HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-06-29, Page 5tfr
• "'
TiomapAt ;mixtb4 foki. - •
Mr. C. Fnche of OlenlOgiaa AS •visi,t-
,• ,
mg with. ,hjs. plit 'Mr, WT. gad:ie. 14 I
4v4t_ ,
.41311•4?a.rfi of the Orange OrOrder49,n1:Bopt .. dWard: Of, C, lar, were recent ' ,
Mr. 4414 Mrs.George 4:Srlinen and q
1:-'14Ckn°14'' Nile •and ' POoriC•11 attend- , visitors at. Miss: I•41.4.Sie Fiercp's. .
•Prl' Divine Worship la the 41:nglican P.. y !Int. F. CnSwelr :.
- ChPrehl, on SundayWernoon. with ' M. -and AltoraLland•,.so.n‘ •44' 'lice° vlf4t tcf it•'411°'''''" ("4' i•h°
Aer. J. if. geogbegan,. 'delivering a • Douglas of EiPleys, • Were the ffaeSti '
:faereftd SerInon, "1' • .- ' 0. of • Mrs.' Alther Ackert On, :EridaY'• beautiful: COrli oregtect la.' Plan:loll'
°ec#PiPn- Pg : he. , onveiling of the,
' .Miss. Letitia PrennY' 1eft TvI0(14. evenllig,'. ' ., -
..:, for 4,, tworinontbe Motor, • trip, to.•
of•,•' those adventuring Webatera .w,ho
. ile.hatehewnn.,. 'neconinaniecl 'bY. NY. Mr.., and idra.' 40.0...*Killnpn. gild
' her le ', '!" . ,otitia, Durnin, Fart ;Qeorge -Wbite'a..
' aad Mra("E: •Pgrilin of Oaderich end .: u were recent . visitors 14 +T‘r, ,xnd privations: .ot''. Pioneer life • in
. „ , iur. 0 coPi;i1.06.PPPIF• faced- the „peril's'
F!.4nees. ' A . : ' '." ' ' '. .7;10'414.. George JiPtile and flnnk.hter .441•.°4..Q4ntY' 141.::°12”gb.t: t9' *!1•iY !II"
• t,n•fr 4 • e9ttftge, -4Wilogies, -,seach.. • ., , .
: :Artbur',Pav!ir.(4 - ,StE-4t,f9..rdi isle:rec.-. guriei :Qt., clipto.,,,,.', il,.: rrd.,., Ackeit .vel:Y.„YlVl....dly flirine.reas ../Tien-iOrieS7
.. solith of;shoplia,rdton.. .,„. ,.,„ .., ' . and:Mr. fInrrY. meiquiliin. of Ingerao 1 . • , • . • ' • •
I , Many Of them ' pleasant indeed
- „ The 'Meeting of Ole:. W, M. $, of 1*; Ackert and: on • 4eh*'5. Iteeh"•-• My': first . a' cmiaintanee, ' with Lijek-:
'the ' PreshYterian ;:chtirch, was held toe and'„,14r; .Vtrn:4 . Elliott of 'lioreo, — .". - ' '
' ThurOday;, at the honie or, Mrs.' john- have been recent guest's, 'Of Igrs, Al- nnYi" eanla., about in ...ti#S7 ;!,'„ViS.e..: In
..13ennetf,Vogt'AJ,fioti,. Kr4.:'KeW-11417'.
. ,conenIng: dev.ptional: exeroises ,'''were .... oir: g!".Plunn; Pinicney. spent: Satar, 94a‘71!," a, vetera,n.,• :Oilal4ter•'• of the
..ney,, the preclident occupied the "chair : .. •,-,,y' • '' '
alc...4. Ackett. ,.,., , 4. ,,..,,. • ..... •,. • JUly;;of ,int, my fri•thSr: 'Rer.' -,ToPlea'
••• conducted by Mrs. W'f R. Stotheri„a d •thiy at Mi. •T',4die's ' - • 4 Nev' Connexion • %lure, , Who, had
Mrs: Dayidsan:'Mra. MeWbumey gave. 'Mt. .and , Mrs. Tli.o.P, .Harris and been sept out from England in 1844
. ,an excellent talk on thp early thisterY. .,Howard spent Monday t of Nat week by the pareciLhody--aa-a- 'missionary
.: of mieSienc amOng• .the Indians
. . hos es served refresh c.i-
ments., ith' 'Pie" ful7'el*tr°ther' 'Mi.' ...1°8- to. Upper Canada; ' was transferred
. Harris of Kincardine, . who, isnot as
•Thieving has . been 'going on. 'here. well hs iii4nY fvien" would. wish"- kfrnZnAka4:19'tniiet°•
.with *Mr. Eedy losing.- a shard tiite
•and wheel and. About 7 gallons Of gas
•wlitleh .was drained: f•rom. the. an •Sr.o.anff hrOthee'Edi':and-I with •latber
'"Vrei310 •
Mrs. Abner Ackert:and Jacic, Mrs.
Howard Harris. ;and 'Mrs. tAllister
, in e villag,e as 'well .have Engles; Motofed . to Brantiotd 'list ,drove _up, lit -the,old- floyilly.-..--“eariy_
' had gas Janki... drained .. ti -, ,.-. -- •-week-end :".and--ift•erTdeci- au. :Ohe all" ' which could accasio ca • • ' th
.. _ .- ,recen y, ., •• tette .
ores .0re1festra su • 1. d • .. i. presented by the pupils1 the 0 -t 1.• . 14 11 y 6
1:qa 1,e music or ' '. ,. o ,
lykii,,,afte4,..,4t,rpot...dairee ..0a,,,,pi,...i.,.„.1.9....P,scha9p-fo.r.--Thrtliiiir:'1111T''',741.7"aer14&-:"Igli°1''''."-- ••-•:e: ---e5-.-e:' ' ti" ' ' It
e of,,th ,--,C w 11,--ot 11."-'11 ht`
•:(143.ri 'Under the anshices of the:Dun, accompanied home by Misi Gwendolynin all) passing through"G'cidephit and
. gannon Agricultural.' •Soeietv, , The A-kert, :Who: will spend: the •spololer..., tinnily' et91,P.',.Pg at. tlie eVer • hospi-.
society Snri.ourices. the date 'fOr the' e ' • • •
On. 44 •eVentgOl 4100W ,cleto-',
her of •X8',74;With .ear :and trembling
li•eliinhed the i4take 1Pading the'
office. ottithe, ,T.Ineknow Sentine4 then'
*It ah9va he Fro:eery ;Sere of Bob
Preham. The. Eentinei •liad-heen foun,
4e4. Coage;or PreVienely
'Sower§ At IN#t, the latter a print;.
Wile 187.5.. Was ferenlia• of PO
Kincardine, 4ei4e 4.t the ,.,tiMe
101ned•;! theWeYer; :34e, saatia0 -was
aw4:ad by Mr.. VQ*4!*: Ana -Phap? who;
gernally intraduced •Ma to, the duties
of the.. For 4.9.Me AlaSr.4 ',after
was Qf, eXalted.:Pelb
tion,., that. forehore' wAtshing the
Printers,' .inir "'!rein MY face, and
•41104, 'Oa th4t. all win?: inOt *Wit,
4nOW'. beCOme member' Of
tbe f',a17.t preSerVatiVe, Of ill" the- arts.",•
It WO not long, however, before the
office .was .nioirell'Weit to. one of the,
frPole' over'the
Neils"; a 'Wide space' •t that Point,
sehafatitif • the sidewalk from!, ibe
bridge, now covered.% nAr Phortly
after " this, • •Boyd, While on a,
Week -end. Visit' to This fattier in, ICih-
•cardine, fell . back' dead. just after
•teaching a' class Of girls. 'in the.
Meth.oclist-,Sunday School.
ego,' ,A••••,.,..
(Furnished 03' . the 94014 DaPartnient
Wide cost' Range 'ShowEk •
Cheese' Wilanfaetura
Accordipg, to 1Dr, po.091 Qf
Ottawa, the .'cost ;4104410g cheese
•110: Ontaria. 'factories • ranges irosti•
0.85, per .hundred 'ponnan. -Where-the
ptoduthirt Pnonnte, to, 09004 .POModo
to. as: high ae ,s4..21... per -hundred
panzids,, where ,OnlY. 47.0000 'Pounds' are
Predue1.04: -
Half 'Of Canada's Berry Cairda. inintediatelY but A gradual',
. • •§tipplie'd by ,This Province raendtinceitphaleol.iirriroiiisi,liciitaottoi.la::074in,pgro7ii
Canada's commercial production Of, of:
approximately 20,600,000 auarts.-qn-
atrawherries. for I.98 amounted to an excellent eppQrtnnity exio4 for
44r10,4„ eeotriboiiop to.• :taial, was filareaalei.g, Cattle expOrt.
estinriated at lo48:4i000l quarts, or •
:*Tihe to efi'OfintYM!rqeilaleelitp.r.odoe' thin. of
iktak klvt
Wider adian. ;Attie' hieeder4 to IP` Abe,
40E0 r=ababia._ .
"laqreased cal
Briish market ere elieVed to exist
through • the ten iffereeeee. •bP-
tween that 'eounti and , •
One tithe ; the Free • Sate.ehipi,,ed •
about 800000 head :Iieru year, ead,'
.haye: expOrted ,aft••minh' as:X;(10,0,000i
bead iripealr, •
The Ing greet of tp"0-,qievir heitY7
Engllsh datieS againat the Free•
State Will' probably not he 'tett by
: rasp erries lot the • same year,- was.
h'ulls brat; d 'Es 4Yddeath,a' eaCio 13°Ine da f tbe; .'hh: te:tria0bilaghaeldri at 7,250,000 qurts,. 111;3,
• .
fa ther.._
'ailed...foil-win the respect of the Otaff,total or '
"'sr/ 'the thorough. threshing ac4n ' Canadian Bacon -,Exports
.iSteredafter I • left :by .
Diming the', first quarter of 1933,
baeon importations into Greif "Bri-
tain :Were down some twenty , per
cent,according to the :Statisties
'Branch. Canada and the Netherlands
'Fall r.:as the 5th and Oth of 004 Yacotion With her Mother here, ta41.-.6 .hoine :Of Daniel.Vebater,• Where Donald: (one. of ,the..bOYE0 v.as greet.'
.tobet. The, race track has been r,esicr-• The rdenthly. Meeting of the 'H. W. we received a typical Irish welcome. ed by me in, TorontO•;with ,."three lend'
faced' endllnut.held at the home. of,. Mrs, In a 'few' ,:days We were joined, hy.' thecheers ' Tom yrkittgkirietn:atel?i'iwit's!hoebfifigneeci.
' The: hcithe Of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Earle • IIodgins.: *MisSe: '
Bo e ale ‘se -tion Of the 1amiiy.
Bogie, Lake Read, Colborne' Town- Annie 'Stetter ` and Day'S• 'A f `• d to levy • On McDonald!
erjflLhuisda( n;. ab and I , s scene of a -happy gath will' sets j:tay_.ninrp Own. ''--- --- ci---qtritittitY • •
•••• - :were -the -Only -cthintrieS' toLlneresse
their contributrims •tO the bacon su
fifth 7•wedding-• anniVeriarY• of Mrs
t 'Tiogie's • parents, Mr, and •Mi. 'Nelson
, • Grahalii7n.r ShePpardtop, was tele-
. .
a ed.,. • It-, was a .coriiiiiete ,Stirptise, ,TasepIt Hodgms, 'Mrs. Wm. Ila14'llra.
to the 'bride and • ;bridegroom. .of 135 ,-walter Hedging.. ' '''' ' : ' --....---•
Xears age. .W.hoAcnew..-nothingtr--itkiiat.,-- ----------74,------.÷--, :-,t------ ------,,,.,,-,7-..-
' - :-eiier ibOOt. it . Until„ the .,%; :ornq,ed . Mi..'..lintt-MrS.„ It„Obert ,MacDonald
' their daughter's lionie , to find 2': frit:- ware recent :visitors with • the ;latter's,
• Mediate. ,relattve§„ of,,.:.both raWaitin are ts; Mr and...Mrs. J-E'--;.E:Turribilil7
:- T!...them--„to:-.-eoetend .felteitfrtions., ..,.
• ', Uriderwoon:' . ' • ' '
• • Mr. WM. Bowers, •a fOrtner 're_sident, .., . •
is ,a kuest...w4b-.fiis:'sister, 'Mrs. Floti%-, ' ' .; • • ' ' • ' : ' ' • • ' •
. , Mr -4 -.1,NrAliiiitttin,"1-lenderson .Spent
man• ••• .' • • --t • . • ' Monday evening With Mrs. Charles
.. _ _ . , _
.. Mr. - and 'Mrai .CharleS Cerigr.ain _arid ,C91"graj-n*
, ..Ciitford. .of : Helyiliod • . were ' recent :. • WellingtOn and,Heirier are. tuning
• -'-yisitors,-ivith.lhe faraier!S sciter;, mi..§, ti : for the • 12th Of July by the; sound
.., Alirclhain `.'Culbert. • • . • '.. • .• . .
- - 01' things fltelie ,evenings. .' .
• , • •
, . .
' Mrs., and W. '',J• WoeledgOef',T.O.rbri- . ' . . • • • •
• . •buirdle robes . wertild ....he,' . broUght-,ih...Grangei, - after .. leaving, ..Luelcnevv,
. ,I
*.to,;are -gneSta ' Of ,,Mr.•,.aiki• MrS-.„ 0. M,.. :: _t,61-.1.'d'on'.t.'. Pe,c12.10., go south now tn. . ' • ' . • :
. .': Mekerizie-tTand7Wvill--creeprripi-WiTttliz7- "ger-Min- a v•,•.arin : Climate'. - •• • • ;,.. - 4.04,spfeatiOvdr-L,4he4,-hecia-while,failiei- -10:ined-4,bis---nohle-Wapdering---fritter=7-
4_0_,4,; Iteitzsinnn, , ..icc_cot:.. tag,e,,nEir_.kintzti...}.*.m,i ____,......_ i.. ...... J.,. .„ . . . • t . ', • would ,or.i.ge:.,'_iiheint-Lgt-L-a• . . -in-40' - 'ink ':nitY,-,...:.a.nd-hialleitersirto'711:1e-frein•-geWt:'.
E1 a -Inn- miss ..e•,.. , -..,..-"Orence •-•Jaime;'' fresh 4rinks Of wood into the great
. Orleans,: Chicago, texiti: and other
, to of Mr.•and.Mrs. Holt-• .and 41,..•, ti,I•d ; .m.i.s..• •wm.,... TIAwk§bew! .
• .
an 'Were the, latter's :tWO. ••sisters.'s box', stiatre. r haire, never :seen'. so pars of the. I.I.:;S: ,Made. geed reading:.
Mit:. E. '-C' :Mann •and M . it ti. • •50ont 'Sunday arternomi• with 'Mr. 'and . .
.rs. , 0, gers• Much: •snow ., nor ,endiired., such ..sevel.e.' One
• . of St, Tho'offis,• also A,1.ii Rodg4. .a.i. Ali's: 0. H. Stubbert, Whe haire• taken ';cold . as • PreVailed .' then '-pio.u,x1!: ' i Ow :a, few days , and :congratulated ..ine.
"tr.ainp".. who ,ivoiked. With us
•• ' MiSs '.•: Muriel Boden.- • •• .. ! :. • . t over th.e •Quoen'e Betel iri Walkerton. pent evei.t4,1 yetirsAn ...go;ltre4
. • . •• .Uhen the fact 'that. T vins !earning, a
The ...Junk& . Farmers"' Club Meets
. , . MMS: Verine. },laWkshatv acepirinapien The: wiciter • tithe was . the busy tiiiie trade Which would; never . be: affected
. •• next Thursday. July 6th ' . ' . them .. home - ''after .•spendirig'.4'.' few'
.-....4'•:- ' The - WoMen's • Institute .." theetinf' ntonths in •Eruss.e1S.. " .: in tuelcriaW, especially. en. SatardaYs.;
A „processiOn of sleighs Wended its. by . machinery -never could a t.typeT•
setting tinEichine'. be ,invented! I won-;
. ' is . being: held to -day at the 'rine. ot . „, •
way, along Campbell' St... W.. the stores, der . .
if he lived :Ian; enaiigh to 'See
mills ,and tailWaY station, heating, luiritype., at..work 7.) . , . ,.
• • KINLOUGH•, .
for. the .mo's.t. part,. *Odd, 'grain' and • The staff' "boarded with the boSa,'!
,.. ,I•
of 'the •ilabi. Question Box, -Ori pro- oceurned by the Misses Lindsay. In of tYPe, with a Washington hand . • p
blems that rise with Haby. Call those days almost, every, miniSter had Press nlies
, •
and, one 0101 "Gordon" The ',..
,-A• baby's name. Lunch Com. ---Mrs. .
• co move all ' his furniture -'-- there: Paper was all handset, and "runoff' •
vt'ore' very few.: fri_rnished, tar_So_na_g_es.,
n paper which had preYiously • been Care Will Save Money •
OUgh-set•--inthe-cOrrier --Formers_ sustain-enormous-t-lossesr
. • . •
Taiiiiiiiricnow just whaahat Ineant! of the :shop. . There •• was ' then% no each Year; throUgh etireless: methods
ehnret-,76:11-1Titer on was niovid, •hills and funeral Mitices- were print-, trilek:' Experienced shippers 'rreconi•-=
Ee'side the, parsbnage t stood the tframe _ready...print- norse-liills-ciaction-tare s iffpliii-livestoCk by train and•:
• „
and, made into a' livery stable and is
noir a -gafage; , . ••
,"One of the' ittemories of that home lilted lists for the town,•• and the .b plirtitions, that loading -chutes 'be,
ed "white you Wait".' The '‘..voterir Mend:that,. ail `cattle deborned,
-:-4•4s4 .;iXOS our biggest Plob"-:-We,that each Class Of stock be.tieparated
is' that in it without doubt I Suffer-, ad oining to ttrnships ,o.f. West Wawan- used; arid spikes and Slivers;
ed , niore from' cold than in any osh, Ashfield, Kinloss, and Buren. be removed 'from-pars..and trucks,
ether in which I, have lived.':During Those Were the days of the qtranir
some of the cold' winter nifhts the printer '1 One of our boys,. Charlie
• •.•
• Mrs. DayitiSon.,• ,
: Suffers. Bad Fall ,
' Dar, john Brodie., con. 2, Ashfield •
while •engaged in shingling:the gothic
. home siittereci a fall •of saint.
• : 24 feet. Although. badly shaken
:and receiving -head, :shoulder • anc •
•'bOdilY. injuries,. • it .is thought, • artho.
. -riot aisured;-that there ve.re no hone:,
• broken. Mt. Brodie, a- War. veteran
' loSt. an taryn in the battle tof „Viniy•
Hltislge and in spite. Of this handicar
.succeeds ' 'in operating' his farm: ape
previous tO, his accident had Shingle(
• :his :barn.
•"44.4".,!i -A.4
.red Anderson find. MrS. ,Isaai
Andrew,' accompanied' Mr., and Mrs
S. J. Kilpatrick and Mrs. J. S. Fin-
ISV of Saskatoon,on a Motor trip te
London onSunday;.. • •
. • ,
• , BerYle Gardner spent the. past,
week with ber sister,. Mits. Joe yree:-
'mail of Leeburri: •••
and ',Mrs...Albert Campbell aru
family •of ''..Aulcutti, visited with .M.r.
arid ••Mrs. 'Rich.' Gardner, Sunday.
Mr.: Alfred Andrew 'of Walltertor
Was in the *neighborhood ,On' busincs• :,
.recently." ' • •• ' •-• •
. .
•Mr. David .Andersoh,Mr. Fred •AP-• •
• dersoranii Mrk.• W. T. Gardner •
..ed Nile and Leeburn.frie'nds l'nesclaY
.Davici is engaged teach .
school.' • • '
i.,:., L, No: 1144 : Orange- 'sermon
'Will. be On "'Jiiiy inn at
' 6611114,4; wnetri C.:Pave:her will
•address tile inei.i.oers.........Atchihet's,oi_
•- To.
attend, ' .
and -kion softball teams
at present ist ,obsitiati
in the tottotifi.leagne and
,ganies lest, each. Zion 'won at, lief-.
'a•it an Monday ancr „Dungannon
WedneSday evening, Out'4t. tialens
• streeeedecrin turning ,the trick against'
them on •14;riday. night, .1.048 in a free
• ASSOCIATION AND, tirdlr----
'Biliousnein, hi a ' term that today
it noe as •dilnunonly, used 'as it: was
in the . past. generation... It is still
Mr. , Chester IIaldenb,y di the ..wesr• o,:, (especially• the latter) and these and my first wage was. !f50 cents,:a heard, however, in cleseriptions Of a
is ViSiting'..with,hiS parents, Mi. and ss - ' -,
leioths would re uf lion •• ° ' ,, ' - • condition''• " • '
t , n le generally eek and my hoard., This was in, , of , which the 'usual•-•sYPIP-
,Mrs. F. II. ' lialdenby of WestfOrd.' well laden With ,store foods; and often creased ....to 75 cents .per week the toms are headache, •-ilizzineis,• iiidi7:,
Mr. and Mrs. :Wm. CO . „
. ' - X have ,re -f l'i9"!.74nd those f the toanship .. second year, and ,$1.00 or e third.. ge7stion, coatedtongue, bad taste in
of Kinloss & H & '' :*' •
oss _pro!' carried in ad- Our paywas spasinedic, :Md. con- the .:mciUth, grid a depressed, tired
turned hoine after a :motor trip to . . •
• . dition,. piles of 'whole dried codfish= eisted . for the most ;part' in orders feeling, . . t „ • ' • t' --: • '
New:-.Yark. :. .
the. Highland ,Secitcb' Of that sect.o. the 'for 'Th.condition ' described" ' b'l
- Mi. ,C;'oo. Bicliatds. and sell. of the being generally credited With. largely collars,' etc'.
1, n on . ,e stores r shoes, shirts, paper is is
(The collars ' were .for ionsriess. because . the vomiting which
as 1,
west reneived old: acquaintances here ;fivin
, , , _ g on,a is, y. eSunday only'): Once a yea . ,,there , ,
"codfish and Wh• ke " Th '' r• occurs usually brings hp bile and so
last Thursday, ' :- • taverns, ,some ,eight of nine in alEt was a settlement. If during the year it issuppoSed• that the hirer; which:
of days last week With friends IL Tor- numerous as the ,drinking" Continued: iii cash. the "boss".itearly teak a fit! In .such ca.ses,;•the liyer ii ,out of -
Mr.' Gee. :1-taideobi spent couple w• ere. Well -patronized,: and fights were We asked for fifty cents or a dollar, manufactures the • bile,. .out of . order
'••" • . . . .
• • ••
the Irish'ef Ashfield and' the i Scotch . Bu' t 1:'
onto. .
.. • "tneniWere the dayi!"" - .i•16e
Miss Alice Pinnell4 order, but • the liver is not td. blame has returned Of Kinloss often coming into: . . • ...,.• • , , .
This ,organ carries onits work, '4air
, ., . dais- were young. and .'healthy --and *he::
heihe from her, uncle's,. near Whiter-sion. A greatebAmpion Of the 'fernier
ther. we were • Setting" type,---4tru1, by day, *itlicnif uPSet; 1.30t it it. is
. ,
church. was .1kleAdaM,whose: exploits in tht 'ming Off" the pallor,. distributing ,:its called Upon to do inore work: than it,
mr,. and'lMrs. A. MacKenzie .an,e t9a-glIte•hla9y.i'dd-...7tukTreibc,,le;;,Iet:'11.tsoc!asg:oe.ianfidhb,tifi.i.tt_.,,i i'--
Szinbty.,;neph'Q;ptow0toiide,.. '1:s.. caPalle''. th°1i1 trouble resrilts. ..
family .Of Einhio, . Were' : week7erid c1.13,1 lf, 10r. ea.n)ples, too, Much feed is-
viSitors with Mrs. McLean 'and othei •P'!at.Pme macle• hurl t° be feared' clean Out the eaw stable, or•pick hngs. eaten, :particularly :if • the •OVerindul-
relatives ,
VerY. apt to 'be an upset of the diges-
as an antagonist. I heli.Pve he wag off the peta,to vines, we_had a jolly
killed years afterwards in a barroom
time of it The memory of all this
_ .
fight in far 'Dakota.
gence is .in sweets.. and fats, there is
Mrs. A. Manners has been visiting
with her 'daughter;. Mrs. Itobt. Mc-• tive • system:, constitien -Occiire eid
Lean.. t� , liver fa '4Overworked. When , the
.sclidelmiiteri. was: .W.1.1.,Stiiitji,
the: PoSsesSor nt :teniner,•
gre.at.tectcliet, I: hold WM ,inititte-
ftiL ineinory,, for he,..aperied WindoWS
forine .with- his 146 fOr & knoWledge
rif English .-..literatore. lie Avai: • an'
innivOrOus reader;:'an• aiderit,lover
, • CharleS, Dickens, to whoici
tradticed',M04: and jot , that
OW'ed a.. debt r. could never
:Pair. • My ,desk -Mate• .wat
and of the'likeable- climis who seireil
with tie, • is • 'something . greatly
bliatde to Trineticin ProPerlY:
.: Miss -Margaret Pitmen is visiting
frif.‘nds1 inCoderich. ,
diviclual feels .devsied or • "blue". .
. In.,my„tirrie Lucknowplacl a youth:
the whole body suffers and the in-
ful :Sasebaltteant called "Se
I2oYs" of which'I. was the, pitcher,
and a fella* Printert George Graham
the: cateher. (bytthe-way,.: George
one Of the plueklest chair •I • haw
eVer ictiOivii, Called 'at iny •Taimitf
Office a few years age, at the agi
• , Mr. L.H.,Saunder's Tororite L. 0.
This. condition, do's -not call for
L. organizer, was the guest; of Mr
•plitgatives .hr liVer pillS-.:-"Whiit is
and Mrs. W. ,h. 1104enbY last week.:
needed\i's -siniple food and
Fred JaeltiOn icad the misfortune: to the body is. 'overloaded With foods,'
'Weare •: sorry to port that Mt- attention to.'the.iiianner 61 living.' V
break his: ankle last .week, Mr. ltim
the' machine beeomes choked and,
Archie MacFarlan who .' fell• , the
101 72., firing out to the far North tcannot :funtiOn proPerly. Witte
barn .arid required seVeral stitefies" to. Cameron, now Duncan Ontario
dog ' 101101Trwrotigriffilfitiiett711;viVasS,olittirpfd;,....s..
, ron- ,eat to The.. ntaChine cannot run smoothly.
W'eekly Crop Report ,
rePreientatives , „re-'
port. that rain :is 'hadry .needed in
mciat sections' of. the, province.' Mell-
doWs and spring crops. which leaked
very „premising oh' June lit are not.
'hitting gatne." Tile brand .of 'ball' coming up-vto .ekpeetations.,iitiato,tlie•
played was perhaps net. of the beit extreraelY hot ,Weather hi ,eatly June
whiCh VVRS followed in senria Seetibai
by very caol,"tempetattire mid treat
in some irreas, , • , •
Altalft it tn wiee'rition" end, 'reports'
• the seofe, would . indicate,: •but
i,t•,was sufficiently close 'to n.ake' it
.„. .deeidedly, interesting-•excitectient
ran high as . first and team and then
the other' . obtained .the lend. It is
, Proposed to ••play the deciding- .1.tanie indleate • fi,,...„SO.S„tkidttlitk
ed • - •
• ,L•'
this..,.erop will . 'be- Sectired.,. Eastern
;Ontario .has• itio'rted iiiistiited!ntying
tip .find ptodUctien, falling,
ing 'onetntions' have, lideti 'general In.
all 'natio fig 06, Pityinee dtiring thp•
• 44n'
come retirnttrTt- Ser.,
iontly Wart 'Atr,pvbe-rty et-Onor..
o,ot for Sta'nee, :.tleelaret' that ita'
,etap iiVerage .rioririat
:YetitS, ManY'f101da .01 t�ac�iii�ri
folk, have, hit4 titi he'
Ow rig
*Ind • thist
. •
• Standing Of teams at cciniiiletion: of
schedule '‘
Won' • 6st
, "St. :567
- 5' 406
. S. Picnic' Will be held av
ElhoW t OP .SatiirddY; rst..:COnie
and etiloiii-,clatt•nt the lake... • •"•• •
• MeSSit. Andrew,
Helni and Will Hunter visited Mr
anfier, Of Brtitefield4on
Ti.e eating •of• a Wide •
variety f
preoyte.r.iiri nii.nistet • • pitehing hiid to be deliiered under •
preached regularly in both Gii0)0C
and: English., As ,Dune and I sat it
our. dnnble 'desk one' day,' he deeided
he' needed 'a;riatite to, add to D.UnCan;
and after writing :down several he
finally' settled On '0:Ontario". ,•,, . - . . . .0. , is best obtained in games or in some'
' "pals" were Dune; • CaMeron and as a. consequence' his lianas t
otitdOOr ictivity, stwil , as Walking • or
. • finY are all swollen and 1 twisted,„ and :
afid Stewart Wilson. ,Tite tatter witn • • gardening: ,A glaas or tWo of water
, r. Cameron • ' , o
hand, and the batter could .call fth
a ahigh‘-ball" :ora 9ciw,bill." . We
had no:protectiOri, neither gloVes 11 nor
intiski, The ,Catcher, as rule, took:
the, hall on the .botince, ,but Geatge
often "braVely• took •it Hoff the •hat,"'
plain foods ,is important. Overindul”:
fence in any particular food, must be
ayoided. Food rnnStj be • thoroughly
Ohewed. Meals shmild be taken at
iregu ar hours and not .hUrriedly,
The body requires Mcercise, whiell
d . fa 4, .1 ,ft f . D k a scar on his nose shows where :. •
his fat e ,an mi y • e or a o- • . , • upon rising e wee meals is
A foul tip tlanded! ,Other ,ineniberti of d . bi
ta in the grekt negira or the s. u ,,s esira e egu r e imination can
r • that team whom I recall aro Dod .
Raspberry Diseases
_.Masaie -gad, leafz-curl are the two
diseases, largely , responsible for the ••
socalled running out of".kaspherry
BerkeleyJn. charge -of the Lahora'h.,' .
toryi •of Plant Pathology, of St. Cath,.-
arines. "Experience??:he Says; "based •
oa experimental evidence,- has • MSC-
shoWn that: the use of healthy' certi-
fiedstock' in setting out new:pia:ha,'
tions is the only satisfactory way
we have. . of eheolOng running,aut. •
:ixSoro;kbefreiieurferhoams,edt,hesaer4ddiSietaS;S: liT'miathy"
disease-free: stock, that new planta-
tions .should :be" set. All ,certified 'stoc),t
mast • be sold,, in bundles of twenty:- • •
, A
name Of the variety, ,certificate, num-- • •
ber and year,- of Production. 747:
Craps . For :Rolling: Lands
' Pernianent, pastures are extentiVe,
grown on rolling lands._ Canada
blue, grass, .ited tins; , Kentacky' flue ,
grasst-nnd-swhite. clover are useful •
fiat this 'purpose. The first mentioned.'
..grass is-:`61-c_p_articular_valua-AVIlere
the sail tendi"to dr* out
The ,cOmihon.Mixture.af' red .elriVer, •••••:'
alsike and timothy may be sewn' for
hay. and the timothy left' down Or a
number Of. Years. Alfalfa-, an'. ejc
cellent crap for hillsides ; and is ' to •
be desired ever. other crops Where
it will grow suceessfully.: In order to
receive a geoid stand Of this perman-
ent hey crop, ',liming may be nee,
essary on ante Sails '‘•
Oats, rye4 wheat and:corn are crops -
frequently itown 'with success On
railing lands, but these crops are not
effective' in controlling erosion. as
hay and pastime. crops: If satisfac-
tory .crop" yields are to be ',secured,
farm Manure Must be applied,. at
seasans 'when it' can be ploughed
Under before any loss of, fertility,
takes- plaCe. Penland winter'
tiens of manure (farm or coinirier-:
Chi). fertilizer)..are not -desirable ex-
cept 'on level. land because 61, the
'great lois of, fertility. wItich liable
to occur from spring rulioff. •
Commercial Representatives': .•
• The Department bas announced
that;assistinee 'IS being ,kiyen toihe •
Ontario Growers'. Markets Qouncil:
to ••continue their ,COinraercial Repre- •
SentatiVe- wark. Fruit and 'Vegetable"'
GiaWers' Representatives will be
tablished . the principal eanacliii0
Marli'ets •tO7assist ,grOWerst arid .ship-
pers. in. expanding oatlets' for their •
'Crops; to' the largest extent • posSiblle,
•C.• :Bailer; Secretary ,of the
Growers' Council, will • haVe, his .1teaci-
qparters • ,established in Toronto this • ,
addition to being present
On the Toro/LAO-. market will also, Sim-
ervise, :the activitjel----01„..,' the 11,,epre7.:
tentativea. in other Patts' Do -
F. Tonii,' F•ruiticihd; 'is appoint-.
ad' Western Canada ,Represetativ,et
with headquarters In Winnipeg::: A.
"Dix0ii,„gamilton,. will be, estab- •
lished on tHp' Montreal market and
will also supervise OttitWa • 'end',
Quebec' CitiShipMenfs. ,
•• 11; IC:" . • Beamsville,
be the 'Greivera' Representative
the Matitime• PrOviiideay ;With I head-
'quarter's at either St, cr ,
fair./ , • s •
'rho ttepretentativet's..Are mairitalit,
id only during the. fruit and iregett=it'
• and knitegrity & amassed a dompeten 2nd; ,Ait wate„n!,
Ile :settled Fcttgo acid by indliatt* Donagli, 1st 'Stewart ...Wits°"! of a• tegether abie .marketinaeaaO11.-;Iii....the....pait
3r4;•- !‘"Ingi?! 'with evaretea---ifrid-diet:---7*" „ years •.their serviceir have been,
: Pe secured through the .eittibusnineUt
two was mayor 61 thd city He als� wttnads.. and And
%iivai;l1t.1;riti,e.iieciritiii.,needs 'aich results / in attaeks of 1e0:xitre'O'nnetlaYti8Va..iltiratiblitei and the deniand
leader eliiireli and Y.M.C.A 'biliauffneas Or -Sick 'headache: there tuti, been WidelY extended at
nOthine olSO ,that Will take ' the atilt sinPe: theY bean
am". retainded, hei•e'," that ;It was
alniost necessary' for a store to
aelie." The Only One Of theael`
OOP,. ..,lOhn ,Mcnam, Who served
ComPh6IN. 1store-the ; Store
of that Nr:,,Merictifi • vas
thortkuttlf Highlander,'ft real gentIPL,
trinn. 4pse. constantiltat':parentsL,t."had,_ the ditefle6
Oh. the `Market Square, where *PA?
is the bowling 'green;
acrosSe• luly Was organized. • One
Oenint'n ttOtitiide With, ,stfek,•
heiVeVer, Was • 'etititigh for t.
,potiple •of, hard ,Cheeka, and.
ttrnibe•OYer. h, •IsteittOnnOland
t ,6opyinterit,, to! thrit was `Oi'
VilSOStl_ailettedl •
the Oarden Eden. •••
la;i1,YwiiuttrbiefirtltrfOrtirtrni,, .,ri'"ipTeil iii:', VOltitne to tlA* ':INT:OSt..."treg'
Osi4.. liottftb. is liot.lomid Itt.alottta 'Mod . to. tba. .Ziritiniek And •ilatibled. 4
ok. hiodidifie:. It 'Ohiet • tfitiiilitt ... the le 'Montreal fitidASttict. In Western
;• • • .„
itVair Of, living and ;hino otbei N•va',.„. Canaan ::•nlittieplatli..,Olitniiiii.,it-
0"eitiiiiii..- teti'Pe'irtifile itealtb.,, .n‘& gaining .Itc Anti, of •. the. •eonititnet
iiOnsed ., to. . the, t Ontiadlati,--401141,-, 46.iiiAtlit•. ttfia' Ili "Iii,:y' tOgehf iOiltiatiO: , •
. AiSiOditti•Otji, . 184, tollete:,ttteet,,,#POIL iiiiiiorted iprodPee, t.iithet: than iriter
ritni. ,
tinite, Will 14,..litlaytereitpertOtiiiitYr-1erlitik-lit-ntir.'*fir„iolth"ErrtiSrtc*r
. tttublot over!,