HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-07-06, Page 1r
Pg4. YEAR IN AIOV,AcE; 12480, ot,g,EANissg,
••• 1711VIDAt',1111.1Y 6th,1943*
4:k. L, Trp1oali:074
ureK.Now :
. .
-' , .A'm ., 1 30-5i P;,31.
Hoursi 9-21. .,, , • •
''. pgpig't3 • ' x-ItAlt
LOST=A , .13rown %Tarpaulin,
tweer4 Lucitn°*, and.,Dangannon, Will
the finder please ,return
'"': • to -
W. J. PaVison; Lucknow.
LOSTBetvveen* Amberley • Beach
.and: Listowel,, one Spanish guitar in
„ . .
:wooden. aide. .Finder Please leave. at
this office.
• ,AilYorie wanting ' twine either
;membersor no,n-Mernbers :st the
Paranjourt Farmers' Ciao ,etin get
it at .Paramount Club .House On j P1Y
1.4.th at.7 P. M. Sold it cost for cash.
. .
• LOST—An Engraved 110. Gold
piece' in the for* of a • brooch in or
aroundthe'--Presbyterian-,Cburch- on
Sunday morning lest
Finder pleaes leave with Mrs. • H.,
Jewitt Lucknow,
.8014:G.tt-ti -- Will the
•.•party who touk Douglas .Aitchison's
'Wagon froni-the :stepsat his tome.
retura,sames toi,avoid trouble r ter' the
susPeetect., party, as police: will take
action. • immediately, ' •
. PIANO TUNE/I.L. J. 1V,Ierlihae-
of,' Guelph will be ' in Lucknow :next
Week and, ifyou'. want YOUr sniario
truwd orrepaifW-faITYOTri.-'-li-o-li-d-ay
''iters- leave your order ..Witir R. J.
Moore. ,
TENDER, .W_ANTED : Tenders.
.• Will be 'received by. the undersigned
ip-to-Sattrday-Ju1y-ffl-h-at--8 -PM.
"7-for7Likeithice 'shipper' and: linyerof
carload lets; for. the Farthers', Co-,
Operative Co. of sLucknow. 1.:Owest or
, any :tender not, necessarily accepted.
•• C• E. •McDonagh, : See'y., ", •
•' It. R. .3, Lucknow
oming 'pen s-
'First Insertion, 50c.
Subsequent • Insertions, 25c..
,SOCIAL Ais/b. DANCE , •
„ There .1011 be "a. social ,and, dance
in Lucknow Orange Hall on
Thuridair,. evening .July 6th. Local
"Orchestra. Ladies Please :bring 'Mich.'
Leirsonade served. Silver collection.
. The annual Garden . Patty of Calvin
Church will be held in Miller's'. Or-
chard, At" Helens,: op ,Tbutsday, (telt
Supper from 6 th'.8 o'eleek.•
llowed by the ,play, "A.., ylow'er
of the by the Victoria players,
;Of Gocleriet. • .
3 J Inglis of .GuelPli,•.eliarged
by Constable R.(' J.; 'Moore -with --speed-
ing in the village, Was: fined' 85. - and
,costs for the "offense. He was given
, a week" to pay the , levy. '
The day Qf the Anderson Siddall
accident ' east of 1,ticknow; Constable
More also pickecbefr a peedet Who
'Vent "flAng" paSt.. The sttahger on
. .
receiving his surnmetis remitted the
. aMourit of the 'fine to Magistrate`
Walker; which was forwarded to
Waist -Me
Aggs ••$go.willq
• , •
Local interest Was :"Pcentred in the
•run . at • Goderich on July 1:st,•
Greer; younger.' son,
of ,Mr. and Greer c,cOnv-
peted... Competing against, ' sueh
• tinnier as 13111 ,Barrow, Who. Won the
• eeVent, last year and this. Year, also,,
"I'Obby"- made a- .,go d howhig b
-. staying*hp, With tbo• ,vv.ifinero, fo
.Lalitost-,AsteAlina Of the track; which
Cliatinee f two 'and • a hal t,:iniles
With. ente,fitl training ana.initruction
Harold might make the hesst•d them
:Step. ociong Alistitheel•runso.- •• •
fr»ti the8onfine1.-•-1ottorhouds, 'en-
' -.VIelopeS; stattOentiVbiflhadq, fn-.
vOleo; auction aje t1110; ,dedgerti•
.04 'AiinOtitie00140$0'.'otdo.
'ime Resident
Mr& Alex Ross; Pioneer Settler Of
Einless . And Sixty -; Year
IteSidente, Of Lucknowt, ' -Passed
AivaY Of -Monday. _
:Nearingher i,331,d, birthday; ara;
Alexandei• Ro'Ss' for ".:1Oug a. familiar
and beloved lady of
the viflage, pass --
ed away On., Monday.' In failing health'
for about a year, it as for Only
-about two -weeks preceeding -4 her
death that Mrs. Ross was ,confined to
heti, foflowing a stroke. ,- • ,
Mrs. 'Ross Was' born in Dunnville
in 1850, her Maiden name being Mary
Ann " Shelton; her . Patents, William
Shelton . and "Diary Chapman: being
natives of .:Matslifort, England. 'Ste
Was one Of a, fainilk of twelve: child-,
a- ' young giri came With
her parents :to Kinloss Village, .Where,
ter father Was in ,the hotel business
and where one of her sisters was the
first. *bite- child to , bora- in that
Settlement.' k •
It was there that, rornance „enter:.
.ed .the life of Mary Ann,' when she
hlexander"-Itoss,--Wheas-a- youth
deliVeted the mail, from Goderieh te
Blackhorse op horseback. On April
7th, 1868; 'their marriage was solem-
nized at .Teeswater. Mr.' Ross had at
ship. as; harness, maket,.. With the. late
Robert Proctor; and brought his
yOting, bride to Lucknow, 'where for
more than •„ sixty years.they were
Spared together to know,' as respec-
ted citizens,' the oy of life, winch,
was hot without its sorrow, for in
190D, 'their r,daughter Nina , (MTS:
. •
.Brown) passed away and three" years
later. they .'were again bereaved- of • e.
ghter, Elia:411/1 gd;.:.Ba
—• In --1877 Mr. Ross starttd in the
harness business "2..for himself and.
retited4rOm--thii-business-"filtsr years
later. itt 1927• 'The, next year Mr. and
'Mrs, Ross celebrated ,their dianiond,
Wedding anniversary.' Twd years and
a ',half :ago': the , death . Of Mr: Ross„ ,
occurred and on Monday his Partner;
through life . passed. .” ;On leaving . to
'irienin a 'family Of. -four daughter,.
Mrs; Locke '.(Minpio); Detroit;.. Mts.,
Fritzlek (Cora), :Ciiesley; :"Mrd. Bish-
op (Laura), bettOit;: .Mrs. Ti:H*r.,
strith (Allie) Lucknow. * '
Mrs.. Thonuis '11.'• Treleaven, a 'sister
'ilr.th.e.t.,,AOle7s-ni.viver, of ; a family of
• .
six sons and .six •daughters.
The 'funeral 'serVice.".,was. held" at.
the borne% of ire,r • sori4nLlatv;....Mr. T.
W. Shah; yesterday afternoon," con-
ducted bk Rev11 J. ..Geoghegan of
*.St.' Peter's 'Anglican Church, ,of: Whieh,
'Mrs. Ross has long.:been:, a faithful
1'1.'1(.4i -diet as Well as Of the :Ladies'
Guild. Pieta!" tfributes • banked .:. the .
casket yticli was bor.ne, to the grave
by Messrs. G. TT. Airrith,: Edgar
tIollytnan„ Fred' NixOn.,•• Albert -•Boyelf,
J.rideph Agnew and , Horace /Fisher of
,GOderich; •
Newer Knives Inflict: .Painful 'Injury
To Kingsbridge Lad's Ankle
That, his condition is, t‘geod"And
runputation, at the ankle may not be.
necesiary Wadi the report issued. at
. .
St. Joseph's .Hospital, London, on
Wednesday; ;concerning the condition
of Jack ' Austin, seVen-Year-old, AOh
at 'Clifton Austin ' of the Lake Shore
Jaeli. Was the ,victim ' of a Painful.
'accident on Saturday, when corning
in conUict hivei,;:rif-FART
'Mowerhis left leg' was almo4t,'. Sevet
ed at the anlcle The. youngster. was
last noticed by ,bis father at, the edge
of the hayfield into which he wander-
ed and -:hidden froMview, came' into
the path of the ''Mower; 'While his
father- was,, batting the field. The
'Screams 4, Of - the lad were the -;first
knowledge: his latter had of the ac-
cident: A, doctor fielu Goderich was
summoned and ",:lack thsted. to • Len -
don,, Where it is 'now expected that.
imputation' at the ankle will net be
Yesterday , inOthing; Lair*" • ..T.Ohn
Steil; three, entetedrhis twentieth
IVIonerial Ilospital in London, where
he was struck down bit„ a:light; trtiek,
He has, ,talled to show any Change
ditiae hid aditiesitni" to the hospital,
•whita-Istetitilista 'Are-Arorking,14- au
'bfTqrt toii4VO 144',11/100t
PIT.; fPRPOis.10 ; .
the, OPeend o 4:'Serlen
,Contestswhich t.04 place
The' .Market Store 90,2n 'PridtiY. Welt;
the feilOwineWere the lucky parties:
Rehert, Reed, R. It; 4,', 1st,:50 JbB.
sugari.. krs, Vied, Arrnstriingi.44:uck,:
now, 25 •lbs. sugar. bean IfeL,
pirdyce Community Mnde---,ProSentir,
tio To eparting -Teacher And
'VerdY.ce..-Sehoel. was the scene of
Innis Lueknow, '3rd 19 lbs ,sugat, 'a 'happy event on Wednesday. even -
Mrs. Walter' bak...Triowater. R.R. 4mg, June 28th when ,the ' 'trustees
z 4th, '10,,lba,' sagar;, Mrs. Mnreld. •;and' .. ratepayers, ,pupils and ex -
leaven Sth, 5 lbs.
sugar. . pupils.ofMiss Oteee Lockhart, gith7
-7.7,rher-iiegt.-Iiraiv:, will be held ered An: show their appreciation of
-Saturday,July:22ndr andi-oVerk,dellar.
Went at THE MARKET: "up .to that .anioeg them.: After. an excellent Prs7
twirnne,i!nogiy.aesprth4ee,,spender a' chance of , the following address was
. .
• read, and she was 'presented with a
the ieerie, of .,it• ',pretty wedding • at
eight'.o'clizick ori Saturday morning,
July istt• when Grace ',Elizabeth,:
daughter' Of :Mrs. ;Lockhart and the
late Mr. E. 'Lochaf,t of Lucknow,
wasmai& in marriage to .John
well ' Webster, son :Of Mr. and , Mts.,
John Webster of West Wawanosh,
key. C. MacDonald officiating.
The 'ehtirelk.as beautifully decorated'
with ferns, . Peonies, 'roses and del-
phinium.. The -bride, Who was given'
raatriagl,.,,,by- her brotherdlfri-...3.
t. LOckhatt: of AnrlingfOn, was 'at.4
tired, in a;gewn of orchidsilk net
)ver taffeta; orchid 'nee giO.Vea, Met!
knd wide brirnmed orchid hat,
groled ' With " fibs/Vets. Miss Zylda
Webster; sister of the grOorn :attend-
ed thebride in a gownof yellow 'silk*
net-'-hirerT-taffeta, with orchid ' trial
and. Intiffi•and yellow'.hat-IA- and iacc
loves. Smith of
Toronto. neice , of the 'groom-- Made
11')w(r girl..in pink frilled
org:indie dress and bonnet and , car
.rosea. Mr. Claude :MacKay of Tor:::
Onto was grooreaman and the .ushers
were :Mr, Lorne MacKenzie and lkfr:
-Wesley Huston. The wedding; riinsie.
was played: by :Mil. JohnhIacGee
and during the signing of the register
Mi.. John. MacGee sang 'Until" mot•
r. PI:Mowing; the ceterhony,''a
ding .breakfast - was served at the.
hone the bride's • sister., s:
Weley Huston. ...During. the , reale--; .
fa§t: a „messageof eon: iitnieterins.
was received .frOM . and Mrs. T.
11. Lockhart and mily .of:.Lirnetiek,
Sask. '
• tater the . couple left.' on , motor
trip : -for Detroit, Hammond' and
Chicago; . the ;I ttide travelling :in a
bine snit With :grey' :lux; trim; grey
hat.: and accessories • to Matelv. On
their *return they will -reside in
Wingham. •
'Gibbard walnut chesterAeld tableflss ,
G, raee :Lockhart, N,DED SENTENCE
,Deat. friend,- .
..Having 'learned with some. regret " FOR ,Asgrigt:D'Iporu,
proposed removal rixtVill e.pfraoy;s7Quott
. •
The eatki(.
• .,pt:Healtb
a . .
The Brea
OF •
DuNpga.qAK$S,,...' • CHELSEA
ur DeliCinua:'BROWN.BREAL, IS 100'
, • : • ,• , 4 • ,
• Cent. WHOLE...WHEAT.
Phone 36 Lucknowi
eek -End $pecials-
sehoOl section nurnbei 12, desire , to
areetwith you at this time, for .a
brief social evening, before you ,go,,
and in doing "se; 'Manifest to you . our
aillireciatidn of your, services in our
school. Doling the past ten years you
have been most 'faithful in the Per-
fCliriaOCO- -of .:the---datk,,,:which-:we
;know • wad not withoutsacrifice to
you. Itis a. roost important and re-
sP,orisible position; and one which
1c7,yo :1:zheild\ t.
only-beennot most
'fieient in :this important part,but
you 'hive'. also been ::regular • and
.Pr9Mpt inZol0 „14.6.,.ep ,`and have 0,1-
vvityS • cheerfully; responded to •evety,
call' made U_Pon; you. We recognize
the fact, that by your present
moval ' it will be• a difficult Matter-to-
fin- the position. It is 'a position that
so many- are the :qualities ,,combined
in a d teacher.
.:-.,../lowever_great our ' loss .' may bei,.
and whatever May be the. ". future of
grateful for all past seiVices- rep
,ered. It Ought not to reemit
special opportunity to recognize such
,service, •yet thidtime• your
parture, , serves a fit occasion for‘
such recognition . YOU Will please
accept these few words and the
accompanying table. '
The expression : of the ;feeling's of
those among whoin. - you .have labor=
and may health an , prosperity
ever 'attend pihr future
-Signed :on .behalf of S. S. NO: 12.
East and Weit...Wawarirish,
• William Webster -A'
. 'Chester Taylor;
John McGee.
Miss Loelchatt,,tespended „ in, A few
well chosen , Words, thinking them
for the beautiful gift and expressed
TporeciatiOn of .the kindness and
hospitality" enjoyed by her in. .the
tomea,-(5f the section. and, 'of. the
Teacher Presente
Her Pupils
Miss Luella Cowan'Resigns And is
Remembered Fittingly BY Pupils
:on '• Thursday,' MY .29th, at the
closing.' of school for the Suinirter
Vacation, the pupils of S. S. 140.'12;
'AshOld, :p'reietitfli :their .teacher,"
Miss Luolkt Cowan,. who had resigned
with a.. silver &O.)
;and n CreaM and shat set. The pre-
sentation of • he gifts was Made by
Misses1M4ijOij MacDonald and
Grape' lipid, while Miss Marie Per-
Ou8oll read:. the following address; ,
bear,71VIisi Cowan: '
We; your pupils ; for the list three
learsr-' .realize-;deePly:-ourAos§*7-beeaude.
vita' reSignitioir, from nut. Seheot
Section •and We therefore ' wish to
manifest ; our appreciation of all, you
have Alone for us during your stay
with .us. ,We are ,fiappY, to admit
that we have, all, 'advanced' creditably
Atiring. your terrn of tuition. •
PleaSe, torget Out, many ',ttoilibt-
les§, idle moments end' de ,ireeept our
heartfelt gratofuinese, for;ail
ing imparted., ;1,, • ;
• Inremembranee ...of :Out days to-
gether in this "little brick. fiches:II'
cejt these • articles as ,‘,e8iniii4iii?1,
may :bring us back ,again to your
nand., •
, For the 'future, we wish you the
hest and they Got:PA :blesSing•I'eVer
thadotv you. - •
,, • .
Signed: OW holialt Of your pupi1,
Iff: 'reply; Miss , Cowan expressed
her deep ;regret. at.'parting with her
Ptthilt4 them. heartily , for
their beautiful giftS,-4tiClikv0 thti
ivititare• •.
rich on Friday, !JOhir Wilkinson; 16, .0
of Ashfield ' Township Was given at Try; a tin you 'will be back for :mor
Year's suspended sentence, ' to !•nn
,concurrently, on each of three ,KET,r4/30, capacity oni 48
charge/a: of' theft, to :which he Pleaded gallons. Only .
• „
stealing ".a bicycle froin 'Jon Cowan,
as Well as money
McDonald's store at lintel' and from
his tome.'
emain lInchanged
Reductio -.9f sidaries., Would Affeci
drints, Out Of . Proportion °To
Anette chocil Year-has-t-andled
the Pupils and Teachers are scat-
tered to the 64 ,quarters 'of .the
compass. Time passes se rapidly that
it Will, net be long .until . they will be
full' Of dread that, thezfitst of Sept.',
is „so fast approaching. Such is the
experience of; life, and few , escape., the
anxiety of ot approaching, responsibili-
ties. School , Trustees and Beards all
over .-the Province and 'beyond -Our
Provincial limits, have been " exer-
cised with tha.problemzof how to re-
duce .teachers' • salaries, Without d
feetinea ;More seribui -*dation of
schoolgiants..., • . ••
Last" year ' the Lucknow School
Beard Made a substantial cut in the
salaries of the .School staff without
having sustairied, a very serious :iess
in grants'. But this year to do.so in
addition to. that sustained last year:
Would effect our grants out Of air
proportion , with any Saving Secured.
friendships formed which ste trusted to the Ratepayers; §0 at, th,Isst
w�uld continue thgeugh- the ;
• • •
years to meeting of the Scheel Board, it'.Was
decided, Mr. Douglas dissenting, that
until a greater: saving to the rate-
payers !,,can- be secured that the ,sal -
sties remain as they. were '.•last Year.:
Some ;changes, in the •School Staff
are nuide necessary dne to, the fact
that Miss Alton and G M. Johnstone
are returning to. Normal for thi:-
second year course., These two, teach.-
ers will he greatlk, Missed .from: the.
Staff, and it is ;hoped that the year
May be o happy and sirceSsful one
for. itenf. The Board has secured tvve
male" teachers, fill. the, Vacancies;
N.• S. Calvert; .1teabore, Ont., and
Edwin Hutchison, B.A. 'near Bramp-
ton.' These 'Men are coming' to Luck -
'ow School very highly recomnierided•
Both these teachers are graduates of
iix Ontario liniVersitY.
soma .DQUBLES • . .
Forty Rinks Compete. For Attractiy5
Prizes' -
The eitrente 'heat of ;Thursday did
not apPear, to 'Oct' the entry in the
.Scotch Doubles Vournament, at the
loctirgiTeeicWhen- forty rinks coin-
i,i the play during the afternoon and
On into the: night . before the final
winners were decided.
• In the iiiiist-event Crawferd's rink
of Wingliam, carried off :Silyer.wehl
and tree platters, as first prize; sec-
ond prize, oilier rose' bowies, going
to Dave Leitch of Paisley;
In tte "second event Robert John.,
sth and his partner''-wOu silver flower
baskets , and silver relish dishes. went
to Douglas of iTeeswater as: second
Jack McQualg And Bob Fisher Wion
oasters s fltst'priie in the third
event; •witla1-logie-and,-hii-partner of
Piritley, • winning ,galOn thernios
bottles.,, • •
END ExTENDEP. aaotant.
, • •
dteWers end, a hong, dry spell In this
district, Which ,had.: reacheil • the
Point When Crops were Suiferine'itml.
the '.drought ; Causing alarrn. Aithougl.
the , rainfall wee' needed by Aho
'parched grOnndaand crops, iit1d end-
ed a teat Wave. which at.,,ita height
was tifileittllY 'recorded as ',having ati
49'0 reecirde4.In 01,1110:
•• . r •
IVORY . and
•,field of• fax grown by Mr,
Andrew 'Stein . for , J. G. Anderson
and Aen; has shown .A.M4ing• growth
since osown n
xivii-ari;:e2e3er-dde. da.nd Teesuteed: 2 was8th.:..,
Mr. Anderson had a sample,' ,which
measured thirty -on e inches in leigth:
crop broke through, the .s
Thismeans thatfrom' • thepiratimegrtehile.
inch' a day. The seed
Pedigree.'"vibre variety.
detson & Son have alien
acres seeded With flax,
horhood. of Lucknow,
Mitchell; which. proinise
fair crop,
ll: tthiodusAannd-
t a
n the neigh -
s to bo a
Bargains _in, Men's and BOYS' Nirerk
GlOthes, • -,Shirts, Sox, Etc. THE
Shecrand Barn
Razed By Fire
Sunday, Morning .Blaze Destroys Shed
:and Barn of Russ Johnstone—
_ "Black Maria' . and Set of Sleighs
• Are Powned
.The :village experienced its ,second
,fire in three weeks when at 2;30 on
Sunday morning a barn .and shed; the,1
property • of Mr: -Russ: Johnstone,
Were disCove ed. in flamea, the ' origin
. • .
of 'Which is unknown.
Hoirsedin the beta and.. shed: Was
Johnstone's new . Ford. VH8; a ,
.hearse on sleighs,, the Black Maria":
and a set of sleighs. The fire had,
gained, such headway when discov-
ered, that *asimpossible, to get
-hear' th Tbuildings to remove these '
vehicles until after the Water was:
played on •the fire, !Ilion the car Was:
removed . and.: by hooking a 'chain to .
the hearse it was dia*fi out. • The
"Black Maria" arid Set Of: Sleighs'.
hOwever, fell prey tct the flames:. .
• .
,Fortunately Mr. Johnstone's
ousinewas in ITS 'garage ' at
•the store. •
The Ford- Will temiire: a new duco•
job as the finish on, the hood, partof
tlie top and spots on the fenders were
blfstered and removed. The glad§ in:
Windshield : And, headlights were
eked and damage done to the tires'.
e windows , Of the • eat were .dOwn
4 the ,itiffitilsteririg Was water;
Mr.: 'James,. LYOnSi',.a well-known
resident of 1,Uchnow, for niany years the
with is; approaching the ioarL•Score. 'gra
Mari, and still: quite active, was the. Th
victim of an unfortunate tnishap 011 ,an
Ptiday. A" cotiPle• of bags of 'grain a
fen *froni the Wagon on which he and
.his grandson Gordon Were riding,
and , in .se.dOing frightened :the 'horses '
which becanie Unruly and hurled both
Unlintt and sheeeeded in :controlling
the teen, but Mr• Lyons in the: fall
received a *bad eut behind the 'ea
and was letnpOrarily dazed. The
accident Ocetiited to. the tear Of
aked. • ,
The shed alongside the .barn, was
otallY deStreyed, as was the, liPPer•
portion of the barn.. Another barn
separated :by a ‘cltiVewity from the
sheeting shingles, this.
having. 'also taken fite, yvhiet was
.doritt011ed however. The. 16ss„.ispar-
covered by itniuratiCe,
r. Itwas Mrs. Johnstone : Who itwak-
who rendered assistance, and mit *as sounded by the, *lit &order,'
witeteinev0 to his Vetted, In Miss ne Davison. The entire. ;.toNirnpite of his
.iurles are ced,6v6ann;radate.ydeastesitthoetsii, _istenin_4 at first
tt; itteroikit gave e‘i 44130:406, t.bhleve whichiiilv
othoilaigthol,slioi,th:440..),"6400' it otavi4 141 • .
- Yr. irrrr ararrtilo