HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-06-08, Page 5'ELIIISDAY, .4.0.$4! 8th 19$3
• GOI$G ` _
(Standard Time)--
Lv. • ' Lucknaw,• '
Children=usual 'half
Tickets good in coaches only.
Tickets and information ;fro
E. 17
. RETVitl1rIbNG
Tickets honored,, •leaving
'aiding;; Monday, .June 19.
No , baggage,. 'checked.,
Ont; Depot. Ticket '.Agent
A 'I O N A L. z�72
Mr.' .Howard Robinson
"ahnd . daughter. Shirley were • • the
"*'nests of Miss Lizzie "Pierce - op
:Monday evening .
'Mrs: .A1mer Ackert attended lit_
funeral of 'her uncle, Mi.' (.serge
Bulbs, at Bayfi'e1d won •;Monday„
Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacKenzie
were Sunday visitors at Mr. George
,Mr. and Mrs.. deor te• Carson, Tor
onto Spent • 'the week4end sit Mr
Archie McKinnon's.
The regular 'monthly'' Meeting ,of
the 'H,. W, I. Was held at the home Mrs, Thos., Harris. 'The • program
,;,;consisted of. a review of the Hand
• .:Book by Mrs.. Jaines `HoJgins,° Travel
Valk ' obi a Trip tok the: -West- Indies
by grrz'Duncan,-Munn of Ripley.' Wo
would like to say ,that •M'rs.' •M_unn's
address mita really wonderful.. The
only 'regr'ets Were that' she could'
not have the tithe to tell it all,. While
Ei there they visited `the thirteen is'_aniis
aldv°all•of grand Rapids, were Week-
end guests of Mr. .and Mrs. Thomas
Roach, concession 6,: Kin1oss.
After the `address, she favored the
.niceting with a. very Pleasing 'solo,
Miss ':Hazel T'ercy conducted, a pantry
contest, and the .roll Call wasratswer ,:
ed. bY, the panic of a Qanadian',bix'd.
About • O were ' present.,: -" •
Mr; &Mrs, Howard Harris, ,(Sr. 1VIr,
>rarl Harris;. were recent visitors`• at
Mr. i°Rldie.• Harris',, Clarks; `
Mips Gertrude Hamilton of London.
is holidayijg. with her. parents,. Mie
and Mrs,. Andrew Hamilton'.;
Mr." Cecil MacDonald, s.on, Kenneth;
and. Margaret and Stewart MacDon
Young W1.%-_q+My husband's • sp.
careless. ' H'e's always losilg tis -but-.
Aunt "Perhaps they are not sewn-
on, 'arefully, dear."
Young •Wife --"That's .just at. he's
awfully:slipshod with his sewing."
New lame
J5 ,
THE' LItciN'O1►' aEN•TIN L,
Presbyterian Mise ' on Band:,'
The regular'meeting of the.Victor-
is Mission Build "'was., held on Monday.
June. 5th. The members of the. Band
entertained--tne-mothers stili• -liter,
hers of, the W M, 8 •The' meeting,
opened by. singing h' ,pan 798.: The.
Scripture lesson was tread by Marion
Johnston, followed ` Eby the ' Lord's
prayer. - Hymn 390 'was then sung.
A recitation by Bessie. Stewart,' duet
by Pegy MacDonald' and Roszellii
Mullin, recitations by Evelyn `Taylor,
and •Eonald Johnston. The, spacial
feature' "'of .themeeting was.. an -ad-
dress by Mrs, Reid`chi Teeswater,
which was"11.111h enjoyed:.A vote of
thanks was .expressed . to Mrs. Reid'
$or her .:wonderful address by Edith
*Smith. and seconded- by: Arlene Je'W-
itt Hymn 387 was then: sung, follow-
ed by prayer by Mrs C H= lljac-
Do»alsl'.. Lunchwas served -On the
Church lawn.
tinted' Church'
for gonday evening:. 'Tonowing the
scripture lessen *as taken by Muriel
Pitin9 self?. Miss' KerrY.then-i-d•
prayer. In her, usual Pleasing.inanner
Jai:4n'; was taken .by.:Clarence Green.
Gladys •Tueker played • as: Piano
solo ."Meditation." The :meeting clos-
the rePeating of the liftzRiih Beni- While .hla holt Waa 'docked at Obiler-
• ab.
4.0E .InE-.
"Mr. Mnlcolaa MacLennan of Barrie
visited ' with - lila parents,; Mr. and
.• The Sacrament -of „tbe Lerd's' Sup-
per, was 'Observed in the PresbYterr'
itin church on Sindar`nforriinewhen
.19 ne*, meinbers joined the church.
The 'preparatory service, •on, FridaY
poiloek, ;and. on Saturday
by Rev.- gezineth MacLean, Wing -
ham. On ..Sunday eyeaing
minus about five would,be Perform: -
pis,' Whose places were filled rby up;
and -coming, young 6hips.-
former Striking_ouLfour-teen----ine
nnvi cracked' Out ten hits of Bailagh
and Mars, t.Which coupled' with six
errors, netted , Reg. Smith's boys a
Cr Idurdnch SPsrts.' ,SeculnSu total of nine, runa• Jack Garton? a
,the pulpit. A Thanksgiving servi,ce
Whitechurch find, , held doWn first
was held on Monda7 afternoon. •
'base and haea big. day With 'the
Mr. Alex ,MeLesn left 'for bhies,ge wipOw, , getting a triple, a double'
on ht01,1daY. where he will Atteiurthe And two singles in five trips -to the
. ' . ' . plate. 'SteWart Cameron :and Cecij Mrs.' Woods and WilT3r..1 of *St
, —Mr. ABan Grant, oiler ow th( Oarniss filled the vacancies on th
John G. giegener, paid a krief",visit lees 1 line -u - ' „ e milwoehluietnnetsuaarniCidh,MMwr;sesrWe•Lktavrsarirttenr)Ms' oafarttPinaLa°ri• s
with his Parehts-the tiratiof theiireek LuCknow pa% aped two runs across ,A. Martin's. the first of the weeic.
Treleaven Of Lneknoi, were guests
will be held on Zion Church lawn '
Thimsd..03 evenillg• Jana.. '15th,
aeryed troui ,six to eight, after .whielt
the Ptinganhon younF folk, will pre--,,
sent 'their poRultir. Play "Marrying.
,Ann," which'•inchides g musical pre-!
new will proVide instrumentaI,Music.
Mr. Richard JehnstOn attendint
county Council at Gederich this
were gileStO of the 'foriner'S parents, ",
• Mr, and ,Mrs.' Henry Horton. Mary „
end Franic *Herton, :spent Sunday.
ReV. and Mrs.- R., Fr. Kiinatrtck
.dsiting the? fertner's brother; S:
Kilpatrick this week, ;
Bert Norton motored to. Woodstock
9 schOol. 'for the ensuing year.
finorttitoAhl'ast4iar i17*Fi7nthaeyilso.:Antidrew iiit : kr: John Fraser' Irene' and .John. •
, ,ddePitibalnetisel',111:V't :eiril.reet.:n, ''.nr,.,ew.1412-.d..-p7itacshisatangl'ilni:.: ..:9!tY1'7det;111.1.-'k'0W:',.si'.,.:1•:1'..a.:41.-::-r-dDl'il?:lainnx:s471'9:147a.fin'.6:itir'Y'vtrIc.itelhi•--ilii-n11:::-'7-7-7-1
'e:1140.‘:i1;'ilibiria...Y:thi:11':Itftt,.i'livfi.o..-eldbeari,ehrd'd.eadrk.iti:.n.110;-11 'IS,j'evdesaill'Ilii, :t_•.__hl'et4.1.31' °P..fsPiftaailling"eh7.;1.1.11116.7.1
. ecOred While Gairnisi was' bpibt. re- „ ivir.. and ', Airs. 41., .kinglieii''.'Visited
, ,, !tart .., At.anddoirpegw- :.taW4ioa': Mi,ofor ea i. ri uo on: nieiust4b. .,..:.' .4;;;;4'.1.44sjitc:"814..a.„,e, ,:is:1),,,en..t.,..S.t,',,:?t.1,ay . .4 t.. -
(111Tee..:1111:::::r:'10n;leYd:w.,iltin:e7G0..a.:::,..settOnr,i'.62..1"..4.:::::::::7::::iii.:;.., ., , ... ' :
,,,,,,.ntrlawii:sIfo,n. J....,,,..............,.:,,, , ,t, .,:il 3.....41 . u. ;‘., A.,....,„.g.4,..,..,...... ;..L.: ..v 544? b 41.11 14.4.1..b., 'ik.": - 4....c.— .
'.777o,ivigAs£71.?Elt OF TO .iPROVINCE4OF ONTARIO
and 41/2% Debentures
15,000,060 4k% 17;Year 'Debenture's, dated june1,1933,,dne_June-1 1950..
. Ottatia, _Montreal Winnipeg Vancmiver 'llahfax'ar. Saint John .N
at the holfkr-s option.
ese De4eritures are a,. direct' obligatiOn Of, the
of Ontario„ authorized' by Act of the Legilla
Province and are`a charge Ata to principaLand interest ti
the Consolidated Revenue- Fund Of ,the Pie-vince.
2,000,000 4% Debentures, due "1934 99,76 yielding,4.25% to maturity.
2,000,000 ,4% Debentures, ;We 1935 99.53 yielding 4.25% to maturity.
S. 2,000,000 4% Debentures, -due` 1936 99.16 yielding 4.30% to maturity.
$ 2,000,000 , Debenturei, due 1937 - 98.7a yielding 4.35% to maturity.
$ 2,000,000 4% Debentures, due1938 98.22 yielding 4.40% to mahtrity.
of their subscriptiona in any maturity or Maturiti" of te,librpie!Tiii,*_,L,
' 8libscribers' to the Above ,Serial Debenture:51.411 beretinited to accept allotnient tit all Ofany pazik ,••• ' •
due 1950 99.00 Pei ,58% id'
• Plat, accrued interest in each case• ,
Amilicationalo the above loan wilt :be reCen, b an Bran of. ,Chartered .Bank
Snbserintions to this lean will be subject toallonnentand &allots villa*.
.:.thedisCretion Of the Treasurer of Ontario.
..'ji;),na,pires--41norton. . aria Thenipson., „;,.„n';',,:.4,0' seeding ol ia.te..1.4rin :crops •
WaY...lit both "Bruce „and Lakeside. «,,tie,Cin ' insiereS .: the, regne-ar., ui„.,.. • •
Lilo be., grantee „lg. iii. taut it : Pests- iees' anu tne,te.s• ' -
VereatiOn -With the', trtice League apcig_ .t,4•ee •,inio_fn tat: ,-140, gslilloftilee,e, t,aen4k '',.
go.' to.' Walkertiin' ',arid Make. theft such triaY bp. Purehased. ' ' .• " ..' •
..ksth'o than... a.'-taheiide . 'aitiedtired °Lb'pre'khnktow., aro. tryia4. to play iii. .:wo
'final' deeiSion `of , the triite tongue' all -Spring'.
executive and didn.'t• *ant to ti§e jurrible AS ..to. What'S 'what;., werCiet.t.; •
-Winne ,,.or uothiuk.r. Ina Yet on. arriVal
toil* On' 1VIondliy, 14 to
Strange 4,116* htifektY- the trtide,,
League-, canie to rectignize the '"Out.