HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-07-13, Page 4PX02 r. YOUR HOME IS youR ' CASTLE 4mit ozily otani e9P551!Pet.iv,- new, by ritOina, . ThE CHRI$T14,14-.-S,CIN.cgIMONXTORI • • 4 D.C.8,,7Arewilnap,ar fOrilie Hom. .• .1* -1,981,,,, eU ib..c.osocactiv•' world news butdoag not eitploit crime andocandid. inear•sting feature nagsii for all the flintily. on Wonsan's, Aidviiiii.' Honit. snaking.' Gardouss,, Education ind Books. Also PIPS for the children gad Yonne Fenio: viiefota aditorialk in, iiterarstition of news iti the 'Wails 05.:tha Natione' column and "Watchtag ilia World op ' • er• of oseem. mit to !gout.. .. ... The. C'hristien 'BalancePublishing: ---------------------------------------------------eoletr•., 107 Pala:with Street. Boston.' MaessehUsette ' Pious en* .ta7' 114b1t191i-le.: Tb.o.:'CbrisuP••:•50tonoo•-iionikei, jag PSl0d 01 One year $5.00 . ' Three. hiontha $115 ' 81; months . • 4.60. „One;M071thf: - 75e 044111 .............................. 0 ... . t,..“;!••••:;!•!!,.! f•;,:'•••• .. he Eng d 11(iunion ViiIa.ge and District lielat$ve0: Attelid - tend Plank" at Grand Bend', The -fifth , annual re -;union, of the .descendants- of the late jolni 'England boni in 1763 and his Wife 'Mary „Da" Avis, Of Queen's- Countreland, now known as the England family' was' , held at Grand Bend on Thursdny, July 6th, 1933. • The attendance was about the same as -in previous years :The faniily With closely-' asseciated• eennectionsnumber seyeral• -hundreds widely scattered in Canada and the • 7 At • neon, those • present- did envie justice- to the -god things provided by the ladies. Dinner was :followed by the, usual social hour and busi- neas meeting 'Addresses were given .by several members present and :a 'number : of . bouquets were presented to ,rnaiy worthy couples, .-creating considerablealire and amusement • Lettere 'of regret, because of inabil- ity to be Present ,were.' read: from: Members • of, the family living in, Ke-.' tleby and Ne iv Liskeaid .Ont .,» and -PenVicton, -13.- C:-,--Thoge 7presant--vaine-- from InicknoW,',..Aubpro, Mount :BrY-7 dges; Exeter - Montreal,...',KerWoed, T StrithiteY, Watford; Arliona, Forest 'Sarnia and London The afternbon, was spent',:in ,bath- ing soclalJintercourse and in carry* • I'm out a • Program of .rsports : The , winners' in the races were as follows; Young Men's race -James Hair, Harry :Johnston.- Young wonien's race , Delmagei • Jesaia Woods.. pat men's--race--Arthur . Woods. Fat , men's : raceHMrs. Elmer 'Moffatt Wheelbarrow race -John Hair ' and Cecil . Johnston. Girls, 6 "years -Mary Johnston, • Girls,' 12 yeaxa 'under -- Bernice janee Merle Kelly. Collar , and tie race -Elsie • Hairand Cecil • Johnston. Kick . the slipper-I/ire. (Dr.) R. Woods. tr Tea was served at six o'clock af- ter- which it was decided to meet again'' next year at Grand' Bend, on the first Thursday in Juliri all ho Ing ing to, see a larger and stilimore suceessful gathering if poSaible on p • that - date. The electionof •officers resulted as follows: Hon:. Pres., W -H. Johnston, Exeter; Dr. W II. Woods, Mt, 13rydges; Vice -Fes. Sherman 'Hair,. Watford; • Sec'y, Treas., Di: 'W.. V, -Johnston, Luclaiovii• Luncheon Coin." Mesdames Hiram Moffatt, Sarnia; VictorJohnston Of Lneknow; James Hair; Watford: and Mies Jessie ',Woods, Watford;, • Court esy •Cona Mrs. • Rich:, Johnston of •Lueknow• Nits. WI 11.' Weeds- of Mt: Brydges:, :Program 'Cent, Mrs.' Rus- sell Weeds, Arkona; Jelin ' Hair,' Wit* fer-d;, Fred Weeds, London. Spirts Dorothy 'Delnaage,L. Forest; .ElmerJohnston, Lucknoir;,Jas. }lair; Watford; Jessie Woods, Watford. •After 'a short addresses the expression of good wishes s".the. •• singing ,pf • the National '.7.Anthem, farewells' Were ,Spoken and the com- pany dispersed happy'. and gratified at haVing A phre in one of the Meat --re-iiniond•-the:Ifainily." has PARAIViOUI•IT , Mr. Adam LaidaW, Hanover, visit • with; Mr. . John' Martin recently. . Mr. Jack MacKenzie is`"enending' r few, day* ,with. his cousin, Douglas Maebiaimid, • :••• • " ,.,We extend Our heartiest, apngratnt. , • . lations to :Vt. and Mre:-.Istine• Ensign • on..theirt recent 'marriage' and WI.< Weleome. Mrs, Ensign: to our .00tn - ' MrS: Dexter -and .1 Walter s' visited With M. and Mrs. Wm. Ensign a' Gederich recently. „ . ' Miss ..Acie .Dahmer, - Kincardine spending her _hplidayi Yith het ani Arts. F'araniount Club will hold. theb: lily inciting at the home of .11Irp' Jam -es .Webeter,'"Kinloes, ,bn Tuesda,t, • and Evelyn:kw. ard•nri the progran • coriunitten. and -.Mrs, MaeGill. -An( • ,Ifrs. Sena Veld have tOpics. Mr, and. Mrs, Jack Spanner are, arfrog”'ita.lranWto-rOntO.*' tirMillfelVilk•ViMils, weet- • The Paramount t.Pmi.o..• Meeting _ for 'July will he held at the hem& of. Mrs Jas. T. N'Vebsterr'--KinlOss•--ont. 18th. Will the ladiesiense #r,v blockei .for the 0, THE ,PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. . , •Mrs MacDonald presided :at the July ineetirig, .beld•t'pri _the, 5th inst. The, Bible Study On'Prayer" was givens: by Miss 11.14Y -F IVe??•e9.(1. ReOd' ings. were given by *re.. Howard :Ag- new. Arid MisKatharine I. MacKenz/et, Mi▪ ss Pearl Henderson gave am. ad- dress. ,Miss Isobel' Chesnut, , sang 'r solo. The _meeting closed with prayer by the President. • , • . • . , LuelinoW W. M. S.' Entertained by Dungannon . -77M-anbers ef-this-LiTaiii1-9.W-Preslif- terian 'Church W.W.$. Auxiliaries as well as me/Obeys of the., Auxiliaries of.. P'.resbyteritiin :Church And 'Crewe United ',Chureh wire enter- tained onDungan- non 'ainciliary.•<at the'. henna .;of Mrs: , Richard •McWhinneir. Mre, Jelin, Me*, • Rae igaYe• 0* • Presbyterial report of 'the liaine.I-Telpers' an.:Mrs. eharge f SimPlen . a •:paper on their Work. , sops, Were rendered :hy Drinald,Bosn, Ms.rS. .Firinhy 'nhil:MieS • Mary' McKen- zie, "Miss, Mary • MoMcLeod-toe& the ._ Bib1btdrtjijs' ht feeni... the' :' LucknoW!„..: ancL::'Aslifield branches: by .Vis. :Melte/lite and• *is; 11tOtae. .R0t. • K.; Maepiiliviay ad- dressed ' the' gathering::: , LiMeh, was served by the :hostess. •' 401:0YR091). ; - Mr. and Mrs. Richard+ Elliott, and 'amily spent Sunday at .ThoS., ,ROhh's, Arnberley. ; 'Igr9 and NM' Fred, ....I.,ohnston •luad Mr, and ' Mrs., ' Cecil Johnston ,and tiaby of •Listower spent Sunday at Mr, Mark Johnstoit'8 and Mr. Andrew ffanintan'S. • I- Mr.; and, Robert MacDonald -yere `the -guests of theilatteee Pa,r- nts, Mr: :and Mrs., J. E.' Turnbull Of, (111(41'v/66d, 'on . Sunday- • Mr. and 'Mrs. Nelson Bushell and lean of Luckno* and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spanner and Margperite of Torantat:. Were, P'lltaraY l'•isitnrs'„ i ';••isA linweirn'n'Aiterkedeft'As.c4rt., lest; , • - &inlay for' Port' Elgin •where'. she • Mr. -and •Mrs.' *tic:yard Elliott anent Sunday -with 'Mrs. .Robt. E114!.t.-.., in KineEntline• Hospital. , Mrs'. Pllicitt • the misfertinte to break her arm dbeut a 'weelL.ago ' 'vill ' attend Summer Scl;ool." • • •' DoriS :Eadie ' is visiting: with her grandmother, Mrs. -.Rachel , Cul- bert,:10th con: . • We are sorry /to report that Legg, had the misfortune' to -break 34:me -TOP while Piing haY-lerlc rope . in ;Mr. ckert's barn. We 1914 h -o ble-10-resunite The H. W. I. will hold . their annual picnic at, • Kincardine 'on TuesdaY, July 1.8th.: They have again invited' he.-ConimunitY Club' to con* and we hope as •,inan,y members, will at'r end' as possible. Miss Blanche' 1-Iani7- Iten and NT.. Bert Thoinnion Are' in heir -basket: and be. there .by 2. o'clock please.L .'•osports. 3TWA°13'bc: ,rts,*.b.(.s-ng. t. The IL WL L held their meeting, at Mrs: Earl i'l-ledgine on Thursday; u1y61Th wai Maher aii-d713-ab-i-r-i'• pay, i_an_d:there was a large atten* dance. Miss Delay ,AyreaTireitd-a'-paper on 4,‘T1ie Care Of the BOY," Prepared by Mrs. ItObt, Scott. Mrs. James ,Hod- gins 'gave • a 'paper "The Home is. tbe First Government 'Seat, „prepared' by 'Mrs., Ike' 'Pinnell,, Tw.O.,.• pleasing olos were alio, rendered by' Miss. lotenee Hodgins and Almerl A Rural Schcitil- RepOris • ' McFarlair-81 Biliy Burt 7();•',.",;ga,r1T,'..PettigreW., 68 Mary MeInan':571.1Vforley: Bnsheil 48 • To.- Jr., IV -Bobby Boit .74..H0ou rhornn 74 4(tie);' Harold 'Held mby 08; Sadie Pettigrew s 61; Eleanor' *pit: Meeting dosed in the usual '../nanner lonch7Was. serVed, lir the liottesa':.iind.,:cOmmittee 'in charge „ . • , ; ' • Mr.,' az:W-411:0,-. Thos..: 'Bitiria-Tan:d- 1". 110wardspent 'Sunday with. Mr. 4,aaHarris, Kincardine,. ; 1 . 'are 'IsorrY"te'repert ,that rdcFarian 48. , ' •• To Si. •JID-LAgnes ;Pettigrew 62; Sylvia. Jackson _61; Aisla Bushell 60; Freddie Guest 53" • To ,IInd--;Norina• Burt' 87; ,Marion Walsh 85r. Jean Thompson 78; "Ati. 'ireY 'WeFarien 63.' : Sr.'Ist-EVerett Lane 81. Jr."-Pi,-‘7Ethel 'Haldenbir. :65. No. 'en 'dare -MacDonald •)rOinetion. Exams Jr., Ty; to• Sr.. IV -r -Total. 750:: Hon. -,62: Pass. 450 -Lane : Gardner 569:. Ellen Andrew 553; .liminie": Reid -498; Rena Hunter 392. Sr lir to Jr. DT -Total 650. Past 390 -,Billy :Drennan 403: . itr--7otUr 656; Hoo. 488; • Pass'. 396,..Tinunie, Hiniter!' 448; Eldon, Ritchie 44$; .Tein 'Reed' 406. . IT': to jr, 550.9, Ilan. 412:' Pass '330 -Lorna Reid 380; Doria' Reid. 373,. Kathleen, Gardner 047; Howard'Iped 346; -Kathleen ' Tteitt317a 11 ,Clask.L•Rnsseli Ritchie, Keith Hackett, Keith.,R7tclne• . ' • • ••• Ada 14.••• Webster• „ ,Kio!ous mostlt*; Of Jo* noal.. ex4miliatjous. Reynolds39,77%• ;' Jelin • Parke s 71.33. *Sr:. 111 to Jr. IV** --Mary. Reynolds .',0.55; Kathleen • Carruthers. :80.11; 3eorge Robinson 77.55. ' 31‘. -to' Sr.' 'III-LGraee MacLeod 7L771. Mai:dean MacLeod :.7.0.55.,:, T to II-Liilian Carruthers; •Arthur ,Wheeler; Rebell Parkes; Laverne White (on Arial). ' Lenore :MacDonald. Rachel Culbert is:. fpreed t� take • a o rest owing Ito • a sore' knee. • Mast:0-12 Elwood Elliott- is , visiting with his friend,' Master Lorne Eadie. Mr. And „Mrs. Howard 'Harris Mr: Thoe..Harria- and Earl 'spent ' Mondapy evening, at ..TamieSon's, ,Paramount. Mrs'. Joseph Gamble' ,of Winghain is holidaying with her -mother Mrs. Thomas *IOC. '• ir Mrs. Oelseir 13ratebridge„:' Mra. • OorglaS.:and son, Donald of Hamilton, and Mrs. George 'Routledge. and• , Millartom :Mr. and Mrs.* Geo. . Harrison •-1 and Eilward;4,,ederks ' and Miss: Lizzie .Pierce;: spent Sunday at :the home of Alex Pierce. Mr. : and MrS. Charles Nicholson and: -Mr: and.., : :Sam Nicholspon and lio,y,.visitors in 'this Communit3t. from,•the„ Nest; were, recent- -visitors at Lizzie- Plerce's. • ' • BE.LFAgT Vr. • and Mrs. Wesley ,Alin ,and ily of LOndon are iSiting with 'datives ' ames arbour. and daughter Prada; "Goderieh,,. -ate 'spending his week with. the' ISrmer's mother - Mrs. Sam SfierwOod. . •M Albert Philips" of ponlyoo! bending his vimatinp 9ar,ent8i. , and gra, 'Ohio nellg . and 1r49. 'Wattien, .1),avis„ and otVare-liolidaYlhk'tt. T.4rail4old 1- .1e4ifor1,, ••'!..g1:949.-.;44914+ Belfast' school is ,to' be field' Saturday .pf this week At the in Mile river' ites.-Canieron df Lanark is Spend:. 91 a ew wee _S 1,vvith her song.M r, 4th • CON,o.,'sIuoss 'Mr., :and Mrs. A. Cameron .pf. •De troit are 'visiting with.the latter's 9.4iotheri- Mrs Mciltirchy: t • -Mi.. and Mrs; Charles NicholSon: and: Ali.; and, Mrs.:"..Sam Nicholson and son, Elroy, who are are on a motor triy from 'thi :Vest; started:, on theii heme WOW- ourney on Monday"' infirm: ing, 'after .spending two'. Weeks' ',with, relatives.. •here. , ' • : ' ., Mr. ,A. MeLood of Teeswater,,ir visiting with .hiSAirother, kr. Dan. McLeod. 'Mr. Wm.` McConnell of /Iton'. spent the week-endwith his Oster,. Mrs: Mcittirehy.• nfies...katjOrv 'McDonald of iliPleY is snending'i her 'vacation With • Mrs, W. :•111Kenzie. , Mrs,. Rey • McQutllin. and children a Toronto; visited' last Iweck with Mr., and :Mrs., It. McQuHhin., Miss: Sarah - Meivur ;ratiiined, frorn :POWassin -to sp6nd' :the,. helidnits , at her home... ' • • . "•, ' Mr; Robert McInnes Spent ,StindaY with friends On: the FOOrth, ' Master Biliie• Tiffin , of; Winghttin 15 ViSiting wfti his aunt, .Mrs. 'Dan McDonald. '• Mr, and ..Mrs, Lyons, of St; Ilele,hs, spent Sunday with Mr., and kit; Middroton. • ' • Tho South Ijjj1oq eougtuOut400 .tha44•'• ?le At PoinC•Olat.ic Frrday,', 'July 14th. Mas Jean Mckenzie, of •Torbi.ito NelAT' ork,, aro. Visiting, With frit/n(1g 'in • • • ndl 0r9,004•‘,44141‘1)0A, , • , . • T. COMerOne • • • , 9011t 1.-4-7CKNOW •NT1NiK4-•.1 Publish d every TharsdaY 'morning •• - at LuekneW, Ontario. Mrs, A, D. MacKenzie -L.- Proprietor '• CaniPball ThomPSen-Publisbqt •THV..g.SlOA.t.! ..19th„, " 1938 • .„ PreSentation:::To.-:. , IVIIss Isobel Chesnut DPUlup: School • Pupils and sctiou „ .;show 'APPrPriation ••Off• Teacher's 1.9iervices BY.: Making rHandsOme Presentation 4 • . i‘ite'il:e.!,•gt,nn,g Park. Go:Elerielv mark - the spot for DnPlep.,Se1;0:01 Picnic in Saturday ; JPne': 24th: When • the.' • • I .and :rate payers.tSerel?n: Ylailiered .te.' show their ap.fireci at ien of Mi4i„ Isabel Chesnut. After. an afternoon's ..nrO7gi•ara o l'aeeST-.Swira--, ming :and • a bail game, everyone tgerecl, to de' Ample justice-tO well-prepared supper by the ladies. • After '1unch,• • the •following'. address was.'read to Miss Ches./int,- by• Harvey 'Fisher, • and:, the Presentation of a handsome • electric table lanin was - Mios Isabel Chesnut, Dear Dear :Miss Chesnut, • 'A e•: have ".'gathered here this afternoon to hold our annual' picnic 'and -hid farewell t� y61.1' as teacher .of S.'S. No, 9; we thonght it , very fitt- ing to, express in a; Very small way, jestw_4ina1yon.have• been, ni;sdby eses.iti:eda.ntdbehespWiwniiltis..ah you will. be rii 'As • Mentbere of •the ,TrUstee Board aid 'Section, , We wish te: „convey' to. You -•-our apPreciation df.your • work:. You hive • proven yourself to bi•inesi efficient. in' -everythin'b Pertaining to 4chenl".-*erkneVer.,:HsParing1.-yeUrself. Ptou'rl!nil's8,1cn6n oe"t;14.'rtilw711 64;dtli:Yft°13;i6t14;'11!" ing,- leaving an inspiration .for 7i/tem to further and greater .elfOi•ts. In all this you. have endeaica yourself to -tut While**.e.-are.,snriir: to :lose.: you as ours.teaglier.- v_irusure 'glad I° know You have ROW* so ,fond:ef thisdoni- rnpnitv':that YOU, are :aheut:. to take, on *onrs1f-the--tu1t1on of one -pupil, arid. that Some.; sweet, dayyou; will Wiinderbackja:.scenee ' so dear to -you ant tIat'-we, :Will again haye, You as a very 'denr:friend ,nd..neighbonr:- and Sone who' will .alaye be ..interested 'in we1farof'-,ont. seiniel • and com- Munity.' - • Asa- sli lit token of::the re et andloVe we hold :for you, we aek You' to aecept this Iamp MAY it scatter. • light-911)On; your pathway < so that ..no .dark, shadows dare come 'across :it. • In ..parting ..enr; sincere and - .best wishes for :the' '.brightest and •leat of ,allfittirea. • '• • Signed On behalf: of the 'Trustee Board,' Horace. }Tortoni : '• Harvey, Fisher; 'Areliie • Herten . • . • Miss Chearnit, .although eciipplefely taken by sOrpriscr made a . very, -fitt- :ing..'reply, :thanking the seetien for the:loVely' gift,..and,';'expressing • her • , Appreciation of the. kindnesses shown .to • her -during her ,,:teaching in their 'midst,' al8o''of the < friendshing ed, and hoped that they would ,grow during. the • future. , . , 1V1AFE,K,I.NO Mrs.' II'i 'White a. monti,,e12,.. is spending: a week ' With her brother Mr:: " Richard JohnSten • and •Mrs lohneten.. _Bernice . , 'Blake of Winghain,, were .4ueSti, Of Mr.afld Mrs. Ernest Blake, .Sunday. Mis He0'. Curran :Inapt last :Week :vitir.,.,relati.Ves in 'Detroit.. :Mr: and 'MrS. • Kenny ..tarophell,tvabe4nrinanied. hem e and aro relatiVeS in Ltichniw .And Ashfield. , ' George Gln. of .1)OtreIt is SPeridink tWo-,wleeks. holidays With his brpther Toni laefind;'' "Erbeat' and children Of 'thentford 'etre 'Visiting .09; the home of' Mr. and Mrs. GedfraY ' • : • ...••• • IN'Ir.; end Mrs, • 9. 1I. $tth4rs Di' , • Arthur .rettirned to their cottage'. al Kiirtali last", Week„ to send the SIMI- Pier holidays, , ' .,, ". *Visa "Olive Melte: IS.., Oogrentfill.,:' e.a0;141iare‘, ,,o.Vtf"u18`tY9;(it,Sh,a1;tei'Lre::(11101..ell'd:?, ' ' 1V1- I; Ss: P. i, . illal<c are taking it''' tiiiili a . „r..ce ,. • • . , , .,, m -11174'1-01:rtiro.---fr7ljitii',7-iiii9,4piit-T i; 7 . ., 99 • kr. Wesleir TWainley is still" '86001181y' in.; .'. ' ,. ' ' ,Mr.. and ,Mrs. , Trarvey ' .*ebb• anti' Mrs, G,i. Vii,ehh Of: $t: 1101008 , wOr( ' :e.:, ' '..it'lfini, -.• .--Vir... Oki -Sun() r • Is :yor6011,11411;474(iPp'e1.9?.h;,,t17,4: mlifiatfu uo.otoliu, that's the room ,nateir • ' Lauggh Caused,„-VOneer Launch' With Lone. Pagesenger Wa Taken In Tour BY Goderich, Tug Unknown To Anxious Partnet Seeking. -Aid In Pncardine. • ' :Lincoln Smith ef Windsor ; aftor drifting helplessly for' thirty lionrs pn „Lake Huron, ••twelve miles off share in his 69 -font 'E'401.i.ne launch motor queen, was tOxvid into Gode- rick late WeclnesdaY• of , last Week. Captain Jelin McKay ' Goderkm ,wit,4 his' fiShing tng,, the Effie,M, took the lannch;• • disabled With' • a broken propeller,- 'into tow Wednesday „after, - noon, and then proceeded': to lift fish, ing•netsliefore returning .:to..gedericli M 'h nd• prowed to haorrtene, rtorJ,Oblinokionrerd; **sod.- into ; search •• the:tug, Don441, 61..itineardine, which failed ; to Sig'bt the :launch which •priorto ;this. 1ii91 been seen --frein the lighthouse tower, at Point.. Clark, but, in the, in- terval following had been rescued' by tbefGoderich boat, , and it • With: With relief that 'Knee learned of Sipitte.s safety:, ' . The. pair were eh rante': to Midland when the mishap .oceurred,..Kinee pu," but for shore . in 'a. yawl reaching Kintail after dark, after-anexhaust- ing journey.. It was: 01.1 :Wednesday that :the • Kincar,diae party searched in vain `for the 'launch and -its -lone occupant, who at time was safely_ irt tew, behind McKeir's tiig. and none the Worse :of his, night adrift, .cluring.' which time calm weather prevailed. 'CREWE Mrs. „Jesse Gray :Goderich,. is visiting her her- daughter, S Mrs: Matt. ISinzekletenl• , ' • '• Mrs. Ben Comfort 'end • Son , Ennis fef is7-spendink. month with • her mother, ;Mrs': Blake - Marvin Durnin is.hoine for - the belidan: Shelias been engaged as teacher .lof •sehoOl for the eighth; term. • , • M. and. Mrs. , Wilfred • Drennan and children, .visited :with the •latter'S. siiterrMire.7H4bC-Stethers, on Stirdi a.y. •.-Mr. and Mrs: Vieter: WhitelY • and -children•Were•.:-Visitors;. Sunday even ing parents, .• Mr. and: Mrs., BalphNixOn: - Mis8 Anna. Map Treleaven is 'visit: - ing-friendsl.'•iii'Torente' - :• , . :Mr. and Mrs,' 'Albert Campbell and family ,Of Donnybrooke, were guests of Mr; and Mrs:1V= CrOZier. on Stin • • day. • • . Miss H• elen, stothers, is:, the guest Of: 'her ,ConSins; Lorrainne 'and • r1VIPria"nri▪ ;'1111.'s. Kenny, Campbell :of Eietroit are visiting, her .piruOtu; .mr. and Mrs : John Menary• . ' Mr. 'Ross Cattail of ,RoeltwoOd and Ruby Kilpatrick ,ef Fort, Francis spent a foy, days 'With their '.aunt, Miss '-.Suaie Kilpatrick: • Rev. and •Mrs. .M,eMillan and on ,Norris; •spent ,SiinilaY. evening with . Mr: and Mrs. Bert Treleaven... .1 'Mrs., Gordon 'Ball was removed to • oderich:HospitaL We. -are :aorry she . . le&-t-,iMproving as fast as her :many friends *Mild 'like. • • ' We are sorry to report Mr Alex Rinteul lad 'the Misfortune to fall pff' a 'load of hay, while working' a' Mr. Ewart MtPherson'a of , St. Helens jest: weekand had Seveial• ribs brok- en. -We hope ,for a -speedy recovery,1 ,• Miss Morir„LSirripson_OfIangside-- •epentae_i week end with , Miss Merle , Wileenl. • • Miss Ida' McQuoid yisited one -0Y last week . Withher cousin, Mre. Dr, Patterson of Ltioknow1.. " • • 'Miss Marion McDonald' Of Lucknow spent O'• few 'days . ladtweek' with Misses 'Agnes and Oatherine Patter-- - • • • sow • • .., Mr: and st8.. Dnvid Farrier 4chl .woek6iid with their • daughter, John D: Bess Of ifurpn: •• * • Ouite a number fronr• here atten- ded , the , St.- Ifelen'a.:Garden Par ty la::' Thnieday night, where' , .all enjoyed "•pleataint time: " , charlels Wightman Spent ISM Friday' with" he'9. 'sort,: Ir. Guoilo Wig/Ad:inn of .Blyth:.: Mester-Hugh., Ivienonaid (/' I• lcIen, is Visiting; 613, VtiVICU :01Titegi quoit. ,04.„ paren,N, •MrS.. 4.16ic„BintOnl.,9 ' : Miss - ,Glady8 Gntatio..1•IOSPittit, London, ii J4p• 1!fldjng. 11.61:va r. rs. GeOrg ,,,UneTe She Made yOU pull in your horns: `Stiek .00:again Wit le see ., , flO ' ' T417..11.SPATA, . 1.93 • n ,coupt.,-T11:0,stro: T111.113.S.SATURDAY. 13.'2,14--45: pPEqAti Tavaleade • The 6utst-apoilig Pi4re of the Year,' with a 'east:, headed -bY CLIVE 'BROOK ant, ,DIANA WIN.YARD Owing , to thelength of this pie - tine there Will be no short : subjects, The, lIctare Will Start at 8.19 p.m. ADMISMN • 35se-qiild 20c. ••1 • . • - "HIRING IT DONE • 4`}Te will never be wealthy, xisltor, said, <"he hirei3 t,00 much , done. In: fact," she lowered her 'yeiee con- fidentially, 11 think he is lay. • If there Is anything ' -the matter With his ear,:he takes it to ..thee garage man. If anything 'goes' wrong with the Plumbing • Or the . electric lights, 'he hires a ,man to come in and fix them.. If the.. house is out ' of repair,' he • , -Inuit:Tall: in- a, -tarpenter.-.., irr=tp'e • - ItireS'a-man to dig tip the,„ garden; and put thert,law,ns and 'flower': 4beda' in Torder.' it's luSt-Pay'�itpayY ont, . all the -time." • "What a. heavy drain on his .in-- • conle,” J agreed :synipatheticaliy. I knew! the man:she ,spoke.of,„ and - dozens of others ' like hiin..gp wak busy • nierchant, ,a fine Christian. • gentleman with • a': real 'coMMUnity a- 'Wealth -.of 'irrieiide ;• who -thought ,weli .ef,, :fte had a , camfprtabla hoinei. his - wife andfim- iiy ' .dressed well,• • they • entertained' freely There' was nothing lavish -or' _ . , , extravagant , about. 'tile *hoine,...eritt: • oceepants; just an.,air of: derrifort and orderliness..earr.eh:inefrom a 1,.? wasn't7d'41ya?tynr:' the -store to ,enjey ,bis home, his family:. his books and, -his garden. " He lilted in. his living -room. and :garden," . be Wasn't al•Wa,yb in the 'Cellar; or the :;146.Vet'41)Qtg..' Yn:•inthe garae, "mending' ;work ,well• enough to see'. that, „ thing :Was', well ;cared fOr.. i:%»er discussed econerniei-•,with'.' but,.1 haye • an •idea from the way be „ lived ;that he, thought ' it . , „ wasn't right :for one man to.'hog if air; , if a; man was a merehint it was hardly fair ,;.for, -11iin"' to. be.: a • garage. man and a carpenter, , a plumber :,and- ,n electrician and.. a' thatman arid, his, kind will neVer. be wealthy, but they will die hapnir in the ' thought time they have shared up: .their lticome; and • have, made scores ef 9thei....people , corn- : fortable,•,, dud happy; ' too..**Onward. rtr .1. •EXT Tli)1E you 1. want in' Subscribe to a'. mag- 'azine, or newspaper, or to re- new your . •siibscription,,:,don t, bother Writinga fetter, , huy*, ing a •poetal mite. and Postage. - NOT?, .Becaiise" ean handle all that detail for you -in-L:connection our sub-: • saription •gerViee. „ 4,118i :drop, into he Sentinel •• Office, pay' 'the:, amount • yOu would send the Magazine ,yourSelf,- les.s-t•4nd We guarante that the „journal " • voe A INwioritt A4E:AMY Woitiy.-1114k1, :WAYS. Carlon*/ *tnituti