HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-07-06, Page 37717777.-7 77.171Flipppprormirrirw
MiNIN and It4DUSTRIAL STO K.Sweden's Idie
Relief Program
machin4 is Minimized in.New
• $45/000,000 Plan to En-
courage Initiative
We 4i•tdi. plati'te fornish information an,d.-8-4ieet!oris on: Request,
Me.trior.fg..Sto44.r4 '§tock,a11d. Mining gxelinll.
London., indeed. is fnil• 4irf little
4ases.t.t.0!-404,way hiir.117 An4 theYP
?Nhic4:13. hy force of contrast,seem
*re Peageful than,' the ,nrOst •retired
Oral :a.po`t.Oeald; eVer.-09. Talgt ;that
of rest, fort', 'instance,, •the
thlteh.. garde4 Ke,nOngt.911, Oar -
:era with the • pleached. all,eis and
•;the peel with the water-lilles„
• " 'Just oft the P,road 'tilinfit, 'Which al-
, wa,./Opthel; with: peoPle" ,-hurring
acirOSe 'the Park US they:'dodge the
luvernile •bicyeles. - How cIrn-js the
little courtyard of .04, 'brick houseS
$triple.,:, UlthOngly. it" is jpet
behind those still' Older facades •in.
, 'Holbert). which strirdilY face :.the
mechanical bustle if another age
' At .Notting Hill •Gate too yon can.
".110.0 Mirrying,huilianity. and, .coriverg7
• 14 'buses and plunge:under ,an arch• .
betwe.en tv� shops, -and • hey presto,
'you are.[. in. ilttle.old lcd,lniejUgton, with
•of,.. tiny'. houses ,with' garde• nd,
kink a. eobble:ritoned..cOurt.' ,
your .baCit•
yin, the thunder , .of •tytt_Aensington,
Toad, ' g� tiny..eofirtyard 'Of.
'•Park Itow, drink, in• *,,the'lliretice,.:And.
liay° fare:Well .to: tire' little .old, hbuses
the '• pretty- ,po,rclies .. and Over-
ilOors,,,ler their tirbe.,is, short. •
. Square,...:,e1Ose .te the
known throngliout . the • World,'
• 10 si iget. and ''retfripg that C910-
• paratlyely, fr.*, people. have. • ever
,hetird:i...otA1111s14111,; Of40.e-;.:Of1e4;
WOrIM et 'VtetOria Street,;., tWo,,initi-
,Itteg. away .frOni-the' ;exolternent of
and fkve.06M.
,.COttkity 1Connei1 the dim: 'clOisterS, of
surrOnnding :the emerald
ire 'the s•embOdinlent of '
We :have triciveCa;•long Way': since
the ,Strand was.....a„. street Gf noble
;inert's.. •Palaces. ' wit/ gardens to the
•• liver iind was �pn to :the •..nort,h..
.rhat'-way'.' has an enticing- sraind,, but
tbeAekatiktion of the. 'highway In
)1.30, ,W,heu ;-,the ',Savoy ..Was';iiiev0;,', fie
frem. ,.tute
Ihat$ot in .the pedestriatee.'WaY,
lid that sa.,,•V :built,in :bit -;of.
ilex Mouse- gatto. are. the .,;Only, rfinT-
ttiith-Vf-tire7littiades-eltept ,trESeries*
Minies whiCh 'catch. the eye, as ,We•-
114:doWth the Strand On a 'IniS,Alke
• procession of the,..,'-iniagination
arino.:Oross,, Dnoram...Hoitee,' York,.
ecil for Salisbury, "(Will.; the name
pmaIn Miti',WanderS7), „Savoy; • Nor
Ili; Arundel:, .Stirrey. arid.Essex,,,•The:
hapel. frotthe
ospltaI,, and aa.It. was burnt out n
. :Queen. VIctla' day. has...-nOt
•..,'• $O' about it; exdept. the
• today-, there are . gardens' near.' Ole
open 'to..;a11, :and beainifully;
eptp, wJj .food -can e had -if
: anted; and Whelle-:'or.g!'e?.n:4h4sh 411
• strn en...comfortable ehaire,,- ..but
"-those, 'gardens are where47. ffie'
'Caine'before :it
toorolnY Hood in Bak , on
. , ,
loiVa Students at 'Last-
. .
•• Permitted to Dance
, •
. , .
. .
$Sweden to Unify. .
Stage Organizations
stookhobp, Swedera,---A* natiOn"-wide
inid p.nified:Pr$,arlilatiO:o til‘Q theatri-
cal activity in Sweden fe.:'platirrea:b5"
he Sw6tIbih, .4/1.1r 60466.tion't1P4
' vimroh'iP, Arthar PrIgherY, and:a cm-
:rnittee has heeappcinted by the,gov
'pew work. 'F:iei. plan,: which "will be
:sponsored and chntrolled by the state.,
is intended. to iirovIdeltIcreaSed O'11-
portutritres. iyr'-the Provincial districts,
of:the country:tor-enjoy good: drarnatie
'and ;Musical', ;art perfcirmed by :11ret,,
rate artists •
cerninitteel' „Priip6Ses, Utak:131e
.ltoyal:Preratitio Theatre:and later,per-
hairs. the-13.0yol, .Opera Stocitheini,
should 'organize:" prOvincial tours ° With.
speciallY engaged aitists rein-forced:by.
iett-ding ACters 49tresses from' the
play -goers should ne'organiged, inthe
provincial tewns:to. safeguard the .9.g0i1-.
mule part.of the activity,
Sweden hasa number of travelling
theatrical scicietieS, • and local theatre
buildings in,i..nost .country towns. i'Pur-
ing. the. summer,. Setl,8O11 there ;are ex-
cellent opeagair.Stage.Sin rharrY'plaCes
iYfe luding,46-e-peptilialtAblie-par lc, Om,
ties. These .park theatres this sum-
mer. Will Send ,gut15 different greinps
With *other. 259 artists: and about
• programs to hold ; perforniairces, In
about 130 different plfreet:' •
• • .
Canadian Beaver ',Thriving
kinjel; Protectian of the. Lim
ott.irA.extraorOlary.equa C
jilOtial; the .hea:yeri which' has a pluee,
'Onqbe Canadian coat ofa6ns,. is in-..
deasrig, raindly Under' the PrOteetioa.
of klaw. in Nor,thera Ontario. , The.
fur of • the beaver and
hnnted,,WIth vigor thati',,Orifario.
Its •• . ••
• Seven. years olE.cial ap
Vrdi14.ej'T Vrhan
ilahed.'• a ,beaver •. at .iVfeta..
gentle., and to da} the three. . Colonies
With which be-Otatted,h.aie: Increased'
tojevintY,' in 1004' last Winter about
: their bOineS;.:,Mr
Bates....clAims 'right 'le... the . Uthi of
'..'beayer'. kink" .. Of oiiitto,to,'•', per
-haps ,ofLsall• 6infaila;•. .
, Motion 'pic-
ture indliStry.,Is,-sWitiging..into .the. line:
'Of hisinesses. 'enjoying... happier days.
, had antionneed.
a tart on. the. largest prOgrani •Of.re-'
:leaSeS.: in its .histpri. '••• VirtitallY idle,
. • .
Since the Arit Of the: year,iiiis..predue--
• ,
unit".will mit :many -hundreds' of
'Workers ' back. -On: the: .liay.rowy I.
: Indiaria.olit; IoWa.Stridents at Sitio-
ion :College May noW dance 014 the
Inpfin ivithout getting into trouble
Millie college'srboa,rd bf truiteeS.: .
enta were to lift the ban.
,Ditneing, prohibited- fOr mOre .than.
0 years, regalned 'its social 'preroga-,
ive bY action • *Of, the board,, lirlicise
lialrrnan, A. V. 1..rofnifoot, was the'
met of eggs ' last spring :when. stii
. , ., , , .. . ,
-Birmingham (England) has aver.
ge. of one shop to every. • forty-eight
'habitants; eonne areas there: are
aid ,to more shops than Customers.
. •• . . .4
White tifi•411e-'ereef Caitle.
••. Macclesfield; Cheshirkng.Watit.-
ed--.-Site. for an ,aricient icastle: • •• '
This • :nrnblein- .of -what to with
castle Nacclesfteld.
When jerecting a.. new ..siore 'On the
slte Of town,s historic' strong-.
hold, an', iidue trial • . Offered
the' reMains. ii.the':eaStie to; the cciii•
The,:'structure -was detnol-.
•ished. and.. each' ; Part .carefully,
bered and stored awaz, • .
14o;one •Could decide, Where ,,tti'
erect ft
.:;.1.4fmal... antiquaries; however,:
vestigating the. Matter' and fiinds' are
raisscd to' purcliase. "a, suitable •
• • , .
‘P.teClittOirn.--The indifferent *worh-
man Wilt fled little enemirakement in
.Si"et1011.'s • .11,.eliv $45,Q09,00.0 uneFnnleY,,
incnt relief program hoW=
iassured.da •party .comprOinise- in the
,Ttilisdtkg- • • ,' • ="
instend of being,paid se nmeh a day
rekar0.666. Pt. elherentrY, the .man who
aceeproliot worit will receive a Min:,
• Miura -Wage, P1114 whate*Or he can 'earn
tindera.' piecevvorlt, arrangement.
TIiis ne,Vir prikekliie is tqfbe ,deveicip,
ed iri Several -ways., On .highway on
Structinn, for example,:wh,r,itineri.:May
•e 'divided Into :Sinn* grOuPa and 'paid
according, to . the nurritie*lOi: ,crilrfc
YarcIsot dirt-rerrioved... '• •
Machine Work livOrk'•riterli.r114ed, •
Machine -work Will he ellininted,.as
far as:'poSsinlis se as to give full .play
• * to t re -new progr.am, IntalirS.,*Manner
'the sticia14dembcrat government lead-
ers reastni:; • private initiative' enh be
encouraged instend:Of deadened, with
the state getting .yabiepreceived for its
inoneY', • ' •"
• IJilder .the old,' plait,' where A man
badmerely: to demonstratchis
*in-gness to :work', it is pointed out„ the
-inatle'--wtnk'?,pt.oject has "IiroVed,'
most 'eases, toocostly. • •
' Wage$' to•li0 for the iMoSt
part,:be that ,of unskilled. labor .asde-
terinirredin the °Pen market, encl• .
therefore differ...aceording .to the sees
'Poll at Sweden where „the .00jeCte.are
:carried:out: labor will lie paid'
according' to regular :scale, • , • •
• .' :trade Iltilons. Win' Point
Trade, unions:hav.p *oh. 'nir import-
ant • POInt in ; eriunoiation of.. the .n6i
„ .
Policy, narnelY, an nude,. rstandhig thate
1,14i011Min, :who abeel3te -an employinent
.rolra cannot 'be: forced to, serve :as' a,
.4f-rike*ealc611:.,i4444.4hts4-Ow-iit-tra• def4.4:-
..fl*P;i1fineenbt.Whehro iv-donilniliiTiarIttly.-';triir.:;' With. in'.
their Own trade,. however, Will 'net. he.
.p.ermitted to. aceePVieuiPorary..
Merit on an Uneinpleynient relief •nro:.
ject• ' '•
uneinfilo•Ynient relief 'IS ;to, :be -ad,
ministered ' by; the national
in*t 6°14140.i.s10n,'fo.F.Ole.4 In 1921 dtfr
•••siv:e.4,11$••••:iioit::iiir. industrial.. de.;
pression, m ,acdorilande: Whir:these, new
:• r 7 ,
•'. Certain .amounts of the. Money tii:he
ropilatet wiailabte. for oanh•
dishuirke,typitn,t,.. hOni,
etnplei,nient, Cannot: heinade available.'
,Lov.V.. Predorninatein
. •
:Ne*.Yoik, Skyscraper City
NeW Yorh,.-r. tips. :eiliibited last.
weelt, ' the., Manhattan. "Borough-
,Fregident's. office howed that. New
•IY0.--rh,, the skyscraper -a,plaee
.'where hulidings:•Vredominate '
:prePared • by the 'Pren-
oident.'S engineers; the ittap'S ,'.. Show,
.-..that, • eni3r:.2;5 Per • bent..1.of tho city s
buildings •ar.hIgher Ain'', 'twenty
StereY8:;‘, frern, one. td,tOns
'storeys, in height ,10MPriee,'42.5:
cent . tho§e. from
live .to seven. storeys .-Chnitituta, 43, •
per 'Cent, =of the' 'total;:. Valaes
are.eheiva on the :itiaPa' ranging. from
:‘s .
490 a front foot to .40;000 a front.
;foot ::the' Grand Ceitra.1, mine, The
eXhibit '.1a open to, the, pnblic • froiri•9:
' : .
Iflaci;O Ar St4tiozt; $004.
" 44,4".0,1 and Vi'stlaf Signal§•,
*Zaali g ton, -7,;.A :chiniiiiied radio.
ennlininnicatInli station, and radio
iji.Inge7be4c04. to ,Itrnna.Mit':: voice, and
detio siraultaneonsly to
Wanes. oVer the :N'.ew York area
,ho in eneratlen: 1192ct Inonth
at Hitgalytth. ° '
-'The ,r'clio station equipped 'to,
furnish airmen flight.. pral
and visual type . directionai,:signals
eitber sirpultarroutly, independ-':
ently; and. *is also,. able lo" transmit
voice and ',signals of, trie YiS1.141,type.
'in a lihe• ' • .
• "Tie A.etonautio. -rah.of
Pornirieree: ,PeParttne-14;-•44.1:4.-iti 4es.-
c1ibing the sthtien. , . .
•'This; enahle. '3,1let„ if' his
14ne, is Previded with , the 'instru-
Merits .to bring in the•Visnal signals,
, . . • ,
to „receive,. weather,'reportS;:er other
necessary lpfernitition„ by Voice and
the. seine time' to be. guided, oh his
cOnflie: "by means of t4q'• V,IgU0,1•:,
'die-..6;t.igni•`::t114.t are' regiStered :On the
• .. . . .
instriNeet bo,6,rd;- Aa ia.
necessary :I t.o ,shut dewh. the' aural
signls. a :voice hreadcast is'
bein ilo re ' area
ceiVe, brily the aural with-
ent 'directional guidance, While yeice
is being received," •• • .
RespOrceff ,,Woman Patches
. Ga..atirie.With, Corn Plaster
1.1.e Was, talking about. . • ... , • .
. • 'iloirini,: 8..-61.-:.7.1Ciecessity, some .one
-44.8--$114-7196-ther nt-f-invention,
anO, pecording'tp, a. -loco 'garage man,.
the.author of the aphoriqm knew -what
' Three young women,•:one ''of.' them.
' limping,. lett chartestott. the other day;
in. anr:nototnobile: When tkeyreaeli-: topics.-•diseussed . ineinded• life ,' in . and
• ed' Mariiiing;;7,:tlie*.anfomobile; .ratheri:Signifieance of Pacific fiOrdi,''.inetehro-
than' one of the Women ; wae.iininiegi' logibal: conditions affeetini navigation,
. It happened this, i'0.y.l. ,'• On a Leath! on the •'F'acifie;: diyeldpinents. in; 0,0.
-part-rt-their:antdniobile:Stol), aPplication. ofWienne, td industry in
ped yuniiing:','n. appeared...that tbe.gas countrie,s Of 'the'Facifie region, Meth-.
line:had'!#oltetif.,.,The.tbree yens* We, ods...,.of ,enhirolling the .nrinelpai • ills
men ..*eie . in.•4 dileinina..'...Finnlly; the ,e4s4: of animals; . CO;Ordinatien.,0 re.
,cme Nvlio. Was limping suggested that ‘9.-, cent '*Orit in ..nlant, and animal gene
corn plaiter. might, .`11x ,the, line. • • .It. ties; " ethnologiOal.,and archaeological
-Ikorked;.."anct-therinacrtheli'vayin:,-;it •In'EraIriTI:Wdirlre"iirqiiiii;.".pr.t6W-gairoiT
Manning go.,iain' iviiere .radTe. p,erMan:-: •ot. -salmon, silyicniture,!.1.18.4:io.-. trans-.
6111 r0Pai,i'S were effected ..,. • . ,.... inisnion,. 2.eoPAqrt, 16..4., and ilpc. Te-....
, •, . ... ,..... ,.. • ,
1)__.,'eS'' ,0'. , --VeY - • . . .,. ,d, .0.8in::.°Pti 1 lirite!;. ', cP.:ttfgee:;sal;',1na%st*:ni .te:slt-::1:6:a7d:ift'othir.:eea:tta,;:is.ft.. .:.
..Coit 'of.,Gr:eentat!
slit •‘' t Sl'ii • ' ' -:
..,.,.. . .. ,.
Copenhagen •..,4-,-.-1•A"'Danih"., xiiied1"!';; e di" lt.',‘Phi ics 'Laboratorf of • Can
.! ... Lord.,Rutherford,..Eirector..., f . ... c. . .
tie.Cn9113:07.1.1continue. nuilt...yig,'...rnaRsi.....and bridge:-.'uniVersity,,,.' England ::• a.. former
'ilkiiVOii,* : tfie. southeast coast ...of. i,,r
Greenland' Iiijthf "titherl".geoloOcal gla- VersitY, ilge9iit' rPeahr.I.,I.:Ora;t1 ti0;ilelr..fttidi=, .:
Professor '
:eiel'ogigel.:.*o.i40.„1:aA).40-10.1e, . 4 '.*'IMT:' -by, .th-..'e' way, was born. in-,NeW
:the.' leaderhp of Dr ._-_-nufi".. Ras,: •Zea"tand,. tlellierecl'„his--:' address -by' ..r. a,'-'..
el.i4 ..': . ...` .; ....'' . ' . ,;•,, .• ' ' ' . 'clio' te..Vaneeniet;)thaneithe CoitgresS4
..4",t0f1Y0'1#ifin- ..e, 107m. was: in; session- .)3-e'fere and 4g.t•er'liin
address.; .,Lord ' Rutherford .1y,dg,
versation -with , officers:.:of :TM:ton,:
gres.. -Snell" is ' the...Doh:it • td.. which,
modern:radio telephonk has been Atte,'
velo.Pel- :. • : , • ••• ' . . - • :
ailing. iiiiha,betAYeen' Angnia;glik . it was he .was . a 'member of
, and :Seo.i*ntiy„ Sound. , , • the, Faciilty' at; MeGill. •thriVersity" that
. ...'it is. hoped these relics will help i° 'Lord ..'13.titherford "I Published ,•;'his Arat
-iittet7'Olfiiiiiithaebnialle0:' froli-kilf,i :t1.1 -sr: ed. M one 0! 'the .W.Orld's 'Outstanding
the Sudden- di.saPP,a.,..7'..:•.12.0.0O.1' '01i '• rndici•:ne.tivity, He is regnrcl,
,triet . Of ....Green and. Further liptan0 'scientists • Fifteen Years" ago, he wog,
traces' Were 'found' . Of • vegetation the the ./*;,holc.lio.,ior ,ohen.ijtr:$,.,. ... • •
grOnselod',.foXes. .1t ik,said that .it .0.p.hii- Year -Canada ie., the,rkie'ong
will": be,''-PosSibler., to. 'cOlOniae. .fullthe.r: * plaCe '....•tor ' four ' nOtihie , international,
ti.i.e Part. of Gi.`eetiland but on!Ye•wi,4.1 gatheings.'In?... addition to . the fore-,
':..:reeelandera..; • :. . •• 'going: ,: the. 'Wetkre.. Festal-110mi .Hi.i'r.
ecutiVel Cominfttee .,1',Vitit renrestrita-
..Pion'eer Aged 116'Foigets.... '., ,tiven '.!froni :I6 ' countries4;..inet . in' .0f,
:•:. Nitirite.' 'AI War :He FOOght 'In-
,. North, StiY.Johu. 'Birch, a 'RuSslan,
.nioneer WhO',gettled:al 'Iripissiiig: .1),Ine-
don ;near: herein 1.890, has.' fuSt. ,Cele-
brated his '1i0th. birthday... -He 'Ia. a
4upt.g..4 Orice $140.4Q.4,per .yoit lafig..po4Pium
• •• •'• . WRIT iNFORMATIGN ••
.BONOEpr .1'
•. TorivN.49.:
i'.04Q4itiOn..4Q Pay yom...th:gfist
• • Price for Your:
The Ca' nadia0 991.,CkimijanY
'2 'CHURCH ,$T., To,vNTO
• .
300 Scientists
Attend CorigrsS .
At Victori
Repretatives From •
Countries Gather for Pirs
• Time in North -America
• More than 00' scientistS limn 3,1
countries attended 'the. fifth meeting
of the Pacific ci.ence congress which"
Colurnbia.ItLis the -first time 'the Con-
gress, has -met rintlac , North. Ainericah
side of the•liabific ;ph& meet-
ings , were at :Victoria 'and.. yen._
Conver; Continning 'Until June 1•41: The
Titish J'Obk•gw.T.01rit 70;110•0 •
POollci§. of N,i4s„-to• •
. .
• store l'''cirpst8'
. Londen. •-',,JcilolesS miners and farm
laborers areRielting to plant 7.1)000 •
-IPS9tollinedtsheofferaeCs2trsnosih f ik11114yl'oaankcis thwh•
re -
*erg felled di;iringjthn,ptenOgar-
SOMO: '41%00 :acres of trees were:
cut down betyFeen 1914. and 1918, Al
•readY: 25,000- eareS'hP,ve been, iePlarit;
r.ed •by, -the ForestrCommission,.:anstl
in less; than: ki'years ThedfOrd Chase,:
:the CoUntry Along, the Little Ouse, her-
der:Mg Norfolk. and, Suffolk, ' will he =
one long Stretch, of. treed, . .
'Jobless ,tnen 'are being taught the'.
are:: Of . tendirig,:ieedling
nuclseries' covering more than' , 100
',acres. Laii. =ennui. wives 'and '
children of theSe men, •,1i-4;ing in. the.
,11.80',WoOdineWs ccittageLybich. • 'are
Scattered: through the young forest at
Chase,;:.spent_linany hours.
of each day 'collecting the ; acorn#
which are -novv : .being planted. • The
,lean)ings willYgef into a nursery for-
si•pfirs• before being ,„ traneplanted
'to the. 401.est land
Consider,able tare has to be ex
pend • on the preservation ' of ':-tIttr
"Srbling- trees lef.the ,Otriond ''fOrest's
beingnow med. Pine seeds '
sQaliteedir'eeiftpieda.w:ie;iidy .bTnefiberpei being psuilan4
, •
jenegaLare hisilt.„.2ron4 the2gronna-is,Z
, a pro:tee, tionagagist raybitS. Tre'nehes' ":-
.arEf also. sunk to frustrate the twill*
• irfecetkehafet, and rneans4iaire .
:tff)tAinentatUni)lekli.ftaivsayilit40111:6scieeed estab-
neW and
tfinber indnetrieSi but "'Air trest
• Fut- down another *ill: Plauted,,,' •
Turkey Words,
, Seta forth Prograni,
For World's .RiCoVery,
, ,
London — Turl4y, proposes how to .;
set the. world •to'.rights in 28 Niii3Ords..,;
Her �ffioial
:aby I»lateral
greement's to quota measures; 4
normal .probibitiona and eiteoptionaX
:Cord for...brevity," are; • '-
to the Woiid
restrictiOna,; also export bounties;
Economic cenferenee,,, holding the re- ,
:taking' the: fitIancial and' econemia
erMilib,rium of each ,chuntrY into ea..;
c•clinsBtr"it• Lh firm' Messra.1, W.,Gihnon,
4 , ,
are talbuild for the 'Egyptian'. Ooiern...•
ment'a,new Nile 'dant to coat £2 000
000. The jpb Will take font- years:and
will inerease Ogynt' tultirafahle.land.
by -300,000 aCres: ." •
. • "
including ,greenlasndera, who are tend-
. eight large motorboats. Threugh.
,the, investigatios of last year made
by :Capt." Einar Mikkelsen, .six
eitni Eskimo. dwellings ;Were found •
"If. thndilliculties through which wo.
are passing hare the effeet of bringing
home to us the evils 'of ,econornic na
it Will be a bleSSidg, in
disguise;4-4iiiiee of WaLes Carmen Siiva4 '
,tawa,' the eanit4 of Canada; op, Jully
g•4 .thn ',World'n Grain tichilyition and
onfer,ence opens 'at Regina, 8askat-
ch"eWationt :which 25 countries will,lie
rePreSeilted, • and: froni Aug.
14 to 26 the fifni.bleanial conference
veteran ,b.f, tile,. Crimean' 'and ,Fraireo,' of .the Instrtnte ;Of Paeitic Relations.'
Rugthian war, -and anather the 'will ineet 11firrif,°Alberta., fanious
• • ramp of which he Can't rememberresort' in the Canadian,11:6610Moun
4ot..1014 make • y,oit strong, pure,'Se-.
ver ei Let it prevent Yerir: aacriiicirfg. 072. 7 7
-the least portion 0! your life.-- • ." ningietinaustry • •
,;' rilk-,a.c. Boornitig,
"Quepo ,Of ",,t4e
' Visits the Fair
' •Not so Very tong befOrteslirmatic
'trip ..frem Vanconter to. London; .1.1fig,'
:ma :this_ Winntin
..ter 'tells how. slic "was able to 'Make
tsti„„sigh ' ,
years age MY Mother Was a
plartyr 'to rheumatism, and *vita& not
.Tet: trbetit. without titc use oltwo
kt1tk hI11Was toik-Of X t1 -hen
Otilig and 'decided toi.,ti-i•sii:.thetif,•.,• Atter.
• • • aking iio bottle jtie`l'ooliii great re-
. lief, and lftor two hottiA . Wits. able: CO'
*alit: Without the tied. .stieltk- 'Atte
.n6yer . withofit •
lakes' dlose.
three, tiPii fl. week. She lit stIfl ti,VW
o AtaveLand, go Vii)011f,' althotfe,h 'Site
• ae 89 lirSti-rebrinity., intichtl; rit 86
6:leave:Red . the tiorible* journey. he -
e'en :Vat CoitVer 'and .Londeri, 'Fog.
nbl,8he rechnithentled
en 'id' inatty. people /Who haVe
ithd beineht 'Nom .
leaseli, :there' fon The younger,
otiti• Why. shotila Atikotie.'uttoi ooto.
ttorl Whtitittlit otpkball.' do' ti
Omanat1VaiUeI rim
o'Ot ir•64, ,••• ,
• '
• .
' New. NV t.er, :11•Cii*The•ehidgle.
;InduStry, ou. the Fraser
working .double 'shifth;.aitdmpu�yj-g.
apprOiiinately ,1;00e. ineo in thiS:41S-
trict,;.„Some. plants have orders stiifi
;Clout' to keep 'them busy:through 314
.1?fIces',• have 'AdVaueed
".' • •
• ,Shlhgle prOduotiOn. 'in,. the 1,1*r
.prilsdr Valley this. 3,:oiir
:126,0;00,0,600 .•Pie6e14..
v°14110 Pf 52;600,000 against' 7z:0,000,000
plecee ' ;
• 'Ind,reased shingle p,roductiott.ineans
nioreaciivity. in, the'. wOorls.
ne rs., .
' Job. Sharing.: „Plan
YllaenayOn.' 1,600
'Miners in' emilloyinent ,at
Wales,''have.pronesCat.o eollierY 111Arb
•ag.6rs that.thoir. Work •shorild be, irared.
With the town's, so.0..fobio$s,,.. ,
Pre' rionslY Working lnitirs.•WerC
ba'lloted, on tiloYquestinn of *Whether.
tirety.. wic nrentiro.d ;At) share.. their
.1116 nrcontilge' iwbrk.
.era; Wlio.reitlpoutle.(1 faVorailly wits' 44,
and- the alloWed.fo
"Thil t.116c ision • has. now Mien rescind.,
itig adopting the work -Sharing, soheine,,
which Is eitpccted 1.0 .111811it, in eight
niontlis work every yorliv:foall Miners
iti tlie aren, and ir none
eligibility for 'instrit rice relleff-throigli
• tongiby nnomplOthent, • • ,•
• •
"Yott „never get the .greatest
. ,
jorout orliving until You feel you are
one with a great. Many people "-MiS
Franklin D.' noosevelt;
-ClaSsified. . Advertising
00.1rEari*ENT AinoriovED
StRtD Gv,NNIP•41
it 0 Oi7t`
• Approved., 'Ctiteks rr/nn
blood: 'tested hreeder-s-,4;egliorns, .042c -t
43nrred Reeks, white„Rooks,•Wytindottos,'••
00ic. Staeted chicks ten, days old, .02e ,
More. 1:14den Electric t'hiek Hatchery, •
Post Offloe,'Ilos 24,. Iktden Ontario.
• Ciii0tite1iii't4e..4
who,.•.y.,14,01 ate* .9n tb
.1Rrld, tlisee'youl,..hvq. which len t pountig its ..
•dimly .ti.b pdtal,i$ a liquid bile• iiito,steur.belywele4.
Olg,,eiitiou and etiretemion :ere ben g il6wed
• tin, 'food ,id acctuninlating,and.
, you and 41:IA4:lug you Nei :wretched)... ;
Mere. bowel•nnwers .);he bans, ..611, 11•11l014,.
itit.ter, eandy0 'elVettidtg ;twit, or
,roliomFe, don't. g� ;:te
• you 4 iivoi...eamulaut
•: L1VOr Plit9 '11.the 10;7. o'ne.• .ga're. • Pnrch. ,.••••143- 1 '
4fe,r1 zhigrittia.ytiname. Poti•.2114:di • ;
• ,
A beantiftiV*.le.W;iit tail Maton aa,.alfe'•06ateil yinzileSfleally oitoN•the',groonfis of the pen tor,
4402.1aftMetg he:.;h4e,41iIehle ,bO tiOtip.4 I.49•• tho• haNY tiOartnient
the'llations tt thid titbit ftat
at,o,tit 1111141h d,Akno
main. in' ittfee'tionate
mitepoilka . '
• ;4,4
' I FEE0
Atter -I akin g-LS,(1-ia-, -
ble C • o A
.11A/1es Vegeta or pou
• That's what litiudre wostent
say. It stead les'the sierves.,, . rnakees.
You eat bettor . . sleep b•ctter 4 "
, relieves Ocrjedio liendaelic and
'backache-. snakes ' 'trying. th.vs.
eildtirahle, • '
z 4 .
io 13,04' e. tikedi4fte - • .
'dinned- to. he• plvont'let4t• ,tiatt10:
:i4nzrcirugg,it • .•
• ISSUE No' '26-•-3,S
• .•