HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-06-08, Page 177,111,10,PF47-77., ;),11r7.1r1-117-411777, $2.00 PER ,YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE DENTIST • • Dr.R. L. -Treleaven LITCKNOW " Hours: 9-42 "A. X 1,30-5 P.M. ' PHONE 53 " • X-RAY E.5tpwart Graham motisTER, .SOLICITOR„ 'ETC.-- OFFICE—that of the hte Stewart, next • 'door' Royal Bank. 'Phone 135 KICARDINIE BATT RI ES CLAIR AGNE •••• Lucknow. ' . • , ."Phone•--1464.-- LOST-L: A 1OX fur in: LuCknoW :week. 'Finder please return to ,.$entinet office., Reward. . FOR SALE—Massey Harris' Ira- "... plernents, Hay 'Loader: Side , delivery rake • and d. Binder, all in tgood re - Pair. Sani Carnochan, Lucknow; _ FOR SALE—Young Jaffa itoan Shorthorn bull:, 'Apply, to. • G., ,,,Litt„Etit, R. 1, Lucknow. Troutiireek .learin", 'Phone 64-•-r-5'.: (1-6—tf..) • , BARGAINS IN PLAN'I'S - 'Everything .going at . a box, StOgIti, Vidinatoes.; Uuuiiilower.'Cabbage, • SnapdragOns;.; ,WioWplant 7and no. foith:.•' -• • ' Ordein delivered. ,-Aphone 88t, MRS.; SOLOMON FOR ,SALEJ OR RENT, A'. cottage :at Point, bark, 141116lied, 5. rooins; • c'•21144 wdll, large„:wired iziveruiidah. in • gdod. cOnditiOii; ••Price: $500. I hope to be in Lucknow ;July ,lst.•. , . 'AUCTION SALE of •• lumselfolc furniture --and- rednirernentb; come tile •:and tile l making enuiPnignt.ketc• ' ete..- at „ the ,residence Of,: the int( , Abraham Burn. Havelock Luck - now, on Saturday, June " 10th. at $ j o'clock. MATT. ' GAYNOR,. ••Auc: , 4a, POULTRYMEN ^ , ATTENTION' Grain prices are advancing: •Why 'keep nen-laying .hoarders when you can Have your ' fleck of hen :culled free Of ChitirerEy an, expert with. years • of -experience and • hundreds satisfied customers • to his credit. Arrange .w_ithLrigighborste:_hoye... flocks enfied-saine day. Good prices 'Paid' for cull hens. .1 "'Phone 84, Dungannon ' for full , particulars, No Assessment Appeals Received YlventY Cents An Hour Will Continue Be The Ri4a: for "Village Work • NO, aPneals, were, received .,against assesSnients- this.' year. the 'clerk in- fOrMed the Council at Tuesday even- ing' meeting and the Board waif' not rovii,eft to sit as a' COart. Of Revis- ion. ;All: inenibe_rs wre.present eXcebt. Reeve Rae, who was pr• attendance at County "Council. delegation' from the Fire, 'COM- ppw, inatracted,,_...Council Company had expended upward to '$159. in beautifying the lot to the ,rear ofthehall and requested. the Board , to install taps and .,purchase hose go that . the,: caretaker, might keepthegrass and flowers well -wat- ered, whieh reqaest . was ,agreed to .by 4..he Benrfl• • •:Cnpnciii.ors Mullin . and Robertson 'attond to baying_ bank' of stream, pretected to prevent. the' -wash... on 114.s. J. J. , Wilson's; „. property. - 'Council agreed to. Put in shape the boulevard in front of Mrs. Chesrnit!s• and..'Rev."':. Geoghegan's, , property-, on condition that the , grass he kept cut. A diseussion , f the .wage per hour :to: lie paid for •miscellaneous village Work and odd , jobs, saw council • agreed' to leayS, the ',rate at 20c per :hem% 1714,,,C and lfie rates were 'men- tioned, hut., :in view Of the ,fact: that •maffr jabs are but -Very , brief . the 20e . wage was considered more - fair. "A: grant 7of.•.$g0,00'. Wits Made ,' the 'Lneknow Baseball Club, the -same to ' used in erecting a. • proper wire ..guard;*.toLthe-4ear-of__,tlie-,-Catcher,1 'Work on 'this hap..aiready .coinnieneed Council 'consider !,that ceinplitinta-• uf POnitry at large', were got' matters •to be • dealt 'With by but that complaints 'should.be • laid before ,the proper aatherities and :diniage ac- 101, laid,: protection heing,' given • in the. by-law'' in this regartlfor.••..such action. • •:•• ' ••,1iie following accounts Were ord.- A _pecoo4uttist 14 C. , freight $1.71 ; 'Samna Wi1beiCWork,:$2-400; Expres-s•CO:,80c- .Alex...:A gar, ` work, . $2..20; Municipal World $2.29; • S. Bultitude, work, WO; Alex Havens, work r It SMith and-q'RoY :Lightfoot" auditing $25,-00;Agnew, sal., A., $32.70: .Bert Ward, sal., $12;.$0;j. loseph McMiflan, Mar, and April; relief 43,85:- Rae' & Porteous', ace., ,$8.35; R. J. Moore, tile, '$13.90; R. Thofiiiidoni' relief. 32C.; F. Malcoldi work', $11.40: A. EA0-1VIeTaVialiT .work, ater ceoun . —A 1.1 avens-LS-1-1/40,;-.L'Argne etc., $13,59;• 11. E. Smith - and. Roy. Lightfoot;"-eaditing $15.00; 'Rap Xr Porteous, .aCc•-... 25C! llydro Account" A I-Tavens/ sn1:- 'and', Work • $5.00; „April' Power ,Acc:', 3713.80; Rae a Ipoteaus.,acc., 00c; R. E. Smith and 11"DVLightfeet. • auditing, ,$25.,00; J. A'gnew; saL,: etc. • $58.80; -Sentinel I ‘ ;;STREET ' DApTCR: The first street dunce of the :season will be held ihi'Lueknow on June 16tb.• •Plan to attend and '.witteb- for: bilis for, further., Particulars.- ' , •,. BABERA LT, • tucknow will piny -their first Milne ganie in the • caledonian ,park • with 'Tegswaten on Monday,,, June Gitme: called , at five o'clock. Adinis- sion •25c and :,15c. PtCNIC. Ara,..41ILdaii. picnic by .,the Para- mount be held'et4...,f?-glii4,: Clark' on Saturday, 'June, -10th- . , . • Members' and their, friends are wet • • , • come. Note' the outing :CommenceS• if, the morning, - , • •' •,• WEBSTER" RE -UNION The tenth annual re -union. of. • the ;Webster farifilY, will he • ,.held in Lucknow, on' •Saturday,: title 1.7f, h., The Membrial.Cairn will lyi..,1,1:.nvei at 10.30: A.M., the'dvim aIicr ing. • GARDEN PARTY' .» ..Ashfield Circuit ,Garden Party will be held on . Zion ' Chereli lawn, Thtirs- , ,day; 151h. Supper 'from 6 to 8. • ,Dimgannfin player's will present:their comedy "Marrying Anil" whifh , eludes a' amsicat • ProVtitra, also in* strainental4nintie-bY.Mr„,'D. r: rac. ▪ matra. AdriliSsien. 35e and 29•:,. U. F. 'O.. ANNUAL MEE'fil'40 . The simnel, StriPeting Of the lfurbi.. ',..,41,rtice U. 10. 0: AS86'elation • will he held it Wirigharh Town Hall; on Friday, June 16th, ,at .„1,;i0." Mr:, •,11, 11. Hannam Of ,the edueationek s'fairof the •tt?"*.r,(i...:', Will be 'the SPelik'er. s ' • T. A. Cameron-, -Rutherford, President, Secretary. 1)0 , IritTtr-WANIT"'ICTI77,""" / Any person •requiring artificial iro "nifinufa'etnred from Pgre well water, can sectire further information by Jlefiving their names at The :Sentinel' , ()nice. ' • tt h fi e e will be deliveretl'bv<, ore Ni_nesirdin0 Pure 1Water Tee Co., if 'tlifitSisat stistoOsts 000 lie logurod, \Iran rent% refand of : $1.0.00 Was nade.Citizen'S Band.:.School requiSi- tiOn $1,000. ordered paid. , CorritY account for 1931: ,and 19 c'alinni• chloride amounting , to $412.35, less' a 'contraaccopnt of was' laid overinitil the return LADY MEMBER. TO SPEAK Miss ;,Agnesi McPhail. ciddieas a pilblie meeting in the Town Hall; T..ucknow: 'on ltiondiNi'i. Tune loth, • siiiindred by'''the••tack- -- now U.F.O. joint clubs. Change Blade Poiiing_Subdiiision 1,fortliern Section of Village. DividcL tat0-•.Einitern: and .Western Divisions street in Luaknow is withaut- 4 'untie on the village map, it Was Learned when the by-law for re-. •arraliging• the.,pplling subdivisions • in .he town„4 Was passed on, .,Tuesday ' 14P -44 - street by municipal officials, runs :Clough St. to. ''Lutigard7 street: or bettereXplained as the street lietWeen the *IVICh`xerf•pronertY and that of Harry MCQUillibis. ruff - nail! ',north' to Mr: ,Thorihis Burn's, eroPertY,' , • ' • "lii the 'by-law it has been tertnea North Delhi street as there is also *.i.feifii Street. In the most south-east extremity ef,:the village,.. • . _ North Delhi street- and Outram St., Whith, runs frent'"Miteh_ell's deuce, Crossink- Campbell St.,. at the eest office . corner,Will •forna, the dividing the-, two polling subdivisions north of the main Street. Subdivision number ; one Will, be all the village north of Canipbell'. street and east of Outram and North Delhi. Ditibion-ninther-two is all that Sec- t On west of these two streets and north of Campbell, street; Division number three includes all the Village A THUR5DAY, qune 8th, 193. FORMER LOCHALS11- BOY , ATTENDS WORLD. CONFERENCE rilMO Minister Bennett hoarded the liner Duchess Of Bed -- Ord on Friday, liOund for the World DclonOmic Conference in • Lend011, 'Monk his, small, group of delegates was Roderick ' Finlayson, 'private secret ry to the PAM Mini :te mr. a, e_ s r. . Finlayson,, as: is geneiftllir 41;°*13,. "native of Lochalsh, .,whoA saw 'service ' in the Great 'War, and was engaged in a law ,pigetise ,in Win- nipeg, until his noteworthy appoint- ment, Which' he now holds. ' UNVEILING OF -CAIRN TO FEATURE REUNION , „ Webster 'Flintily To Hold 10th An- -noel Reunion in Iateknow , feature of .the tenth . agnUal re- union of the Webster Family, to be held in Lucknew on _Saturday, June 17th, will be the 'unveiling of the cairn, now being erected in Memory of •the pioneers of the family. Mr. T. Webster,. SeafOrth, 'John Webster . • ,. • , and Lawrence Webster, are erecting the -cairn, which stands on the 'roadside to the north of Green- hill cemetery. An appropriate bronze tablet; procnred'. by 'Mr. Wm. E. Chapman, will ,be imbedded on the cairn; The 'design was approved by -COlonet,4.1atrk-lorontA, who is dedicating the. monument. Fortner Lucknowite In Paris Pageant _ Miss Isobel , Macintosh Honored; To Take Part In 'Great Pageant ,Dur- ing Niliiinternational Congress , • The following article fully explains ,the honor Confered• on _Miss. Isobel Macintosh, 'and her ',••niany friends here will be delighted t� know of ihe. prommonf,part, he has been assigned to fill in Paris, France, dur- ing the -international Congress of nurei. Miss • McIntosh • mita from Montreal on June 18th, On the S. S. Montrose. • - • In 1641 Jeanne:•Mance,..a117_intrepid F.re.ncli lady,,; Came to the Quebec missions and , actually founded,. the nursing service of Canada. Next month a Canadian : nurse, Miss Isobel M. Macintosh' of Hamilton, will poi- , tray,. this 'historic figure in a great pageant • in ,,Paris, Conducted durini' the international congresi of nurses. 'High honor has _fallen on the local nurse, who •goes to the Convention, ,with,' Many other Canadian nurses to represent the private duty. section .., • • Of: the Canadian Nurses association. This pageant Of national . nuraint• . , pioneers will he, one of the big nights of,the' six4day convention held partly in Perla :ArefliattlY in tirtiisels; from July .1.0 to -16. ; Jeanne :Mance was . inspired to Ondertake; the perilous. journey, to tike firat, French Missions on •the shores .of Quebec in the seventeenth cen- tury: She arrived in Quebec in /041i, and she was with IVIiiimoneuVe. on ,the histeric' occasion' of his fouittling that city And elainfing it for France. The'following year `Mme. :Mince found* the Hotel Dieu in Quebec With money supplied by a wealthy French lady, and this famois,hosra- tor still stands today al a monument to the self-lacrificing. teal Of this Temar_k149 '•Wfien 'Miss Vincintesh bought ac- curate.inforniation is to the costume She was:tn,Wear to repreneiii'40enne Mance, She Wrote to Hotel Dieu, and the sisterhood ; there Searched the ancient records preserved in the hos- pital; and have been iihle.tiigiVe her iianct descriptions of ,the' costumes Worn by Mme. Mance. Mitis MacIntobh will wear a French Gray „Wool' gbwif with !.a full 'skirt, ankle :length' and pleated in the a.. -plain -,-tight:' bodice,- sleYeil'i'.0,eep white Satin 'entre, *Ant,. ed and lace' ,triiiintedk and •ft little 'white, Satin bonnet Or cape" Another tench- of, romance is lent to the whole matter by the fact tliat Mit. Jr: A. Anderson, Hamilton, a class iiiitn.aLMisildadIntoalik.,tio 'France during the 'war, is reprodue- ing the Jeanne Mance costunie. Miss' IVIticIntosh s to 'wear to do'honor to thi.MeMOrY Of the''French lady who tiet Ilthtet1 the 4t4tIleie en the taaada. *lady, OFfis sontkales Not tt-nft•Oreitabalt4aty•-•---,..„4-- , Vreqdriiirtheit "1ji'Ve7Vgirtliie ()Oiling booths, one in the South' and two in , the „Ituirth,the divisions of voters being' Made alphabetically in the twe 'northern sectionri..The num.:7 ber of polling ,booths wilt remain the Sanie with the division In the nerd" now being made Sdcgrding to — " Lucky Ticket Draws Attract Much Interest _ Large Volume Of Unsiness Tranaac= • ted In ',Village, During; Triple -"Pau PAWL Triple Dollar Dais %Were; brought to a lsuccessful clos� on Saturday evening with iniaineas men generally well'satiiified, and the buying ,public throughout an '_extended area; pleased with "the many bargains that Were afforded . them- dub* these -tlireie „. Price as well as quality is the Chief concern -of the baying public it Would appear, for those merchants Who. Offered ittractive, prices , in , their advertigemenis, or. those who have an established 'rePUtation for low 13.004.fliaordtiAili40, "%YOKO eaPeciallY Plea§cd with the .'volume' Of business transacted during sale days. •The prize drawings elevated Much ihter,est on Saturday night. .The five 'bags of flour, offered by Treleaven's Fleur Mill was: won by Mr. Alex Stanley, 'boundary west. Each dollar spent at the null during, Dollar Mays entitled the shuyerto a.:ticket, which was •pincecL in a 'sealed, Mix. -Messrs, R. E. .and G. H. Smith conducted the draw at nine o'clock by breaking the seal and thoroughly mixing the tickets In .a :tenth ticket' drawn! was :thi luekv one and 'bore Mr. : Stank 's n me. draw ;for the. Liieknow • mer- Chant'S prizes was CciadaCte# in it, , sjinilar ,inanner: Each Merchant had '• .individual ballot%box, all of which were collected . at eleven .o'clack Saturday' night ;and 'emptied into the 01011.• The seventh ticket' drawn was the,' lucky one and Mr,'. Thos. Ait- chison of town Won the. prize—a bag of sugars: Second prize, the thirteenth ticket, wag a haiket. of 'groceries ,and trlitett:': st7iteirgr ;fferr!ti!s:4iitiler a.!t4iPPIltoY;-r. sale, and two tickets. were not given antit,•the ''PMThasn' reached 0.00 or over. A count. of the ,tickets in .the 'turn. revealed them to number Mikci7 , s Contest conducted at Ge es' Variety, Stior, on • 25c sales, won for Mrs.: Robert *wan, a set of nine mixing howis...; The. draw,. was Made hy Mrs., Ernest Ackert. , .•."i'he fifty i.balloons released • from Rathivell &•Heed's building onSatur- day afternoon potitained. ;two tricky tielcetgand,wen for •Elwecid, Solainon and 'Jim McNeil, a" pair, of running shoes each; • WORLD, FAMOUS ,DIAMOND • REPLICAS ON DISPLAY , 'Novel Showing Can. Be Viewed In Armstrong's Window Mr. P. T. ,Armstrong has been , . fortunate in Securing a. window dis- play featuring replicas • Of , the world's most "famous diamonds. These reproductions are exact in size and cuttings and eact_ stone carries with it a history.. The information. 'as to the'; owner of each diamond and its amazing value adds td the display and makes • the ,exhibition interesting and educational. These,. Iteplicai are ,..novir.„..,..being Shown for the first.,tinte. and one shank!. nOt_fail:_to See this raAvi_and interesting array. ' Are wit.lidowo D. A. AposihnlTiedacRax.t,e To London I Charges, o ..ailing to pay statute lnhOt tax, better kneWii,;as poll tax, D. A. Mailtite Lochalsh, of. „, a. university 'student . at • London," have been -witharawM.BrOck -push,. also a student, waS imiiarly charg- ed 'but he too, 'had satibifactorY set- tiement ef his case with ' the London tax, collector's Office. Having:, just finished' writing his , examinations, Mr. MacRae appeared before ;.MagiStrate: T. W. Sdraridrett on' the 10).0i/a charge Of 14Y 27th. His brother, laii MacRae of •Strath=- tOY, acted for the defence, stating' that the defendant- Was not required to pay the. levy. Net Only' Was he, natilaaed.' -fon prpertyin Ashfield lieiini-V-- iirliezi444141f444M.:67 in the Canadian Officers Training Corp,, . - , ',' -. ' , Adjoprnment was madeit vim ,thile 'until Saturday last in order' thet tile, 'defence Anight present IS-. seasratiit deponents, when, the ,Ohert. SI Were ,Withdr,!at.. i 1 • 4;4 A •-; 4 , . • ....4$114GLIC 09P,LE8 b CENTS The Bread of Health 9 The Bread of flealth4, OUR 'MOTTO._ IS QUALITY AND 8E70104' SATURDAY sligatAt. DUNDEE CAKE% ' 011tf,Pg,A , SCONES ' • • "' • '• 'JELLY 'ROLLS .,NUT and FAINT:BREAD, _ OATMEAL COOKIES -, Our ..Oelieittii BROWN" BREAW:is 100 per ent.„iWEIOE.E WHEAT I HOLLYIVIAN!S QUALITY 'BAK " phone 36., !Local enera -(3!,) "Metiean. • Of •Welland, and her mother. Mire,: Sherrill, have. been •Viiitonrs here: ' Mr; and; -.Mrs.. Jack ,Johnston of Elmira. were Sunday visitors with the former's parents. , Mrs', Bishop and Miss Erma of Detroit' are .:visitdrs at the .home of Mr. and Mrs: T. W. Smith. •.•Mr. :and Mrs. Jas. -Webster and Wellington visited With Mr. Harry Webster in Ingersoll last week: • :Mr. and' Mrs. Cameron Geddes and Laverne Yoerger Of "ToroatO.- were Saturday and Sunday .:vititors with Pr,- and ;Mrs.., , , ' Henderson & Fisher. are • supplyi inateriatfOr• A stannier cottage -beihr erec A. Farrel, • 'or of Walkerville. Miss Phyllis McDonald was among .the graduating '.clasa •, of the Wood- stock General. Hospital. which • exer- cises were held there on Wednesday. afternoon, • • • , • Mrs. Duncan Mann, daughter Marion, Mrs. W. R:'MgcDonald. Mrs: Sam Pollack, and Mrs. Gaiters Of RiPley4,4were_recent.:visitort_With:ALL.,, and Mia, Wm. 'Robb. . --.-Mrs".1-.•"-W:-Murray;7_-went,-,t0.77013;;` Onto last meek; ',from .-lwhere .at later date , accompanied :by her niece IslisS' McLennan; .she will leave on n trip to Europe. • ; . • Comm -union seryice • was held. in the, ,. • • erian Church ....en Sunday Or the, -evening, service,' urgeas• of Septli-Binlosit. ,H. MacDonlilit of the erian- Church exchanged, Re J. •L:', and Rev: 'C local resb pulpits. . :The regular, meeting of the. WO-, men's.',Instittita. will, he held at the hozne of Mrs. W. G. Andrew. on -Friday; lune. 9th; ,ut: 2.30 o'clock. Parade Of merging' house 'dresses. Full attendance is requested. • Visitors welcome. , " • Mr. Alex McCarrol has returned trOin Mitchell,; after ''concluding his duties. for the summer as manage' of AndereOn's, fax niill. Mrs. Mc- Carrol has returned ..from the : Stites where she has been visiting' and mai 'accompanied' by Mr...and"Mra4,Charleb a`eater,_ Dorothy, •.Earl • sual• Audrey: : Miss : Ada Hamilton, who het spent the Past three weeks as guests 1..ca, her sister, idxs: ' Geoghegan., has re-., tamed to her Spine :in LibteweL ShL was accompanied by her little niece and nephew,. Miss Georgina- and Mio..ter ,Boliliy• Geoghegan, who will visit.; With their grandparents.. for a few. weeks. ' Mr. D. J. McCharles left yester- daymorhint ona, trip to the West, Which-wilf-takeAds-iisL'fitr-aa-enaina.,- Sask„ Where•ltia,-, brother Duncan lives. Donald 'expects ,to return ..about tht iirst-'of July, and daring his absence Miss Vaiy Belle MacDonald ane ;A -Ls* Margaret Geddes will be in .:liargeof the •store.., ..iradusitea it University and Mrs. S. T. Tucker' ,nto attending: the graduation exiercasea ,.1 t the .Universitk. of Toronto.anio,•,. ne graduates being their daughter,, Miss dlinlys, who has taken secono ...:1-uss honer standing in' household „OtoppiniCs., congratiotio_k_are tended to *MG. Tire*et. '" ilaiid Stand. greeted : 'Hand nfenibers), and their leader, 4r.. ;John liayikotth, huve shoWn ,iiUativc, In erecting a bandstand Jo the 'Wept aide of • the -Cain B:enae Property, • 'TWA . has, been 'equipped with bene`ses iaaa liehtsin, prePara Lion for the ,Cominencing of the Wed-. Jiesday evening' 'hand . concerts. On lincaday , night; Praetiae , was held aii. the' new stand. Enclosing Lot With Snow Fence SP WE HAVE BEEN FORTUN- ATE IN SECURING REPLI- CAS OF THE WORLD FAM-. MOUS DIIAMONDB, WHICH • WE WILL HAVE ON. Dig- :..PLALFOR1ODAYS. - • „Agn:L.ntill:bOnterested-i isle -the: -size and shape stones you' have read, a and we invite everyone in the Coltman* to Call , and see , these Wonderful reproductions. Special Prices ort Diamonds During This Display ARIVISTliON JEWELRY -"I'. • 59th St. P niversary ter's Church LUCKNOW „ , sERVIcEs 10:00 A. M.—Sunday -.SChnsal . , j 11.0 A. M.—Morning ' Prayer , ' Preacher 'Herbert • Naylor, B.A., „L.Th.,• Re" tor of LisloWet 7.09 P. M...-42vensOni. , ' RI:etcher; Rev. H. "Naylor. yr_ Lobp.E: nciLbs DECORATION' gisgyfep 'Memorial • Service Held In South KinlossOenietery, Conducted By Wingham 'Members. Assembling ;at ,the lodge room, on Sunday afternoon, anemberi'of Luel‘noWLe4ge No. 112, I. 0.0. F. and visiting members of .the' Wing - ham, lodge, marched to South Kinloss teineteri;headed---b---,the-----Citlieffa"---: - Band. Here .it fitting service Of, Cohuneinoratioh was ably' .conducted by Mr. A. L. ,PoSliff, pm.b.px. and Rev,' Bre, Rays Of WinghilM, with the entire body'joining in the mem- orial „hymns. Ceraniums.,. were placed.. on the follewing. 'graves of former IheMbers of the 'order: James' , Soni- erville, D. McCrimnien, George -:Doug - as; A. Finlater,, K. MacLeod, Archie _ Mackenzie, Donald Campbell, W. 11. jehit Peart; Robert Lees,J.' S. Tennant, Sainifel •Robertson, Charles FalConer, Hagan McDonald,' Allan ' McLeod', Thomas .Wittson, Allan" Turner, Dr.: Paterson, A. D. MacKenzie 'and on he, grave '. of Slater hiekitinen of the • gebekah Order. 1 " The Fire, Company has secured a ' I ;noW:-- fence, which--is-beingextended- ardund the Cain, House property, in an Wort to improve the appearance of what has been a continual eye sore since the building was destroyed by fire, and no action cauld ever be secured to _ have the property cleaned •up. The fence will be Painted green and will at least offer an improved NO GUIDE CAMP ' Notice has been sent to all Guide '-ind Scout Troups that theitilitia ,annot lend them .equiPMent for ,lamping this year. This means that our local amuses,' .of Girl GUMEIII Win not bi obis to Ivrye omit this par. woo. 4; Witt nargetZ.455 • . 1.3./24.14.414644,40444#641,1.4i46Mii11.16,. Mr. and, Mrs i DaVid, darrie. Wing. ham, Ont., announce the,engagement of their daughter, Ethel May, to Mit Earl Russell 'GRUM; son Of Mr.. and Mrs. 'Themes Oannt, Taw*: - ship. the MAMIE, .to talca place 'this raotOt .15 •••• ComingEvents . . First insertion, 50c. 'Subsequent Insertions 25c ;;STREET ' DApTCR: The first street dunce of the :season will be held ihi'Lueknow on June 16tb.• •Plan to attend and '.witteb- for: bilis for, further., Particulars.- ' , •,. BABERA LT, • tucknow will piny -their first Milne ganie in the • caledonian ,park • with 'Tegswaten on Monday,,, June Gitme: called , at five o'clock. Adinis- sion •25c and :,15c. PtCNIC. Ara,..41ILdaii. picnic by .,the Para- mount be held'et4...,f?-glii4,: Clark' on Saturday, 'June, -10th- . , . • Members' and their, friends are wet • • , • come. Note' the outing :CommenceS• if, the morning, - , • •' •,• WEBSTER" RE -UNION The tenth annual re -union. of. • the ;Webster farifilY, will he • ,.held in Lucknow, on' •Saturday,: title 1.7f, h., The Membrial.Cairn will lyi..,1,1:.nvei at 10.30: A.M., the'dvim aIicr ing. • GARDEN PARTY' .» ..Ashfield Circuit ,Garden Party will be held on . Zion ' Chereli lawn, Thtirs- , ,day; 151h. Supper 'from 6 to 8. • ,Dimgannfin player's will present:their comedy "Marrying Anil" whifh , eludes a' amsicat • ProVtitra, also in* strainental4nintie-bY.Mr„,'D. r: rac. ▪ matra. AdriliSsien. 35e and 29•:,. U. F. 'O.. ANNUAL MEE'fil'40 . The simnel, StriPeting Of the lfurbi.. ',..,41,rtice U. 10. 0: AS86'elation • will he held it Wirigharh Town Hall; on Friday, June 16th, ,at .„1,;i0." Mr:, •,11, 11. Hannam Of ,the edueationek s'fairof the •tt?"*.r,(i...:', Will be 'the SPelik'er. s ' • T. A. Cameron-, -Rutherford, President, Secretary. 1)0 , IritTtr-WANIT"'ICTI77,""" / Any person •requiring artificial iro "nifinufa'etnred from Pgre well water, can sectire further information by Jlefiving their names at The :Sentinel' , ()nice. ' • tt h fi e e will be deliveretl'bv<, ore Ni_nesirdin0 Pure 1Water Tee Co., if 'tlifitSisat stistoOsts 000 lie logurod, \Iran rent% refand of : $1.0.00 Was nade.Citizen'S Band.:.School requiSi- tiOn $1,000. ordered paid. , CorritY account for 1931: ,and 19 c'alinni• chloride amounting , to $412.35, less' a 'contraaccopnt of was' laid overinitil the return LADY MEMBER. TO SPEAK Miss ;,Agnesi McPhail. ciddieas a pilblie meeting in the Town Hall; T..ucknow: 'on ltiondiNi'i. Tune loth, • siiiindred by'''the••tack- -- now U.F.O. joint clubs. Change Blade Poiiing_Subdiiision 1,fortliern Section of Village. DividcL tat0-•.Einitern: and .Western Divisions street in Luaknow is withaut- 4 'untie on the village map, it Was Learned when the by-law for re-. •arraliging• the.,pplling subdivisions • in .he town„4 Was passed on, .,Tuesday ' 14P -44 - street by municipal officials, runs :Clough St. to. ''Lutigard7 street: or bettereXplained as the street lietWeen the *IVICh`xerf•pronertY and that of Harry MCQUillibis. ruff - nail! ',north' to Mr: ,Thorihis Burn's, eroPertY,' , • ' • "lii the 'by-law it has been tertnea North Delhi street as there is also *.i.feifii Street. In the most south-east extremity ef,:the village,.. • . _ North Delhi street- and Outram St., Whith, runs frent'"Miteh_ell's deuce, Crossink- Campbell St.,. at the eest office . corner,Will •forna, the dividing the-, two polling subdivisions north of the main Street. Subdivision number ; one Will, be all the village north of Canipbell'. street and east of Outram and North Delhi. Ditibion-ninther-two is all that Sec- t On west of these two streets and north of Campbell, street; Division number three includes all the Village A THUR5DAY, qune 8th, 193. FORMER LOCHALS11- BOY , ATTENDS WORLD. CONFERENCE rilMO Minister Bennett hoarded the liner Duchess Of Bed -- Ord on Friday, liOund for the World DclonOmic Conference in • Lend011, 'Monk his, small, group of delegates was Roderick ' Finlayson, 'private secret ry to the PAM Mini :te mr. a, e_ s r. . Finlayson,, as: is geneiftllir 41;°*13,. "native of Lochalsh, .,whoA saw 'service ' in the Great 'War, and was engaged in a law ,pigetise ,in Win- nipeg, until his noteworthy appoint- ment, Which' he now holds. ' UNVEILING OF -CAIRN TO FEATURE REUNION , „ Webster 'Flintily To Hold 10th An- -noel Reunion in Iateknow , feature of .the tenth . agnUal re- union of the Webster Family, to be held in Lucknew on _Saturday, June 17th, will be the 'unveiling of the cairn, now being erected in Memory of •the pioneers of the family. Mr. T. Webster,. SeafOrth, 'John Webster . • ,. • , and Lawrence Webster, are erecting the -cairn, which stands on the 'roadside to the north of Green- hill cemetery. An appropriate bronze tablet; procnred'. by 'Mr. Wm. E. Chapman, will ,be imbedded on the cairn; The 'design was approved by -COlonet,4.1atrk-lorontA, who is dedicating the. monument. Fortner Lucknowite In Paris Pageant _ Miss Isobel , Macintosh Honored; To Take Part In 'Great Pageant ,Dur- ing Niliiinternational Congress , • The following article fully explains ,the honor Confered• on _Miss. Isobel Macintosh, 'and her ',••niany friends here will be delighted t� know of ihe. prommonf,part, he has been assigned to fill in Paris, France, dur- ing the -international Congress of nurei. Miss • McIntosh • mita from Montreal on June 18th, On the S. S. Montrose. • - • In 1641 Jeanne:•Mance,..a117_intrepid F.re.ncli lady,,; Came to the Quebec missions and , actually founded,. the nursing service of Canada. Next month a Canadian : nurse, Miss Isobel M. Macintosh' of Hamilton, will poi- , tray,. this 'historic figure in a great pageant • in ,,Paris, Conducted durini' the international congresi of nurses. 'High honor has _fallen on the local nurse, who •goes to the Convention, ,with,' Many other Canadian nurses to represent the private duty. section .., • • Of: the Canadian Nurses association. This pageant Of national . nuraint• . , pioneers will he, one of the big nights of,the' six4day convention held partly in Perla :ArefliattlY in tirtiisels; from July .1.0 to -16. ; Jeanne :Mance was . inspired to Ondertake; the perilous. journey, to tike firat, French Missions on •the shores .of Quebec in the seventeenth cen- tury: She arrived in Quebec in /041i, and she was with IVIiiimoneuVe. on ,the histeric' occasion' of his fouittling that city And elainfing it for France. The'following year `Mme. :Mince found* the Hotel Dieu in Quebec With money supplied by a wealthy French lady, and this famois,hosra- tor still stands today al a monument to the self-lacrificing. teal Of this Temar_k149 '•Wfien 'Miss Vincintesh bought ac- curate.inforniation is to the costume She was:tn,Wear to repreneiii'40enne Mance, She Wrote to Hotel Dieu, and the sisterhood ; there Searched the ancient records preserved in the hos- pital; and have been iihle.tiigiVe her iianct descriptions of ,the' costumes Worn by Mme. Mance. Mitis MacIntobh will wear a French Gray „Wool' gbwif with !.a full 'skirt, ankle :length' and pleated in the a.. -plain -,-tight:' bodice,- sleYeil'i'.0,eep white Satin 'entre, *Ant,. ed and lace' ,triiiintedk and •ft little 'white, Satin bonnet Or cape" Another tench- of, romance is lent to the whole matter by the fact tliat Mit. Jr: A. Anderson, Hamilton, a class iiiitn.aLMisildadIntoalik.,tio 'France during the 'war, is reprodue- ing the Jeanne Mance costunie. Miss' IVIticIntosh s to 'wear to do'honor to thi.MeMOrY Of the''French lady who tiet Ilthtet1 the 4t4tIleie en the taaada. *lady, OFfis sontkales Not tt-nft•Oreitabalt4aty•-•---,..„4-- , Vreqdriiirtheit "1ji'Ve7Vgirtliie ()Oiling booths, one in the South' and two in , the „Ituirth,the divisions of voters being' Made alphabetically in the twe 'northern sectionri..The num.:7 ber of polling ,booths wilt remain the Sanie with the division In the nerd" now being made Sdcgrding to — " Lucky Ticket Draws Attract Much Interest _ Large Volume Of Unsiness Tranaac= • ted In ',Village, During; Triple -"Pau PAWL Triple Dollar Dais %Were; brought to a lsuccessful clos� on Saturday evening with iniaineas men generally well'satiiified, and the buying ,public throughout an '_extended area; pleased with "the many bargains that Were afforded . them- dub* these -tlireie „. Price as well as quality is the Chief concern -of the baying public it Would appear, for those merchants Who. Offered ittractive, prices , in , their advertigemenis, or. those who have an established 'rePUtation for low 13.004.fliaordtiAili40, "%YOKO eaPeciallY Plea§cd with the .'volume' Of business transacted during sale days. •The prize drawings elevated Much ihter,est on Saturday night. .The five 'bags of flour, offered by Treleaven's Fleur Mill was: won by Mr. Alex Stanley, 'boundary west. Each dollar spent at the null during, Dollar Mays entitled the shuyerto a.:ticket, which was •pincecL in a 'sealed, Mix. -Messrs, R. E. .and G. H. Smith conducted the draw at nine o'clock by breaking the seal and thoroughly mixing the tickets In .a :tenth ticket' drawn! was :thi luekv one and 'bore Mr. : Stank 's n me. draw ;for the. Liieknow • mer- Chant'S prizes was CciadaCte# in it, , sjinilar ,inanner: Each Merchant had '• .individual ballot%box, all of which were collected . at eleven .o'clack Saturday' night ;and 'emptied into the 01011.• The seventh ticket' drawn was the,' lucky one and Mr,'. Thos. Ait- chison of town Won the. prize—a bag of sugars: Second prize, the thirteenth ticket, wag a haiket. of 'groceries ,and trlitett:': st7iteirgr ;fferr!ti!s:4iitiler a.!t4iPPIltoY;-r. sale, and two tickets. were not given antit,•the ''PMThasn' reached 0.00 or over. A count. of the ,tickets in .the 'turn. revealed them to number Mikci7 , s Contest conducted at Ge es' Variety, Stior, on • 25c sales, won for Mrs.: Robert *wan, a set of nine mixing howis...; The. draw,. was Made hy Mrs., Ernest Ackert. , .•."i'he fifty i.balloons released • from Rathivell &•Heed's building onSatur- day afternoon potitained. ;two tricky tielcetgand,wen for •Elwecid, Solainon and 'Jim McNeil, a" pair, of running shoes each; • WORLD, FAMOUS ,DIAMOND • REPLICAS ON DISPLAY , 'Novel Showing Can. Be Viewed In Armstrong's Window Mr. P. T. ,Armstrong has been , . fortunate in Securing a. window dis- play featuring replicas • Of , the world's most "famous diamonds. These reproductions are exact in size and cuttings and eact_ stone carries with it a history.. The information. 'as to the'; owner of each diamond and its amazing value adds td the display and makes • the ,exhibition interesting and educational. These,. Iteplicai are ,..novir.„..,..being Shown for the first.,tinte. and one shank!. nOt_fail:_to See this raAvi_and interesting array. ' Are wit.lidowo D. A. AposihnlTiedacRax.t,e To London I Charges, o ..ailing to pay statute lnhOt tax, better kneWii,;as poll tax, D. A. Mailtite Lochalsh, of. „, a. university 'student . at • London," have been -witharawM.BrOck -push,. also a student, waS imiiarly charg- ed 'but he too, 'had satibifactorY set- tiement ef his case with ' the London tax, collector's Office. Having:, just finished' writing his , examinations, Mr. MacRae appeared before ;.MagiStrate: T. W. Sdraridrett on' the 10).0i/a charge Of 14Y 27th. His brother, laii MacRae of •Strath=- tOY, acted for the defence, stating' that the defendant- Was not required to pay the. levy. Net Only' Was he, natilaaed.' -fon prpertyin Ashfield lieiini-V-- iirliezi444141f444M.:67 in the Canadian Officers Training Corp,, . - , ',' -. ' , Adjoprnment was madeit vim ,thile 'until Saturday last in order' thet tile, 'defence Anight present IS-. seasratiit deponents, when, the ,Ohert. SI Were ,Withdr,!at.. i 1 • 4;4 A •-; 4 , . • ....4$114GLIC 09P,LE8 b CENTS The Bread of Health 9 The Bread of flealth4, OUR 'MOTTO._ IS QUALITY AND 8E70104' SATURDAY sligatAt. DUNDEE CAKE% ' 011tf,Pg,A , SCONES ' • • "' • '• 'JELLY 'ROLLS .,NUT and FAINT:BREAD, _ OATMEAL COOKIES -, Our ..Oelieittii BROWN" BREAW:is 100 per ent.„iWEIOE.E WHEAT I HOLLYIVIAN!S QUALITY 'BAK " phone 36., !Local enera -(3!,) "Metiean. • Of •Welland, and her mother. Mire,: Sherrill, have. been •Viiitonrs here: ' Mr; and; -.Mrs.. Jack ,Johnston of Elmira. were Sunday visitors with the former's parents. , Mrs', Bishop and Miss Erma of Detroit' are .:visitdrs at the .home of Mr. and Mrs: T. W. Smith. •.•Mr. :and Mrs. Jas. -Webster and Wellington visited With Mr. Harry Webster in Ingersoll last week: • :Mr. and' Mrs. Cameron Geddes and Laverne Yoerger Of "ToroatO.- were Saturday and Sunday .:vititors with Pr,- and ;Mrs.., , , ' Henderson & Fisher. are • supplyi inateriatfOr• A stannier cottage -beihr erec A. Farrel, • 'or of Walkerville. Miss Phyllis McDonald was among .the graduating '.clasa •, of the Wood- stock General. Hospital. which • exer- cises were held there on Wednesday. afternoon, • • • , • Mrs. Duncan Mann, daughter Marion, Mrs. W. R:'MgcDonald. Mrs: Sam Pollack, and Mrs. Gaiters Of RiPley4,4were_recent.:visitort_With:ALL.,, and Mia, Wm. 'Robb. . --.-Mrs".1-.•"-W:-Murray;7_-went,-,t0.77013;;` Onto last meek; ',from .-lwhere .at later date , accompanied :by her niece IslisS' McLennan; .she will leave on n trip to Europe. • ; . • Comm -union seryice • was held. in the, ,. • • erian Church ....en Sunday Or the, -evening, service,' urgeas• of Septli-Binlosit. ,H. MacDonlilit of the erian- Church exchanged, Re J. •L:', and Rev: 'C local resb pulpits. . :The regular, meeting of the. WO-, men's.',Instittita. will, he held at the hozne of Mrs. W. G. Andrew. on -Friday; lune. 9th; ,ut: 2.30 o'clock. Parade Of merging' house 'dresses. Full attendance is requested. • Visitors welcome. , " • Mr. Alex McCarrol has returned trOin Mitchell,; after ''concluding his duties. for the summer as manage' of AndereOn's, fax niill. Mrs. Mc- Carrol has returned ..from the : Stites where she has been visiting' and mai 'accompanied' by Mr...and"Mra4,Charleb a`eater,_ Dorothy, •.Earl • sual• Audrey: : Miss : Ada Hamilton, who het spent the Past three weeks as guests 1..ca, her sister, idxs: ' Geoghegan., has re-., tamed to her Spine :in LibteweL ShL was accompanied by her little niece and nephew,. Miss Georgina- and Mio..ter ,Boliliy• Geoghegan, who will visit.; With their grandparents.. for a few. weeks. ' Mr. D. J. McCharles left yester- daymorhint ona, trip to the West, Which-wilf-takeAds-iisL'fitr-aa-enaina.,- Sask„ Where•ltia,-, brother Duncan lives. Donald 'expects ,to return ..about tht iirst-'of July, and daring his absence Miss Vaiy Belle MacDonald ane ;A -Ls* Margaret Geddes will be in .:liargeof the •store.., ..iradusitea it University and Mrs. S. T. Tucker' ,nto attending: the graduation exiercasea ,.1 t the .Universitk. of Toronto.anio,•,. ne graduates being their daughter,, Miss dlinlys, who has taken secono ...:1-uss honer standing in' household „OtoppiniCs., congratiotio_k_are tended to *MG. Tire*et. '" ilaiid Stand. greeted : 'Hand nfenibers), and their leader, 4r.. ;John liayikotth, huve shoWn ,iiUativc, In erecting a bandstand Jo the 'Wept aide of • the -Cain B:enae Property, • 'TWA . has, been 'equipped with bene`ses iaaa liehtsin, prePara Lion for the ,Cominencing of the Wed-. Jiesday evening' 'hand . concerts. On lincaday , night; Praetiae , was held aii. the' new stand. Enclosing Lot With Snow Fence SP WE HAVE BEEN FORTUN- ATE IN SECURING REPLI- CAS OF THE WORLD FAM-. MOUS DIIAMONDB, WHICH • WE WILL HAVE ON. Dig- :..PLALFOR1ODAYS. - • „Agn:L.ntill:bOnterested-i isle -the: -size and shape stones you' have read, a and we invite everyone in the Coltman* to Call , and see , these Wonderful reproductions. Special Prices ort Diamonds During This Display ARIVISTliON JEWELRY -"I'. • 59th St. P niversary ter's Church LUCKNOW „ , sERVIcEs 10:00 A. M.—Sunday -.SChnsal . , j 11.0 A. M.—Morning ' Prayer , ' Preacher 'Herbert • Naylor, B.A., „L.Th.,• Re" tor of LisloWet 7.09 P. M...-42vensOni. , ' RI:etcher; Rev. H. "Naylor. yr_ Lobp.E: nciLbs DECORATION' gisgyfep 'Memorial • Service Held In South KinlossOenietery, Conducted By Wingham 'Members. Assembling ;at ,the lodge room, on Sunday afternoon, anemberi'of Luel‘noWLe4ge No. 112, I. 0.0. F. and visiting members of .the' Wing - ham, lodge, marched to South Kinloss teineteri;headed---b---,the-----Citlieffa"---: - Band. Here .it fitting service Of, Cohuneinoratioh was ably' .conducted by Mr. A. L. ,PoSliff, pm.b.px. and Rev,' Bre, Rays Of WinghilM, with the entire body'joining in the mem- orial „hymns. Ceraniums.,. were placed.. on the follewing. 'graves of former IheMbers of the 'order: James' , Soni- erville, D. McCrimnien, George -:Doug - as; A. Finlater,, K. MacLeod, Archie _ Mackenzie, Donald Campbell, W. 11. jehit Peart; Robert Lees,J.' S. Tennant, Sainifel •Robertson, Charles FalConer, Hagan McDonald,' Allan ' McLeod', Thomas .Wittson, Allan" Turner, Dr.: Paterson, A. D. MacKenzie 'and on he, grave '. of Slater hiekitinen of the • gebekah Order. 1 " The Fire, Company has secured a ' I ;noW:-- fence, which--is-beingextended- ardund the Cain, House property, in an Wort to improve the appearance of what has been a continual eye sore since the building was destroyed by fire, and no action cauld ever be secured to _ have the property cleaned •up. The fence will be Painted green and will at least offer an improved NO GUIDE CAMP ' Notice has been sent to all Guide '-ind Scout Troups that theitilitia ,annot lend them .equiPMent for ,lamping this year. This means that our local amuses,' .of Girl GUMEIII Win not bi obis to Ivrye omit this par. woo. 4; Witt nargetZ.455 • . 1.3./24.14.414644,40444#641,1.4i46Mii11.16,. Mr. and, Mrs i DaVid, darrie. Wing. ham, Ont., announce the,engagement of their daughter, Ethel May, to Mit Earl Russell 'GRUM; son Of Mr.. and Mrs. 'Themes Oannt, Taw*: - ship. the MAMIE, .to talca place 'this raotOt .15 ••••