The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-06-15, Page 2- The 'Empire and. The %told at La . CANADAs: ggistingsfor tii4, • The 4-',4"*P7-'4-4.-„vrePOPular ulr4r 'offsPrieg. Which it ..4•S the Isttshfon...,' -Thel'Ia.lalls.arailta.. Pasalu.'g'latareat just: 4e'r'' Wg'rn-1110-'111i.fent• •Oit 'new! _Oat. ilbe._rte,e01 1104- tjukarenit4itt toCti:i:4141#earie 4741b1,4e7m4.a.Auz4•04ss,°713,1::t: day, 1,.5,e members Of Lake Shore • *ittv peopws so.81:euss me& t� ag t,94,01. 7°01 tW'tfalaraaa: teePon- meeunk,'. 'Audit at Part PartCredit: 4, *Igtil.itr for their faelti".an4 4.41,404,* 41„4woitton or ;cc ao rho rwirri ad their Pateilts. Whr.eari net the tiled -ern 1.7i0..ww.gtholer toroet,o-aed,a.11 other....Pareatu'llleail that 'Aber'. are 1;15t. ai. wejj, teodartA by herT iarnt tAngli, there 'to he, or 'iPedlea,t0anst. • .1e4.-thetri be; 8034 s0 start ; a .htickPass- I ire forr,he man 'whe Is '11*illg,..POSaseialiti'Mj411"wiln77:tane:din'arlile334174714:' lrat-hetter ' methed, ovistcoo.;94,00 proclaimed .c.a* it he that Yeemg PeoPle grieraaPea are to..".a considerable ex- . . the .laho shore are catching this aPir,it• "HA'f,741.;taarT Every now and .thea, thahr:')/eetIthe. Tat .Whe .Walk,ed• .1b4r#. **,!.te; the ihroh.s. of Of-rfr'"Oteicat*5?',151 Engtinitomething mnst bdoae about it' #.1 tkewP4,-etipktr, taterhaiia.• =ore '"•'• two that •svigeststhe possi. .p,rptrunr'.41iit,rt.'erer Was; -and ioangr ‘".7,01ith.44.7 'i44 r111;0:cV11 paroth‘ 'and esxr• • . Orden?. Yentrin is esSen! tiallt,tue *Jima an were the• rOMPlain- 14, elder* .ortheir own yolith,--Eingse ton Vi'hig-Standard.. Csamtlaas', camera fin .betteir'than: ••. fel- low 114 putting the hest .foeit f cd7ohe:( ' gaisim and Nkkel Edison/ have iikatenteil claim' fat the SadharY *Strict Vela eaulirtat whit:BE:ism himself to the:presint THE EMPIDE ' :`. Progress in Britain • arrir ''a.- Ti!,hri,,- • he war, at that Vane_ ._ .Theret.'is' substantiii"reasori for eat- , wreetite ,ca a istoratte lbatierY:Which. Mfaction 'In the continued improve.: reatipediargelfsightities ofolnkel-„ Re nla.t ot• the *Piet of nAemPloYment, amid he,. had gmee.wp and prospMtet: In Febreary there was a fall of 46,000, In that .emintrY himself, ad he •drew in Afareh Of 80,A01; and we now have 4n,cr-raii on 2,.. t'3,15t GI PEPE2:- :MI* 4e. ,;,•;.,:r.•,• ,vt-..,.s•"-.e.l'retul4f"'APTPl!i''.bh!-e01 AnaUcti,ia; tar%erdeelinao'PeeTb:ltotar : , eano. In the southwest Pact" tl the has gins been brought below 2,70,000, . oval, he said.; the CoiiPer cliff ,Illities A reSluedoi. of moi than than 204,0e0 in . ..-: . were reria.rea. thee be . jeortatea, a three ;Months' of such intein,nuona un-' , joint In the nerd:mast portion of the eashitess hi fir.gietterthan we could - oval and said: 'There 15 where 1 tonna hare expected, We found'eMployment what'I'availt."--Ili.'n*Ilton Herald. laat isentli for 9,534.00-0 Pieple„ 9i.ego , kk k • s ..... ,kk. k, ,.., . , more than a• year ago-eliendoti Daily _, AnAufstrian Warning ,... 'Te.Iegraph.. - • ' ------ Perhapi..Anstri.a IS where the:term ttakoline" came' from. At any, rate, . ,. I.' New Detectives , ., _,_ ,,,,_. L. taa.. ,s .on gasoline antenuthig.to 24c, a ..Arfiat• tie badly need ,is a new type gallon plai..ptherleek, have 45:li3ted, Ai' dotective aridra. new technique of In 16,spo Ansfot......_.- automobile 'owners erne' e'•,eetecri" on''.1,0'givea fillip to Our . `inoritits, ' says the, . tiisfirtociated -Ova. •Obrionsly tit'S One person who can fun -'f • • ' :.•'-ca ' • 2:tin the 'slieckela 'Which shan1d-116 tal--drestie-st*s, an :among -other .$19,000 worth of radium was...sought. , . , • ee ' Here' We see a Toronto miss who has taken, uplii true with estjauslasm,..-:Ono ,the favorite bicycle, route's is High Park •• • where this 'picture was, taken. turning iil• their license, Plale, three jaded aPPetite Icor crime Stories., Quite ,Seairth'Ciovs.seweis, This -la a clear. case .of he* the gOv- itteli it is Lord Trenchard.''; He is pro- Ps. .e ;*ernment can hill thegoosethat colighe. posiner.te modernise 411e Force la atm- ban t N.Y. ea..Psul °Ii'erwhed 141n awilutm-st.:Thou2z' things adambrateS a sort, of Pace • . • . Gigantic Project , , the. very .frugal Dutch are now lift- cer • accidentally 'ailow to be wash_ Jng up the bottom of the sealer 'agri- the new men and the. new methods.' .'etcdeiiii a (kelp,. Men equipped with tCultural • extension. The deity .iiidtts- CY.ina_ipal;','eavs Lord Trenchard electroscopes electrOSCoPeSProMPtly.began a 'Search: ry of Holland, is a' national .'has beeper More mote. zact sewer trans., . T.40 ;toistio-„ otos', _Irittrances,. Company, in his.' . ••__ • 7' 'Alionsand, men ar'e at .Work nn their' bile and more scientitic.”!- In. a. word,' •Men,tS..4adilY detect the Preience,•__of_ addrealat----the---erinual-itiSurance , con- ;LIpeditioii-ary ,Crew • •Ladv tio cook, tific Crime iteaearcn, where the C;I:1):„ . wihl take POSt-graduSte course, we shallilook; if it ever inaterialiies for , eek in ,Albaey s sewer system; The radium, proPerty. Of. AllniaY Hos.: pital, was lost early naprniiti..1, A patient who was. being treatd for can- . . Clear PoIicy Cpntrin*-7: 111 Insurance Urged c*, Yerlre-e--The-iieeu d-2f-ez bette.r; trained Sales.Men and boyers of in- serinee and the 'writing of Contract forms so'that-they dearly and CoMpre- heasivelyleoVer'each Specific 'need are the fundainentals. 'for satisfactory , , ,•settleirients Of clainis without con- troirersY, aceordinkte• Mr. Nt, it. Dal- ton; vice-president of, the LibeitY President to, Spend. }Mi4ays in Citnids Th-a-P-6,-talainti of 4ininint -tn'y the 1400, time in JO •Rititory, is to bo rbbst tO a President of the uttitto State. Warien (i„ 'Harding, while ' omen of Wor o old Mee t $toc President! . and likertly :before ik,i4 o NVOrId-Wide death; cOlafed the Ihternatianal teiretop- to Be Made By In - der 10 dellVer un addreits in British . CuhlThiat This Pier We eaPeet hilvo 4111111490M k,Oupc.11 at as our guest ,Pre;iident Eratiltlin 'D; 'Slimmer R0,0seveltt who, it is'. wild; -will i.*Otn0 ) •'' , COnference • nwlf, . Hnlnlltil t,0•••f/julnit at 10104 lair', et ,„,‘, . ,' ''. ' - '.(;114493'. vpo4chaptir44. iiialti*ridi,°:)';91416aullas:tit;)'lltti9tgitLit tly".. 1. Illi,4li11.01.14‘14.4/114.(t;14"'I'l.''.1-f.'"44•;;Alf40474.9709t41Wt6PMPIel*Fe*I' ..tapl't,t i is .,.wh. us.ii rigts.a.w4lichikliti.lr:ho 11.82.,Pretii.• 'iltl6l'ulltiottlli '..,t-'6,141ttrlpte0# ]trom •.beihk. • •,, ' • . g 11 1 t itotti thro year • a few out"Stantling - , FIT* the drat .timethe'cliiet eXoeutIve av.0411,arn noYertlielesa- belegfcarrie4,1 of 'the neighboring repolace wel ho through, ',Meetings .01.: the, qtceettf.ive' - . akicriding his Sumi7p64-•,7 hoihei.h. horkui and Standing' .VOinialttkett Of l,be .1a., the: confines of his:. o7wq country. *..Mr, taroutiorial-CeuOcil . Of Welnen; which. • ildesevelt, •wtill1„.be adding adother .to liati .Latly *Alievleen:aa_preSidlentz,ditive*., -",e, ilie list,' or. his -'11iistory-inalting,• 'sits. (..i,/ On' beid'in Stockholm front Jun' .,4t1,1,:ai.r.44tie,sht:tt,, ..:ieei0.7.0w:iii..r.,.b.3,(17:rttrroh.rii:ritrhooirlrif:04,4g,ctlheti",,:),.,...at4,bnaat.:. 7sy,,Iii.olY-4'101int01inet%:.ollr,,e;finlf.00, ittioe,l;dhloa'Orc414;?lim: try,wpnfeWtt AliliOcilitiOlis,irtint all- pfei: . . 'nf•tho White House, outing his prosi- - . •the' world, are- Sending' ,aelegittes • . -'' rOoftieseyie, 4r,i7:tt ,..,wkailv.st.,,thwohou, nitowlii • sbtet6,roFi: : .A; . till 0, 1.3;i::ettYolge:titi; atthifel..0.,;.n.ci ,w,:Exe , , . :WEri;b0ied, Attended the Peace. Confer:. .cialve, many interestng "retielutioni: • -eaae'tit-the-,toneinSTOn'ef 'the.';'WOrliti .-V411,- htf-illaCiiinied.',- -1)iiteh'Weeyleii7.1*-7-H-77.-7 9Ylithtn, linduri.iPtitztiiitinentthHigiireraoipnoig.tW.eteB'otthhe Itlecliaitio.iy•terc'oPoritivteetS44141#00:tisi.ti)h4,leeenvil:4041.*: • ' before and after•he became .President, ,eltildrelt. They will, also, propose ea , the late Aft., .W. II., Taft Spent, most all-round itiveatigatiott 'regarding. wO. , Of his suinineti.et Murray Tidy; on the alien's. and, ; chiltiren's prisons, helmet. , , St, ..Ltivirenee:-.=-Toronte . ,M a il -gr' .Enir." of • detent lOu'i , POiC0'. stations . and, .thi, • , . , . ... . . Pire- ' ' 7, . • - , , Way in Witichtvoinen. and Chilaten•whe . . • . rif,••tr..11,,-.E.' C731r • - evis' • are .clitirged with an offence or a •cr Ins tITO, 1 It'et.t,t ed le -the- vertous,,,countrlet...' .. . , , . . . • • wPinett. :will „lige,: the :'holdins nicel:Z1broetair::7,,othaei;e:...rneaoraesiirt,,:/rtillroltd,:re-• aN;;;e',41'S'NIV)dS?'1:3.h7:11:-9.'Nnt(ien*".wiairl' pPtitoPte,41:., la, On ..raputitaine• east Of ' bete'• 50. 1)EPWQte ' liiVt•°e* 4414°4144naing I* .. 74. Isolated: ProPectors : ., Po,lish atory, of., how • two ''Ortispeeters,..living ' ' -; ' ,aa Diego, •ctilif.-e.irue, '0,00,4414 •G'i .'44. °4f-t"14.e'°4 Q6' °lie ille 4131. Cni" ' ttOuni, of o her Countrlea. in 'Oiler. te,* this: 'Week' lok • olliiii: Of .th .e.'"Aaiinier.itc.°Iti: ,aglici7twiipit4ietecil.7,11,14,4:rtile°4n.3a.rIn'tritd.l. 'tittii.E`,°6Ltli:.F,)41ifoit!:.sit Lint '''':lialcCilktri'lCiiti•• oi:t'etti6i ''tiittrY. ttilPir41"4::-:11-''..waiiiinS :erni7rti)1-741:1;'d4t.u-liy' papers.,*-rdeatied- for ..d.istribetion itt American Altvia s . ' • . ' e' pau.isii . Woinelt; - - '', .• •. I ' Sertimi ofT-the "naine:of the ,Marehiote • ,, . , ... , Yis,) are,,,,,.kiven air , ; . •'',. • ' ' • -• ' ' - ' •Hpneete :IOdy...Ailietdemi .. . extra, paper lii eite of the' afternoon . dallieshere,., when 'they' load the 'news. Fretieh: NV Oirien, 7 Will propose the • ito t.a...vv://iie,pdo•oi..ais,ti:ii:vti;svoyirho........t.•.6 iti.i.e.,n.:i..17e.,,,, es s 'of Aberdeeil ahd-Temait'ilpon the • Roll Of. Honor . Of Fein.oUit:. Woinen, .. „t.,...ev.::: ,4.0,. .1 at about 0 6,.61.4,6k ,wo, . which. was. adopted' at the last trieti.."' ' as th, ora_2ntainitiii, .16itisidt.hir: iiiiti conference. ,at Vienna the, . 'Payer., , out... to th..etnih' e.' 'IaTalitieei;i1. t°11"ey,' .1iolit.:::el...131:7:1.1:0tIol ....14.:-• oar.o.Ceeorreini•oP7il4. li . " ' :•, °s*" preSe ' t ft : ' . .. ' ' .. '''''ti. Within a' few- 'hundred... feet' of the' g . at the Grant Hotel, Stock which will :'he graced ' h . ground. and :Mr. . Iliackinare t ncep. . .4.4.. the Crowe P'rhiceta .'aetilio..rairilisbi.ies.,..t*per,, g•olt,...oth, i.i,i,d. • 'ilvalte• ' i their ....hcti.e. :swetoish :1144s tevuein ng when . . 'IMO ameetiag oil! employment in ,rela,%.. be ' 'Sliatili.'•' • . cabin, waiting for the pa et' In adaition to the busluess tl said. , Mr. „ , wee no as Timesjouinal. „ • Sandhurst. • To 'the iristitnte' OfCox TV IUU1 •kreat reclamation '..work...of....reClaiming -neLetimes-,;daily'nearer-'16. the' fiction ratiturn. • • ferMice • the AmeriCan Managenient _Lady, :Wife 'Ot.:-sir--IlUbert- -;, iiiibmerged 'Janda Which alio.. have reader's been -ideal .of what a Minim/L. , --iier-Ved,-,to.-tiolvetlie-A3ntelirtfureinploy.; -ought 40' be. -London here.- • 's Wilkins, the explorer, reeking Ott ileat •proble*Ihts, 'Winter: HOWeVetDeclaring' that noW as: ever '4it 'is a to. a Joh as ' Ook' her hide neressaiy „thatthere be* a. Spirit, .of band's litopoosti submarine .expeditioli e Announces_ Ban Of-IVIanehoultuo Players' Geneva -The Nanchoukup tee' Of the Leagu of Nation's decided based that brinchoukuo tennis ..PlOYers. shotild,be'berred from Davis plaY, iLI ey, tried te meter the ,c,ohipetithin Leiatise• Davis: Cup draidaa-posSesse4 another 4 -nailer of a century,will have Tramways Banned ',Pass • and 'another .!375,• 000,00-0 „ • In,. Italy, the Minister of ,TransPort Mut*. COngdence. between buyer- and to ' the North -Pole 'ilex- t :year. seller and that thm conhdenee' be has already . been • '‘eigned. • based, on .thg" uthioat toed faith on Lady Wilkins, On: her arrival ' iipent before the work of therron eclalm- , , He has done' it. in the aPProred mant- 1/0,5 sentenced' the tramcar. tb deatly re - Zee Can be completed, -Brandon 7Sun. Ing the submerged land of .the Znider , , , • ner of Fascist • Gevernmeats-by • de- both sides," ..Mr. Dalton ' held that • Southampton with -her husband ,re - "far' too. ' insu'ran4 sellers have ••cently, ,said, ant, leaking forward •priving ' full' righ•P 'of cIttzenship. The time has coinetVien, more•thaii ;scheduled Sone the heart., of; the Cctinmrclal HeneIt eferth no trans:fear May enter, a volume and. far'. foti many Sure'l shall Itive-it. All Woinei 'been interested too intich in • •. mium pre!. eagerly to the experience:, for I am {ever; 'commerce, should. no longer' be :chief • •elfl itiesi: It Will 'le' nguish' offimcaianIchc9h:kracuotpernvd,tryit .44suceess. fully' to, gain reepgnitiOn as .an indee pendent state, formerly. Was. Man-, ottosly here cares very muck for the •e. u *.spAS lat. China: • rr4rorar sithei.. • 'it is eiiinibersome ' However, • the. comn_AUe__decide ed witkltaljan the,16481,,p6ssibie,_risk_of,•.6r-- other.-tra c anti •costly In. itself; ; It. -.'.th4;t• ,Wotild unaPle Pre7ient othet.words; commercial eh- wmild haie'diettiOng Ogo if it riad net Manchotikuo •' athletes •-from entering buyers have been. intereSte.d.toe 'flinch • friends :think I ttnit.', crazy, lint with •,'itt'driving a. sharp trade in i.loss, set- a crew of about :tea meo ,On beard 'Considered a siniPle game 01 chance. for ,lick ot sepport :and. disaPPear as ' • to feed .shall have enough to de. - • • .- . • , , • , tons Should be Subjected-. to. 'precise ''' • It is,•etisential that •commercial opera- It, chooses on: the entskrts. • "There appears to be tee general a Before her marriage in I929, Lady ',.rules, se that results may be predict- 'lack oi". app4eolation' tbe.;:kart., ,4411 was-,--,-Snzanne-;.-.Sennett;-.T;tfi- -bilyers-tbattirrite7laStTaititlysiti; •Australian actreaa. . . etprise should be ..otgarriteCon . thebasis 0! , a true, ecienee. Canada . can: • ;With. advantage ,syStendie 'het:1.00* itiercial:activities, seeking' Out the .syfi-' , 7,ten Which best sults her requirements. Fhe zetOtie,rationef'Manittaeturers.aad Artidere, lathe Dominion. should be 'tented teaching in:.Canadian.SchOols tbe CoMmerciai and 'industrial syStein ,which has been decided on. When The likelihood c, that a certain nuni- place Where bizrglars.would never find other countries are organizing 'their be:r;tif men of distinction unable to 0 ' • • ionimerce it is. net for lie to sit, back', live safely in Germany- may. se4k a n decided that the'sa'test folded Arms: SucCess is the re-) borne, in this estintrii, as iso 'many re,„. Pace. no Kneyrto put the diamonds :war „I offered for serleus e:orts to huild ' bnyerans.".4 group • stand "whateirer • : losses are .paid and. that rates which been ponstmitly reViveci.vittli.:tresh 'in. the • genies. iii.,1936. because are high can only 'be' reduced by the inefiens r,f public money ;from, munj- the 70IymPics are privately organized. 'Preventien of loss" cipal rateS, That inoney eaPtio more • • • r • be recovered new thee akeieY Silent ChOile Poor Place ' ToHide Diamonds, 'Milaaukee..-Mi.s. Samnel- sc aSked her husband, 'a grocer,„to, hide her $700 Worth of diamOnda. som 'long ,ago fo• save, aFrench - Budget :Shows P,114ct. Billions Paris -The - Cnamber of ',Deputies. has passed the revised 49i3 Imitiaet„ iihirkitig' a deficit 'tor ''4,•34i,060,000 francs. The budget tio* toei, liaCk tO,,,the-Senate, • " ' • Theta a 'deadlOck • between 'the 'Senate Voted a, 5. 'Per..Cent' ent.On.gev- • Catehes. :Mice hopeless patient. -London Daily ' Ex- press. • • / Asylum' in Britain up , n army of .'speCialista. cein-. "tnerce.,--Ls Presse.• :• • ' Value of of* L.aeghter ft hi not recorded who: Brat :said, "A little.: nonsense:. now and 'then' Is • re7, ..lished' by the best of men" But "who - *ever it'Wee, he might ..with minal. op- tdrapY'POve observed diet a.grea.t deal of•.'nonfiens,.. ., relished :.'et.,-..any•timu bk'itipst men:. • tribusiness Or pleasure, ,. a la ' a hungrily sought ail: any.. ,thi g • else , .Thelnisineas, (;;t . volved. in•so 'many hatdsbitia.and wor- ries ' that the ,Most.trivial n.ouSehse helps to inake,'Iffe brigilter "einf•:het- ter,' It hai been, said, thlt .a..*$e.n.te or hemor. r'-; h: no,'•tate • • •;•• people Ste& to bare tb.e.rittriv.t..14trze 'en* :ttiaat.tit•11•Pltr : • " ..tattZt,. 04tfrot.Aftt 44141 to....t...,ieopoirotstfi. litto,t,',Pa.rtaty ,0443 espe.rtenCes: Of' t;tt-:tst:i.litri fo , • . . was in an empty egg crate in his store. • . fegeee.fkom 'political persecution bai... , .70 ! alow the police gt•• hunting for the done:"In the, •past,,' makes it nrcesSary '1,"it,wels., - regatdirigthe adnassipn *Of aliens rath- all; tbe'eniptY :egg .crates• afr•Aamuel- „ • .. . ..• • • - an .abandonnientpf • all the ,best;tr4,-1. diamonds in it. `'.(tOn1Pantr Officials be-. clition$Of thla •countr.F ft' our doors;1lieved' the crate had. been. turned aver Were' to. be elOsed. to the )3:tea „et entin; re st. Iarmer; efice.,•••*tibiti:gerMinr IS eipelking trothl • i.-:.- .L.:....,...7,_,G.--:;i:-LL..-' .. 'her..." boideri.s. bur'airt, in 'adirt4ttiirei I mei __ i.. .' ;them:.....koula be manifest ,ead le, AVottitl French: riag.*.aiseq,, not.be mer-4-iriokal ia.ILT.--r.o.ii-donf ' . , .., ..''. ..` . 0.vok..,Patific. ,......,',.. , ,:. . : 1 i„ is.. :•,,u.. : ., . . . ar :,--. • GoVernment has n ''-'-'"g-,7; ' • •: :. .. •". adviSed. that the:. Frerteh naVei sehool" . Choice Of Goods hi ' :ream' ' '..:A.i aS ' ted - to. Scrutinize .the Government.ii polMy • A er,molision ooropooy eat-ted:a.,ray I er Technically, it *Mild he eoevs•efore, ineluaing,theohe with the . • • . p eci eh . lion the ' The: purebaser'hati lost. the pablt of; French flag over.Oliptierton eba.; tie:lire" ter, choice.. aay that this.'th`o;Pacifit. qtoarlt ,and " 'fired 21 -gun rnentaj ea spiritual di.••ea-e iss more Sainte ' • ininottant• than the ifterelle vaechani- Prarlde and' exteo ave ° t ehea d fen. •4tiCh ft' rr Oa LIor' cai. feet o p pro act . le, of mooAiii.e---1o1---.-ixiany- ye--a-it-;:tlie; King of Italy, act - ears of thoge: WhP, are .ara-..eiiiterned,•..as-••.itie .arbitrator, Aually awarded Cite toOderri rhea' are,"to iSiand to France. en•I' r, e et• be4.'as'io everY0 ,Mexican nate approved, a res.dution 'otir agt104...h 1rir:•Itzi4 .11:i.ikrt?-hlh4.i. At. IA ..„01e that ..goVel,te•purchaie the islaind front Poatie.e, 3.,44 Oro* hot Abe conliitiona ' the. lonely. • ga000....•rnek. has i4en ;Itla hOtOrious that lti; dori I'll 'a trlets, i f'redisceveredot ,bY a . half derk,n 'ha - l\ bee% of Abele, cbOice I' Still exer;:' teries: At, one -:tithe 'the American "o,'u`:riaga.'trad;•,=S ..6'.-w'irthe're*t.: nit trl.-';•tietis pVet _a' period of gev6rit. cea- , at.ed, and has a great' etre It.. flag wa flc.wn there',, tan(le, t vould•euote..the d mend for ', • •'.; 3iesblit...e'ocheitse arnotie, th Lail 1"...:"Aut TN!" ri Alift*.H'?)11V,Iiipti":-"TlieY know 'e-bal ."Ic.itc'z 6 4,06.0e09,0t- 7.09s. thk, onto... Mid jheY upon • it: ' ' _tendon: Eng.-/okin pieketoi-sOuur• hey -.•*•111 tot: e4ceet,.,' rifeh chiet, great-grandson Ot CtlarlO8 biek, thel$61.1th, a soliatitate or, an 'Inferfor,, the nol'elistt At4 bprothY• ..4ttiO16.0,/i)aire' Belloe. in -rfie•En.,*,..."„„Norttl•cil.WOP'OtQr1:1)...04ittl.-190.t.#14,r,;. • • fleorrititer'riiktitry Ydit week fn 'J. the Presenee f g,a'' Members • Of the THE "UNITED STAT -E5 ' ' - • •• " 'bichen'S ", ' • • ' • • The•hrlde and gree'hi-firat thets;at " crYni i danee in Fulham too '0(4 she votuarito ,rialotjug$ 'reported ;tete i4.ikork• a Et* Netrilt. . fi'eHottitti . • • 1.5,4key • . 'arenas. nia,r4y ',(4titet; opened a rieW feer t•to teorel 'tit! atitibiilotut yottrtg- , itteoWd•rid'. 'fejt. • 11,3wittAtidirpf p-atretal„,fitt•bozli, $1:des ot t0e. toteintitioriat 110 te*aion-to.--feel'-tirat-tbre/r-i•:•ili 15 toereli 4of thi,e• ineish tooth , .varle.ty; on the. COntrritY; the 'garnt..,* firtnlY plenteil in the itifeetiorts'et the pti,bli"e.; and will , eoptinue to boelitiOh EX tit ib ee, .t cattrtioll ,,, • , bale ti f ado' inpth0114.,(1 giroie ° • /Might's from the many: 640' .rtt fir, aothorio serihall tio), .'see•t.nn _Regina Citizens Battle - Willow Leaf Beeor 'Regina.-Ainied With:sprayers arsenate, ReginAcitizens "mopped up"" On hordes of Western Willow Leaf beetles which 'invaded the city. •,11fil- lions of the little Pests swarmed into the city and took possession of bushes • , , . and,trees.. Foliage disappeared as if - , . by magic until householders opened ...., .. ,.............-4,.,,-...,..-.„' .. their. barrage. .r. :. ...- . . ,-' , - • '. - .:Hobseit ort. two . major aspects:. ,The p".,, :Bivalve Mousetrap. ; 4- . .. in Pajrs :4'xiirgiii..iripplioioitsi* .2. The Chem.,' ' ,TacpMa; Wash -7 --An "oYSter , sprung 'her rein...sea ..to • .atieede le this. The the trap oh., tWo .ntiee '1Ooking; fOr-a, Chamber .otlieri voted'. '.:the .:•proVistoti, :fauna the 'dead* Mice, ',dangling Ito' ' I Senate rejected: a prerisien '.:fot .a '..,,4e41'.., 'Christ' Itoser•iSitperinteinient• goVerninentai oil..irionepolv,.., 'and, the "it ;an ' oy:Ster ' 'cOmpany . Pima ' yore, 6 : ic• into th .bli.' ' The sithation.,•ted..' te. 4featS,.. that It' ' • of .the budget „alight: „tie ,d •artr:•!iintli'.4 'twit l'll:,gl.111, • • I. .. • -.• Switzerland May.,Depirt . Fri* qiira ti-atici4r4 • Ddneva. .- sWitzerland•;,Yinay , be forced",to abandoe:•the gi?'.1d..itantlatii eompetent ' ad viSets 'Shit ganday„.•'' • • tfte„clampea',".lips7 of a large -Pacific , . . . • oyster.. ,. The opened shell .clamPed -down Ob. the heads of- the infee, appar- ently, as ,they took their tirst,_Iiibble L'..the bivalve. : . . , • English: University ( , .HonOrs. Blind . Collapse! Leeds -The court of, it,eocis uot. Versify .hai decided tti• 'confer th The turn We'e iedicated fOlIowinil h6n6FrraZerdi:kgreb,ae°H.luip, °tobtgr botief;dttecti:nris. ' • a heated Popular referendum abringi,poc".1ser„a:,,native of F3radroo, mtgianit. 177-1,the:61:dh.%_ni,a,:',ZiiiTtailtV,,,,,,aagiaatiin6sA,L:t ' tillt,' ',Iirr--Dit!-Vliirttigs':•in -reti tenielit-"fiv4F---Parfs-. 0,000 federal emplaYes 7% ,per eent, 1 /4r: it. t') ,to.',.i11:11611t11will, col:riheeanilt81,11.3.1:e.111*,isiirtfritaPit,e(iliedf?eiti., °v,e'T.1 14.1:10.riPsd:hitilsaiebetlide:gtcireeirat:vvtill bt4e'cl,14118!,reci?rleiltriYi; AUSOL,I,es 0116 ; $,Iiii.) '- -. . i Fatfier of 1,6 'Children -- I , Arrives in London Plows I:1p i7,061 Coins • 12ondott.,-,-rThe S,8.* Wein of '40001 ,B.whie,:,,til.-Jehh W: 8taggg farm - One' elaithi ' the ;aistinction of being 'C'I''', Was ploughing for corn but what, the, 'poly, fillip afloat blonging to AUS- 1 '44' ploughed t up was $1,061. in -old sil- ttrie, ,It sail- " betWeed , Aleiandria ver,"•clintes, quarter, (10140.8 And trialf,. 'of Vl i, " ,'•• ., -.-'',-; -e.'"... I and*:146E.160k 6altiniig. 'COttqn sed, 'oW cloilarS, sonie doting back' as i'llt' r.3 cake, and :onientt. The ' :Atm.triall .1918. fl'Os• tho' lather of if; child,r6i1 Legation.: here States- that it knows, and the the ,o641 %..e,! rorli j51he Other esseOWned by- Acilita, handy. , fielY, gObliti 1."•' :!. 1 New-liat Kilts Her • .•., Sea ttle-er;l1Iri, Ella hell, •85, all in - Four Whaling ships , • mate at,ail old lealikl! hone, had ti -Sail from Victoria 0,11,017 lot° brought, ker how 193Voicit000tiettii.-LhaFjoitirot..vhLiefirisStttotiainroodcsin_4j• ,tyett tirigfit; 1«I 'St 0(08, ,1210(;:t fpoin .00ada out d 'S hardly solp sopokhor litItai) 305 trAinthautar, OM* tioa:tO Youth; When: speakers. ftom 'rfOne:'COnntries „Will, dealT:withW.subject--,- that-totiches-L '-upqn•• ous',:os .the Meet 'ProbleMe:.6teour '!. , Open Door,. International• Fre* July '2,4-20,., :at ,: the, $enate: House, Prague, the„ Open boor latere:..• natimal will Plead for the. econottile, enuinciPatimi Of the woman worker it •all Chentries. The, growing attack ' on the•itottOtthe wortnini..pat; ticularly ,the inarried weinatt; to: earl!' ,berliVing aetreelyis others, will ' tiqe- friaek .',1qter0s0ai diacuSSiOn'l thS,fetthcoMing Cenferenee, in whlch Miss Chrystal the • knettrit. Scottish fentittlat. laWYer, is'.ea- peetedEtti•playt a-leading-ParL. . • In Its to the conference, the* 'Open ,Doorja-tethational 1:03Mb:1as-deice gates. of the various Meashres•militatt. ing • agaiutit Waiiien's 'right Work Which have :been,. recently passed ' .• thaay Ceuntrieiet4ustralitin depriying.600 *einem :teachers:Or:their work; a Gerrnaii mw Which • the • State to disMitis ,Woinen em, • f ' ployees .p.a:,natirriage"; receot. British' o - 'Measures ity.‘:,mtitioh women are, beink:, . , . ,tureet out of ideal Government ployment,,..atur Ore having their ent",.. AileYinetit ,• and •• gicknes's . :Manta -nee rates • cut aoWitt Anierlean: Whieh,:arbitatiight, work to woinen; • and•attpriipts In a abOilier 'Of:Enrolment,. ,..ere, 'countries , to 7deprive • married women of 'of 'em-plOymetit..• Tau; Nittos-oirOidto4 • reirdgreaSion• 414 be •aniniatedlY • cussed at the. Prague COnforeniee. ' ' • • • : Ve§sel,'$ett: Record For Crujae to tiii$1. • .•OttaiVa.,...-0- • kstatillihing ,somethitig , Eke' a , record in voyages , of 1 hnii.pre• veutiVe service of the .dian".Mennted: Police, the castonis ,Cruiser Adv.orimo!,elitipoci••16,- days.,;0P,. !kor 'LH!) ?rein Ij,alifittic to Vatitouver, tic,cordinit to.. headtthartera' of thal corps here, ..t'aptJ. VV..libilhar. alas. tee of Tile' AdVersh4. rePorteil •to hii' chief. li,t Iffi.Ifirrof 11 ; Aprit.• „and,. . tit Vat itottver'•••cor •".41alt't , 12, tier schedule, called for arri • ''-ti;(1, 5'i)(18t...'S tit1011 mOf totoliod tt.ttlitAitoo, . :room:tett, lots4ott • tiii.00tth the;tan Jerita tlaijal,'• and ,itt Stitt Illege' a Sol, it 'Fre noise° . • Canada Caplwing ApPle • Markel tirs tit olataivi 05 ,19,1111118 tnorp than doubled : 'her, triiiiply 01' (tppl4 t 1,11t) United 1'64,0 'Ir.oiri 1:1“,, flail:et! States, decor& ing to a theorl, Islt-el by the , !Itinteati of'••ltitt Ito hcs. 111' the hOitl�, period of flrolt ilritaliCimiwriett 1.,;39,1,769•, 4jut ti 0111 chi eNea40„,rmilyA1nt1g thc ,of .o t. A • • peen' . ar ette. ' A, i:evti ,ot Na'11.605 Illot(fr(id'vorgift,. riotit 1,(1111. triailtr has th..,autantn, • • merit. IrAandi* st,t.beieithey, remain urrtit heart attack, brought', eeraie..! Sttiffie 1;ig, !Ifni crow Aug, .1' 1 ' 1144/,;tilVi • • •