HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-06-08, Page 7••• owl •4" • • 733 tins. • • 116.91 MORPAII, • W941014.Plac0,11 IA th1:11,9M0-1 . Satisfying Salad: • "Qftent1fl± R'-grOeh. ee1e4 does not „ ..4`iktisf3r .the '401444 of „hungry. men, 4,,144.,p10031.: ';414(.1." AlOWeVer, is hertir• PlelIgh as Maliidish as, it supplies Oeeeeery Stereh.• 7'Jie. c'odking,,o,f,'Inaearoni for 'salads: lost IMPertant beeatisethe.reMitst. tne•Sligliteittrace strektaes0:; •• '..1Ordwinaearen1 into •.plenty Of boiling -. • • 4.441 'teh1es,4dou.Sa1t; • 't4.,2. us 1114.91#001. are ',good ..propor; • lipti,s4, o11untj1 abont 20: „*.m.finiteS:....Prain• it :win 4.4d-Ottoe, With oId,viiter, p.mt have 411 the '.Pther Materials; cold, .toe, before •eoiti, , yliiniag, theta • ' Macaroni, and, Egg- Salad • . One •cup •geoked, ,14A.oa,rout,-.2. hard cooked; eggS; .3„4-eqji (flak cplerY',, '4 tablespomil Sliced staffed olives, salad 'dressing; ',shredded %leaf, lettuce. • You may. tiSe:brolten strait inaearoni,, elbow,Shell,, 40w4ti4it or ani • Shape You may, choose..,1.•, 'Clop eggS, and -el:Vali:I ' OW...celery Bata Olives„."Add Salad.dreas- - Ing to make indist gad. serve on a lied „shredded ;loaf ,;lettuce. . Garnish" • with lialvee of -stuffed. oliyes. „, .1Joe • oliff•ea"-Stuffe•d*ith Pirneniaes-:' • , 'Maearonirrand: Hain •• • • VMS. salad. especially good; served on a bed'of' shredded. new Cabbage.Oe , • , • • . . , •ou.P-cOoked-lind : MOO: cult chopped014 btifi9d_ -0• 1..blOspoort .i?relrared ..h-OrortkdO)1, 2 • pimentees, leap ,salad dressing (may- eennaise or tOoked dr,.eSsing), shredded • Cabbage.. . . • , liorseradislr,nud imm "Com.2 ' bine lightly: WI tb ;rnadarent and. pinion! • /Dee Whielr ' ,he .ent in •Shreds: end se'ri;e on' a ' bed :6'f..;miredilad...calibige ,,o3kaa_acle dIrelSaing. , , • • • Macaroni, Fruit Salad . , One ,eookod Macaroni,. 1. °UP' canned dieed. Pineapi)le, 2 bananas; • tbinly .Sliced and•inarinated lcinon juice.„•14"eup ' cU• p pineapple juice, 1,/,'• durlemen jujed, 1•3 cup stigar, tanlespbons• carp.' StareliteUspeoir-salt. •• NINIS.ugarLiniLenvns,catich-tli-orotigh .1Yatici• St ii•••,iiitOloiling pineapple:juice. .Cook in ;double boiler for 2.6.rninutes,.# stirring "oceas'ionally, ,icinon'inice • ,And :• let 'coel,• When readY to Use, ford '• In cream whiPpeduntil iirin• with salt: Add.tnacarpni; „piliepPle,: 'bananas_ to •" dressing and sortie, on lettuce hearts. • -With a garniali ct•fresh, strawberries: If StrawberrieS' are not at baud. a cube • of bright jelly -Will .gerye"as an• attrac- , tive ;garnish. ..: • . • • .1 cticiimber*up-•:: 1ro1 something diffel.ent, :and , very flaversoiaestry::this..r•eeiPe • Take. a .eucumber—.4.n. :average. sized , would mako SottplOr four to. 1v& .PeopleHcat it • and less' ' these hutter, for • two Or three min- • UteS..... manner. tivo sinalf.cininni :cut' • ; • Put.both. Vegetafiles.-in .A 'pan and pout_ hi clear, sotip.,". or plain. tiowpg water if you 'Walit be,0cOnainical or ' -to, AIRY& •a. "maigre7 • Soup,..allewing /RS y usual for'redtictiam 'Season with shit,: • 1•• •peplier, Nfery'little autaieg,-,:auct 'Of cayenne pePPer. Bring .te. thoi and it. sininierter half an hour Atolhe, last Minato add .two ,yelks of egg .thlotedilt• a [little creant. ' Serve aottp:With ereotthis. • VA'fostiictir'Nfote...'.; .• IsTaStairtiorris'are .coniing tip, mit'onlY ..ip•stianY gardenii but•in evenhIg dresS-• es to', A.: in , the, mnonliga., Nastur- 'at 'least: The whole ,na.-• .'stn frein 'yellow to redis .. Use or . contrast especially on . . • :brewn, eusselfiladresses•and ..onP4S- .• tel. ;green and yellow,. ones. ' ••'. They. Make sine rt: cire ril n ers St the•waistline„ • ••••Oinbre(or shaded) .1111,5i,ael lath tO1168 are '80 -en In.:capes, .fl w erS and iii •ne w' ,negligeo, :and hostesS, gbw'im tahlea at l?Fl6e.a4,114 (ttlitftr.. ar6 easily coinparab, le:• ' Keel/ Till's Llat " • The:fallowing Bat will ll1p ths. housewife, 1acacu1atipg,;•. the: amountS: needed •When pure -basing, -vegetablqa by .the pound:- , „ °tie 'POund Of a•Si?al'Agt,igwtUaye three perstins.S••• •• • • One, Veund Of' 'green beans (AbOnt pne• quart) four perscins • • .One pound.•of • shelled. lima pans cidas thea,a;c1Itart).-, f9tir Sr4emi..; 'On'e 1,3911,44 ef'"hoet,e; (ab t: fitye pieiflurn el.?ed 'beets), failr'PereQa11, 4 rnedtuai sized. head of • solid caly. hag°. Weigile.tabout three PolledsntJ •Ser,ves seven'aiersens. One pound at lirusSels.sPrOuPIN Persons.' • . • • • • " • One PCIAnd brOccol4 four: persoas,: • „ One .inedi'am-sized; trimined lipad,of cauliflOwer yy,e14hs,etioltt one and. one-halfpound's; .nini ,aerve four ,persons, . .• • •• ' • ••• 'Fir rather '4,aiii.totibitfoetr otlo pound; And ee'ti•e four, per- . • -• Sens. • - . • , „ • . • " " ' • , One pound -0f. rhubarb, after. being steWed4ill. serve three •Persons • - 'One ,pound of freati spinach, AhredpersOu, , .• • • One, n a and of -f;eas .thCp64 (Uh:piit • •t) 'Aide • about one. • cup, shelled. Allow two **Inds. for, fnur, PeirSoas.„ : •.' • 19.ne pound.et'intahroblits .101 eii"?..e personsiic if the'intishrooina are served on toast.. . • ' • • Three or; fear,. notatoea weigh Onepind. ' , • One . pocli .of potat4eS Weighs fifteen p9unils.'• • , . . , '4aViiury, , • . :Sandwlches Cut thin' slicee_ot,lidorn_and,v,thite bread -4n.d butter; -and spread •tihe • • • . • :,.11%•••!!-•-t+rr!!„-44. • ..Stind4y•SchoO eston 4,11;3sn.A!—esus on -the 15: 147 • Golden' Xt 1144': le,Agtisge; .`rVifhigh is,1?..014,, IA- terPreted; :GO,: my:044'. why halS. theu Alfen Jae?"' 3. And' • PerP9...9t. ,th,Pm that stood 13,31",, "Whfm, they ..kelird it, BehOldi ealleth A,Lijah."' •Chrigt, ",El0„t" blIt. they thOnght,,he `Elias,'.' •Seeking forhelp frOra ••the , spirit of, the, great IfebreVr• iprophet who IMO tal4ed With- Ilim- ,Aheut hie eMPI.Pg fleath, OA thd Met414, Of Vane- hialoYe tO'f'YArd "athaft. we- ..wpre „Y.Pt sinners.ch,cist 'riled tor, Berl?. 028, • ' 1. 'XIIE 111PQIPN97.14'. .Vs. ' 1-34p TU4 DEATH, QF TH,E.s.yxotrtlt,„ .TI.; -s"urFpn'iprcs OF 11 -Ip SA1/10OR ,•, •vs, 33,38, 111. • 4Eam77.04c71c.;.:I4Gc!k-;. 101111 *vs. , ••• 7 no, Trial *Tgi4i. .The trial of reahed thr9ughAti: a Single mosittiIiinign•goztwhtheer,a•PoenailieedlawrinxepurboPrei,dtahye trial of Then and, the 'condor -lining him to death on a single day. No at, tention_ly_aS.4/9.1„440 th4-1141eS-Of-:•-elfit'- 'clence.. No oppOrtunity Was friveri for the ,presentation of, the :case in laver of ,the prisoner: The Sanheldrhilhad determined that .Jests should.be latIt to death,:and. they rode rough -shod, over all their rules. The' has. Attingy been:soalled "the Iync1iing of jests • , : The Title on 'the Cross. 2?. "And • . . eY • ring, him ,ADte....th.e place Gal - garatIo1,1% • 46:. ',Arid elle TAIL filling ,ine a,spnedhkwe:tooTit Pcfaivioill9gf.rpor.s"cal:hpe'asocu4r.5Wk which was. placed' there fer the re- freOgient. of the ROmen Soldiers. "..,P!rt it on 11,. Teed ano gave. him to, drioc.,, ,T*Tisone volmitmt Aetc..f. 41Minee In the stery Of Qhtlat's-Pes41•011,• . Pay, • 'Let be. I t us see whether .lijah eorneta to take hirn, down, , : The Seven.WOrils, ''rotatii.;•. Cross., • The'Word Of fOrglYelleaa,•"Fathet,' • forgive then for theY knew no what they do" (probably uttered in the first 'cruel .moment .cruciPition.)... The4did to the penitent robber, "Today Phi:0V then. he withme in par- adise." • '• • 8. The mord of persohal; affectlen (cominitting his"' mother. Mary to the ,:,•ewlirinuare ofir7,',hiTe.ishohec.r.lothvedy soailpr770Stle Beijoht ts• ha.keY4,:T:1:11.eee:w:O,rd .s1ufferi. "My Gad, 'my god, Why' heti' thou fcirc q5t.hirTaht.e". W.°"4"7°f7:1111•37sle41' suffering, hundred Semite from All`PArta;og tills • word of completion: oTt is gotha, Which interpreted, The place Of a' Skull. "Galgothe is Aramaic. and "CalVarY" Latin. for1`a Skall." Seen 'from a distan,e the•Iiill looks exactly like a ,sktil eye - sockets, rounded forehead, Of ehe. nose and mouth.• • ...•••• th6y • .Offered'Aizi6viae mingled With myrrh: but he received it not." It was a custom a the Jews to„give thea'ecOndernned_te. crucifixion,' with a view, to producing -stupefaction, . • _ • •"Ainl-they •crueity him." The cross on ground, the vie Ira was stretched. . naked .1 npon it, h : hands were nailed 1 -the arrna of the _cross,. and' hi's- feet,,enei On top of the otheT., were nailed•to the feet of it: A wood-, en • peg .m eet-tre • part!al y p ported. the, body,. Which mainly hang: f raLthe_-wounds Feet: Christians shoUld•never '-forget a strong aroniatic win04 e. , brown: WOOS •,•with ' cream Cheese • •.. • . Secnie and 'crop softie • olives and rttht" with sone .-.chOped 'Pickled gherkin' And ,a 16*, choPped- capers..., •Mix with. .a cream .salad dresitig, 'end:spread en the ...white' Then put -a•'broWn anti wfitt,e Slice, fo.gether, press; ilrn0 'and dtit neatly:" • : • • ••• • • , ••• .• • •. Stookino Saver '• • ale on.. Of those: w.amen arways "wear theirstoeltings firet at.the-tees,, wherethe Sheer :joins t b,efore,•you•mear• ne* ,stocking.a.' at.,...411; -run • a few reinforcingthreads back and forth , acrossthoSe sPots..1f You Wear theta out at ,the'heels, turn your new• hosiery Wreiig side .ant and. Stitch, through •• • Some-. reinforcing . • • . . What their Saviour weatthreugh'fQr thdir sake. .`-`And -part. his 6." t • among, them, Casting iota upon thorn, what ;each Should • take." - Fent sal, diers and a ' centurion thht • guarded each pf the cendemned had for their-. PerotlisiteS the garmentS Of the cruel-. fled. /They Were great- garablera.. and- . dice were ailiand, • So theyat lots, liffs7fiultilling,the*Slige Ps.,•22 :18. .5-,4And it was the•,thirdtheur-and they u ified :him. This • wail]. .he nine ecleck in the morning, 'according o the .reWish niodeof reckening; which began at' siintise; or.,6 ; • 26. `.`Ancy the:superscription of- his accuSation. Was Written, over, 1114 K1.1..G OF .TIIE 'JEWS." Th 4 caii- deinned was required to goo tOthe place of execution with a board hung; from his neck bearing the name Of the Arline or which. he had n convicted. threads. • ' • , UsefUl Hit • • To ;separate , tinnblers which- haVe •Stilek together,- pOur cold water into: • the inner tumbler, then 7gtand-tlii• r tias7r-in warm Water. .The inner -lass Will con- tract .and, outer one expand, so that they oar; fie. separated eaS-IIY. • Heuseyold Kinks • To remove fresh fruit steins 'from 'dresses, aprons, napkins, tablecloths, put the Material over a bawl andpour boiling water ,Over the .spots, fielding, thaliettle • ' ' • • ; If your salt will not shake, freely on a damp day, a •little rice• or .corn, ;Starch Mixed in the salt will eliminate, this particular diffien10; • .Yellow turnipa„. peas•and. carrots taste`better" if'.Stigar is; added to them .while :cooking. , • Souk salt fish in Sour. Indic. and the delicate -flavor ibe .b Feu ott.'atit„. ' ' -A pinch�f :•sona,,pleced while .it is eking will preserve its ANTlieii baking,. A pie altel1. without 1in3..th1ng • inside, be Sure, Di prick it v;'ell With 4' jerk se" that ithas air - holes in it. OtlierwiSe it' Will 'shrink When Buying Vegetables Vhe custorn of • selling • fruits' and vegetables' bY the pamid is. becoming palmier. •.. , ,,z,f.Tt111411-.97.$!:,,,kallf1.2.:.)::11,4gia,<-414;;;gia,-44.1,1,04-4,44-tri.11,0:-Iwzhat;Log.-tOrt.-4.-0.;'..w,'" • • -variable as. LI'M •"leticupsfurV and the draw. th.e chargo 1110 ting. were: ro.. tornoil ilis.offer was refuSed, ilnd a trial .was' set :ter file end 01: the month, ' 1 •-$500 Chow is Seized , • - as Security,for Rent •,.riontiva1.-2-7)o1Of Arena, of• Montreal 'did •notliaY a IS .1'11.t. so his landlady took a„lien pn hia $500 •elioW"dOg as a tirSt •Mortgape. Arena laid Ilve-centsworth," of 'llic'-past and' l't $A oTh.ly'whon•-•-a ceinnion itu it of. Inca- " surentent 18 amilictlto frail a 1:1(1,. v 0g0-' pimmumminummumme A 11;enP, $.904`. POSIOA to. HIhe •-SerViOg . • , , th14. TA;o.irlooe• .wzlJ learn regfet. ef' the death Of 'Ohe . pg., tifelir ceraradesp--q4otle .SPPUt ,Ogden of D9mPre4v11.1-vc,, took ptp.co' 24mL, have not Yet-reaelled..heAdtlAartere,( bpotails ut we 'WereifilfOrraed,•that nienaher0 or' thelst:oata '211-c pieto,a TFOCotAi''at,, funerali' Whieh tock place, • OUI.11,UrSdaY... Was a eti4vO'ineliteher ist.14.64rd!-,9nt. Lone Scout q'r9Up', ScoatelaSVer And ghp',aleiabere or..ire44q4erto,o,. ptiff WerP VerY :grieved 4:O.:receive, thia sad •"‘V know that All MeAahers of 'the Ontario Ione 0ohat,•pp-partraent ;Pin Stpfk•M .exOreest"eg ti4P-fr deep sympathy, with . parent's and Triendff in their kreat, loss, ' .The F9restooCami). , Oil Saturday, 'May , nearly .MO3 finshedi", . ,Arciyince.. gathered at, the''Gkiverainett 7.•Th Word of Submittal. '"Father' 'Seed,Extraeting. st4tiott.. at Anguay,oa., '1104-14a -T..c.onitn.otti,my , 14, ' Ai THE .OHATH or Tub:. savior:Hi, vs; 37-47. ' ° • . • . • ' - The ' Shout of. Triumph, 37. • "And Jesus tittered a lond':•Areice, and •gave -uti. the' 'gloat.", Even, after Our Lard liad,hnag upon the cross for oi hours, his hody,Ava,s still strong enough to cry -with a read voice "It is- finished!' It waa a victoriefiCahont.. He knew _that he hati accOMplished.the_cenquest_ of Sin whiehlie' carne aeconiPlish.... .38: "Anirthe'yeil Of. thejteinple vri.s 'rent in two from the top tO 'the bet - This was the woricl0ful eurtarrk betWeen:' the Floly place; and .the, lVfost` Place, .a •curtain -sixty ee Jong and', thirtydee ide and ai.:thick• as. the pairri-..of. the hand; . • Th .•Centyrion''s TeStinap4: 39; "And when -the ceetnrion who.stood by _over•••agalifst-hini4ii.W,that4.-e -gaverup- the ghost he..said,,Trilly Wa,s • the Son of God." ' ,• • : , The Burial •of Jesus TWo -members of -the Sanhedrin, 'Who had net voted to sentence. ,leSus: to death, One' Nicode-: hats, who, early hi `Christ's Ministry; hadcome to our Lokdby night and had :the Wanderlid,lateryiew with, him r9p- olded in John 3. , The othor Joseph of Ariinitthaea'anian oflaveb.ith•whei had iatoduibrirn gai den rendPred--; theAast_se.r.n. e, %Mg the, Saviour s body from the_ public' refii se 'heap, which livai the, lot of -Crucified criminal. It was a costly undertaking, for not .On/Y.Were the •sePulclire and, cerements •-,xieeded, but Pilate,had an eVil reputation. for greed. Tlie ertnnd,proved eE.sier than they,hadanticipatdd; P.ilate's sin rest-, , ilea*y. 'on his conseience, and ...he "made alma gift" of .oirr Lord's body. Thus' On the evening of 6604 Friday the•forna of the Saviour wa..s revereat, "with -a- tieh his •dehthq.- 83: 9.); . • - 27. "Anil 'With him theY Cruelty -two ly laid away. as had •been ' prophesied, rObbers;.•oae, on his:••right• liancti. and one on his left!' AS if to say that: Jeans nb b h b . e an •t ose ;re - 29. "Aid thd•that'1)4ed. 1)37411,44 , . , on him, , wagging their :heads." he „cress steed-. beside the main highway .northward, threnged always, and •esPe.-: 'daily at this 'PaSsoVer season; With a, nietleY, crowd. '"And saying; Ila! thou that destroyest ithe teinple,.and build - est it hi three days," It seemed fine jest •with whiCh td.taunt the Sufferer. SP.: "Save thyself, . and ,come down trom the crosS•.I' :In his • refusal' to comp down •from .the 'cross, and as theY said; dis'play •a: proof •of• his Xessialialiip;' he gave:. t„o .WVid More convinci proof than. this pould • peSSilily have been. • • 31: 'In like Manner :also. the chief priests Moekirig him:'among theinselVes With' this. Scilbes:" : The religious- rul- ers .of the:Jews thee:august Members tit the Sanhedriri, joined their 'tat rits with thoSe. Of., the rabble. "Said,: He saved Others; hiniself cannef Save,"" Never was a truer Word spokenrin jest.. - Christ did indeed' saye'ethersrand how glorionaly1,• . i• . • .THE SUPFERINGS.aF' S'AVI011.1t, • vs: 33-36. • • :: , The. Three 'Hours of •DarkneSs. 33, Aiid when-theshctirhotir-wm-7-eintre:" That Mauld be noon, after jests had hung, ti'n ;the cross ter 'three 'hours. "There was darkness, over 'thewhole land tntil the niath hour:" That weald he,.' three pon., the hour of the daily evening Sacrifice, the..•cruciftxien -ing begunat; the hour of daily ,morn• 7, sacrifiee. • • ,• ' • ;The Climax Of Agony.: 34. "And at, 't,h2 -:‘:$VONving energies were from'ckhausied. Eloi, lama „:sabachtliniii?" Speaking in the Arctinale colimion form of Ifebrew„ 'which was. his ordi:, Visits CanEtda to Study Ca dial; Exfithition Methods , , „ glands' Tayldr, .Chief ,of the Exhibi- tions •Eranch; Department of -OVerseas ,Trade :Of the.)3ritish •Gevernment, attend the. Exhibitionl'1 Toreivici this year. • , • , .••• , Mr: Taylor is. secretary •of the Usti Indestries Pair held annually in Landon and Birmingham. He ce-nies • to study Canadian National Exhibition • Methods 'And t� lake a survey ,of the Canadian field far the, British Govern- ment and for members Of the. Federa- tion cif• British Industries. The. fatter organiatio,n'has'apPlied for mare dis-. play •space than •ever-thefore. B. M.. • Bellasis Of ,Lenden will be 1.n ehiyge, of the 'BritiSli • manufacturers' exhibit as usual. 44 - "What •Model Is 'your car"' ,• ...60Pond mortgage:" 1' , there. is no Paasion Of . he:human .that proiniseS; -84-0,..1111ich and DaYa "sp, fittle aS• 'Shaw; • -,tarlo;for the' fourth kerestrY -CarnOr • • , • .--LAIS camp. is sponsored by Alle• For- estry •Branch' of the, Department. ' Of Lands and Forests, to encoura,ge the Scotts to take an .iiiterest la :referee- , tation. 'Work, ancl•-has proved to be 'a ver k popular event , around" the 2,4t4 May week end. • ••• •• - . . : • •The..eamp. Was le'cated JA,lieentiful .sarroundings in th.6 Aligns Commuaity end Ida interesthig ao- oti;rit„freiii'itart o• finis . •.Siindar .morning • Was commenced- . • with 'a I'Scputs' On'church seryiee, • • d ctedli the 'United Church minis- ter front the village, and in' the •aftei•-: .1300.11. the oys • *eat for altice •armind the: • eminent :Property. 'An indoor , . re as lield•iii° the „evening, when. Tt9oirtsTant4171-404*Ii9ei'rkil:•11.Cte.s shown, �f 1..Monday and Tuesday morningS were !Sp' in actual' tree planting • on a•-• „: piece' of barren ,ground whieh is knowu. as the "Boy Scout Ferett,". and 'Whica it is- 0,01411611y hoPed develep in-. to -a .b,eautfully • wooded camping rotind forScouts, This,is-sithated.At„ the jurietien'•Ott the ,f0tawaSaia an, Pin.e Rivers. • - afternoon. a.', trip was• taken ,by 'car- and lorry, tto the, yfid- hUrst ...Governin'ent Nurseries, :Where the Scouts -ere shown the small trees their aCtiml,' development,' from .• , •Milan Seedlings, to goad sed treeS,• 714e: evenings; Were.'1Petit X4499.1 • Cain'? ..11.reS IA :00,, spa,clomo, "00MMItiffr •Itr wheralteAgg. Wer#1311PCWItIt ••, :great 'pep,'.' .literlea• told and : The -Lone" $4-mits, NY -Pre.' iePrAented• b ' embers froramristeby thra li tlie 1t uplo-r404viani:e:Tr%9971,i2, ; TIC e"le;14:5),„:" ',OA, Prpsmi, t expressed Mein a. .PFeSistiO4 thasPlendid ee-PPerati,41., . nd% kitaties4 ,f the PePartIllene'e,r4 - Of the" Alfrglie.'etaf0 "for! nialcinF•tillis: • souvenirg• a E 1 :•0 . h1 °' Scoutabso I;n: 0- Pr re e4 e„ reo .dp with4o• 0A. thir-Xfifisfet-7-67 'Lands' ;id rpretifif7- ancl also a badge.,1n tho oitopO of three • Wooden- heads; strung together ,with busk -skin, and•iiiscribed "Anglia, 183,3," , • to ea their ,iiniferm. • ' • Trophy 'Kor 00oupied: Bird '•ff Oases • The Department of Lands and esta. of Neva Scot!a, •has.. ofgo,red fQl Boy Setiat cOnipetition a silver trophy,. Co, be awarded 'the. Scout trociiIiavin the largest ''nuniber of occupied bird . houSes to •lts•ereclit during •1933 (span rewS • oteePted). . ff Thejf.aRta;etesa:Pr.ncskt,iPnt. ISoMeonik • . • of Great Britain's fasteie'raii...', way loegniatlies,_.-have__PPen .• • Boy Scout„and GirkGnide., Here's•hop ing they never 'try Ito •do a ,good„-dee.d:- oe,tbe,saip:e,,spdt, at ,th e,sanie. ' ,I3Order Cities Star.. European p,olitics Do Not Prevent 'cSp.outs Fraternising • Unsettled 'conditions in •Gernmay n*ot: diSturb the 'EaSter tour lin 'Of kent, (England), Semite. The tear' . • • Chided Narnbar,g, the ,Ger in*-,•Ntenotalui,.Ettal and, erata Megan.' At;a11 Of theseTplaCes.thei • were net •by.:Gernaaa 'Scents', and" at: Munich ,and Ettal.,tookpa.rt .in.$cOut Cbunty Stouta, year tour soideliart, of the Continent Full particular's of linwto becoMe .• *Lone' Sc,otitivill be gladlY,seat thest: 'interested UPen apiliaatien:.to the, Bo! " --Scotts ASso-ciation, • 330 , Bay,. Street l'orent-6. .• • • It • littrig is -painet pally intended for lioYa living ' thr •country, • oa..farms,. or 'in. isolated tort Of the, prOvince, where :there -1s .•• gitlarlY: • orgatized Scout Troop' foi, them,tO atterrd.--"Lcine E;" • , United IKhigdorn Coneuides Agreeinent With.Iteland. London. --The' United. Kingdom last Week co.ncluded 0..aew trade •e:greemeht With Iceland, sixth OA 11.4 91.-'re•- •ceproy .signect pacts; . and..;-• •liktt the. other,. aiming largelr. at": additional markets ler "British coal; •• 2; •• tinder terms •of the • treati, yaiieh" .a.Waits enabling- legislationby the Ice, landic *Althnig. (pa.rliainent) Iceland 77 per . c'ont'." of • alFits, Coal imports frem -the United Xiagdorn and Will reduce duties. On some ejasses. a cotton a -rid e.ytificial• lee- :laildr also. guarantees not to raise .eX- isting ditties. On numerous •"other • anticles. I. return for.:these conce.ssicins the United Kingdom 'guarantees not to iriL crease- duties On Icelandid fiSh and tp 'aecept at least a specified., arnOnn't of fish •in ',the event quotas, 'are ostah- ' • ,Receives'. AViatiOn' Trophy': , 'NeW Martin ha ',been avarded the. Robert J Collier trophy in reeegnition of•:"the greateSt achievement in ,aviation in. America,: thoyalte of Which htia 'been thorou'ilt-: ly. demonstrated:in ,actual 'Use' during gio:iii•ece,ditig* year," it has'been an- The1Ward,' which ,isade by the'.1qationsa.4eroxiautie Assecia- ia recognition 'o the new bomber Oath by. the Genn L. Martin Company; of •Baltiniere, whieh Mr: Martinheaas.. • While the actual per- lorinanceof the new.h3Mber.*.ia, a War Ilepartincnt• secret, the award reeog- . with changing the air power. Valance' of nationS, and lifting, this country afii•orna, itat4iie:.rferLor • position ii\.:potentiitl VVogion Receives Award • .-For 'Remarkable ,Disdoerj.--' • Explorers in Antarctic..waStes, ADA% , caii .j, ng,1 , and ,Persa desert .hay( serviceaniarked .by medals pre-' ionted by the King and grants by thl. ..ttoyei.GeograPhiCal of the aiiards—the Beek Grail —goes to: Woinan:. :She •Misc „. 'Freyas.Stark,,who last year ciliCoverej .eae ther-last strongholda. of the As. ' SaSsins, Mohammedan sect;. WhOs rulers. by 'poison arid .dagger• pat) years:, before the :Crusaders' WO to Persia. . .. She' 'found . the liattlementeL sill 'standing., three ,large. water cisterl • Out 'itilthe rock,•iud what .ie ,pro.bab • the-niost unusual Water 'stipPly,Eysteti ' • in the • world-ta tunnel (Iowa 'a:hick, ,Wolves ilse‘d to' driVe.sheep with Wald, 'skins tied beneath ' • •••••••••••••:•!:••""4, .Mussolini onlViotorcycl; ' Reviews. 10,000 ' ()then - Ronie.,-,Preinier . Mussolin1,. astrid a motorcycle, on May 25, revieweI 10,060 • matorcylists" who • retie pas litin .1,7il.h ,terrific din. , the oCeisiel • was a celebration. by , the Organize" tion Called"; "centeura" by an adini ' .:Ttal-y1.4 lentrance--into ,the Great 'War . 41-1 • lag. press. and , nubile in' honor'. . , , , „ ;1=1: '43wironnkaplwiaac.y:lhits, , the 4 ,7 ih.e.: • th'e • • "Ves,, but •••1i-raily deivek It Just • Si:11Y; ThisS ML ' rtiG, HotiSe B �u (4o , • ,e4.) By BUD FISHER r'„va RAD r,tb.k , 6oNGHOM WHAT. S Th MINTreR. ' uUt`ret •(001' NOTHING. 1..W1 LookiNG ova A PARK1t4G-PLACE' 'J8L1T A 0417' err cAkt" -1;ms 1-111.001:1:6. • 44.•,...!, \7•• , 1 4 ••• 41 4 • .94 ti 3