'ef: d hay
an'd Affeen,' ton of ,th. ia. Year's hay''
*Ceti there 011" Thartaiat of
• ,laat,..1q,eeic, fen;:":063''S'Preiri0:143. tO, .010.
fire:" The, 'hay was in geed "pOndition
when htored, each:load being' levelled:
as.. pkie in, A foai. and -0 !,Caif "PeriShea:
in the •flaziiee,„; in.gpditiOn,,td 5 hens
and 00, 'chickenao.::a wa#oti; ancr-"Ihe
liatnese:;:,,Being with414 h telephone
Mrs,.., Mina- drove tie e4.fi to nal0V-
1"-ler..$(-Mr. WaShingtonS)., and, ggio
the alarm; Aaslie.. Is' inr, poor •Ihealth,
" • the exeltenikt•The too ,,arreot for her
and :she -afterwards Ceilanseck"
essitilthig the --Attendance of 'iphy,-
Clans:, The. contents of the barn.
onge to had. t
farm'. tented fro* his father. The loss"
is nartiii1,13" cOVerpd by ' insukance.
Week -end guests with Mrs
Prawford wero Mrs, (,C,olOnel )Wilson
and her 'niece,. Pinia Jeall Talut7IY,11. of
'London, •. ,
'The' farm home. or yirA.:„ w,
Culbert'was the, scene_ Of a :happy
tlieritiron7"--Thots-dhitt,,,hen ,thirty
five •friends:: and relative's Wire, pre4
serit.'2to srierid" an:enjoyable •thaV.
• Mr. and. Mrs. Malcolm ,Lane. and
three children Mr and Mrs (ries
Con.gram and two sonS of Holytood,,
and. Mr. Abe Culbert .:of Dungannon,
.cWdeiterit•!ceht „visitote.,,ith Mrs.' W4.
C :IC 1 :Oph011f. •
• 99.
saved eorli
or,30 cents
you can .telePhone •
109 .miles
by makmij'
one" call • (station -
to -station) after 8430 .
- flee of Rtes
m f,ront of directory.
Early in the season Fred Ben-
• nett noticed a strange blight op
his young corn. It began to
spread very' rapidly. He had to ,
do something at once if hp want-
ed a crop.
, Fred -was :enterprising. ----He call --
ed the government Experimental
Farm by - Long Distance tele -
bone. ' the 'farm - recognized
the blif,,ht, from Frecl's desCrip-
, to do, and
in a week he corn was safe.
:Long Distance is quick, depend-,
able .easY. to Use and profit-
risizrtawinugtii=Xpe 2I13
• — . .
Many friends: Were potty to learn
that 'Mrs. T..13", Taylor iS -Undergoing
treatment in the • Goderich Hospital.
' Mfs. G,ordon spending the week
in Goderich. •
'Mr. john Rinionli of Torente spent
, •
' the ..week -end- at. hs home 'here.
Mrs Vir,. J. Todd of LiicknoW and
Mrs..EdMe bets of Wingliam
were guests ' With friends here.
Mr and Mrs. W. Jansen and Mr.
Rime; were Visitors',Over. the week2..
• end ,With Waterloo. friends., :
..:Mr..:,and MrS, George Clark :and
daughter. Jean Hamilton • ‘' and:
• Colina'' Clark ..;of Pert Dalhousie
:called on friendS . in the ...Village on
• , . •
' Saturday; •
; annual -Surniner Meeting of
the Ny:M;s: et. the 'United ChurCh will.
", he held ;on, Wednesday. afteindon.
julyl,'190,,IVIte. George; Lane,, who
is vice-7president of the ',•Presby-•
• terial will he the Speaker and • the
dies,ofthe • *biteeliurchi SoCiety
. Wilt guests; All the, ladies: of the
edininpnity. are inVited.. "
,The toting. Peoples'. ,Society spent
Pleasait tin* 'at the Maitland
Rivet on'.1- MoildaY afternoon
,Mr. Robt, ihichap an. bad
as their guests,. the latter's 'father.
Mt. .A".• 11.47TAXirraf -Cobalt ..anfillt.
:Fred „ Anssid .41 Amherstbol*:
Misses .Irene Wood a 'and .D.ProthY
• •.' Webster 'late attending,' the. 'saintlier
conrSes' at. TotontOt: •
•:"Mt: and Mts.:John Thitnin, Norther',
and maiy ot.-1VIotristen; -visite& with
Mrs, Chas. tournin; Sr, obit 'MO'', and
' A 'VI Taylor'r
Mr an Mrs • as. . ,;eonat.
. .
'Peat! • And Verner' and " Car -"Ori
• Clyde„ .*ete Visitors•• with
their tonsin, Mrs.' To Taylor: • T tcy
.Made the...trip by taktot, taking', in
the World's xiao*•,,,d
liiteteSting • PeintS,,,
Mt.• 'tind. Mrs. Snowden and Fiflqt,
and Miss 'Haines, rieeepiprin-
, ied and Vire, dem* lq.eltoberts
to OtimgeVille on Sunday WhOrt..6 they
tittenda /the. funeral' ,,, of the ..ladies'
isrthol, McPherson.
• A • SneCessfhl • 'Garden, ,Patty .Was
:tinSpieeS. ; of the United 1 'Chu tell • on
• 'Thuthday. yening. • "was
' all that emit& be. deAireti. ',And th'ere,
• 1/4iktis splendid ',A ttend a -net. A fte
e' serlet! tete
Dr. Arnold Cowan 'Of Toronto spent
a few days. with:. his ,father reeentlY.
Mrs. MerVin :Cowan :of: i\rilr'.• York
with her :family,. ,are, spelding„ their
. „
vaeatidri avith.. Mr.:"
:Mt. , Will iam...Bnckingham,;. Whe'"hat,
tint , been enIbying goad health' Of
la t e: :"gone to XI andebeye Vial!
'.dliuglitet,: '•Mervin Carter
Mr. and .• Mrs,. G. 'MaCkenziei'
. .
Misses, Matgaret. and Mary :Spent
a -day Clandeheye the gueata. • of
Mr,; and Mrs. :,MerViii: :Carter.,
Young People's • Society, Of the
Pi•esli.yteritin'Ciiiircli'.,aire: Planning a
ineonlight at the lake • in
Tharsday "
Mr, 'arid. Mrs. :s Sam ,Gibson ,.•• and
family'were • ;in. 4ion-•:',•en..Satiardayi•
,Mrs. •.Gibson' s Jnother' ill,'
,having ,stiffored. •.severe • stroke or:
Friday.. • ,
'A., number .0,t the ladies of; the: W,
M. S.. .of 'the -Presbyterian '..Church
tended . the meeting,' at' ,Mrs: -R.: Mc-
WhipneY'A ; TliursdaY. ' The lades
of:111e LiIcknow ,Virete' pre,-
.sentAlsa.", spent+a-very 'prOfitilife
afternoon.' " • i-""
The'„ • _
beys 7or the' Kintail-camp,
.tended •on Sundny
morn! ng Rev .;:-M
-Innis, preached a very ' appropriate
sermon. In 'the evening' the Ashfield'
congregation, wetegnesta of, he boys
„ . _
at I their carap,..'llev. 1,.• K.
Stlateil:Ca With their' new', Ple'S'
'Wildildifer of, the '
livray bringing the .thessage.
, ,
. -Mrs:Dr, White, and -.family, of
•Chteago, are, spending, the., Runnier
Months with Mrs. K. McLennan.
ango'ss •coRNERs
Mr. an 1VIrs *Jae: ThomPSon
ed Mr. And Mr's: ,Fred,ThOinps&.
eently." , •
• . Mrs, Earl Ctilbert ,and fanlily visit-;
ed ,Mrs...Wsatter Holgins, on Sunday,
Miss MarYBodgins' is spending
her holidaywith her mother, , krs,
Walter IledginS,
,Mrs. .Ioe. Wall le At. Present: sick
_i_n_liedWe• hone ShP will sdon be up
and around agaln:0, .
• Mr, Pred,,Jaekson had the. inisforu.
tune to .btpale belie •hi his' ankle.
Ile' is .at4. nit Sent with his .1'orother
M. ,
"A Mis;Anna 'ROSS, in- 'her 90th year,
Vimetal held fioni her .brether'eo: Mt,
,itugh• Ross.. ,
.'„'to tram; . Wobleng
tnele "Ain't'. get he .treltble *MA. held at the: liOnie Of
1,44njwhbfi, foal ,tari flodgins' was' Well attended and
MOS yoti gott'a)ty to Ottinted enioYed 13Y ano .
' Dr: and' Mrs, Earl'.Bfl and two
:children -Of -Toronto -are the .guestsHof
Mt', and Mrs::: WM.: Oink ,,and.: Mi
and Mrs.1W.J.Roob all' of whom
enjoyed a picnc at''goderich,
The Women's Listituite plan Amid-.
.;t1g_ttieir near- Pott-Albert„L:oriWednesdav next
Starting to ,DungaripPn:'school ' at
the age Of :seven, Miss Nera,,4Atider7,,
at . the ,age, 'of 4.4During thisti
.' '' ',me
years s,chosk• tO lief Credit',
she • ;has never, been late ..,and :has
iniSSed.'birt'three days.' of SchOol, and
'thosebecause of tielied,ieineni.: In
"recognition; her teacher'
:far the past rout years, Mr. Pahner
Kilpatrick, presented ber1:with, a
silver cru, mb tray :set: thitfall",',Wera
won the Huron" Countypub1ie
'speaking 'contest •• at Chnton. '
Dtingarinoti"eiiiens -the, present
'time are considering.theestabliShi
of,- a oniinuritypIaygroiind -and
working: in conjunction with.. ,the
Wo en's • "Institute • are • 'devising'
.plaiisfdr the finaneing Of: the ,project
• , • '
• , I
Mr: and Mrs. William"' :Conn .spent'
Sunday :with "-Mr. and ' Haroid,
Jdlinsort Of LiicknOw..
The S: of the United -0i .h
-held"ii-inissionary tea on Wednetday.Tiale-has been called. Fearhig-thaliiidgirigTnamPatiti9r1
at -the Gtielph
:afternoon at the honie Herb
PettyPiece: The afternoonc Was?. spent.
in sewing' quilt "bldeka for a:: quilt to
be auctioned off later,
• :• Mr. .Eti skrs'; , Wm. Dawson of. 2nd
con; -Spent Sunday. with 'Mr, and Mr's.
Wes.. Tiffin..: •; ."'
In the :Viringham Hospital • on
to Mr. and; •MrS, aoofge
daughter.„7--CongkAtulatioris: '
Mra' Ft • Tiffin Charlie' and Mrs •V
Kinersorii; spent Sunday 1 afternoon'
with, Mra.;.A., Enierson ; Of 'West Wii-!
W.anosh., .
' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott Scott of
Ph1n, spent:- the • Weekertd 'AO
Mr an WiTs, chalk 'Thomaou. piton
the week-end:Witli M.. and MrS,' Jae
• Mi7i: 4n4 :Mrs. JPOAI'MacKenzie',,,Of
Detroitat'e7h-pending the holiday with
Mrs.: McKenzie Imre. • •
Qihsen of Detroit los •re"-,
,newing eI4.ActIliaintaPPCS
a wei-
vifiSiter in thiS 'bur,
1D411't• forget, . 'Orange . Panee in"
Orange :Vali' ,.Thursday" next: '
". 11/1.;. 'Mark Gardners Assisting "'Mr,'
.K.e4•4 etlI q.arnerW id his large APIPise
drehattl...", • • -: ' ' ..•.•• •
We extend cengrathlationa to, our
t3411(1-• 1143;,0,4"ralso ' theii leader,' :Mr.
; T.Ohn, K434dith; WhO ' took,.part.. .• in
he '13and•-edifect." at. Water10°. • ".` :
phostgoa.#4Ven0";spent 'Suit -
day with 'filenIIS in ...Guelpii." . ?:.
Mr. 'Wm.. .17-7-oiftgo;etY °and. hif .: )ifiotterri'luisyitPiniltich:l.c'rrileshlotnanqt idaei;rYea.i.s-4'Q
KIN totiG
. .
... ,DSr .'surplua .7 injlk must"' go ' to me
away with with' the uncon .ro e flow
, lamp ...dairY: This, :it believed'''. Wiil
, . .. .
;" .. Mrs., Fit4Ikei of. ItlieknoW; is atten- " Atibthet Don Ida • Record
.cling Mrs. 4.;MacFar1et4 Sr.,. who has DOTI .Alda Faints, Todmorden, Ont.-.
E 4 4 E
been in • poor, .health. . . . . have again' made. 'an- outstanding
.-;:-: Mr,- eredisoli,-"---who-,Yall': Ids Guernsey" recordr" this time on their
ankle broken three . weeks affo, •. is. •two,yeat-old „ heifer,: Candle • Of 'Hill
: r.,
stayingwith ,his brother; .":W.m. Jack-: Farm, which' freshened at the age
• • •
son.' • : .:: 1 • , . Of 'two yars and thri days arid .i the
. .
. , (FIFO:Shed by the Ontario :Department of Agriculture)
9"n't°: 4. 'Illgliffe'P;t74Ntipciwr's'Arr'an'*.g..e!Tit 47tnItifv7teid?tft4e3r4sliCon.rt;iktWI1,941;Y•71c4.,na.nhae;,'' •
• Thp" Torpntct .Milk,P1'0,44Cere. ,40", falli;w. 'and-"speded to Fall -Wheat:-
4istributorP, the Tor.poto ar.;a
` . -. .. .. . . „ . .. ., .
igeistibil has effected an entirely.,,ne,W,ci, •ary .claping. methodc494. .
errangelnkt', between 'prodi:icera and '*arlY 41 S.?Pt6t4113r;
in ' ..' " ' -4,•••• '
. . •
1,•41d. 'tfie, new Ilieni ,the diitriiiptino' This
.sp cau: •4:- __•,-, , ,
Aortipany will •agrPg •ta acceit A, de- is, very •etretiire . on ''' Sow Thiatlp;'.
Inite,_qupta; of: milk ,frdip each. ship'-: TWitel,1":"PraPS; AVedder 'caniPidn'Ind . •
per '1h dietrihntor, each mental," othe't''. Perennial: weeds.' ' . ' ''' .:,, '.. ' • ..
.,yill,notify the ,'firrodn'cei; of his. .44 -aa'' " Straight" : Si,iinriiert'aliOW! '. is '-'ids'o, •
:or. til, -e' failawiag,,:, Tinith' ' 'Tile pro-'" 'Vetir effe' C'tiVe 'aitho ' .b.' . ' ' 1..-,i''''1,
Incer innY,;••if he dies ship in milk, ' . , - , Vg?!' Some -...at4 ..,
Are to;',,•ship.:ta one . dairy only-- and
.''?,iPeq,i'v a 19i,ve priCe;YfteciaCers, we;ati: followed ''the nit yea with::
Needing' this .cluota, -'. for., VI/jell he ..'rraaapr: ;P:::::::.P; ..s. 444:1:1,iisQ.::: .ii: b.etabc::,.,..,. ,
.. . . ,
• .
Mr. and IVIrs.: ,FrOnk Col*ell" and Pext twelve. mOnths ,ptoduceil : 12,42C
family, . Sandayed at:. Jnot---Col*ell's.' ..t,15.0. of. niilk and 631 lbs. Of fat; '1,,iiiieh
Mr 11 Bel" and Mist Oeo;:Halilezi places her it te-iith 4)4c'e.th'i the:'•h°11°.'
by and family, spent last Friday at •r011 :of r eiasswas
' She .
. 1"milked
'Hewattl--.1eGuire'.s, Oily' et."...: • ' l'Oee dailY tiir°iigh°ut. the yr;
., • .. ,
' ' ' ' - •• • - ' • And it is: net Only at the 'pail that
:,•'1V,Ir. Oral McComb :of • London; 'Visit --
'ed• at W.' Boyle's, last week,. •• , ‘°Cendie" 'expe• ls. At the ,:1931'4,1qyal
Wi i 'ai she wasl<made ' junior
Mrs, McLean '' and .E'vel341- SPent'-' chain:pion' female, and at : •the 'I:932
Mkt' week "at: the 'I'aaeli, Kinoardine. "Royal". after .producing over • §C
4--:Mr;:-'apcf-,-Mrs;--K,arl'TBoY.le,visi*edLa-t-,-.-Ibs-fit-:-ihPiith ly-tar-teneirionthst--, Oa •
of-TsChtecckleinagne.:1:-eqfhemCis%. in..4-OntarioH-ar:
operated by. farmerIA° prnetice.a
-short three or fouryear drop ...rota;
thin, Who are particular _in' the use '
of . clean, welrgtaded seed, and' who
,tpirveacttiiociel, tmn oetrhono4gsh. • adequate Cul-
, . .
, are etitr:crop. are
;tut, ^And, in order ,that the ,worst'
weeds' may be prevented ' Irani
sprending',. it is neceSshry, that every ,
'occupant Of and, riital or ;urban' , •
pend every effort ri pilling,
Ur. weeds -
: Acute. indigestion in, hcialSe.s. is the
result Of-7one Or other 'Of the
lowing causes: . Sudden' , ekercilie.!
aftet feeding; • oVerfeedirig; change ,
neir,--ha-y-•'-er-cr,ats;feeding7 •
the -latter's borne , in 'Poderich. Fran- was still enongh-, • to stniid "if 21..vlosen--, tnexottni;dop.efrecyds,buslkuecdh,:,.*.asi'thinoepatl
.cis and; Jack: Elliott returned Second plaCe in the two24ear.--old .
- , • hay. ; •-• -
'The. Jr. It. .A. .pieet . .
at. the ''home of 'Mr's, Win ox on. Itinidr" Team' To • Regina: ,
PridaY., 'of. this . Week, • instead " 'of , Cintaria is to ' be represent at , the,
i'hursdaY. ••• ' • 'World's Otain Vichibition and.,confer--•
confinnation service Will he 'held 'in, ence "to be held .in• 'Regina, July 24th
he Angliegn •. Chureh, 'Reid Shndny, -August 5144 by "A team, Of farm boys
:Inkereropping • 'the ••Otchard..':4,
, 1 .
.The central space between :trees. in
orchards ntilized :for ',crops: should be.,
tieptedi.iiiidert'the cdver. crop :s,ys,terri..
Heed cropa, like ''petatoea; straw- :
. .
:afternooni.• July •.,16th ' at 3:: ,o"Cloili, in the''Junkor 'Grain :Judging Connie-, -berries"; :::,etc.., are •tObe..Preferred -to
:There :Will be no 'morning service: ' • tition. The Menibers or the team ate:.: ci'Zins.; Of :gram or -grass, : instances.: '
- -- .
. , . 7Mii,nrice" :J,: Baker,'„ Hampton, . No. have been recorded where tall grow- ' •
WINGRAM TO VOTE.-..--;----, , .::1.4.thaip;L:Courity._:.=__::„.....,..L:.:',.. ,_;,:._-_:.'philag-f_ntierilitettecit;i.peal;.0.,..:ssetilett.,::ta:-.ierreile,s-;:ivr.-:-.
.. . .9N!' puAcHAsINo,, Art,$NA Clifferd •G: •Marsliall,' WOOdsteck,
pre:Ventedthe 'bark. from properly .--..
ripening. or hardening, with ,the: re-: 2
Sult. that a .large- nuitiber, of trees "
;Were 'killed by sun -scald' the follow-
ing ,Wintet,
No T3 Qxforcl County.: • • •
At ii;7„, request of the' " St. „Paurs' N
• . P:
Chhipber.;\01. :CninerCe : the Cow -fell :Perth . County:
of :that town has decided to submn . Oliver. J.. •Bariceton, 1,•
.ii.hy-lavr• to the ratepayers q•ealling Durlieni,Ceunty,' ,
:for: ,a. .Vote to sanction 2or • reject ' Siiinniers; Agricultural joi 2plintiong
•town • the ,',.:ar,eitat. •.•The RePresentatiVe :for Durham': •CountY.
arena .has never been a: Peking en-, at. Pott Hope, is to act .es',,coneh:,and
'ternilte. and mortgage of. .motor the. boys : to Regina:. 'Mi."
$70po. against ,ithe.ibiiilding. held '•Pintiners:,Was.: coach of. the Dnthain
by a• teaiii; Which • Won the seed
. ,
when pot lip for Sale . the building Winter': Fair in 1931.: Morepver, .two
might 2 g0 to an ontsicle, :bidder and . Of the four ho -Ys- I'l ttfq Junior . drain
be refilevedIfas caused the ,ChariLber, J11,1Iging • Team ' are ' 'ftoin Diirharn
of CoMmercel nWhighear to Urge Connty.
. ..
Council .te ' bring : the :Matter of put- Arrangements are 'being Made to
chasing the arena . before ' the it,ate-. giYe the boys a ,couplei of, day's' ,fUr.-
m'yers of that town, ther practice in :judging seed grain
at ,Ithe 0.A.C., *Guellib, on 'July' 18th
MAFEKING'' ' •'.d 19thr.. preparatory .to. their° leaving_
, for Regina. ' ' :i
(Intended for , Last Week) . ge,coz:4 'Export o . G. B. • , ,
, :Mrs. Wilfred, Hoffman and d g
• .
,fers,• w.pit. 40d: Dona . of. Donnvini „, "Last -month' Canada ina e record
•ite visiting' Mis:, Iloffman's Another; snipment of tomato catsup. and k caii
'Mrs., WT., Blake and other, telativdS 'ne0:' t°'llutP- soup to , Great 43.0t4in47
here ; said .' S. II:• . Symons, ' ,Departmental
s atistician.., , • ' • ' . • •
relatives here.' ' ' • Mr: and..Mrs. ,1.• c. . Stotheri and
• : • : „ --• ', "Of a total ' importation of - these
• . fAntily 'Of London were guests of Mr. :., •
„.. , . • And ..Mra.• Henry •„ Horton, Sunda d ts.'i to''Creit Britain ;'' lie eon -
'(Intended fot:'Lnat ,Week) ; ,... pro tic, n / , , . ., . ,...
.The • Rev. 'Paterson ',pi . BlUevale, Donild.i.otained to pend , part o'f' 'tinned,' , "ani'otintitig to, softie. 19o,09
prekehed Very,' interesting! .s.:e.rinons his vacation :With ' Aitfield •:,consiris.' cases ; Canada supplied 177;000,cases;
: '
both, morning `and eVening 'On Sunday ..
.,, and Mrs
..,, 1 . : w .: ..kilotrici Ts his repteaents a 'Iatge, increase "dyei,
in: the Lan,gside 1..ebYterigil 'clitireh . ,Ind' Miss Margaret Kilpatrick visit-. :1)•:.:•-arn-jerlie0rus! Jr:•_1.:11(.)1:116tlivafri'F.. Ji.intdre: ii'•'.,i'li!,a11::*4$61.m.si.Sti
-The choir -ga,e"-SPerilei--,,n1.11Sic-1f01;"-the- ''d' the _forineFS 'brijitliA S-4,W7Kirr; .,,toaki in prehilation :f0.., tilig.,,,,eg,,,s.
occasion„ consisting' of solos) cidets pattick last week; en,- route 'frciii",rep.!'.
and., anthems.' : ''"' '
. 4 ,
' :" : Leamington to his ' new charge ,:al • - - ''.
Mrs. ,Victor Emerson . and '. Miss'
Grace Richardsen '; And "Mts. J. B.
Morrison Attended' the distriet annual
meeting Of the Institute ' held. ' in:
Licknew ' on. '!'WednesdaY Afternoon.
lifr: tind Mts. john L. Hayes', Net -
ma, .DortithY;"jack,, Denald, and. Mat
ien ,spent. the Week -end with' mr.',and
Mit.. Reuben Tiffin. , , '
*Miss. Clive :Blk was taken c
:GOderich hospital ' Sunday, 'where .01
.operation for. '.appendicitis waspg.-.
formed; lier, ',condition ta' ,considered
'fitforable. ' • •• . •
, .
Harvey KilpattiCk-:;returited .honie
from ooderielt, Hospital Friday,,
ing Made a read reeovery, fioni an
Alfs.s .Leola Wraith of S: S,1No 9, alinendicitis '
is Writing entrance' examinations in -Tom Anderson of Louden:, apent
1Ltieknow :this ; the week -.end reltitiVeS
Mr . Arnold Thona,PSOn At '21itt coi, Miss (ilii"e':Kiinhtri.1 *ea to T�
IS 'aSSIStInre Mt; 'Victor gitier.sorf for oirifo •Sunday',, where She
.• . . her: studies At the UtilitersitY. •
Mr. ',Walter Sot and his !, sister" of 4111t.: Wesley T*ahile37.10
nest " MI'S; • gentle' and ", her 111 We
't9rMihsl! talIt'oltilr....A,'ret'etacir7Aihis'''.:10itia. • ;:ole
- -Mr; -Melvin-Griffin- of-Bhalleir -take Mr:11:ftrYI4IteriSartLMillkii4
and .-Mr. '.145teph. • Malloigh
ild",:.4iiited Ai the liOnie,-Dt and
is visiting' With' his relatives., Me:: aid.
MrS. Jiihri -". ' ' • '
.., , .
:M.' r.. tioilaird" /ohostoti., ;stmday, ,
,.grs.. -A,...)% 1VIiiitaZ. ,13oli:.' and Den,
. • Ptilind ,Itilnatripk and Miid Ornee
l‘tr,, and 1Vti: We .TIfiliii ' . ' , . m(t(t- 1
:14.4tdeqiiied; stbefittietie:e;:tib:::riratissp.tit::::‘f.;I:tisiti,64,t'o,g,:ti:too:.:4,:iik:t:t..,B.,1ii, it.,,e,,:tt:iii. .1.0:11:to ec:.:iyil,e.itil,yg, :,. ti,: tite.,. hi,a:1.1",ii,tildit,
sithinler, . • , -" • .. :ttilit onet .. .4:,1t-tv:1771teuT :.:Irliv4"''"rHhirtg pfir:
At'ler:Iititih:3:gtike.4' 1:6:61116.C.iiP:d-,6'i;111-- ::: ' 'ma....oWliore's: yOut', . .. , .,
Whit4e .
, .
, Week'.
4 Ill•
... ' ' .'; '
' • . mi:,. mid ivtit,, gobiott :Moltittit, Anil 'iMtig tfitit•-1,0Volit AO yoti roett „.
fototik O „Cttirosii., speieitA'opri'dif. *Hit, plity..1.,11; :just heard :',iriY, 'Slifer', sr'
'tte told Uti, •jehli' '1(0111i1C,84,'„,„;__
Strong Selling Teint
-,A4 bulletin issifed recently bir.',thi.
'De'pattinent,,, peints out that hme-
rosn lettuee contiiinS. ' inore'
than •four ',times, the, innoutit
as, dePs,,, the iinnorted • head lettuce:
With people: becOnling more and-niore
'IntereAted inatters' 'of dipt; this
knoWledge, abet:11d "to . ciit 'down
ii unreasonably' extensive iMport
of head ' .letttice. Latest available
figure slieW I -luring T.1931, eloSe
rilifijOn dOlars., woitfi. of
head ,Vas ithiierted \Id
iNtO A gaingt Weeds' .
, t.)ty %Weather arid' hAlight, het sun.=
Ahliio Are tlte firmer's,: greatest Al=
lies' bit tlip war agaInst Weeds, .sitys
, Martin:, tiSsistant director,
Crops. and .Mittliets Branch...10y ,tred
August. are busy: Montlia for -the
-fatinet; but it is -during these months
rfr'the ,#eathei.: is, 'daintily -hot ,and
ihat,„,th Amp ge4.4
111.:,b'ff • , ,
ntid- bdri$,
Ve-"Opiti:Vittieri -td' .13d highly rc.
' s,
fltty`fields :;101(Mitit td be tliriY shetly
filoUglied 'I'Citimediately efter.
.Farly July- is the proper, time td
Plant /ate cablia• ge. :and , 'estulifidyver, '
advisea,George Rush; Veg•etable sne--
'cialiSt, Socidies" Brandi:
Secure: itieng:planis and .firm POit:
around roots., 'If Soil is: Ary, , water
-f+er planting, God Varieties fpr •
dpter storing are • Danish Ball :Head'
and Green Globe 'Savoy,
'For ‘. .protection : : against, green.
,use i• Oz. Arsenate. of .,
lead to 10 'gallons of water. Dissolve-
. .
and -spray as soon as insects move
-„Cartots-land-Beets may be sown
i;iefore July 15th for winter Storing.
These should 'be thinned 't� 1 and 2
inclieS„ respectively. Cultivation. with
the hoe is redhired to conserve
twe and allowl,AiiCirculation. ''car:
rots and i.)tets :•:sown o*'are more
tender for: Winter uie•
-.Beef Cattle, Pasture. Tests
,ne of the largest' single. pasture.
imptoveincnt experiMents . ever taw-.
dertaken' in Canadii.'. is ,ribitt ',under .
W'i in Western, 'Ontario; Under:the
simetvision of ',the Department
Cheniistr.y0'..*C.,-aiitt-with the
Operation . :dr Canajdiati, indtistrie,
Lhiiitedi• On . the, lsop 'gtete' farm,. et'
Neil: IiI7Latiglilin aAi1sa Craig; pne
of the leading :beef:. cattle grazers in,
that tisectiOn.,a fibid of too, ;.aereS ,
has been ':divided, in Ttwb.,!:•ofte7lialf . of
which, received an initial. :application
:375 lbs. pet acre,' of .a
mixture the. last week inApri1. It is
.also. planned -'to'' Make an '14)1).46:i:tip/in
of Nitro Chalk late., hi Itinet: '
other. half of the field . Ilea- beep :fen-
,eed! Off anct• N't,ilt be aloft he a eheek. ••
• Thg' College ,.Offieiala have 'inStalled.
weigh Scale at tile' xpe'ritnent and
ilia cattle in each plot will be weigh-
ed' each,, nic4ith. It is,, Planned: to'.
carry' 'the work on f or, five Yr
, ea s. nt
least" So' that heititate: aVerage.,
tts •,can• :be 'recorded. As nearlY'aS''
possible Thiilar type and quality
Cattle will' be usedon both. pipt§h-iia
tfloy v,11.1 be folroWed frani the pas._,
turas'. 4th ,the abattoir and ,recarda
kent t4' Dereeetnge id
girt;:lin on • - •. •
. ,
ri)rtib.voii'r be flgher
•• • ,
tut oving :a:reviewo trade '
.ftda it -states due 'to the 'UOVAnee. Iti
tbe prire of lifdes and-Sici1104" *WIT •
lin Ye irieletised' in VAI:rie 15(1; ttr g66:e70,
sqn.tv .irkgt.,ittAttit; it fs mita; tt4t 014::
ntafl piicv of 101141,,,
be kdveneed 60 tato,' to' $1.6.0 Pet
•I 444.ilte 114.•